Tag Archives: tony blair

Tony Blair’s Grubby Fingerprints on Trump’s Mideast Deals Spells War, Not Peace

Cynics of the “historic” peace deals signed this week at the White House between Gulf Arab rulers and Israel were further emboldened in their criticism with reports that former British premier Tony Blair was a leading mediator behind the development.

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ICC Won’t Try Blair for War Crimes In Spite of Damning Chilcot Report, Here’s Why

Most of those who were behind the creation of false pretexts to attack Iraq and Afghanistan have already admitted to have based their decisions on false intelligence about the existence of Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction.
Up to now, not one of them is held accountable to that decision which plunged the world into the War of Terror.
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Blair May Face War Crimes Charges « Liberal Democrat Peer

[Have you noticed the corporate logos at his back? More below…]
Tony Blair may face war crimes charges arising from the findings of a public inquiry into the role Britain played in the 2003 Iraq war, the House of Lords has been informed.
Continue reading Blair May Face War Crimes Charges « Liberal Democrat Peer