Continue reading 5 Big Signs the Global Engine of Deceit, Lies and Control are Ending
5 Big Signs the Global Engine of Deceit, Lies and Control are Ending
Continue reading 5 Big Signs the Global Engine of Deceit, Lies and Control are Ending
When politicians understand how worthless they really are, the scene could be as entertaining as this…
A few months ago, the Keshe Foundation had invited governments from all over the planet for the release of free energy and other ultra-advanced know-how for the benefit of both the planet and its inhabitants.
Later on, the Keshe Foundation was basically claiming to have a Tesla weapon that could disrupt all types of communication and effectively end all wars.
Recently, they posted the article below which jives exactly with what we already know about the ongoing covert takedown of the Cabal.
by MTKeshe
In response to what has been put on the Keshe thoughts group which is going on now on the internet at this moment:
Following our last call from the Keshe Foundation centre in Belgium for peace negotiations between the Iranian government and the government of Israel, we renew our call to both nations before the final move and total war between them.
The balance of the game has totally shifted in the last days in favour of Iran and Iran will win the war if any move is made against them by any nation, be it Israel or the US government.
Our cousins and brothers in all three nations, please accept our call for peace as we do not see a way out apart from total change of the map of the state of Israel if any military move is made by either country.
This checkmate position for Israel and the nations of the West is the result of their atrocities of past decades and is due to the wisdom of the Chinese and Russian leadership, the Syrian president and the foresight of the Iranian government and its religious leadership.
From now on the world will be a safer place for all of us as the bankrupt nations of the world calling themselves world super powers have been snookered into accepting the final checkmate by the peace loving nations of China, Iran and Russia.
Now world peace is nearly guaranteed and from the Keshe Foundation’s point of view we foresee the establishment of world peace through the wisdom of the Iranian, Russian and Chinese leadership.
We thank these governments for their wisdom and we offer our technology to support their move for the establishment of peace on the planet.
Let me explain what has happened and how the West will soon ask for peace talks which will result in a change of membership in the UN Security Council.
In their attempt to topple the Syrian government, using the excuse of its unjust leadership, the British and US got involved in the Syrian fighting and were planning through this intervention to topple the Iranian government as well. As they thought this time again as in the case of Libya no-one would stand in front of them to stop this continuous killing and robbing the nations of the Middle East of their central bank reserves, to replace their losses in the financial markets in the past years as was done in the Second World War by the Germans in respect to the European nations central banks.
Due to this checkmate the Israel nation will be forced into accepting the Iranian plan for the establishment of the state of Palestine with Jewish people as its citizens and consequently the UK and France will be forced out of the UN Security Council and these two nations will be replaced by Brazil and India.
In the coming months the US, UK and French past leaderships will be subjected to a full trial at the International Court of Justice for their unjust wars and for killing millions of people and for the human rights atrocities of the past thirty years.
Let us see how Iran, China and Russia made this amazing move and how the US, UK and Israel have been checkmated and have to accept the world peace put forward by these wining world peace nations.
First of all, if the present state of Israel does not accept the Iranian proposal for the establishment of the state of Palestine then it will cease to exist and will be merged with the new state of Palestine as has been for centuries. Thus the Iran leadership’s call for changing the map will be finalized and the nightmare of Israel attacking Iran will be over.
Israel, the UK and the US shot themselves in the foot by going into Syria and now they have to accept this change of policy in the Middle East, which will bring an end to war in this region for good.
What has happened is that as part of the joint military exercises being carried out by Syria, China, Russia and Iran, Iran is now sitting on Israel’s doorstep, bringing Israel’s worst nightmare to reality, and Iran can walk into the state of Israel any time they wish.
So if Israel goes ahead with its threat of attacking Iran while it has the Iranian military sitting on its borders, they with their short range missiles and trained army will literally walk through the state of Israel.
So this brings us to the call for peace between the present nation of Israel and Iran before this state ceases to exist and becomes part of the state of Palestine.
During these four state military exercises the US will not dare to attack Iran, China and Russia all at the same time, and in one move the US administration has become the underdog of the peace loving nations of Iran, China and Russia.
We congratulate the leadership of these nations who are working for the establishment of real world peace and not those who under the banner of world peace have caused so much suffering in the Middle East in recent years.
With this move, the economy of the west will start tumbling down as their economies based on the war-making machine come to a sudden halt, and in the coming weeks we will see the leaders of Europe change their address to the prisons of the international criminal courts for the crimes they have committed.
Maybe this is what was to be expected as the US as slave to the UK government could not get involved in more wars and lose more of its youth to end up in flag-draped coffins.
Now we all know why we started our teaching program from 21.9.2012, as from now we will all learn the real meaning of peace and can implement our ethos of the unity of mankind through the SSP program.
