Category Archives: Solutions

BREAKING NEWS: The 1st Historic Trades Within the New Financial System Have Taken Place




The first historic trades within the new financial system have taken place!

The many global, independent trading networks all over the planet are rapidly connecting with each other, forming an infinitely expanding web of local and international commerce, exchange and trade.

People have woken up to the fact: for most of what we spend WE DO NOT NEED GOVERNMENT ISSUED MONEY.  In fact, so many different groups have been abusing the money system, it can no longer fulfil its original purposes, which were:

a)    as a medium of exchange

b)    as a unit of account, and

c)     as a store of value

It is the last of these that has led to systemic abuse and criminality, along with usury – the charging of interest.  Money stopped merely facilitating things (a job it can do supremely well) and started to be seen as value in itself – which is one reason why so much is out of circulation! The ‘value’ is being hoarded, availability manipulated, markets distorted.  No wonder the older religions all forbade usury – for they knew that the usurer and his schemes means that he always ends up owning everything, and tends to manipulate ruthlessly to that end.

There have been some interesting clues as to how this controlling and enslaving global finance system might be broken up.  In the 1980’s, in Canada, a man called Michael Linton named the first Local Exchange Trading systems (LETS), from which a number were established.  They then spread around the planet, but were largely ignored by anyone even remotely mainstream.  The system, in brief, means that you have a local, non-interest bearing currency, and members of the system trade together for all sorts of goods and services: up to 70% of everything you need can be acquired this way in a properly run system with enough members. See definition at:

Then there were time banks, e-currencies…and many other innovations.  Over thirty years the expertise has spread to everywhere. For Time Bank description, see:

One of the most sophisticated, just coming into full operation, is Liverpool, England-based TGL: see:

The first big clue to how these generic system types might be deployed was when Argentina got into trouble with the banksters, and threw out the IMF.  The nation was in deep financial crisis – but very quickly, LETS systems sprang up, so that the people that participated were not disadvantaged.  The same has happened recently in Greece.  One Greek man, interviewed for a You Tube piece, said of the emergence of LETS – “I am amazed: I can afford things I could never have bought before”.

In other words, this generic type of system leads to increased abundance – not what you might expect in the midst of what the media tends to paint as ‘siege economies’.  Meaning that people are real and can get on with it – while many aspects of government today are a variety of fictions, and fall apart under stresses that are also substantially of fictional making.

The upshot?  SYSTEMS LIKE LETS, AND MANY INNOVATIVE VARIANTS, ARE IN PROCESS TO TAKE OVER.  Just as things like computers have moved from huge, centralised systems to distributed PC’s on everyone’s desktop, the financial system is becoming distributed down to the level of community.  Indeed, these systems ARE the community level of the NEW GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM. The new System is literally everywhere already, spreading a like new knowledge to the 100 monkeys!

There is a lot of software for these systems, much of it available for free.  For a good list of examples, see:

The new system’ developers know that people are ‘the gold’ that backs and assures this system’s success

As the groups link with each other the Products, services and reach of this network grows daily.

Many of the groups and systems are not listed here yet, for obvious reasons, however they soon will be. In the meantime, we suggest you look at the links above, then do a computer search for local exchange networks in your area and get involved.

In the (probably) trying times ahead, joining a LETS-type system IS ONE OF THE MOST POSITIVE FINANCIAL SURVIVAL STEPS YOU CAN TAKE

Software, electronic payment, credit, debit facilities and new currencies are all part of the range of technologies already operational in these new systems. All this and more is available for new groups to implement in all regions, countries, communities!

Details re access to all info will be made available in the next weeks.

Some of the exciting applications of the new financial systems include self funding of various communities and other initiatives, starting small and growing to include the, food, health, water treatment, education, new green power and other technologies, all waiting in readiness, for this ability to fund them, to arrive!

As stated, all are welcome, including those of the old regime, subject only to the simple credo of Inclusion, and operating for The Greatest Good of All.

Those of the old regime are invited to make contact, if they sincerely wish to cooperate.  Their resources, systems and networks will still be of value if they are contributed in alignment with the above philosophy. Alternatively, they may want to research the truth of what is reported here, ie, that this process of the establishment of and implementation of the new, ‘people’s financial system, IS happening, IS expanding, rapidly, and IS beyond anyone’s control, due to the fact that it is backed by some 200 million enlightened people!

