Tag Archives: South China Sea

What is really going on between Beijing and Washington in the South China Sea?

In today’s polarised world, the situation in this hugely significant region of the Pacific is frequently portrayed as either Chinese expansionism or American imperialism. As ever, the truth of the matter is much more complicated.

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Deep State is Losing Southeast Asia, Choosing Mutual Economic Progress instead of War

During the next five years, or at least, during the term of the Philippine strongman Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, no attempt at sowing acoustic and kinetic conflicts will be allowed in the South China Sea region. Continue reading Deep State is Losing Southeast Asia, Choosing Mutual Economic Progress instead of War

US & NATO Want Uninvited Military Intervention in Spratlys Using UNCLOS Verdict as Leverage

The Philippine government and China are now engaged in preliminary bilateral talks regarding the proper conduct in the West Philippine Sea, yet the United States and other NATO members continue to engage in military provocations in the area, verbally and otherwise.
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Behold the Philippines Under U.S. Democracy for 113 Years!

The one-sided relationship between the Philippines and the United States dates back to 1902 when the last revolutionaries capitulated to the US military after fighting the Spanish 6 years before. The Spanish American War resulted in the transfer of control over this country from the Spaniards into the hands of the Americans.
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China and Russia’s Progressive Offensives Securing East Asia

Last year, Russia had to tackle mostly domestic issues as the Western offensives peaked with more economic sanctions and the false flag death of an opposition figure.
With the successful passage of the Minsk 2.0 Ceasefire Agreement, which up to now is still holding even if Poroshenko is regularly shelling Eastern Ukraine in an attempt to provoke another confrontation, Russia has virtually won each battle launched right on its doorsteps.
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Obama is Impeachable, Mentally Unfit; May Provoke War with Russia & China

People may have already lost count of how many presidential actions fall into the realm of impeachable offenses, but there is none clearer than the evidenced based Benghazi debacle wherein the Obama administration is caught lying on record to the people as to the real cause of the attack.
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Playing With Fire: US Unleashes Hybrid 'Proto-War' Against China

Washington has unleashed a “proto-war” against China, using military, economic, and informational measures, in accordance with the “Brzezinski doctrine” and the “Wolfowitz doctrine,” Eric Sommer underscored.
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U.S. Warships in South China Sea May Lead to War Between US, China

It seems the United States has found another playground for its war games. The National Interest reported that Washington plans to send its military ships and planes to patrol areas in the South China Sea stirring up an already tense situation in the region, where several nations have competing territorial claims.
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The Economist 2015 Cover With Cryptic Symbols & Dire Predictions

A few days ago, I came into an article that gave me some concerns. This came as an analysis of the magazine cover of Economist January 2015 issue, one of the popular mainstream periodicals in the field of economics.
I was having second thoughts on posting it here, but when I saw an article at RT that tackled China’s concern regarding the developing “closeness” between Modi and Obama, this finally triggered the posting of this article.
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