All posts by Geopolitics101

USA and Israel Should be Worried: The Muslim Middle East is Moving Its Own Way

Less than a month before Russia takes over the chairmanship of BRICS-11 where both UAE and Saudi Arabia will be full members, Russia makes a big move to bring cooperation with UAE and Saudi Arabia to an unprecedented level.

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Israeli Occupation: How Microsoft, IBM, Cisco and Dell Enable Surveillance and Control in Palestine

In September, Israel installed an AI-powered gun at a military checkpoint in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron. Now, that same technology has been deployed at the entrance of the Aida refugee camp in Bethlehem.

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Identity Verification Or Data Exposure? X/Twitter Using Israeli Tech Firm Headed By Ex-Military Officials

The social media platform X (formerly known as Twitter) is working with an Israeli tech firm to verify BlueTick subscribers, raising suspicions that personal data could fall into the hands of the Israeli government or private sector, both of whom have a long history of illegally stealing user data, including from X itself, and spying on both allies and adversaries.

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This Country is Making Gaza Genocide More Costly for Apartheid Israel & US

Yemen is undoubtedly still experiencing economic hardships following the war with Saudi Arabia, but it is still fulfilling its humanitarian obligations to support the Palestinian people during these trying times.

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The Deliberate Manipulation of the Human Nervous System via Pulsed Microwaves + ELF

In the year 1962 the American scientist Allan H. Frey carried out experiments with pulsed microwaves, which produced clicking, buzz, hissing or knocking sounds in the heads of people at a distance of up to several thousands yards.

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To what extent is the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Gaza Strip intertwined with the region’s oil and gas resources? Since the year 2000, upon the discovery of gas fields in Gaza, the Israeli government has obstructed the Palestinian people and their representatives from harnessing the advantages of their natural resources. Let’s look at the facts.


Elon Musk Says “No Choice” But to Kill Six Million Israeli Jews

Elon Musk, reeling from an anti-Semitism scandal, has upped the ante. In a sit-down interview posted online by the Israeli Government Press Office, Musk clearly stated that the world has no choice but to kill six million Israeli Jews. Here is the quote, word-for-word:

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Hannibal Directive: Evidence Mounting Where Zionists Killed their Own

Evidence is emerging that establishes the fact that Zionist forces killed their own people on October 7. Zionist propaganda (also known as Hasbara) has suggested that Palestinian resistance forces were responsible for their deaths, but the narrative doesn’t add up.

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BRICS Condemns Israel War Crimes in Gaza

Leaders of emerging economies demanded on Tuesday that Israel stop its war on Gaza and that hostilities cease on both sides in order to alleviate the rapidly worsening humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip.

The BRICS group condemned attacks on civilians in Israel and Palestine during a virtual summit that was presided over by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa. Several of the leaders referred to the forcible relocation of Palestinians, either inside or outside of Gaza, as “war crimes.”

According to a summary delivered by the chair,

“We condemned any kind of individual or mass forcible transfer and deportation of Palestinians from their own land.

… the forced transfer and deportation of Palestinians, whether inside Gaza or to neighbouring countries, constitute grave breaches of the Geneva conventions and war crimes and violations under International Humanitarian Law.”

The big rising economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, collectively known as the BRICS, are striving for more influence in the international system that has long been dominated by the United States and its Western allies.

These nations are frequently seen as the leaders of the “Global South,” as it is known in the language of international diplomacy. However, more than just these five nations discussed the conflict on Tuesday.

The BRICS had decided earlier this year to grow and include Egypt, Ethiopia, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Iran as members starting in 2024.

The gathering that South Africa organized was attended by the leaders of these six nations as well. Antonio Guterres, the secretary-general of the UN, also attended the summit.

The chair’s report, which essentially captures the core of the atmosphere in the room, emphasizes the mounting calls for an end to the Gaza Strip war coming from the Global South.

The battle started on October 7, when the militant group Hamas attacked Israeli villages, killing 1,200 people and kidnapping 240 more. In retaliation, Israel has been shelling Gaza nonstop, hitting schools, hospitals, and refugee camps. This has killed over 13,000 people, many of them children, and violated international law.

Millions of people have since marched for a “Free Palestine” and demanded a ceasefire throughout Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Scholars from Africa and other regions have charged the US, UK, and EU with being hypocritical for purporting to

Some nations were more aggressive in their presentations, but the chair’s summary seemed “mild and somewhat balanced,” according to Steven Gruzd, an analyst at the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).

President Ramaphosa of South Africa, who is now leading the BRICS, said in his opening remarks that Israel’s actions “are in plain violation of international law” and that the “collective punishment of Palestinian people by Israel “is a war crime… akin to genocide.” In addition, Ramaphosa declared that Hamas “must be held accountable” for violating international law.

