All posts by Geopolitics101

United Nations Appoints Executioner Saudi Arabia as Chair of Human Rights Council

The United Nations is showing its true color by appointing Saudi Arabia as the head of the UN Human Rights Council.
As disgusting as it is, the beacon of freedom and democracy United States has congratulated the House of Saud for the prestigious appointment.
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US Taxpayers Paid $500 Million for 5 Fighters vs. ISIS/L

The NeoCons have been for decades selling wars like hotcake. Why not?
It’s a very profitable industry considering that they only need to hire and train unskilled laborers for dime a dozen to become terrorists, hire another set of cheap labor to fight the first group for PR purposes, and the ROIs are in the range of multiple millions. That’s just for the war sales agents.
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Russia Beefs Up Syria Offensive with 2000 Troops, Combat Aircrafts

Aware of the global sentiments in favor of the neutralization of CIA trained ISIS/L in the Middle East, Russia continues to send additional ground troops and more warplanes and reconnaissance drones to beef Syrian government military capability to repel the terrorists.
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Join the Militia & Make Your Country Better

Have you noticed why street protests earned preference in the mainstream media and not the armed militia?
It’s because the entire establishment is afraid of the real equalizer, the real deterrence to a corrupt and tyrannical government that the founding fathers had the wisdom to enshrine into the very fundamental law of the Republic of the united States of America.
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Will big U.N. love-fest just turn into attempt by cabal to look nice and keep in power?

by benjamin
September 22, 2015
The next few weeks should reveal if radical changes in how this planet is run are going to be announced or if it will be the same old criminals trying to keep in power by putting on a nice face.
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From Exceptionalists to LaughingStocks, It’s Game Over!

IT’S OFFICIAL! US is willing to negotiate with the Syria without the Syrian president’s removal as an apparent precondition [here].
BREAKING!!!  Russian, US Defense Chiefs Agree to Restore Military-to-Military Contacts
Exceptionalism is the perception that a country, society, institution, movement, or time period is “exceptional” (i.e., unusual or extraordinary) in some way and thus does not need to conform to normal rules or general principles. – Wikipedia
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Lawsuit Filed vs. US Banks Rigging $12.8 Trillion Market

It’s not enough that they keep on printing worthless fiat paper money. It’s not enough that they manipulated interest rates through Libor. They still needed to rig even the auctions of US treasury bonds, the whole market in fact and for decades, the regulators just didn’t notice the broad daylight operations until now, would you believe that?
“Dealers including top American banks which control the $12.8 trillion US Treasury market rigged bond auctions for years, Bloomberg reports. 
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The Moral Forces Behind Syrian Prez Bashar al-Assad

In the buildup prior to the premeditated terminations of Saddam and Gadhafi regimes Western media took turns at demonizing these leaders, who have done much to their people than any leaders in the West, by showing images of violence supposedly committed by these dictators against some sectors in their own societies which were proven to be CIA/Mossad inflicted.
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Who Wants to Bite The “Inclusive Capitalism” Bait?

As we have mentioned earlier,  the upcoming Papal Speech at the United Nations will touch upon the need to change the capitalist system into an all-inclusive economic system, among others.

It turns out the idea comes from the Rothschild family of bankers, and they have been floating this idea since last year perhaps to appease the burgeoning resistance.
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Acts of God, mutual accusations, fear and hope as Zionist nightmare collapses

by benjamin
September 15, 2015
The 14th anniversary of 911 may be the last one to pass without the perpetrators of this crime finally seeing justice. There were some very unusual “heavenly” events associated with this anniversary. One was a double rainbow seen in New York
Continue reading Acts of God, mutual accusations, fear and hope as Zionist nightmare collapses

Nazionist Khazarians Disrupting September Events on Multiple Fronts

While Russia, together with Iran, is moving for a checkmate against the Khazarian organized fake Muslim caliphate, ISIS, in Syria and Iraq, and Japan has to deal with massive ongoing HAARP attacks in their territory, China is also being sabotaged diplomatically by Nazionist hardliners influencing the White House.
Continue reading Nazionist Khazarians Disrupting September Events on Multiple Fronts

