Tag Archives: veteran’s today

VT Demands: President Putin Release Documents Vital to World Peace

This just came in from Veterans Today…
Vladimir Putin
President of the Russian Federation
23, Ilyinka Street,
Moscow, 103132, Russia.
Mr. President:
Political divides within the US now clearly threaten world peace.  Pro-Israeli factions within the US are working, not only to sabotage a nuclear settlement with Iran but go much further.  Recent lapses in judgement and decorum by General Breedlove of NATO, covert US aid to ISIS/ISIL and moves by certain US factions in support of terrorist factions in Libya and across Africa have raised the stakes.
Continue reading VT Demands: President Putin Release Documents Vital to World Peace

Global Intel Cowboys Unite to Bring Down Organized Crime Cabal

There is no single individual who knows the Whole Truth in great detail, but this article is articulate and detailed enough to give us an idea of how the Cabal have been doing it, i.e. keeping the entire world under its thumb for centuries.
In keeping with the Veterans Today character of not mentioning the Jesuits ever, this one is no exception. So, to have a complete picture it is highly recommended that the reader should download Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps.
We are also aware of the dialectic methods being used to localize the conflict, and effectively insulating the company and producers from the multitude of actors rendering the whole charade, so that in every article we should always remind ourselves to go beyond what is written, i.e. its intended purpose and who will benefit from it.
To some of us, we must understand that as one has rightfully put it, “There’s a method to the madness.”
And some of those methods are detailed here…
Continue reading Global Intel Cowboys Unite to Bring Down Organized Crime Cabal

What Will You Do With Freedom?

Some of us don’t follow the links provided in an article, whether those links point to supporting evidence of arguments or views presented or simply an invitation or a call for action.

In the previous article we took liberty of posting ITCCS latest update re Celebrating a Pope –Free World, where there’s a pdf file asking for the things you should do or need doing now that you have won your freedom. What? Have I regained my freedom already?

Yes, you do, if you have already shut down that mental switch called faith, a condition of belief to a misunderstood medium which has nothing to do with Redemption. Nor did it embodies that which we assumed as the Truth which would led us to Spiritual Wisdom but rather made men falter through its many fallacies.

Now that the Church’s culpability of the most heinous crimes against humanity has been proven, as were the case countless of times before, what are you going to do with it? You have been freed from the shackles and bondage of mental slavery without your effort. Now, it’s your time to physically walk away from it.

Being in the Dungeons of Darkness for all the years since we’ve been born, seeing the light for the first time won’t be that easy. Mixed feelings of anger, sense of betrayal, anticipated loss of long cherished beliefs, doubts, and fears of not knowing what to expect in a world of the free and independent, better yet, empowered.

There is nothing like it before. Our mindset has been programmed to be governed and economically forced to be dependent to a self-perpetuating mechanism of control and corruption. Being removed from such morally corrosive system for the very first time is psychologically shocking, and perhaps deadly.

But we need to do something. We need to believe in our inherent capacity for self-governance. We need to realize that we are all Sovereign Beings equally sharing in the immense power of the Most Supreme Being of All.

We need to gather all our strength and use that Power of the Will to decimate the Scourge of the Earth before we can turn this planet into a Paradise, even better than what was, promised by false prophets and pretenders to the Divine.

And we need to do all of these things now, or forever lose the opportunity.


What Will We Do With The Freedom We Have Won?

Reclaiming the World now,

With Common Law

by Kevin D. Annett

“From this place and from this day forth commences a new era in the world’s history, and you can all say that you were present at its birth”

Thus spoke the German poet Goethe to his fellow defeated Prussians after the victory of the French citizen-based Revolutionary Army at the battle of Valmy on September 20, 1792.

The next day, the French monarchy was abolished and a new kind of Republic was born bearing the vision Liberty, Equality and Brotherhood.

Goethe’s words ring in my heart these days, and seem to speak to all of us in the wake of another historic victory won this week: the indictment of our citizen-based Court of Common Law of Pope Benedict and Queen of England as criminals – and the ordering of their arrest and the abolition of their institutions.

The Prussian army in 1792 was the world’s most powerful, but it was defeated by a mass of French citizens whose courage and resolve to destroy forever the rule of kings overcame the unbeatable Goliath of their day.

And so too has the simple valor of many citizens done what many thought to be impossible, and force the removal of a Pope and the first legal conviction in recent history of the mightiest “rulers” by ordinary men and women.

“Do you really understand what you’ve done?” asked an American radio interviewer to me tonight.

“The Vatican is another country. You’ve overthrown a country!”

Moments like this don’t come very often, and require a moment of reflection. For the interviewer was basically right. We have sparked a revolution, by showing that the law can be used by the people to actually topple the powerful.

But now comes the challenge that faces every group of successful revolutionaries: What will we do with the freedom we have won?

I say won, because the moral and the spiritual victory has been secured.

Like the cowards they are, not one of the defendants in our docket challenged the charges made against them of presiding over the rape and murder of children, and of concealing abominable crimes. The so-called heads of church and state have been unmasked, and have revealed themselves, as illegitimate gangsters who dare not even defend their own reputations, since they know they are guilty.

And so when the naive or the fearful ask me, “How will you arrest these rulers?”, they fail to see that these so-called sovereigns now rule nothing. They have deposed themselves already, for kings and popes ultimately reign not from brute force, but from their claim to divinity and moral superiority. Lose that, and they are lost.

When Elizabeth Windsor kidnapped ten aboriginal children who were never seen again, or when Joseph Ratzinger ordered the protecting of serial child killers, they surrendered their power and authority.

These monarchs claim a divine right to rule; but divinity rests upon a natural justice which they have abrogated. Our Court simply named and recognized that abdication by them and by all they represent in its February 25 judgment. But what we have really done, openly and before the world, is to declare that we are finally free of these opulent killers, and their institutions.

Now we must show the rest of humanity that by our efforts they have been given the most precious of gifts: an open door to a reclaimed world. But will they step through it?

The issue now is not the outcome of two, or thirty, pathetic individuals who have been toppled from their thrones, but rather, the fate of the system they represent that will bring in new and slightly refurbished figureheads to replace them.

As at the Nuremberg trials, our placing in the dock of the symbols of a tyrannical society was actually a call towards all people to a new vision of the law that raises the standards of our own humanity: a spark to inflame dormant consciences, and lives.

