A peculiar pattern is developing over the past two weeks. As we should know by now, various countries are being hit by calamitous events, almost simultaneously.
Continue reading Anti-Deep State Countries Hit by Calamities, Coincidence?Tag Archives: worldwide revolution
Central Banks on Armageddon Alert
If the US debt-ceiling debate goes past the eleventh hour, and the default of the world’s largest economy becomes a reality, leading central banks around the world are gearing up to minimize losses and keep the world economy functioning.
Follow RT’s LIVE UPDATES on the US budget crisis
If US lawmakers don’t reach a budget consensus and raise the debt ceiling by Thursday October 17, the US will become the first Western power to default since Nazi Germany in 1933, and will send markets into uncharted territory.
The rest of the world is bracing itself for what would happen if the bill is rejected, and the US inches closer to defaulting on its debts, which are largely foreign- held in the form of US Treasury Bonds.
Central banks have begun preparing for the worst-case scenario if US does fault, which would result in a serious devaluation of Treasury bonds, delayed payments, and a more large-scale version of the current government shutdown.
“Because in the past it’s always been sorted out is absolutely not a reason to fail to do the contingency planning,” Jon Cunliffe, who will become the Bank of England’s deputy governor for financial stability in November, told UK lawmakers.
“I would expect the Bank of England to be planning for it [US default]. I’d expect private-sector actors to be doing that, and in other countries as well,” said Cunliffe, who acknowledged a default as “the main risk to the [global] financial system”.
The European Central Bank and the People’s Bank of China (PBC) have struck a deal that moves both banks farther from the dollar orbit. The two banks agreed to ‘swap’ $56 billion worth of yuan for $60.8 billion worth of euros.
Many central banks have reserves in the form of Sovereign Wealth Funds, which are also at risk if the US defaults, as many of the assets are held in dollars. These investment vehicles could be crippled by a default. China’s is estimated at more than $1.3 trillion – the world’s largest.
A historic shift
Neil Mackinnon, a former UK Treasury official, told RT the US default tango marks a shift in the global economic paradigm, from West to East.
If the US doesn’t act soon, “the dollar will decline and its importance will move to a multi-polar currency system and other currencies will take on board more importance,” said Mackinnon.
Over the weekend, economic leaders from around the world met in Washington DC at the International Monetary Fund’s annual meeting. The fund’s managing director, Christine LaGarde, issued a harsh warning the global financial system could enter a recession if the US misses its debt deadline.
The US Senate said they will announce a deal to end the shutdown and extend the debt ceiling on Tuesday, which will pass through to the House, where it will face Obama’s hard-nosed Republican opponents who want to cut funding of the Affordable Care Act.
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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.
Senate Nears Deal… GOP Rep: Boehner Will Be Lucky To Find 20 Republicans To Support It… House Conservatives Revolt… ‘Mushy Piece Of S–t’… ‘If Boehner Backs This, He’s In Trouble’… House To Vote On Their Own Bill – And Still May Not Have The Votes!… THE DEFAULT HAS ALREADY BEGUN…
– Max Keiser
What if all those people whom we believe are fighting against the Cabal are themselves mere actors playing their part of the Grandest Script ever laid upon the Gullible?
What if Vladimir Putin is with the Cabalists just like his predecessor Gorbachev?
What if the whole show is just a monster’s clever adaptation to new realities wherein the Sheeples are beginning to empower themselves with information never available to them before?
We cannot expect the masters of mind manipulation to just sit there doing nothing while we are busy chatting in social media about how fucked up we all are. They must have expected something like this would happen and may have figured out the most suitable countermeasure.
Such countermeasure that would convince everyone that ended we have regain our freedom back, yet in reality the control systems are just being upgraded.
We must not forget that within a very short span of time they’ve been able to convince us that the Slavery System is gone, and yet we all know that it has expanded its scope and clout instead.
It used to be only the colored peoples of the planet, but right now it has made everyone subservient to somebody else. From ordinary laborers to professionals, private and public officials, presidents and paupers alike, we are all serving the same Slavery System, that very efficient mechanism which ultimately fed the caprices of the few at the top of the pyramid.
The slaves of the past were once housed and fed. Now, they have allowed the slaves to house themselves through a financial scheme that would take a lifetime to pay. The built-in limitations accompanying every legal right are cloaked with fats and sweeteners, e.g. right to vote and free speech.
Free speech can be muted just by shooting the messenger. The right to vote can be defeated even before the vote is cast by fielding politicians of their own choosing.
So if we can’t trust everyone, where do we turn to?
I can only suggest one — Yourself.
Empower yourself, and try living off the grid as much as you can. That’s when you begin to know freedom. Nobody, politician or not, can give it to you.
Consider everything else as mere entertainment, – a natural anomaly.
Otherwise, the whole thing will whack your brains out, and they have won.
Setting yourself free from the grid is a revolution unto itself. And if others would follow you then, we have won.
Enough for my short and mild rant.
Now, it’s time for me to share Pete Santilli’s, which would resonate perfectly with yesterday’s post, Bloodless Strive.
Putin Story Scripted – Russia Spent $ 6 Million with American PR Firm
September 15, 2013
Well folks, I’m back from a needed 2 week break and glad to be back in the grind of our lifetime.
I figured I would start the news-year off right by expressing my opinion and what appears to be a unique perspective on Vladimir Putin’s recent rise to global fame.
Over the past couple weeks while on vacation, I couldn’t help but tune in periodically to the so-called “Syria Crisis” in the main stream media; what we awakened recognize as a full scale pre-fabricated crisis initiation perpetrated by the powers-that-be to instigate another middle east war.
Please allow me to provide commentary from an outsider’s perspective, as I was merely peering into the current events coverage from the outside as I was basking in the sun on holiday. The only reason I tried to stay updated by catching CNN coverage was because I believed the Syria Crisis was a potential catalyst for World War 3 — the implications were far too enormous for me to ignore entirely over my 2 week vacation. As I was grabbing snippets of information over several days as the crisis unfolded, I felt as though I was being subjected to some of the most horrifying propaganda that the mainstream media has ever manufactured. Yes; we’ve seen them operate as an obedient extension of the military industrial complex; and yes; as they did in Iraq, they simply read tele prompted scripts to convince the American public to open their wallets voluntarily to wage a trillion dollar war. With the Iraq War history so freshly embedded in our memory, one would assume that the state-run media personalities would refuse to be duped once again. You would readily assume that so-called journalists in the main stream media would never again let their government make them look like a propaganda tool.
Watching CNN made me feel like hurling in disgust. Not just because they were so open and obvious about the agenda they were pursuing on behalf of their fascist masters, but because I couldn’t ignore the fact that we still have 100′s of millions of Americans who still naively trust their government; American business; and the main stream media. I became horrified thinking about all the innocent, naive minds being skull plugged by the lies and salesmanship.
Ladies and gentlemen, if you ever wondered what the root of all evil is in the world, I think I have it figured out, and I’ll share it with you because I believe I’m right. Lying to the public is not only legal, but essential in keeping a failed system operating with the energy of false confidence.
The elite cannot physically walk up to each and ever citizen with a pistol; demand that they take out their wallet and hand over all their money. The only efficient method by which they can steal from us on a massive scale is get us to surrender our cash voluntarily. Lying to the masses accomplishes a few things for the elite; it gives them a sense of moral character as they essentially steal from us wearing a suit & tie with lies propagated through the media; they can throw their elitist hands in the air and say “…what the heck, I am not doing anything wrong, I am exploiting capitalism as I receive fists full of cash being thrown at me as a result of my entrepreneurship and corporate success…this opportunity exists for ALL Americans….I am wealthy because people have thrown cash at me….what am I suppose to do? Refuse to accept it?”
Those Americans who are too stupid to understand what is happening to their minds will permanently resign themselves to their role as subservient, gluttonous feeders of the system being shoved down their throat by the elite who know the secret code. They have crafted a corporate brand of leaders who create jobs and prosperity via their system of perpetual lies. They have us all convinced that the alternative is poverty and pain.
Today there are a select few of us who are now fully awakened to the realities of this failed; immoral, unethical system of theft, but we cannot stop there. We must recognize that the elite have now learned to lie to the awakened as well. Within our community of awakened exists a large percentage of people who have just recently realized they were suckered by the main stream media, and I believe they are still malleable and naive — they are the easiest to lie to; all the elite have to do is gain their trust by telling them that they have been lied to “…so here’s the truth…”. The bottom line: It’s another set of lies wrapped up in a truth flag.
So, you are probably asking, “…what does this have to do with the Syria Crisis? and so what if the main stream media lies — I don’t watch CNN…”. As I said, from an outsider’s perspective I will present this to you in the least condescending fashion:
They have us completely surrounded with every possible scenario of lies by purchasing each and every one of our minds. If you are a conservative — done. We have a narrative that fits perfect with your anti-Russia, cold war mentality.
If you are a liberal peace-nick. Bam. Peace at all costs, led by the socialist-in-chief.
Independent? Boom. Bi-partisan opposition whipped up in a blender.
Conspiracy theorist? ”Alternative media” fanatic? Bam! Alex Jones is bought and paid for, and every single alternative media underling regurgitates exactly what he is regurgitating — “aggregating” selective news without ever having to claim ultimate responsibility for propagating lies.
Are you a Russia-fearing prepper? Ka-blam! Gotcha covered with numerous reports about Russian troops on the ground and thousands of “confidential DHS insider” leaks.
No matter who you are, and what your perspective is as you analyze the Syria crisis, your mind is purchased. Even Russia has mastered the fine art of skull plugging for profit. Just think, both the U.S. and Russian military industrial complex cannot afford NOT to psy-op their populous. Trillions of dollars are at stake for both sides.
Here’s the most disturbing thought: There is so much money wrapped up in pre-fabricated conflict, that the Russians, Chinese, and Americans have allied in the propaganda war. The name of the game is “Public Relations” (corporate code name for legal lying & skull plugging).
If you take a step back and wonder why each special interest group is thinking the way they are thinking in their analysis, you can easily determine that each sect is satisfied with a pre-purchased rendition of what is occurring in this Syrian crisis, but the bottom line is that we are always inching towards war. No matter what your politics are, your mind is perfectly ripened to justify killing billions of humans and sending trillions in profits to both sides of the conflict. Each of us is literally being painted into a corner, and the elite will soon surprise everyone with a one-world government solution.
This, my friends, is the higalian dialectic on steroids. Problem – reaction- solution , and it is a fact that the awakened are not immune or exempt from the psy-op. Every mind has been purchased. Period.
In the USA, we can follow the money trail through what we now know is a fascist system. Mercenaries whip up a chemical false flag attack in Syria. The intelligence community (secret Zionist code for lawless militant drug traffickers and war fabricators) covers all the bases: fake YouTube videos, CNN teleprompter scripting, and made up Presidential reports that give the Commander In Chief no other legal obligation than to bomb. Corporations inject the media — like pumping a Foster’s Farm chicken with growth hormones — with the same styled imagery & heart string jerking sadness of dying babies who have been gassed.
In Russia, same scheme, different dialect of lies, but ultimately bough and paid for by the Russian military industrial complex.
Within moments of returning from vacation, I immediately said “…whoa…why is this Russia/Putin narrative being shoved in my face so hard?” Before vacation I was talking about how I admired the conduct of the Chinese and Russians on the international diplomatic stage. I now realize that’s exactly what they paid for. The global elite are slowly whittling away at American sovereignty and prosperity, and we are witnessing the final nail in our coffin — convincing our citizens that we really are much better off conducting ourselves as obedient global citizens. That our international diplomacy skills are old and obsolete. That America is no longer an “exceptional” society under the most powerful & protective rules of Constitutional law in the history of mankind.
In order for both the Russian and US military industrial complex to win trillions, they must destroy the USA from within (we’ve seen this through our collapse), and then finalize the deal with final push from Putin. The entire story has been scripted, and all facets of this story are covered. Each of us will one day soon say that we had no other alternative than to act, and each of us will open our wallets and throw trillions to the elite. We will beg them for global stability, and since the USA is in its final throws of incompetence, the majority of our Zombies will clammer towards a one-world government. A peace negotiated by all angry parties for the sake of humanity.
Is this all a conspiracy theory, or is it a fact that what I tell you — that there is so much money wrapped up in this scheme that they cannot afford to stop lying to you — then please consider that anything you believe about Vladamir Putin has been paid for. The Russians have spent almost $6 million dollars with a public relations firm which specializes in lying to you for profit. It has been reported that the Op-Ed piece published by Putin was crafted and placed in the New York Times by American PR firm Ketchum. Let me repeat that: Vladamir Putin’s handlers are an American corporation that gave him inside access to one of the US’s top media outlets. Communist Russia has used capitalism to penetrate the American mind? But, one could ask, “but Putin is trying to negotiate peace? Isn’t that the desired outcome?” Only if you look at the surface, but you have to realize that the stage is being set for the battle of Armageddon between the Russian Bear and the God Blessed Exceptional Amerikans. It’s a slow trickle of thinking inserted into your brain, but don’t forget, $6 million dollars is being spent by the Russians for “PR”, and you bet your bottom dollar that they expect a trillion dollars back in war profits for their investment.
Don’t forget Obama’s help to the military industrial complex by signing the NDAA. By doing so, he essentially gave them an open check book to pump lies into the media. The 2012 NDAA repealed the Smith Mundt act which prohibited the US Military from using the media to propagate fake news stories in their psy-ops.
What’s the punchline? Armegeddon is a very profitable venture. The only way to fund it is to pre-fabricate chemical false flags, whip up tear jerking imagery of gassed babies, convince the world population that there is no other alternative than to open their wallets and throw money at the Pentagon, and line up a billion of our youngsters to get slaughtered fighting for “freedom”.
The end result: Profits flow like a slot machine to the elite. The people pay the bill. A billion lives are wiped out (no biggy for the elite—especially if the troops are too stupid to be anything but obedient and patriotic). All sides of the military industrial complexes of Russia, USA, China win a couple trillion. And worst of all, the elite actually pay billions to make us believe this is a better alternative than a collapse. The fabricate the problem — exploit the human reaction to the horrifying events they create —- and then pay big bucks getting ready to offer the Zombies a solution. Why? Because they will win trillions.
It’s all a lie and it can never be stopped. The best thing we can do is believe none of it, and resist their higalian dialectic to the death. We will literally need to kill the elite (for humanitarian reasons) to stop them from lying. We can do this, but time is running out. Tell as many people as you can —not about the truth, but especially about the lies.
Be sure to tune in to The Pete Santilli Show on Monday September 16th at 10am PST / 1pm EST for our first broadcast back from the annual break. Follow Pete on Twitter @SantilliMan, and please also “Like” our GuerillaMediaNetwork.com Facebook page. We realize Twitter and Facebook have been compromised, but that won’t stop us from sharing critical information in the face of tyranny.
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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.
Karen Hudes Dropped the “J” Word on RT
Those who pretend to be on our side rarely mention the involvement of the most insidious military organization that is running the Vatican. Be it Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, Ron Paul, and Ben Fulford – they can all go into the details of the problem but they are united in one common thread – the silence about the Jesuits.
Karen Hudes, on the other hand, just did what those men can’t do.
And while others are injecting fear porn into the ongoing US, Inc. shutdown, the RT article below emphasizes a smooth transition from the West to the East, i.e. economic strengths.
‘Congress all bribed, has zero confidence in eyes of American people’ – World Bank whistleblower
Download video (181.99 MB)
Karen Hudes
The US government shutdown – a temporary ailment or a symptom of a grave disease? Are the Republicans right in their move to block Obamacare spending? Who gains from the shutdown turmoil? Do the politicians care about their citizens? Our guest comes from the very heart of the banking system: Karen Hudes was World Bank lawyer when she blew the whistle on major corruption cases in the system and was fired as a result.
Sophie Shevardnadze: Our guest today is whistleblower Karen Hudes, former senior counsel at the World Bank. Karen, it’s great to have you on a show today.
Karen Hudes: Thanks for having me. Sophie, I’m glad to be with you.
SS: So, the government shutdown. Is the move on the part of the Republicans justified? Is fighting off Obamacare worth all this mess?
KH: I think there is something more going on behind the scenes. A lot more actually.
SS: What do you mean?
KH: Well, there is a terrible currency problem. We’re on the verge of the currency war. The Federal Reserve is printing dollars like there is no tomorrow. And if they keep going the rest of the world is not going to accept them. As it is the BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – have decided that they are going to finance the trade among these countries with assets and pay for the difference in gold. And this is a right move for them…
SS: But how is that connected with a shutdown though?
KH: The US Congress has been fighting with the presidency because the presidency has been in total contempt and the highest legal officer of the United States Government has also been in contempt of Congress in fighting this international corruption that is ruining the dollar as an international reserve currency.
SS: You know, economists have been predicting the dollar will fall ever since the crisis in 2008. But the Government has managed to keep it afloat.
KH: Well, not for a long. If you look at what’s going in the gold and other precious metals markets, silver as well, we’re headed to something called “permanent gold backwardation”, that means there is a loss in confidencein the fiat currencies that are issued by those private banks. They like to consider themselves as ‘public banks’ but they really owned by private entities. And these currencies are about to crash because they are valueless, that’s what always happens to paper currencies that aren’t backed by assets.
SS: Like you’ve mentioned – “gold backwardation”, gold is often chanted as perfectly safe investment and alternative to the dollar, even. But how come the price of gold is following?
KH: Because of a market manipulation but that can only continue for so long because the Central Banks are running out of gold and the rests of the world are lining up to buy them. If you want to buy gold today, you have to pay today a premium. What they are offering in the future is called ‘a naked short’, they don’t have the gold to back those offers, that’s illegal what they are doing.
SS: I will get back to gold in a bit. But for now I would like to focus on Obamacare. In your opinion, is Obamacare really that crucial for the US economy?
KH: What you have is something that’s very good for medical insurance because most of the other countries that offer medical coverage do this through a single issuer. And that’s it not what we have here. What we have here is a bill that was drafted by the medical insurance companies. It’s not good for this economy. It never was.
SS: Why do you say it’s not good?
KH: Because what’s happening is the workers that worked full-time are being put deliberately on part-time basis, so that the companies can avoid giving the medical insurance coverage under the provisions of the law.
SS: You know this Obamacare thing.. I’ve heard it many times being compared to Socialism, Communism sometimes even. Do you trace the resemblance?
KH: That’s just because the mainstream media, when they report about what’s going on, are doing it by telling lies and anything that’s good for the powers that be. The mainstream media is completely owned and controlled by the same companies, private companies that own the Federal Reserve System. Most of the American citizens are clueless about the corruption that’s rifling their economy.
SS: But just to make sure are you saying that everything about Obamacare is bad? Or are there good things about it?
KH: No, of course, there are good things about it. But the problem is that the people that wanted to get up decent courage were not given the tools, they were not given the equipment, they were not given the press coverage – the honest press coverage that society needs to enact just legislation. The Congress people are all bribed by these corrupt forces and the American citizens have Zero confidence in their Congress.
SS: So, at this point you side with the Republicans for blocking the medicare.
KH: I’m not siding with Democrats or Republicans because both of those parties have been co-opted by these terrible corrupt forces I’m talking about.
SS: What we have right now is Americans being forced to get health insurance. How does it go with their love of liberties and freedom of choice?
KH: It’s not so much a question of being forced, you have to look at those parts of the society that have been thrown under the bus. The uneducated children who are not given superior education like we used to have.We are society that is giving short shrift to the people that need us. I’m not saying that we ignore the health needs of our country. I’m saying that we ignore the mainstream media because they are not telling us the truth.
SS: You know, I also heard Obama supporters argue that the American Capitalism is on the verge of death in its present form, the way it is existingnow, and the social injections, meaning the medical care and Obamacare, are needed as the only way to reform it or save it. Do you agree or disagree with that?
KH: The problem is not with the American citizens, they are a wonderful group, their values are good. It’s just that they are not given the tools that they need to have a just society. They are not given the basic information, about what is really going on and who is benefiting, from the economies that they are being told… they have been told that they have no money, they have taken an entire city, Detroit, and declared it bankrupt. When what’s actually happening is their tax dollars are not even staying in the society, their tax dollars are going by treaty to the United Kingdom, and then they are being transferred to the Vatican, to the bank of the Vatican. This is not a society that is going to be sustainable on any basis, for any reason.
SS: Do you feel like American economy is peaking up because we hear President Obama saying shutdown hurts American economy but at the very sensitive moment world has just started to catch up. Do you feel it’s catching up really?
KH: Those numbers about the employment are completely fabricated because they are not counting those people who have given up ever finding a job as unemployed. That’s ridiculous! The real rate is just about double what they reported as being.
SS: So the American debt looks like a doomed patient. Is there any other possibility for it than just grow into eternity forever? I mean raising debt ceiling once or twice a year, what’s the problem?
KH: The problem is actually when you talk about debt that our currency is financed by debt, our currency is issued by the Federal Reserve instead of the Treasury which is unconstitutional. When the Federal Reserve System was instituted in 1913 most of the Congress was on break, they sneaked that legislation through. So the debt is there simply for those bankers to put in interest on it and have it grow and compound every year. The debt is a fabrication, it’s probably should be repudiated. But it can be repudiated until you’ll have looked that all ofthe implications.
SS: Do you think it’s going to go on and on forever?
KH: No, what I think it’s going to happen is that at the upcoming Bretton Woods meeting on October 9th the countries of the world, the foreign ministers of the world are going to sit down and have a rational basis for currency rather than this fiat currency which is absolutely… what can I say, it makes no sense to anyone but the bankers that are issuing it.
SS: So, when you look at the conflict of the debt, it’s much more than just borrowing money – it makes you controllable. For example, in the case of US – who controls it, you mean the big corporations, or countries like China and Japan, who control large chunks of the debt?
KH: Well, that’s a very good question and, fortunately, some mathematicians at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology have given us a very precise answer. They did a study of who owns and controls the companies on the capital markets – 43 000 companies. They found out that there is «a secret super-entity», they call it, that owns 60% of the earnings every year and 40% of the assets. They did this by putting the same people on the boards of these companies. So, they have ten times the economic power than there are entitled to. And they thoughtthat none would catch them at it. This is a huge conglomerate that has been rigging the labour’s prices, it has been rigging all of the commodity’s prices, and it has been trading in the securities markets with insider information. It has got to be stopped. It also bought up the media and has been lying to people deliberately. This is going to stop.
SS: So just to answer my question – the government is controlled by the conglomerates or the corporations rather than countries that are up and coming economically, right? Why haven’t these corporations or conglomerates, as you call it, been caught? Why is nothing changing?
KH: That’s the whole point about it. They’d like to think they are in control but they are not, they are not above the law. And we, citizens, know exactly what they are up to, we’ve been working on this problem, all of the governors of the States have been working on this terrible corruption, so have the Attorneys-General, so have the Sheriffs, and it’s not going to continue. The American people are taking back their government and they are stopping this terrible corruption.
SS: As of today, the United States is a financial heart of the world. Whether it collapses or keeps on going, it’s obviously wrong – this much power is concentrated in one place. Asia is a rising monster right now; could it be stealing this financial role from the US? Do you think China, for example, could steal its financial role from the US? Or are they also controlled by that same financial elite you’re mentioning?
KH: Well, I can tell you that the Jesuits have a very strong strangle hold on China as well but I can also tell you that the transition of economic strengths from the western countries to the east is going to happen, but it’s going to happen in a smooth way. It’s not going to be a transition through a currency war like that terrible corrupt group is trying to manipulate everyone into. We’re going to have a peaceful power transition this time around; we’re not going to have the World War III. They try to pull it off in Syria, they are now thinking they can pull it off in Iran, it’s not happening. The citizens of the world see what they are doing and we’re not letting them get away with it this time.
SS:Foreign governments keep buying US Treasury bonds despite obvious problems US economy is facing. What’s making them do that, in your opinion?
KH: I think the biggest market for the Federal Reserve notes is the US Treasury and there is a God of dollars right now. Yes, there is also a small market, unfortunately, the market is weakening as the dollar weakens because of all of this, what they call quantitative easing, where every month so many additional dollars are printed with absolutely no backing.
SS: Should we be buying gold?
KH: Well, yes and no, I think gold is probably wise purchase right now but more as insurance than investment because there is actually a great deal of gold, there is even more gold than people know about. For example, the amount of gold in the deposit in the Bank of Hawaii is 170 000 tonnes, this is more than the World Gold Council says as available for all the gold on the Earth. People don’t know how much gold there is, there is a lot of gold.
SS: Are you buying gold?
KH: I did actually, yes. But not because it’s an investment but because I’m not 100% certain that we’re going to get to act together before all of the paper fiat currency falls apart. So I see it as an insurance but because of the amount of gold that’s actually around in the world in deposit all over the world, I’m not so sure it’s a great investment.
SS: So you think the return to the gold standard is a realistic thing? It could be a possibility?
KH: Well, actually, that’s not such a good thing. The currency ought to be backed by value, but there is no reason why it should be restricted to precious metals, it could be any of the commodities that are valuable. The important thing is that, yes, the currency should be backed by assets rather than by debt as we now have.
SS: But if a financial collapse happens , let’s say, will gold be of any use? I mean, there is shortage of food, look at the world today, the biggest problem we’re facing is a clean drinking water. What gold is going to do about that?
KH: First of all, I think that we’re going to manage together, act together, I’m not expecting a collapse. Very accurate game-theory model is showing that we’re going to manage to make a transition in a very smooth way, maybe there’ll be a few fits at start. I think most of the countries in the world are in favour of working together and not to have a collapse. The only thing that you’re saying is that some of these crooks haven’t figured out, they haven’t seen the writing on the wall, they haven’t seen that we understand that there is a way to work together and avoid these problems, which are definitely avoidable.
SS: So, Karen, you were a senior counsel at the World Bank. Tell me something, honest banking is this an oxymoron?
KH: No, we have examples all over the place in the United States, the state of North Dakota has its own state bank and many of the other states are looking at that – at the moment 22 other states are looking at it, and we’re urging the other 28 states to look at it. There was a bank in Amsterdam but I think went on for 300 years with no problem. We know how to do banking, it should be like infrastructure to support the economy, it shouldn’t be for the benefit of elites that think they are above the law as we currently have. If you look at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), that institution was established when the war reparations were being exacted from Germany after the World War I. That when it was started in 1930 and I believe its 60 central banks, that are members of the BIS, those are the corporates, those are the ones that really needs to go out of business.
SS: You first blew the whistle over corruption in the World Bank. Tell us more about your revelations?
KH: Well, that’s actually what happened. I was working in the Philippines and there was a bank. This was at the end of the East Asia financial crisis in the end of the 1990s. The second largest bank in the Philippines, the Philippine National Bank, there was a loan to strenghten the banking sector and what happened was a man who own Philippine airlines, Lucio Tan, ended up buying more than 10% of the shares of the Philippine National Bank without informing the security authorities in the Philippines, that was against the law. And then I told the person who was in charge of the World Bank Lending Programme they should tell the government of the Philippines that the conditions of the loan were not going to be met. And instead I was reassigned and I didn’t accept that, so I went to the meeting where it was decided whether or not to disperse the loan and I said that the board was not being informed that the conditions were not met. And then what happened was the loan wasn’t dispersed but the people who had their money on deposit in that bank withdrew their money and the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corp. had to withdraw, had to back up the bank, for five hundred million dollars, and then we didn’t disperse our loan for two hundred million and the Japanese didn’t disperse their loan for two hundred million. So, that was nine hundred million dollars worth of a pure loan performance and when the evaluation department in the world bank said that the World Bank had performed satisfactorily, I corrected that report and my correction was never given to the board. That was a cover-up. You can’t have a cover-up in a bank – that shows that money is going the wrong way. I’ve been working together with other whistleblowers at the World Bank because we know that the board has to be informed about what’s actually going on. Other whistleblowers have reported double accounting, we reported this to the UK Parliament, I reported it to the European Parliament in 2011 and the European Parliament wrote the letter to the World Bank. I had a very detailed chronology, and the World Bank never responded. Then I’ve been reporting this to the US Congress and when the US Congress was asked to give a capital increase to the World Bank, they had asked for a government accountability office audit which never took place. I was reporting this to the International Organisation of Supreme Audit institutions and then I asked the board to require KPMG to do an auditof the World Bank Internal Controls. KPMG did not follow the auditing standards, I reported this to the public company accounting oversight board, I reported this to the ICC. But since the ICC couldn’t be bothered to sort out the insider trading for the Federal Reserve System, they certainly weren’t going to straighten out the bonds in the World Bank. So I borrowed world bank bond and I sued under the securities laws, and I also went to each and every Attorney-General in the States, and I told the States that they were responsible for making sure that there was accurate financial information going to the bond holders in their States, and I also went to the International Organisation of the Securities Commissioners. So, the World Bank has got to be brought into compliance and there has to be transparency in the capital markets, and the insider training of the Federal Reserve System is going to be history in short order.
