Just like we’ve always warned about the attempt of the Jesuits, aka Khazarian Mafia, to hijack the upcoming massive release of humanitarian aid through the BRICS financial mechanisms, or otherwise, by proclaiming a “debt jubilee” and a partial controlled ET disclosure, the Keenan Group is advising everyone to stay away from any “Jubilee” sounding schemes.
Continue reading Global Accounts Elders Prefer January 1st for Humanitarian Aid Release [Keenan]
Tag Archives: global accounts
Stop Dreaming and Get Ready to Fight [Keenan]
There’s no pie in the sky comin’.
The fight for the control of the Global Accounts is raging on. And it is in everyone’s interest that it be returned to its Lawful Owner for its Usurpers are hell bent on using it for destructive purposes.
Continue reading Stop Dreaming and Get Ready to Fight [Keenan]
240 Kiloton Gold Heist Disguised as Joint Naval Drill in SoKor
Since arriving here in Jakarta nearly two weeks ago – both the pace and developments have been relentless. The past two weeks seem more like two months, as the scope and magnitude of what we do here appears to expand, not by the day – but by the minute!
Continue reading 240 Kiloton Gold Heist Disguised as Joint Naval Drill in SoKor
Global Accounts' Imminent Release Under Attack [Keenan]
There were arrests made on two men carrying trillions of “fake” bonds in Italy, last Monday. Said “naive” men were trying to open an account at the most secretive bank in the world, i.e. Vatican Bank.
Continue reading Global Accounts' Imminent Release Under Attack [Keenan]
Latest from Keenan Group…
THE KEENAN TEAM REPORTS | One If By Land, Two If By Sea, We Sound The Alarm For Attacks By Three (part 1)
March 5, 2014 / Keenan Team
Upon wakening early this morning the Keenan Team had to reach into their bags, find their ear plugs, plug them in and get working. Seems the outside world once again, at a very delicate and dangerous time, decided to toss them a curve ball. But the Keenan Team is at its best when adversity hits home. So they sat back and looked at what was coming in, found the curve ball rather weak and leaned into it and guess what? Yeah, hit a Home Run. Yes, this latest by the Keenan Team is another Home Run but this time with the bases loaded. How can you apparently even think the Keenan Team would be distracted by such simple pitches? Therefore we now have something not just of quality, but utmost quality, and that which you, the people, deserve. So let’s not play around any longer and bring to you their exposure. YES THEY WANT TO KILL US!!!!!!
Are We There Yet?
We are wrapping up the political campaign that I wrote to you about in our Trapped in a 3D World article. This is just necessary for me to do because it would be absurd to keep on dealing with global issues while ignoring the local ones. And I am so happy to say that the people have understood the message and in four or five days from now, we will have the final outcome.
In the world stage, we are reading news which may point to the realization of the massive change we were anticipating for more than a year. The Netanyahu-China exchange which immediately halted the land-grabbing in the West Bank, and the ultimatum issued by Vladimir Putin against Israel regarding the CIA-sponsored Syrian conflict, are signs that a major event is about to unfold. All these are well-coordinated measures aimed at containing the Satanists controlling Israel.
The North Koreans are also removing their fingers on the trigger to a nuclear Armageddon. They have removed their missiles from the launching pads, days ago.
Keenan, on the other hand, is mopping up the hijackers to the Global Settlements, and is finalizing the final version of the Lawsuit that will end it all, i.e. financial tyranny. His detractors have came here to say that he is bogus. We are seeing the opposite.
Of course, these major events can only be fully understood when reading the Fulford Updates.
Speaking of major events, the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure went through so smoothly, too.
Now, here comes Drake who subscribed to John MacHaffie’s recent article at NesaraNews.
by Drake
Many have a lot to learn in consideration of this list.
Let the world know when ‘Validation’ of this is available.
~ Drake
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Message to: Mr. Lew, Mr. Dempsey, & CEO of Wells Fargo —— GET IT DONE NOW!
