Last year, Russia had to tackle mostly domestic issues as the Western offensives peaked with more economic sanctions and the false flag death of an opposition figure.
With the successful passage of the Minsk 2.0 Ceasefire Agreement, which up to now is still holding even if Poroshenko is regularly shelling Eastern Ukraine in an attempt to provoke another confrontation, Russia has virtually won each battle launched right on its doorsteps.
Two White House representatives have since then walked into Kremlin to express their desire to cooperate on the Ukrainian issue, only to refocus the whole asymmetric war towards Southeast Asia, to which China and Russia are more than ready to respond…
Russian Jets Force US Navy Destroyer Away From Territorial Waters
Russian Navy jets forced a US Navy ship into the eastern Black Sea after it was noticed heading into Russia’s territorial waters.
Russian Navy Su-24 jets forced US Navy destroyer USS Ross to go into neutral waters in the Black Sea, a source in Crimea’s security forces told RIA Novosti.
The US Navy ship was noticed heading directly toward Russian waters after leaving the Romanian port of Costanta. The incident comes on the same day as fugitive Georgian ex-leader Mikheil Saakashvili’s appointment as governor of Ukraine’s Black Sea-bordering Odessa region.
“The ship’s crew acted provocatively and aggressively, which caused alarm among operators of monitoring stations and Black Sea Fleet ships carrying out assignments in the Black Sea. Scrambled Su-24 attack jets demonstrated a readiness to forcibly suppress border violations and defend the country’s interest,” the source said.
According to the source, Russian Black Sea Navy ships are constantly monitoring Russian territorial waters and are ready to suppress any violations.
US Navy Destroyer to Enter Black Sea for ‘Peace and Stability’
“It seems that the Americans did not forget the April 2014 incident when one Su-24 actually shut down all equipment on the new USS Donald Cook American destroyer with anti-missile system elements,” the source added.
Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said that US missile ships near Russian borders pose a danger to strategic stability on Saturday, while at the Shangri-La Dialogue security summit in Singapore.
Russia to Take Part in South China Sea Naval Exercises
Russia will take part in South China Sea counter-terrorism exercises as it becomes increasingly concerned with security and stability in the region.
Russia will conduct naval exercises in the South China Sea in 2016, together with its partners in the Asia Pacific Region, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said at a defense summit in Singapore on Saturday.
Speaking at the Shangri-La Dialogue summit of defense ministers, Antonov said that Russia is increasingly concerned for its security, citing US missile shield deployments, terrorism and “color revolutions.” Russia will also conduct its first-ever exercises together with Brunei in 2016.
“We are concerned by US policies in the region, especially since every day it becomes increasingly focused on a systemic containment of Russia and China,” Antonov said.
US Ramping Up ‘Containment’
Antonov also said that US policies in the region are increasingly aimed against China and Russia, and that US missile destroyers pose a threat to stability in the region.
“Despite our concerns about the US global missile defense architecture, they continue a policy of disrupting strategic stability, adding a regional segment of an anti-missile ‘shield’ in the Asia-Pacific,” Antonov said.
Antonov also cited Vietnam as a recent example of US pressure, where the country was forced to prohibit the maintenance of long-range Russian aircraft in Vietnamese airports.
“The objective is to reduce the possibility of using foreign airfields and ports by the Russian Navy and Air Force,” he added.
Spread of Terrorism
Antonov said that terrorism is turning into a threatening force in several countries around the world and has become a threat t the Asia-Pacific Region alongside piracy, cyber-crime and drug trafficking.
“It is worrying that terrorists in several countries are turning into a real force and are aspiring to come to power in some states,” Antonov said.
Antonov added that the Taliban movement remains a problem which the international coalition in Afghanistan failed to defeat.
“According to some data, there are around 50,000 fighters in Afghanistan. In the country itself, as well as border territories there is a network of terrorist training camps, including for suicide bombers,” Antonov added.
Political Concerns
Western-organized “color revolutions” could come to the Asia-Pacific region at any time under the guise of introducing “democratic” values, Antonov told the forum.
“An epidemic of ‘color revolutions’ swept up the Middle East and, like a hurricane, wiped out several states in the region. This disease went across several European countries, where events are freely controlled from the outside,” Antonov said.
Antonov brought up the example of Ukraine as a case where the results of such a “color revolution” have impacted Russia’s interests, as millions of Russians live in Ukraine.
“As a result of the unconstitutional coup, the country is plunged into a civil war, and the supporters of the ‘war party’ continue pushing the state to military adventures. At the same time there is a real humanitarian catastrophe. Over 6,000 people have already been killed,” Antonov said.
