What is happening in Gaza fits the definition of genocide. A week into Israel’s war on Gaza, 800 eminent scholars and practitioners of law sounded the alarm about an imminent genocide in the territory.
Continue reading Genocide in Gaza: A Call to Urgent Global ActionAll posts by Geopolitics101
Hospital Bombings: A Collective Punishment for Hamas’ Highly Effective Destruction of 160+ Israeli Military Vehicles
The military branch of the Palestinian resistance group Hamas claims that since the commencement of Israel’s aggressive war against the besieged Gaza Strip, more than 160 Israeli military vehicles, including tanks and armored vehicles, have been either completely or partially destroyed.
Continue reading Hospital Bombings: A Collective Punishment for Hamas’ Highly Effective Destruction of 160+ Israeli Military VehiclesEmergency Arab-Islamic Summit on Gaza Being Held in Riyadh
A spontaneous Arab-Islamic summit commenced in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, on Saturday to address the “critical developments” unfolding in the Gaza Strip and the Palestinian territories, as reported by Anadolu.
Continue reading Emergency Arab-Islamic Summit on Gaza Being Held in RiyadhRussia’s Public Pivot to Palestine… Statehood?
As the west’s support for Israel’s Gaza war becomes indefensible, Moscow aligns itself with the global majority in defense of Palestine.
Continue reading Russia’s Public Pivot to Palestine… Statehood?‘We are minutes away from death’: Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital Under Attack
According to Palestinian health authorities, infants in incubators are struggling for survival amid the siege imposed by Israel on the compound.
Continue reading ‘We are minutes away from death’: Gaza’s al-Shifa Hospital Under AttackShocking Exposé: Absolutely Despicable Israeli Doctors Approve Hospital Bombings in Gaza!
We, Palestinian doctors in Israel, are forced to watch in silence massacres unfolding, which some of our Israeli colleagues are encouraging.
“The residents of Gaza, who saw fit to turn the hospitals into terrorist nests in an attempt to take advantage of Western morality, are the ones who brought their destruction upon themselves – terrorism must be eliminated everywhere and in any way. Attacking terrorist headquarters located inside a hospital is the right, and even the duty of the IDF.”
Israeli Doctors
Upon initial examination, one might think these are sentences written by extremists or fanatics, giving an army permission and encouragement to bomb hospitals. What is shocking is not only the statement itself, but that it is signed publicly by dozens of Israeli doctors and shared widely on various social media platforms.
Instead of immediate outrage and condemnation, the statement resulted in what some called a “legitimate” public debate within the Israeli medical community, to bomb or not to bomb Palestinian hospitals.
We, six Palestinian physicians working within the Israeli healthcare system, are sickened to our core by the statements made by some of our colleagues, Israeli doctors we work with, calling on the Israeli army to bomb hospitals in the Gaza Strip.
Regrettably, we cannot say we were surprised. As doctors trained and practising in this system, we are all too aware of its embedded racism, militarism and hypocrisy covered up by a false image of a medical sector where Arabs and Jews work together in harmony and respect.
The recent letter by our Israeli colleagues issued at a time of an unfolding massacres is a telling example of what the Israeli health system is really like. It is a system where some doctors, shamelessly and publicly, adopt the role of consultants to the army.
They use their position and profession, not to save lives, not to preach about the devastating effects of war on civilians on both sides and the necessity of finding a peaceful political solution, but actually to validate attacks on medical facilities, knowing full well that this means the killing of fellow doctors and patients.
At the same time, this health system has adopted a distinctly McCarthyist witch hunt approach towards us, Palestinian physicians. As a result, we cannot engage in any intellectual or moral conversation about the war. We are expected to condemn Hamas and join the patriotic Israeli military frenzy, while watching silently our Jewish colleagues cheering for the killing of innocent Palestinian civilians and endorsing the tightening of the blockade.
