“The total amount of third world debt has already been repaid six times over in interest.”(1)
Continue reading Debt: A “Financial Weapon” Used to Subordinate Developing CountriesTag Archives: financial institutions
Settlement by 5 Big Banks Consistent With History of Fraud
The $5.7 billion settlement for rigging the already rigged fiat financial institution is just a slap on the wrist for the banksters. The amount will never serve future deterrence for corruption but could easily be considered as part of the cost of doing business.
The penalty is just a mere drop of the $300 trillion Libor bucket.
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China/Iran have jailed/hung bankers but NOT USA!
Both China and Iran have jailed and hung a number of bankers for multi-billion fraud already. The United States has yet to prick the nose of one banker involved in at least $16 Trillion covert bailout scandal that has affected the quality of social services in the country.
Thanks, Karen, for the title
Continue reading China/Iran have jailed/hung bankers but NOT USA!
Wipe Out Wall Street, the Detonator for World War
by Jeffrey Steinberg
Jan. 5—The maelstrom in the trans-Atlantic financial markets is gathering strength, sucking in more and more financial institutions, and threatening a systemic collapse, starting with the crash of the euro. The Greek elections, which are a harbinger of that nation leaving the euro, are still three weeks away, and the oil price appears to have no bottom. 2015 has begun with a bang.
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Establishing Alternative to SWIFT
SWIFT is the backbone for establishing secure financial transactions between financial institutions globally. Ideally, the system must be neutral and transparent.
Recently, the Cabalists have raised their anti-Russian rhetoric by kicking out the Reformists out of the system to maintain their grip on the system.
BRICS has no other alternative but to establish their own version of the SWIFT system. With 180+ countries backing them up, this should be just another walk in the park.
Russia, China in talks to make alternative to SWIFT — deputy PM
Russian authorities wanted to decrease the financial market’s dependence on SWIFT since the introduction of the first U.S. sanctions