On Monday, March 4, groups of our members in England, in Rome, and across Canada will perform citizens’ arrests on the thirty persons found guilty by our Common Law Court. Their shrinking palace guards and the laws that serve the tyrants will protect them, naturally. But we have already notified the police and other security forces around these “rulers” that they are protecting convicted criminals who stand under the judgment of God as well as humanity – and who are banished from heaven and earth.

I have seen up close what happens when such soul force is used against men who hold guns and who rely on fear and ignorance to impose tyranny: such bullies shrink away in the face of what they know in their hearts is true. The difficulty is not the armed goons of church and state; the problem, to quote Shakespeare, lies not in the stars, but in ourselves.

Bred to slavery and deferment, we are not accustomed to our own inner freedom, or to the liberty won for us by the unimagined sacrifice of others.

Every one of you reading this has learned, like all slaves do, to live vicariously through other people or images, to doubt your own radiance and power, and to shrink before and defer to so-called “authority”. Few of you, still, will dare confront priestly charlatans or disturb their rituals, even when you know of their abominations. If a cop tells you to move, you will move, because he wields a club.

But the illusion of power imposed from above is that it never consists of what the rulers actually have, which is nothing, but of what we think they have, which is everything. And in the wake of our Common Law Court ruling, dear friends, that illusion is shattered.

Once you begin to know this, in your marrow, then our numbers and resolve will gather rapidly in the kind of explosion that beat the Prussian Goliath at Valmy, and that topples all tyrants. And then their system will collapse in the wink of an eye, if history teaches us anything.

It falls on a few of us right now to take the lead and set the example for the rest of you. But the long sleep is ending. In just a few days, over 500,000 people have watched our postings, and volunteers in fifteen countries have stepped forward to help arrest the guilty and seize and occupy their churches, to reclaim what has been taken from all of us.

And that is truly just the beginning. The occupied buildings will be transformed, and the institutions responsible for the rape of our children and our planet will be disestablished from the ground up; but only when each of you knows and shows in your daily lives that reclaiming yourselves and this world from the corporate oligarchy is your highest purpose, and occupation.

Start today, by joining our Global Reclamation Movement of which our Common Law Court is one aspect. Learn from us and our evidence, join the occupations and their security force, and arm yourselves for a lifelong battle.

We have a world to win back, and an old life to lose: the glory, and the cost, of Freedom.

27 February, 2013

We the Jury has been launched a couple of days ago, and this is a downloadable audio file from BlogTalk Radio:

We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

P&J E, $10
Paula R, $5
Pamela F, $100
Pedro R, $15
Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Lloyd M, $25
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Celebrating a Pope-Free World

Some of us may have thought that the men and women behind this little known organization were just kidding themselves when they convened the first International Common Law Court to conduct trial against the Crown, Church and Big Pharma for genocide. But if you read closely the article below, it is very clear that they mean business.

“Over the past few days, hundreds of people in fifteen countries have pledged their support to our Tribunal to occupy churches and help perform Citizens’ Arrests of criminal heads of church and state in Rome, London and across Canada.”

“People from as far away as the Pacific islands, South Africa, China and a dozen European countries, as well as across North America, are being recruited to launch public actions against their local Catholic churches after March 4, when International Citizens Arrest Warrants will be issued by the Common Law Court in Brussels.”

In other words, hundreds of people will be armed to perform these arrests on anyone shielding the Thirty from arrest, as well as on the culprits themselves – AND on any of their accomplices, like known child raping priests through the Catholic, United and Anglican churches.”

Yes, if need be, we must arm ourselves in order to effect the Worldwide Citizens’ Arrests. Otherwise, we deserve to be Sheeples forever.

Celebrating a Pope-Free World

Posted on February 28, 2013 by itccs

Our Citizen Jurors will speak to the World This Saturday – Their Common Law Court evidence is broadcast to millions on American Television – and Plans to Arrest the Guilty Move Forward

Latest News, Reflections and an Important Leaflet from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State and Kevin Annett

In this Update:

1. Fifteen countries are now part of our movement! Meanwhile, more Cardinals desert the sinking Papal ship, and The Court Order is served on the Guilty Cowards  –  Reports from the front line

2. This Saturday, the ITCCS global online radio program will feature some of the Citizen Jurors who found the Pope, Queen Elizabeth and Canada guilty of Genocide – On March 2 at 4 pm EST, 9 pm GMT on www.blogtalkradio.com/wethejury

3. What will happen next Monday, March 4 – and Beyond … and What You can Do

4. This Friday, California Public Television will broadcast the complete Proceedings, Evidence and Verdict of our Common Law Court of Justice, to a viewership of millions of people

5. Our French activists launch a new ITCCS blogsite,  and

6. A a leaflet for you to distribute at churches this Sunday.


From Slovenia to Fiji to the Vatican itself, the Momentum Grows

It isn’t only the half million hits on our websites that show that the world is aflame from the spark we’ve ignited.

Over the past few days, hundreds of people in fifteen countries have pledged their support to our Tribunal to occupy churches and help perform Citizens’ Arrests of criminal heads of church and state in Rome, London and across Canada.

“This is the answer to a life time of hoping” commented an elderly aboriginal survivor of a Saskatchewan Christian internment camp – read, “residential school” – who contacted our Tribunal after he heard our Court’s verdict.

“Count me in. I may be eighty two but nobody will keep me from occupying the local catholic church. Those priests killed my brother in there and now they’re going to answer for him”

People from as far away as the Pacific islands, South Africa, China and a dozen European countries, as well as across North America, are being recruited to launch public actions against their local Catholic churches after March 4, when International Citizens Arrest Warrants will be issued by the Common Law Court in Brussels.

In Canada, more than twenty United and Anglican churches have also been targeted for picketing or occupation that week, along with Catholic cathedrals. Protestors even plan to strike at the Archbishop of Canterbury’s church and Buckingham Palace.

These church occupations will grow and culminate in a Global Week of Reclamation during Easter, March 24 -31.

Not coincidentally, the top Catholic official in England, Cardinal Keith O’Brien, suddenly resigned this week and announced he would not vote at the Vatican Conclave on March 15 to elect a new Pope. This unprecedented defiance may indicate a collapse in the disciplinary chain of command within the church, since Cardinals’ attendance at the Papal Conclave is normally mandatory.

Meanwhile, Common Law Court officers have begun to serve the Order of Compliance to the thirty officials found guilty of Crimes against Humanity last Monday, including Joseph Ratzinger, Elizabeth Windsor, top Roman Cardinals and Stephen Harper, the Prime Minister of Canada. All of the accused parties seem to be in hiding.