Also at the summit, Russia expressed interest in developing closer cooperation with Israel, as well as developing pacts to ban military exercises near its borders with North Korea and Japan.
South China Sea Air Defense Zone Hinges on Security Threats – Beijing
A decision on establishing China’s Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) in disputed waters of the South China Sea should be based on an assessment of the security situation in the region, according to a senior Chinese military official.
Admiral Sun Jianguo, deputy chief of staff of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, said that establishing China’s Air Defense Identification Zone in disputed waters of the South China Sea will depend on the region’s security situation.
Speaking at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, he stated that China’s actions were peaceful and legitimate, warning other countries against trying to “sow discord” over the matter.
“There is no reason for people to play up this issue in the South China Sea,” Sun said, adding that the creation of the ADIZ hinges on any threats to air or maritime security.
He rejected recent remarks by US Defense Secretary Ash Carter, who said that Beijing’s land reclamation projects in the disputed waters around the Spratly archipelago of the South China Sea allegedly boost the risk of “miscalculation or conflict” and is out of step with international rule.

“We hope relevant countries will work together in the same direction to build the South China Sea into a sea of peace, friendship and co-operation”, Sun added.
China’s ongoing land reclamation work around the Spratly islands finally led to speculation about the country creating the ADIZ, which may stipulate that overflying aircraft identify themselves to Chinese authorities. Washington claims that it would allegedly ride roughshod over freedom of navigation and security in the Asia-Pacific region.
Apart from China, the Spratlys are claimed by half a dozen countries, including Malaysia, Taiwan, the Philippines and Vietnam. Neither Japan nor the United States have any territorial claims in the South China Sea.
China: Silk Roads and Open Seas
Beijing’s disclosure earlier this week of its latest military white paper, outlining a new doctrine moving beyond offshore defense to “open seas” defense, predictably rattled every exceptionalist’s skull and bone.
Almost simultaneously, in Guangzhou, the annual Stockholm China Forum, hosted by the German Marshall Fund and the Shanghai Institute for International Studies, was mired in deep thought examining the vast Eurasian integration project known in China as “One Road, One Belt”.
What is also known as the New Silk Road project – displaying all the romantic connotations of a remix of a golden era – is not only about new roads, high-speed railways, pipelines and fiber optics, but also about a naval network from East Asia all the way to the Middle East and Europe.
So Chinese maritime expansion in the “open seas” – from the South China Sea to the Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean – had to be intimately tied to protection of the Maritime Silk Road.
Got deal, will travel
As the maddeningly complex One Road, One Belt network takes form, not a week passes without China clinching pipeline/power station/fiber optic/ manufacturing plant deals to accelerate Eurasian integration – from Pakistan to the Central Asian “stans”, and including everything from a road/railway linking Western China to the Arabian Sea to naval hubs on the way to the Horn of Africa.
The business logic behind this flurry of infrastructure deals is sound: to absorb China’s enormous excess industrial capacity. This process is of course enmeshed with Beijing’s complex energy strategy, whose main mantra is the famous “escape from Malacca”; to obtain a maximum of oil and gas bypassing waters patrolled by the US.
As Beijing “goes West” – the natural consequence of an official policy launched in 1999, but at the time mostly concerning Xinjiang – it becomes increasingly more open to the world. Just check the array of East and West nations that joined the Chinese-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).

AIIB’s first president will be Jin Liqun, a former deputy finance minister and former vice-president of the Japanese/American-led Asian Development Bank (ADB). Complaints by the usual suspects that AIIB will be a secret Chinese club are nonsense; the board making decisions includes several developed and developing world powers.
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=00cc11″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Across Eurasia, AIIB is bound to be the place to go. No wonder the Japanese, feeling excluded, were forced to raise the bar, announcing Tokyo is willing to commit a whopping $110 billion to finance infrastructure projects across Asia until 2020. The talk of the town – actually many mega-towns – across Asia is now all about the “infrastructure wars”.
Dreaming of going West
It’s fascinating to remember that what I called the Go West Young Han story of China’s expanding its trade/commercial clout actually started back in 1999. The first stage was a wave of factories moving from Guangdong province to the inward provinces. After a few years, in the Guangdong Triangle Area – which is now much wealthier than many an industrialized nation – product life-cycle timeline entrepreneurs embarked on frantic technology acceleration. Within the megalopolis of Shenzhen, the authorities actually push lower tech companies to move out of the downtown core area.
In terms of container ports, of the top 10 largest global ports no less than seven are based in China. That’s a graphic indication of China’s overwhelming predominance in maritime trade.