India took a somewhat more moderate stand, with Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar stating that “peaceful resolution through dialogue and diplomacy” as well as “a need for restraint and immediate humanitarian support” were both necessary.

BRICS “Growing Assertiveness”

Some nations were more aggressive in their presentations, but the chair’s summary seemed “mild and somewhat balanced,” according to Steven Gruzd, an analyst at the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).

President Ramaphosa of South Africa, who is now leading the BRICS, said in his opening remarks that Israel’s actions “are in plain violation of international law” and that the “collective punishment of Palestinian people by Israel “is a war crime… akin to genocide.”

In addition, Ramaphosa declared that Hamas “must be held accountable” for violating international law.

India took a somewhat more moderate stand, with Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar stating that “peaceful resolution through dialogue and diplomacy” as well as “a need for restraint and immediate humanitarian support” were both necessary.

“I am not sure I recall a similar extraordinary summit being called. It does reflect on the growing assertiveness and confidence of the BRICS grouping, not waiting for the West. BRICS has generally shied away from political and security issues; this meeting goes against that trend.”

Steven Gruzd, analyst at the South African Institute of International Affairs (SAIIA).

The BRICS nations collectively account for 25% of the world’s economy and 40% of the world’s population.

Israel’s fiercest adversary, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, suggested that the Palestinians should hold a referendum to decide their future.
However, not just India but a number of the BRICS countries have developed relationships with Israel that they will be hesitant to break.

Gruzd points out that although China has significant investments in Israel, India has even closer historical ties to the nation and benefits from joint military and technological ventures.

However, India might not be able to control how a new BRICS+ will respond to Israel given that a ferocious Iran is expected to join the group, according to Gruzd.

According to analysts, South Africa, the smallest of the BRICS nations and a nation that endured harsh apartheid for over 40 years, sees parallels in the Palestinian struggle and has continuously been among the most vocal proponents of a ceasefire.

It has also long been Israel’s main trading partner in Africa. That relationship seemed to have reached a turning point on Tuesday.

Voters in parliament decided to close the Israeli embassy in Pretoria, which marked a sea change in the situation.

On November 6, the nation’s diplomats were already brought back from Israel. In response to Pretoria’s growing hostility, Israel called Eliav Belotserkovsky, its ambassador to South Africa, back for “consultations” on Monday.

Last week, South Africa, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Comoros, and Djibouti sent a referral to the International Criminal Court (ICC) asking them to look into possible war crimes in Gaza.

Bibi Netanyahu Should Be Sent to The Hague for War Crimes

Khumbudzo Ntshavheni, the Minister in the Presidency of South Africa, increased the pressure on Monday by requesting an International Criminal Court warrant against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

He further stated that it would be a “total failure” if the court chose not to look into the leader.

Because President Vladimir Putin has an ICC arrest warrant out for war crimes committed in Ukraine, South Africa was able to persuade Russia earlier this year not to send him to the BRICS Summit in August.

South Africa, a signatory to the ICC, would have been required to arrest Putin had he attended the summit there.

According to activist Muhammed Desai of Africa4Palestine, the BRICS position announced on Tuesday—which was spearheaded by South Africa—may encourage other nations to vocally oppose the war.

“South Africa is a significant economic and political powerhouse on the African continent as well as a country with one of the most embassies and high commissions in the world. Thus, its stance and position does have clout within the diplomatic arena.”

Muhammed Desai of Africa4Palestine

Others, however, contend that the coalition’s political clout is insufficient to truly influence Israel’s war strategy. Gruzd of SAIIA stated, “To be honest, I don’t think they have much leverage on Israel directly.” “It won’t have much of an impact on the West, other than amplifying the calls for a ceasefire,” I add.

Still, their power is increasing. Many countries want to lessen their reliance on the US-led Western financial system, which is one of the main reasons for the expansion of BRICS earlier this year. Dozens of countries have applied or expressed interest in joining.

As the group’s 2024 president, Russia is anticipated to advocate for the use of local currencies rather than the US dollar, which is currently the currency of choice, for international trade payments.

Some claim that in order for the voice of the Global South to be heard, that platform is essential. Africa4Palestine’s Desai stated, “BRICS offers another voice within the global world order, and that is necessary to counter the current Western hegemonic view.”

Russia’s Sacred Duty to Gaza

Russian President Vladimir Putin made this argument on Wednesday, saying that Moscow has a moral duty to provide humanitarian aid to the civilian population in Gaza.

He had expressed to other BRICS leaders the previous day how videos showing Palestinian children undergoing surgery without anesthesia had affected him.

When you watch how children are being operated on with no anesthesia – this of course arouses very special feelings. This is a very important, humanitarian, noble mission. We need to help people suffering as a result of the ongoing events.

President Putin, addressing the Russian cabinet

The head of Russia continued by saying that helping Palestinian civilians in Gaza “our sacred duty.”

