Tag Archives: the UN Security Council

Western Daesh Benefactors Failed to Secure a U.N. Ceasefire in Aleppo

In response to the clamor for help by the various Daesh commanders on the ground in Eastern Aleppo, the allies of the UK, US and Germany filed a UN Security resolution aimed at establishing another ceasefire that would only pave the way for the regrouping of Daesh terrorists already suffering heavy casualties amidst in-fighting within their ranks.
Permanent members, Russia and China, vetoed the resolution.
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Netherlands Requests Int’l Tribunal before Naming Flight MH17 Suspects

Factual and circumstantial evidence as well as direct testimonies of eyewitnesses gathered in and around the crash site are overwhelmingly pointing to the Kiev government forces having culpability in the deliberate shooting down of Malaysian Flight MH17 last July 2014.
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