OK, it’s been said
- Supposedly, Christine Largarde of IMF pressed the button in front of the World Court at 4:45 pm EST on 5/6 and this sent the RV in motion
- Supposedly, 200 WF bankers were arrested over the weekend on 5/3 – 5/5
- Supposedly, over 5/4-5/5 weekend, all the banks in US updated or replaced file Servers to work directly with the US Treasury and not the Federal Reserve.
- Supposedly, all the banks of 208 countries are on the same banking system
- Supposedly, WF, Chase, CB applied for Sovereignty Papers to remove themselves from Federal Reserve System and allowing themselves to be US Treasury banks during week April 28th and was granted
- Supposedly, said this week May 5th, new US Treasury dollars to appear 5/15 backed by GOLD and other precious metals
- Supposedly, April 28th week, Judge Roberts release the Gold Certificates for the Farm Claim Lawsuit recipients
- Supposedly, April 28th week, The Supreme Court Justices have been in RENO witnessing the release of the Farm Claim Lawsuit documents
- Supposedly, April 28th week, WF CEO was fired, thought arrested, however, appeared before the US Supreme Court to argue the case in behalf of George Bush (Sr./Jr.) to stop the Farm Claims Lawsuit release. Judge Roberts supposedly told them to take a hick and ordered the release of the funds.
- Supposedly, New file servers were installed over the weekend at Treasury freeing them from the Federal Reserve System on April 27 / 28 while under protection of special forces
- Supposedly, the numbers has been on the WF screens for weeks and no one pulled the trigger.
- Supposedly, Wells Fargo owner Warren Buffet (with silent partners Bill Gates, George Bush, Queen of England) has sold their controlling interest in WF to the Old Chinese Family (69% ownership). Just got to ask the question: Why would they Buffet (Bush, Gates & Queen) who do not want the RV to happen, who do not want the Farm Claim Lawsuit to be paid out, or who do not want the prosperity packages released to the people every sell their ownership???
- Supposedly, Wells Fargo was always a gold backed bank since Queen was involved with them too …
- Supposedly, All Bankers have the entitlements from England as do the BAR attorney’s which makes them British Citizens and not US Citizens who control your money & laws who are manipulate countries for WAR profiteering
- Supposedly, Citibank was not able on their own to achieve Basel 3 banking compliancy, so Russia came in and bought controlling interest and later sold to the Old Family Chinese who backed them with enough gold to qualify for Basel 3.
- Supposedly, Chase CEO Jamie Damon resigned;
- Supposedly several weeks prior Jamie Damon was arrested and questioned on bad banking practices and he squealed about all the plans against the We THE People.
- Supposedly, Chase is now Basel 3 complaint where I fine this funny since they were one of the worst on derivatives with Gold Certificates. Do you smell a deal done!!
- Supposedly, On the Tom Hennigan report, Flag Officers have been assigned to US Treasurer Jack Lew to run this process on taking down the US Corporation and installing the Republic form of US Constitutions government plus releasing of the RV, Farm Claim Lawsuit and prosperity packages
- Supposedly, On the Benjamin Fulford report, US Military led by General Dempsey & the military need to temporarily take over the key centers of power. They need to send troops to occupy the following places: the Federal Reserve Board branches, the Congress, the Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the major media companies and the Council on Foreign Relations. General Dempsey, the Republic is waiting on YOU Sir, how many orders do you need, get with it.
- Supposedly, Governor of CBI, US Treasury Secretary, & WF CEO (old Chinese Family Nephew?) to make the final arrangements. So, make the arrangements and get on with this …
So with all this said, WHERE is the evidence to show TRUTH! It’s all talk with no evidence of action.
- OK, public announcement, General Dempsey, get on with it.
- OK, public announcement, US Treasury Sect. Lew, get on with it.