Iranian Offensives Forced Israel to Agree on A Temporary Ceasefire

Iran’s President, Ebrahim Raisi, urged BRICS leaders to consider labeling the Israeli government as a terrorist entity due to its actions in Gaza. He proposed seven measures during a virtual BRICS summit, suggesting that the organization recognize Israel as a terrorist regime and its military as a terrorist group.

Continue reading Iranian Offensives Forced Israel to Agree on A Temporary Ceasefire

How Arab Regimes Fund Israel’s War on Gaza

Arab states that have normalized relations with Tel Aviv are among the leading cash contributors to Israel’s military-industrial complex. These Arab billions are now flowing into the Occupation state’s senseless war on Palestinians in Gaza, Jerusalem, and the West Bank.

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Hospital Bombings: A Collective Punishment for Hamas’ Highly Effective Destruction of 160+ Israeli Military Vehicles

The military branch of the Palestinian resistance group Hamas claims that since the commencement of Israel’s aggressive war against the besieged Gaza Strip, more than 160 Israeli military vehicles, including tanks and armored vehicles, have been either completely or partially destroyed.

Continue reading Hospital Bombings: A Collective Punishment for Hamas’ Highly Effective Destruction of 160+ Israeli Military Vehicles

Shocking Exposé: Absolutely Despicable Israeli Doctors Approve Hospital Bombings in Gaza!

We, Palestinian doctors in Israel, are forced to watch in silence massacres unfolding, which some of our Israeli colleagues are encouraging.

“The residents of Gaza, who saw fit to turn the hospitals into terrorist nests in an attempt to take advantage of Western morality, are the ones who brought their destruction upon themselves – terrorism must be eliminated everywhere and in any way. Attacking terrorist headquarters located inside a hospital is the right, and even the duty of the IDF.”

Israeli Doctors

Upon initial examination, one might think these are sentences written by extremists or fanatics, giving an army permission and encouragement to bomb hospitals. What is shocking is not only the statement itself, but that it is signed publicly by dozens of Israeli doctors and shared widely on various social media platforms.

Instead of immediate outrage and condemnation, the statement resulted in what some called a “legitimate” public debate within the Israeli medical community, to bomb or not to bomb Palestinian hospitals.

We, six Palestinian physicians working within the Israeli healthcare system, are sickened to our core by the statements made by some of our colleagues, Israeli doctors we work with, calling on the Israeli army to bomb hospitals in the Gaza Strip.

Regrettably, we cannot say we were surprised. As doctors trained and practising in this system, we are all too aware of its embedded racism, militarism and hypocrisy covered up by a false image of a medical sector where Arabs and Jews work together in harmony and respect.

The recent letter by our Israeli colleagues issued at a time of an unfolding massacres is a telling example of what the Israeli health system is really like. It is a system where some doctors, shamelessly and publicly, adopt the role of consultants to the army.

They use their position and profession, not to save lives, not to preach about the devastating effects of war on civilians on both sides and the necessity of finding a peaceful political solution, but actually to validate attacks on medical facilities, knowing full well that this means the killing of fellow doctors and patients.

At the same time, this health system has adopted a distinctly McCarthyist witch hunt approach towards us, Palestinian physicians. As a result, we cannot engage in any intellectual or moral conversation about the war. We are expected to condemn Hamas and join the patriotic Israeli military frenzy, while watching silently our Jewish colleagues cheering for the killing of innocent Palestinian civilians and endorsing the tightening of the blockade.

We drive to work every day, listening to the devastating news about the death toll and destruction in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. When we arrive, we put on that mask of “everything is fine” and endure the daily loyalty test and scrutinising eyes of our colleagues. During coffee breaks, we are forced to listen with a straight face to our Israeli colleagues casually dropping phrases like “flattening Gaza” and discussing the merits of displacing its people.

We are also seeing our Palestinian colleagues being interrogated, fired and shamed without a valid reason. We are very aware of how the hospitals and clinics we work in have become disciplining arenas. In a “normal” place, we would be in the streets, demanding an end to the war and massacres and advocating for a peaceful solution. We would use our profession and position to denounce the inhumane attacks on healthcare workers, facilities and civilian infrastructure.

We are deeply aware that the situation is much more complex than choosing sides and we know that every life lost is a tragedy, whether it is Israeli or Palestinian. But precisely because of this, we also know that history did not begin on October 7 and that our people have been displaced, killed, injured and humiliated for decades, with the full endorsement and involvement of our fellow Israeli doctors.

We come to work every day, knowing that our people are killed, tortured and maimed by illegal Israeli settlers and the Israeli army in the occupied West Bank land. However, we also know that we cannot ask our fellow Israeli doctors “Do you condemn?”

