Tag Archives: Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

LGBT Parade Has Provided Cover for "Fast Track" Signing

Obama government has just executed a slight of hand against the Sheeples by exploiting its counterpart’s action in the corporate hierarchy,  i.e. the Supreme Court’s favorable ruling on same sex marriage, by signing the fast track authority.
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TransPacific Partnership Feeds Corporate Greed Only

Unlike the New Silk Road, the TransPacific Partnership [TPP] and its cousin TransAtlantic Trade and Investment Partnership [TTIP ]remove all barriers for corporate takeover into our daily lives. It kills safety regulations and labor protections, curtails freedom of speech, effectively raping sovereignty of participating nations.
The New Silk Road, however, is primarily financed by the richest country today, i.e. China, and countries are not coerced into joining the age-tested system in the spirit of mutual progress and development.
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