If you have read and resonated with this article, please forward it to your personal contact list, post it on web sites you have access to, use it as a basis for publication, print it up and hand it out – or anything else you can do to spread the word.  You will be helping humanity move forward!

Contacts :  ad***@in***************.com

PS Already we have had an expression of interest from the old system!

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You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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The Bumpy Road to The Golden Age

We read with so much anticipation Ben Fulford’s weekly update on geopolitical and economic issues. And for each time we refresh that page, excitement and frustration collide. It’s like watching that TV series “24” where we wish all episodes are lumped into, well, one day of non-stop breathtaking action packed movie. But even movies can’t do so much justice to a fictionalized terror plot; how much more with events as real as the ongoing financial war between the old world order and the new.

Across the world we are seeing signs of massive actions for and against systemic change. Among these are the following:


Inertia is the tendency of a body to resist change. A body tends to resist motion when it is at rest; likewise, it tends to resist rest when it is in motion. Inertia is directly proportional to the mass of an object, i.e. the higher the amount of matter an object has, the “fiercer” it tends to resist change.

This same natural phenomenon can be applied or is observable in an organization or to an entire society. It usually takes a greater effort to move away from the status quo in order to effect the necessary change than to accept the present order and just go with the flow. Most of us are guilty of keeping ourselves to our comfort zones while wishing for change to come along without an effort on our part. Both resistance to change and the preservation of the status quo are expressed in different forms and magnitude. And when that occurs one side needs to give in.

The present reality demands that the old world must provide a smooth transition to the new. Through its unrelenting pursuit for advancements and untiring labors, man has finally achieved technological capability to automate every repetitive task there is to accomplish. This capacity to take it to the next level has been deterred and has suffered strong opposition for the last 100 years. Free energy, anti-gravity, teleportation, time travel, and space exploration should have been the norms of the last 20th century, but it wasn’t to be due to the refusal of the few to step down from the throne of exclusive luxury and power which they can only have under a misinformed society.

Just before the close of the 19th century, it was proven beyond doubt that we are swimming in a sea of energy. There is no space anywhere that is not under its influence, for it is energy that space is made of. In fact, energy is what everything is really made of. Tapping it should have been the first science a schoolchild must learned, but it wasn’t. We must crawl on our bellies, bath on our sweat, and listen, in perpetuity, to the cries of our brothers in the depths of Third World hunger. Our sense of appreciating the grandeur that is life had been effectively attenuated to say the least. And all of these sufferings were made possible because of the doctrine that there is heaven only in the afterlife. We either consciously or subconsciously believe in the promise that we can only find eternal happiness in the eyes of the lord when we are already dead. Oh my, we don’t even know who this guy really is, although, some of us do pretend to know.


Even the bulk of those who participated in “Occupy Wall Street” are still asking for decent jobs with fair wages when there’s really no real need for such things in order to survive at this point in time.

The birth of automation technology signaled the death of jobs. Manual labor is irrelevant in the age of automation. Manual labor is now rendered obsolete. The economic system must reflect this fact. Otherwise, those who have no access for money because they don’t own a job, i.e. they lost it due to automation, will just perish in hunger. Technology must serve man, not eliminate him from the equation.

The present system compels the shopowner to use machines to keep the bottomline. Machines don’t complain, are simply reliable, and undoubtedly more efficient. To put it simply, it is only the shopowner who benefits from the high efficiency that advanced technology, coexisting with an outdated economic system, brings, and not the shopworkers. The current economic system does not take into account technological advancements when it was designed centuries ago.

Not only are they trying to monopolize the benefits of science, they are using these knowledge to engineer our own demise by weaponizing some of them. Chemtrail is one good example of weather manipulation technology turned into a weapon of mass extermination using aluminum and other heavy metals that are known carcinogens.


To those who have joined the occupation of the streets across the globe, who were mocked at by mainstream media as having not a clear objective of why they’re taking such actions, they must make their message clear, bold and coherent as possible. They must abandon the notion that the system can still work and is only corrupted by corporate greed. There’s a need to remove not just corruption but also the system, i.e. the corporate structures that encourage it. They must accept the fact that the current economic model is completely incompatible with present realities. They must realize that asking for more jobs is like wishing upon a dying star. There never is a company bent on making huge profits which would want to do so. A singular voice for the release of all technological knowledge and all other resources of the State to the people, without the prerequisite of money, must be the only message that must be put across and nothing else.