Yes, Virginia, there really is a Common Law Court! Tune in on Saturday to learn Why

The Vatican black ops department swung into full gear after last Monday’s Court verdict, spreading the Big Lie throughout the Italian and world corporate media that our Court is a fabrication of one man – Kevin Annett.

In response, two of the Citizen Jurors from the Common Law Court who found the Pope and others guilty will be featured on the new blog talk radio program We the Jury this Saturday, to describe why they volunteered for the historic position and voted as they did.

The Jurors are Lisa Shannon from the United States and Melanie Spencer from the Netherlands. They’ll be joined by ITCCS activists from Ireland John Deegan, Gerry O’Donovan and Dave O’Brien, who have led and will continue church occupations in that country.

This two hour We the Jury program will be broadcast this Saturday, March 2 at 4 pm EST, 9 pm Greenwich time, at www.blogtalkradio.com/wethejury. Hosts will be Kevin Annett and Bill Annett, with producers Marcie Lane and Claudia Julien, who are of aboriginal descent.

Can we really place Caesar under Arrest? What will Happen on and after March 4, 2103? by Kevin D. Annett

People are dreadfully concerned these days that arresting folks like Lizzie Windsor and ex-pope Joe the Rat won’t be possible for people like us. But the truth is, of course we can arrest them – with enough resolve, and numbers, and by not playing by their rules.

Remember, first of all, that “arrest” simply means to stop someone or something – and we are already doing that. These child killers are cowering in confusion because of our work. And as for physical detention, well, they are presently hiding out in their palaces under massive security, like any guilty criminal, encased in lies and fear. I’d call that imprisonment.

But beyond all that, the right of citizens to perform their own arrests on convicted criminals – even when they’re “rulers” – is enshrined in customary law and such doctrines as the Claim of Right and Necessity Defense in common law, which compels citizens to act when the authorities refuse to, out of a higher need to protect the community that supersedes any statute law.

So on March 4, if the thirty guilty parties don’t surrender themselves to our Officers, our Court will issue International Citizens’ Arrest Warrants, of one year duration, which any man or woman anywhere can use to empower themselves to enforce the lawful Verdict of February 25, 2013 issued by our Common Law Court.

In other words, hundreds of people will be armed to perform these arrests on anyone shielding the Thirty from arrest, as well as on the culprits themselves – AND on any of their accomplices, like known child raping priests through the Catholic, United and Anglican churches.

Think of it: an army of Common Law Peace Officers, roaming fifteen countries, perpetually armed with the power to arrest these criminals, banish them from our communities, occupy their churches and seize their assets and properties!

I call that having an impact. It’s actually the launching of a civil war. But see my article (“What will we do with the Freedom we have Won?“) for more of a perspective on why we are unbeatable – once we overcome our own fears and illusions.

Lights, Camera … Lighting up the Truth this Friday, March 1!

Millions of Americans will watch the full proceedings of our Trial and Conviction of the Pope and his cohorts during March, thanks to the good people of Napa Valley Television in California.

Starting this Friday, and every Friday evening in March, at 11:30 pm Pacific time, the full evidence used to convict the Thirty will be broadcast by Napa TV and will be permanently archived as well as live streamed to any other network or service. Any local public access TV station can then broadcast our full four hour Court sessions. So prod your local broadcasters, educators and librarians to access and broadcast this historic evidence.

Here is the link to the broadcast, commencing this Friday at 11:30 pm pacific time, and 7:30 am (Saturday) GMT in Europe:


Et Maintenant! La Revolution, en Francais!

Our compatriots in Paris have created an exclusive ITCCS blog site in French, which you can find at:


Spread the word among Francophones, s’il vous plait … and link up with the French ITCCS network. Kevin Annett will be speaking in Paris and throughout France during the last half of May as part of his European speaking and organizing tour.

And finally, Leaflet and Occupy a church for Jesus … and the missing children

Please print off the leaflet this Sunday, March 3, and distribute it to parishioners at your local Catholic church, and at United and Anglican churches as well. It gives church goers a chance to join with our movement and take back their own churches from the criminals who run it, with their money.

Good luck! Keep us informed of your work and film any of your public actions.

More updates will follow after March 4.

ITCCS Central – Brussels

source »

We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

P&J E, $10
Paula R, $5
Pamela F, $100
Pedro R, $15
Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Lloyd M, $25
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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Thanks to Dann Lapierre for the photo.

Not Just Sexual Abuses

Update 1mar2013: Celebrating a Pope-Free World

The Old Media is now in high gear as to the discussions about sexual abuses of the priestly demons creeping inside the Vatican. And willing participants in the New Alternative Media are now falling into the trap of the lesser crimes that the Vatican, Inc. has committed.

As Kevin D. Arnett had warned us, it’s not just about sexual abuses and pedophilia. The abuses against children and fellow priests, which are still high crimes, are the least of all their crimes.

It’s about money laundering, stealing massive sovereign wealth, genocide, world wars and worst of all, Satanism:

  1. When it comes to genocide, they are planning to reduce the population to a mere 500 million slaves by 2050, through the United Nations, Inc.’s Agenda 21; this is on top of the millions already dead thru scientific and brutal methods;
  2. Through the World Health Organization’s Codex Alimentarius, the massive human culling will be done via Monsanto’s GMO food, and similar poisons, that have flooded groceries worldwide.;
  3. Through the full corporate control of pseudo-regulators like the FDA, the use of deadly drugs including virus-tainted vaccines will be enforced with state sanctioned inoculations;
  4. Whistleblowers, Svali, Frater616 and Leo Zagami, claimed on multimedia that they were first-hand witnesses to human sacrifices regularly occurring in Vatican, London and elsewhere. This included impregnating a woman in a satanic ceremony only to come back few months later when the fetus is available for the feast. That all wars, mass shootings and assassinations are nothing but holocausts, or burnt offerings, meant to appease their god Satan.

The Worship of Satan embodies all their goals which can be summed up into one, i.e. to turn this planet into Hell with whatever means available to them, and they used to have all the resources at their disposal if not for the timely high profiled, well-coordinated response from the BRICS50, now BRICS180 countries – the same group that averted the Final War that will accomplish that which evil had fervently sought, i.e. 95% depopulation.

