Tag Archives: fear mongering

How Media Fearmongering Led to ‘Unprecedented’ Censorship of Scientific Research

Experts who spoke out against the official narrative were attacked and accused of endangering lives by questioning lockdowns. Numerous research journals refused to publish the results of studies that featured data questioning lockdowns, masks and other COVID policies.

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The Military Industrial Complex On Fear Mongering Hyperdrive

Maybe some of you may have noticed it already. There seems to be a concerted effort to create an atmosphere of fear similar to that of the Cold War era, but with a far more sophisticated script yet still following the same dialectic formula that we should already be aware of.
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FearMonger Alert: MI5 Head Warns of 'Mass Casualty' Terrorist Attacks

This is becoming more of a full-blown action-packed entertainment for me.
After the botched false flag “shooting of a cop”, and those at the Charlie HedgeHog office, they are now chasing the “terrorists” all over France…
In order to psychologically terrorize the public even more, no less than the MI5 Chief has sounded the alarm of  an impending mass casualty event and they, the government, could not help us. How irresponsible could this people be?
Well, shit on them.
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