We drive to work every day, listening to the devastating news about the death toll and destruction in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. When we arrive, we put on that mask of “everything is fine” and endure the daily loyalty test and scrutinising eyes of our colleagues. During coffee breaks, we are forced to listen with a straight face to our Israeli colleagues casually dropping phrases like “flattening Gaza” and discussing the merits of displacing its people.
We are also seeing our Palestinian colleagues being interrogated, fired and shamed without a valid reason. We are very aware of how the hospitals and clinics we work in have become disciplining arenas. In a “normal” place, we would be in the streets, demanding an end to the war and massacres and advocating for a peaceful solution. We would use our profession and position to denounce the inhumane attacks on healthcare workers, facilities and civilian infrastructure.
We are deeply aware that the situation is much more complex than choosing sides and we know that every life lost is a tragedy, whether it is Israeli or Palestinian. But precisely because of this, we also know that history did not begin on October 7 and that our people have been displaced, killed, injured and humiliated for decades, with the full endorsement and involvement of our fellow Israeli doctors.
We come to work every day, knowing that our people are killed, tortured and maimed by illegal Israeli settlers and the Israeli army in the occupied West Bank land. However, we also know that we cannot ask our fellow Israeli doctors “Do you condemn?”
We have been forced to live in a coercive environment where Palestinian death is normalised and often celebrated, but Israeli Jewish death is seen as a tragedy that cannot be accepted and necessitates revenge.
This is the reality, where Israeli national security is of high value but Palestinian national security is a dark joke. It is Jewish supremacy in life and death that is so normalised, particularly at such tragic times when it explodes to uncover the true face of our Israeli colleagues and sadly also of the Western world and its medical institutions.
The normalisation of Palestinian dehumanisation reflects the complicity of the entire world in the massacres which are taking place in the Gaza Strip.
The medical profession has a long and rich history of opposing war and its devastating effects on health. It has stood up against racism, colonialism and imperial expansion, which have driven deadly wars.
We can vividly remember the massive organising of doctors against the US wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. We saw how doctors in the US, in the aftermath of 9/11, organised to oppose and lobby against the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, knowing it would lead to more deaths and not security.
But we are also aware that the majority of our fellow Israeli Jewish colleagues are on the opposite side of this urge to protect civilians, as the entire Israeli health system has been mobilised to join the war effort and support it.
The Israeli health system not only does not oppose Israel’s war, occupation and apartheid but also prevents Palestinian doctors living in Israel from speaking up and organising against them.
In this tragic and regrettable environment we live and work in, we need to hide our names and write anonymously to state the obvious, following our professional duty and oath. We have reached such a level of demoralisation and dehumanisation that we are forced to watch massacres, with Palestinian children burned by Israeli phosphorus bombs and entire populations starved of food and water, without batting an eye, as if everything is just “normal”.
Not only are we barred from volunteering to provide medical aid to the innocent Palestinian civilians, but we are also not allowed to speak up against those state crimes without risking our jobs and safety.
We want this letter to serve as an apology to our Palestinian people and colleagues in the Gaza Strip, exposing our profound powerlessness and complete impotence.
We and the world have failed you.
We can only hope that in future calmer days, we can bear witness and speak and write about the conditions that have allowed for massacres to unfold and to take part in healing those who survived.
U.S. Weapons Transfers to Israel Shrouded in Secrecy, But Not Ukraine
One month since Hamas’s surprise attack, little is known about the weapons the U.S. has provided to Israel.
Continue reading U.S. Weapons Transfers to Israel Shrouded in Secrecy, But Not UkraineDemonstrators Shut Down UK Arms Factory in Defiant Stand Against Israeli War Machine
Trade union members numbering in the hundreds obstructed the entrance of the United Kingdom’s leading weapons manufacturer, urging an instant halt to the provision of arms to Israel in response to the severe military actions in the Gaza Strip.
