Category Archives: Big Tech

Global IT Meltdown: CrowdStrike Update Paralyzes Air Travel and Media Worldwide

In an unprecedented technological catastrophe, a faulty software update from cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike triggered a global IT outage on July 19, 2024, causing widespread disruptions across multiple sectors.

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Israeli Occupation: How Microsoft, IBM, Cisco and Dell Enable Surveillance and Control in Palestine

In September, Israel installed an AI-powered gun at a military checkpoint in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron. Now, that same technology has been deployed at the entrance of the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem.

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Biodigital Convergence: The Pandemic Started The Genetic Transformation Of Humanity

The Pandemic was never just about a virus and a “vaccine”. It was the first mass-scale application of synthetic biology to the human condition. As such, it transitioned theoretical Convergence science  into applied science but on a global scale. For a world that mostly never heard of Transhumanism, they have arbitrarily been placed on the conveyor belt of transformation.

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CBDC: How COVID Became the Path to Global Financial Surveillance

It seemed evident for a while that the current fiat monetary system is, at best, unstable. At worst, it’s a Ponzi scheme whose time has expired. If that’s the case, I suspect the central bankers and 0.1% know this and might be prepared to usher in the new system before the old one collapses on itself – even as they loot it on the way down with the most significant wealth transfer in human history.

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SEATTLE — Up until his recent messy divorce, Bill Gates enjoyed something of a free pass in corporate media. Generally presented as a kindly nerd who wants to save the world, the Microsoft co-founder was even unironically christened “Saint Bill” by The Guardian.



It is an uncomfortable job for anyone trying to draw the line between “harmful content and protecting freedom of speech. It’s a balance”, Aaron says. In this official Facebook video, Aaron identifies himself as the manager of “the team that writes the rules for Facebook”, determining “what is acceptable and what is not.” Thus, he and his team effectively decide what content the platform’s 2.9 billion active users see and what they don’t see.


Does COVID19 Vaccine Trade Secret Ingredients Include Graphene Oxide?

The production of vaccines is not the only area of concern whereby the existing corporate system allows trade secrets to trample upon the welfare of the population, and the basic right of the people to an informed decision.

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Toka: Most Dangerous Israeli Spyware Firm You’ve Never Heard Of

The mainstream media’s myopic focus on Israel’s Pegasus spyware and the threats it poses means that other companies, like Toka, go uninvestigated,  even when their products present an even greater potential for abuse and illegal surveillance.

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Biodigital Convergence: The Deep State’s Plan to Tie Everyone to the AI Control Grid Physically

Through various benevolent sounding think tanks and corporate PR outfits, the Oligarchy-Big Tech Alliance is now laying the groundworks for the next stage of their long-planned Technocratic Dictatorship, in which all living souls on this planet are physically connected to the AI-driven control grid that should prevent any form of dissent from ever succeeding.

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Trifecta: DARPA, IARPA And Now HARPA To Complete ‘Digital Dictatorship’

Technocrats are merging “Health security” and “national security” to create the ultimate digital dictatorship. Three Technocrat-laced government agencies will operate in a lawless James Bond-esque fashion to sidestep all regulations.

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Vaccine Passport Can “Drive Forced Consensus, Standardization” – BlockChain CEO

A spokesperson from the Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC) reached out to correct the phrase “forced consent” to “forced consensus”, which obviously is far worse than the original considering the herd mentality of governments worldwide.

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The Back Door To Universal Basic Income

The road to hell, an old adage holds, is paved with good intentions. And it may be that the route to successfully implementing objectionable policies is forged by simply not naming them. It should come as no surprise that crises accelerate the adoption, or at least the consideration, of what were once borderline proposals.

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Big-Picture Look at Current Pandemic Beneficiaries Accepted by Peer-Reviewed Journal

An article by Children’s Health Defense on how the pandemic facilitated a financial, tech, biopharmaceutical and military-intelligence push for centralized, technocratic control has been accepted by the peer-reviewed International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research. 

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Will the Technocratic Coup Succeed?

“We’re not going back to the same economy”, Fed Chair Powell said recently: “We’re recovering, but to a different economy, and it will be one that is more leveraged to technology – and I worry that it’s going to make it even more difficult than it was, for many workers.” Klaus Schwab, the Davos Chair, was more blunt: “Nothing will ever return to the ‘broken’ sense of normalcy that prevailed [earlier].

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CIA Partners with Google, Amazon and IBM in Latest Big Tech Procurement Drive

The vaunted “17 intelligence agencies” that comprise the U.S. intel community will be sharing a network of private-sector cloud computing service providers which includes Microsoft, Google, Oracle, IBM, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) as part of a 15-year contract said to be worth tens of billions of dollars.

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