In terms of management, the 125 plan – that is, the 12th Chinese 5-year plan – expires in 2015. Few in the West know that most of the goals encompassing the seven technology areas China wanted to be leading have been achieved and in some cases even superseded. That technology leap explains why China can now build infrastructure networks that previously were considered almost impossible.

The next five-year plan is bound to be even more ambitious. It will focus, among other items, on Beijing’s drive to build a wave of huge new cities, a by-product of China’s restructuring of its economic model.
The China Dream, a new book by Professor General Liu Mingfu – a top military analyst – offers the Big Picture as China’s infrastructure drive across Eurasia gathers pace. A clash with the US is all but inevitable.
The Pentagon’s non-stop rumblings about the South China Sea are just the tip of the (lethal) iceberg; after all Washington considers it an American lake.
Li, as well as other leading Chinese analysts, would like to think Washington eventually finds a modus vivendi with the emerging superpower – as in relinquishing sovereignty, much as the British Empire did to the United States in the early 20th century.
That’s not going to happen. For the foreseeable future, according to the Obama administration’s own “pivoting to Asia”, announced in 2011 at the Pentagon, it will be hardcore containment. That might work only if BRICS member India is totally on board. And that’s quite unlikely.
In the meantime, Washington will continue to be submerged by this type of paranoid analytics, perpetrated by a former strategic adviser to the top US/NATO commander in Afghanistan.

Check that sphere
The crucial point, already absorbed by the overwhelming majority of the Global South, is that China’s One Belt, One Road strategy is all about trade/commerce/”win-win” business; nothing remotely similar to the Empire of Bases, the never-ending “war on terra”, “kill lists”, and bombing recalcitrant nations (usually secular Arab republics) into “democracy.”
The immensely ambitious One Belt, One Road project, coupled with the Chinese Navy protecting its national interests in the “open seas”, fit into President Xi Jinping’s Chinese Dream in terms of a business master plan. The best way to build a “moderately prosperous society” is by building modern infrastructure internally and by reaching out to the world externally.
Once again, China will be exporting its massive surplus industrial capacity, will keep diversifying its energy sources and will extend its commercial influence from Central Asia all the way to Europe via Iran, Turkey and Greece.
China has the funds to solve one of India’s absolutely intractable problems – the rebuilding of its creaky infrastructure. The optimal scenario sees these two BRICS nations involved in deal after (infrastructure) deal, side by side with BRICS member Russia and “rehabilitated by the West” Iran. This means everything revolving around the New Silk Road(s) directly affecting no less than one-third of the world’s population. Talk about a “sphere of influence.”
There has been many a rumbling in Washington, ruling no one is entitled to a “sphere of influence” – except the US, of course. And yet Beijing’s economic, financial, diplomatic and geopolitical drive to unite Eurasia is the ultimate bid for a global sphere of influence. Against it, the usual Western, Roman-based Divide et Impera tactic may finally not work.
China vows to build South China Sea into one of peace, friendship, cooperation

In a speech delivered at the Shangri-La Dialogue, Admiral Sun Jianguo, deputy chief of the General Staff of the People’s Liberation Army, said the situation in the South China Sea was on the whole peaceful and stable.
“China has carried out construction on some islands and reefs in the South China Sea mainly for the purpose of improving the functions of the relevant islands and reefs and the working and living conditions of personnel stationed there,” he said.
Sun explained that the projects were also aimed at better performing China’s international responsibilities and obligations over maritime search and rescue, disaster prevention and relief, maritime scientific research, meteorological observation, environmental protection, safety of navigation, and fishery production services.
According to the admiral, China has built an oceanic survey station for the United Nations on the Yongshu Jiao and started the construction of two multi-functional lighthouses on the Huayang Jiao and Chigua Jiao for the purpose of providing international public services.
“I want to reaffirm that these construction projects fall well within the scope of China’s sovereignty and are legitimate, justified and reasonable. They do not target any other countries or affect the freedom of navigation,” he said.
“There are no changes in China’s claims in the South China Sea, no changes in China’s position on peaceful resolution of the relevant disputes through negotiation and consultation,” he said.
China is also willing to safeguard the freedom and safety of navigation in the South China Sea, and uphold peace and stability in the sea, he stressed.
Meanwhile, the Chinese general put forward a five-point proposal for defense departments and militaries of various countries to strengthen cooperation and jointly safeguard regional and world security and stability.
He recommended pursuing enduring peace, upholding mutual trust and inclusiveness, adhering to the effective approach of dialogue and consultation, meeting the inherent demand for sharing responsibilities and upholding the core concept of win-win cooperation.
Organized by the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), the Shangri-La Dialogue brought together defense chiefs from 26 nations here as well as security experts to exchange views on key issues that shape the defense and security landscape of the region.
