Tag Archives: financial war

China’s Plan to Exit the Fiat Stock Market Confirmed

As we have been saying all along, China is not only planning but is already executing a carefully controlled exit from the fiat system and pave the way for a return to a financial system that is backed up with a basket of tangible sovereign currencies, e.g. gold, silver, natural gas, high quality export products.
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Detroit Files Biggest Bankruptcy Ever

In another proof that the Uniform Commercial Code [UCC] or the Admiralty Law reigns, the City of Detroit, known back as the Motor City, is filing for federal bankruptcy. Every city, state, and in the case of where this writer is from, even a whole country is actually a corporate entity all required to submit themselves to the will of the Vatican, Inc.

The Vatican Corporation itself is now under intense attacks from multiple sides determined to crush it down to oblivion for having caused all that is supposed to be experienced only in Hell. Proof of which is the recent resignations of its top honchos following that of the Pontifical resignation last February.

This latest corporate debacle is of course to the credit of the White Dragon Society and the rest of the groups who have been relentless in their multifaceted efforts, covert or otherwise, to bring down the whole corrupt system that only the Khazarians had managed to put up.


Detroit files for federal bankruptcy, marking largest case in US history

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Published time: July 18, 2013 20:31
Edited time: July 19, 2013 17:11

AFP Photo / Bill Pugliano

The city of Detroit has filed for federal bankruptcy, or Chapter 9 protection, which could mean municipal employees are laid off, assets sold and services like trash collection, which have already been cut to the bone, further scaled back.

Detroit has become the largest city in American history to file for bankruptcy. Kevin Orr, a bankruptcy expert hired by the state of Michigan in March to try and lead the Motor City away from a fiscal cliff, submitted the filing on Thursday, reported the AP.

On the same day, Michigan governor Rick Snyder laid out the case in support of Chapter 9 protection, saying that the “decision comes in the wake of 60 years of decline for the city.”

Snyder said that despite the “best efforts” by Detroit’s Office of the Emergency Manager, the city was unable to reach a restructuring plan with its debtors – leaving more than $18 billion in outstanding debts.

We must face the fact that the city cannot and is not paying its debts as they come due, and is insolvent,” added Snyder. 

The city of Detroit lost a quarter-million residents between 2000 and 2010, reports the AP. Boasting a population of 1.8 million in the 1950s, the municipality is now struggling to stay above 700,000 residents. An estimated 78,000 structures are currently abandoned in the city and unemployment has tripled since 2000 and, at roughly 15 percent of the population, is currently double the national average.

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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid. Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Massive Resignations 7.0

As an update to this series, we would like to post these recent additions to the list of casualties on the part of the Cabalists in the ongoing financial wars that we will look back someday as the turning point in humanity’s dark history.

Last week, there were few top level Cabalists’ resignations including those from the Vatican Mafia, and days ago, that of DHS Janet Napolitano. This could only indicate a continuing disarray among the dark operators of the world.

Previous resignations are here.


Vatican’s top banking officials resign

By Alanna Petroff @AlannaPetroff July 2, 2013: 8:34 AM ET

Two top officials at the Vatican bank have resigned as the Holy See comes under growing pressure to clean up its finances.

Director Paolo Cipriani and his deputy Massimo Tulli resigned this week as Italian prosecutors continue a three-year investigation into the bank, formally known as the Institute for the Works of Religion.

The investigation led to the arrest last week of a Vatican official, a financial broker and a former secret service police officer over an alleged attempt to smuggle millions in cash into Italy, according to Rome’s prosecutor.

The Vatican made no reference to the arrests or investigation when announcing the resignations but stressed the need to accelerate efforts to repair the bank’s reputation.

“Since 2010 the [Vatican bank] and its management have been working hard to bring structures and processes in line with international standards for anti-money laundering,” said Vatican bank President Ernst von Freyberg in a statement. “It is clear today that we need new leadership to increase the pace of this transformation process.”



US Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano resigns

United States Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano resigns from her federal role on Friday in order to head the University of California school system.

Following an initial report from Reuters suggesting Sec. Napolitano was set to resign, the Los Angeles Times reported early Friday that the former two-term governor or Arizona will exit her role with the Obama administration in lieu of job that will give the UC system their first female head in its 145-year history.

Napolitano is presently only the third person to serve as Homeland Security secretary, a position created by George W. Bush following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Napolitano has held that rank since January 2009 when she was appointed at the start of President Barack Obama’s first term as commander-in-chief.


WE must continue on whatever we do that supports the ongoing takedown against the Cabalists. If you think you’re too small to make a dent on the enemy, just watch what a single mosquito can do to ruin your vacation in the tropics.

We can all be Snowden, Manning or Assange in our own little way.

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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