Tag Archives: ebola

What’s Behind Washington’s Denial of Biowarfare Weapons Program in Ukraine?

State Dept. Under Secretary Victoria Nuland’s exchange with Sen. Marco Rubio during the Tuesday Senate hearings triggered a heated debate, given that Washington had previously strongly denied the presence of any US-run biolabs in Ukraine.

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Ebola: Made by Big Pharma & DOD, Injected by UN – Dr. Broderick

The scientist who pointed to evidence that Ebola was created by pharmaceutical corporations at the highest echelons of power was backed up by another expert- who says the outbreak coincides exactly with UN vaccine campaigns in the region.

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The Ebola Breakout Coincided With UN Vaccine Campaigns

By Yoichi Shimatsu
The Ebola pandemic began in late February in the former French colony of Guinea while UN agencies were conducting nationwide vaccine campaigns for three other diseases in rural districts. The simultaneous eruptions of this filovirus virus in widely separated zones strongly suggests that the virulent Zaire ebola strain (ZEBOV) was deliberately introduced to test an antidote in secret trials on unsuspecting humans.
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Ebola Pandemic Accord

The system that would put the Americans into FEMA Camps are in place. The implementing guidelines are being executed in at least 2 years, and this month is probably its climax as the Ebola pandemic has been initiated weeks ago.

FEMA Pandemic Exercise Series

PANDEMIC ACCORD: 2013-14 Pandemic Influenza Continuity Exercise Strategy 

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We already know how Cabalists are so desperate to have their globalists agenda come to reality. We also know that there is a sizable concerted effort to thwart their devious actions in our favor. It is therefore understandable that until they are fully neutralized, a grave threat is always present from the losing party.

How Cabalists Thrive?

For decades, the “select few” that run the world keep feeding themselves with constantly flowing “liquidity’ from select industries that profited heavily from orchestrated wars, induced pandemic, premeditated housing foreclosures, rigged interest rates, forced appetite for oil, etc.
They have literally rigged the entire system from its core.
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EbolaGate: A Fascist Coup & Eugenics in One

We’ve known these facts even before they’ve decided to relaunch Ebola as a bioweapon, but it’s still worth posting a summary of those  who are involved and why.
Never forget, it’s the US government that is holding the patent for Ebola.

Meet the Main Ebola Assholes: Ebola is cover for a carefully planned treasonous military agenda arranged to lead to a fascist coup in the US

Ebola is cover for a carefully planned treasonous military agenda arranged to lead to a fascist coup in the US.  Here are details of that plan.

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RECYCLING FEAR: Ebola Nightmare

For those who have understood and have subscribed to the eClinik mindset, they need not entertain this. But for those who have no idea what this Ebola Nightmare is all about, read on.
Here at eClinik we have dealt this type of fear a long time ago. The “incurable epidemic” scare has been eliminated from our mindset even before we started this blog. We have proven to ourselves that all diseases can be cured decisively for good.
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