Tag Archives: south stream

Gazprom Announces Final Nail in the South Stream Coffin

Russia’s refusal to bow down to the caprices of her neighbors is one of the reasons why the Paris “Je Suis Charlie” has to be launched, out of desperation.
The EU is shooting itself on the foot by issuing multiple sanctions against Russia, at the time when it was so easy for Putin to retaliate having made substantial preparation beforehand. The ongoing slump in  oil prices only feeds the tabloid narrative of the West, but is not in any way affecting the internal balance sheets of Russia.
This arrogance has rendered Bulgaria as collateral damage, wittingly.
The final announcement to withdraw South Stream comes in parallel with Norways StatOil’s decision to stop all oil explorations in Greenland.
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The Importance Of The Cancellation Of South Stream

by Alexander Mercouris
The reaction to the cancellation of the Sound Stream project has been a wonder to behold and needs to be explained very carefully.
In order to understand what has happened it is first necessary to go back to the way Russian-European relations were developing in the 1990s.
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EU Cabalists Resort to Bullying & Tax Evasion

Here’s another sign that the EU has become more and more powerless each passing day.
Since the day Hungary decided to strengthen its ties with the more progressive BRICS, EU started applying pressure on their leaders through travel sanctions and similar dirty tactics.
Fortunately for Hungary, the Cabalist EU may have only a few months to  live.
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