At the same time our calls goes to Iranians, Arabs and Palestinians of the region too, that use this opportunity to create everlasting peace and not make the mistakes of our Israel’s brothers in the past, you think that, now that you are free, it is your time to cause harm to others as you see it to be your right to do so for what they have done to you since late 1940’s.
Show the true meaning of words of the holy books and forgive and not forget that if forgotten then the same mistakes shall be made, if forgiven then this shows the maturity of the Palestinian’s reaching peace through sufferings , that they would not like to see no others to go through the same pains again and for them to do to the same atrocities to others, even to those who have harmed them are all of their own cosines and Children’s and son’s of Abraham.
Forgiving has sweeter and longer lasting taste, and with this forgiving we shall restore and end with banishment of tribe of Mohammad from obscurity and give them the equal seat on the table of the sons of Man. With this we hope all have received what they have asked for and from now mankind can live in peace and harmony on this past troubled planet.
We see and hope for a better future for mankind, now that the tools of war have come to ceased to exist and from now on we see the factories of war making machines will become to work much harder by producing the tools of the peace and systems for transporting the mankind in to the spans of the universe, for us to take the ethos of peace with us to teach and announce to others as to show we have matured enough that we can take our place in the peaceful universal community.
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One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
The United States of America Corporation, a subsidiary of the bloodline family owned Federal Reserve Board, has resorted to stealing private funds, and blaming it on “Iranian cyber-attacks,” in order to stave off bankruptcy, according to CIA and other sources. This desperate stalling maneuver comes as the members of the old pentagram of power, David Rockefeller, George Bush Senior, Queen Elizabeth, Evelyn de Rothschild and the Pope all argue amongst each other over what to do next.
The overall picture is that the Queen and the Pope are funneling money to Obama and pushing for his re-election, while the Rockefellers and Bushes are looking towards Asia, according to both CIA and Vatican sources. This leaves the Rothschild’s out on a limb and isolated. Their plan to start war and mayhem in the Middle-East, prior to doubling oil prices, is now starting to look like a really bad, if not fatal, chess move.
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
Below is a short but profound statement from the Awakened Segment of the US Military…
For Immediate Release
Scott Hommel / sc*********@so**********.org / 518.595.4340
August 28, 2012
Tampa, FL – Special Operations for America is proud to release its brand new video at the “Defending Our Defenders” event in Tampa, FL on August 28, 2012. The ad features clips of our service men and women fighting on the principle of American exceptionalism. Their valiant service is abruptly negated by the Commander-in-Chief, President Obama, bowing to other world leaders. The video highlights this administration’s fundamental disbelief in strong, American leadership. Our service men and women showcase America’s strength and freedom, but their service is sorely discredited when their leader bows on the world stage. They have fought far too hard.
In the words of Chairman Zinke, “The ad itself accurately portrays where this President is. It accurately portrays his core belief that America should not lead. This President is shaping America to be one of the followers, to relinquish our role as a world leader. I didn’t fight 23 years as a Navy SEAL to watch America bow to anybody.”
Our message of leadership and American exceptionalism is striking a chord. Many veterans have expressed their strong support, because this administration is dismantling their efforts to maintain American leadership. The Obama administration is taking note. Last week it was reported that Special Operations for America was added to the Obama campaign’s “enemies list.” SOFA’s message is resonating with voters. This ad will only continue to highlight our belief in strong, American leadership.
Chairman Zinke’s words echo the sentiments of those who believe in American exceptionalism, “I’ve been trained to fight and not give up, and I’m not going to give in.”
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
A visit to Canada and long conversations with bankers, newspaper editors and others still living inside the “mainstream” story about world events has exposed a deliberate state of factual denial about what is really happening in the Western terrorist states. The editor of a major North American newspaper, for example, made it clear to this writer that he needed to believe the official story about 911 and everything else the Western terrorist governments were saying because the alternative would be to radically restructure a world view he created over a lifetime. The bankers and other “elite” also fervently pushed the truth about things like “global warming based on CO2″ but immediately stopped the discussion and changed the subject when evidence was presented showing it was a fraud. The head of a major medical research laboratory, for his part, made it clear that openly researching subjects like bio-weapons (HIV, SARS, “bird flu” etc.) being spread by the cabalists would mean and end to his research institute’s grants and unemployment for him and his colleagues.
What these highly intelligent and thoroughly indoctrinated Westerners all share in common is a financial interest (jobs, salaries and high social status), a family to support and a fear that openly discussing the fascist coup d’etat that took place in the West would lead to unemployment, poverty and ostracism. However,when certain key words and phrases are avoided (for example by discussing “oligarchs” instead of “cabalists”) it is clear their world view is beginning to fall apart despite their deep personal need to cling to the “official” Western story. They are like loyal lifetime card bearing communists speaking in wavering voices of their loyalty to communism just before the fall of the Soviet Union.