SS: Do you feel safe after all these leaks, I mean you were fired?
KH: You know I have been working with some very wonderful whistleblowers; in particular, I’d like to mention Mark Novitsky who has been reporting about insider trading and inaccurate financial reporting for Teletech, which is a company that had been spying on American citizens. So, when whistleblowers work together, and compare notes and share information you get a very accurate picture. In addition, I’d like to mention Larry Harrison, who has been my PR guy. So when you have people who you’re working with it’s not so easy to shut the whistleblowers down, we just gain in strength. We ‘re going from strength to strength.
SS: Do you feel like you are being heard? Is anything changing?
KH: Well, that’s what I like to ask your audience.
SS: Do you feel like anything changing in the system by whistleblowing on it?
KH: Yes, I absolutely do. I think the number of people they are hearing my message and that are looking into this information, and everyday they are sending me e-mails. They are going out and they are getting their neighbours to find out what’s really going on. I don’t think this mainstream media is going to have too big of an audience at the rate we’re going.
SS: There are liberty movements that are actually picking up now, the likes of Bitcoin, for example. Can they ever grow into a solid rival to the conventional system?
KH: I think they’re going to be a force to be reckoned with, yes. It’s a matter of fact. There are other similar kinds of payment systems that are now gaining currency. Yes, I think we’re going to have a world where there’s a lot of choice and the legal tender is not going to be used to put people into debt and to imprison them.
SS: Are you using a Bitcoin as of now?
KH: That’s a good question. I’m trying to learn how. There is a conference that is taking place and I’m going to try to get myself sorted out on that.
SS: Karen, thank you very much for your time. That’s all for today. Our guest was a former insider at the World Bank, ex-senior counsel Karen Hudes. Thanks for watching and we will see next time here in SophieCo.
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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support, and for bringing us to our first million site views. We really appreciate it.
A Jesuit-Free World is A Free World
We have raised the alarm early on about the possible Jesuit infiltration in the global freedom movement. Only a few have noticed. We wholeheartedly understand why. We’re just a small fry in the muddy pond.
We have written several articles on how Jesuit infiltration could happen:
– Hijacking a Revolution – April 1, 2012
– Hijacking a Revolution 2.0 – January 25, 2013
– Hijacking a Revolution 3.0 – February 14, 2013
– Hijacking the Greatest Revolt Ever – August 23, 2013
Recently, The Keenan Group have raised concern over the recent pronouncement of Ben Fulford that “P2 Freemasons want Pope Francis to be new M1, the controller of money.” Although this is not a categorical statement of agreement to the Jesuit agenda, still the telegraphing of that statement left a bad taste from a person who claimed to abhor Cabalistic behavior.
We fully endorse the statement made by Michael Henry Dunn about Ben Fulford. And we fully appreciate the immediate reconciliatory remarks by Keenan himself, although he doesn’t even need to.
Another statement made by Keenan in the recent past that resonated so well with us was when he said that the BRICS alternative bank is just the same as the Old Bank it tries to compete with.
Fulford, on the other hand, took an offensive move that served and sounded his fellow Jesuit Coadjutors, Alex and Jesse, that, “gold is just a yellow metal that you cannot eat [a useless stone that should better be handed to us].”
We’re not falling for that scheme again.
You cannot eat gold, but it is enhancing the speed at which all computer networks and stand-alone PCs processes their data. There are many aspects of the industry where this yellow metal has been serving well.
And maybe it’s time now to throw in some nuggets we have found along the way:
– John Bedini, in one of his free energy experiments, discovered accidentally that when copper wire is heated to 5000 C, it turns to a yellow metal. Verify if you must;
– Gold has also been found to be useful in the age old human pursuit for physical immortality.
Maybe these are the very reasons why free energy is violently suppressed and gold is actively regulated.
Why are we advocating for the recovery of the Asian Gold Bullion?
To finance the implementation of all suppressed technologies, for its responsible use and further development. A transition mechanism should be provided before we can effectively move into a resource based economic system. In fact, once the free energy system is put in place worldwide, RBE will be its natural consequence.
We don’t believe that anybody could just force the concept of the Venus Project down to everyone’s throat at this point in time. We need a transition mechanism which will provide the necessary education and psychological adjustment.
Notwithstanding, that It’s a lot better to put the safekeeping of this yellow metal back into the hands of its peaceful rightful owners rather than in the lap of the warmongers who sought to decimate every breathing soul on this planet.
Where do we go from here?
We will be, as we always have been, a filter in the alternative media, sifting through and try separating the wheat from the chaff in the alternative information that have been fed both by the true advocates for Truth and Lies.
The benefit of the doubt, or is it trust, that we’ve extended to the freedom movement players has limits, and we for the sake of fairness have extended these limits several times, but for Fulford, it’s been too much.
His repeated appearance at the Veterans Today, a sophisticated Jesuit psyops outfit unmasked by Pete Santilli, suggests he’s been sold out to the Dark Side for good.
When was the last time have you heard Ben Fulford utter the “J” word?
We don’t remember either.
Recently, we have posted three articles about how the Jesuits exploited Asia and my country:
- The De-Evolution of Philippine Society
- Illuminati in Asia
- Illuminati in Asia 2.0
- Yellow Metals, Infiltrators, and the Ignoramus
As it is very clear by now, Fulford and the P2 Lodge, he’s been trying to strike a “win-win solution” with, are two of the most useless accidents that ever occurred on this planet.
But that’s just us.
So, if you still love his weekly antics, it would serve him well if you go directly to his blog and subscribe.
We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.
Yellow Metals, Infiltrators, and the Ignoramus
This is a continuation of our series on the Illuminati’s conquest in Asia. We are running these articles in the hope of illuminating more on the nature of errors committed against Asians and why they must be corrected.
This is a very long article which will contradict Ben Fulford’s claim that:
“The conclusion is that there are no giant treasure caves in Indonesia or the Philippines and that the so-called global collateral accounts or global debt facility is based on fraud. What is true though, is that to this day, large amounts of un-usable dollars and Euros are printed, shrink-wrapped and left in warehouses in the region as “payment” for the gold taken from the region by Western powers in the 19th and 20th centuries.” more »
The Golden Lily loot widely known as the Yamashita Treasures is real. The Philippine Gold Bullion, 600,000 tons from our own gold mining industry is real, too, and separate from the Yamashita Treasures. Even at this point in time,the gold mine industry is still active especially at the Mount Diwalwal in Davao.
My own hometown is a victim of this attempt to recover a portion of the Golden Lily loot.
WW2 Veterans should know that at the closing of the war, when Gen Douglas McArthur did keep his immortal words “I shall return [for more gold].”, via the island of Leyte where the biggest naval battle in history was fought, the Japanese Imperial Army were forced to evacuate to the southernmost tip of the island, where Guinsaugon is located.
In 2006, Guinsaugon mudslide happened after 5 days of non-stop heavy rainfall. More than 3 days of heavy rainfall is never natural.
The mudslide was triggered by an incendiary bomb which according to witnesses, they saw white smoke and heard a loud explosion from the direction of what became the site of the landslide that took more than a thousand lives, mostly children in school and women who are celebrating women’s day unmindful of the fate that was coming.
The first article below is from Greg Szymanski as sourced from Bobby Limeta, a local historian from the National Museum who painstakingly researched the subject for the enlightenment of his fellow countrymen.
The second article is a successful attempt of the Jesuits to legitimize their claim on the Yamashita Treasure and our own assets held in our own Bangko Sentral with the willful cooperation of the CIA-installed political dynasty of the Aquino family. This is included here to illustrated that even the Jesuits themselves officially acknowledge the existence of the treasures.
The third article is just among the few mainstream accounts written about the 22 crates said to contain currency [gold bullion?] that were flown by the US Navy together with the Marcos family when they frantically fled to Hawaii in 1986 at the conclusion of the biggest People Power Revolution then.
We are hoping that these grave errors inflicted on all Asians be corrected through the help of The Keenan Group, and the rest of the world who do have a stake on the survival of this planet.
Confession No. 11: According to Philippine Man, Jesuit And Vatican Have Pilfered Trillions In Gold Owed To The People
by Greg Szymanski, July 02, 2006
Last Updated: Sunday, July 02, 2006 01:59:34 PM |
Freedom fighter connects the dots back to Rome, as Americans better wake-up before the same thing happens here like is going on in the Philippines.
First and foremost, frightened for the safety of his family, he is considering a move to New Zealand, seeking safe haven from the persecution being dished out for his political views and exposure of Vatican corruption.
Limeta has previously contributed to these Sunday Confessions, shedding light on how the Jesuits are raping and pillaging the Philippines in hopes Americans wake up before the same thing happens here.
But now he comes forward in Confession No. 11 on the shores of Brushy Creek, telling about his personal experiences as well as sharing more shocking information about the Jesuits and their underhanded control of the Philippines.
What I will tell you now is a matter of life and death,? said Limeta.
My country has been for 485 years controlled by the Roman Catholic Church and of course the Jesuits are the masterminds. Our government is controlled by the Jesuits-Vatican and our country is one of their stronghold territories.Would you believe that our government’s secret operatives, controlled by the Jesuits-Vatican, can grab me inside my home using warrantless arrest and my family will never see me again, alive.
Is it bad or a sin to be a patriotic citizen of my beloved country? Is it bad or a sin to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?
You may ask me, why I’m angry to the Jesuits-Vatican (Roman Catholic hierarchy)? Well, what if I tell you that the Jesuits-Vatican of the Roman Catholic Church are the real thieves that looted the wealth of our nation.
It all started way back 1990 (16-years ago), I saw my countrymen become poorer and poorer, becoming innocent victims and betrayed. Only elite and rich families, influential politicians and show-biz personalities enjoy the good life. My country is dilapidated and now an impoverished nation. The poor are unable to get good medical care and treatment, for we do not have enough money. We the minority, middle-class and the poor also cannot get a high standard of education, simply because we don’t have money.
Simply, we are in debt to the World Bank & IMF loan system benefiting the rich. The interest alone is already killing millions of my countrymen, especially the poor. What World Bank and International Monetary Fund? These are owned by the Jesuits-Vatican !
Since 1990, I promised myself that I will find out the real culprits. It did not take me long to discover it was the Jesuits. Now below is what I’ve discovered and found out with supporting documents. Now, brace yourself as to what I’ve discovered and investigated that no politicians will even dare speak about it.
The Jesuits-Vatican initiated the Second 30 Years War (1914-1945). Yes, indeed our country was invaded and occupied by the Imperial Forces of Japan under Gen. Masaharu Homa. The Japanese Imperial forces had previously looted all the gold and treasures of the Far East, from China down to French Indo-China, from Singapore, Malaysia and finally bringing it to the Philippines when the Japanese started losing the war against the Allies.
As the US forces with air and naval superiority cut-off the Philippines link-up to mainland Japan, Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita and his senior officers buried the looted gold in various parts of our country. After the war, some Jesuit-controlled OSS Agents and senior officials who are members of Knights of Malta began searching for the gold.
They included Rev Fr. Joes Antonio Diaz, Opus Dei, alias COL. SEVERINO SANTA ROMANA (OSS Agents called him Santy for short) together with Gen. Edward Lansdale and coordinated by Wild Bill Donovan,? all confirmed Knights of Malta of the Catholic Secret Brotherhood secret alliance along with the help of NAZI war criminals Franz Von Papen, Gen. Reinhard Ghelen, Heinrich Himmler.
Rev. Father Diaz alias Col. Santy and Gen. Edward Lansdale without showing any mercy then killed the Hukbalahak rebels. Why? Because the territories held by the rebels are the exact locations where Yamashita’s gold was buried. Not only that, Rev. Father Diaz, alias Col. Santy and his cohorts OSS Agents even tortured the personal driver of Gen. Yamashita to confess and reveal where the gold was actually buried. Major Ferdinand Marcos, who became senator and president of the Republic, also knew about it.
That’s why Rev. Father Diaz alias Col. Santy hired Marcos as his lawyer to bring out the recovered Yamashita’s looted Asian gold. However, by 1949 our people had accumulated 600,000 metric tons of gold deposited inside the vault of the Central Bank. This 600,000 metric tons of gold was different from the Yamashita’s looted gold. Hence, my countrymen are proud of it and legally speaking it’s our property. For decency, my countrymen will not claim the Asia’s looted gold by the Japanese Imperial Forces. What we are claiming is our country’s own gold deposited inside the vaults of the Central Bank.
In short, Yamashita’s looted Asian gold and our very own gold deposited inside the vaults of the central bank was brought out of our country by Rev. Father Diaz and traitor Ferdinand Marcos. The gold then was mixed together and deposited in various Jesuit-controlled illegal bank accounts in Switzerland and other banks. The illegal Nugan-Hand Bank of Australia operated CIA formerly OSS controlled by the Jesuits-Vatican helped in transporting other gold to Australia and then diverted into other countries. The Jesuits know it and they are watching as Rev. Father Diaz is a member of Opus Dei, all bagmen of the Jesuit-Vatican. I also discovered that Michael Hand of the Nugan-Hand Bank is a CIA Agent! ?The most shocking revelation is this, when Marcos was still alive, he wrote a letter as his last will before he died that his looted wealth (our country?s wealth) will be entrusted to the Vatican Trust. His true color was revealed. Also former Catholic priest, Marcelino Tagle of Bataan said that Marcos always worked for the Vatican. Now, I see the whole scenario.
According to EJ & Doris J. Ekke documents revealing the hidden history of the gold the 400,000 metric tons of gold held in the vaults of the Central Bank would elevate the gold-based money supply in the Philippines to more than twice as much per person as the money supply in the U.S. and U.S. money is not backed by gold. If that much money, some 4 trillion dollars, were to be spent cleaning and fixing up the Philippines, think of what a paradise it would be.
The Roman Catholic Church disguised as religion from God and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ as well as the Catholic Church-Jesuits-Vatican are GREAT LIARS AND HYPROCRITES. They have betrayed my countrymen now living in despair and poverty because the Jesuits-Vatican-Roman Catholic Church illegally looted our country’s gold. Anyone of my countrymen who will dispute me, I’ll take on in a manly and civilized debate. Anyone who hates the truth is against our Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone of my countrymen that will dispute this hidden history of our country will become ignorant to reality. There’s no mystery in an open mind. Remember God is truth and we shall worship God in the spirit and truth. Jesus Christ said, and the truth shall set us free.
Therefore, I accuse the Jesuit-Vatican of the Roman Catholic Church as the mastermind, culprits and guilty entities for the looting of our country’s wealth. And I as a legal citizen of my country has the right to demand in behalf of my countrymen under the protection of our God given Constitution and Bill Of Rights demanding the Roman Catholic Church to return the gold they have illegally looted.
I admit I’m angry to the Catholic Church as I saw my poor countrymen living in despair. Why did the Catholic Church betray my countrymen and our country? They (Catholic Church) came into our country and my countrymen embraced them honestly and with respect.I have in my possession 15 sheets of original photocopied documents linking Rev. Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz (Opus Dei) alias Col. Santa Romana (OSS Agent), Gen. Edward Lansdale, Ferdinand E. Marcos, the late Archbishop Of Manila Jaime Cardinal Sin and Baron Arndt Krupp for the looting of various gold and of course our country’s very own gold. And you’ll be shocked that the shadows and footprints of the Jesuits-Vatican will be realized once and for all.?
For more informative articles, go to www.arcticbeacon.com
Greg Szymanski Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Go to www.rbnlive.com Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at www.LewisNews.com. He also writes for American Free Press and has his own site www.arcticbeacon.comListen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radio http://webs.lewisnews.com/radio/index.htm. Greg is also regular on Rense.com the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Source: http://arcticbeacon.com/2-July-2006.html
Jesuits Stole Philippine Gold Reserves at Central Bank
Researcher And Historian Claims New World Order With Help From Vatican And Jesuits Are Destroying Philippines
Bobby G. Limeta says the same thing is happening in America, but observers claim media and government are protecting the real enemy.
2 Jun 2006
By Greg Szymanski
When it comes to nailing the real enemy in America, the suppression of speech and the free flow of information has become a joke.
And while the fat cats are laughing, the country has become a caldron of confusion, hatred and deception, leaving most good men shaking their heads at all the two-faced, back-stabbing cowards in positions of governmental and media power.
A 90-year-old reader former German from Blythe, California, who survived Stalin, Mussolini, Churchill, FDR and Hitler, put it well when he said: “I can’t even stomach listening or looking at Bush and his corrupt media friends. I felt the same way about Hitler and the same thing is happening here, but Americans are too fat and blind too care or see anything.”
So the search for America’s real enemy is deflected, side-tracked, derailed and stonewalled by the thousands of New World Order minions, protecting the big shots at the top.
With that in mind, to fight the New World Order, the enemy from within must first be exposed. And according to many good patriots, most of them silenced by the corrupted media, a discussion of the real enemy within, including the Illuminati and Zionists, is totally outrageous and incomplete without including the Vatican and the Jesuit Order.
However, every once in a blue moon a courageous man comes forward who is unafraid of the powerful evil forces protecting the Vatican and Jesuits. And every once in awhile a man steps forward with solid information, helping to connect the dots and helping Americans wade through the crock of horse manure spread out on the air waves and in Washington.
In this case, the man is historian Bobby G. Limeta of the Philippines, who has chronicled, studied and closely observed the Jesuit Order since 1990, saying:
“The Philippines was dilapidated, looted and now an impoverished nation because of the conspiracies made by some elite peoples, priests and nuns that are controlled by the Jesuits. Today, political crisis & intrigues, social agitations, street marches-protests-rallies, and rebellions are very common in the Republic of the Philippines. These arenas are the expertise of the Jesuit Order.”
Limeta, who closely monitors the nefarious activities of the so-called God-loving Society of Jesus in the Philippines, warns Americans if the Jesuits would have their dirty hands in destroying his country, they are doing the exact same thing in America.
“I also said it many times on my written articles that no other entities in the world could parallel the diabolic works of the Jesuits,” said Limeta, adding Americans are also being conned, duped and sold down the river by the cunning and deceptive Jesuits, hiding behind the cloak of the clergy and their third party governmental and business counterparts in crime.
So if the Jesuits and the Vatican are the spiritual controllers of the New World Order, why have they been given a free-ride in America to do whatever they want without even the slightest bit of attention?
Limeta and other researchers say they are protected by their third party governmental, business and media lackeys, allowing them to operate behind the scenes as the black robes of the clergy provide the perfect cover.
In an effort to expose what Limeta calls the “evil Jesuits,” he provides 18 points of reference concerning how the Jesuits actively are destroying the Philippines, saying this gives more than an adequate reason to investigate their activities in America:
Here is Limeta’s list concerning The Republic of the Philippines of The Jesuit Order:
1.The two people power Edsa Revolution are the works of the Jesuits. Overthrew two presidents “Ferdinand Marcos & Joseph Estrada.
2.President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo ‘GMA” is a Jesuit educated at the Jesuit owned Ateneo de Manila and Georgetown University (Fr. Edmund A. Walsh School Of Foreign Service).
3. GMA and Fr. Romeo Intengan (former Jesuit Provincial Superior In The Philippines) are sometimes having secret meetings at the Jesuit House in Quezon City, Manila.
4. Fr. Romeo Intengan is GMA’s spiritual and religious adviser.
5. GMA’s National Security Adviser Mr. Norberto Gonzales & Fr. Romeo Intengan are the founders of Partido Demokratiko Sosyalista Ng Pilipinas (PDSP) to combat Marcos regime.
6. The Jesuits introduced and brought the Theory of Liberation here in the Philippines. The same theology that havoc Nicaragua by the Sandinista Rebels. Because, of this Liberation Theology, there are now approximately 2,000 priest and nuns who are radicals and secretly supporting and associating themselves to the communist rebels in the Philippines. The same theology that resulted into the establishment of the Communist Party Of The Philippines – New Peoples Army (CPP-NPA) headed by Jose Maria Sison. Followed by the National Democratic Front (NDF) headed by Fr. Luis Jalandoni. Both these men are exiled in Netherlands.
7. Liberation Theology is being teach at the Jesuit owned Ateneo de Manila University under “Curriculum 141 Immersion Program”. The reason, many young students become very subversive against the Philippine government. This theology is the result of the creation of various anti-government militant organizations or groups “Communist Ideology.”
8. The Jesuits are the real master-minds of the terrorist movement known as the “Light A Fire Movement” during Marcos regime, as per confession by their former obedient follower named Mr. Ed Olaguer. Mr. Olaguer admitted that the Jesuits together with Mr. Norberto Gonzales are the people giving secret directives for planting bombs and arsons in various parts of the country during Marcos regime.
9. Another cohorts of the Jesuits is former president Cory Aquino who allowed Jesuit Fr. Joaquin Bernas to touched and amend our beloved 1987 Philippine constitution. Fr. Joaquin Bernas is Ateneo’s Constitutionalist.
10. The Jesuits are the educators of our past, recent and present leaders (Presidents, Senators, Congressman, Businessmen, Rich & Elite Families). Who are controlling the sideshow of Philippine politics and behind them are the Jesuits.
11. Ateneo de Manila University oversees government functions like Georgetown University. This university is the secret meeting place for political agendas where dark motives are planned.
12. Fr. Integan is member of the Transition Government Committee for the smooth transition of President Estrada for the new in-coming president of the republic “GMA”.
13. Both GMA and Norberto Gonzales are my pin-pointed Jesuit temporal co-adjutor.
14. Our Supreme Court Justices are members of the Knights Of Columbus. A Jesuit founded society. I call it “Philippine Supreme Court of the Knights Of Columbus by the Jesuit Order.
15. Two former senators and some in secret are members of the Jesuit’s arm “Opus Dei”.
16. OSS/CIA Agent Col. Severino Santa Romana a.k.a. Reverend Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz (Opus Dei) together with Atty. Ferdinand Marcos who become Philippine President and also one of their associate ex-priest Fr. Marcelino Tagle are the culprits in looting of Philippine gold out of the vaults of the Central Bank Of The Philippines.
17. Marcos friend Spanish-Filipino Mestizo Billionaire Don Enrique Zobel de Ayala, their idea to create a foundation for Marcos ill-gotten wealth. Who was the trustee, it was the Vatican Trust managed by Archbishop Bruno Torpiglianni (Papal Nuncio) and Fr. Alarcon of De La Salle University Jesuit Brothers.
18. Yesterday, former president Joseph Estrada strongly accused that his overthew legitimate government was done by conspiracy works of the following people. Fidel Ramos – former Philippine President Elite Businessmen Lopez & Ayala Rich Families. Some Military & Police Generals Jaime Cardinal Sin – the late Archbishop of Manila to include Cory Aquino and GMA’s husband, Miguel Arroyo.
For more informative articles, go to www.arcticbeacon.com
Greg Szymanski
I found this letter that was purportedly written by Conrado Limcaoco to ex-President Corazon Aquno about the Marcos Gold that was shipped all over the world. The amounts involved are staggering, mind boggling to say the least that I wanted to start a thread about this very important part of our history that is seldom discussed due to its sensitive nature and far reaching implications both for our country and the world’s monetary system at large. To start off the discussion here’s the letter which also appeared in Eric San Juan’s book “Marcos’ Legacy Revisited”. Fire away guys.
10 October 1989
President of the Philippines
Malacanang, Manila
Dear Mrs. President,
I have never waivered in my commitment to serve you and our people over the past few years. Even in our bleakest moments, I was confident we would triumph — and thus far, we have.
In the course of tracking down the right-wing military adventurists a task which is continuing, we have unearthed a story — parts of which you may have heard before — but which we feel deserves a serious second glance at this particular historical conjuncture. I ask you to please read through this report personally and not show or pass it on to other officials of this govemment until we have had the chance to meet, should you feel such a meeting is necessary after going through this. Please suspend your judgment and disbelief and know that this report was written after much in-depth intelligence work and soul-searching on my part.
I. Background/Premises
Our work thus far supports the contention that the Yamashita treasure does exist and appears to be the basis for the Marcos’ hidden wealth. What has been recovered and sequestered to date is not even the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
Over 90% of the worlds legal and illegal gold production were in Asia at the outbreak of World War II. Why? History will tell us why. From the galleon trade where spices and silk were traded for gold and other precious metals to the days before World War II when the Europeans, fearing a war in the West, moved their gold to their Asian colonies and former colonies for safekeeping. Thus, England moved their gold to Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia -France to Vietnam, and so forth. The rest you know. The Japanese brought the gold here and had to leave it here as they retreated in defeat
From 1967 to 1973, Cipirino Garcia Sta. Romana found some of this gold and began shipping it out of the country mostly to the PROC. In 1973/4, Sta. Romana signed a power of attorney over the gold to Marcos. More of the treasure was found with the help of treasuro maps, foreign treasure hunters and the AFP (many of the retired generals now in Hawaii) in subsequent years. It was either (1) shipped out as is, (2) laundered via the Central Bank reminting facilities and through other means and then shipped out, or (3) reburied under the custodianship of trusted subalterns or heirs. Further, there reportedly is still 35-37% of the treasure still to be discovered — which the likes of Noel Soriano and company have set their eyes on.
II. The Global Implications
There is a forty (40) year period within which another country may claim treasure/property taken from it with another country. This period lapsed in November 1985.
An interesting question is — who owns the gold? Or better still — who wants the gold? Technically, now the people of the Philippines can lay some claim to the gold, assuming Marcos was not an innocent “finder” or “treasure hunter” entitled to a share, but instead used his position and influence to find it, ship it out, and even sell some of it. To answer the question —
The countries of Europe want the gold! They believe much of it was theirs to begin with. They want or need it so much they are even willing to buy some of it back. A 1983/84 sale we are reconstructing indicates that the 11 monarchs of Europe syndicated a deal involving over 120 banks with the Bank of England as the lead bank to buy back some of the gold. This transaction is known by the code JOB/HK/25 which I will detail later.
The 12 Asian countries conquered and plundered by Japan in World War II want the gold! They believe they have a stake in this as it was from their countries that the Japanese took it from. Marcos struck deals with many of these Asian countries. He shipped back some of the gold to them in return for a share in the booty. For example, the gold shipped back to Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and India are reportedly split now at 70% of the particular country and 30% for Marcos. Japan allegedly has been promised 50% of Marcos 30% in these Asian settlements. Mrs. Yamashita has alleged shares in some of the gold stock in Asia. I will also detail this later in this report.
The United States of America wants some of the gold! The US had virtually no gold of its own to begin with. They need it to back their currency and to stave off economic difficulties. Marcos shipped large stocks of gold to the USA. Marcos allegedly committed to sell 300,000 metric tons of the gold to the US. Obviously, the Asian countries and the Europeans would look with displeasure at this — if they knew about it or could prove it We have evidence that at least 2 major sales were negotiated with CIA and US Treasury front organizations in 1983/4 and 1984/5. One of these transactions in 1984/5 codenamed YAB42 was apparently aborted because of a difference in payment terms. The US offered 20% in cash and 80% in US government securities.
