This week’s update by Ben Fulford (bfu_jan31) and the WhiteHats (whr#34, whr#35) indicate a close coordination on the fight against the Dark Cabal while trying to implement the necessary changes to the failed economic system. Unfolding events have confirmed previous updates from these sources to be accurate. The WhiteHats, from their end, have invited us to closely monitor what is about to happen in the United Kingdom, the mother corporation of the United States. If this is related to what the WDS previously demanded, i.e. that the Queen must relinquish the throne in favor of Diana’s son Harry (before April 1st?), then that could be one of those things that we can expect will happen from the inner sanctum of the British Empire, which could very well signal the beginning of the massive changes that we are impatiently awaiting.
Even if we have completely abandoned the idea of just “fixing the system” long ago in favor of a new untried resource-based economic system, we do welcome the commitment of the revolutionaries of today that they will release all those tightly guarded occult technologies, e.g. free energy technologies, for its responsible use and to effect the necessary development this planet badly needs.
While we prefer that the whole ceremony will be much shorter, we do understand that changing the world after it had been profoundly devastated does require elaborate countermeasures that may take considerable amount of time. One thing is sure: this revolution will not fail. All knowledge and resources are kept in multiple locations such that if one of them is compromised the others serving as backups can be used and released to the public. The suppression is finally ending.
Needless to say, we are savoring the last days of our being slaves and sheeples, of being treated as human-cattle. We are on the way to welcome a new era of unrestricted progress and development. The technological and economic changes that are forthcoming will require us all to take that paradigm shift – the complete abandonment of the old concepts in favor of the new. This may be discomforting for most of those who are still in the mainstream spectrum of our society, those that have no clue whatsoever that what they’ve known and told all these years are all lies. That the realities they have come to love and accepted are just nothing but imposed, manipulated elaborate illusions. This bunch will wonder what’s going on and such changes will come as a huge powerful shock to them. They surely need your help even at this “early” stage.
The technological advances that we have acquired over the last centuries have the capabilities of eradicating hunger, and disease within a year of its implementation. (For those who can’t wait for the official release of these technologies, most specifically in the field of healthcare, they can download “Towards Healthcare Emancipation”, to see how simple it is to defeat cancer and AIDS without ever using a single dose of antibiotic and without costing a limb and fortune to implement. This do-it-yourself “free medicine” eBook could be used to defeat Big Pharma and Eugenics that are two of the prime causes of the ongoing unbroadcasted revolution.) Environmental destruction can be reversed totally, and massive infrastructures that will benefit everyone will soon be built all over the face of the planet. There is not a single person that won’t be affected by the release of these global settlements and other trust funds already identified.
Looking forward, the combined release of these massive amounts of financial assistance to all the peoples around the world and the removal of all restrictions for the responsible use of free energy technologies, longevity, antigravity, teleportation, time travel and much of the occult knowledge will surely propel us to space and beyond. Making heaven truly a place here on Earth is already a foregone conclusion.
Consequently, our journey to the stars will then commence. Our children will soon discover unlimited worlds far beyond imagination. We will be meeting our brothers and sisters across star systems and galaxies. We will be traversing across timelines and parallel universes just for the sheer pleasure and knowledge they could bring. Our appreciation of the grandeur of Nature will grow deeper and deeper such that all superstitious beliefs will just vanish into oblivion.
There will also be a time in the future when we will reminisce this tumultuous moment in our history however painful this had been. We will remember how we faithfully swallowed everything the established institutions of today, i.e. government, schools, media and the church, had said. We will remember how we enthusiastically sent our children to schools hoping to leave behind a legacy founded on good education. We will remember how we confidently allowed mass vaccinations of our children until we found out that it defeated the former intention. On a more profound level, we will remember the prejudice, the arrogance, and the superiority complex that provided us a false sense of power over another. We will remember all of the things we are not supposed to be. More importantly, we will remember how we were so detached from ourselves and from each other, and that what had brought us together now is the unexpected realization that we needed each other in spite of all our differences.
On hindsight, we couldn’t avoid asking ourselves, “Was evil necessary for us to understand the virtue of mutual cooperation and peaceful coexistence?”Remember, this is how the Minions of the Dark justify their existence, the madness and the mayhem they have inflicted on all of us. Is there some logic to the assertion that in order to see the light we must experience darkness, that in order for us to demand goodness we must suffer the horrors of evil? Thus, our soul may gain Wisdom?
Whatever the case maybe, the next generations of our species may look at this juncture in our history with great respect and admiration for we have done what needed to be done to make them possible.
People must join together and design the new system, like hackers did with linux operating system. Like a computer program, like software design, like object diagrams, the new system must be engineered by the people.
We will push this agenda together…
It is OK to talk about all the benefits that will eventuate from this momentous change however the Dark Cabal are still running the show and need to be removed and or terminated for all these changes to occur. Their time is up and action to remove them is long overdue. When we start to see publically, that this is happening, then and only then will the changes start. To compromise and include them in these changes is a recipe for disaster as they have been screwing this planet for 13 thousand years and to think they will change their ways is a complete falacy. They can never be trusted, so to remove and terminate them now, along with all their associates, is the only recourse open for this to happen.
^ This. Well typed.
Although I disagree with termination. Only if they violently resist arrest.
Better to put them in those prison camps, or on a penal colony island, so we can remind ourselves what a demonic, soulless, arrogant, vain, psychopathic, deceitful, thieving, untrustworthy, childmolesting, warmongering, massmurdering asshole really is, and don’t ever inspire to be anything like that scum.
…And calling the cabal “scum” is an insult to scum.
Keeping them alive by putting them in prison camps would be a total waste of resources, including the food!
Hi Ben, I trust this finds you well?
I have been told that the recent ECB bailout was via the Feds suggesting that they still have the finger on the ponzi trigger. Can you comment on this?
There are also rumours that Japan are going to shutdown all their nuclear reactors within a matter of months. Can you confirm this?
Who are the White Hats whose blog entries started again this week?
Sincerely xxx,
There will be a press conference on the 23rd about energy in Japan. We will see what they say. The White Hats group are a well meaning group who are working towards the same goals as us. We know who they are.
The Feds have announced trillions for Europe and tried funding many times but they cannot because they do not have any real money to do it with. The real money in the world is mostly in Asia and the Asians will not lend to the West until they are included in a fair way in the “global” structures set up by the Western powers after World War 2.
Benjamin Fulford
<a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">
They are saying that it will only take 3 months to start getting the planet and it’s population on the road to recovery, so what are we waiting for. I do not want to see a Nuclear War before we erradicate the people responsible for this mess we are all in, do you!