Continue reading Demonstrators Shut Down UK Arms Factory in Defiant Stand Against Israeli War MachineIsrael’s Covert Agenda Behind Gaza’s Forced Exodus!
Last weekend, Israeli newspaper Local Call leaked an official Israeli government document recommending what Palestinians have been saying Israel is already trying to execute with its war on Gaza — the forcible transfer of Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinian population to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.
Continue reading Israel’s Covert Agenda Behind Gaza’s Forced Exodus!Australia’s Secret Support for the Israeli Assault on Gaza
The Pine Gap US surveillance base located outside of Alice Springs in Australia is collecting an enormous range of communications and electronic intelligence from the brutal Gaza-Israel battlefield – and this data is being provided to the Israel Defence Forces.
Continue reading Australia’s Secret Support for the Israeli Assault on GazaIsrael’s Final Solution
When Jewish extremists, fanatic Zionists, religious zealots, ultranationalists and crypto-fascists in the apartheid state of Israel say they want to wipe Gaza off the face of the earth, believe them.
Continue reading Israel’s Final SolutionAs Israel Bombs Rain Down On Gaza, US Arms Industry Giants Rejoice
While the deadly weapons deployed in the Gaza Strip continue to cause devastation, American arms manufacturers are enjoying the anticipation of increased profits.
Continue reading As Israel Bombs Rain Down On Gaza, US Arms Industry Giants Rejoice“Nuking Gaza A Possibility” – Israeli Minister
Demanding acts of genocide against the 2.3 million residents of Gaza is becoming more frequent within the ranks of Israel’s political and media leaders.
Continue reading “Nuking Gaza A Possibility” – Israeli MinisterJail Netanyahu Now! – Israeli Protestors
Protesters rallied outside Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence on November 4th, demanding his resignation due to the recent surprise attack by Hamas fighters on settlements surrounding the Gaza Strip.
Continue reading Jail Netanyahu Now! – Israeli ProtestorsDemonstrators Blocked US Military Supply Ship’s Bound for Apartheid Israel
Protesters, who are against the US providing military support to Israel during a highly destructive conflict with Gaza, have obstructed the departure of a military supply ship intended for transporting weapons to disputed regions in Palestine.
Continue reading Demonstrators Blocked US Military Supply Ship’s Bound for Apartheid IsraelIsraeli-US Ethnic Cleansing Plan To Salvage “New Middle East” Model
In light of emerging evidence of an Israeli plot to ethnically cleanse as many as 2.4 million Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, the U.S. continues to deploy unprecedented reinforcements to the Mediterranean while steadfastly rejecting the consideration of a humanitarian pause or ceasefire.
Continue reading Israeli-US Ethnic Cleansing Plan To Salvage “New Middle East” ModelIsrael’s Self-Defense Rights Void; Gaza Bombing Has Genocidal Characteristics
According to the 2004 advisory ruling from the International Court, Israel, as an “occupying power,” is not entitled to the right of self-defense under international law.
Continue reading Israel’s Self-Defense Rights Void; Gaza Bombing Has Genocidal CharacteristicsSecret Pentagon Plot Unveiled: Espionage and Bioweapons in Africa
According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the Pentagon is allegedly engaging in illicit biological research while ostensibly citing ‘public health’ as its justification.
Continue reading Secret Pentagon Plot Unveiled: Espionage and Bioweapons in AfricaUN Official Quits Over Failure to Halt ‘Genocide’ of Palestinians, Dismantling of Israel Required
A senior United Nations human rights representative has stepped down due to the organization’s inability to prevent the Israeli persecution of Palestinians.
Continue reading UN Official Quits Over Failure to Halt ‘Genocide’ of Palestinians, Dismantling of Israel RequiredLeaked Information Reveals a Plan to Evict Gaza Residents; Netanyahu’s Willingness to Sacrifice Israeli Lives Exposed
On Monday, a confidential Israeli Ministry of Intelligence document was exposed, detailing a proposal to relocate over 2 million Gaza Palestinians to Egypt’s Sinai desert, which was shared with an Israeli news outlet.