The various groups that are fighting against the Jesuits may have been and are still serving, first and foremost, their own interests but they definitely know that the best strategy to break the backbone of all that is evil is to empower all the people of the planet, economically and spiritually.

The one stroke called Disclosure Project in 2001 which should have served these ends, rather indirectly, was temporarily stifled by the controlled demolition of the WTC Towers in 911. That single event in late 2001, with its multi-level objectives, reinforced that fact that they, the Reformers, simply cannot do it alone. They must have the people on their side. Hence, the consensus prevailing thereafter is to release the Collateral Accounts for the total elimination of world poverty, among others.

It is now the consensus that to defeat evil for good:

  1. all resources must be made available to all the people of the planet; a massive redistribution of wealth has to occur to enable everyone to live within acceptable level of comfort and decency;
  2. all suppressed technologies must be released for its responsible use;
  3. all media will be used for global reeducation of the masses;
  4. all high crimes will be prosecuted through a neutral Common Law Court, and the verdict will be enforced by the people themselves when necessary;

The release of free energy and antigravity technologies would not only improve the quality of life for everyone, but would also enhance their understanding about spiritually which they mistakenly thought of having to do with religion.

Undeniable current events have destroyed that notion, and exposed its true purpose which is to put everyone in line, while systematically implementing the best scientific methods of eliminating those they considered as Worthless Eaters.

Now that the verdict is handed down, it is now up to the people to enforce it. They need not wait for the authorities to do it for they are still part of the system created by the former rulers of this planet. They simply could not arrest themselves.

The people have the inherent and proper authority to do so. They just need to assert that authority. Every one of us has the right and responsibility to clean this society of its wickedness. It may start from within ourselves but it must extend far beyond until the succeeding generations will forever forget what evil really was.

The opportunity and ability to exploit our fellow human being must be eliminated for good. Everyone must not only be given the opportunity to improve his lot, but must be taught how to use that opportunity wisely.

Even in the Age of Abundance, which will come very shortly, there is still great opportunity for work. Those who have been adequately informed must assist those who are not.

From thereon, to where exactly are we going, we all have to figure out along the way. The adventure will have more fun when we are many.


We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

P&J E, $10
Paula R, $5
Pamela F, $100
Pedro R, $15
Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Lloyd M, $25
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

harper pope


ARVE Error: need id and provider

Final Verdict is Rendered in First Common Law Court Case against the Vatican and Canada for Genocide

Pope, Queen and Canadian Prime Minister found Guilty of Crimes against Humanity and Sentenced to Twenty Five Year Prison Terms

Court Orders them to Surrender by March 4 or face Citizens’ Arrests


Pope Benedict will go to jail for twenty five years for his role in Crimes against Humanity, and Vatican wealth and property is to be seized, according to today’s historic verdict of the International Common Law Court of Justice.

The Brussels-based Court handed down a unanimous guilty verdict from its Citizen Jurors and ordered the citizens’ arrest of thirty Defendants commencing March 4 in a Court Order issued to them today.

The verdict read in part,

“We the Citizen Jury find that the Defendants in this case are guilty of the two indictments, that is, they are guilty of committing or aiding and abetting Crimes against Humanity, and of being part of an ongoing Criminal Conspiracy”

The Jury ruled that each Defendant receive a mandatory twenty five year prison sentence without parole, and have all their personal assets seized.

The Court went on to declare in its Order No. 022513-001,

“The Defendants are ordered to surrender themselves voluntarily to Peace Officers and Agents authorized by this COURT, having been found Guilty as charged.

“The Defendants have seven days from the issuing of this ORDER, until March 4, 2103, to comply. After March 4, 2013, an International Arrest Warrant will be issued against these Defendants”.

The guilty parties include Elizabeth Windsor, Queen of England, Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, and the head officers of the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada. (A complete copy of the Verdict, the Court Order and a list of the Defendants is enclosed on the accompanying you tube link).

The guilty verdict followed nearly a month of deliberations by more than thirty sworn Citizen Jurors of the 150 case exhibits produced by Court Prosecutors.

These exhibits detailed irrefutable proof of a massive criminal conspiracy by the Defendants’ institutions to commit and conceal Genocide on generations of children in so-called Indian residential schools across Canada.

None of the Defendants challenged or disputed a Public Summons issued to them last September; nor did they deny the charges made against them, or offer counter evidence to the Court.

“Their silence told me a lot. Why wouldn’t innocent people defend their own reputation when accused of such horrible things?” commented one Juror, based in England.

“These crimes were aimed at children, and were a cold and calculated plan to wipe out Indians who weren’t Christians. And the defendants clearly are still covering up this crime. So we felt we had to do more than slap their wrist. The whole reign of terror by state-backed churches that are above the law has to end, because children still suffer from it”.

The Court’s judgement declares the wealth and property of the churches responsible for the Canadian genocide to be forfeited and placed under public ownership, as reparations for the families of the more than 50,000 children who died in the residential schools.

To enforce its sentence, the Court has empowered citizens in Canada, the United States, England, Italy and a dozen other nations to act as its legal agents armed with warrants, and peacefully occupy and seize properties of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, which are the main agents in the deaths of these children.

“This sentence gives a legal foundation and legitimacy to the church occupations that have already begun by victims of church torture around the world” commented Kevin Annett, the chief adviser to the Prosecutor’s Office, who presented its case to the world. (see www.itccs.org, November 6 and January 30 postings)

“The verdict of the Court is clearly that these criminal church bodies are to be legally and practically disestablished, and their stolen wealth reclaimed by the people. Justice has finally begun to be be served. The dead can now rest more easily.”

Court officers are delivering the Order to all the Defendants this week, including to the Canadian Prime Minister, the Queen of England and to Joseph Ratzinger, the retiring Pope Benedict who is avoiding arrest within the Vatican after suddenly resigning two weeks ago.

The citizens’ arrests of these and other Defendants will commence on March 4 if they do not surrender themselves and their assets, as per the Court Order.

These actions will be filmed and posted at here in the coming week, along with further updates from the Court and its Citizen Agents.

Please see the accompanying you tube video.

Issued by the Central Office,

The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

25 February, 2013


source »

We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

P&J E, $10
Paula R, $5
Pamela F, $100
Pedro R, $15
Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Lloyd M, $25
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

harper pope

Canada Virtually Admits Genocide; Rome Pretends Normalcy

Even those who have followed the events and the real cause leading to the resignation of the CEO of the Vatican, Inc., are experiencing disbelief that such a thing would actually happen.

