Tag Archives: bill gates


SEATTLE — Up until his recent messy divorce, Bill Gates enjoyed something of a free pass in corporate media. Generally presented as a kindly nerd who wants to save the world, the Microsoft co-founder was even unironically christened “Saint Bill” by The Guardian.


The Way to Defeat the Globalist Reset

In most countries the Constitutional Amendment from “Democracy” to Dictatorship has happened clandestinely or at least semi-clandestinely. That’s what dictators do. Most of the people have no idea. Many of those who do know, don’t agree. They launch initiatives for new laws – that fall by the way side, because they have no teeth under a Martial Law-broken Constitution.

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The Dimming: A Planetary Black Ops to Fully Control Nature’s Life Support Systems

What has happened to our once brilliant blue skies? How many have noticed the change? Why are skies now so often filled with the lingering, expanding, and sky covering remnants of jet aircraft dispersions?

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Bayer’s Plan for Settling Future Roundup Cancer Claims Faces Broad Opposition

Dozens of U.S. law firms have formed a coalition to fight a new $2 billion settlement proposal by Monsanto owner Bayer AG that aims to contain the company’s ongoing liability related to claims that Roundup herbicides cause a type of cancer known as non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL).

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Bill Gates’ Vaccine Company Moderna Has A Big Problem

Pseudo-philanthropist Bill Gates, the anointed figurehead of the systematic, and breathtaking implementation of the New World Order, now rebranded as the New Normal, is experiencing a problem with his Moderna, and stockholders should divest their investments right away, as the company’s executives are now doing.

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Billionaires That Donated to Gates-Buffet Giving Pledge Now Richer Than Ever – Study

As the assets of the billionaire class in the US swell to $3.5 trillion amid the pandemic, a new study of philanthropic giving reveals that many of America’s wealthiest are using charitable donations to stay rich and get richer.

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The Painful Disclosure on Eugenics

For the ordinary mortals in most of us, the reality of governments involved in deliberately reducing the population by any means at their disposal is simply unacceptable, they must plunge into the most common escape of all, i.e. self-denial.
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EbolaGate: A Fascist Coup & Eugenics in One

We’ve known these facts even before they’ve decided to relaunch Ebola as a bioweapon, but it’s still worth posting a summary of those  who are involved and why.
Never forget, it’s the US government that is holding the patent for Ebola.

Meet the Main Ebola Assholes: Ebola is cover for a carefully planned treasonous military agenda arranged to lead to a fascist coup in the US

Ebola is cover for a carefully planned treasonous military agenda arranged to lead to a fascist coup in the US.  Here are details of that plan.

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