Continue reading Leaked Information Reveals a Plan to Evict Gaza Residents; Netanyahu’s Willingness to Sacrifice Israeli Lives ExposedTHE HANNIBAL DIRECTIVE: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON OCT 7
We were told Hamas killed 1400 Israelis on October 7, that they carried out rapes and torture of civilians en masse and, of course, that they beheaded babies.
Continue reading THE HANNIBAL DIRECTIVE: WHAT REALLY HAPPENED ON OCT 7High-Level Discussions in Moscow on Ending Israeli Violence in Gaza Using Capabilities
The Iranian deputy foreign minister for political affairs, Ali Bagheri Kani, emphasized the need for Iran and Russia to fully harness their capabilities to promptly halt Israel’s assaults on vulnerable Palestinian civilians in Gaza and to provide humanitarian assistance to the besieged region.
Continue reading High-Level Discussions in Moscow on Ending Israeli Violence in Gaza Using CapabilitiesIran-Russia Set A Western Trap in Palestine
The only country that could possibly distract the west from Ukraine is Israel. But the US and its allies are walking into an existential trap if they think a West Asian victory will be more easily won than a European one.
Continue reading Iran-Russia Set A Western Trap in PalestineSOME OF THE WAR CRIMES COMMITTED BY ISRAEL SO FAR IN GAZA
In the unfolding tragedy in the Middle East, it is imperative to discern the truth behind the narratives. What Israel presents as a conflict with Hamas is, in the eyes of most, an ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people, transpiring in real time.
Continue reading SOME OF THE WAR CRIMES COMMITTED BY ISRAEL SO FAR IN GAZAUS Faces Strategic Defeat in Geopolitical War in Gaza
One hundred years after the Arab Revolt (1916-1918) against the ruling Ottoman Turks amidst the impending defeat of Germany and the Triple Alliance in World War I, another armed uprising by the Arabs has erupted.
Continue reading US Faces Strategic Defeat in Geopolitical War in GazaSunak Takes UK Support for Israel to New Extreme
As Downing Street endorses Netanyahu’s “mighty vengeance,” David Cronin provides a briefing on Britain’s support for Israel since 1948, which has involved a number of twists.
Continue reading Sunak Takes UK Support for Israel to New ExtremeKim-Putin Summit: March Toward the Promised Land, the Multipolar World?
To my surprise, the Kim-Putin Summit of September (13-17) 2023 was scarcely analysed by the Western media. This may be due to the poverty of revealed contents of the summit or the fear of mentioning those agreements which were too unfavourable to the West.
Continue reading Kim-Putin Summit: March Toward the Promised Land, the Multipolar World?Israel Wrote the State Terrorism Handbook, Follows it To The Letter
I have been re-reading Gaza in Crisis, written in 2010 by Noam Chomsky and Ilan Pappe, because what is being played out in Gaza looks and feels all too sickeningly familiar. “Inflicting pain on civilians,” wrote Pappe, “is another long-standing political doctrine of state terror, in fact its guiding principal.”
Continue reading Israel Wrote the State Terrorism Handbook, Follows it To The LetterISRAEL’S CULTURE OF DECEIT
Washington DC — (Scheerpost) — Israel was founded on lies. The lie that Palestinian land was largely unoccupied. The lie that 750,000 Palestinians fled their homes and villages during their ethnic cleansing by Zionist militias in 1948 because they were told to do so by Arab leaders.
Continue reading ISRAEL’S CULTURE OF DECEITRussia’s Neutrality Ballet on Israel-Palestine
While some Russian heavyweights push to recast Israel as a hostile state, the Kremlin is unlikely to budge. Instead, Moscow will stay ‘neutral’ to maximize its West Asian influence, all while edging closer to the Arab and Muslim worlds.