We are not advocating for socialism but for a resource-based economy. A socialist society still uses currency to distribute wealth; a resource-based economy negates the use of any currency because all resources and technological know-how are made available to any individual, which incidentally could make all his basic necessities fully satisfied. When every resource you need is made accessible to you, you will never find any incentive for greed and corruption. You will never have any motivation for stealing. And who would want to sell something nobody is willing to buy?


This is impossible to realize. Of course it is. Even heavier than air flight was impossible at the time when kids were flying kites. Running car on waterfuel is impossible even if we saw how steam engines preceded gas-fired internal combustion engines. We can’t defy gravity even if we can run high speed trains on magnetic levitation tracks.

The government will never allow a partial or full implementation of RBE. The lawmakers will never craft any law that would implement such a system. Those are good assumptions. These people would never do such things as they are not really serving us. So why keep them and the system they are working for? Aren’t we supposed to be the masters and they are our servants? Or, is the constitution just a scrap of paper and not an expression of the collective will and aspirations of the people?


Man, as opposed to other species which incidentally he classifies as inferior, has suffered so much through the imposition of his own restrictions:

  • Countries restrict movements and cultural exchanges while encouraging animosity;
  • Religions restrict true spiritual wisdom but divides the body called humanity into sections breeding sectarian violence between differing faiths;
  • Money restricts the access to materials critical to his own survival;
  • Land titling restricts ownership to the moneyed class; overall economic production is limited to only those who have both the money and motivation to development; otherwise, the land is sitting idly by while the rest die in hunger;
  • Schools restrict his knowledge to a predetermined set of dogmatic rules, and in no way will he be allowed to stray beyond these rules without dire consequences to his career and reputation; the violators are treated as social and intellectual outcasts;
  • Mainstream media restricts his access to information by giving major air time to entertainment, selected current events focusing solely on disasters, petty to gruesome crimes, low profile corruptions, and endless political circus.

Other members of the animal kingdom don’t have these restrictions. They look at the world as a common gift to partake upon without going beyond the bounds of satisfying physical needs.

Man deserves what he wants to do and where he wants to be. His advancements are the harvest of his own labors. The benefits inherent to these advancements must be enjoyed, not just by the few who did not cause them, but by the many who collectively shed blood, sweat and tears to make life more than bearable. Man must be able to taste what heaven is like in this lifetime and not after.

It is time to remove all these restrictions he put on himself and those that are imposed upon him. It is time for a systemic upgrade and not just a reboot of the same grossly outmoded socioeconomic system so that new technologies can be fully harnessed for everyone’s benefit and new ideas can flourish without institutionalized restrictions. It is time for the 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies to finally see the light of day. It is time for the total incineration of medieval cultures and practices. It is time for a paradigm shift in favor of prosperity and wisdom.

It is time for us to fully evolve into a Type 1 civilization.

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1 MegaWatt Cold Fusion Device Successfully Tested

We have twin good news for you this week. First, is the successfull testing of a huge 1MW cold fusion device by Andrea Rossi for a private benefactor. Cold fusion devices are sources of non-polluting, non-radioactive, and extremely low cost energy. Second, the undeniable continuous downfall of the banking elite and the impending arrest of the members of the Dark Cabal.

On October 28, 2011, Andrea Rossi demonstrated his 1 megawatt E-Cat system to his first customer, who had engineers/scientists on hand to test/validate its performance. Due to a glitch, it provided 479 kW of continuous power for 5.5 hours during the self-sustained mode.


“Well, the big day has come and gone. Andrea Rossi’s one-megawatt-capable E-Catcold fusion device has been tested in Bologna, Italy; and the unknown customer, who ran the test, is apparently happy. There were some issues, so it couldn’t be run at full power in self-looped mode, but what it did do was plenty impressive. It ran for 5.5 hours producing 479 kW, while in self-looped mode. That means no substantial external energy was required to make it run, because it kept itself running, even while producing an excess of nearly half a megawatt. Rossi explained the reasons for this in the presentation he gave, which I videotaped and will be posting later. That’s half the rated capacity, but it is still a major accomplishment for the device that was completed earlier this week — the first of its kind on the planet.”

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By Sterling D. Allan (who was present), with Hank Mills Pure Energy Systems News

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Is The Rothschild Banking Monopoly Finally About To Be Dismantled?