We are very lucky to have, in some measure, prepared for more monumental disclosures and resignation in the coming weeks. But for those who are still in denial and the uninformed, the shockwaves and aftereffects of upcoming events might be too much to handle, such that the only recourse would be to refuse its acceptance and succumb to a self-impose reclusion.

Be that as it may, even the once formidable system itself is cracking. It is disintegrating slowly but surely. No amount of patchwork could prevent the onslaught of Truth. After the Pope, the British Monarchy is next.

by Kevin D. Annett


Capitalizing on the distraction caused by the latest crisis at the Vatican, Canada`s state-managed “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” (TRC) sneaked into the media today its astounding admission that thousands of children did in fact die in church-run Indian residential schools across Canada.

But only 3000 of them died, that is. In short, a 2% death rate.

European Holocaust Deniers would be proud of Canada’s TRC.

To have the gall to even suggest such a ludicrously low death rate – when every government record and all our posted evidence shows that as early as the first year of the western residential schools, the death rate averaged between 30% and 50% – shows how deep the rot of deceit extends into the stage-managed TRC.

The death rate of 50% continued for at least six decades in these “schools”: from 1891 to 1949, when a top government official commented on that huge mortality. 50,000 or more kids never returned – not 3000.

This Big Lie strategy by the church and state-established TRC has worked up until now, but their deception has worn thin. Like the Vatican, the Canadian government must feel especially desperate to risk announcing such a proven lie and exposing such an obvious coverup.

Regardless, all the TRC has done today is to prove that their work constitutes a criminal conspiracy to subvert and obstruct justice. Their duplicity has indicted their government and church sponsors before the law and the world.

This latest act of official deception will figure as more evidence of deliberate cover-up in the docket of our upcoming Common Law Court case against Canada and its Catholic and Protestant churches. In the months ahead, it won’t just be former Popes who go to trial for conspiracy and child murder.


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Fiddling while Rome Burns? The Pope Hides from Sight while Italian Church and State Feign Normalcy

Posted on February 19, 2013 by itccs


The biggest crisis to hit Catholicism since the Reformation keeps spiraling out of control for the Vatican.

Domestic commentators describe events in Rome as constituting the worst political problem for an Italian government in decades, as President Napolitano is being pressured by the Vatican and his Lateran Treaty obligations to aid Pope Benedict evade and obstruct justice.

The entire matter of the Pope’s situation and Italian liability for criminal behavior was apparently high on the agenda of Napolitano’s recent discussions with US President Barack Obama in Washington, DC.

Meanwhile, keeping an accused Joseph Ratzinger under their protection in defiance of international law, the Vatican’s Secretariat of State under Cardinal Bertone is delaying their response to a Diplomatic communique from a European government notifying Rome of impending legal action against Ratzinger.

According to a source who is a liaison with the said government, no official reply has been issued by Bertone’s office to the February 4 communique, nor is the Secretariat even engaged in back-channel communications on the matter.

“They are pretending the Diplomatic Note never arrived, and that business is normal leading up to their Conclave to choose their next pope. They must maintain an appearance of stability right now, we are assuming” said the liaison source.

Meanwhile, the church-dominated Italian media has launched a vilifying and uninformed assault on the ITCCS and Kevin Annett without having contacted or interviewed Annett or ITCCS officers.

Nevertheless, ITCCS website traffic has exceeded 300,000 “hits” in the past several days, and legal and political help is pouring in to the Tribunal, especially from Italy and the United States.

The ITCCS is planning public occupations of Catholic churches commencing Sunday, March 24, 2013. It will issue an update and plan of action tomorrow, on this website.

Issued by ITCCS Central – Brussels
18 February, 2013

Source »

We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

Paula R, $5
Pamela F, $100
Pedro R, $15
Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Lloyd M, $25
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Demons Admit Guilt; Pope Will Be Hiding in Hell

As many of us may already know, the house of the demons known as the Vatican Church is now experiencing a major fallout as a result of the “unexpected” resignation of Pope Malevolent XVI, as more and more people become aware of the crimes it has committed over the centuries of its corporate existence.

However, there are those who consider themselves to be far advanced in their way of thinking as to label the coverage of that fallout as sheer nonsense and utterly BS. These are the people who think they can have their utopian world without getting rid of the pests first, i.e. those parasites that infested the moral fabric of our society even before the day we were born.

We can’t build a castle on a quicksand. We can’t install a new and ideal system on top of the old and rotten. We can’t expect those who live and breathe through that absolutely corrupt system to lay down in silence forever. These evils are beyond redemption. They must be erased not only from our collective memory but from their own, too.

As I watched the presentation of evidence and witnesses against the Church and Crown during the 2nd Session of the International Common Law Court of Justice on trial for the genocide of 50,000 natives in Canada, I couldn’t help but look at the Church as the factual manifestation of Hell on Earth.

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You should download that video to have something to remind how these Demons in Robe far exceeded the Nazi’s ruthless actions in WW2.

If there is one institution, err corporation, which needs to be burned down with a fusion bomb, it should be the Church, and those pests creeping in it should each be best served with a generous spray of a compound known as thermate.

Only then can we build a new world free of wars and sufferings, and that generations could build their future on, enhanced upon by the responsible use of suppressed technologies like free energy.

Latest Update – Interview with Kevin Annett by Alexander Backman

Exclusive Breaking News: Friday February 15, 2013

12 midnight GMT

An Urgent Update from the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) – Brussels


In a statement to Reuters today, Vatican officials announced that Joseph Ratzinger will remain a permanent resident of Vatican City after his resignation. Doing so will offer him legal protection from any attempt to prosecute him in connection with sexual abuse cases around the world, Church sources said today

“His continued presence in the Vatican is necessary, otherwise he might be defenseless”.

This startling admission of guilt by the church is also a direct obstruction of justice, and lends more weight to the charge by the ITCCS and others that the Vatican has arranged with the Italian government to shield Ratzinger from criminal prosecution, in violation of international laws ratified by Italy.


The Vatican decided today to give permanent sanctuary to a proven war criminal by allowing Joseph Ratzinger to obstruct justice and evade prosecution for crimes against humanity. And the government of Italy is colluding in this abrogation of international law.

This decision validates our claims about the criminal conspiracy surrounding Ratzinger and his Vatican co-conspirators. It also makes it clear that the Vatican is a rogue power that is flaunting every law to conceal its own criminality.