Continue reading Russia’s Neutrality Ballet on Israel-PalestineIsrael’s Culpability Re Al-Ahli Arab Hospital Bombing is Undeniable
Israel has refuted claims of targeting the Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza on Tuesday, asserting that a misfire by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) was responsible for the incident.
Continue reading Israel’s Culpability Re Al-Ahli Arab Hospital Bombing is UndeniableUK’s Abraham Accords Company and ‘Flatlands’ of the Zionist Movement
The Abraham Accords is the new Zionist weapon of choice to push back against multipolarity and the unprecedented unity of the axis of resistance. The Tel Aviv regime has been working hard to marshall its agents and assets to promote the farce of normalisation.
Continue reading UK’s Abraham Accords Company and ‘Flatlands’ of the Zionist MovementIf Israel Won’t Stop Bombing Gaza, Iranian Countermeasure is Inevitable | Iran Foreign Minister
Iran’s foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, emphasized in a recent televised interview that if the Israeli government’s actions in the Gaza Strip persist without a political resolution, various possibilities, including preemptive actions by the resistance front, could be considered.
Continue reading If Israel Won’t Stop Bombing Gaza, Iranian Countermeasure is Inevitable | Iran Foreign MinisterThe Most Dangerous Man in the World is Enabled by Hypocrites in the West
He is the most dangerous leader in the world today. An unhinged psychopath in charge of nuclear weapons who has spent a lifetime dehumanising his enemy, and dismissing them and their children as animals.
Continue reading The Most Dangerous Man in the World is Enabled by Hypocrites in the WestThe Geopolitics of Al-Aqsa Flood
Global focus just shifted from Ukraine to Palestine. This new arena of confrontation will ignite further competition between the Atlanticist and Eurasian blocs. These fights are increasingly zero-sum ones; as in Ukraine, only one pole can emerge strengthened and victorious.
Continue reading The Geopolitics of Al-Aqsa FloodThe Brain is the Battlefield of the Future
DARPA Neurologist and Chief of the Neuroethics Studies Program at Georgetown University, Washington DC, Dr. James Giordano, who is also a weapons expert, started his presentation at West Point NY Military Academy by saying, “The brain is and will be the 21st Century battlefield. End of story.”
Continue reading The Brain is the Battlefield of the FutureIran and Saudi Arabia Warn of ‘Destructive Insecurity’ – Israel and Its Allies in the Crosshairs
Iran and Saudi Arabia have said that the Israeli regime’s crimes and the United States’ green light for the atrocities stand to invite “destructive insecurity” for the occupying regime and its supporters.
Continue reading Iran and Saudi Arabia Warn of ‘Destructive Insecurity’ – Israel and Its Allies in the CrosshairsIsraeli Settler, Who Called for Palestinians to be ‘Wiped Out’, Behind ‘Beheaded Babies’ Fake News
The source behind the claim that the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas beheaded babies during its large-scale operation against the Israeli regime is an extremist settler leader who called for a Palestinian town to be “wiped out” earlier this year, according to a report.
Continue reading Israeli Settler, Who Called for Palestinians to be ‘Wiped Out’, Behind ‘Beheaded Babies’ Fake NewsThe Absurdity of Claim that Israel Knew Beforehand About Hamas Op
Nowhere in the world is right and wrong, just and unjust clearer than in Palestine. The defenders of the Israeli regime lack the honesty to admit that they only believe in the law of the jungle, and certainly none of the teachings of the Abrahamic religions.
Continue reading The Absurdity of Claim that Israel Knew Beforehand About Hamas OpIsrael’s “Long War… Working Towards Greater Israel”
In the early morning hours of Saturday, 7 October 2023, Hamas launched —like never before— a surprise military attack on Israel, called Operation Al-Aqsa Storm. Hamas is the Islamist political and military branch that rules Palestine.