We have been forced to live in a coercive environment where Palestinian death is normalised and often celebrated, but Israeli Jewish death is seen as a tragedy that cannot be accepted and necessitates revenge.

This is the reality, where Israeli national security is of high value but Palestinian national security is a dark joke. It is Jewish supremacy in life and death that is so normalised, particularly at such tragic times when it explodes to uncover the true face of our Israeli colleagues and sadly also of the Western world and its medical institutions.

The normalisation of Palestinian dehumanisation reflects the complicity of the entire world in the massacres which are taking place in the Gaza Strip.

The medical profession has a long and rich history of opposing war and its devastating effects on health. It has stood up against racism, colonialism and imperial expansion, which have driven deadly wars.

We can vividly remember the massive organising of doctors against the US wars in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. We saw how doctors in the US, in the aftermath of 9/11, organised to oppose and lobby against the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, knowing it would lead to more deaths and not security.

But we are also aware that the majority of our fellow Israeli Jewish colleagues are on the opposite side of this urge to protect civilians, as the entire Israeli health system has been mobilised to join the war effort and support it.

The Israeli health system not only does not oppose Israel’s war, occupation and apartheid but also prevents Palestinian doctors living in Israel from speaking up and organising against them.

In this tragic and regrettable environment we live and work in, we need to hide our names and write anonymously to state the obvious, following our professional duty and oath. We have reached such a level of demoralisation and dehumanisation that we are forced to watch massacres, with Palestinian children burned by Israeli phosphorus bombs and entire populations starved of food and water, without batting an eye, as if everything is just “normal”.

Not only are we barred from volunteering to provide medical aid to the innocent Palestinian civilians, but we are also not allowed to speak up against those state crimes without risking our jobs and safety.

We want this letter to serve as an apology to our Palestinian people and colleagues in the Gaza Strip, exposing our profound powerlessness and complete impotence.

We and the world have failed you.

We can only hope that in future calmer days, we can bear witness and speak and write about the conditions that have allowed for massacres to unfold and to take part in healing those who survived.

Suad Hadi A pseudonym for a Palestinian doctor in Israel. Layla Aswad A pseudonym for a Palestinian doctor in Israel. Samir Shami A pseudonym for a Palestinian doctor in Israel. Editor’s note: Suad, Layla and Samir are pseudonyms. This op-ed has been written by them along with three other Palestinian doctors working in Israel. They are writing anonymously for fear of physical and professional retribution.

Demonstrators Shut Down UK Arms Factory in Defiant Stand Against Israeli War Machine

Trade union members numbering in the hundreds obstructed the entrance of the United Kingdom’s leading weapons manufacturer, urging an instant halt to the provision of arms to Israel in response to the severe military actions in the Gaza Strip.

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Israel’s Covert Agenda Behind Gaza’s Forced Exodus!

Last weekend, Israeli newspaper Local Call leaked an official Israeli government document recommending what Palestinians have been saying Israel is already trying to execute with its war on Gaza — the forcible transfer of Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinian population to Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.

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Australia’s Secret Support for the Israeli Assault on Gaza

The Pine Gap US surveillance base located outside of Alice Springs in Australia is collecting an enormous range of communications and electronic intelligence from the brutal Gaza-Israel battlefield – and this data is being provided to the Israel Defence Forces. 

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Demonstrators Blocked US Military Supply Ship’s Bound for Apartheid Israel

Protesters, who are against the US providing military support to Israel during a highly destructive conflict with Gaza, have obstructed the departure of a military supply ship intended for transporting weapons to disputed regions in Palestine.

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Israeli-US Ethnic Cleansing Plan To Salvage “New Middle East” Model

In light of emerging evidence of an Israeli plot to ethnically cleanse as many as 2.4 million Palestinians from the Gaza Strip, the U.S. continues to deploy unprecedented reinforcements to the Mediterranean while steadfastly rejecting the consideration of a humanitarian pause or ceasefire.

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UN Official Quits Over Failure to Halt ‘Genocide’ of Palestinians, Dismantling of Israel Required

A senior United Nations human rights representative has stepped down due to the organization’s inability to prevent the Israeli persecution of Palestinians.

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Leaked Information Reveals a Plan to Evict Gaza Residents; Netanyahu’s Willingness to Sacrifice Israeli Lives Exposed

On Monday, a confidential Israeli Ministry of Intelligence document was exposed, detailing a proposal to relocate over 2 million Gaza Palestinians to Egypt’s Sinai desert, which was shared with an Israeli news outlet.

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High-Level Discussions in Moscow on Ending Israeli Violence in Gaza Using Capabilities

The Iranian deputy foreign minister for political affairs, Ali Bagheri Kani, emphasized the need for Iran and Russia to fully harness their capabilities to promptly halt Israel’s assaults on vulnerable Palestinian civilians in Gaza and to provide humanitarian assistance to the besieged region.

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