In response, the ITCCS calls upon its affiliates and all people of conscience to use our upcoming Easter Reclamation Campaign to converge on Rome and the Vatican to force the extradition of Ratzinger from Vatican City, and place him and his accessories on trial for crimes against humanity.

Commencing Sunday, March 24, 2013, our activists and others will begin an escalating series of Catholic church occupations and seizures of church property to bring about Ratzinger’s extradition and reclaim stolen wealth from the criminal corporation known as Vatican Inc. – in the name of the legion of their victims, both living and dead.

.. and from Kevin Annett – The Rat Scurries Back to Vat!

Those whom the gods destroy, they first drive insane. Especially, it seems, in Rome.

Why would the oldest and wealthiest institution on our planet deliberately prove what its critics say about it, by first tossing their leader, a proven crook, out of his office after he’s threatened with arrest, and then giving him shelter to avoid prosecution? That’s the kind of panic and illogic displayed by a junior document-shredder, not a credible or wise body of men.

And that gives all of us hope.

Continue reading »

(Reuters) – Pope Benedict’s decision to live in the Vatican after he resigns will provide him with security and privacy. It will also offer legal protection from any attempt to prosecute him in connection with sexual abuse cases around the world, Church sources and legal experts say.

“His continued presence in the Vatican is necessary, otherwise he might be defenseless. He wouldn’t have his immunity, his prerogatives, his security, if he is anywhere else,” said one Vatican official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“It is absolutely necessary” that he stays in the Vatican, said the source, adding that Benedict should have a “dignified existence” in his remaining years.

Vatican sources said officials had three main considerations in deciding that Benedict should live in a convent in the Vatican after he resigns on February 28.

Vatican police, who already know the pope and his habits, will be able to guarantee his privacy and security and not have to entrust it to a foreign police force, which would be necessary if he moved to another country.

“I see a big problem if he would go anywhere else. I’m thinking in terms of his personal security, his safety. We don’t have a secret service that can devote huge resources (like they do) to ex-presidents,” the official said.

Another consideration was that if the pope did move permanently to another country, living in seclusion in a monastery in his native Germany, for example, the location might become a place of pilgrimage.

Continue reading »

Pope Benedict XVI told priests today he will “remain hidden to the world” after he leaves his post as leader of the Roman Catholic Church at the end of this month.

During a meeting Thursday with priests and clergy of the Diocese of Rome at the Vatican, Benedict said although he was retiring to a life of prayer, “I will always be close to all you and I am sure all of you will be close to me, even though I remain hidden to the world,” Vatican Radio quoted him as saying.

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We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

Paula R, $5
Pamela F, $100
Pedro R, $15
Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Lloyd M, $25
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

Thank you very much. We greatly appreciate it.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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Pope Benedict Seeks Italian Immunity and Protection

International Tribunal calls on Napolitano to “not collude in criminality”, and announces global campaign to occupy Vatican property and launch human rights inquiry in Italy

Rome (9 am local time):

Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, has scheduled a meeting with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano for Saturday, February 23 to discuss securing protection and immunity from prosecution from the Italian government, according to Italian media sources.

Ratzinger’s meeting follows upon the apparent receipt by the Vatican of a diplomatic note from an undisclosed European government on February 4, stating its intention to issue an arrest warrant for Ratzinger, who resigned from his pontificate less than a week later.

In response to the February 23 meeting, the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), through its field Secretary, Rev. Kevin Annett, has written to President Napolitano, asking him to refrain from assisting Ratzinger in evading justice.

The ITCCS letter states, in part,

“I need not remind you, Mr. President, that under international law and treaties that have been ratified by Italy, you and your government are forbidden from granting such protection to those like Joseph Ratzinger who have aided and abetted criminal actions, such as ordering Bishops and Cardinals in America and elsewhere to protect known child rapists among their clergy.

“Your obligation to the Vatican through the Lateran Treaty does not negate or nullify the requirements of these higher moral and international laws; nor does it require that you give any protection or immunity to a single individual like Joseph Ratzinger, especially after he has left his papal office.”

A copy of the complete text of the ITCCS letter follows.

In response to the documented crimes of child torture, trafficking and genocide linked to Pope Benedict and Vatican officials, the ITCCS will be sponsoring a series of ongoing protests and occupations of Roman Catholic churches and offices through its affiliates around the world beginning in Easter week, March 24-31, 2013, and continuing indefinitely.

These actions will accompany the legal efforts to bring Joseph Ratzinger and other Vatican officials to trial for their proven complicity in crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.

The Easter Reclamation Campaign will seize church property and assets to prevent their use by child raping priests, who are protected under Catholic canon law. Citizens have this right to defend their communities and children when the authorities refuse to do so, under international law.

Rev. Kevin Annett and an official delegation from the ITCCS Central Office will also be convening a formal human rights inquiry in Rome commencing the week of May 13, 2013, to consider further charges against the Vatican and its new Pope  for crimes against humanity and obstruction of justice.

Rev. Annett and his delegation will be working with organizations across Italy in this investigation. In 2009 and 2010, he held rallies outside the Vatican and met with media and human rights groups across Italy to charge the Vatican with the death of more than 50,000 aboriginal children in Canada.


An Open Letter and Appeal to Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Republic of Italy from Rev. Kevin D. Annett, Secretary of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

14 February, 2013

Al Presdente della Repubblica Italiana Giorgio Napolitano
Presidenza della Repubblica
c/o Palazzo del Quirinale
00187 Roma

Dear President Napolitano,

On behalf of our Tribunal and people of conscience everywhere, and of the millions of victims of church abuse, I am making an appeal to you regarding your upcoming meeting with Joseph Ratzinger, who will retire soon as Pope Benedict, the Pontiff of the Church of Rome.

Our understanding is that, in the wake of pressure to have him resign his office because of his proven complicity in concealing child trafficking in his church and other crimes against humanity, Joseph Ratzinger is seeking the assistance of the Italian government in securing protection and immunity from legal prosecution.

I need not remind you, Mr. President, that under international law and treaties that have been ratified by Italy, you and your government are forbidden from granting such protection to those like Jospeh Ratzinger who have aided and abetted criminal actions, such as ordering Bishops and Cardinals in America and elsewhere to protect known child rapists among their clergy.

Your obligation to the Vatican through the Lateran Treaties does not negate or nullify the requirements of these higher moral and international laws; nor does it require that you give any protection or immunity to a single individual like Joseph Ratzinger, especially after he has left his papal office.

