Category Archives: Global Reset

Iran & China Seek to Eliminate US dollar from Bilateral Trade

Dollar dumping used to be mere rumor 5 years ago, but Tehran, Russia and Beijing are determined to find ways to avoid using the US dollar as a settlement currency in trade, according to a report by Iranian economic daily Financial Tribune. Continue reading Iran & China Seek to Eliminate US dollar from Bilateral Trade

In 10,000 Years, Will We Still Be Barbarians, Or Will We Be Humans?

While the City of London and Wall Street are busy with one last-gasp effort to salvage their (unsalvageable) financial system, with an ECB bail-in plan designed to seize all financial assets for themselves—their earlier “Cyprus Template” writ large—Russia, China and allied nations are instead orchestrating a Grand Design for Middle East and world stabilization and peace, as suggested by what might be called a “Syria Template.” Continue reading In 10,000 Years, Will We Still Be Barbarians, Or Will We Be Humans?

Russia China Build Up A New Economic Geography

On November 8 Russia’s large mining group Norilsk Nickel announced it had begun operations at a new state-of-the-art Bystrinsky mining and processing plant outside of Chita in Russia’s Zabaykalsky Krai. Notable about the project is the participation of China, as well as the fact that four years ago the huge copper, gold and magnetite reserves of Bystrinsky were inaccessible to any market and completely undeveloped. Continue reading Russia China Build Up A New Economic Geography

We are told to Prepare for Earthshaking Events Next Year

Unconfirmed rumors surfaced over the weekend that the CIA headquarters in Langley was raided by some elements of the US Marine Expeditionary Unit, but until today there’s no single video clip that would suggest it indeed happened. Nonetheless, we are being told to prepare for some earthshaking events for next year. Continue reading We are told to Prepare for Earthshaking Events Next Year

No One Wants Having to Do with the US Anymore

Except for Kiev’s madman, no one wants to play with the United States anymore. Japan and South Korea, of course, have no other recourse but to accommodate the outgoing superpower for their own sake as well, or that of the corporate gangsters which have been put in charge of the industry by Western puppetmasters. Continue reading No One Wants Having to Do with the US Anymore

More False Flag Ops as Deep State is Losing on Every Battlefront

The script has been overused for some time, but as madmen they are, they must continue to unleash their MK-ULTRA assets whenever there’s a need to sway public’s attention away from the multi-pronged offensive against their well-built institutions of dominance. Continue reading More False Flag Ops as Deep State is Losing on Every Battlefront

Petrodollar Faces Growing Threat with Payments in Gold across Asia

Reuters reported, a week ago, that Russia’s Sberbank has begun trading in gold at the Shanghai exchange. This is both a retaliatory move against those who continue to wage an economic war through a broad, extended economic sanction against the federation, and as a long term measure against global terrorism, aka Khazarian Mafia. Continue reading Petrodollar Faces Growing Threat with Payments in Gold across Asia

Trump Leaving UN-NWO with HR193 American Sovereignty Restoration Act 2017

The Trump administration and some members of the Republican Party continue to impress us.
They are now formalizing the US withdrawal from the United Nations, Inc., aka Khazarian World Order-One World totalitarian government, with the filing of House Resolution Bill No. 193, or the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017. Continue reading Trump Leaving UN-NWO with HR193 American Sovereignty Restoration Act 2017

Foreign Sponsors are Turning Their Back on the Clinton Foundation

The Clintons are shutting down the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), a crucial part of the famous Clinton Foundation. The question arises what lies at the root of the decision and why the Foundation’s numerous foreign sponsors are turning their back on the former Democratic presidential candidate. Continue reading Foreign Sponsors are Turning Their Back on the Clinton Foundation

WhiteHats: House of Lords, it’s time to perform

On February 16, 2012, Lord James of Blackheath made history by being the first public official anywhere in the world to expose the criminal enterprise being run by and through the Federal Reserve.  Known as “White Thursday”, four months have passed since this historic event without any apparent effort by highly paid regulators, Agencies or Government officials to rigorously investigate.  For the Mother of Parliaments, this is inexcusably lax conduct. Leader of the House, Lord Strathclyde, when will you investigate, as history will show this happened on YOUR watch, making you solely responsible for the directed actions or lack thereof.  We gave the Lords a chance to show their exemplary leadership, and unfortunately due to the same politics that has overcome the United States, a block to the investigation has been put in place.  The one action you did provide was a poorly thought-out decision to cut off information to the media who desperately wanted to report the news and the assumed progress in good faith.  The leadership of the world and the British citizens who trusted you deem this unacceptable!   Only the most explicit answers to these very troubling questions are acceptable. And answers are not forthcoming.  Again, it’s on YOUR watch!

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One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

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