The coming autumn chaos will force people like this to finally confront reality.
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
While the Occupy movement has forced a public discussion of extreme corporate influence on every aspect of our lives, behind closed doors corporate America is implementing a stealth strategy to formalize its rule in a truly horrifying manner. The mechanism is the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Negotiations have been conducted in extreme secrecy, so you are in good company if you have never heard of it. But the thirteenth round of negotiations between the United States and eight Pacific Rim nations will be held in San Diego in early July.
The TPP has been cleverly misbranded as a trade agreement (yawn) by its corporate boosters. As a result, since George W. Bush initiated negotiations in 2008, it has cruised along under the radar. The Obama administration initially paused the talks, ostensibly to develop a new approach compatible with candidate Obama’s pledges to replace the old NAFTA-based trade model. But by late 2009, talks restarted just where Bush had left off.
Since then, US negotiators have proposed new rights for Big Pharma and pushed into the text aspects of the Stop Online Piracy Act, which would limit Internet freedom, despite the derailing of SOPA in Congress earlier this year thanks to public activism. In June a text of the TPP investment chapter was leaked, revealing that US negotiators are even pushing to expand NAFTA’s notorious corporate tribunals, which have been used to attack domestic public interest laws.
Think of the TPP as a stealthy delivery mechanism for policies that could not survive public scrutiny. Indeed, only two of the twenty-six chapters of this corporate Trojan horse cover traditional trade matters. The rest embody the most florid dreams of the 1 percent—grandiose new rights and privileges for corporations and permanent constraints on government regulation. They include new investor safeguards to ease job offshoring and assert control over natural resources, and severely limit the regulation of financial services, land use, food safety, natural resources, energy, tobacco, healthcare and more.
The stakes are extremely high, because the TPP may well be the last “trade” agreement Washington negotiates. This is because if it’s completed, the TPP would remain open for any other country to join. In May US Trade Representative Ron Kirk said he “would love nothing more” than to have China join. In June Mexico and Canada entered the process, creating a NAFTA on steroids, with most of Asia to boot.
Countries would be obliged to conform all their domestic laws and regulations to the TPP’s rules—in effect, a corporate coup d’état. The proposed pact would limit even how governments can spend their tax dollars. Buy America and other Buy Local procurement preferences that invest in the US economy would be banned, and “sweat-free,” human rights or environmental conditions on government contracts could be challenged. If the TPP comes to fruition, its retrograde rules could be altered only if all countries agreed, regardless of domestic election outcomes or changes in public opinion. And unlike much domestic legislation, the TPP would have no expiration date.
Failure to conform domestic laws to the rules would subject countries to lawsuits before TPP tribunals empowered to authorize trade sanctions against member countries. The leaked investment chapter also shows that the TPP would expand the parallel legal system included in NAFTA. Called Investor-State Dispute Resolution, it empowers corporations to sue governments—outside their domestic court systems—over any action the corporations believe undermines their expected future profits or rights under the pact. Three-person international tribunals of attorneys from the private sector would hear these cases. The lawyers rotate between serving as “judges”—empowered to order governments to pay corporations unlimited amounts in fines—and representing the corporations that use this system to raid government treasuries. The NAFTA version of this scheme has forced governments to pay more than $350 million to corporations after suits against toxic bans, land-use policies, forestry rules and more.
The slight mainstream media coverage the TPP has received repeats the usual mantra: it’s a free-trade pact that will expand US exports. But trade is the least of it. The United States already has free-trade agreements that eliminated tariffs with most TPP countries, which highlights the fact that the TPP is mainly about new corporate rights, not trade. Besides, under past free-trade agreements, US export growth to partner countries is half as much as to countries with which we do not have such agreements. Since NAFTA and similar pacts went into effect, the United States has been slammed by a massive trade deficit, which has cost more than 5 million jobs and led to the loss of more than 50,000 manufacturing plants.
How could something this extreme have gotten so far? The process has been shockingly secretive. In 2010 TPP countries agreed not to release negotiating texts until four years after a deal was done or abandoned. Even the World Trade Organization, hardly a paragon of transparency, releases draft negotiating texts. This means that although the TPP could rewrite vast swaths of domestic policy affecting every aspect of our lives, the public, press and Congress are locked out. Astoundingly, Senator Ron Wyden, chair of the Senate committee with official jurisdiction over TPP, has been denied access even to US proposals to the negotiations. But 600 corporate representatives serving as official US trade advisers have full access to TPP texts and a special role in negotiations. When challenged about the conflict with the Obama administration’s touted commitment to transparency, Trade Representative Kirk noted that after the release of the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) text in 2001, that deal could not be completed. In other words, the official in charge of the TPP says the only way to complete the deal is to keep it secret from the people who would have to live with the results.
