Tag Archives: paris

Paris March: A Pseudo-Solidarity

When top actors from 40 countries participated in a glorious photo-op, “1.5 million” Parisians were much obliged. The problem is: these top 40 actors were not even near the vicinity where the March of Solidarity was held.
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The fake Paris incident is aimed at taking down the house of Saud

The obviously faked
terror incident in Paris last week was clearly aimed at preparing public opinion in the West for an operation to take down the Saudi Arabian monarchy. The operation consisted of having a French magazine publish cartoons of a sort that would lead to a death penalty in Saudi Arabia and then faking the execution of the magazine’s staff. This serves to make the Western public aware and angry about the sort of thing the Saudi government does.
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Hypocrites Shine on Paris Catwalk

Pepe Escobar
The Paris unity march attended by over 40 world leaders has revealed the Western “double standard” approach concerning the freedom of speech and the battle against terrorism.
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