Japan’s Largest Volcano Erupts After Ruble-Yen Swap Announcement

After Japan’s announcement of a plan to engage in Rubble-Yen swaps on September 9th, effectively bypassing US sanctions against Russia, its largest volcano erupted in what could be interpreted as a way of warning Japan not to severe ties with the Cabalists and engage with Russia yet.
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Iran Joins Russia for a Grand Checkmate in Syria; Final Cabal Takedown Looming

Previously, Russia was able to push for an early checkmate against US warmongers when it successfully convinced the Assad government to destroy its chemical weapons arsenal under UN supervision, removing any pretext for Western aggression against the country.
Continue reading Iran Joins Russia for a Grand Checkmate in Syria; Final Cabal Takedown Looming

From State Sponsored Terror to State Sponsored "Freedom"

Every human being, no matter the color of his skin, aspires only two things, i.e. freedom and peaceful coexistence with his fellowmen.
Another fundamental truth is that, the environment to which that human being is raised on, or subjected to, dictates his attributes and attitude such that in places where resources necessary for basic survival are scarce, the prevailing attitude will tend to fall into that of a ravenous carnivore.
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Chaos in cabal controlled financial system creates opportunity for revolution

by benjamin
September 7, 2015
Chaos and conflict at the very top of the Western financial system has created a unique opportunity to permanently put an end to Khazarian mafia control of the West. Furthermore, a new group of leaders will be assuming power in the Pentagon and, if they are able to coordinate with the worldwide resistance movement, humanity can be freed from Babylonian debt slavery as early as this autumn.
Continue reading Chaos in cabal controlled financial system creates opportunity for revolution

Chemtrail: A Social & Geo- Engineering in One, Funded by Gov'ts, Sanctioned by UN

Deliberately blanketing the skies with nanosized heavy metals achieves at least two complementary goals, i.e. weather manipulation and make people brain dead.
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Virginia TV Reporter Shooting Hoax Busted!

The Virginia Shooting 2.0 featuring Alison Parker as the lead victim live TV reporter and back to back with her own father, Andy Parker, as one of the supporting actors, turns out to be just another one of those poorly produced video purposely to “brainwashed people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way.”
Watch these series of short videos and be entertained. You deserve it.
Continue reading Virginia TV Reporter Shooting Hoax Busted!

Drowned Syrian Boy Drives Home Guilt in All of Us!

For weeks we have ignored the plight of the refugees from the Middle East thinking that the highly civilized European Community would responsibly shoulder the brunt of the human catastrophe of their own making. But high society has a way of turning a blind eye until all TV cameras are pointed at them.
Continue reading Drowned Syrian Boy Drives Home Guilt in All of Us!

Big Pharma's Shameful Secret & Government's Genocidal Culpability

A six part Special Report by Bloomberg News, Big Pharma’s Shameful Secret,  is a massive documented indictment of the pharmaceutical industry and its corrupt practices which would not be possible without the complicity of the stakeholders in government and academia–both having become dependents of Big Pharma.
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As expected, the BRICS countries led by China and Russia are keeping up with their pressure against the Nazionist Cabal and are still on track on the previously planned systematic depletion of the privately owned Federal Reserve out of its borrowed gold bullion known collectively as the Global Collateral Accounts.

Putin Drafts Bill Dumping US Dollar Within CIS Countries

In another attempt to shut down the financial war chest of the Nazionist Kazharian Mafia, Putin himself is drafting a bill that would eliminate the use of the fiat dollar within Russia’s sphere of influence. This measure is complementary to the ongoing not so covert currency attack by China against the fiat financial system of the West.
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A small scale military operation would be enough to remove the Khazarian cabal from power

by benjamin
September 1, 2015
Notice to readers, due to my annual holiday, the reports for August 17th, 24th and 31st will feature non-time sensitive material. Regular reporting will resume in September.
Continue reading A small scale military operation would be enough to remove the Khazarian cabal from power

China’s Plan to Exit the Fiat Stock Market Confirmed

As we have been saying all along, China is not only planning but is already executing a carefully controlled exit from the fiat system and pave the way for a return to a financial system that is backed up with a basket of tangible sovereign currencies, e.g. gold, silver, natural gas, high quality export products.
Continue reading China’s Plan to Exit the Fiat Stock Market Confirmed