The goal was to complete the TPP this year. Thankfully, opposition by some countries to the most extreme corporate demands has slowed negotiations. Australia has announced it will not submit to the parallel corporate court system, and it and New Zealand have rejected a US proposal to allow pharmaceutical companies to challenge their government medicine formularies’ pricing decisions, which have managed to keep their drug costs much lower than in the United States. Every country has rejected the US proposal to extend drug patent monopolies. This text was leaked, allowing government health officials and activists in all the countries to fight back. Many countries have also rejected a US proposal that would forbid countries from using capital controls, taxes or other macro-prudential measures to limit the destructive power of financial speculators.
However, we face a race against time—much of the TPP text has been agreed on. Will the banksters, Big Pharma, Big Oil, agribusiness, tobacco multinationals and the other usual suspects get away with this massive assault on democracy? Will the public wake up to this threat and fight back, demanding either a fair deal or no deal? The Doha Round of WTO expansion, the FTAA and other corporate attacks via “trade” agreements were successfully derailed when citizens around the world took action to hold their governments accountable. Certainly in an election year, we are well poised to turn around the TPP as well. To learn more and get involved, go to
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
Even with several mainstream confirmations of the Fulford Updates, skepticism towards the forthcoming Paradigm Shift still persists. One of the most palpable of these confirmations is the hundreds of CEO resignations around the globe that we, among others have documented with extremely elevated enthusiasm, last February of this year.
Today, another Fulford confirmation pops up at
Denver International Airport does host an undergound megacity for the Dark Cabalists, but no more. Earlier, it’s one of those bunkers being shutdown using sonic weapon.
Drake also hinted that the mass arrests might and should take effect not later than May 31, 2012. All measures are taken to reduce disruptions to public services in the confines of three days, but not greater than one week.
The last paragraph of the above news clip does say so:
“The drills will take place between May 24 and 31. But it’s not all work: on May 27, the Russian paratroopers will get a chance to unwind at a baseball game in Colorado Springs.”
Of course, these patriots must enjoy the fruits of their heroic labor, i.e. final cabal takedown, right away. Good old American baseball between former Cold Warriors seems appropriate.
I understand emotions are running high at this point but we still have a job to do. Up to now, a great portion of our society still doesn’t know what we’re talking about here.
We all have something very important to do, i.e. get everyone ready!
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and are projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
Update 4/16/2012, 10:32PM GMT+8: The site is now back online. Previously it would redirect you to This is accomplish when the hacker has full control over the nameservers, i.e. domain registrant facility.
An on-going investigation is presently conducted.
“April 14, 2012
Disclose TV shut Down With NWO Notice? Developing story… Updated
Anthony Sanchez (author of “UFO Highway”) who has substantial background as a techie and software developer… investigated and wrote the following:
(1) There is no official “International Website Seizure Act”
(2) There is a “The United States Department of Justice CYBERCRIME TASK FORCE”. I have never heard of the “Internet Security TERRORISM Task Force”. See:
(3) There is no EACO, rather there is an ACO “Allied Command Operations” see:
So… unless we are not being made participants in the above new Groups and Law, this could be real, meaning they are still acting upon private or secret actions to begin shutting sites down. So yes, this could become perilous for all anti-establishment bloggers and websites, anyone who takes on the Iluminati (New World Order ) elitist.
I believe it started a long time ago. And this IMAGE seems to be very different and TOO GOOD in design for the government to have made. Remember the MEGA-UPLOAD image that was posted by the government? That image was quite poor in comparison.
But being CENSORED by an organization names “US Dept. of Internet Security TERRORISM Task Force” and another called the “European Allied Command Operations” just does not seem real at this point.
BUT WE MUST BE CAREFUL and we (all) need to look into this further. Just in case.
Anthony F. Sanchez”
source »»
In a sign of desperation, the Dark Cabal is now trying to shutdown the internet, one alternative medium at a time, to avert the publication of alternative viewpoints and the imminent arrests and disclosures of all hidden knowledge, and most of all the crimes of genocide that have been committed for centuries. The latest victim is, one of the very prominent alternative media that we are familiar with.
As of April 14, 2012 10:14PM GMT+8: Entering in your browser would yield this…
These fools really think they can stop the massive awakening of the “Useless Eaters”.
The serving of Notice of Cease and Desist to all twelve (12) branches of the Federal Reserve is a very strong indication that the final takedown of the Dark Cabal is about to begin, possibly next week.
That will not be a Martial Law, but a civilian-sanctioned military, federal marshal and police operation.