Marcos wanted 80% in cash and 20% in securities. The amount involved is staggering. A taped conversation with one of the buyer negotiators indicate that senior executive officials of the US Government during the period had to get Congressional approval to increase the US foreign debt to accommodate this deal. As late as mid-1986, US officials were trying to convince Marcos to conclude the deal in Hawaii. In 1987, feelers from their front organizations — e.g., Navegacion Global’s Mr. Bullock were sent to this government (A letter from Mr. Bullock was received by Malacanang Records Office last October 8, 1987 and is enclosed as Annex A). I believe some of our people may have even sat with Mr Bullock. I do not think they knew what Bullock vas really up to — or understood or believed him if he told them. We allegedly have gold sitting in US depositories — which the US government wants badly. They reportedly cannot release their new “rainbow dollar” (multicolored dollar bills) that are already printed without this gold to back it up.
III. The Marcos Scheme of Things
Marcos compartmentalized this whole operation so that very few could piece it all together. We have managed to assemble quite a number of Marcos’ real operating people — those that shipped the gold out, found the buyers, negotiated the transactions We are slowy piecing the puzzle together.
For each Marcos account, whether in cash or in bullion, these are assigned trustees and signatories — some of whom do not even know each other. There are secret bank/depository arrangements such as access code and security countersigns.
Before his death, Marcos organized what is called THE UMBRELLA, a network of 54 people whose task is to manage these assets in the event of his death. In theory, the umbrella, not Mrs. Marcos or his children would execute his will. At least two members of the umbrella’s inner core of about one dozen are already working with us. The umbrella has never been tested in action before. Marcos has never died before. Those who now work with me tell me that the chairman of the umbrella is a very decent man who can be talked to on behalf of our nation. Apparently, there is no sharp cleavage between this group (family, heirs, followers, etc.) and Imelda’s. Most of what we know is FM’s not Imelda’s. It is doubtful that even she would know all of FM’s holdings. The destabilization efforts will most probably come from Imelda’s camp not surprisingly. Marcos is reported to have revised his will a few months before he died, asking former Solicitor General Estelito Mendoza to Hawaii for this purpose. Imelda was reportedly vehemently against the revision. We are trying, through the umbrella, to get a copy of this will.
Exactly how much gold is involved? The estimates vary, and understandably so because of the complex shipping procedures and the compartmentalized nature of the operation.
I have seen documents saying that the gold under the control of the umbrella (there are smaller stocks not reported to or controlled by the umbrella) is in the neighborhood of 1.33 million metric tons (MT). Whether one believes this figure or a lessor figure is not material given the magnitude of the entire scenario. One metric ton of gold is worth
about $11 million. The Philippines’ annual gold production is estimated at between 40-60 metric tons The world’s “legal” annual gold production, which is regulated by the London gold cartel so as not to upset gold prices as well as the value of currencies of the world, is estimated at between 1,200 to 1,400 metric tons.
So, where is the gold? How much of it have we traced thus far?
IV. Where Is It?
Our sources have pinpointed the locations, volume, and details of many of the Marcos and Imelda gold accounts around the world.
We have left out the volume figures for countries other than the United States which are relevant for understanding points raised in other sections of the report We do have the detailed breakdown of these other accounts in the other countries but thought it best to omit these for now. The volume/amounts involved are staggering and may be subject to misinterpretation There is admittedly a possibility in some instances of double-counting an entry because of the process of shipping and laundering the gold from one country to another. We can present the figures per country and per bank should you wish to see them.
Whatever volume figures are ultimately believed or proven, the magnitude remains astounding. The gold was shipped out in a span of more than a decade from the late sixties to the mid-eighties. In the later frenzied stages from 1983-85, all forms of transport were used from commercial and chartered ocean vessels and aircraft to the military aircraft of the Philippines.
A. Asia
1. PROC — in various depositories in Southern China & Switzerland; joint IRM/FM stock
— an amount allegedly given to Mao Tse Tung by IRM, 1973, now with Madam Mao
2. Singapore — in three banks in Singapore; banks and signatories identified
— an amount reportedly given to Lee Kuan Yew by IRM in 1975, now in Tatlee Bank, Singapore
3. Malaysia — in Bank Negara (Central bank), shipped 1973
4. Indonesia — in at least 4 banks in Jakarta, 9,600 MT sold in 1987 for FM to Union Bank of Switzerland
5. India — in various depositories; one 94 year-old trustee identified
6. Hong Kong — in 10 Hong Kong banks; banks, signatories, account numbers, etc. identified
7. Marianas — in private storage, IRM’s stock; trustee identified
8. Palau — in private storage, IRM’s stock, trustee identified
9. Philippines — 4,600 pieces, 75 kgs. in 18 identified banks in Metro Manila
— more in private storage, some identified
— more still to be dug up estimated at 400,000 MT
NOTES: Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 which are FM stocks are probably covered by the 70-30 deal with each country. No. 1 still has to be studied further, as both IRM and Madame Mao are no longer in their respective nation’s political structures. Nos. 7 & 8 are also IRM stocks and are not probably covered by the 70-30 deal. Japan and Mrs. Yamashita have their stakes here as mentioned. Mrs. Yamashita is co-owner of some Hongkong stock (already identified). Japan may expect 50% of FM’s 30% in these Asian settlements.
A. US and Environs
1. 38,000 MT — various identified depository banks in New York
2. 72,000 MT — Fort Knox, account no. identified
3. 18,300 MT — in a New York bank; signatories, account codes identified
4. 62,000 MT — various identified depository banks; Canada, Nevada, California, and Panama
NOTES: These were shipped out covering a period of more than 10 years from 1973-1983, The MAFIA and the CIA helped ship it, including some monitored shipments through Clark Air Base. Nos. 1 & 2 formed the stock for the YAB42 transaction to be detailed later Nos. 3 & 4 were also being sold in 1983-1985. It is doubtful any of these transactions were actually consumated.
5. Bahamas — Banco Bahamas; trustee identified
6. Panama — Bank of Panama; possible 1983 sales through Navegacion Global’s Bullock
B. Europe
1. England — in 4 identified London depository banks; IRM’s stock
— shipped 1978-85, flown to and reminted in Switzerland, then on to London in GLD bars
2. Switzerland — in various depository banks, some banks and signatories identified
3. FRG — in various depositories in Luxembourg and Bonn
— Fabian Ver and Edna Camcam’s account, some lent to back up FRG’s currency
C. Africa — FM owns 40% of 4 leading gold mining and processing firms
V. Some Transactions Worth Looking At
We must differentiate between the movement of the stock, its ultimate destination, and its final disposition in the event it was sold. The movement often required numerous transit points and sometimes “laundering” services like those provided by Johnson Matthey reminting refineries in England and Switzerland or by the Golden Eagle reminting plant in Hong Kong and even possibly by our awn Central Bank refinery in Quezon City. The original form of the treasure was varied and often indicated their countries of origin — e.g. 75 kg., 91.33 kg. bars with various ‘hallmarks” like “Suhatra-Loyd,” a dragon, AAA, etc. Internationally, the 12.5 4 GLD or Good London Delivery bar is the recognized unit of gold that is numbered and registered in the London Commodity Computer by batches with indicated owners. These GLDs in batches are covered by Gold Bullion Certificates (GBCs) that are also registered in the London computer If GLDs are bought and sold, it is often not necessary to effect a, physical transfer of the stock but merely to credit and debit or swap equivalent currency or other GLDs or GBCs.
In 1983, FM gave the signal to start selling his gold in grand fashion. This was perhaps triggered by the unrest and re-awakening after 21 August. Literally hundreds of gold buyers, traders, brokers, and middlemen converged in Manila in the years 1983-85, FM issued “mandates” to select people to sell this gold for him (A sample of a “mandate” granted to a certain Konsehala Candelaria V. Santiago is enclosed as Annex B). Others managed to secure “sub-mandates” from the original mandate holders. Still others produced “fake mandates” that they used to con some buyers with to give them hefty advances. We have some of the real mandate holders working with us.
In passing, today there are over 160 gold buyers and brokers now in Manila reminiscent of the 1983-85 years anticipating gold sales by FM heirs or this governments representatives. I understand a few “looseleaf” pieces of 75 kg. bars have already been sold.
Three schemes to sell the gold were conceived in this period. First, the CB Treasury bills method where gold buyers agreed to purchase CB Treasury bills equivalent to the amount of gold they were buying. Then they would redeem these CB T-bills for gold upon maturity of these notes. Second, the loan method where buyers guarantee to lend the GRP money equivalent to the gold they were buying. Using this second method, it could well be that many of our debts are not really debts but are already paid for in gold. How else can one explain the seemingly easy credit FM enjoyed with the ADB, the WB, and the IMF and their prime banks? And this could explain the cavalier spending of these loan proceeds for personal ends. Our sources say that the very top echelon of the WB and the IMF know of this. Why are they now putting on the screws for our loans? Possibly because we have not concluded YAB42. Third, the direct sale, method where after a while the sheer magnitude of the gold being sold could no longer be sanitized by either of the two methods described earlier outright sales agreements gold were negotiated.
We have a good deal of documentary evidence to prove that gold transactions were indeed negotiated by front organizations as well as legitimate banks in those years.
To highlight a few…
1. The YAB42 transaction. This was negotiated in late 1984, early 1985. As reported, this was initiated by the US government through the US Treasury and the CIA. Front organizations; and personalities were used to make the deal ostensibly a non-governmental transaction. Dr. Ole Bay (YAB is BAY backwards) was the main trustee of the buyers’ group (A Trust Exchange Agreement and a Funding Trust Pay Order between seller and buyer in transaction code YAB42 are enclosed as Annex C). Navegacion Global SA, Dupont, and other CIA conduits were used.
Forty-two (42) other major trusts were tapped to help fund this purchase. Senior US officials even called FM to confirm the veracity of the mandate holder negotiating for “the seller.” Close to 100 prime banks pledged their participation in helping fund the purchase. The US offered 20% cash or $200 billion through these trusts and banks and 80% in US government securities. Using the $200 billion cash as 20% of the transaction, this transaction would then involve 110,000 MT or over $1 trillion. The stock for this transaction appears to be the 38,000 MT in New York and the 72,000 MT in Ft. Knox which total exactly 110,000 MT. In June 1986, US government representatives reportedly asked FM to conclude YAB42 and turn over the 72,000 MT in Ft. Knox He declined. Earlier, FM signed over the 38,000 MT in New York which the US government found insufficient. In 1987, Navegacion Global’s Bruce Bullock tried to make contact with this government, possibly to conclude this transaction.
2. In 1983-84, we have evidence of another transaction involving a minimum 62,000 MT up to a maximum of 81,000 MT negotiated with Frank Higdon, another reported CIA intermediary (Investment loans offered to the Philippine Government which is repayable with 62,321 MT of gold bars is enclosed as Annex D). The stock for this appears to be the 62,000 MT in 4 locations in mainland America plus the 18,300 MT in Citibank, New York. It is doubtful this transaction was consummated as these stocks have reportedly been recently verified to still be in place.
3. The JOB/HK/25 transaction. In 1983-84, 29,327 MT was reportedly sold to the 11 monarchs of Europe with over 120 prime banks participating with the Bank of England as the lead buyer’s bank. The proceeds are allegedly sitting in ledger credits to the seller in the seller’s banks and even in some buyer banks. The PNB Singapore and New York branches were actively involved in this transaction and the key officers of these banks then can reportedly identify where these seller credits are located. In commissions alone, there is a reported P200 B/$10 B commission for the transaction’s brokers credited to the PNB through the CB sent from the Chemical Bank of New York. There is an additional $63 million in commissions for this transaction at the AMEX Bank in Hong Kong. The brokers who are claiming these commissions are with us providing us information on this deal and are willing to negotiate with this government
4. The Central Bank of the Philippines may not be able to balance their books as far as gold is concerned. A July report by a senior Central Bank official to the PCGG prompted by preliminary information on this project we passed on to the PCGG does not reconcile with other CB data we have on gold transactions for the 1984-85 period alone.
Further, our sources say that there is at least 5,000 MT of gold in the CB vaults in Manila and Quezon City. A recent Chronicle article indicates that COA may be getting some wind of this (The newspapers reports that Central Bank has violated audit standards such as under-recording of its actual gold acquisitions and the same is enclosed as Annex E). We have the GBC number of this gold in the CB vaults. Our sources say that senior CB officials may have begun to cover their tracks by moving the gold out or logging it under someone else’s account number. Very simple, let us conduct a surprise physical count of the gold in both CB vaults. If this is true, without working on the rest of what we have uncovered, then this government will be richer by, $55 billion.
The original GBC was for seven sub-lots of 1,000 MT each. Sub lots 2 and 4 have already been disposed of leaving a balance 5,000 MT. Remember, our total annual gold production is only 60 MT and our declared gold reserves are possibly only in hundreds of metric tons.
5. We have evidence to support October 1983 transaction of 1,000 MT of FM gold deposited at a PCIB branch under FM trustee Alice Lazo (deceased). The buyer was Mr. Van Dreck of a organization called MERCANTUS (A PC Bank offer to sell gold to Mercantus International Establishment and an irrevocable Purchase Order by the latter are enclosed as Annex F). What business does a local bank have keeping and selling 1,000 MT of gold? Apparently, this transaction was consumated.
These are but some of the transactions we have been able to piece together We do have some documentary evidence, but our main sources are testimonies from the people who were actually involved in these transactions who are now cooperating with us.
VI. Evaluation and Assessment
We have substantial documentation that by their sheer volume indicate these gold transactions did take place.
More important, we now have in our protective custody, key actors that actually helped FM on an operational level. Their testimonies have helped us piece this extremely complex puzzle together. More importantly, they are Wiling to assist in the recovery effort of the government. They are key actors — trustees, part-owners, signatories, umbrella members who could be vital in “unlocking” these accounts.
Why are they helping us? Partly out of a sense of patriotism. They are not rich — many of their relatives are impoverished. They believe that it would be criminal to allow the nation to suffer in economic deprivation when something can be done relatively quickly to correct it. Quite frankly, they also hope for a just reward to be granted by this government for their assistance together with the necessary immunities from suit and documents to allow them to spend their reward or commission. This is one of the aspects needing your approval — the amounts or percentages should be negotiated on a case to case basis depending on the assistance given and the amount to be recovered.
They have put their trust in me for the moment. Loyal FM and IRM henchmen would definitely not look kindly on their efforts to assist us.
We would have proceeded to develop this project further except that certain factors compelled me to bring this matter to your attention now.
First, FM died — unleashing a host of now unpredictable events that may make purposive action on our end moot and academic. What was in his will? Will the umbrella or can the umbrella execute his will? What will IRM and his other relatives do? What will the host of account trustees and signatories do? What will the banks and depositories do? We are trying to ascertain the answers to some of these questions.
Second, the project has grown to a scope now requiring your knowledge, and to use an FM term, your “mandate” to proceed in directions you agree with. I am not funded for an operation of this scope. To develop this project to this point has cost nearly P300,000 of borrowed money. We now have our “assets” in various safehouses and lodging areas. Soon, one of our “assets’ will go abroad to contact the umbrella’s chairman to check the contents of FM’s will and his willingness to help our government and our people. I am totally loyal to our people’s interest through you and word may get to you from other sources that I am in touch with “loyalists.” I need you to know what it is I am doing.
Third, you are scheduled to take your second state visit to the US next month. Some of our information may have impact on that visit. At the very least, you are appraised of what we have gathered to fathom any subtle messages that the US officials may send to you. At most, we may be able to put together enough conclusive data to allow you to bring the matter up to President Bush, if not in November at some other opportune moment.
What do we have as far as the recovery of FM’s ill-gotten wealth? A few hundred million dollars from deals with overt FM cronies the sale of some identified FM assets (buildings, paintings, and other properties) and court cases here, in Switzerland, and in the United States.
Lately, there are those who propose a “master settlement” approach, meaning one negotiation with possibly IRM or the representatives FM. This “master settlement” may involve the return of FM’s remains and/or some of his exiled relatives and henchmen. I agree with these conditions should be rejected at the moment for national security reasons. Also, one negotiation will not work because those that propose it are at best making “educated guesses” about the amount of the ill-gotten wealth that is the basis for negotiation. The PCGG has even recently proposed, holding public discussion groups to try to get more information on the whereabouts of the wealth and amounts involved.
Lastly, it is doubtful that IRM or any one of the FM heirs would know all or even most of his wealth much less make a full disclosure of what little they may know during these negotiations. A “master settlement” on the wealth by those that propose it presently may not result in a fair deal for our government
On the other hand, negotiated settlements on a case to case basis based on more precise intelligence information and with the cooperation of the principals involved (the trustees, banks/depositors) in a given case or account may lead to faster and fairer results for our government The ex-FM operatives we are talking to are not politically motivated and place no political pre-conditions (e.g. the return of FM’s remains or relatives) on assisting us.
Even if a fraction of what we have uncovered is true, moving on it correctly and recovering some of it for our people could alter the course of our history.
VII. Proposed Courses of Action and Vital Considerations
1. Agree to a detailed presentation only to you or what we have uncovered to date.
2. Allow us to continue the project to pinpoint concrete action proposals for your approval.
In this regard, a reporting/feed back mechanism directly to you must be set up. Some funding support is also needed even at this preparatory stage.
3. The concrete action proposals will probably take the form of proposed negotiated settlements with the parties involved aimed at recovering FM’s share for our government and our people. Each negotiated settlement will be different in nature. Some may even be on a country to country basis, requiring your direct intervention ( e.g. the US and some of the Asian countries). Most will be between specific banks, trustees, and signatories and our government. I will detail some possible negotiated settlement formulas when we get to meet
4. There are some action proposals that can be done here immediately like the Central Bank gold and the PNB/CB sale proceeds and commissions outlined earlier. Due to the sensitive nature of these actions and the possible involvement of senior officials of this and the previous government, I propose we discuss this in private.
5. On the local front, some of the trustees/owners/caretakers of the gold already discovered but stored here in our country have come to me to explore the possibilities of negotiated settlements. Initially, some 3,000 MT of gold has been offered. I have been told, if this succeeds, there is much more. I have asked that they bring me proof positive — gold bars to show you and a visit by me to the site of the gold stockpile — before I bring this matter up to you for your consideration.
6. In all negotiated settlements, we must exact a commitment and activate a monitoring mechanism to ensure that the monies released to parties other than our government are not used to destabilize our government
7. Trust is a vital dimension to this undertaking! Our newfound “partners” — the FM trustees, signatories, and caretakers have placed their trust in this government through me and you — whom they believe I report to directly. Some of them have had “sad experiences” with others in our government, the details of which I would rather discuss privately. I ask in turn for your continued trust and guidance without which we cannot proceed with this task nor hope to succeed. Greater men than I have risked their names and reputations on parts of this puzzle — some have failed, others have had dubious interests at heart. I find myself in a situation where I must try to see this through its conclusions — because success means a better life for all of us.
NOTE- The small stocks being referred to here by Mr. Limcaoco are actually the so-called unrecorded accounts of Imelda and FM’s children. I was earlier told by one trustee that some of these smaller stocks were a part of Mrs-Marcos’ compromise deal with the US. Government, in exchange for her acquittal in the New York court.
The photocopy of Mr. Limcaoco’s letter to Pres. Cory Aquino was given to me by a RAM officer who is now living, in the U.S.A. and had a role to play among Col. Red Kapunan’s group who took over Channel 4 at the height of the 1989 RAM-SFP-YOU coup d’etat. Some concerned citizens at hotel coffee shops have circulated other similar photocopies.
Even the defunct Newsday dated February 27, 1990 printed the same.
Limcaoco’s Gold Recovery Program had successfully controlled the part of the Marcos gold specifically that taken from the Napindan Channel. This was the very reason why the Yellow Army particularly saw to it that Channel 4 should be the first target area to recover. The barricades erected surrounding the TV station’s perimeter were dismantled only after “the loot” had been successfully brought out and transferred to “safer” ground. Thus, the persuasion flight of the U. S. Phantom Jet.
At this point, I would like to reiterate the misconception that the Marcos gold was the Yamashita treasure. The mere mention of Sta. Romana’s name and other long existing gold accounts as having never been moved until the time Marcos gained control over them, including those at Fort Knox, strongly confirms that the Marcos gold had been successfully amassed from different sources.
Just in case you’re curious about the background of Hon. Conrado Limcaoco, here’s a few of his accomplishments;
* Network general Manager & CEO, People’s Television Network, Inc. (PTV4)
o Got PTV 4 its congressional corporate charter and seed capitalization
o Won for PTV 4 the CMMA award for Best Station with Balanced Programming Three Years in a row
o Managed PTV 4 for seven years without government subsidy
o Negotiated a French government protocol giving PTV4 state of the art equipment from the ground up
o Built a new building and transmission tower for PTV 4
* Chairman of the Board & General Manager – CEO, LagunaLake Development Authority (LLDA)
o Decreased fish pens from over 30,000 hectares to less than 10,000 from 1986-1987 to give small fishermen more fishing areas and allow the lake to recover from the excessive strain on its resources and carrying capacity.
o Implemented environmental protection laws for the lake and its watershed. This resulted in first ever closure of a firm for violation of pollution laws in the Philippines, Rizal Cement in Binangonan. Many other violators were subsequently investigated and meted penalties from closure to severe fines.
* Chair, Management Committee & CEO, Philippine Broadcasting Service, The Bureau of Broadcasts. (Radyo ng Bayan & all government radio stations)
o Re-organized government radio making it more responsive and efficient.
* Consultant, Radio Television Malacañang (RTVM)
o Conceptualized and helped manage the weekly TV and radio program of Fmr. Presidnet Aquino originally titled Magtanong sa Pangulo
o Assisted in planning, advanced party work, and management of the pooled media coverage for foreign trips of Fmr. President Aquino to the ASEAN countries, the United States of America, and Europe.
* Consultant, Philippine Information Agency (PIA)
* Consultant to the Governor of Laguna province, the late Felicisino T. San Luis
o Assisted in planning provincial development agenda helping make Laguna one of the most prosperous provinces.
* Chairman & CEO, Shear Philippines, Inc (SPI), a medium-scale export oriented garments firms with about 1000 sewing machines.
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Philippines Sues To Get Cash Crates From Marcos Luggage
HONOLULU — The new Philippine government filed suit Monday for the return of 22 crates brought to Hawaii by deposed President Ferdinand Marcos, which U.S. officials admit contain Philippine currency.
The crates were flown to Honolulu on a U.S. C-141 cargo plane soon after Marcos and his entourage fled the country.
Attorney C. Michael Hare, representing the Philippine Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of the Philippines, filed suit against Marcos Monday in federal District Court here seeking the return of the contents of the crates. He also asked for a temporary injunction preventing Marcos and anyone in his party from having access to the crates or their contents. He contended the cargo was illegally taken out of the Philippines when Marcos fled.
According to Philippine law, authorization from the central bank is required to take out more than 500 pesos. No such authorization was given, according to the suit.
In court, Assistant U.S. Atty. John Peyton, representing the U.S. Customs Service, agreed the contents of the crates would not be released for two weeks. He also agreed to provide attorneys for the Central Bank of the Philippines with a detailed inventory of the crates` contents by Friday.
“And is there currency in those closed crates?“ asked Judge Richard Fong.
“Yes,“ replied Peyton.
The 22 crates are sitting in the cargo plane under guard, isolated on a runway at Hickam Air Force Base.
The plane, purportedly bringing in “personal belongings“ for the Marcos family and their entourage, who carried only hand luggage when they fled, arrived here at 11 p.m. Thursday–12 hours after the Marcos party set foot on Hawaiian soil.
“This is the first public and official admission that the crates do contain Philippine currency,“ said attorney Hare. “And in terms of the provisions of Philippine law that you can only take out 500 pesos from the country, we know if there are 22 crates there`s no way it`s under 500 pesos.“ According to printed reports, Reagan administration officials have said the impounded crates include millions of dollars` worth of freshly printed pesos and negotiable securities.
In New York, meanwhile, a judge froze $350 million in New York properties believed owned by Marcos in the first step of a legal fight to recover
“wealth that properly belongs to the Philippine people,“ lawyers said Monday.
Lawyers working for Philippine President Corazon Aquino filed suit in Manhattan against Marcos, his wife, Imelda, and 20 other people and corporations in order to recover the holdings, including a palatial Long Island estate.
The lawyers at the Center for Constitutional Rights are representing Aquino without fee. They claim Marcos has $7 billion in holdings in the United States, $350 million of which is in New York City and on Long Island.
They obtained a temporary restraining order from state Supreme Court Justice Elliot Wilk late Sunday forbidding the property to be sold until the dispute over ownership is decided.
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For being inconsistent with his views and for the unreliability of his own sources, we have decided to terminate our publication of Mr. Fulford’s weekly geopolitical reports.
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The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
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Illuminati in Asia 2.0
This is a continuation of our series on the Illuminati’s conquest in Asia. We are running these articles in the hope of shedding more light on the nature of errors committed against Asians and why they must be corrected.
Japan – Land of Western Industrialization
– by Deanna Spingola, 17 November, 2008
In Japan – “For a thousand years, it was the policy of emperors and shoguns to keep the people ignorant, and to keep taxes high enough so families had to struggle to survive, because this kept them fully occupied and harmless.”1
J. P. Morgan was involved in Japan during the Meiji Restoration (1867-1912) which replaced the ruling Tokugawa Shogunate with the restored imperial family. This trade-off of power was merely a cosmetic change. Assets were confiscated from the Tokugawa shoguns and used to build factories and railroads. These assets were then privatized into four major zaibatsu (conglomerates): Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Yasuda and Iwasaki. A zaibatsu could be comprised of mines, factories, banks, ocean fleets, insurance companies and export agencies. These four zaibatsus retained their exclusivity through kinship, marriage, school associations, bribes or any other secret or social arrangement.2 This is very similar to America’s elite class.
J. P. Morgan, always alert to profit potential, arranged financing for selected American entrepreneurs. Morgan financed Thomas Edison’s incandescent light and invested in Edison’s power generation and distribution plants. In 1891, he took over the Thomson-Houston Company and the Edison Company to form General Electric.3 Tesla resisted financial support from Morgan as he had seen how the robber baron had “coveted and threatened the autonomy of Westinghouse.”4 Morgan wanted to acquire Nikola Tesla’s patents, probably to conceal the possibility of profitless, wireless electricity through Tesla’s AC (alternating current) induction motor.5
Thomas Lamont, a J.P. Morgan partner by 1911, had arranged the financing and purchasing of American supplies for France and Britain during World War I as the major purchasing agent for the British Army and Navy and for the French government. By the end of WWI, J. P. Morgan Bank had handled $3 billion in commercial transactions, netting $3 million in fees. It had arranged over $1.5 billion in credits and had become the world’s most influential bank, moving it into the political arena of foreign policy, thereby serving as a virtual extension of the federal government.6 Ironically, J.P. Morgan, war profiteer, had paid three hundred dollars to evade military service in the Union Army during the Civil War.
Post-WWI, Lamont negotiated Germany’s deliberately crippling reparations payments. In 1920, with the approval of commerce secretary Herbert Hoover, Jack Morgan (J. P.’s son) sent Lamont to Asia in search of additional clients and investment opportunities. Lamont met with Japan’s elite. Japan had prospered during World War I and had acquired huge gold reserves. This early collaboration would set a precedent for the corporate collusion that followed the Second World War.7
Between 1899 and 1930 banks and western manufacturers made large foreign direct investments (FDIs) in what is referred to as multinational enterprises (MNEs). This occurred in technologically advanced industries, like machine equipment and electric machinery, areas that were weak or nonexistent in Japan.89 The Vanderbilts and J.P. Morgan bought a one-third interest in Gray (the real inventor of the telephone) and Barton in 1872 and then changed its name to the Western Electric Manufacturing Company.