Russia Testing Electronic Warfare vs. Space Attacks that Hit China Recently

As you might already know, two chemical storage facilities in China were hit with space launched bombs while she was playing with her yuan currency lately. As expected, Russia is not taking these attacks against a BRICS partner lightly.
Said attack is now confirmed to be nuclear in nature.
Continue reading Russia Testing Electronic Warfare vs. Space Attacks that Hit China Recently

Over 40 States Forming Free Trade Zones While Rome Burns

While the Roman Empire of the West still reeling on what hit them yesterday and a week before, over 40 states including China, Thailand, Indonesia and even Cambodia are signing free trade agreements with the Russia-led Eurasian Economic Union.
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China Relaunches 2007 Playbook to Recreate 2008 Scenario

Fasten your seat belts; the long anticipated final phase of the global financial reset is already here.
There’s no doubt that the West can still play its military and proxy based color revolution cards but at the end of the day the entire strategy is dependent on their ability to print more paper currency that the armies on the ground are being paid with.
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A review of the current alliances of secret societies & visible power centers [Fulford]

by benjamin
August 24, 2015
Notice to readers, due to my annual holiday, the reports for August 17th, 24th and 31st will feature non-time sensitive material. Emergency news updates will only appear if necessary. Regular reporting will resume in September.
Continue reading A review of the current alliances of secret societies & visible power centers [Fulford]

All Stocks Still in Red, Let's Bomb China Again

Another chemical plant with 300,000 tons of adiponitrile exploded in China at 8:50 PM last night. That’s the second chemical storage to have been blown in a week, and we are asking ourselves why after decades of unprecedented economic progress, they still haven’t learn how to do things properly.
Is that really the case here?
Continue reading All Stocks Still in Red, Let's Bomb China Again

How the Syrian Chemical Weapons Videos Were Staged 2 Years Ago

Earlier this week, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon submitted the findings of the UN chemical weapons inspection team dispatched to Syria last month to gather evidence on the August 21st chemical weapons attack in Ghouta.
Continue reading How the Syrian Chemical Weapons Videos Were Staged 2 Years Ago

15,000 Ashley Madison accounts were affiliated with a .gov or a .mil address

Ashley Madison is a dating site for facilitating extra marital affairs for those who believe that “Life is too short” and can afford the cost related thereto. It turns out, most of those walking in the halls of Washington DC and London are using this portal to get more out of their miserable domestic lives.
Email accounts bearing .gov and .mil domain extensions are issued exclusively from US government and US military websites. US taxpayers’ money well spent.
We were told to watch as the cabal takedown unfolds. Let’s see if this one has any effect intended on the organized criminals headquartered in DC and London.
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The battle for the planet earth is entering a decisive phase this autumn

August 18, 2015

Notice to readers, due to my annual holiday, the reports for August 17th, 24th and 31st will feature non-time sensitive material. Regular reporting will resume in September
Once again the autumn season is expected to bring turbulence and power struggles to a new intensity as the September 30th accounting deadline looms. The question for the cabal is what sort of horse trading, threats and compromises will be made by the cabal in order to kick the can down the road and keep their fraudulent power structure intact. The question for the rest of us is how can we finally put a permanent end to their nightmarish debt slavery regime.
Continue reading The battle for the planet earth is entering a decisive phase this autumn

Peer Reviewed Scientific Evidence Exposes Chemtrail as Crime Against Humanity

A peer reviewed, court admissible scientific evidence of the deliberate annihilation of the global population has been released to the public by a very prominent scientist. This explosive revelation was made through the peer reviewed International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

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L.A. 4.0 Magnitude Earthquake is followed by Yemen's 5.7

Whether these successive tremors are still part of the endgame is something we can only speculate at this point.
Nevertheless, we need to prepare ourselves, and when necessary, take some appropriate actions.
Most of all, we don’t need to fear the enemy. They are losing the game and they are financially bleeding. We just need to be alert about where they would strike next.
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