There could be some disruptions to public services, and the banking system itself. Please take all necessary preparations, and help spread the word out to lessen confusion and panic. The assurance is to minimize these disruptions within three (3) days at most, and the mainstream media will be subsequently taken over as prerecorded DVDs featuring known alternative journalists will be shown to reeducate the sheeples.
A short overview about the massive amount of gold:
The Golden Age will commence shortly. Until then, be calm, be well, and most of all, be alert.
It has been brought to our attention by Swiss Authorities that Chairman Kaspar Villager of UBS has made attempts to circumvent the lawfully appointed managers and Settlors of the Soekarno Trust — namely Neil F. Keenan and Keith F. Scott.
According to the oversight Guardians of the accounts, on this 8th day of April, 2012, this fraudulent attempt to unlawfully demand payments from the Collateral Accounts was engaged by persons associated with Alex Ling Lee Soon from Singapore.
This agent of Alex Ling Lee Soon, namely Jack Singh, at this very moment of writing, is meeting with Dr. Seno Edy Soekanto — in an attempt to gain control over the Family Heritance Guarantee.
Seno Edy Soekanto failed to collect this Guarantee for over forty years, and the claim was lost on the closing of Seno Edy Soekanto’s Authority in 1998.
Alex Ling Lee Soon, and/or his company, have paid some $2.5 million dollars to Seno Edy Soekanto for books of no worth or value in exercising management control over the Collateral Accounts.
It is furthermore understood that they are trying to wrest the Collateral Accounts, which are under the Group K Ltd. Umbrella, by seducing Seno Edy Soekanto into signing instruments intended to create fraudulent claims.
These claims would then be used as a public excuse to allow them illegal access to the International Collateral Combined Accounts.
This plan is being conducted through mutual arrangement with UBS-AG, even though UBS-AG and Alex Ling both know that such an arrangement is criminally fraudulent.
This is due to the fact that the International Collateral Combined Accounts are under the control of the Soekarno Trust — and the current Settlors of said Trust are Neil F. Keenan and Keith F. Scott.
Seno Edy Soekanto at one time was the holder of the Family Heritance Guarantee — the fund he was supposed to deliver to the people of Indonesia — but he failed in his responsibilities, and this position ended in 1998.
After this time, Seno Edy Soekanto no longer had control of the Family Heritance Guarantee. He was never at any time the controller of the International Collateral Combined Accounts, as he was never at any time Mandated with any such authority.
His signing an agreement with us on the 6th day of November 2011 was not to take control over the Family Heritance Guarantee. It was, in fact, a request for us to assist him in recovering anything and everything that could be salvaged from his failure to obtain that Heritance.
This agreement is valid until 2020. No matter what arrangements Seno Edy Soekanto now makes regarding said Heritance, it is not relevant due to the expiration of his authority, which was dated 1998.
It is furthermore noted that Kaspar Villager, the Chairman of UBS, has previously been placed on notice, along with his bank, to Cease and Desist. Such order was issued from the control authority.
The BIS has furthermore been placed on similar standing by the same control authority as well.
On April 8, 2012, an Employee of Alex Ling Lee Soon entered Indonesia in an attempt to commit fraud on behalf of Mr. Ling and/or his company.
This not only targeted the funds of the Family Heritance Guarantee, but was also intended to create an opportunity to illegally cheat and steal from the collateral accounts — which have nothing whatsoever to do with Seno Edy Soekanto or Alex Ling Lee Soon.
WHEREBY; we, the undersigned, are ordering Alex Ling Lee Soon, Jack Singh, Mr. Chee, Kaspar Villager, and the United Bank of Switzerland to stand down — and to CEASE AND DESIST on this, the 11th day of April, 2012, or face litigation.
Be aware that on the week of the 13th of April, you will be exposed internationally for your wrongdoings.
SIGNED by the Settlors of the Soekarno Trust – otherwise publicly known as the International Collateral Combined Accounts.
A Security (15 USC) A USSEC Tracer Flag Not a point of Law
Affidavit of Obligation
All men and women know that the foundation of law and commerce exists in the telling of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
Truth, as a valid statement of reality, is sovereign in commerce.
An unrebutted affidavit stands as truth in commerce.
An unrebutted affidavit is acted upon as the judgment in commerce.
Guaranteed—All men shall have a remedy by the due course of law. If a remedy does not exist, or if the existing remedy has been subverted, then one may create a remedy for themselves — and endow it with credibility by expressing it in their affidavit.
(Ignorance of the law might be an excuse, but it is not a valid reason for the commission of a crime when the law is easily and readily available to anyone making a reasonable effort to study the law.)
All corporate government is based upon Commercial Affidavits, Commercial Contracts, Commercial Liens and Commercial Distresses. Hence, governments cannot exercise the power to expunge commercial processes.