One of the first U.S./Japan joint ventures was Nippon Electric Company (NEC), established in 1899 with Western Electric, as a 54 percent shareholder. During the 1920s, other joint ventures included U.S. automobile companies. Toyota’s sales organization began with American marketing methods acquired while working with Ford and General Motors which had established assembly operations. The U.S. companies purchased local parts which helped to create a network of suppliers. Nissan began as a Ford parts supplier. Many of the joint ventures ultimately became prominent Japanese corporations.10
Westinghouse transferred technology and management techniques to Mitsubishi Electric, founded in 1921. Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd, a British firm, created Dunlop Japan, founded in 1909, which ultimately became Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd., the first Japanese-owned rubber company to make automobile tires. Initially, Sumitomo depended on Dunlop engineers and skilled workers for its production technology.11
The Japanese government would eventually place restrictions on Ford and General Motors in the 1930s. Consequently, these companies would divest from Japan prior to World War II. Nissan and Toyota took over former Ford and General Motors suppliers, dealers and strategic personnel. After World War II, Japan used licensing agreements rather than FDIs. From 1950 to 1970, the Japanese government approved 7,800 licensing contracts in the area of chemicals, food, machinery, steel and other industries which escalated Japan’s postwar economic growth.12
Japan’s prosperity in the 1920s was enjoyed only by the elite who controlled the nation’s wealth as well as a stable of corrupt government officials. Increased population and unemployment, especially in rural Japan led to horrific exploitation of laborers who often lived and worked in squalor. Outcasts, indentured workers, prisoners, evicted farmers from Korea and Manchuria worked and frequently died in Mitsubishi coals mines. Thousands of pre-teen girls slaved in wretched conditions. Labor and social movements were forcefully suppressed.13
In 1925, the Peace Preservation Law was passed. Criticism of the emperor or his government in any way, even by implication was a crime punishable by death. Opposing candidates could face arrest which restricted membership in Japan’s parliament, the Diet, to the far right. By 1928, the Peace Preservation Law became even more restrictive – anyone speaking against, or even thinking about changing government policy could incur life in prison or the death penalty. Dissent was absolutely stifled. People were denied a trial by jury. Education Minister Hatoyama targeted primary and secondary school teachers who entertained dangerous thoughts. In November 1928, Hirohito was formally enthroned during a mythological Shinto ceremony. Four days later he was deified as a descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu.14
J. P. Morgan Bank, known in Japan as the Morgan zaibatsu, flush with war profits, loaned $150 million to Japan for the rebuilding of Tokyo after the destructive Kant? earthquake of September 1, 1923.15 Japan, thereafter would be Morgan Bank’s special customer. With the earthquake came a 36-foot tall tsunami followed by a thick yellow cloud of dust rising from the thousands of collapsed buildings. Tens of thousands of homes, flexible and generally earthquake proof burst into flames. Tokyo burned and refugees fled. Thousands perished. On the Kant? Plain, Japan’s biggest agricultural region, farms and warehouses were damaged or destroyed. Even Tokyo Bay burst into flame due to 100,000 tons of spilt fuel from the Yokosuka naval base. Two million people were rendered homeless. Hirohito’s palace, behind a wide moat, survived the earthquake and the flaming inferno. Mob violence erupted and lasted for two weeks. Food, water and shelter were scarce. The U.S. donated canned beans.16
To avoid shame for their inadequacies in providing solutions, government officials accused Korean and Chinese immigrants of looting, murder, arson and rape. Fears were fueled by the media and martial law was proclaimed. The extreme right provoked violence against leftists and immigrants. Vigilantes murdered thousands. When the government finally halted the terror, they insisted that the Koreans provoked it.17 Tyrannical governments always cast the blame on others: illegal aliens, bungling borrowers, incompetent managers, Arab hijackers, Jews – anyone but themselves.
Prince Asaka’s (1887-1981) opulent Takanawa palace was destroyed in the Kant? earthquake. He had it rebuilt. The Art Deco style palace, ultimately finished in 1933, was even more luxurious.18 He continued to live there until he died of old age in 1981, despite claims of imperial poverty and alleged post-WWII loss of property.19 To conceal their wealth and avoid confiscation, some imperial family members transferred ownership of palaces and other properties and personal belongings to the well-connected Tsutsumi family. However, they never actually vacated their properties or relinquished their belongings. (More on that later in this series.)20 Prince Asaka ordered and directed the brutal atrocities committed during the 6-week assault against Nanking, then the capital of China, the incident that destroyed any hope of peace.
With the Japanese banking crisis of 1927 (similar to the one in the late 1990s), a financial panic gripped Tokyo. Many of Japan’s biggest banks had made massive unsecured loans to businesses that were, in fact, owned by the same bankers or their friends or family. This predictably created a sense of prosperity and reckless expansion. There were no audits, no oversight – just easy money. Years without interest collection led to a major crisis and a government bailout loan of 2 billion yen which only assisted the privileged individuals who had triggered the dilemma. Eight hundred out of 1,422 pre-crisis smaller banks inevitably collapsed, reducing competition.21 Compare this to the $700 billion Wall Street open-ended bailout of September 2008.22
During the 1927 panic, the ruling elite again contacted Thomas W. Lamont, J. P. Morgan’s principle financier. He immediately responded and offered direction to his banking buddies and visited Hirohito, who had assumed the emperor’s throne on December 25, 1926. Lamont was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun. Hirohito would wage his first war of aggression against China’s Shandong Province in May 1927,23 and sanctioned Japan’s second and third military Shandong expeditions. Hirohito’s rule, from 1927 to Japan’s surrender in August 1945, was distinguished by Japan’s plundering wars of aggression.24
Back in New York, Lamont arranged the following: $263 million in new bond issues for Japanese borrowers; additional Kant? earthquake reconstruction loans for Tokyo; a guaranteed loan to Japan’s electric utility in Taiwan; and a $25 million bank credit to the Yokohama Specie Bank to stabilize their currency to help Japan get back on the gold standard.25 The emperor owned 22 percent of that bank’s stock. Gold and platinum had been hoarded by Asians for generations as they distrusted banks and governments. The deprivations of the imminent worldwide depression reinforced the people’s distrust of paper currency, making gold and other tangible assets even more desirable.26
Approximately one half of Japan’s small businesses failed because of the orchestrated Wall Street crash of 1929. Japan’s ultra nationalists believed that the depression was a Western racist scheme. Between 1929 and 1931, the value of Japanese exports fell by 43 percent. Rural families were devastated by a 50 percent reduction in farm produce. Other economic conditions such as taxes and rent forced many small farmers off their lands. Whole villages starved, tens of thousands of children were sold into prostitution by their desperate families. During the 1930s, 200,000 girls would be sold into prostitution annually.27
War takes the focus off of a failing economy! In a false flag attempt to provoke Chang’s Manchu troops into attacking Japanese units, Japanese officers murdered Manchurian warlord Chang Tso-lin in 1928 with the objective of allowing Japan to counter attack and seize Manchuria. Emperor Hirohito, upon learning of the incident, concealed it, thereby sanctioning future terrorist acts. It took three years and several more terrorist actions to get the desired response. The devised Manchurian Incident of 1931 was blamed on ill-equipped Chinese soldiers but it enabled Japan to seize Manchuria, 440,000 square miles – an ideal source of food and raw materials – a solution to Japan’s financial and social crisis. Morgan banker, Thomas W. Lamont, supported Japan’s seizure and probably financed it, while President Hoover publicly denounced but privately endorsed the action.28
Chinese citizens stopped purchasing Japanese exports which fell about 90 percent in 1932. Japanese provocateurs posing as monks started a fight with a Shanghai mob and the two “monks” were slain. Westerners in China’s International Settlement were appalled at the Japanese machinations. Lamont conceded that Japan’s aggressiveness might make Japanese loans troublesome.29
Harvard-educated Lamont had been Herbert Hoover’s biggest political and financial supporter. President Hoover (1928-1932) installed Douglas MacArthur as the Army Chief of Staff.30 During the Great Depression, Japan was still an important market for American products. Trade privileges were tendered to insure cooperation, peace and prosperity, especially in view of the growing enemy, Communism. In June 1932, Hoover appointed, with Lamont’s support, Harvard-educated Joseph Grew as Ambassador to Japan. His job included promoting American business in Japan. Grew had worked on Hoover’s campaign and came from a family of Boston bankers who had underwritten Russell & Company and their opium clipper ships. The Grew family associated with the Forbes, Delano and Roosevelt merchant clans.31
Joseph Grew had been a diplomat in Berlin when WWI started and oversaw Hoover’s phony profit-producing food relief scheme to keep the Germans from starving and to keep the war going until America could join in the slaughter. Grew claimed that he “loved Germany and was an unrestrained champion of the German cause.” But when the U.S. entered the war in April 1917, he returned home. He went on a “Liberty Bond whistle-stop sales tour speaking to 24,000 people in eleven days” where he described Germans as “licentious barbarians and international criminals.”32
Hoover, Lamont and other elites promoted the idea that national economies linked together by private enterprise would stabilize the world. Private enterprise through multinational and transnational business, orchestrated financial assaults against the middle class, enslavement of the surviving poor and war – all funded or activated by the banks – is facilitating a one world, one currency tyrannical government.
- ^ Sterling Seagrave and Peggy Seagrave, The Yamato Dynasty: the Secret History of Japan’s Imperial Family, Broadway Books, New York, 1999, pg. 149
- ^ Ibid, pgs. 116-134
- ^ The New York Times Guide to Essential Knowledge: A Desk Reference for the Curious Mind By The New York Times, Published by Macmillan 2004, pgs. 142-143
- ^ Margaret Cheney, Tesla: Man Out of Time, Barnes & Noble, New York, pg. 99
- ^ Free Energy, Tesla, Wireless Electricity by Melvin D. Saunders
- ^ Sterling Seagrave and Peggy Seagrave, op. cit., pgs. 116-125
- ^ Ibid, pgs. 116-134
- ^ Geoffrey Jones, The Evolution of International Business, Routledge, 1996 pgs. 238-241
- ^ Adventures in Cyberspace, Elisha Gray: 1835 – 1901
- ^ Geoffrey Jones, op. cit., pgs. 238-241
- ^ Ibid
- ^ Ibid
- ^ Ibid, pgs. 131-137
- ^ Ibid
- ^ Ibid, pgs. 228-229
- ^ Ibid, pgs. 116-134
- ^ Ibid
- ^ Ibid, pgs. 167-68
- ^ Ibid, pgs 220-232
- ^ Ibid, pgs 294-295
- ^ Ibid, pgs. 134-136
- ^ Questions About The Mother of All Bailouts by Jane Sasseen, Newsweek, September 20, 2008
- ^ Shi Young and James Yin, The Rape of Nanking: An Undeniable History in Photographs, Innovative Publishing Group, Chicago, 1997, pg. pg. 282
- ^ Ibid
- ^ Sterling Seagrave and Peggy Seagrave, op. cit., pgs. 134-136
- ^ Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold, Verso Publishing, 2003, pg 50. This book was exhaustively researched and has copious documentation to support its claims.
- ^ Sterling Seagrave and Peggy Seagrave, op. cit., pgs. 134-136
- ^ Ibid, pgs. 143-145
- ^ Ibid
- ^ Ibid, pgs. 134-139
- ^ Ibid, pgs. 140-147
- ^ Ibid
About the Author
Deanna Spingola has been a quilt designer and is the author of two books. She has traveled extensively teaching and lecturing on her unique methods. She has always been an avid reader of non-fiction works designed to educate rather than entertain. She is active in family history research and lectures on that topic. Currently she is the director of the local Family History Center. She has a great interest in politics and the direction of current government policies, particularly as they relate to the Constitution. Deanna’s Web Site
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Illuminati in Asia
This is a continuation of our series on the Illuminati’s conquest in Asia. We are running these articles in the hope of shedding more light on the nature of errors committed against Asians and why they must be corrected.
China: Shanghaied by Communism
Who and what motivated Japan’s brutal activities against its neighbors as described in part 14?
Britain detrimentally meddled in Asia in the 19th century and America meddled in Asia in the 20th century – who was behind their actions?
Kuhn, Loeb and Company financed Japan’s Russian invasion in 1905 while the European Rothschilds financed the Russians which somehow failed to receive timely armament delivery. Russia’s objectives, viable in 1895, were an ice-free Pacific port and the acquisition of just enough leased territory for the continuation of her transcontinental railway.1 The conflict decimated Russia’s economy, preparatory to the well-planned revolution based on philosophy from Karl Marx (1818-83). The House of Rothschild, since 1863, had headquarters in four cities: London, Paris, Vienna and Frankfort.2
On January 30, 1902, Japan signed the Anglo-Japanese Alliance with Great Britain. Japan would be “the Crown’s policeman in Asia,” to do the dirty work – the killing and the dying. The alliance included high-interest loans from Rothschild-controlled British banks to finance Japan’s armament purchases and ships from British firms. Great Britain then demanded that Russia abandon the Kwantung Peninsula, territory leased from China six years before. Russia had already spent $300 million on improvements.3 The alliance was renewed after the Russo-Japanese War and in 1911 after Japan’s annexation of Korea (part of Japan from 1910 to 1945). As directed, Japan adopted the gold standard. Carroll Quigley stated the following about the gold standard: “As a consequence, many persons, including financiers and economists, were astonished to discover, in the twentieth century, that the gold standard gave stable exchanges and unstable prices.”4 Those who own/control the majority of any commodity, dictate its value, something to consider regarding the 50-year period of regimented Japanese plundering throughout Asia.
As part of the British/Japanese agreement, three hundred British-trained Japanese bankers set up the Japanese banking system. That banking system would create devastating hardships in 1927 and again in the 1990s. Great Britain, challenged with heavy war debt to America’s J. P. Morgan, would terminate the 1902 alliance in December 1921. J. P. Morgan and other banks, flush with war profits, focused on investment opportunities in Japan.5
Some of Japan’s generals had accepted bribes from Vickers-Maxim, the company that weaponized the small island country for the Russo-Japanese War of 1905. Vickers-Maxim tested their weaponry in the Spanish-American War (partly financed by J&W Seligman Co.) for the control of Cuba’s white gold (sugar). Vickers-Maxim supplied weapons for the Boer War (1899-1901) to seize the gold and diamond fields of the Witwatersrand.6 Since those three wars, the Brotherhood of Death has targeted countries receptive to heavy weaponization, a financial windfall to the bankers of death and their cronies, the merchants of death. De-populating war is predictably followed by peace conferences and prudent disarmament, attended by bankers and Kissinger-style politicians. Acquiescent governments junk expensive weapons and shortly replace them with newer, more deadly, more expensive and more profitable weapons.
The Rothschilds were the biggest shareholders of Vickers-Maxim which was the creation, through company consolidations, of Sir Ernest Cassel, personal banker to Edward VII who reigned from January 22, 1901 to May 6, 1910. The king’s advisory staff included Leopold and Alfred de Rothschild and various members of the Sassoon family. Cassel was a close friend of Winston Churchill and his father, Randolph, an intimate friend of Nathaniel Rothschild.7 Cassel made a fortune in Siberian gold mines, steel concerns and railway companies.8 The House of Rothschild purchased the London-based Reuters International News Agency in the late 1800s. Just in time to propagandize World War I, the House of Rothschild bought control of major news agencies – Havas of France, and Wolff in Germany.9 British foreign policy and Rothschild foreign policy were one and the same.
Yale University, due to a sizeable donation, was named after Elihu Yale (1649-1721) who was a governor of the British East India Company which began smuggling opium into China beginning in 1773. Yale would be the future home of Skull and Bones (S&B), founded in 1832 by William Russell (opium smuggler). Many S&B member families grew rich through drug dealing: Coffin, Sloane, Taft, Bundy, Payne and Whitney. Averell Harriman (S&B), former Ambassador to Moscow, was business partners with Prescott Bush (S&B), father of George H. W. Bush (S&B), who was appointed Chief of the U.S. Liaison Office to the People’s Republic of China from September 26, 1974 – December 7, 1975. Clark T. Randt, Jr., (S&B) is the current U.S. Ambassador to China. Ambassadors are charged with representing U.S. corporate interests.
After Britain’s First Opium War (1839-1842) against China, the real power behind the Chinese Emperor was the Soong family who were agents of the House of Sassoon, Jewish multi-national opium traders originally from Baghdad who were later forced to flee to Bombay, India. They obtained exclusive rights from Great Britain to market opium to Shanghai and Hong Kong from which the queen received a healthy share of the millions of dollars of profit. By 1890, about 10 percent of China’s total population were opium smokers.10 In 1874, attention was drawn to China’s alleged pervasive decadence by members of the Yale School of Divinity – no doubt because of all that opium.11 So, in 1903, a year after the Japan/Great Britain alliance, Yale Divinity School established schools and hospitals throughout China – known as Yale in China.
The Sassoons preferred to run their financial interests from their luxurious English estates in order to socialize with royalty and other elites like A. J. Balfour, H. G. Wells and the rising Winston Churchill.12 In addition to drug profits and in order to exploit India’s cheap labor force, Albert Sassoon established huge textile mills in Bombay. This early-day outsourcing destabilized the Lancashire mills and devastated the English citizens who depended on the mills for employment. In 1872, despite this economic assault, Albert was knighted by Queen Victoria, both economically unaffected by the collapse in the textile industry.13 In 1887, Edward Albert Sassoon, son of Sir Albert, married Aline Caroline de Rothschild of the French banking family, grand-daughter of Jacob (James) Mayer Rothschild, son of Mayer.
Dr. Sun Yat-sen (November 12, 1866 – March 12, 1925), revered as the Father of modern China and founder of the Nationalist Party (NP), was born in Guangdong province. He became an American citizen while living with an older brother in Hawaii where he embraced the concept – “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” He returned to China in 1883 and was baptized as a Christian. Troubled by British colonialism and exploitation, Dr. Sun left his medical practice and became involved in the reform plot of 1895, an attempt to establish a democracy.14 The plot failed and several reformers were executed. Dr. Sun escaped. On October 11, 1896, he allegedly was kidnapped and kept prisoner in the Chinese Legation in London (established 1877).15 He returned to China after the successful coup against the Qing emperor and was proclaimed Provisional President of the new Republic of China on December 29, 1911. He hoped to establish peace, freedom, and equality in the country.16 However, most of northern China was controlled by unsupportive war lords.
Dr. Sun Yat-sen married Soong Ching-ling, his second wife, one of the Soong sisters, in Japan on October 25, 1915. His brothers-in-law were Harvard-educated Tse-ven Soong, head of the Sassoon-controlled Bank of China, and financier H.H. Kung, Minister of Finance. Tse-ven Soong was the governor of the Central Bank of China and later Minister of Finance (1928 – 1931, 1932 – 1933). The Soong family, with Rothschild/Sassoon money, controlled the Chinese government and had carved up the country into drug regions dominated by warlords. Both the British Crown and the Soong family profited substantially from their mind-destroying, highly addictive opium business.17
In 1921, in an attempt to unify China, Dr. Sun established a military government in the Guangzhou (Canton), Guangdong Province in southern China. He was then elected as president and generalissimo.18 The Whampoa Military Academy was established in 1924 with Chiang Kai-shek as its commandant. The academy was supplied, financed and staffed by Russian military advisors. Sun Yat-sen’s principle military advisor, Soviet General Vasily Blucher, had helped found the academy. At least seven hundred cadets were from the Green Gang.19
In order to hasten the conquest of the warlords in northern China, he accepted Soviet help and cooperated with local communists after he had been rejected by the western powers (as Ho Chi Minh had been when he petitioned Woodrow Wilson at the 1919 Versailles Peace Conference and again by Truman in 1945 and 1946 when he wrote asking for assistance). Sun died of liver cancer on March 12, 1925, at the age of 58 at the Peking Union Medical College Hospital which was founded in 1921 by the Rockefeller Foundation after he established the China Medical Board of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1915 to westernize traditional Chinese medical practices.20 Millions of Chinese patients connoted major profits.
Sun Yat-sen’s death split the Nationalist Party (NP). Right-wing Chiang Kai-shek took over the National Revolutionary Army and left-wing Wang Jingwei took over the national government, the perfect scenario for civil war. With Soviet troops commanded by General Michael Borodin, Chiang Kai-shek looted the vaults of the Rothschild/Sassoon/Soong bank in Shanghai, the nation’s banking center. This infuriated the bankers. Tse-ven Soong made Chiang a tempting offer if he would switch loyalties – $3 million in cash, his sister Mai-Ling Soong (the sister of Dr. Sun’s widow) and the presidency of China for life. Chiang agreed. He ordered the Russians out of China and became a British agent.21 When Chiang and Soong were married, Tse-ven Soong presented his sister with his personal mansion.22
Chiang Kai-shek married Mai-Ling Soong, the sister of a Rothschild agent, on December 1, 1927 and was “chosen” president of China on October 10, 1928.23 Chiang’s new alliances were revealed when he inexplicably abandoned Nanking, then the capital of the Republic of China, and exposed its vulnerable citizens to six weeks of brutal savagery by the invading Japanese beginning on December 13, 1937.
By 1920, Shanghai, the focus of western economic interest, contained the majority of the country’s industrial workers and the biggest base of Communist support in China. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) dominated Shanghai’s municipal government. The NP and the CCP were officially still allies.24 Yet, on April 12, 1927, acting on orders from the Extraterritorial International Settlements on Shanghai headed by Lord William Johnston Keswick,25 the Green Gang Syndicate and Chiang Kai-shek, leading the Nationalist Army in a reign of terror, purged the leftists and labor activists from Shanghai in what is referred to as the Shanghai Massacre. They executed 5,000 to 6,000 of those captured and drove the CCP underground.26 Within six months the Chinese Communist movement was halted as many as twenty-five thousand perished in Shanghai, Nanking, Wusih, Soochow, Changchow, Hangchow, and Canton.27 Probably, most of those who perished could not even fully elaborate on the Communist ideology but wished to alleviate their own misery and poverty. Chiang had been introduced to the Green Gang as early as 1906 and was sponsored for membership in 1908 and participated in gang activities as an officer of the Chinese army prior to the 1911 revolution. His police record in the British-administered international settlement in Shanghai included murder, extortion, and armed robbery.28
The Green Gang, operating from the French concession, was a criminal cabal and the most powerful secret society in China which was absorbed into the corporate state system after 1932. When opium imports were banned in 1917, drug dealing went underground and the Shanghai traffickers set up their own refineries. Thereafter, illegal drug distribution was dominated by the Green Gang, headed by Tu Yue-sheng who was head of the Chung Wai Bank and chairman of the board of directors of the Commercial Bank of China which made it easy to finance his drug enterprise.29
Lord Keswick actually directed China’s opium policy through Tse-ven Soong, who carried out the day-to-day business operations for Jardine Matheson from 1927 to 1942. Keswick was the Director of Jardine Matheson and was closely associated with the management of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank. Additionally, he was Chairman of the Shanghai Municipal Council, Governor of the Hudson’s Bay Company, Director of the Bank of England, Vice-Chairman of Alliance Assurance, and Director of British Petroleum. Shanghai became a drug depot. Earlier, Keswick had collaborated with Sam and Abe Bronfman to found the Pure Drug Company to illegally distribute whiskey into Canada.30
In June 1932, Tse-ven Soong resigned as Finance Minister after failing to raise sufficient money to fight communism. He agreed to return if the government of China would resort to opium as a new revenue source which might solve China’s financial crisis. Consequently, millions of acres were taken out of food production which greatly impacted food-short China and reduced peasant survival. The worst famine occurred in the Shaanxl Province between 1928 and 1933, wiping out a third of the population. As many as six million lives were lost in four provinces.31
Personal freedoms have been under world-wide attack, especially since the inception of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and its spin-off organizations which played a part in the tyrannical control in the Far East. In 1925, the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) was established in twelve countries. It was financed by the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations and controlled by an alliance of Morgan and Rockefeller interests in Wall Street.32 Other financing came from Standard Oil, IT&T, Vacuum Oil, Shell Oil, International Business Machines (IBM), International General Electric, Time Magazine, J. P. Morgan, National City Bank and Chase National Bank and private individuals with Wall Street connections.33
Harry Dexter White and Owen Lattimore, both high-level State Department officials, were members of the IPR and planned the destruction of the Chinese economy. They falsified documents claiming that the Chinese Communists were simply farmers promoting agricultural reform. From 1943-49, popular U.S. magazines, like the Saturday Evening Post and Colliers, sanctioned the Communist movement. Mao Tse-tung, who had fought on the side of Dr. Sun’s revolutionaries in 1911, was portrayed as a reformer. In 1945, Lattimore suggested, to President Truman, a Communist/Nationalist coalition government which became the basis of Truman’s China policy, announced on December 15, 1945.34 Dr. Chi Chao-ting, who collaborated with Soviet intelligence agents, worked for the Institute of Pacific Relations, and subsequently became a high Chinese Communist official.35
The IPR’s party line and the Kremlin’s party line emanate from the same source – the left wing of the Hegelian Dialectic (orchestrated opposition). The right-wing is Fascism. Darwin-influenced Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) founded Nietzscheism, a forerunner of the Fascism, embraced after WWI by Mussolini and Hitler. Mussolini’s Doctrine of Fascism, co-written by Giovanni Gentile and Marx’s earlier Communist Manifesto (1848) provided the polar political opposites that bred the Cold War.
Lattimore left the IPR to assume a post as Chiang Kai-shek’s political advisor in 1941. He had been recommended by fellow traveler, Lauchlin Currie, economic advisor to President Roosevelt.36 The U.S. government predictably adopted the IPR plan to cut aid and ammunition to Chiang Kai-shek, ultimately resulting in the suppression of 600,000,000 Chinese between 1945 and 1949.37 But Chiang got his $3 million, a mansion, a well-connected wife and a relatively cushy life. The Chinese who survived, the so-called, collateral damage, got tyrannical Communism.
- ^ Archibald R. Colquhoun, China in Transformation, Harper & Brothers, New York, 1912. Pg. 147
- ^ The House of Rothschild, Paris Conference, October 11, 1863, The New York Times
- ^ Des Griffin, Descent into Slavery, Emissary Publications, Clackamas, Oregon, 2001, pgs. 190-199
- ^ Carroll Quigley, Tragedy And Hope: A History of the World in our Time, pg. 53
- ^ Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, The Yamoto Dynasty: the Secret History of Japan’s Imperial Family, Broadway Books, New York, 1999, pgs. 101-102
- ^ Eustace Mullins, The World Order: A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism
- ^ Martin Gilbert, M.A., Churchill’s London: Spinning Top of Memories of Ungrand Places and Moments in Time. An address to The International Churchill Society, London, England, 17 September 1985
- ^ Ernest Cassel / Entrepreneur – Economy-point.org
- ^ Eustace Mullins, Secrets of the Federal Reserve: The London Connection, Chapter 5, pgs. 59-60
- ^ Tales of Old Shanghai – Opium
- ^ Lecture By Prof. Seelye, The Yale Divinity School: Missions — Condition Of Pagan World-Fail, The New York Times, December 12, 1874. This is a must read – so incredibly arrogant!