The need for you to abide by international law and not be seen to collude with Joseph Ratzinger is even more true when one considers the enormity of the crimes of which the Vatican and its highest officials are clearly guilty, according to considerable evidence gathered and documented by our Tribunal and other groups, and acknowledged by many governments.

In Canada alone, the Roman Catholic Church and its Vatican agents have been found guilty of responsibility for genocide and the deaths of at least 50,000 aboriginal child children in the Jesuit-initiated Indian residential school system, that operated until 1996.

In Ireland, more than 10,000 women suffered and were exploited in the Catholic-run Magdalene Laundries, where many of them died. Similar church-run institutions all over the world have caused enormous mortality, disease and ruination for millions of children. And yet the church has never been held accountable or prosecuted for these deaths and the theft of enormous wealth from entire nations.

With the recent initiative of at least one European government and a host of lawyers to bring Joseph Ratzinger and other church officials to trial for these crimes, we feel it is incumbent on you neither to assist nor to be seen to assist or condone the attempt by him to evade, obstruct or delay justice, lest you open yourself to a charge of being an accessory to a crime.

On behalf of our Tribunal and of many people who cannot speak, I call on you to stand on the law of nations and humanity, and offer no support or protection to Joseph Ratzinger or his accessories in their efforts to evade responsibility for their proven crimes.

I look forward to your reply, and to discussing this with you more when I visit your country in May with a human rights delegation to investigate this matter more closely.


Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div.
Secretary, The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
Central Office, Brussels

cc: world media

source »

santilli re pope

Previous action taken against the Holy Mafia [sampler only].

Vatican bank assets seized in Rome

Last Updated: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 | 2:30 PM ET

CBC News

Italian authorities have seized €23 million ($31 million Cdn) of Vatican bank assets as part of an investigation into suspected money laundering.

The Vatican said it was confused as to why financial police targeted the funds in a Vatican account at the Rome branch of the Italian bank Credito Artigiano Spa.

“The Holy See is perplexed and surprised by the initiatives of the Rome prosecutors, considering the data necessary is already available at the Bank of Italy,” the Vatican said in a statement Tuesday.

The Vatican said it has the “utmost faith” in the two men who head the bank, officially known as the Institute for Religious Works (IOR).

The probe is not the first time the bank has faced legal scrutiny. In the 1980s, it was implicated in a scandal that resulted in a banker being found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in London.

Italian prosecutors maintain Roberto Calvi, head of the collapsed Banco Ambrosiano, was murdered, but there have been no convictions. The Vatican bank was Banco Ambrosiano’s main shareholder.

continue reading »

Thanks, Alex Reiger.

Public Prosecutor of Rome to Investigate Bilderberg Group on Allegations of Corruption and Conduct of Politicians

Written by Andrew Puhanic

Published on Friday, February 8th, 2013

Globalist Report

Alfonso Luigi Marra and mario Monto bilderbergAn Italian Lawyer from Italy, Alfonso Luigi Marra, has gone to the extraordinary length to request that the Public Prosecutor of Rome investigate the Bilderberg Group.

However, rather than only implicating the Bilderberg Group as Ferdinando Imposimato is trying to do, Lawyer Alfonso Luigi Marra has even gone to the extraordinary length to implicate the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti (another Bilderberg Group regular attendee) and has asked the Public Prosecutor of Rome to Investigate the Bilderberg Group.

continue reading »


We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

Paula R, $5
Pamela F, $100
Pedro R, $15
Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Lloyd M, $25
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

Thank you very much. We greatly appreciate it.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Hijacking the Revolution 3.0

There are reasons why only the Oathkeepers.org is linked from the military category on the right side of the pages on this weblog. We learned early on that the prestigious Veterans’ Today is a huge high level psy-ops tool. These people are more sophisticated than Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura combined.

Why not?

Gordon Duff, Editor-in-Chief, outed not only himself but the whole VT gang. Duff mentioned in the call [Pete Santilli show] that “these folks are the top psy-operatives in the entire world.”

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Download the full transcript here.


The Board is responsible for all content on VT and participates in all major decisions regarding content, columnists, and editorial direction for VT

  • Gordon Duff – Chairman, U.S. Marines, Vietnam, Board Member/Director  Adamus Corp.,  Switzerland

  • Lt. General Hamid Gul – Director General ISI (Former Chief of Intelligence Services, Pakistan)

  • Col. Eugene Khrushchev – Former Soviet/Russian Airborne, Intelligence, PsyOps, First Secretary, Soviet and Russian Embassies, Kabul, Afghanistan

  • Gwenyth Todd – Former Head, White House National Security Council, Middle East Desk, Chief Political Advisor, US Navy 5th Fleet

  • Jeff Rense – Radio host and investigative journalist (www.rense.com)

  • Major Bobby Hanifin – US Air Force, Veterans Affairs Editor

  • Khalil Nouri – Afghanistan Political Expert and Military Specialist

  • Carol Duff – RN, BA, MSN, Veteran’s Health Issues Editor

  • Jim W. Dean – Military Order of World Wars, Association for Intelligence Officers

  • Leo Wanta – Former National Director of Intelligence, White House, Inspector General, Department of Defense

  • James H. Fetzer, Ph.D. – McKnight Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota Duluth, former Marine Corps officer

  • Clinton Bastin, WWII Marine Corps officer, 42 year veteran of the Atomic Engery Commission and Dept. of Energy, Lead Investigator, IAEA, chief nuclear weapons designer, DOE, world reknown expert in nuclear weapons, fuel reprocessing, and proliferation, past president of the 900,000 member Nuclear Workers Union, and VT’s in house nuclear expert.


General Manager:  John P. Allen

Senior Managing Editor: Gordon Duff

Managing Editors: Managing Editors are responsible for general formatting and editing issues.  This group interacts with and serves our community of columnists/staff writers and reader/subscribers

Comments Manager:  Billy Jackson


  • Middle East

  • General:  Gwyneth Todd, former head, Middle East Desk, National Security Council, White House, Washington, Chief Consultant, Department of the Navy for Middle East Affairs U.S.

