Will a mutually assured destruction be stopped by this latest UNSC meeting? Or, will this be the last ceremony they will conduct in this lifetime?
Hope is a Scam, just like Authority
Too many today continue to rely on the authority to do the right thing. They are hoping that there are great people in the background working for their welfare and benefit. Yet, just like the hopefuls, the authority can only go so far. Continue reading Hope is a Scam, just like Authority
An Invitation to A Revolution – Lt Col Roy Potter
If you are an American and still believe in the wisdom of your nation’s founding fathers, this man thinks that the time to do something is now. Later, may be too late.
Continue reading An Invitation to A Revolution – Lt Col Roy Potter
A larger version of this would be nice
March for the Homeless held in London on the 15th April 2015.
"Gray State: The Rise" Raw Cut Version Released
The above video is the 3rd reupload already. Youtube keeps deleting its previous versions.
Continue reading "Gray State: The Rise" Raw Cut Version Released
Who We Were
The people of the Philippines are still mired in abject poverty, and most of them are ignorant how rich its culture was before the outsiders “discovered” their existence.
Continue reading Who We Were
The Story of Your Enslavement
3 Aliens Meeting with Military Commanders
Martin Luther King Murdered by USGov
Published on Sep 1, 2014
A civil trial in 1999 implicated government agencies and exonerated James Earl Ray, yet most people still haven’t heard about it.
Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp airs every Friday at 8pm EST on RT America and every episode can also be found on www.YouTube.com/RTAmerica.
War is A Racket
Jesuits Are Satanic Templar Knights of Babylon
Part I – Leuren Moret: Jesuits (“Society of Jesus”) originated in Babylon; Are Satanic, rebranded Knights Templar seeking One World Government
Continue reading Jesuits Are Satanic Templar Knights of Babylon
Lawful Rebellion
Continue reading Lawful Rebellion
Goebbels, The Master of Lies
Inside Bilderberg 2014
Happy Weekend, Everyone!
Black Budget UFO Attacks Afghan Taliban Stitched!
Innocents Betrayed – The True Story of Gun Control WorldWide
Breaking the Illusion of Separation
Blackwater in Ukraine
If this is true then it’s not too far-fetched if these are the same “snipers” that fired on both Ukrainian Police and civilians.