- ^ E. C. Knuth, The Empire of “The City”: The Secret History of British Financial Power, CPA Books, 1995, pg. 75
- ^ The Jewish Opium Trade and Britain: The Truth at Last: Hong Kong’s opium dens [1997], October 1, 2007
- ^ Colquhoun, op. cit., p. 106
- ^ Marie-Claire Bergere, Sun Yat-sen, Stanford University Press, 2000, pg. 62
- ^ Colquhoun, op. cit., pp. 283-4
- ^ Organized Crime
- ^ Wikipedia: Sun Yat-sen
- ^ Alfredo Schulte-Bockholt, The Politics of Organized Crime and the Organized Crime of Politics: A Study in Criminal Power, Lexington Books, 2006 pages 78-82
- ^ Rockefeller Fund Tells China Plans; Medical Board Will Operate Union College, Peking, on Most Modern Lines. Commission To Scan Field Scholarships Provided for Training in America — Women of Far East to be Taught. June 16, 1915
- ^ Des Griffin, op. cit., pp. 190-9
- ^ Derek Sandhaus, Party Like it’s 1929, August 22, 2008
- ^ Des Griffin, op. cit., pp. 190-9
- ^ Alfredo Schulte-Bockholt, op. cit., pp. 78-82
- ^ Dope, Inc., Executive Intelligence Review News Service, June 1992, pg 279
- ^ Exploring Chinese History, Rebellion and Revolution – Nationalist Movement
- ^ Alfredo Schulte-Bockholt, op. cit., pp. 78-82
- ^ Ibid
- ^ Post Japanese
- ^ Organized Crime
- ^ Ibid
- ^ Carroll Quigley, op. cit., p. 947
- ^ David Allen Rivera, Final Warning: A History Of The New World Order, Chapter Four, British East India Company
- ^ David Allen Rivera, Communism Comes to Asia and Cuba
- ^ Professor on Trial, Time Magazine, December 29, 1952
- ^ Ah Kiang, American Involvement in China
- ^ W. Cleon Skousen, The Naked Capitalist, pgs. 44-47
About the Author
Deanna Spingola has been a quilt designer and is the author of two books. She has traveled extensively teaching and lecturing on her unique methods. She has always been an avid reader of non-fiction works designed to educate rather than entertain. She is active in family history research and lectures on that topic. Currently she is the director of the local Family History Center. She has a great interest in politics and the direction of current government policies, particularly as they relate to the Constitution. Deanna’s Web Site
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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.
KEENAN: Asia in the Driver’s Seat
Neil received many questions about Nelu, and he’s chosen to answer them in a very brief video. Please include Nelu in your prayers! Hugs, ~Jean
Neil suggests this song for us all . . . Wake Up Everybody!
source »
We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.
Fulford MisSteps, Karen Hudes MisSpeaks
This is a very disturbing article to which we are reconsidering our subscription to Fulford’s weekly reports on GeoPolitics, in this most crucial times.
Perhaps, this would explain the inconsistencies of Ben Fulford’s stand regarding the Vatican’s role post mortem. Remember, the White Dragon Society, to which he is acting as the spokesman, made a deal with the P2 Freemasons through Leo Zagami, for a peaceful resolution.
Keenan, in past videos, was not happy with the BRICS alternative bank as just another World Bank.
Also, the One People Public’s Trust [OPPT] was also dismissed by the Keenan Group as another cabalistic attempt to usurp control of the Collateral Accounts.
We have raised the alarm so many times in the past of a possible infiltration by the Jesuits within the ranks of the revolutionaries and reformists.
Once freed from Cabalists’ control, the Collateral Accounts will be channeled by the Keenan Group through non-government organizations and not through the governments, i.e. corporations, for redevelopment purposes and elimination of global poverty.
As far as we, in the Philippines are concern, we want to finally recover the 600,000 kgs. of pure gold, mined from our own land and looted from our Bangko Sentral, during the time of Ferdinand Marcos and earlier, by the Jesuits.
Posted on September 19, 2013
Ø Neil Keenan aggressively moves to confront Benjamin Fulford’s misrepresentation of the Monaco Accords in an online dialogue with World Bank whistleblower Karen Hudes
Ø Fulford goes fishing – who will cash his notes? Not Neil Keenan, who knows an illegal move when he sees it
Ø Karen Hudes steps outside her area of expertise – makes major gaffe on Monaco
Ø Who is M1? Not the cabal-appointed and long-dead Ferdinand Marcos…
Ø Sukarno was chosen by the nations – Marcos was appointed by the cabal
Ø Cracks in the freedom movement? No. Just the guy in the driver’s seat setting the record straight
by Michael Henry Dunn
September 18, 2013 – Yesterday’s post on this site (in which Neil Keenan personally exposed the cabal’s vulnerability by displaying explosive incriminating documents) shook the banksters’ cage in a way they have probably not experienced since the fall of Atlantis. Today Keenan’s sources report furious in-fighting among the corrupt oligarchs as the free world closes in on our soon-to-be-former oppressors. But this bold move has also provoked “friendly fire” from within the ranks of the freedom movement as competing scenarios jockey for position over control of the vast assets in the Global Collateral Accounts. This is expected. What is not expected is that an important figure like Benjamin Fulford would deliberately misrepresent the nature and documented history of the Monaco Accords of 2011 in an apparent attempt to persuade World Bank whistle-blower Karen Hudes to support what can only be called a hare-brained (and likely illegal) move to cash in a trillion dollars in Federal Reserve notes (to which he has no legal claim), in order to set up an environmental restoration fund to be controlled by – yes, he really said it – the Vatican, and prominent Agenda 21 proponent Jeffrey Sachs.
Karen Hudes, a twenty-year veteran legal counsel in the cabal-controlled World Bank (who has courageously come forward to expose the World Bank’s corruption), is having nothing to do with Fulford’s highly suspect plan, dismissing the proposal as “not in the cards.” But Hudes then commits a serious misstep herself – one of several in regard to Neil Keenan and his allies – and displays disturbing ignorance regarding the nature and purpose of the Monaco meeting in the fall of 2011 (and Mr. Keenan’s crucial role in it), which resulted in an accord among the non-aligned nations – now 178 countries – to regain control of the Global Accounts.
Competing scenarios are one thing. Moves to hand the Global Accounts back to the cabal in the guise of the Vatican — and to put a key globalist in charge of environmental restoration — are another. And the misstatements by Ms. Hudes cannot be allowed to go uncorrected either.
In a blog exchange on the Ascension with Earth site, Fulford addressed the following request to Karen Hudes:
“I would really like to hear her take on Neil Keenan and his activities. He claims to have been at a Monaco meeting a few years ago with many finance ministers and that he runs some kind of BRICS alliance. Somebody linked to the Rockefeller family also told me that such a meeting took place. Can she confirm this or was this some elaborate fiction designed to muddy the waters?”
This was a foolish move by Benjamin. He knows full well the truth of the Monaco Accords. He knows full well that Neil was there. Keenan’s lawyer can testify to Keenan’s presence. And Benjamin Fulford ought to know that Keenan’s trillion-dollar lawsuit against the cabal was the triggering event that led to the global gathering (the Rockefellers certainly know the meeting took place, as their attempt to crash the gathering was firmly rebuffed. Cabal black helicopters buzzed the yacht as it moved out into the Mediterranean, but the oligarchs were not allowed at the table).
After pretending to question things he knows to be true, Fulford then goes on to make his stunning proposal:
“Also ask her if she is willing to support my group’s plan to cash about $1 trillion worth of historical bonds in order to finance a massive development and environmental protection campaign. My personal candidate for running this campaign would be Jeffrey Sachs.”
Jeffrey Sachs is a distinguished economist who is closely identified with the globalist agenda – special adviser to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon on the “Millenium Development Goals.” Is Benjamin serious? Fulford also advocates bringing the Vatican into the picture to manage the Global Accounts (pause here to retrieve jaw from floor).
And we can be forgiven for wondering why Fulford would want to direct funding and attention to environmental restoration (shepherded by an obvious cabal wolf), which, while crucial, can only come after we free ourselves of cabal domination, free the Accounts, and restore the U.S. to its founding documents. I’m not saying that Mr. Fulford is consciously working for the cabal, but they will clearly be pleased with these latest moves on his part.
This begs the question of why Fulford would misstep so badly. It is clear enough to Neil Keenan. Fulford went fishing for support from Hudes for his illegal and strange scheme to cash notes to which he has no claim, and was willing to throw doubt on Keenan if it could gain him the ear of Ms. Hudes. Ms. Hudes was apparently Fulford’s last resort, as he had failed in his approaches to various others parties. Mr. Keenan informed this writer that Fulford approached him first, attempting to persuade Neil to sign off on cashing this rumored $1 trillion in Federal Reserve Notes. With characteristic bluntness, Keenan replied, “Yeah, I’ll send you money, Benjamin. Commissary money to buy cigarettes in prison if you try to pull off that scheme.” As to Fulford’s pretended ignorance regarding Neil Keenan and the Monaco meeting, all one has to do is look at Ben Fulford’s statement (above) and realize that Benjamin himself states that he had made contact with a Rockefeller member who confirmed such a meeting took place. Therefore, why would he call Karen after having received confirmation from a Rockefeller family member? Could it be that he was really looking to get that box cashed?
Fulford claimed to have the support of the U.S., Russia, China, the Vatican, and Queen Elizabeth II….but he needed Keenan’s signature to complete the deal.
Flattery will get you nowhere, Ben. Neil knows full well that only the depositors – the actual historic owners of the assets – can legally sign off on moving any notes or assets, and only in the person of a legally elected (elected by the nations, not appointed by the cabal) Monetary Controller, or M1. Keenan turned Fulford down flat, whereupon Benjamin went to various Global Account wannabes, such as the fraudulent OITC, the now-disbanded sham of the OPPT, and finally Ms. Hudes. And if he needed to publicly cast aspersions on Keenan – feigning doubt about the Monaco meeting, and floating the idea that it all might be “an elaborate fiction designed to muddy the waters” – then that’s what he’d attempt to do.
It is perhaps time to reveal some important facts regarding Fulford’s sources. This writer has sat at Neil Keenan’s side in his hotel suite in Jakarta for several of Mr. Fulford’s Sunday evening Skype calls. I was introduced to Ben, and have always thought highly of him – even when a good half of his “intel” appeared to be wildly erratic – because he has displayed a gutsy determination to expose the cabal and help free the planet, even at grave personal risk. Mr. Fulford makes his living from his newsletter subscriptions – and there’s nothing wrong with that. And his newsletter comes out on Monday. So come Sunday evening, he would often find himself in need of an eye-catching story to keep his subscribers and hopefully procure an increase.
And so he would call Neil Keenan. And Mr. Keenan would give him news on inside developments. Sometimes. And sometimes not. Mr. Fulford displayed a troubling tendency to turn on his own sources, as when he outed the identity of a key intelligence contact from Keenan who had been instrumental in saving Fulford’s life after a death threat.
Playing off one source against another for personal advantage is a risky move in this perilous game.
I do not doubt that Benjamin Fulford has hundreds of other sources. He is a longtime professional journalist with deep contacts throughout Asia, and he has made important contributions to the exposure of the cabal. How much solid intelligence those sources are able to give him about the unfolding story of the Global Accounts is an open question. I can tell you I observed a direct relationship between the intel Neil Keenan would occasionally share with Benjamin, and the stories that would appear on his blog the next day.
It’s a really bad idea to bite the hand that feeds you, Ben. Unless you’ve decided the loss is worth the prize?
And just exactly what is that prize? What’s in this for Ben? Cashing in Federal Reserve notes to which he has no claim?
As for this outrageous notion of bringing in the Vatican, it is worth noting, perhaps, that it was Mr. Fulford who first suggested to Neil Keenan the idea of making Vatican financial insider Daniele del Bosco the designated custodian of $144.5 billion in FRNs entrusted to Keenan by the Dragon Family.
We all know what happened to those notes. Del Bosco absconded with them. I expect Mr. Keenan will remember this fact when taking in the news of Fulford’s advocacy of making the corruption-riddled Vatican the guardian of humanity’s stolen heritage. “Fool me once…” I believe the saying goes.
As for Ms. Hudes, there is an urgent need to clarify her misstatements in regard to the Monaco meeting and the subsequent Accords.
Ms. Hudes was not there, as Western G7 powers were deliberately kept out – the World Bank as a notorious cabal institution was definitely not on the invitation list. China is the primary depositor of the assets in the Accounts, and the entire non-aligned world has seen the European-American-controlled cabal hijack the assets twice in the last sixty years. The Monaco meeting triggered the momentum towards the current showdown with the cabal.
In response to Fulford’s proposal, Karen Hudes gave the following reply:
The Vatican/Chinese bankster coalition you are pushing is not in the cards. Instead, what is happening is that the US through a grassroots movement assisted by local sheriffs, US marshals, in collaboration with the white hats in the Pentagon and the rest of the US’ allies are calling for the rule of law. It is this framework that will be calling the shots. There was a 95% likelihood that this would happen ever since the World Bank whistleblowers got through to the UK Parliament. This article explains http://www.larsschall.com/2013/05/08/governance-issues-at-the-world-bank-a-security-risk-to-the-world-order/
This statement refers to a well-known scenario unfolding within the American militia movement (as chronicled online by prominent spokesman Drake Bailey) in collaboration with patriotic elements in the Pentagon for restoring the U.S. Constitution – once the proper legal framework is in place. The role Hudes credits to the “World Bank whistle-blowers” as the key movers in making this happen is questionable – Neil Keenan certainly had something to do with it – but we’ll let that go, other than to observe that Ms. Hudes is a Joanie-come-lately to the freedom movement, and has apparently decided to attempt to co-opt it and shepherd it back to the cabal’s corrupt and discredited global domination structures, such as the World Bank and the IMF.
Hudes goes on to say:
The Monaco meeting was a bogus attempt to ignore the succession laws governing Marcos’ signature authority and rests upon a legal opinion from the US Treasury that is not worth the paper its written on. This opinion, together with Treasury’s audit of Germany’s gold, will go the way of the fiat currencies See http://beforeitsnews.com/new-world-order/2013/09/recovering-buried-gold-in-the-philippines-and-indonesia-chinese-bankers-and-corrupt-federal-government-120.html Mr. Fulford’s attempt to move from the OITC to the Vatican is a leap from the frying pan to the fire.
[more here]
The long-dead Ferdinand Marcos had nothing to do with the Monaco meeting, and the Monaco meeting had nothing to do with “an opinion from the U.S. Treasury” – especially considering that the UST assisted in defrauding the nations present at the meeting for nearly a hundred years. If Ms. Hudes is willing to present this “legal opinion” from UST and explain what it had to do with the Monaco gathering’s determination to throw off Fed and UST control, that would be helpful. As to what the Treasury’s audit of Germany’s gold has to do with any of this, we are left in the dark. Ferdinand Marcos was never “M1” or “monetary controller” – he was appointed but never elected. It was the fraudulent appointment of Marcos by the cabal that violated the succession laws. Only President Sukarno of Indonesia held that role, as he was chosen by the nations of the world after World War II. The succession laws were not ignored at Monaco. No successor was chosen – the gathering did not pretend to have the power to do that.
The nations of the world chose Sukarno – and since his passing the principal Asian depositors have assigned the role of M1 to a likely successor, whose identity remains undisclosed. The official and legal election of a future “M1” – and even perhaps the nature of that role – is yet to be determined. The first priority is to unite behind the move to free the Accounts and defeat the cabal. The nations can then peacefully sort out how to move the Accounts into action to heal the world.
Ms. Hudes goes on to say:
“I am bringing the rule of law to bear so that the members of the Bretton Woods institutions can get down to brass tacks and consider all proposals transparently, including the $1 trillion in historical bonds that Mr. Fulford is referring to. Jeffrey Sachs, or any other individual, or committee, or smoke screen, only diverts, delays, and brings the world closer to permanent backwardation in gold. If Mr. Fulford wants to continue this dialogue, I invite him to email me directly.”
Well, it might be more accurate to say that the nations of the world are bringing the rule of law to bear. Ms. Hudes’ contributions have been courageous and crucial, but we have not exactly placed our fate in her hands. As a lawyer, Ms. Hudes should know that the statement “I am bringing the rule of law” is a contradiction of the nature of law itself, which is by definition a communal, not a dictatorial reality. And placing the Accounts into the hands of “the Bretton Woods institutions” – i.e., the cabal-created and cabal-controlled World Bank, the BIS, the IMF, and the UN – is not a plan the world will be eager to embrace. An independent world court endorsed, recognized, and given jurisdiction by the 178 nations behind the Monaco Accords is more likely to serve the cause of freedom and peaceful resolution.
It would also be wise for Ms. Hudes to reconsider how to handle communication with highly-placed contacts provided by Mr. Keenan. An attempt to go around Keenan to a highly influential spokesman for the allied Asian families with historical claims to the majority of assets in the Global Accounts backfired badly for Ms. Hudes. The gentleman in question immediately informed Mr. Keenan, and Ms. Hudes has now burned that bridge. These clumsy end-around moves generate distrust, as do the bullying tactics she employed in a conversation with Keenan’s trusted associate, Jean Haines, who had to endure a one-sided scream-down from Ms. Hudes, until Mr. Keenan intervened. It is difficult to credit Ms. Hudes’ recent claims to represent the 178 nation consortium, as global support of that kind cannot be won by such clumsy means. Ms. Hudes represents only Ms. Hudes, and as she no longer works at the World Bank, she has a constituency of one. She now claims in a recent interview with Fulford that she no longer works with Keenan. The truth is that Neil Keenan cut off all contact with Ms. Hudes – as did the influential S.C. Chaing and Keenan’s network of other allies due to her attempt to do a dishonest end-run around Keenan and his team.
There is a crucial need for clear and respectful communication in this pivotal moment. We’ve been doing our best to clear the clutter, but apparently there is still some out there.
And we need not squabble over the wealth of the planet. The astonishing truth is that there is abundance beyond imagining. We simply need to unite as one human family, disarm the oppressors, and heal our world.
Michael Henry Dunn
Neil, with his terrific disk jockey skills, shares this song with us:
We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.
The endgame is being played on with the dirtiest tactics unimaginable at this point in time. We are to choose between perpetually cursing the darkness or lighting up candles and stick ’em into the Mafiosi’s asses.
We will be looking at the details of how the Collateral Accounts are plundered by whom in the coming days.
Here’s the latest update from Neil Keenan re recovery efforts of the Collateral Accounts for the survival of the planet.
Ø “We’re being played…they are pulling a back door trick, while lulling us into thinking they’re defeated.”
Ø Cabal pulling off massive gold theft in Indonesia – melting, recasting, and fraudulent re-stamping – as they attempt to hijack the assets and move them to the West
Ø Keenan reveals his own Financial Doomsday Weapons against Cabal – see them for yourself
Ø Cabal admits genocidal plans against humanity – claims to want a way out
Ø Cabal families at each other’s throats – who will cut a deal? And will the world allow a deal to be made once the truth is known?
Ø Rothschilds blame Vatican, Rockefellers hunt Rothschilds, Bushes blame everybody – while still trying to start a global war
Ø Keenan demands end to Monsanto, Chem-trails operations aimed at mass murder
Ø World Court forming to bring the cabal to justice, as Keenan reveals the Black Book, The Book of Maklumat, The Book of Conveyance, and an original of the Green Hilton Memorial Agreement.
by Michael Henry Dunn
September 17, 2013 – Neil F. Keenan is done rattling the saber – he’s pulling the sword from the scabbard and preparing to use it. He has caught the banker-bloodline corrupt cabal red-handed in one last desperate attempt to hijack the wealth of the nations and to reassert their murderous dominance over our planet. As powerful new allies have flocked to Keenan’s banner in recent weeks, Keenan has pulled the veil from the cabal’s most cunning deceptions. We have been told they are nearly defeated – they are not. We have been led to believe the Accounts are almost back in the hands of the rightful depositors – while the cabal mounts a massive theft of the assets. Our bloggers and freedom fighters have told us we are almost there – while the plans for genocide proceed unstopped. In a series of extraordinary meetings this week, Neil Keenan confronted one of the dark sect’s top chieftains in a face-to-face showdown in the heart of the cabal’s lair. A series of talks with European leaders followed as the battle to defeat the enemies of humanity moves into what looks to be its climactic phase.
Keenan is done with words – he reveals in an extraordinary video the ultimate “Financial Doomsday” weapons in his possession – and warns that the time has finally come to use them.
Keenan warns the world that we cannot take our liberty – or even our survival – for granted in the face of this final move by the cabal. This dark Luciferian sect did not exert pervasive dominance over our planet for these past centuries by giving up easily, or by honoring a single agreement they ever made. They are masters of cunning deception – layer upon layer, web upon web – and history is littered with the corpses of those who thought they had them defeated, only to feel the knife in their backs even as they toasted their own illusive victory. Those who believed the cabal-infiltrated Freemasons would never rise again in America after their dark nature had been revealed in the 1830’s – after thousands of appalled Americans had resigned from the Masonic movement when its twisted designs were revealed by a member (who paid with his life) – they were astonished to find that the movement quietly reappeared in greater numbers in the years following the Civil War, as the Rothschilds’ remorseless plans for the destruction of American freedom moved into overdrive. “I would sooner have believed that slavery itself would revive in America than we would ever see the Freemasons return to power,” said one dismayed enemy of the cabal.
Like a horror movie demon, the ghouls of the Illuminati wait until their victims are complacently secure in their conviction that the evil is destroyed before springing upon their sleeping prey.
Overly dramatic? No. Merely the verdict of history. And Neil Keenan and his allies are determined to make sure it doesn’t happen one more time. It is now or never. And the weapons he has long held back he is now ready to use.
The Black Book in Keenan’s possession documents every fraudulent transaction, every theft, every account movement, every withdrawal made by the hardened criminals at the uppermost tiers of the oligarchy, going back decades. Every time one of them opens “the black screens” it is like a fingerprint, and the money is traced. Their names, their crimes can be revealed to all. These are Financial Doomsday weapons, and their exposure will have unpredictable consequences – but faced with the imminent return-from-the-dead of the cabal’s plans to murder billions of human beings, Keenan is now revealing them to the world. The documents are already in the hands of journalists, of lawyers, in multiple secure locations throughout the world, ready to be released.
Meanwhile, Keenan reveals information regarding the ongoing theft of Global Account gold from Indonesia by the Cabal.
The Elders have guarded the assets for decades without being compensated according to agreement. That has left them vulnerable to bribery – or to coercion where bribery fails. For years it was American General Rosier stealing massive amounts of gold, and today the name of General Lorin has surfaced as the new thief. Now Bush family henchman Richard Armitage is working with General Lorin to continue the cabal’s proud tradition of shameless plundering. Planeloads full of gold are leaving Indonesia for Hong Kong, where it is melted down, whereupon new bars are created with phony stamps, ready for shipping out to the West.
Keenan dared to venture into the heart of the cabal’s lair to meet with a notorious cabal bloodline chieftain (his nobler titles are a sham – a crime syndicate boss should be called by his right name). All very civilized, of course. Cordial conversations over dinner as Keenan revealed his knowledge of their last cunning devices and called them out on their genocidal operations.
“I’m going into the lion’s den,” he informed this writer. “But I’m bringing some catnip with me.”
Keenan is still Keenan.
He called them out on Monsanto. He called them out on chemtrails. He called them out on genocide. And he warned them that it must all stop now. In the extraordinary video accompanying this article, Keenan reveals that the families at the top of the banking system are looking for a way out. They know they are vulnerable. They have believed that they can survive because they control the world banking system – and who can operate without them? This has been their trump card – while they have calmly proceeded with their plans to mercilessly slaughter billions of human beings. Now they say they too want to see the Cabal come to an end.
Of course, they are the Cabal. But there are factions within factions, and the leading families are at each other’s throats. The American cabal families are still going full tilt for global war, and word has it that the European banking families are in danger of their lives from the Bushes and Rockefellers. One thing is certain – the ten leading financiers (with the “chieftain” at the table) who sat down with Neil Keenan in a certain banking capital last week would have us believe that they do not think of themselves as the cabal…and that they know the cabal is finished.
The Vatican is evil and cannot be trusted. Who says so? Why, the cabal, of course – they’re reportedly very upset with how they’ve been misled by Rome. Those nasty Vatican boys lied to our dear honest bankers? How appalling! Honor among thieves…you reap what you sow, gentlemen. You might try looking that up in the good book – along with “thou shalt not kill” and “thou shalt not steal.”
Keenan emerged from his confrontation to warn us all: we must take back the keys to the kingdom – don’t let the Vatican retake control, or we’re in for a hundred years of hell.
Neither side can be trusted. We must see actions. The Accounts must be freed. The chemtrails must end. Monsanto and HAARP must be dismantled.
And the truth of who they are and what they’ve done must be told to the world.
Their day is done. The world is awake. And they will be brought to justice. They have believed that we are the sheep and they are the wolves. We are reclaiming our freedom.
The new international security force, the soon-to-be-completed World Court of Human Rights, the 178-nation consortium, all are now aligned to prevent this last back-door crime from turning victory into defeat. But time is short. We must act now.
The extraordinary video attached to this article should be immediately distributed throughout the world. Reblog it, Skype it, Facebook it, e-mail it, Twitter it, turn it into a hundred million hits on Youtube. Nothing less than humanity’s survival is at stake.
More enormously important news is imminent. Crucial updates will follow in the coming days.
Only our silence, only our complacency allows them to win. Only our raised voices, only our united determination ensures our freedom. Wake up now!
I will close with a direct quote from Neil Keenan:
“Let those who hold secrets release them so they may be heard. Let everyone stand and let it be known they are not sitting down any longer, that they value the liberty and safety of their families because this is what is at stake. We must let it be known to the Cabal that we know what they are up to and that we have our little birdies singing to us now telling us it is time for them to say goodbye….All the Elite take a hike…..Hit the road Jack and don’t you come back no more!”
Michael Henry Dunn
Here are a couple of photos fof the Blue Book, which establishes the bloodline lineages of these cabal families, how they evolved, and where they are today. This is who we’re fighting: the people from the Blue Book who illegally control the assets of the off-ledger accounts. They are the elitists who control all the industry of the Western world, to whom all the dots connect. These are the people who received OUR bailouts, OUR money!
Here are couple of photos of The Black Book, whose entries are all hand-written. The history of the Global Off-ledger Accounts on the black screen is in this book. This is the Book that exposes the cabal. Now you can understand why this book is priceless.
source »
We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.
Changing the Flow of Information
Karen Hudes posted this on her FB wall, in reference to the latest Ben Fulford’s article, “P2 Freemasons want Pope Francis to be new M1, the controller of money.”
“The Vatican/Cabal coalition you are pushing is not in the cards. Instead, what is happening is that the US through a grassroots movement assisted by local sheriffs, US marshals, in collaboration with the white hats in the Pentagon and the rest of the US’ allies are calling for the rule of law. It is this framework that will be calling the shots. There was a 95% likelihood that this would happen ever since the World Bank whistleblowers got through to the UK Parliament. This article explains…”
World Bank a security risk to the world order?
Former senior legal counsel at the World Bank turned whistleblower Karen Hudes talks about the corruption inside the World Bank and her personal saga to find out about it. She says a worldwide currency war is certain and NATO in jeopardy, if the wrongdoing isn’t finally addressed.
By Lars Schall
Karen Hudes studied law at Yale Law School (J.D.) and economics at the University of Amsterdam (M.Phil). She worked as a corporate and securities lawyer at a major New York law firm and for several years at the Export Import Bank of the US, before she became a senior counsel in the legal department of the World Bank (1986 – 2007). Her personal web site can be found here: http://www.kahudes.net.
Lars Schall: Dr. Hudes, let’s talk about the World Bank, which is often described as a “Bretton Woods organization,” since it was officially founded at the famous international conference in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire in 1944. However, the plan to establish this bank (and the International Monetary Fund) originated years before with the highly secretive “War and Peace Studies” that were conducted by the Council on Foreign Relations and the US State Department, while the money for the study came from the Rockefeller Foundation. (1) Given this background of being part of the “Grand Area” design and strategy for the post-war world order, isn’t the World Bank really a tool to exercise American hegemony?
Karen Hudes: I take issue with one part of that question – when you say, “American hegemony.” If you unbundle the political structure inside the United States, it’s not what you see is what you get. It’s not that the American citizens are the ones that are running the country. There is a very wealthy group that is secretly, through domination of the press, trying to keep the citizens in the United States in the dark. And so when you say a tool of “American hegemony,” the answer is it is a tool of hegemony but I would take the “American” out of the equation. What you saw in the last presidential election was massive amounts of foreign money coming in, in an attempt to influence voters. (2) That’s the group that I’m talking about and I would be very happy, as a sidebar at some point, to discuss who that group is, where they are, and what they’re doing. Because I didn’t know about that group when I started on my saga, but I found out about them later on. Now I try to tell them that they have to start behaving themselves. They are not above the law; they think they are, but they are subject to the law.
