Tag Archives: taliban won

US reputation is in tatters, it’s time to bring those responsible for Afghanistan disaster to account

Twenty years of US war in Afghanistan draws to a close at the stroke of midnight on August 31. There will be plenty of time to dissect the root causes of failure. What is needed now is accountability for the disastrous endgame.

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A ‘Strategic Apocalypse’ in Afghanistan: A Seismic Shift, Years in the Making

A huge geo-political event has just occurred in Afghanistan: The implosion of a key western strategy for managing what Mackinder, in the 19th century, called the Asian heartland. That it was accomplished, without fighting, and in few days, is almost unprecedented.

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Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, Taliban leader with Near-Legendary Status

On Tuesday, Baradar landed in the southern Afghan city of Kandahar, the birthplace of the Taliban movement he helped found in the mid-1990s. Ending 20 years of exile, he was thronged by well-wishers as he stepped off a Qatari government aircraft and drove off in a convoy.

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Afghanistan to be Integrated into China’s “Belt and Road”

There’s a reason why the Talibans are not rampaging inside Kabul to celebrate their victory over the US military — Afghanistan’s economic cooperation with China via the Belt and Road Initiative will be in full swing.

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Afghan Chaos Left by US Should Be A Warning To Taiwan

The rapid collapse of the US-backed government in Afghanistan and the chaotic evacuation of Americans from Kabul could not only be “a powerful shock” for Washington’s allies and partners in Asia, but also complicate China’s challenges in its regional rivalry with the US, say observers.

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