The Legitimate Political Power of a corporate entity is absolutely dependent upon its possession of Commercial Bonds against Public Hazard — because no Bond means no responsibility, means no power of Official signature, means no real corporate political power, and means no privilege to operate statutes as the corporate vehicle.
The Corporate Legal Power is secondary to Commercial Guarantors. Case law is not a responsible substitute for a Bond.
Municipal corporations, which include cities, counties, states and national governments, have no commercial reality without bonding of the entity, its vehicle (statutes), and its effects (the execution of its rulings).
In commerce, it is a felony for the Officer of a Political/Public Office to not receive and report a Claim to its Bonding Company, and it is a felony for the agent of a Bonding Company to not pay the Claim.
If a Bonding Company does not get a malfeasant public official prosecuted for criminal malpractice within sixty (60) days, then it must pay the full face value of a defaulted Lien process (at 90 days).
Except for a Jury, it is also a fatal offense for any person, even a Judge, to impair or to expunge, without a Counter-Affidavit, any Affidavit or any commercial process based upon an Affidavit.
Judicial non-jury commercial judgments and orders originate from a limited liability entity called a municipal corporation — hence must be reinforced by a Commercial Affidavit and a Commercial Liability Bond.
A foreclosure by a summary judgment (non-jury) without a commercial bond is a violation of commercial law.
Governments cannot make unbonded rulings or statutes which control commerce, free enterprise citizens, or sole proprietorships without suspending commerce by a general declaration of martial law.
A Security (15 USC)
This is a USSEC Tracer Flag
Not a point of Law
It is tax fraud to use Courts to settle a dispute/controversy which could be settled peacefully outside of, or without the Court.
An official (officer of the court, policeman, etc.) must demonstrate that he/she is individually bonded in order to use a summary process.
An official who impairs, debauches, voids or abridges an obligation of contract or the effect of a commercial lien without proper cause, becomes a lien debtor and his/her property becomes forfeited as the pledge to secure the lien. Pound breach (breach of impoundment) and rescue is a felony.
It is against the law for a Judge to summarily remove, dismiss, dissolve or diminish a Commercial Lien. Only the Lien Claimant or a Jury can dissolve a commercial lien.
Notice to agent is notice to principal; notice to principal is notice to agent.
All officials are required by federal, state, and municipal law to provide the name, address and telephone number of their public hazard and malpractice bonding company, and the policy number of the bond — and, if required, a copy of the policy describing the bonding coverage of their specific job performance.
Failure to provide this information constitutes corporate and limited liability insurance fraud (15 USC), and is prim-a-facie evidence and grounds to impose a lien upon the official, personally, to secure their public oath and service of office.
Neil Keenan/Lien Claimant as Settlor for Global Accounts
Keith Scott/Lien Claimant as Settlor for Global Accounts
c/o Notary AcceptorBox 123Ivins, Utah [84xxx]
Eric S. Rosengren/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
600 Atlantic Avenue
P.O. Box 2076Boston, MA 02106-2076(617) 973-3000
William Dudley/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of New York33 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10045(212) 720-5000
Charles I Plosser/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
10 Independence Mall
Philadelphia, PA 19106(215) 574-6000
Sandra Pianalto/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
1455 East Sixth Street
Cleveland, OH 44114
(216) 579-2000
Jeffrey M Lacker/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
701 East Byrd Street
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 697-8000
Dennis P. Lockhart/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
1000 Peachtree Street, NE
Atlanta, GA 30309-4470
(404) 498-8500
Charles L. Evans/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
230 South LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 322-5322
James B. Bullard/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
411 Locust Street
St. Louis, MO 63102
(314) 444-8444
Narayana Kocherlakota/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
90 Hennepin Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55480
Mail Address: P.O. Box 291
Minneapolis, MN 55480-0291
(612) 204-5000
Esther George/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
925 Grand Boulevard
Kansas City, MO 64198
(816) 881-2000
Richard W. Fisher/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 North Pearl Street
Dallas, TX 75201
Mail Address: P.O. Box 655906
Dallas, TX 75265-5906
(214) 922-6000
John C. Williams/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
101 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Mail Address: P.O. Box 7702
San Francisco, CA 94120
(415) 974-2000
Other PARTIES/Lien Debtors: John Does 1-20
1. The amount of gold under contract to the Federal Reserve system is 2,420,937,400 kilograms. (2,420,937.4 metric tons.)
2. The lease payments on this gold are payable at the rate of 4% per annum. The total owed, starting in 1961 through 2012, is 4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold.
3. Proof of the Federal Reserve Obligation is in the form of Federal Reserve Bonds, series of 1928 and series of 1934.
4. Proof of the interest obligation is further demonstrated by the issue of international currencies that have been issued to the Holders of the Gold Accounts, but against the Federal Reserve Bonds.