L.S.: Okay, then let us go straight down to the nitty-gritty: Can you name the individuals and institutions of that group?
K.H.: I’ll tell you what I can do; I can point you to a very good study that was done by three systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, ranked as the best university in continental Europe. What they did was examine the interlocking ownership of the world’s 43,000 transnational corporations using mathematical modeling tools. Are you familiar with that study?
L.S.: Yes, I am. I believe you are referring to a study which showed basically that a small group respectively “super-entity” of 147 financial institutions and multinational corporations is pretty much in control of the world economy. (3)
K.H.: Yes, that’s right. So, it’s whoever is behind that group which is in control of 1 percent of the investments but that 1 percent through corporate interlocking directorships is now in control of 40 percent of the assets and 60 percent of the revenues of this set of 43,060 transnational companies. That’s who that group is. Now, do I know who the individuals behind that group are? They’re very good at secretly hiding, so I’m not going to hazard a guess. But once we get the legal machinery in place, we will find out in great detail who these individuals are, and they will be playing by the rules along with everybody else on this planet.
L.S.: Before we come back to that issue: How do you evaluate the World Bank’s track record in general?
K.H.: It’s a magnificent place that has been hijacked by that group, so you really can’t blame it for some of the terrible things that have happened. But some of the most talented people in the world end up there. In particular, the group of World Bank whistleblowers that I have been working with is a dream team. They are fabulous, and by working together we have succeeded in exposing what the “super-entity” of financial institutions was trying to take away from the people around the world behind their backs. I wouldn’t call it a “Coup d’État” because we have simply taken back what was rightfully ours.
So, the World Bank is a mixture which includes that group of whistleblowers. Their lives have been really, really severely damaged by the power of that group that was trying to prevent them from doing their jobs. When the World Bank renovated its headquarters in 1997, an architect/construction engineer tried to prevent a 70% cost overrun caused by mismanagement. Can you imagine, an organization that’s teaching everybody how to run projects has a cost-overrun of $220 million dollars over the estimates? Anyway, he warned that this project was going to have the overruns, and he was fired in gratitude. Where is this man now? He’s managing projects for China. Anyway, when we were mentioning him as a whistleblower, he said: “I don’t want this publicity; I’m not a whistleblower. I was simply doing my job as a professional project manager and architect.” But some people, their lives were just completely wrecked.
So that’s what the World Bank is: you’ve got 5 percent who are fighting for justice, you’ve got human resources secretly managed by the “super-entity” of financial institutions, and you’ve got everybody else in the middle taking cover where they can.
L.S.: Why should anybody care about the World Bank and its actions?
K.H.: It’s an institution at the very center of the world financial system owned by 188 countries. This institution can prevent a currency war and can also serve as a bridge when there is consensus about how to amend the functioning of the world financial system. It takes 50 years for an international institution to function. There is a simple convention that the Board of the World Bank will only vote up or down what is proposed by the President of the World Bank. When the Board tried to end that convention in 2009, the following day I was locked out of the World Bank’s headquarters.
In 1944 there were 44 countries at the Bretton Woods Conference; one of the Dutch delegates was a young lawyer named Aaron Broches, who later became the longest-serving general counsel of the World Bank. I wasn’t at the World Bank when Broches was general counsel, but I got to know him because I was interested in finding out about the history of the World Bank. Broches gave me the operation manual. He was there when Robert McNamara came to the World Bank as the president in 1968. Broches told me that’s when the World Bank really started to deteriorate. McNamara made the place much more corrupt than it had been before that. The World Bank was established by treaty that was negotiated by the 44 countries which came to the Bretton Woods conference. By now, the Bretton Woods treaties have been signed on to by 144 additional countries.
So, the reason people need to care about the World Bank is it is a fabulous tool. We couldn’t create it today; but we’ve inherited it, we’re standing on the shoulders of our predecessors, and it is the tool by which we are taking back the rule of law, and we’re proceeding actually further than it’s ever gone. People complain about international law, they say it’s not enforceable, it’s just wishful thinking; no. International law exists, and it goes from the very bottom of the system way up to the top. Because the groups that want to be free to dominate the place and not be subject to law, their game is over, finished. This is a sea-change.
L.S.: But isn’t the whole thing related to the financial crisis and the fact that those people who’ve committed crimes are not punished for their crimes – isn’t that an clear indication to the contrary?
K.H.: Yes, but just wait until we finish doing what we need to do, because when I talk about taking back the World Bank for the rule of law, we’re talking about the beginning of a different approach. International law was developed by Hugo Grotius, a Dutch lawyer, famous for his escape in a trunk from the castle of Loevestein in 1621 where he was imprisoned by the Calvinists. Grotius believed in freedom of the seas and combined ethics, politics and law.
He said: “It is fitting that those who have the leading place in an alliance should arrogate to themselves no privilege in relation to their own interests, but should make themselves conspicuous above the others through their careful management of the common interests.”(4)
Now here’s where it becomes really interesting. Bond holders are entitled to accurate financial statements from the World Bank under securities laws in every single jurisdiction where the bonds are held. The World Bank has issued $135 billion in bonds denominated in the world’s currencies; anyone who holds a World Bank bond can hold the World Bank accountable. And this means that anyone inside that organization with financial information has got the right to make sure that is correctly represented in the World Bank’s financials. If there’s an inaccuracy in the financial information, the correction must take place, and any person who reveals that inaccuracy must be protected and not retaliated against. This is now a requirement in the appropriations legislation for the US contribution to the World Bank capital increase. (5) If you buy a World Bank bond (and I did so), you are empowered to fight for international law as an individual.
So, we now have a mechanism for requiring transparency. Does every government want transparency? Of course not, that’s why it has taken me fifteen years so far. But that’s where we are now, with governments accountable to their people in a way that they weren’t before.
L.S.: You assume that a world-wide currency war is certain if the World Bank fails to adhere to the rule of law. How do you come to this conclusion?
K.H.: It’s a very important question. You can see definite signs of an impending currency war by the US government’s seven year delay in complying with Germany’s request to repatriate 300 tons of gold; the difficulty in obtaining gold for immediate delivery; Japan’s devaluation; and legislation in a dozen states to recognize gold and silver bullion as legal tender. I elaborated on this in a recent interview with gold and precious metals expert, Tekoa da Silva. (6)
I have been warning for nearly ten years that US’ failure to play by the rules at the World Bank would end in a currency war. I come to this conclusion because one of the things the World Bank is, is it’s a knowledge bank. You have very clever companies that have developed services that they would like to incorporate in World Bank projects. For example, I was working on a project in Ghana on a freedom of information law. The Ghanaians hired the Sentia Group, headed by Jacek Kugler, former Chair of the Department of Politics and Policy at Claremont Graduate University. He was President of International Studies Association (2004-5) and of the Peace Science Society (1995-6). He was also editor of International Interactions.
The model developed by Jacek Kugler is 90 to 95% accurate. (7) There are actually two models that I am relying upon. The published version is: “The War Presidency: Options Taken and Lost.” (8) This analysis holds that what the United States did in the Iraq war may have made some sense in the context of the regional problems, but it was absolutely suicide for the US to fly in the face of its major allies. If the corruption in the United States continues to jeopardize the US’ relationship with the NATO countries, (which we are now seeing in the refusal of the United States to comply with Germany’s request for repatriation of its gold), China would come way up very, very fast, but via a currency war that will force trade back to a barter system and disrupt the world economy on a scale that will make the great depression of the 1930′s and the recent world depression in 2008 pale by comparison.
I found out in the Ghana project using the Sentia stakeholder analytic tool that the reason that the freedom of information law was not being passed was because the German government, which was financing the project , wanted a perfect freedom of information law. It turned out that in Ghana the people who were opposed to the law had enough political power that they could prevent the law from being passed. Once the German government understood that there was no ownership in Ghana for a perfect law, the local version of the legislation passed.
I was fired illegally as a legal officer of the World Bank trying to keep the World Bank on track in the securities markets. I informed the US Congress that the World Bank was out of compliance on the capital markets, and was illegally fired in retaliation. So I thought I would be reinstated immediately. I didn’t understand that the single biggest impediment was the fact that that group that I was talking about, the one that’s dominating the capital markets, is also dominating the media. I didn’t realize how concentrated the media was in the United States.
In the last 20 years the number of owners of the media in the US has gone from 50 down to 5. So I couldn’t get my story out. (9) I can regale you about what happened with the National Press Club, which has been hoodwinking the American people by censoring important information. When we are finished ending the cover-up of corruption, the media will have admitted that it was certainly newsworthy when the governors, attorneys general and chief justices of the 50 states were involved in resolving this illegality. How can it be that the American people don’t know this now? That is why I’m so grateful to you for bringing my story to your readers.
L.S.: When did you come to the conclusion that a world-wide currency war is certain by using this game theory stakeholder analysis?
K.H.: In 2004 I asked Jacek Kugler whether he would model rule of law at the World Bank. This is the second model, and is consistent with the published model, because the World Bank is a microcosm of the world economy. The input to the model requires an assessment of where the stakeholders are on rule of law at the World Bank, how powerful they are, and also how important rule of law is for them. So for example, the president of a country may be powerful, but he’s got a lot on his plate, so that issue is not so important for him. Kugler refers to that as “salience”. The numbers as to how powerful the countries were is based on their shareholding in the World Bank; for instance the US has 16 percent. But I had to estimate how important rule of law was to the World Bank’s member countries, where they stood on the issue, and so on. However, where I guessed wrong was I didn’t understand the media. I thought the media was part of a solution; I didn’t understand that it was very much part of the problem.
In 2007 I warned the US Treasury Department that the model of rule of law at the World Bank was predicting that the US would lose the 66 year-old Gentlemen’s Agreement to appoint the president of the World Bank. (10) That is what happened in 2010. (11) The model started predicting that rule of law would prevail rather than a currency war as soon as the UK and European Parliaments published my testimony. (12)
L.S.: But is the loss of the Gentlemen’s Agreement actually something bad? I mean the US is just one country out of more than 188 in the World Bank?
K.H.: Let’s look closer at Hugo Grotius’ point: ‘If you’re at the top of the food chain in the world and you rule benevolently in everybody’s interest then this is a good thing. But once you stop doing that, you stop acting as a trustee for the world and you start acting for the interest of a small group whose interests are different from the whole, then it’s a bad thing. So, if the US had acted under the World Bank’s rules, and complied with the securities laws of the jurisdictions where World Bank’s bonds are held, the US could have kept its Gentlemen’s Agreement. It’s only when the US acts illegally and against the interests of the whole of the group that the Gentlemen’s Agreement needs to end.
L.S.: Okay, I still don’t get it, and so make it plain, please: a) why do you think a world-wide currency war is certain by using this game theory stakeholder analysis? And b) please explain why NATO is in jeopardy – and maybe more important, give our readers some reasons why it would be a bad thing if NATO would break-up? Is NATO still a defense alliance?
I also spoke to Secretary Chuck Hagel on August 6, 2008 when he represented Nebraska as a Senator in the U.S. Congress, and I told him that this stakeholder analysis was predicting that the Gentlemen’s Agreement would end if the U.S. did not stop its hegemony at the World Bank and that “playing cat and mouse with these serious governance issues at the World Bank is also a security risk to the world order.” After Chuck Hagel became Secretary of Defense, I called up the Inspector General’s office in the Defense Department and said, “I happen to think that Secretary Hagel will be very interested to know about a problem that’s going to make him lose NATO.” And the next weekend I got a request from LinkedIn to contact the Defense Department’s project manager for their version of the stakeholder analysis. I am also in touch with NATO.
NATO is in jeopardy because of tensions with Germany and Europe over the corruption emanating from the “super-entity” that is trying to dominate the world economy. The stakeholder analysis is predicting that this corruption can be overcome through coalitions that demand the rule of law. Informed citizens demanding an end to the corruption will turn things around. I believe that the corruption in NATO, like the Bretton Woods institutions, can be overcome.
As a lawyer, I believe that institutions can be retrofitted, improved, and salvaged and that when cover-ups of corruption end it is possible to close the loopholes that permitted the corruption to exist. When I say that NATO will break up, I am referring to NATO as a proxy for the transatlantic alliance. Whether the accession of new countries to NATO has changed the character of NATO is a larger issue. As the corruption coming from the “super entity” of financial institutions we discussed earlier is tackled, many existing institutions will change. Lawyers prefer incremental change, and working within an existing institutional framework. The alternative is an approach like the French revolution. Is that preferable?
L.S.: Was corruption part of the decision to get rid of Paul Wolfowitz and Robert Zoellick as heads of the World Bank?
K.H.: Yes, of course. The Board of Executive Directors asked Paul Wolfowitz to leave for promptly giving a 35% pay raise to his significant other who was working for the World Bank when Wolfowitz assumed the presidency. That was just the tip of the iceberg; the corruption was systemic.(13)
L.S.: Well, related to Robert Zoellick I think this is not really clear to the public…
K.H.: No, of course not, that’s because the “super-entity” of financial institutions bought up the media. It was because of Robert Zoellick’s corruption that the World Bank’s Committee on Governance refused a second term to Robert Zoellick, and Senator Harry Reid, Majority Leader in the US Senate, told Zoellick that he was not going to be renominated for a second term as president of the World Bank by the United States. After Mitt Romney appointed Zoellick to head national security transition planning during the US presidential campaign, I tried without success to inform voters about the corruption problems. (13) CBS, which broadcast the presidential debates, knew about the corruption at the World Bank because they used my information to embarrass the UK’s Prime Minister David Cameron during his interview on the David Letterman show on September 27, 2012. After my testimony in UK Parliament about corruption at the World Bank, the UK’s Minister of Development, Andrew Mitchell, was raked over the coals in the “plebgate affair.” (15) But CBS refused to ask a question on international corruption during the presidential debate.
L.S.: When did you personally became aware of improper practices at the World Bank?
K.H.: I learned of the corruption at the World Bank gradually: think of old Polaroid pictures that develop slowly. My understanding of the problem increased from working with other World Bank whistleblowers and seeing what happened after I disclosed corruption up the corporate ladder within the World Bank. So, the first thing that clearly jolted me was in 1997 when the Board at the World Bank said under the Strategic Compact, ‘We’ll contribute to the World Bank budget, but we’re putting a condition that we want to see improved management’. I was the representative of the Staff Association on the Drysdale Committee which was looking at Human Resources Reform under the Strategic Compact. At the end of the exercise I said, “You know, for reform in an organization, you need to have monitoring to see whether the reform has taken hold.” When my recommendation wasn’t incorporated, I was perplexed, and wondered, “Why don’t people want to monitor reform of human resources?”
We called in Alberto Bazzan, a human resources manager from IBM. After about a year, Alberto came to me — this was when Jim Wolfensohn was the President of the World Bank — and said “Karen, it’s not working, I don’t get to see Jim Wolfensohn very often but whenever I do, if I tell him somebody should be promoted, that person gets fired. If I tell him that somebody should be fired, that person gets promoted.” Alberto also said, “I don’t know how much longer I’m going to last,” and sure enough; he got fired too.
L.S.: You also became aware of irregularities in connection with a bank in the Philippines. Please elaborate on this.
K.H.: At the end of the East Asia financial crisis in 1999, the World Bank had a ‘structural adjustment loan’ in the Philippines. In structural adjustment loans, the World Bank finances government reform policies rather than goods and services. In corrupt regimes these loans are controversial because the reforms are not owned by the country, and the proceeds do not end up in government treasuries. So, what happened in the privatization of Philippines National Bank (PNB) was the man who owned Philippine Airlines, which was in default to PNB, ended up buying the government shares in PNB. The investment advisor said, ‘You know, depositors aren’t going to like that PNB is being managed by a borrower in default. This is a real problem’.
I went to the World Bank’s country director for the Philippines and told him what the investment advisors said; that the man who owned Philippine Airlines had broken the securities laws in the Philippines by failing to disclose his acquisition of more than 10% of PNB’s shares. I told the World Bank’s Country Director in the Philippines to warn the government the World Bank could not disburse the rest of the structural adjustment loan. I wrote the letter. It said, ‘Dear Philippines Government, you’re not going to get the money, you’re not complying with the conditions’. I said, ‘could you please sign this letter and send it to the government’. Instead, I was reassigned. There was another condition in the loan requiring the Philippines’ laws on banking supervision to be improved, and those laws were never passed after I was reassigned. So I went to the legal department, and I said, ‘You can’t reassign lawyers who are doing their jobs.”
I live on the same street as Larry Summers, and my kid was in the same elementary class as Larry Summers’ kid. When this nonsense with the human resources reform happened, I complained to Larry Summers at a PTA meeting. I said, “The World Bank is not being managed right: when we try to correct the mismanagement, the wrong people get fired; what’s going on here?” There was going to be a new general counsel, and a friend of mine told me that there wasa good candidate. So, I told this to Larry Summers. After this man came in as the World Bank’s General Counsel, I asked him, ‘Why are you reassigning me when I’m doing my job’.
So after I was reassigned in the Philippines, I told the Executive Director who represented the Dutch government on the Board what was going on, and the two of us had a meeting with Jim Wolfensohn. At the meeting we said, ‘This idiot who you hired as General Counsel is leading to corruption in the Philippines, you’ve got to do something about this’. Jim Wolfensohn’s response was to put me on probation.
I went to the decision meeting when it came time to disburse the Philippines loan and told the Vice President for the East Asia Region, “The conditions haven’t been met for disbursement.’ And of course, that vice president knew that I was going to go back up to the Board, so he had to cancel the loan for $200 million. There was a matching loan from Japan which was also cancelled. The depositors in the Philippines got nervous with a defaulted borrower in control of PNB, and there was a run on the bank. The Philippines Deposit Insurance Corporation had to bail out PNB with a $500 million loan. The President of the Philippines, Joseph Estrada, was ultimately impeached in 2001, and in 2007 an anti-corruption court in the Philippines convicted Estrada of plunder and confiscated cash and properties worth $29 million.
When the World Bank’s Evaluation Department told the World Bank’s Board of Directors that the World Bank’s supervision performance on the structural adjustment loan for the Philippines’ financial sector had been satisfactory, I said that the Evaluation Department was misinforming the Board. The World Bank never ended its misinformation to the Board on the Philippines financial sector adjustment loan. That was the kernel of the cover-up, which kept on mushrooming.
L.S.: Why were you fired ultimately in 2007?
KH: I was fired illegally in retaliation for informing the US Congress about the cover-up on the Philippines. In 2006 I was a candidate for the World Bank’s General Counsel position. During my interview, I told the Executive Search firm about the failed human resources reforms and the internal control lapses. Executive Search firms for the general counsel position of companies with bonds on the securities markets have to correct internal control problems. When there is an international organization whose Board consists of member countries, this problem becomes especially serious. I informed the Treasury Department that the Sentia stakeholder analysis was predicting that the US was going to lose the Gentlemen’s Agreement. When the Treasury Department did not respond, I informed Senators Biden, Clinton, Obama, and Lugar on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
Senator Lugar backed me up with three letters to the World Bank before I was fired, and my Congressman wrote a fourth letter at Nancy Pelosi’s request after I was fired illegally in retaliation. Senators Leahy and Bayh also joined Senator Lugar in demanding a Government Accountability Office investigation into corruption at the World Bank the year after I was fired. When the World Bank stonewalled the GAO investigation, Congress put conditions on the US contribution to the World Bank’s capital increase requiring reform to end the effects of retaliation. (16)
There are other World Bank whistleblowers reporting the same problems as I did. They have stories that are equally outrageous. You cannot run a bank as if it were your personal slush fund. You have got to have accountability; you have got to have internal controls. When I reported to Congress that the World Bank had deficient internal controls, I also pointed out that because of the special position of the World Bank in the world financial system, not only are you wasting tax payers’ money, but you’re going to end up with a currency war. When the World Bank fired me and stonewalled the GAO investigation, the governance crisis at the World Bank assumed constitutional proportions.
L.S.: In order to deal with your problems, you bought a certain kind of bond. Please tell us this story.
K.H. The World Bank is an international organization and has immunity from lawsuits brought by its staffmembers. But the World Bank has waived its immunities to bondholders. In 2009 the Chairman of the World Bank’s Governance Committee, the Chairman of the Board’s Audit Committee, and the Chairman of the Board’s Ethics Committee, together with the Dean of the Board, reinstated me when I was trying to end the convention that the Board may only rubber stamp actions initiated by the World Bank’s President. When I was locked out of the World Bank’s headquarters building, I bought a World Bank bond and sued in federal court.
L.S.: And what has been the result?
K.H.: The short answer is that the US is viewed as a scofflaw nation in violation of its treaty obligations and securities laws in all of the jurisdictions in which the World Bank’s bonds are traded, including state blue sky laws. Last week an Ambassador of one of the World Bank’s members wrote, “I would also like to recognize the work you are doing in trying to bring the Bretton Woods institutions to bear on the need to meet the agreed international states in the course of their operations.”
The long answer is that the Judge in the District Court ignored the fact that I was a bond holder and dismissed my suit. So I appealed and the stakes were increased a little bit. The day after I blogged that the Board of the World Bank was taking over the litigation (17), the Court of Appeals issued an unpublished decision that did not contain the reasoned opinion that was required under applicable precedent. Then the clerk ignored my notice that the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and I were withdrawing the case after it was settled by the World Bank’s Development Committee. I reported the clerical error in the federal courts to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, to the rest of the Judicial Conference, and again more recently to the Judge who heads the Judicial Conference Executive Committee. I also reported to the National Governors Association, the National Association of Attorneys General, and the Conference of Chief Justices of the state Supreme Courts that the federal courts were ignoring 187 Ministers of Finance.
On April 19, 2013 the Development Committee issued me a pass to attend the Spring meetings of the Bretton Woods institutions. On April 20, 2013 the U.S. Secret Service barred me from attending the rest of the meetings. On April 21, 2013, in a letter that was cleared by the World Bank’s shareholders, I informed Julia Pierson, Director of the Secret Service, that the Secret Service had acted illegally. Later that day the Secret Service issued me an invalid barring notice, which had been signed by a World Bank official who exceeded his authority.
L.S.: It’s almost unnecessary to ask you this, but anyway: Did you get any protection as a whistleblower? And what are your thoughts in general how whistleblowers are treated these days in the US?
K.H.: That’s a wonderful question. I started out with a law firm to help me with my case. At one point that firm gave me some documents which were very helpful, including a report from the Joint Economic Committee of the US Congress to the effect that World Bank governance is very bad and its accounting is terrible. (19) A couple of years ago, I went back to that firm to thank them for having given me that very important document. And the next thing I knew, that firm referred an assignment to me in the Philippines. Well, I have gotten some very powerful people in the Philippines rather angry. I thought it was kind of dangerous to go to the Philippines, so I said, “I’d be very happy to take that assignment, but I think I’m going to sub-contract the work in the Philippines.” The work dried up when I wasn’t going to the Philippines anymore.
I have filed many complaints with local, state and federal law enforcement officials about illegal acts and not a single complaint has been satisfactorily resolved. It is the job of each and every citizen in a democracy to inform themselves what is happening to their whistleblowers and to protect them. The accountability feedback loop has been largely impaired by the “super-entity” of financial institutions which bought up the media in the U.S.
L.S.: There was actually an investigation to address the corruption at the World Bank, which was headed by former Federal Reserve chairman Paul A. Volcker. What do you think about the results of this investigation?
K.H.: After studying Development Economics at the University of Amsterdam, I have some excellent contacts. In 2005 the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked for an investigation of the Audit Committee into my complaints about the lapses on the Philippines financial sector structural adjustment loan.(20) The Chair of the Audit Committee at the time, Pierre Duquesne, asked instead for an investigation into the Institutional Integrity Department. The Volcker Panel has been thoroughly discredited. (19)
L.S.: Have there been other responses, for example in the UK?
K.H.: Yes. I met with the UK’s Serious Fraud Office on September 28, 2010, and informed them that KPMG did not follow Generally Accepted Auditing Standards. The Serious Fraud Office called the SEC on October 10, 2010, but the SEC only stonewalled. Two Committees of the UK Parliament published my testimony to this effect. (See note 11) After the SEC refused to respond to the Serious Fraud Office, that was when a UK lawyer advised me, ‘It’s time, Karen, to go to the credit rating agencies.’ All of these problems are going to drive down the US credit rating, there’s no question about it. That is why the Attorney General, Eric Holder, is suing the credit rating agencies. Thirteen other countries have written to me about the illegality I have been reporting to them.
Now, I’ve made these points to the state attorneys general, to the state governors and to the Chief Justices of state Supreme Courts. When there are these compliance issues, the states are also responsible for protecting the bond holders under blue sky laws. I finally got a letter from Maryland’s governor, Martin O’Malley, requesting me to have my Senators in US Congress solve this problem. So I went to Senators Mikulski and Cardin, and they didn’t solve the problem. I went to Senate Legal Counsel and to the House General Counsel, and informed them that there was an impasse between the state regulators and the SEC.
Then I went to Secretary Hagel and said, “First of all we’re landing in a currency war and second of all, we have a serious disconnect between the states and the federal government. How is this going to be resolved, martial law? The Judicial Conference is confronting a situation where 188 Ministers of Finance have reinstated me, have granted me a security pass, and the President of the World Bank and Secret Service prevent me from entering the building; the clerk of the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has dismissed my case in error; the Judicial Conference refuses to correct the clerical error, and the citizens with a few exceptions remain in the dark. What you have is a country which is seriously, seriously out of compliance. So, when you say the World Bank is out of compliance; no, it’s the US government. It’s all of the different pillars of government. It’s the federal government, it’s the judiciary. The Congress isn’t doing such a great job either; they passed an appropriations law with conditionality and failed to require GAO to carry out an audit into corruption that they commissioned.
L.S.: Yes. You also assume the repatriation of German gold that was announced by the Deutsche Bundesbank in January of this year has something to do with the problems at the World Bank. Why so?
K.H.: That’s a very good question. The Secretary of the Treasury and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve together with the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission sit on the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies, and these are the entities that have accepted KPMG’s unqualified audit of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development when the bondholders can have no confidence in the accuracy of the World Bank’s financial statements because of the corruption that I and other World Bank whistleblowers have reported.
Germany asked to repatriate 300 tons of gold three months after the New York Federal Reserve refused Germany´s request for a physical inspection of vaults in which Germany´s gold was stored. Instead, the US Treasury offered a paper audit.(21) The Inspector Generals of both the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve have not inspired any confidence in my case, to put it bluntly. A dozen states are also moving to recognize gold as legal tender,(22) and Texas is permitting its pensions to invest in gold now.(23)
It’s part and parcel of this corrupt illegality; this illegality is creating such turmoil that people have concerns about the soundness of the US dollar as a currency. Now, I’ve seen the letters that you’ve written and about why Germany needs its gold. I think probably the best answer is that in a situation that I’ve just outlined where you have illegality from top to bottom, you don’t want your gold anywhere else because you don’t know what’s going to happen to it. I can’t say for sure when the decision of your audit committee was made that required the audit.
L.S.: Yes.
K.H.: The strength of my case is that I have documented the illegality from the very bottom of the financial system to the very top. The only reason this matter is not resolved is because of this control of the media which is jeopardizing democracy in the United States. I’ve documented a serious case of what is called state capture. Is it going to be resolved? I do know that all of these World Bank whistleblowers have their own contacts with their governments. Although the credit rating agencies have had a front row view, most American citizens haven’t, with the exception of a group called the National Taxpayers Union, which has a blog about me. (25)
L.S.: What do you think about the fact that the BRICS nations are creating their own development bank to rival the World Bank and the IMF?
K.H.: I congratulate them, and I’m very glad that they did this.
L.S.: Yes, but do you think that this creation of a new development bank by the BRICS nations is a result of this corruption at the World Bank?
K.H.: Absolutely.
L.S.: And since we also raised the issue of gold, is it any surprise to you that these BRICS nations are buying gold, for example, Russia and China, whereas the western Central Banks and the IMF have a very different approach to gold?