- OK, public announcement, CEO of Wells Fargo, get on with it or we will remove your Bank Charter effective immediately and you will be out of business
- OK, public announcement, Old Family of China, get on with it, enough talk, American’s move much faster and expect actions. Our culture is take action; your culture is allow time. Must understand Sir, our Government, Banking, Legal practices are corrupt and need a complete overhaul per our Declaration of Independence circa 1776 and circa 2012.
We THE People who are the Civilian Authority, under Original Jurisdiction of the Constitution 1789, Bill of Rights 1891, with original 13thAmendment having superior position over US Corporation and the US Military. We the people do here by say GET IT DONE NOW!
REF: Declaration of Independence 2012 Order #1 – 10
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:
Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10
May 1, 2013 by Jean
Ø Keenan personally delivers hard copies of UN Swissindo’s acceptance of OPPT’s “Military Declaration” to the office of President Yudhoyono of the Republic of Indonesia
Ø Having alerted the public and the authorities to the OPPT agenda, Keenan is moving on with his own work, while keeping an eye out for further fraud
by Michael Henry Dunn
JAKARTA, April 27, 2013 – Neil Keenan is clearing the decks for imminent forward movement with the Global Accounts. Since the Accounts have been the playground for a motley crew of crooks, banksters, and scam artists for most of the past sixty years, that means Keenan’s work these days involves a lot of mopping up: exposing hidden agendas of Global Account fraudsters; clearing up confusion over the nature of the Accounts and to whom they belong; and exposing the UCC filing fraud behind the “phony freedom” offered by movements such as OPPT, who are merely one of many groups laying false claim to Account assets.
The thousands of people who buy the false claim that all governments and corporations have been “foreclosed” and no longer exist run the risk of loss of property and/or freedom when they find that judges and courts are well prepared to demonstrate the fraud behind these supposed UCC filings (see the “State Strategies to Combat Fraudulent UCC Filings” by the National Association of Secretaries of State).
Meanwhile, a prominent international lawyer (who was instrumental in assisting the Russian government to free itself from oligarchic control) made the following statements in a message to Neil Keenan:
“I have selected clear provisions of the UCC itself that completely destroy all attempts to abuse and misrepresent it. Its own provisions directly contradict all ways that “common law” theorists (like Winston Shrout or OPPT) try to use it. This proves that attempting to use it to obtain rights from third parties is criminal Fraud….You will have a concise and clear Legal Report, that you can show to anybody you are dealing with, to prove to them that OPPT are conducting criminal Fraud and have no rights nor legal standing.”
The Legal Report mentioned above will be published by Mr. Keenan in the coming days.
Those foolhardy few who decide to take OPPT up on the dangerous “Military Order and Declaration” that urges insurrection against the supposedly obsolete governments of the world run the risk of endangering their own lives as well as others. Once Mr. Keenan became aware of the specific attempts by OPPT and their allies at UN Swissindo to encourage an insurrection in Indonesia (using a false claim to Global Account assets to gain credibility), his duty became clear. He has been asked by Global Account stakeholders (i.e., the original Depositors of the assets) to order and manage the Accounts, beginning in Indonesia, where he has the confidence and support of the Elders who guard the assets. Even a bungled and incompetent attempt to execute the OPPT Military Order could cost many innocent lives. Therefore Mr. Keenan personally delivered a hard copy of the OPPT/UN Swissindo documents to the office of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, where he met with the president’s staff to explain the cause of his concern.
As previously noted by this writer, authorities in the U.S. and Switzerland – where UN Swissindo also has an office – have also been notified, including U.S. President Barack Obama, Swiss Attorney General Michael Lauber, Indonesian Attorney General Basrief Arief, and the Office of the Qing Dynasty. Neil Keenan is leaving the matter in their hands, to take whatever actions may be appropriate in accordance with the laws and national security concerns of the nations involved.
The question has been raised by some as to what difference there is between the rumored “mass arrests” of banking cabal figures in the United States, and the plan proposed by OPPT. Those who have followed the work of Drake Bailey and the growth of the community-based American militia movement will be well acquainted with the difference between the two. Any such arrests in the U.S. will be made by local law enforcement, armed with lawful warrants, accompanied by U.S. Marshalls, and backed up where necessary by military units, in keeping with the military oath to protect and defend the country against “all enemies, foreign and domestic.” A legal reset to our founding documents would then take place, guided by the will of the people.