As far as China’s reclamation work in the Spratly is concerned, we don’t think it has a great value militarily. A known military target is a useless target. With the amount of air firepower the West has, we don’t think the open infrastructures in the islands would last a day. Therefore, it is useless for the Chinese to use this disputed territories for waging wars on its neighbors, and China knows it.
Historically, early on China was already a naval superpower but, unlike the British, it never sought to conquer its neighbors like Japan, Malaysia or the Philippines. They don’t need to. Chinese blood were everywhere in these lands. They were already doing business as they had always done for thousands of years. It’s also worth knowing that they are not known for killing their competition.
What China is doing in South China Sea is to assert its own progressive agenda which is to make sure the viability of the much welcomed Maritime Silk Road without Western geopolitical interference. They are investing huge money all over the world and then they are not allowed to protect their investments?
The US constant warmongering stance is to purposely create the need for SE Asians to buy arms from them and allow their unhampered military occupation even if it is against the constitution of these republics. That’s because military language is the only thing they know all this time.
In deep contrast, China has engaged in the construction of roads, bridges and the North Rail projects in the Philippines during the preceding administration which is now plagued by interfering vested interests coming from Western stooges, i.e. Spanish mestizos who believe the country belongs to them.
It’s only logical to support the evidently progressive plans of the BRICS rather than the perennial one-sided maneuvers of the West.
Russia to Sign Border Military Activity Deal With Japan, North Korea
Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said that Russia expects to sign bilateral agreements preventing dangerous military activity near each other’s borders with Japan and North Korea.
SINGAPORE (Sputnik) — Russia hopes to clinch a deal with Japan and North Korea prohibiting dangerous military activity near mutual borders, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov said on Saturday.
The deputy minister made the announcement at the Shangri-La Dialogue high-level security summit organized by the International Institute for Strategic Studies in Singapore.
“Bilateral agreements preventing dangerous military activity near each other’s borders makes a significant contribution to building confidence. We expect to sign similar agreements with Japan and North Korea,” Antonov said.
The defense official said Russia has similar agreements in place with the United States, Canada, China and South Korea.
Russia-China Alliance ‘Main Failure’ of Obama Administration – Lawmaker
An alternative, Russia-China, alliance will have a direct impact on the strategic positions of the United States and its allies with the recent joint military exercises conducted by Russia and China in the Black and Mediterranean seas being a warning sign to the United States and NATO, the official explained.
“The formation of a Russia-China military-political alliance is the main failure of the Obama administration,” Pushkov stressed, explaining that by showing its readiness to spread its interests in foreign waters, China is “taking its first steps as a global power” and positioning itself “in an unprecedented alliance with Russia.”
The exercises come amid the buildup of NATO military presence in Eastern Europe, which started after Crimea reunited with Russia and the conflict in Ukraine’s southeast escalated last year. NATO has been accusing Russia of interfering in Ukraine’s internal affairs.
Moscow, in its turn, has repeatedly expressed concern over the strengthening of the bloc’s positions along its western borders, stressing that it is not involved in the situation in Ukraine.
We don’t think it’s just Obama’s failure, but the failure of Western culture. The failure of Western people to act decisively until now suggest that they somehow condone their imperialistic governments obsession for one world dictatorship and all its genocidal crimes towards the rest of the world.
Even up to this time, when the AIIB has already been signed on by countries like UK, Switzerland, Sweden, Netherlands, and other countries which are notably the home of the Black Nobility and Western Royalties, the instigation for wars in the East has never ceased. Obviously, Obama, in his constantly flip-flopping stance, is not acting alone.
Whatever the case, let us all remember that this is the second time over the last 100 years when Asia has lent its peaceful hand to the West and we should not wait for the day when Asian patience is all but gone.
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Glück, Auf, meine Heimat!
I really like what I read is going on with Putin taking the lead in space ( knowledge, everything). The BRIC’s.
What I don’t like is hearing from Russians here and coming here, what I hear about Putin ( from them). It seems when Putin took over ( too many leaders are doing this) when they don’t like someone, they have them murdered. Of course it is hushed .
Our country, is going to be one of the most warlike countries in the history of the world ( known history). Until our country becomes a country again ( instead of the illegal corporation it is), we can never have peace.
I have a good feeling that is going to be our new future, reclaiming who and what we really should have been all along. This world can and will survive the Obamas and all the rest like him! I believe change is in our future soon! It is passed the time. Americans have let things happen by not keeping up with the truth of what has been going on for years! When we get a chance and all this havoc, lies, murders, crooked congress ( officials, etc. ) is cleared up, we all have to do our parts and pay attention! Keep on telling the truth about us and the world, you all do an excellent job!