K.H.: Professor Antal Fekete has written about the significance of the current very high demand for immediate delivery of gold.(24) It is becoming clear that the corruption in the international financial system is risking a situation in which gold supply will cease as persons who hold gold refuse to relinquish it for paper money, referred to as “permanent backwardation.” We have got to prevent this from happening. It’s the “super entity” of financial institutions that’s unsettling everything; they have got to play by the rules. They can’t have a free pass to corrupt the world. No; that’s ended, that’s over. The fact that most people don’t know about them or what they do or what the BIS is, that has to end. Everybody has to know, and there has to be an orderly transition to a world financial system that makes some sense. This current situation where they control the press makes no sense whatsoever, and it’s got to end.
L.S.: Apropos the BIS; is it also involved? And you’ve said most people don’t know what the BIS is, so what is the BIS?
K.H.: The answer is yes, the BIS is involved. The BIS, Bank for International Settlements, is the consortium of central bankers. The central bankers are private, they’re not government entities. Anyway, I wrote the BIS to ask them what on earth is going on? I never heard back from them, which is kind of curious.
L.S.: Final question. How would you solve the problems we were talking about if the choice was yours?
K.H.: I’ve been thinking a lot about the answer to that question. I think there are two very easy answers. The first is that whistleblowers have to be made whole, as required by US Congress for the US contribution to the World Bank capital increase. The second is that the democratic deficit in the international financial system where people don’t know what the BIS is has to end. People don’t know it’s their Ministers of Finance that are dealing with these issues and what their Ministers of Finance are up to. People have to become aware of this because it’s dangerous to have this democratic deficit. So that’s what I would change, I would change the flow of information.
L.S.: Yes, but how would you change the flow of information?
K.H.: Well, that’s a serious, serious question. There has to be awareness that people are getting their information filtered, and I think once they’re aware of it, this is going to change. I think a lot of the solution is going to come from the internet. That’s why there are so many efforts now to limit the Internet. I went to a conference on this, and it was no surprise to me that the person who was running this conference didn’t think it was suitable for me to address the conference. You know, need I say more. There is censorship, and the censorship has to stop.
One of the very positive developments is that people expect that soon there will be very wide access to the internet by all of the people on this planet. So we have to ensure that the Internet remains functional, and that we pay serious attention to what happened with the death of Aaron Swartz; this is no accident.
L.S.: Yes, yes. But isn’t also the internet a wonderful surveillance instrument for intelligence agencies?
K. H.: Yes. Recently I’ve gotten to know a US whistleblower who knows a great deal about domestic surveillance: Mark Novitsky. People have got to become aware about what all is going on, and that should help us make a begin in solving this extremely serious and dangerous problem.
L.S.: Thank you very much for taking your time, Dr. Hudes!
K. H.: Thank you very much for having me!
(1) See Laurence H. Shoup / William Minter: “Imperial Brain Trust: The Council on Foreign Relations and United States Foreign Policy“, Authors Choice Press, New York, 2004. For a shorter introduction into this topic see Andrew Gavin Marshall: “The Council on Foreign Relations and the ’Grand Area’ of the American Empire”, published December 13, 2011 here: http://andrewgavinmarshall.com/2011/12/13/the-council-on-foreign-relations-and-the-grand-area-of-the-american-empire/
(2) See Anna Stolley Persky, “Truth or Fiction? Foreign Interests in U.S. Elections”, Washington Lawyer, published November 2012 available here: http://www.dcbar.org/for_lawyers/resources/publications/washington_lawyer/november_2012/foreign_elections.cfm
(3) See Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder, and Stefano Battiston: “The network of global corporate control“, ETH Zurich, published September 2011 available here: http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1107/1107.5728v2.pdf
(4) See Hugo Grotius: “On the Law of War and Peace”, Book XV, available here: http://www.archive.org/stream/hugonisgrottiide00grotuoft/hugonisgrottiide00grotuoft_djvu.txt
(5) § 7082 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112-74). available here: http://www.whistleblower.org/storage/documents/whistleblowerlanguageinHR2055.pdf
(6) Tekoa Da Silva, World Bank Whistle-blower: “Precious Metals To Serve As An Underpinning For Paper Currencies”, May 6, 2013, available here:
(7) See Randolph M. Silverson, “The Contributions of International Politics Research to Policy”, Political Science and Politics, published March 2000, available here https://www.apsanet.org/imgtest/ContributionsInternationalPolitics-Siverson.pdf See page 62
(8) Jacek Kugler, Ron Tammen and Brian Efird: “The War Presidency: Options Taken and Lost”, International Studies Association Meetings, Montreal, Canada, published February 2004, available here: http://citation.allacademic.com//meta/p_mla_apa_research_citation/0/7/4/2/7/pages74272/p74272-1.php
(9) See NSNBC International, “World Bank Whistle-blower. Confidence in the Dollar as an International Currency Is Waning. The End of Bretton Woods ? published May 2, 2013 available here: http://nsnbc.me/tag/karen-hudes/
(10) Analysis on the Rule of Law at the World Bank in 2004 by the Sentia Group available here: http://kahudes.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/board-of-governors.pdf See pages 16-23
(11) Development Committee Communique, published April 25, 2010 available here:
http://www.imf.org/external/np/cm/2010/042510.htm (see paragraph 6)
(12) House of Commons International Development Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into The work of the Independent Commission for Aid Impact, published July 7, 2012 available here: |
House of Commons Public Administration Committee, Written Evidence for the inquiry into Public engagement in policy making, published November 2, 2012 available here:
The European Parliament Committee on Budgetary Control Hearing on Whistleblowing May 25, 2011 available here:
(13) Foreign Policy, Zoellick Pick Roils Romney Campaign, August 8, 2012 available here: http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/08/08/zoellick_pick_roils_romney_campaign
(14) K. Hudes and S. Schlemmer-Schulte, “Accountability in Bretton Woods”, 15 ILSA J. of Int’l & Comparative L. 501 (2009) Available here: http://www.kahudes.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ilsaJournal1.pdf
(15) Wikipedia entry for “Plebgate”, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plebgate The Week magazine 24 September 2012 called Mitchell’s public flogging “Gategate” available here: http://www.theweek.co.uk/politics/gategate/49169/gategate-friends-ids-take-pleasure-andrew-mitchell-gaffe
(16) § 7082 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Pub. L. 112-74). Available here:http://www.whistleblower.org/storage/documents/whistleblowerlanguageinHR2055.pdf
(17) Foreign Policy Magazine, The Romney National Security Transition Team That Might Have Been, November 7, 2012, Available here: http://thecable.foreignpolicy.com/posts/2012/11/07/the_romney_national_security_transition_team_that_might_have_been
(18) Letter from Joint Economic Committee of the U.S. Congress to James Wolfensohn dated April 8, 2005, Available here: http://kahudes.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/101.pdf
(19) Email from Netherlands Ministry of Finance dated January 13, 2005 that my allegations should be discussed by the World Bank’s Audit Committee. http://kahudes.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/89.pdf
(20) Common Dreams Newswire dated April 6, 2010 concerning intimidation of staff in the Institutional Integrity Department during the Volcker Panel investigation. Available here: http://www.commondreams.org/newswire/2010/04/06-3
(21) Office of the Treasury Inspector General, Audit of the Department of the Treasury’s Schedule of United States Gold Reserves Held by Federal Reserve Banks as of September 30, 2012, available here: http://www.treasury.gov/about/organizational-structure/ig/Audit%20Reports%20and%20Testimonies/OIG13031.pdf
(22) States seek currencies made of silver and gold, CNN Money, February 3, 2012, available here: http://money.cnn.com/2012/02/03/pf/states_currencies/index.htm
(23) James Rickards: Texas Law Would Protect Its Gold from Government Seizure, Monday, 25 Mar 2013, available here: http://www.moneynews.com/Markets/gold-Rickards-Texas-depository/2013/03/25/id/496123#ixzz2ST6cmoQy
(24) National Taxpayers Union, Whistleblower Protections: A Living Example of Their Relevance, December 20, 2012, available here: http://www.ntu.org/governmentbytes/government-reform/whistleblower-protections-a1220.html
(25) Antal E. Fekete, American Bases In Germany and the Gold Basis, January 28, 2013, available here: http://www.professorfekete.com/articles/AEFAmericanBasesGermanyGoldBasis.pdf
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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.
A Good Day to Start A Revolution
Just in case you missed this, Ben Fulford indicated that it’s high time now to take concrete and visible action for the people of the United States of America by removing all Satan-worshiping Cabalists who have hijacked its democratic system.
We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.
History: Global Collateral Accounts
We have been mentioning Collateral Accounts for more than two years in this blog, and while we understood what its implications for the future are, most of us don’t really know the whole story.
Continue reading History: Global Collateral AccountsMonsanto Gives Up Europe
The company that’s been playing God with all of us is giving up its influence in Europe.
Monsanto epitomizes all that is evil in the world of Corporatocracy we are all in.
We should be aware that this company is everywhere.
It’s almost surreal, but it’s true. Monsanto has officially give up its fight to spread genetically modified seeds and plants throughout Europe.
In a time when the power and political influence of Monsanto Co. seems nearly insurmountable, this is a huge victory for opponents of genetic engineering. For those in the U.S. and other countries where Monsanto’s stranglehold is palpable, it serves as a rally cry to keep up the good fight.
“We’ve come to the conclusion that this has no broad acceptance at the moment,” Monsanto Germany spokeswoman, Ursula Lüttmer-Ouazane, told Taz, a Geman newspaper. According to Reuters, European officials for Monsanto also told Taz “that they were no longer doing any lobby work for cultivation in Europe and not seeking any new approvals for genetically modified plants.”
Just as in the United States, millions of European citizens have spoken out against Monsanto’s unchecked control of agriculture through the use of patented, genetically-modified seeds and plants.
A recent poll in Europe found that 60% of respondents considered “Frankencrops” a threat to public health. In 2007, the United States launched a planned retaliation against European countries for refusing to take GMOs into their food chains. In 2009 Monsanto sued Germany because it banned these products, reported FarmtoConsumer.org in late 2012.
Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/monsanto-surrenders-ends-all-gmo-lobbying-in-europe.html#ixzz2VURHG9UR
We should not stop the rage until the last seed of Monsanto is crushed.
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of June 2013:
Pamela F, $100
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Massive Resignations 6.0
Now, it’s time for some serious stuffs.
We’re happy to see a major fallout from the corporate institutions. Are we now looking at the Final Breakdown of the Slavery System?
In this article, we are surprised to see a number of high-ranking politicians experiencing the crunch, too. From UK, India and here in my country, the so –called public servants are feeling they are no longer relevant.
They never were. They never will be.
We are afraid that anytime soon, we won’t be able to compile every resignation as we are expecting these to keep on coming.
To our delight, of course.
The chairman of Housing New Zealand (HNZ) has stood down because of a potential conflict of interest.
Housing Minister Nick Smith today announced he had accepted the resignation of board chairman Alan Jackson.
Jackson’s role as a director at Fletcher Building had become an issue because of the building work HNZ was undertaking.
“Dr Jackson wrote to me earlier this week to let me know he would be stepping down as chair to avoid a potential conflict of interest with his role as a director at Fletcher Building,” Smith said.
“Given the scale and pace of new work by Housing New Zealand, including the massive rebuild programme in Christchurch, of which Fletcher Building may potentially tender for, he considered it was untenable to continue in both roles.”
At the end of last month, Smith previously described HNZ’s contribution to the rebuild as “the biggest Government house building programme in Christchurch’s history”.
JERUSALEM (Reuters) – An Israeli judge resigned from a government appeals board on Wednesday after public uproar over reports he had told a courtroom that some girls “enjoy rape”.
Nissim Yeshaya headed a three-member panel hearing a young Israeli woman’s appeal for recognition as a victim of a nationalist attack for having been raped when she was 13, in a crime blamed at the time on four Palestinians.
He had remarked during a session on the case that “there are some young girls who enjoy rape”, an attorney representing the woman told Israeli radio stations on Wednesday.
(WASHINGTON) — President Barack Obama’s top national security adviser Tom Donilon is resigning and will be replaced by U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice, marking a significant shakeup to the White House foreign policy team.
A White House official confirmed the personnel changes Wednesday morning ahead of a planned announcement by the president later in the day.
Donilon has been a key foreign policy adviser to Obama since he first took office. But the 58-year-old had been expected to depart sometime this year, with Rice seen as the likely candidate to replace him.
Rice, a close Obama confidante, came under withering criticism from Republicans as part of the investigations into the deadly attack on a U.S. compound in Benghazi, Libya. Rice, relying on talking points from the intelligence community, said in television interviews that the attacks were likely spontaneous, which was later proven incorrect.
Read more: http://swampland.time.com/2013/06/05/tom-donilon-resigns-as-obama-security-adviser/#ixzz2VRneuGFF
According to the latest Associated Press feed report, the confirmation comes from Obama just minutes ago today. While this is certainly the beginning of the massive resignations that should (and will likely) come from the massive exposure on the IRS corruption that has been covered by major news outlets for the past few days, it is important to remember that the real action here needs to go beyond a few layoffs and more towards criminal charges. At the same time, it is a victory when it comes to the spread of information and the overall impact that syndicated awareness has on the flow of the nation.
Even so-called ‘left’ wing groups were outraged at the fact that the IRS had openly declared financial warfare on all groups considered to be ‘conservative’ in nature, and the admission by the agency here shows that we are facing corruption seated at the deepest levels of United States government wings. Corruption that can be rooted out if enough outcry is presented through all channels of media and social networking — usually staring with the alternative news media and working its way ‘up the ladder’ in popularity until the mainstream is forced to cover it.
(Reuters) – Martin Abbott has resigned as chief executive of the London Metal Exchange and co-head of global markets of the Hong Kong Exchanges, the exchanges said on Thursday.
Abbott agreed to stay in his current positions until the end of this year to facilitate a smooth and orderly transition, the LME said in a statement. A replacement will be announced in due course.
(Reporting by Silvia Antonioli; editing by William Hardy)
In a shocking development, BCCI secretary Sanjay Jagdale and treasurer Ajay Shirke resigned from their posts on Friday night.
There were also reports that all five BCCI vice-presidents would resign in the next few hours.
Shirke had been saying for the past few days that BCCI (Board of Control for Cricket in India) president N. Srinivasan should step down on moral grounds in the wake of the spot fixing scandal in which his son-in-law Gurunath Meiyappan was arrested.
A Liberal Democrat MP who is fighting a high court claim that he sexually assaulted a vulnerable constituent has stood down from the party whip – two years after the Lib Dems were first warned about the allegations.
Mike Hancock, 67, the MP for Portsmouth South, made the decision after holding a meeting with Nick Clegg and senior party figures on Monday afternoon.
The decision follows accusations in court papers, first disclosed in the Guardian, that he formed an inappropriate relationship with the woman over a 10-month period after she approached him for help with noisy neighbours. Hancock is planning to fight the writ.
The Lib Dems were first contacted by the 39-year-old alleged victim by letter, but she did not receive a response.
Patrick Mercer, the former shadow minister, has resigned from the Conservative party after being caught up in a sting by journalists posing as lobbyists, having failed to declare £2,000 of the £4,000 they paid him.
The Conservative MP for Newark said he was resigning the Tory whip immediately “to save my party embarrassment”, and would not stand at the next general election. It is understood that he had been approached by a fake lobbying firm seeking help in parliament for a fake client, believed to be related to Fiji.
The move comes before a BBC Panorama programme in conjunction with Daily Telegraph journalists, due to be broadcast next week, which will allege that he has broken lobbying rules.
Leader of the Opposition in the Senate, Senator Ishaq Dar announced his resignation from the post on Tuesday.
Dar, a Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader said his resignation letter has been sent to the Chairman of Senate.
His resignation comes in the wake of reports that he is soon to become the finance minister of Pakistan.
Talking to reporters at the Parliament House, Dar said PML-N will strive to resolve the challenges faced by the country and would work to uphold the interest of the masses.
The top staffer for Florida Democratic Rep. Joe Garcia resigned this weekend after being implicated in a voting-fraud scheme.
Chief of Staff Jeffrey Garcia resigned Friday after taking responsibility for the plot and being asked by the congressman for his resignation.
A “well-intentioned attempt to maximize voter turnout”
– Rep. Joe Garcia, D-Fla.
The congressman said Saturday he thinks the plot was a “well-intentioned attempt to maximize voter turnout” and that the system is “prone to fraud.”
government resigned from the Conservative caucus last night, citing amendments made to his private member’s bill seeking public disclosure of the expenses and salaries of highly paid public service workers.
“I’m doing what I need to do for myself and for my constituents,” Brent Rathgeber told CBC News when reached at the Ottawa airport on Thursday morning. “I don’t think that I can continue to represent them when I am told how to vote, told what to speak.”
The lead attorneys probing a deadly pipeline explosion for California regulators have abruptly quit the investigation, putting the integrity of the probe in jeopardy, a San Bruno city official said Wednesday.
The four California Public Utilities Commission lawyers removed themselves from the matter earlier this week, just as the agency is poised to decide a fine for Pacific Gas & Electric Co., which owns the pipeline that ruptured in San Bruno, City Manager Connie Jackson said.
“Those attorneys worked on the briefs that the CPUC will use as its basis for holding PG&E accountable,” Jackson said. “This absolutely will jeopardize the integrity of the process that has gone on for the last 2 1/2 years, and San Bruno cannot stand still and let that happen.”
The embattled Boston Fire Chief Steve E. Abraira resigned on Monday after clashes with senior staff over his management style and his perceived weak handling of the Boston Marathon bombings.
Abraira was the first chief in Boston Fire Department’s history hired from outside of its powerful union and since the April 15th terror attack he came under pressure from his 13 deputy chief, all who have risen up through the city ranks.
He will leave his post on June 7th and Deputy Chief John Hasson will step in to take temporary charge according to Stephen MacDonald, a spokesman for the Boston fire department.
In May, the Boston Globe obtained a leaked letter that 13 of the city’s 14 deputy fire chiefs co-signed on April 26th signalling a vote of no-confidence in Chief Steve Abraira.
‘His justification for failing to take action is indefensible,’ they wrote.
That was just 11 days after the bombings at the finish line of the marathon killed three people and injured more than 250 others.
In his resignation letter, Abraira said that he was leaving his job because of the ‘baseless attacks by the Deputy Chiefs, especially their actions of making this a matter of public debate by leaking their letter of April 26th to the press, has made it impossible for me to continue to do my job.’
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2335309/Boston-chief-RESIGNS-public-backlash-handling-marathon-bombings-confidence-letter-signed-13-14-deputies.html#ixzz2VRlQnuUP
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The Telegraph and the BBC’s Panorama have been investigating the former shadow minister over a major lobbying scandal and is poised to publish a series of revelations about Mr Mercer tomorrow.
He was yesterday asked questions over his activities and was expected to be suspended from the Parliamentary Conservative party this evening.
However, the Conservative MP for Newark is thought to have resigned the whip and is poised to make a statement.
The scandal, details of which will be exposed by The Telegraph and Panorama, involved Mr Mercer lobbying on behalf of Fiji.
Parliamentary records show that he asked a question about the regime’s suspension from the Commonwealth and put down an Early Day Motion – a device used by MPs to draw attention to certain causes.
MP Brent Rathgeber has resigned from the Conservative caucus because of “the government’s lack of commitment to transparency.”
Rathgeber, who represents the Alberta riding of Edmonton-St. Albert, announced his resignation on Twitter late Wednesday.
“I just notified the Board of Directors of the Edm-St. Albert CPC Association and the Speaker that I have resigned from the CPC Caucus,” he wrote.
Conservative MP Brent Rathgeber stands during question period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Tuesday, June 21, 2011. (Sean Kilpatrick / THE CANADIAN PRESS)
The Prime Minister’s Office has called on Rathgeber to resign as an MP and run in a byelection.
Rathgeber’s announcement comes hours after members of his own party pushed changes to his private member’s bill calling for the disclosure upon request of any public sector salaries with earnings of approximately $188,000 or more.
But a series of amendments at a committee meeting earlier Wednesday resulted in major changes to the maximum salary amount.
“I’m obviously very, very disappointed both with the government position and certainly with the (committee’s Conservative) colleagues, many of whom philosophically support this legislation unequivocally, but seemed powerless to resist the instructions that were given to them by the (Prime Minister’s Office), by the whip or wherever the final instructions came from,” Mr. Rathgeber told the Globe and Mail.
Rathgeber went on to say that transparency is key in light of the ongoing controversy surrounding Senate spending.
MANILA, Philippines – Saying he had seen the handwriting on the wall, Sen. Juan Ponce Enrile resigned yesterday as Senate president, ending a leadership marked both by brilliance and turbulence.
With just two days left in the calendar for the 15th Congress, Enrile tendered his irrevocable resignation as Senate president “as a matter of personal honor and dignity.”
Senate President Pro-Tempore Jinggoy Estrada took over Enrile’s post for the day.
“Old age may have physically impaired my vision. But let me assure all of you, I can still see and read clearly the handwriting on the wall. I need not be told by anyone when it is time for me to go,” Enrile said.
He opened the second to the last plenary session of the Senate with a privilege speech in which he voiced his grief over the failed Senate bid of his son Cagayan Rep. Jack Enrile.
MANILA, Philippines—Senate Majority Leader Vicente “Tito” Sotto III formally announced his resignation from his post on Thursday, the last session day of the 15th Congress.
“As the curtain falls on the regular session of the 15th Congress, and its legal life draws its last breath at end of June this year, please consider my position as Majority Leader co-terminus therewith,” Sotto said before the Senate adjourned sine die past 7 p.m. The next Congress will commence in July.
With this statement, Sotto told reporters after the interview that he is now deemed resigned.
“Yes, resignation as Majority Leader although kung tutuusin pwede pa nga, if I don’t say that and I do not do that then I will be a carryover up to the 16th Congress, until July 22. E ayoko na nga e,” he said.
“As of today, I consider myself resigned,” he pointed out.
Asked why he did not categorically say the word “resignation” in his manifestation on the floor, Sotto said, “Kawawa naman yung mga empleyado. Sa akin naman kasi I think it’s no big deal. My resignation is no big deal. Talaga naming sa July 22, malamang palitan din naman kami so I just want it ahead.”
Sotto’s move came just a day after Senator Juan Ponce-Enrile stepped down from his post Wednesday.
Read more: http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/421919/tired-sotto-resigns-as-majority-leader#ixzz2VRmKeY2l
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Neal Humphrey, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church in north Utah, recently resigned as a member of the executive board of the Trapper Trails Council, charging that the Boy Scouts’ new membership policy excludes evangelical churches and other Christian denominations.
On May 23, after a controversial challenge, 1,400 delegates of the 103-year-old Boy Scouts of America voted overwhelmingly to lift a longstanding ban on homosexual youth in the organization.
“They are asking us to endorse something that the Bible says is sin…And we will not follow the Scouts in endorsing sin,” said pastor Humphrey in one report which noted that he delivered his resignation in a letter to Trapper Trails Executive Allen Endicott.
With Roseland Community Hospital on the brink of closure, President and CEO Dian Powell has resigned a day after officials said she inaccurately blamed the hospital’s financial insolvency on missing payments from the state.
Powell on Monday said the hospital could be forced to close to new patients on Wednesday because the state hadn’t paid $6 million it promised for development and operation of an adolescent behavioral health unit that opened in 2011.
A day later, the hospital said her statement was inaccurate. Instead, it said, the state issued an advance supplemental payment of $958,240 to help keep Roseland afloat amid mounting debt.
FORT WORTH — The Richmond, Va., minister accused of sexually assaulting two girls in the 1990s in Fort Worth has resigned as senior pastor along with three members of his staff, church officials said Wednesday.
The Rev. Geronimo Aguilar, 43, who was senior pastor of Richmond Outreach Center, or ROC, is free on $200,000 bail. He was briefly jailed last week in Tarrant County.
Wednesday evening, the ROC board of directors issued a statement announcing that they had accepted Aguilar’s resignation “upon mutually agreeable terms.”
Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2013/06/06/4914337/virgina-pastor-accused-of-sexual.html#storylink=cpy
The man who led Toyota’s charge into NASCAR is relinquishing his day-to-day to duties and will retire at the end of the year.
Citing “family health care needs,” Lee White, the president of Toyota Racing Development, is stepping aside according to a statement released Tuesday.
White joined Toyota in 1997 and guided the manufacturer’s North American racing programs in NASCAR, IndyCar, CART, Grand-Am, NHRA and USAC.
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of June 2013:
Pamela F, $100
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Vice Pope Bertone Resigning
This just in. Thanks, Jean.
The second in command in the House of the Demons is resigning. Cardinal Bertone is said to have handed his resignation letter, as the present Secretary of State, to Mr. Bergoglio, i.e. the pope.
Jesuit “Mr. Pro-poor” Bergoglio is yet to decide about the matter.
Both these resignations can be considered as the icing on the cake for the massive high-profile resignations that have been happening since 2008.
VATICAN CITY — We are living historic times, whereby we will see the final destruction of the Vatican just as the prophesies foretold. Already, we are seeing the Catholic Church being left desolate right before it goes up in flames forever, and unprecedented events are taking place.
The Cardinal holding the second most important position within the Vatican next to the Pope, has just handed in his resignation letter. That’s right, we are speaking of Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Secretary of the Vatican State.First ex-Pope Benedict XVI Joseph Ratzinger left his post…and now this past weekend, as reported by Dagospia.com, a resignation letter was presented by the Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone to Pope Francis as a result of pressure received by the eight Cardinals that form the Commission formed by Bergoglio.
The Pope has not yet made the decision whether to accept the resignation or not.
But the signs of the times are clear. The turmoil within the Vatican is seeping out left and right. The Man Christ Jesus, Jose Luis De Jesus, is unmasking this corrupt organization just like He said he would in His second coming. 2 Thes 2:8.
VATICAN CITY — A source within the Vatican announced today that Tarcisio Bertone, the most powerful official in the Roman Curia and one of five Cardinals convicted by a Common Law Court of Justice last February, has prepared his letter of resignation.
Cardinal Bertone has been the effective “king maker” at the papacy for many years, and helped force Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, from office on February 11 just days after an arrest warrant was to be issued against Ratzinger.
According to the Vatican insider,
“Bertone knows that if he’s arrested while in office, all of the Vatican archives and his records are subject to seizure, and they can never let that happen. Once he’s resigned, he can do like Ratzinger and claim immunity from prosecution as a ‘private citizen’, something the Lateran Treaty allows. These guys understand the power of the common law court arrest warrant, even if others don’t.”
ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett is in Europe investigating this latest development.
Further communiques on the impending Bertone resignation and the September 20 campaign will be forthcoming.
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95
Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10
The Revolution Intensifies 2.0
The effects of the cyclical event which could only happen every 25,920 years, when solar energy is at its peak, are manifesting in a very fascinating display of increased awareness over the greatest lie of them all – fiat currency.
Fiat Currency represents not just the bogus economy but the whole Fiat Establishment, i.e. Religion as Fiat Spirituality, Corporate Democratic Government as Fiat Republic, etc., that by virtue of deceit, surgical and mass murders able to usurp lawful indigenous systems to feed and sustain itself.
Day by day, the ordinary man on the street is learning why and who are responsible for the deteriorating quality of life that each of us must endure.
In Europe and elsewhere, they are revolting in a big way.
Taksim Square Istanbul Turkey
The Turkish revolution is on. They’ve refused, among other issues, to go to war with their neighbors, Syria and Iran, as their Cabalist government would have done long ago.
There certainly is a massive awakening in that corner of the world as the current civil unrest is sparked by a mere clamor to preserve Gezi Park from being transformed into a giant shopping mall.
Here’s PolicyMic.com giving some light on the evolution of the Turkish Revolution that is still happening now.
“Turkey is buckling as its youth calls for the resignation of the prime minister and his corrupt regime.