  • Eqypt: Dr. Ashraf EzzatAdam Morrow, Khaled Moussa al-Omrani

  • Palestinian Territories & Gaza:  Ken O’KeefeSami Jadallah

  • Israel:  Uri Avnery (former Irgun, Haganah and IDF)

  • Iran:  Kourosh Ziabiari and Dr. Ismail Salmi (Press TV)

  • Afghanistan:  Fayaz Shah

  • Armenia/Syria:  Harut Sassounian

  •  Southeastern Europe

    • Bureau Chief:  Vojislav Milosevic, Director General, Center for Counter-Terrorism and World Peace

      • Professor Andrija Slavik (Specialist on Diplomacy, War Plans and Psychological Warfare)

      • Lt. General (Retd.) Banko Krga – Former Head of Military Intelligence and Deputy Chief of General Staff, Serbian Armed Forces

      • Lt. General (Retd.) Satish Nambiar – Former Deputy Chief of Staff, Assistant Secretary General and Under Secretary General ,United Nations

      • Vice Admiral Radomir Grujic, Fleet Commander, Serbian Naval Forces, Chief of Staff, War College of Serbia

  • France (Paris):Jane Rosenstein,  Gennady & Lidiya Sevastyanov

  • Southeast Asia

  • Pakistan: Major Raja MujtabaBrigadier General Asif Haroon Raja (ret), General Hamid Gul, (Ret. former DG ISI), Admiral Iftikhar Ahmed Sirohey (Ret. Former Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, Military of Pakistan)

  • United Kingdom: Gilad AtzmonAlan Hart (ret. BBC Middle East Desk Chief), Stuart LittlewoodMichael Shrimpton (Barrister, Intelligence Briefer to US/UK govts.)

  • Canada:  Josh Blakeney, Dr. Anthony Hill

  • Russia:  Colonel Gene Khrushchev (ret. Airborne, Intelligence/Psyops, First Secretary Soviet and Russian Embassies in Afghanistan)

  • Southern Africa:  Baron Ricardo Baretzsky (Director General, South African Counter Intelligence Agency)

  • Austria:  Lee Wanta (White House Director of Intelligence, Inspector General, Department of Defense, US under President Reagan)

  • Germany:  F. William Engldahl

  • Italy:   Daniela Giordanao (former Miss Italy, film star and extensively published on science and “fringe” phenomena)

  • US Army “Embed” Afghanistan: Tim King

source »

Complete list here.


Such high-profile a roster caters generously to the curiosity of the hungry mind.

For a time, rense.com was part of my daily routine. They have good articles, I mean, “new knowledge” and not the stuffs you usually read mainstream. But when Jeff Rense persistently muddled Ben Fulford’s live report, during those periodic guesting in his radio programs, by interrupting midway to the statements, I began to question his real motives.

Those Rense episodes turned out to be some debate sessions between the guest and the anchor himself acting as the moderator at the same time. The same method is being used on both Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theories.

At the very least, Jeff Rense’s actions were disrespectful. And that reveals the actual sinister motive.

Most of the truth journalists are now dead. Others are in constant death threats. In contrast, the likes of Jeff Rense, Alex Jones, and Jesse Ventura, live on.

Their ilk are engage, without doubt, in destroying legitimate intelligence journalists and first-hand truth-tellers for the ultimate glory of the Vatican.

So what is their take on the recent resignation of the CEO of the Vatican, Inc.?

In the article “Was Pope Benedict fired by the Knights of Malta?” Kevin Barrett takes you in by saying that it was not old age nor a deteriorating health that compelled the pontiff to vacate the golden throne. Instead he suggested Moynihan’s “sacked by the Knights of Malta” line, “to pave the way for a new Pope who will sanction homosexual marriage, non-celibate priests, and other projects aimed at sexualizing and de-sacralizing the Church [Quaglia]”, as if Ratzinger wasn’t one already.

But the final trick is not just about sexual orgies but a fundamental look at that ancient book that for thousands of years served as the basis for all the brutal wars and witch-hunting of the so-called heretics during the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisitions that still continue to this day.

Remember, it’s the withdrawal of the Eastern Alliance, BRICS180+ from global finance by issuing liens against borrowed hard currencies, i.e. gold, silver, precious metals, among other [covert] actions (e.g. money laundering and Libor exposes),that left the Cabal powerless, hence the massive bankers resignations, and now, royal and pontifical resignations, too.

The most visible proof about this financial non-participation is the unending austerity legislated measures across European states that fueled massive unrest throughout the Eurozone.

This financial angle of the true cause of the pontifical resignation is collaborated by Kevin D. Annett in his blog two days ago.

So, how would the most sophisticated psy-ops divert our attention to that simple fact?


“Or could the Pope’s resignation have been caused by some other intrigue involving the Knights of Malta?

At this point, we just don’t know. The choice of the next pope may reveal the hidden agenda.

Here’s the hot rumor going around Italy, passed to me by journalist Roberto Quaglia: Pope Benedict was fired in order to pave the way for a new Pope who will sanction homosexual marriage, non-celibate priests, and other projects aimed at sexualizing and de-sacralizing the Church. According to this analysis, the judeo-freemasonic secret societies responsible for Vatican II have been pushing Benedict to allow gay marriage and a sex-lovin’ priesthood – but Benedict’s eternal response is “not on my watch!” So, goeth the rumor, they ended Benedict’s watch.

My Muslim friends here in Tehran have a different story: They suspect that the Pope resigned because the Church is about to be blown to smithereens when the 2nd-century Gospel of Barnabas is made public. My most knowledgeable informant on this matter, a certain Professor Ben Isa, claims to know from a trusted source, a Turkish parliamentarian, that a copy of the Gospel of Barnabas, currently under armed guard in a special room of the Turkish capitol in Ankara, has been carbon-dated and certified as arguably the oldest extant Gospel.

The copy of Barnabas in the Turkish capitol, Dr. Ben Isa adds, appears to be identical – word for word – with the other copies, which Western scholars have tried to dismiss as Muslim forgeries.

Now it looks like the “Muslim forgery” predates the canonical gospels!

Barnabas’s Gospel, already known from much later copies, reveals that early Christianity was much closer to today’s Islam than to today’s Christianity. Like the Qur’an, it is unitarian. Like the Qur’an, it suggests that Jesus was not actually crucified. And in anticipation of the Qur’an, it predicts the coming of the Prophet Muhammad.

The import of the new Barnabas is staggering. In a nutshell:

Bye-bye Christianity as we’ve known it.

Hello Islam.”

Source »

What? A potential religious war, again?

Fall for it and you’re good for the cookin’.


We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

Paula R, $5
Pamela F, $100
Pedro R, $15
Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Lloyd M, $25
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

Thank you very much. We greatly appreciate it.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines