Tag Archives: paris shooting

Paris Charlie Hebdo False Flag: The Wider Plot

Israel’s willingness to murder its own people to further Zionism is not without precedent. The Paris false flag shooting was obviously connected to Netanyahu’s warning about France’s “Palestinian recognition will be a grave mistake”, and not an attempt to shutdown the House of Saud, as Fulford claims.
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“#Je suis brainwashed”

Million morons march for big lies & genocide

By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor
Call them sheeple. Lemmings. Zombies. New World Order mind control slaves.
Whatever you call them, the drooling dimwits chanting “we are Charlie” are the all-time greatest argument for Rockefeller-style eugenic euthanasia. (Which, incidentally, should start with the Rockefellers.)
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The fake Paris incident is aimed at taking down the house of Saud

The obviously faked
terror incident in Paris last week was clearly aimed at preparing public opinion in the West for an operation to take down the Saudi Arabian monarchy. The operation consisted of having a French magazine publish cartoons of a sort that would lead to a death penalty in Saudi Arabia and then faking the execution of the magazine’s staff. This serves to make the Western public aware and angry about the sort of thing the Saudi government does.
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Hypocrites Shine on Paris Catwalk

Pepe Escobar
The Paris unity march attended by over 40 world leaders has revealed the Western “double standard” approach concerning the freedom of speech and the battle against terrorism.
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FearMonger Alert: MI5 Head Warns of 'Mass Casualty' Terrorist Attacks

This is becoming more of a full-blown action-packed entertainment for me.
After the botched false flag “shooting of a cop”, and those at the Charlie HedgeHog office, they are now chasing the “terrorists” all over France…
In order to psychologically terrorize the public even more, no less than the MI5 Chief has sounded the alarm of  an impending mass casualty event and they, the government, could not help us. How irresponsible could this people be?
Well, shit on them.
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