The OPPT simply proposes anarchy. They state that the government no longer exists, and need not be obeyed. They “authorize” individuals to detain any and all “actors” in financial or government crimes, claiming the right to name such persons themselves, based on their own sublime certainty, with no need for recourse to judge or jury. These words are taken nearly verbatim from their own documents.
This is a key difference between Mr. Keenan’s approach and the OPPT’s essentially anarchistic (and in fact fraudulent) “foreclosure” on our planet’s existing structure of finance and governance. Keenan wants to reform from within by freezing out the banking cabal from their access to the Accounts, while responsibly placing into trade the heretofore stolen assets in the Global Collateral Accounts. The re-filing of Keenan’s trillion dollar lawsuit against the cabal will give additional legal grounds for other moves against these criminals. Humanitarian projects worldwide, the eradication of phony debt, and the implementation of free energy technologies will be the death-knell of the cabal, and signal a rebirth of freedom.
OPPT claims the assets will be allocated to their use by a fictitious group of Indonesian royals (figures who, even if they exist, have no ownership rights to the assets, but are merely placeholders and guardians of the property of other nations and families.) An actual Indonesian royal made the following statement on Facebook, regarding what he called UN Swissindo’s ludicrous fraud:
“So I have this to say, for and on the record, in regards to OPPT’s claim of UN Swissindo and Indonesian royals holding 90% of the world’s gold (this is the bullshit they are currently spinning). It’s ironic that they picked the Indonesian royal families for this scam, allow me to explain.
I am married to the granddaughter of the Sultan of Borneo, one of the major royal families in Indonesia of hundreds of years, well before the Dutch even discovered Borneo and Indonesia. It just so happens that my wife is on holiday visiting her grandparents for the past week, so a perfect time to ask.
So, for and on the record, I can state as 100% fact that the Indonesia Royal families do not hold 90% of the world’s gold, and the alleged royals making the Youtube videos claiming to be Swissindo do not say which family they are (there are many independent royal families from different islands, but they all know each other) which is disrespectful to other royals and not typical for the normally very proud royal families. Secondly those in the video are not recognized.
Lastly, common sense should prevail, in the Swissindo Youtube videos, the UN logo in the background is white paper cut out and glued onto a blue paper background, and the blue paper background is made up of many blue sheets of paper – I mean how dodgy is that? Is that not a red flag?
Indonesian Royals are independent from government but are a part of government in a sense that they make decisions and are consolidated with. While they may not be rich in western standards, in Indonesian standards they are millionaires who could certainly afford to have a proper background set made up if they were going to produce a video for the whole world.”
OPPT’s principals claim that the Accounts themselves “no longer exist” because the governmental and corporate structures that formed them have been foreclosed, and that the Assets belong by right to “the One People.”
Try telling that to the Empress of China (who now represents China’s historic claim to 85% of the assets in the Global Accounts) and her allies in the Chinese military and other power centers.
If you want to see how the OPPT approach worked in the past, you might want to read up on the bloody chaos of the French Revolution. Those who want to tear down a whole system overnight have historically become tyrants in short order.
Mr. Keenan has a better idea: legally freeze the bad guys’ access to funds, and reform the system from within. You can’t pay mercenaries with autographed photos of Dick Cheney.
There has never been a military coup against the United States government – even though the current corporate bastardization of the Founding Fathers’ framework may have richly deserved one – and it is apparent that the patriots in the Pentagon do not intend to set that precedent, if it can possibly be prevented.
However, as Thomas Jefferson reminded us early on in our history, the right of revolution always remains to a people oppressed beyond endurance….when all legal remedies have been exhausted.