5. The gold was acquired through a time when gold coin and gold bullion could not be privately owned, and had to be surrendered to the State.
8. In 1948, under UN Resolution MISA 81704, Operation Heavy Freedom, President Soekarno was appointed as M1, (Monetary Controller), and the entire centralized system was put under his disposal as Trustee.
9. The gold was deposited into the system by a group of Trustees appointed by Soekarno. These Trustees formed an association of Trustees now known as the Amanah, otherwise known as the Mandates.
10. The Mandates have assigned their authority over the accounts to Neil F. Keenan and Keith F. Scott.
11. The owners of the gold and other assets leased to the Federal Reserve system between 1928 and 1968, at a 4% per annum rental fee, have never received substantive payment since 1928 until today. They have been constantly tricked and deceived.
12. All persons from several organizations of persons who consider themselves to be the global elite have illegally used these assets — making fortunes for themselves, or otherwise benefitting from the illegal use of these accounts. Key among these are members of (but not limited to) :-
13. The Federal Reserve System is a privately owned banking system. All debts of that private banking system, beyond the value held in gold, is the obligation of the Federal Reserve System only — and is not a debt obligation of the people of the United States of America.
14. Owners, Shareholders, Directors/Executive Officers and Bonding Companies of the Federal Reserve System are deemed lien debtors — collectively and severally.
Proof of Allegations:
1. The amount of gold in the system is 2,420,937,400 kilograms.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
2. The lease payments on this gold are payable at the rate of 4% per annum. The total owed, starting in 1961 through 2012, is 4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
3. Proof of the Federal Reserve Obligation is in the form of Federal Reserve Bonds, series of 1928 and series of 1934.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
4. Proof of the interest obligation is further demonstrated by the issue of international currencies that have been issued to the Holders of the Gold Accounts, but against the Federal Reserve Bonds.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
5. The gold was acquired through a time when gold coin and gold bullion could not be privately owned, and had to be surrendered to the State.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
6. The States combined the bullion into a single, central deposit, whereby all countries would have equitable access.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
7. The gold is actually owned by Governments through their Ministry of Finance.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
8. In 1948, under UN Resolution MISA 81704, Operation Heavy Freedom, President Soekarno was appointed as M1, (Monetary Controller), and the entire centralized system was put under his disposal as Trustee.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
9. The gold was deposited into the system by a group of Trustees appointed by Soekarno. These Trustees formed an association of Trustees now known as the Amanah, otherwise known as the Mandates.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
10. The Mandates have assigned their authority over the accounts to Neil F. Keenan and Keith F. Scott.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
11. The owners of the gold and other assets leased to the Federal Reserve system between 1928 and 1968, at a 4% per annum rental fee, have never received substantive payment since 1928 until today. They have been constantly tricked and deceived.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
12. All persons from several organizations of persons who consider themselves to be the global elite have illegally used these assets — making fortunes for themselves, or otherwise benefitting from the illegal use of these accounts. Key among these are members of (but not limited to) :-
The Committee of 300
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
13. The Federal Reserve System is a privately owned banking system. All debts of that private banking system, beyond the value held in gold, is the obligation of the Federal Reserve System only — and is not a debt obligation of the people of the United States of America.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
14. Owners, Shareholders, Directors/Executive Officers and Bonding Companies of the Federal Reserve System are deemed lien debtors — collectively and severally.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
Ledgering and True Bill:
The ledger for this True Bill is based on the rate of 4% per annum of the principal amount of leased gold, which was 2,420,937,400 kilograms of pure gold. The total amount since 1961 to present is as follows:
times .04
96,837,496 per annum
times 51 years
4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold
Demand is now made for Lien Debtors, jointly and severally, to deliver over to Lien Claimants 4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold.
Any and all accounts, assets, bonds, insurances, securities, profits, proceeds, fixtures and the like, owned/managed by the Federal Reserve Banks at any location under control of Federal Reserve Banks.
I, Neil Francis Keenan, certify on my own full commercial liability that I have read the above affidavit — and do know the contents to be true, correct, complete and not misleading, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and do believe that the above described acts have been committed contrary to law. [see 18 USC 4 misprision of felony].
Neil Francis Keenan/Lien Claimant as Settlor
I, Keith Francis Scott, certify on my own full commercial liability that I have read the above affidavit — and do know the contents to be true, correct, complete, and not misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and do believe that the above described acts have been committed contrary to law. [see 18 USC 4 misprision of felony].