Continue reading Israel’s “Long War… Working Towards Greater Israel”LEAKED: CIA FRONT PREPARING COLOR REVOLUTION IN INDONESIA
Documents passed anonymously to MintPress News reveal the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), a notorious CIA front, is laying the foundations for a color revolution in Indonesia.
Washington DC — (Scheerpost) — The indiscriminate shootings of Israelis by Hamas and other Palestinian resistance organizations, the kidnapping of civilians, the barrage of rockets into Israel, drone attacks on a variety of targets from tanks to automated machine gun nests, are the familiar language of the Israeli occupier.
Continue reading PALESTINIANS SPEAK THE LANGUAGE OF VIOLENCE ISRAEL TAUGHT THEMThe West’s Hypocrisy Towards Gaza’s Breakout is Stomach-Turning
The current outpouring of sympathy for Israel should make anyone with half a heart retch. Not because it is not awful that Israeli civilians are dying and suffering in such large numbers.
Continue reading The West’s Hypocrisy Towards Gaza’s Breakout is Stomach-TurningThe Palestine-Israel Conflict Began with Classic British Double-Dealing
The root of the conflict between Palestinians and Jews is not that complicated as the mainstream media would like us to believe.
Continue reading The Palestine-Israel Conflict Began with Classic British Double-DealingISRAEL’S STATE ARCHIVES REVEAL LONG AND SORDID HISTORY WITH ANTI-SEMITIC EXTREMISTS IN EUROPE
Across Europe, far-right populism is surging. Right-wing parties with neo-fascist roots are part of governing coalitions or increasing their parliamentary seats. Yet fears of anti-Semitism rising in Europe haven’t stopped Israel from engaging with Europe’s extremists — a policy of the state even before its inception.
A few days after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a boastful speech at the United Nations, announcing the establishment of a new Middle East centred around Israel and its new Arab partners, the Palestinians, whom he totally omitted from his fantasy regional map, dealt him and Israel a fatal blow, politically and strategically.
Continue reading From Hubris to Humiliation: The 10 Hours that Shocked IsraelPalestinian Offensive is Without Precedent in Scale
Iran hails the largest Palestinian military operation against Israel in years as ‘a turning point and a new chapter’ in the continuing resistance against the Zionists.
Continue reading Palestinian Offensive is Without Precedent in ScalePalestinian Israeli Escalation Could Trigger A Chain Reaction
An escalation in Israel could trigger a chain reaction. The Palestinians have no chance in such a war, because they cannot destroy Israel or inflict a significant military defeat on it, but Israel also has nothing to fight for.
Continue reading Palestinian Israeli Escalation Could Trigger A Chain ReactionZionist Regime’s Incessant Crimes Lead to Ongoing Palestinian Operation
The ongoing operation initiated by Palestinian resistance groups against Israel is a direct result of the continual injustices committed by the Zionist regime against the Palestinian people, according to Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian.
“Threatening Gaza is a Losing Game”: Hamas Warns Netanyahu Gaza Strip Lined with Israeli Hostages
Israeli airstrikes have targeted two mosques in the Gaza Strip, which were reportedly being used by Hamas as command centers to coordinate their ongoing major offensive.
Continue reading “Threatening Gaza is a Losing Game”: Hamas Warns Netanyahu Gaza Strip Lined with Israeli HostagesIsrael’s Absolute Intel Failure Sparks Catastrophic Hamas Offensive!
Israel’s ‘catastrophic’ intelligence failure has resulted in a Hamas offensive. The advanced surveillance and espionage systems in Israel make the sight of Hamas fighters navigating the streets of southern Israeli cities all the more remarkable.
Putin and the Magic Multipolar Mountain
There was a whiff of Thomas Mann’s ‘The Magic Mountain’ at the 20th Valdai annual meeting this week at a hotel over the gorgeous heights of the Krasnaya Polyana. north-west of the picturesque resort Sochi.
Continue reading Putin and the Magic Multipolar Mountain