Those victimized by the OPPT’s false promises can become passionately attached to the instant-freedom-and-wealth pipe dream, and may become enraged at those who puncture the fantasy. It’s normally not Neil Keenan’s job to go around puncturing fantasies. Most days, he’s busy with what is often (trust me on this one) the daily drudgery of moving the Global Collateral Accounts closer to the goal of being finally put to use for the betterment of humanity. The upshot of Keenan taking the time to expose the many frauds perpetrated on the Accounts has been that millions of people have been allowed to see the OPPT’s agenda, nakedly explained by the OPPT itself in black and white: seize control of gold that does not belong to them, and use it to overthrow the governments of the world with their “Military Order and Declaration.” Of course, no one is to be harmed during these insurrections, we are told. Right. Try telling that to the Tunisians, Egyptians, or Syrians.
There’s only one yardstick that matters in the end: changes on the ground. The goals of humanitarian programs, eradication of phony debt, freedom from oppression, and environmental restoration come closer to reality every day through the hard on-the-ground work of Mr. Keenan and his many allies.
When it comes to the final takedown of the elite cabal power figures, will that play out peacefully? We certainly hope so. But that is not Mr. Keenan’s job. We will leave that to the patriots in our military and intelligence communities, and to the responsible community-based actions of the vast American militia movement. The cabal criminals will be brought to justice by the proper authorities. Mr. Keenan’s work is to freeze their access to the Accounts….and to work with the Global Account stakeholders to put the funds to work for humanity.
And he has already resumed that work with full focus. Expect good news soon. And just to reassure everyone that Mr. Keenan still has what it takes to be the point man for the Accounts, here is some recent footage of the former star point guard “shooting the lights out” on a Jakarta basketball court.
And just a last footnote regarding the “Rose Garden Scenarios” – remember, you can tell a scam in the first thirty seconds by the following tell-tale signs:
1. First is a request for help – ‘Hey, we’re trying to free the world – are you interested?’
2. Then they flash the cash…which has one real $100 bill over a stack of phony ones – ‘Hey, I left a huge stash of money in a locker in Indonesia…and with your help I can get it out and save the world! Wanna help? I’ll pay you six million dollars!”
3. And then they want something from you up front – like, oh, say your signature on an Oath and Bond (with a nice friendly title like “Courtesy Notice”) wherein your assets are now part of the One People’s Public Bust….
Ask the NYPD cops in Times Square. They’ve seen gullible marks fall for this kind of scam for decades. Then see the list of links below with additional evidence of the true nature of the OPPT to share with others who may need this information.
Michael Henry Dunn
An up-to-date listing of information on the truth about the OPPT may be found at the following website:
The basis of OPPT is that Charles C. Miller, after a UCC filing in the year 2000, owned the Uniform Commercial Code and in February of 2012, “gifted it” through a UCC filing to Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf:
PL 88-243, 77 stat 630 is the act that created the UCC, so Charlie is stating in the filing that he had “full right, title, interest and ownership to the UCC itself. Here is the the content of PL 88-243:
The infamous OPPT UCC #2000043135 OPPT are forever quoting, was never a OPPT filing – it was by Charlie Miller in 2000 long before OPPT even existed, the whole thing is based on a fiction!
So Charlie (possibly from prison) files and claims the UCC, for 10yrs does nothing, then gifts it his business partner: Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and Charlie Miller were business partners.
A full set of Public documents are posted for public viewing and can be found at www.peoplestrust1776.org
source »
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the period between March 26th and April 2013:
Peggy P, $20
Matthew W, $35
Pamela F, $100
David M, $30
Monika ME, $30
Levi H, $20
Rhoda D, $20
Rick G, $50
Keith H, $75
Rodrigue B, $49.95
Howard K, $5
Geoffrey D, $10
Mike R, $20
Clayton F, $5
Sheryl C, $25
Russ M, $20
Steven K, $20
Joyce D, $10
Chris A, $5
AHC, $50
Rodrigo B, $5
Linda H, $6
Terry B, $5
Chris A, $1
Kipp S, $10
Wendell I, $12
Edgar R, $10