The situation in Europe is making it clear to all but the most brainwashed that something historical is taking place. What is happening is that the criminal element at the very top of the Western power structure, especially at the very top of the financial system, has been cut off from their money printing machine. As a result, the IMF and the major European and US money center banks are insolvent. No amount of lying or paper shuffling or propaganda is going to hide this fundamental truth. The governments of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy etc. know that the debts they supposedly owe to bankers were created through fraudulent book entries and thus do not have to be repaid. That is why the banks suddenly announced that Greece only had to pay back 50% of their debt even though such a write off would destroy them. They are hoping for a tax payer bail-out that is just not going to happen. It is game over. The Rothschild banking nightmare is ending.

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Japan Is Investing 8 Trillion Yen In New Energy Tech; Oil And Nuclear Power Will Be Phased Out

The Fukushima nuclear crisis is turning out to have a silver lining because it has convinced the Japanese political and business establishment to phase out nuclear power and oil as energy sources. In particular, Japanese tycoon Masayoshi Son has teamed up with Prime Minister Naoto Kan to invest 8 trillion yen or about $100 billion to develop alternative energy technologies, according to Japanese government sources. Also, in yet another sign the old world order is ending, the US and European governments are having to dip into emergency oil stocks because their fiat currencies are no longer being accepted as payment for oil.

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This Dark Cabal frustration is the very reason that drove them to attack and pulverize Gadaffi stronghold to precisely milk the Libyans of their oil. Empirical data show that any country they tried to “liberate from repressive regimes or dictatorships” in the past never did get any better.

Take it from us, who after Marcos was removed, our foreign debt ballooned to stratosphere. Now, we are the poorest Asians alive, forced to leave the country to work as house maids and disrespected. We have been plundered by the very institution that we revere and worship. Shame on these animals. May their souls burn in Hell!

New Fuel Cell System ‘Generates Electricity with Only Water, Air’

Genepax Co Ltd explained the technologies used in its new fuel cell system “Water Energy System (WES),” which uses water as a fuel and does not emit CO2.

The system can generate power just by supplying water and air to the fuel and air electrodes, respectively, the company said at the press conference, which took place June 12, 2008, at the Osaka Assembly Hall.

The basic power generation mechanism of the new system is similar to that of a normal fuel cell, which uses hydrogen as a fuel. According to Genepax, the main feature of the new system is that it uses the company’s membrane electrode assembly (MEA), which contains a material capable of breaking down water into hydrogen and oxygen through a chemical reaction.

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Inventor X Releases Waterfuel Technology

One of those who successfully perfected the method of fracturing water molecule into its component atoms, i.e. hydrogen and oxygen, “on demand” and literally, run cars on water is our very own, Engr. Daniel Dingel, who discovered this technology in 1969. Marcos then denied any government support for the inventor and instead built a Nuclear Plant to please Western Powers. The same Nuclear Plant was moothballed just before it is switched on by the “revolutionary” government of Cory Aquino in 1986. We are still paying for this white elephant until today.

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Here’s Wikipedia Debunking Waterfuel Technology

A water-fuelled car is a hypothetical automobile that derives its energy directly from water. Water-fuelled cars have been the subject of numerous international patents, newspaper and popular science magazine articles, local television news coverage, and the Internet. The claims for these devices have been found to be incorrect and some were found to be tied to investment frauds.[1][2][3][4] These vehicles may be claimed to produce fuel from water on board with no other energy input, or may be a hybrid of sorts claiming to get energy from both water and a conventional source (such as gasoline).

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List of Murdered Scientists

#54:  Dr. Eugene Mallove, age 56. Died: May 14, 2004. Autopsy confirmed Mallove died as a result of several blunt-force injuries to his head and neck. Ruled as murder. Found at the end of his driveway. Alt. Energy Expert who was working on viable energy alternative program and announcement. Norwich Free Academy graduate.Beaten to death during an alleged robbery. Mallove was well respected for his knowledge of cold fusion. He had just published an “open letter” outlining the results of and reasons for his last 15 years in the field of “new energy research.” Dr. Mallove was convinced it was only a matter of months before the world would actually see a free energy device.

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Bush Interferes Global Settlement That Could Free The World Financially; Obama Punked @ G8 Summit

“As of Thursday last week, in Paris, all the G8 members signed off again on all World Global Settlement agreements. The G8 issued a directive to Obama to distribute the funds post-haste and that they would not accept any further excuses for the lack of distribution of the Global Settlement funds. Continue reading Bush Interferes Global Settlement That Could Free The World Financially; Obama Punked @ G8 Summit