Keith Francis Scott
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and are projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
This picture was sent by “Alexander Romanov” of the gnostic illuminati. It calls for the public execution of a prominent member of the Satanic cabal in order to prevent a nuclear terror attack against London. This announcement is not from the White Dragon Society.
source »»
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and are projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
Gu Kailai, the wife of Bo Xilai, one of China’s most powerful Communist party leaders, has been arrested for the murder of British businessman Neil Heywood.
Something’s Boiling Hot in Red China 1.0 »»
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
Update, 3/27/2012: Painting depicts Obama burning the US Constitution…
Update, 3/22/2012: Obama’s secrets go beyond his roots… (Thanks Don and “K”.)
Below, is a Certified Copy of Registration of Birth from the District of Mombasa, Coast Province of Kenya indicating the birthplace of one Barrack Hussein Obama II to be the Coast General Hospital Mombasa in August 4, 1961, with Sir Edward of Lavender as the Colonial Registrar in 1961…
…as signed by the Deputy Registrar, Joshua S. Oduya.
This clean photos of a document would surely support the Arpaio Cold Case Posse investigations.
The original article from African Press International (API)…
“Now it is here and places the president in the African continent. The debate surrounding it will now end after the revelation, and those who have not been telling the truth will have to be made answerable one way or another.
The revelation, however, coming during this election year 2012 is doing no good to the democratic party.
API on Tuesday the 6th March evening received President Obama’s genuine birth certificate. API decided not to hurry in publishing it immediately because we wanted to be sure of the content value.
Now that the scrutiny has been done, the publishing of the Birth certificate that will clear the air once and for all is being done without prejudice. This may force the US president to apologise to the American people for having been kept in the dark on the issue for a long time now on demanding the publishing of the birth certificate by President Obama.
API will scan in here a letter from Coast Provincial Birth Registration Office in the next few hours or days, depending on how quick API is cleared to do so.
The purpose of scanning the official letter is to ensure that what we have received as you see here is fully collaborated officially.
Everyone knows that the documents are very sensitive and are not for misuse by any person to gain upper hand in political games.
It is, however, fair that the whole truth is brought to light and have the whole saga put to rest once and for all.
Many people seem to be of the opinion that there is a plan to hide from them the real thing. The US President says he is born in Hawaii. Many documents being circulated worldwide says otherwise. Therefore, it is very important to be outright and get the real thing on the table without witch hunt or without trying to malign the president’s name, unless the truth is not what he personally has said.
A duly signed official letter and a very special document will be scanned here for all to see – this comes in a few hours or days, depending on how quick API gets the clearance to do so. The two documents will put the issue to rest and clear the air once and for all who wish to know the true facts of this case file that has bothered a section of the American people!
It is only reasonable to continue working on this case in order to reveal the truth of the matter.
Another issue important to consider is why many are so interested in this. If Obama has ruled now for three good years and is now in his fourth year – and already asking for another term that will give him new 4 years in the White House, is there any wrongdoing when he actually has delivered leadership and continues to do so? He has not run down the country, so what is all the farce about where he is born? After all, he has lived in the US all his life.”
“The key to understanding Barack Obama’s meteoric rise to fame is proportional to the secrets contained within his “family history,” despite his own, soon-to-be-in-dispute, autobiographical accounts. The compromised media has conveniently looked the other way when notified of Obama’s ties to organized crime and his indicted/convicted, Syrian-born Chicago business associate, political fundraiser, real estate developer and restauranteur Tony Rezko.
Obama’s connections go much deeper than his roots. His ties to the Ford Foundation, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and self-admitted handler Zbigniew Brzezinski reek of the putrid world of international espionage, money laundering, pornography, drug smuggling, and the sex slave industry.
Firsthand accounts of Obama’s direct involvement in the financing of a Kenyan political campaign intended to overthrow the current Kenyan government have described massive contributions to his “cousin,” opposition leader Luo Raila Odinga. The collateral ‘loss of life’ associated with this campaign are of no coincidence, either. The significance of Obama’s ‘second middle name’ (Muhammed) has accompanied the e-mail accounts of two missionaries who have been witnessing events in Kenya for some 20 years.”
source »»
The world did want him to succeed in office. We believed then, as we still believe now, that what’s good for America is also good for the world. But as things turned out, he is not for the people on the streets. He works for the Banksters…
We are now of the opinion that Mr. Obama will resign anytime from today as that’s the only “honorable” option left for him. Declaring Martial Law to control massive backlash, as what our late president Marcos did, ain’t wiser either. The people losing their faith against the system will always win against a fully equipped army.
He could have been the “Disclosure President” but he blew it even before he started. It takes willful leadership, not suave talking to steer a nation. It takes trust to lead the people. It takes honesty for people to trust. He doesn’t have both.
Resignation of all corporate CEOs posing as public servants is the only peaceful means by which the Americans could return to their suspended Constitutional Republic.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.