Tag Archives: nuclear exchange

The Inevitability Of Nuclear WW3 if Western Patriots Won’t Strike Surgically at the Enemy from Within

It is always wise to consider the views of the Russian cabinet members and financial advisors, when it comes to understanding how the Empire’s war against Russia in Ukraine is going to develop in the near future.

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Deep State Plans to Nuke Russia & China to Deter BRICS-led Multipolarity

We’ve already seen how desperate the Western oligarchs are today, from their actions and rhetorics. This is fundamentally due to the failure of their attempts at starting a war somewhere far from their golf courses, and the breakneck successes of the Eastern Alliance in laying down the hardware, i.e. economic infrastructures, for a multipolar world of peace and harmony among countries willing to join them. Continue reading Deep State Plans to Nuke Russia & China to Deter BRICS-led Multipolarity