Yesterday’s anti-government protests in Istanbul have quickly spread to almost all major cities in Turkey, totaling over 90 demonstrations thus far. Most of the protesters are youth who are worried that the prime minister’s government is becoming both more authoritarian and more Islamic, threatening Turkey’s secular state.”
“Friday’s protests began on the relatively-smaller issue of Gezi Park. As one of the last remaining green spaces in Istanbul, many want the park to remain, well, a park. However, Erdogan and his administration have plans to redevelop the area into a giant shopping mall, and they have ignored the public outcry against the park’s demolition. Turkish youth began peacefully protesting the redevelopment plans this morning with singing and book readings in the public space, but as more people congregated, the protest (while still peaceful) began to take on more of an anti-Erdogan theme. And that’s when the police arrived, turning a peaceful protest into what is already being termed Bloody Friday.”
“Demonstrations are taking place all over the world in support of Bradley Manning, the US army private Whistleblower who leaked intelligence to WikiLeaks.
Manning’s trail will start Monday at the Fort Meade military base in Baltimore, some three years after having been accused of the largest leak of classified materials in the history of the United States. Among other things, he has been charged with ‘aiding the enemy’ – which could potentially land him in jail with a life sentence without parole.
Already the stenographers who were meant to create daily transcripts of the trial have been denied press passes and will not now be at the trial. “
People from all over the world are expressing their anger and frustrations from:
- their shrinking economic power
- deliberate manipulation of the food they ate
- wanton destruction of the environment
- deteriorating quality of public services
- obvious scripts behind false flag operations
- suppression of the Truth
Not too many of them have realized it yet, i.e. that they don’t really need to ask any government for change because it can’t afford to be. Government is there because we can’t govern ourselves. We prefer other people to do the hard work for us instead of us taking more responsibility for our future.
The act of protesting to demand for change from an entity that is design to enslave all of us is lesser than a pipe dream. The key to real freedom is to empower oneself by learning the methods of living off-grid.
If we have to revolt, as we feel to be doing right now, we should go beyond rhetorics. We should tear down the system to pieces. And that requires actions other than marching in droves. Or, are we marching to exert pressure on all Oathtakers to take visible action now?
We must remember, most of what we see in the news are mere distractions to arrest our attention to the real enemy. Once again, the enemy is sporting a pro-Mankind marketing strategy.
Being a Jesuit himself, he is an expert in the gullibility of even the most sophisticated Mind. Early on, he tried to project himself as a pro-poor, kind-hearted Caretaker of the Holy and the Most Supreme.
Just recently, he is asking us to pray for Syria as if prayer is the answer to the bloodshed that even the Vatican, Inc. itself sanctioned thru its subsidiary corporate headquarters in Washington DC, France and City of London.
The Puppeteers are content watching behind the scenes as their puppets manning the institutions are busy trying to fend off these escalating massive protests. The use of strong arm policy would surely keep the revolutionary hearts burning.
But to the Puppeteers, both these protests and the corrupt governments the people are protesting against are mere distractions to keep both groups preoccupied, so they, the Minions of the Dark, could go on with their business of philandering the planet as usual.
In the end, the Revolution is won not by consistent high pitch barking on institutional facades such as governments, but by looking inwards and learning the ways and methods of living off-grid.
Learn about sustainable food production like permaculture, free energy generation and free medicine, i.e. as described in our eBook Towards Healthcare Emancipation. These are the primary keys to Real Freedom.
Critical knowledge of living independently is what the enemy really is wary about.
So, once we have made our point clear in all the squares around the world, we must go back to where we came from and do implement real solutions inside our every home.
Never ever beg for institutional solutions again. We are all old enough to understand that they will never do it.
The internet is here to Empower yourself.
Learn and do something.
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95
Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10
Massive Resignations 5.0
Previously, we have documented these uncommon high-profile corporate shakeups which were highlighted by the Pontifical Resignation early this year. Massive CEO resignations are still continuing.
Most peculiar is this array of resignations from mining, transport, telecommunications, and even the pharmaceuticals, suggesting that these critical components of the real economy are experiencing the crunch in hard terms.
But we have yet to witness the royal resignation of the bogus Queen of England.
To all The Awakened around the world: Keep pushing. We’re almost there!
VATICAN CITY — We are living historic times, whereby we will see the final destruction of the Vatican just as the prophesies foretold. Already, we are seeing the Catholic Church being left desolate right before it goes up in flames forever, and unprecedented events are taking place.
The Cardinal holding the second most important position within the Vatican next to the Pope, has just handed in his resignation letter. That’s right, we are speaking of Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Secretary of the Vatican State.
First ex-Pope Benedict XVI Joseph Ratzinger left his post…and now this past weekend, as reported by Dagospia.com, a resignation letter was presented by the Secretary of State Cardinal Bertone to Pope Francis as a result of pressure received by the eight Cardinals that form the Commission formed by Bergoglio.
SYDNEY–Barclays Australia chief executive officer Cynthia Whelan has resigned from the bank, a person familiar with the matter said.
The resignation wasn’t linked to recent job cuts at the U.K.-based investment bank. It was her own decision, the person said.
Jeffrey Deck, the current vice chairman of Barclays Asia, will act as interim CEO until a successor is named.
Alfredo Saenz resigned as CEO of Banco Santander, a move that marked an end of his controversial tenure at the bank. WSJ’s David Enrich assesses Mr. Saenz’s record, which included a conviction for making false criminal accusations in 2009.
MADRID— Alfredo Sáenz, who helped turn Banco Santander SA SAN.MC -0.77%from a provincial lender into a global banking power, quit his job as its chief executive Monday after a legal and political controversy over his criminal conviction for pressure he put on four debtors nearly two decades ago.
Santander, the largest bank in the euro zone by market value, announced his resignation following a wave of criticism of the Spanish government after it relaxed standards of conduct for bankers in a move that allowed Mr. Sáenz to keep his job.
Mr. Sáenz stepped down following discussions with officials at the Bank of Spain, the country’s central bank, according to people familiar with the talks. Two people said the central bank had indicated to Mr. Sáenz it was likely to conclude he didn’t belong in a senior role at the bank.
The Co-operative Bank’s head of banking Barry Tootell resigned after rating agency Moody’s suggested that the British government may have to bail out the lender.
Moody’s downgraded the lender’s debt ratings after flagging up a hole in the bank’s capital.
Rod Bulmer takes over from Tootell and will serve as the acting CEO of the Banking Group and a director of The Co-operative Bank until a permanent replacement is found, the bank said.
The Moody’s downgrade comes just weeks after the bank dropped its bid to acquire over 600 branches from Lloyd’s Banking Group.
Moody’s Investors Service had downgraded the bank’s deposit and senior debt ratings to Ba3, from A3, following its lowering of the bank’s baseline credit assessment (BCA) to b1 from baa1. The equivalent standalone bank financial strength rating (BFSR) is now E+ from C- previously, Moody’s said in a statement
JOHANNESBURG – First Rand Limited on Wednesday announced that Michael Jordaan would step down as FNB CEO at the end of the year after 10 years in the job.
He will be replaced by Jacques Celliers who is currently the CEO of FNB’s business banking and head of its India expansion.
The bank said Jordaan first indicated in 2010 that he would step down at the end of 2013.
The head of Austrian bank Raiffeisen has resigned over a series of personal property deals.
Herbert Stepic denied wrongdoing in using front companies in the Caribbean and Asia to buy flats in Singapore in 2006 and 2008, but said he was stepping down to spare his bank from negative publicity .
The deals – which were exposed by the Offshore Leaks investigative journalism project – are now under investigation by Austria’s central bank, its Financial Market Authority watchdog and Raiffeisen, to see if any law or internal guidelines were violated.
Stepic, who has very much been the public face of the bank, told a news conference that the Singapore property deals were above board because he had made the investment with money taxed in Austria and had also paid tax on revenue from a sale.
He insisted he did not need to notify his bank or regulators about three apartments in Singapore he bought via ‘project companies’ set up with the help of Swiss bank UBS in the British Virgin Islands and Hong Kong.
As he announced his resignation, the 66-year-old said he was proud of what he had accomplished in four decades at Raiffeisen, creating tens of thousands of jobs in the former Communist East and making 800 million euros in profit over the past five years as the financial crisis raged.
Atul Kumar Rai, CEO and managing director of state-owned financial institution IFCI , has resigned from the company following differences with the government. Rai, whose term was till June 2017, has tendered his resignation, sources said.
He joined IFCI in July 2007 after his predecessor RM Malla was elevated as chairman and managing director of SIDBI.
Before joining IFCI, Rai, an IES officer, worked for over 20 years in various positions in the government of India (GoI). He was re-appointed by the board in June, 2012 for a period of five years.
However, sources said the government was not happy with his performance. Rai could not be reached for his comments on the development.
ubsidiary of auto lender Ally Financial Inc works its way out of bankruptcy.
Marano, who joined ResCap in 2008, will remain as a member of the board.
Marano spent more than 25 years at now-defunct investment bank Bear Stearns & Co, where he was the global head of mortgage and asset-backed securities. Marano was managing director at Cerberus Capital Management before moving to ResCap.
ResCap filed for bankruptcy in May 2012 to protect its parent from mortgage liabilities that threatened to swamp the company. Ally is 74 percent-owned by the U.S. government after a series of bailouts.
Marano resignation comes at a time when creditors are awaiting a report from a court-appointed examiner, Arthur Gonzalez, about ResCap’s relationship with Ally.
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Inc , a ResCap creditor, asked the judge overseeing the ResCap bankruptcy for an investigation of what it called “potentially improper” pre-bankruptcy transactions between ResCap and Ally.
Country Bird Holdings (JSE:CBH) has announced the resignation of Jeff Wright as a director and CEO of the Company, effective June 30 2013.
CBH states that Wright leaves “having met the strategic objectives set when he joined the Group Five (JSE:GRF) years ago, including market penetration, operational efficiencies and growth into Africa.”
Wright is leaving to pursue private business interests.
Marthinus Stander has been appointed as the new CEO, effective July 1 2013. Stander is an Engineer B.Eng (US), MSc (UCT) and has furthered his studies in business management at the University of Stellenbosch Business School.
He has held senior executive positions at Pioneer Foods and Rainbow Chicken (JSE:RBW), operated a KFC franchise for four years and until recently consulted to the Shoprite Group, focusing on their Quick Service Restaurant (QSR) brand.
Posted on » Friday, May 31, 2013
MANAMA: Naseej’s board of directors yesterday announced that Christopher Sims has resigned as the company’s chief executive effective May 28.
Mr Sims has quit to pursue his career elsewhere, the company said in a statement yesterday.
“I have proudly grown Naseej over the last three years, from inception through to a dynamic and successful real estate company,” Mr Sims said.
“I leave the company with a solid foundation and a bright future,” he added.
The company’s project and investment committee chairman and board member Mohammed Khalil Alsayed has taken charge as interim chief executive and managing director with immediate effect.
Mr Alsayed, a seasoned professional with extensive experience in the public and private sectors in project investments and development of large real estate and capital projects, is actively involved in the operations of the company.
“Chris’ departure does not change the primary objective or Naseej’s positive prospects for the future,” Mr Alsayed said.
“Naseej will continue its strategic focus on growing revenues and on the imminent conclusion of the public private partnership transaction with the Housing Ministry, together with the realisation of other developments in Bahrain and elsewhere,” he added.
By Kanga Kong
SEOUL–The head of South Korea’s state-owned Woori Finance Holdings Co. (053000.SE) resigned Sunday, describing as “regretful” the failure to privatize the banking giant three times in as many years, as the government plans to try a fourth time to sell its 57% stake in the bank, which is worth around $4.8 billion.
The Financial Services Commission is now expected to push for a swift privatization after saying earlier this month that it hoped to reveal a new privatization plan by the end of the first half of the year, analysts said.
Lee Pal-seung, the chairman and chief executive of Woori Finance, said in a statement Sunday that he would step down once his replacement was appointed, a process the company said is likely to take around two months. “There were three attempts until last year to privatize Woori Finance, but all failed, which I find regretful,” he said.
Jon Erik Engeset, president and CEO of SafeRoad, has resigned. Saferoad is a Nordic Capital portfolio company. Engeset will leave SafeRoad with effect from July 1st 2013.
SafeRoad has over the last years made several add-on acquisitions abroad, which have led to a subsequent build-up of head office functions in Oslo. Following this, Jon Erik Engeset, the President and CEO of SafeRoad, has had to commute between Ørsta and Oslo on a weekly basis. For private reasons, he has now decided to seek new opportunities closer to his home.

Italy: Media reports from Italy say the chairman and chief executive of Italy’s largest defense firm has resigned following corruption allegations.
The head of Finmeccanica, Giuseppe Orsi, said he was leaving his post in a letter to a magistrate at an Italian court. Earlier this week the businessman was arrested as part of a police investigation into the selling of helicopters from the firm to the Indian government.
It is alleged that the company’s AgustaWestland subsidiary used bribes to win the order for ten helicopters. The contract is thought to be worth $750m (~€483m). Orsi denies any wrongdoing.
New Delhi has now begun cancelling the defence contract and is investigating how the deal occured. The company is being run by another board director.
The chief executive of Millennium Pharmaceuticals in Cambridge resigned suddenly Thursday after its Japanese parent company, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., moved to fold Millennium’s big Cambridge-based cancer research unit into corporate research and development.
Deborah Dunsire, 50, who has been president and chief executive of Millennium since 2005 and helped engineer its $8.8 billion sale to Takeda in 2008, is one of the best known women in the biomedical industry. She will be replaced as Millennium’s president by Anna Protopapas, 48, a longtime colleague who has worked at Millennium for 16 years, most recently as executive vice president and head of global business development, according to Takeda.
The move was disclosed in a statement issued from Takeda headquarters in Osaka, Japan. Separately, the Japanese drug giant reported operating income had been weaker than hoped for and that it was moving forward with an efficiency plan that includes integrating Millennium’s research center, which had overseen worldwide cancer drug development.
Online health information company WebMD Health Corp. significantly narrowed its first-quarter loss said its chief executive, Cavan M. Redmond, has resigned, after only one year at the helm.
New York-based WebMD (Nasdaq: WBMD) said David J. Schlanger, the company’s senior vice president of strategic and corporate development, will become interim CEO while the company searches for a permanent replacement.
In addition, Chief Financial Officer Anthony Vuolo will be replaced by Peter Anevski, currently a senior vice-president of finance. Vuolo will continue with the company as senior vice president focusing on strategic projects.
Joseph Swedish, CEO of Livonia-based Trinity Health since 2004, announced he will leave the 47-hospital Roman Catholic health system next month to become CEO of investor-owned Wellpoint Inc., the nation’s largest health insurer with 35 million policyholders in 14 states.
Larry Warren, a Trinity board member and former CEO of University of Michigan Hospital, has been named interim CEO.
“Trinity Health is a progressive and dynamic ministry, and it has been my honor to help pursue its mission for eight years,” said Swedish in a statement.
During Swedish’s tenure, Trinity Health’s revenue has increased to $8.9 billion in 2012 from $5.7 billion in 2005. Swedish became CEO in December 2004.
Alcatel-Lucent CEO Ben Verwaayen has resigned after the telecoms hardware manufacturer posted substantial losses for the fourth quarter of 2012.
Ben Verwaayen took over at the firm in 2008 when he stood down as CEO of BT, hoping to bring Alcatel-Lucent back into profitability.
Alcatel-Lucent posted quarterly losses of just over €1.37bn, which included restructuring charges of €247m, an impairment charge of €894m and €514m in deferred tax.
Revenues did increase quarter on quarter to reach almost €4.1bn, but this was still down by 1.3% year-on-year.
Video game giant Electronic Arts has announced that CEO John Riccitiello is to resign from the company. In a letter to chairman of the board Larry Probst, Riccitiello conceded that forthcoming quarterly results are likely to fall short of expectations and that he is “100 percent accountable”. The industry veteran will step down on 30 March with Probst appointed as executive chairman until a permanent replacement is found.
After taking over as CEO in February 2007, Riccitiello has overseen a turbulent period in the history of EA. Stock value plunged amid the global financial meltdown of 2008, and has never recovered to the 2005 peak when shares were worth $70 each. Like most publishers in this sector EA has suffered due to a decline in retail software sales but has fought to improve its digital business, investing in social gaming companies such as Playfish and Popcap and extending its reach into Facebook and smartphone titles.
Fusion-io President and CEO David Flynn has resigned and will be replaced by Shane Robison, the former CTO of Hewlett-Packard.
Flynn resigned effective immediately “to pursue entrepreneurial investing activities,” according to a news release on Wednesday from Fusion-io. The company’s co-founder and chief marketing officer, Rick White, has also resigned, Fusion-io said.
Robison has been named chairman, CEO and president, effective immediately. Robison has been on Fusion-io’s board of directors since 2011. From 2002 until 2011, he was executive vice president and chief strategy and technology officer at HP, and before that he held a similar position at Compaq Computer, which HP acquired in 2002. Fusion-io cited his industry relationships, international experience and understanding of the company’s business in naming him to the top posts.
February 01, 2013
The chief executive of Swedish telecommunications company TeliaSonera has resigned following an independent review of business dealings with a partner in Uzbekistan.
In a statement on February 1, TeliaSonera CEO Lars Nyberg said the review found his company had failed to carry out proper background checks and conduct due diligence on its Uzbek partner, Takilant.
That company is believed to have links with Gulnara Karimova, the daughter of Uzbekistan’s president.
The review, carried out by law firm Mannheimer Swartling, rejected persistent allegations that TeliaSonera paid bribes in Uzbekistan.
Saudi Telecom Co’s chief executive Khaled Al-Ghoneim has resigned after less than a year in the job, the latest senior management executive to quit as the former monopoly tries to arrest a sustained profit slump.
Al-Ghoneim was appointed in June 2012 following the resignation of his predecessor Saud Al-Daweesh two months earlier, while the heads of the state-controlled firm’s domestic and international operations have also quit over the past 12 months.
STC has spent billions of dollars on foreign acquisitions in the past decade, according to Reuters calculations, buying into many markets including Turkey, Indonesia, Kuwait and Bahrain. Yet it remains reliant on home, with the kingdom providing 68 percent of revenue in 2012.
The company’s shares have fallen 5.8 percent this year, underperforming the main Saudi index, which is up 3.7 percent.
STC said it had accepted Al-Ghoneim’s resignation, according to a statement on Saudi Arabia’s stock exchange website, but did not name a replacement or say when Ghoneim would leave his position.
The Gulf’s second-largest telecom operator by market value made a net profit of 7.28 billion riyals ($1.94 billion) in 2012, down 43 percent from a 2006 peak as tougher competition from home and write-offs from foreign units weighed on the bottom line.
Al-Ghoneim joined STC from Riyadh-based Al Elm Information Security Company, a firm far lesser in size and scope than the state telco. – Reuters
Jameel Abdullah Al-Molhem, CEO of STC KSA Operations, tendered his resignation to the telecom operator yesterday.
Saudi Telecom Co. (STC) is a Saudi-based telecommunications company that offers landline, mobile and Internet services.
Confirming the resignation, an official from the STC told Arab News that the reasons for his resignation were not known.
Al-Molhem’s resignation follows a string of resignations that occurred last year.
Last April Saud Al-Daweesh, CEO of Saudi Telecom Company (STC) submitted his resignation and STC’s board of directors accepted it effective Oct. 1.
Last August, the company announced a number of changes within its management structure involving executive positions. The STC Group announced that it had accepted the resignation of Ghasan Hasbani from his role as Group CEO-international operations due to the end of the contractual period.
In September, Dr. Ziad Al-Otaibi group CEO for technical operations also resigned. Otaibi’s resignation was preceded by Dr. Saad Bin Dhafer Al-Qahtani Group CEO for strategic affairs .
Sanjay Kapoor, CEO (India and South Asia) of Bharti Airtel, India’s largest telecom service provider both in revenue and subscriber base terms, has resigned from the company in the backdrop of a decline in profits for 12 quarters in a row.
Gopal Vittal, who joined the company last year in April from Hindustan Unilever will take over as the head of Indian operations with effect from March 1. Vittal is currently group director (special projects). He was earlier director (marketing).
Kapoor, who has had a difficult time steering the company in a cut-throat market, will stay on the boards Bharti Global and Indus Towers, a telecom infrastructure company in which Bharti has a substantial stake.
Dick Costolo, 49, will be replaced by Dublin-based accountant Laurence O’Brien, according to a report by Sky News.
Costolo’s resignation follows the dissolution of UK-based Tweetdeck Ltd, the company that ran the programme used as an alternative way of accessing microblogging website and app Twitter.
Tweetdeck Ltd was struck off by Companies House on May 7 for repeatedly failing to file its 2011 accounts, though its assets were absorbed into sister company Twitter UK and the service remains functional on desktop computers.
Tweetdeck Ltd and Twitter UK were both fined last December for failing to file accounts with Companies House, though Twitter UK, a subsidiary of Irish-based Twitter International, later did so, and the company remains active.
‘Tis the season for high-profile resignations. From Pope Benedict XVI to Groupon CEO Andrew Mason, the Internet has been abuzz with news of one resignation–or sacking–after another.
Peter Stern, CEO of the URL shortening company Bit.ly, appears to be the most recent addition to a growing list of commanders-in-chief who have stepped down lately.
Bit.ly announced in a cryptic blog post Monday that Stern would be leaving the company to “pursue other interests.” This statement has created speculation as to what interests Stern may be pursuing–and what his motivation for leaving the company might be.
3Dfx announced on Thursday that its CEO and President, L. Gregory Ballard, is resigning effective October 31. Ballard had a three year tenure at 3Dfx.
As reasons for his departure, he cited a new CEO with a fresh perspective and a focus on the technology hurdles that 3Dfx needs to overcome will be better suited to the coming challenges for 3Dfx.
Read more at ZDNet.
The chief executive officer of the National Broadband Network (NBN) construction partner Silcar, Peter Lamell, has resigned, marking two major executive losses for the construction partners of the AU$37.4 billion project since NBN Co announced that it would not meet its June target for premises passed by fibre.
A Silcar spokesperson this morning confirmed a report in The Australian Financial Review that Lamell would leave, but gave no reason for his departure.
The transformation of Dish Network Corp. continued Monday with a surprise announcement that Charlie Ergen will step down as president and CEO.
Ergen, Dish’s founder and spiritual leader, will remain on as chairman. His successor, Joseph Clayton, will start his new role on June 20, 2011.
Clayton, a 38-year telecom and consumer electronics industry vet, most recently served as chairman of Sirius Satellite Radio (now Sirius XM) and before that, was president of Global Crossing‘s North America division, and president and CEO of Frontier Communications Corp.. On the CE front, he once served as EVP of marketing and sales for the Americas and Asia for Thomson (nowTechnicolor SA).
Clayton said in a statement that his “working relationship with Charlie spans nearly 20 years, and I look forward to building on Dish Network’s legacy of innovation and value in TV entertainment.”
Why this matters
The big move up top comes at a critical point in Dish’s history as it reinvents itself into much more than a satellite TV service company. Dish did not offer a reason for the shift, but it should allow Ergen to focus on the long-term strategic direction of the company while leaving the day-to-day tending and feeding to Clayton.
It’s also the first time Ergen has relinquished the CEO role. Carl Vogel, a long-time cable vet who is still a Dish vice chairman, stepped down as Dish president in 2008.
Dr Khaled Bin Abdulaziz Al Ghuniem, group CEO at STC Group, has resigned, according to a statement posted on the Saudi Arabian stock exchange website. The statement indicated that the resignation was due to personal reasons.
Ghuneim was appointed group CEO in June 2012, replacing former group CEO, Saud Al Darwish, who announced his resignation from the post in April 2012. Al Ghuniem was previously CEO at Al-Elm Information Security Company.
The resignation marks the latest in a string on management changes at STC Group in the past eight months.
Chairman of the board of CVM Television, Wayne Chen yesterday announced that Al Edwards has resigned as chief executive officer with immediate effect, following a brief stint.
The board, in accepting Edwards’ resignation, wished him well in his future endeavours.
“Edwards, who joined CVM Television on May 15, is a highly respected media practitioner, who has had an illustrious career in business journalism with both The Gleaner and Jamaica Observer,” CVM said in a release yesterday.
CVM Television is the official broadcaster of the London 2012 Olympic Games and the 2014 FIFA World Cup and is a member of the CVM Television Group that includes HOT 102 FM and CVM Productions.
This morning Intel Corporation announced that CEO Paul Otellini would step down in May 2013, exactly 8 years since assuming that position in 2005. While Intel Corporation (NASDAQ:INTC)’s manufacturing capability is currently second to none, Samsung is catching up. Increasingly, new designs favor less expensive process technology, not high performance transistors used in PC CPUs.
Chunghwa Telecom’s CEO has resigned with immediate effect for unspecified personal reasons, the company has announced.
In a brief statement, the company confirmed that Dr. Shyue-Ching Lu, who was both Chairman and CEO is being replaced in the role by the company President, Dr. Yen-Sung Lee.
Dr. Yen-Sung Lee previously served as the President of Chunghwa Telecom since his appointment in 2012 and has worked at Chunghwa Telecom for 39 years. Prior to becoming President, he served as the Senior Executive Vice President in charge of the marketing and IT departments.
Mawindi took over from expatriate Aimable Mpore last July. According to an internal mail shown to NewsDay, Mawindi resigned with immediate effect last week.
Telecel Zimbabwe, now the country’s second largest mobile phone company by subscriber base, also announced the appointment of a new general manager in what could signal a major corporate shake-up.
The telecommunications firm is 60% owned by Telecel International, while the Empowerment Corporation — a local consortium of individuals and groups — owns 40%.
“The Telecel Zimbabwe board of directors hereby advises the Telecel employees that Mr Francis Mawindi has decided to pursue other opportunities outside the group and is stepping down from his position as chief executive officer of Telecel Zimbabwe with immediate effect,” said group chairman James Makamba in an internal announcement dated March 27 seen by NewsDay.
The Board of Directors of Kuehne + Nagel International AG accepted the request of Reinhard Lange, CEO of the Kuehne + Nagel Group since 2009, to release him from his duties because of health reasons effective May 7, 2013 (Annual General Meeting). Until the termination of his contract on December 31, 2013, Reinhard Lange will continue to support the Group in a consultancy role.
The ceo and executive director of Samudera Shipping Lines, David Batubara, has resigned from the company.
Batubara is quitting as chief of the Singapore-listed arm of Samudera Group after three years at the helm. Samudera said he was leaving for “personal reasons”.
Asmari Herry Prayitno, executive director and coo of Samudera will take over as interim ceo pending the search for a replacement.
StandardAero president and CEO Rob Mionis has resigned. The independent engine and airframe MRO services provider named Firoz Tarapore as interim president and CEO as it searches for a permanent successor.
Tarapore has served as a director and member of the executive committee of StandardAero since 2007. He will continue to serve on the board.
The board of directors also named current director David Smoot as vice chairman. Smoot is CEO of Dubai International Capital.
The embattled chief executive officer of the Capital Area Transit System since late 2009 resigned Monday afternoon.
Brian Marshall provided little explanation for his decision in a one-page letter of resignation to the CATS board, but his departure comes amid recent harsh, public criticism of the bus agency’s performance.
“It is my opinion, that the current environment is not conducive to building a sustainable system,” Marshall wrote. “Therefore, effective immediately, I resign as the CEO of the Capital Area Transit System.”
Marshall, in a phone interview, said he did not want to comment further.
Marshall spent most of the letter defending his record as the bus system’s leader, stressing that CATS is on schedule to deliver the services residents were promised in an April 2012 tax election, including more routes, buses and shorter wait times by 2014.
The incoming CEO of Lockheed Martin announced his resignation Friday after admitting to an improper relationship with a subordinate.
Kubasik, 51, was the defense contractor’s chief operating officer and was slated to take over current-CEO Bob Steven’s position in January.
However an internal investigation revealed he was having an improper relationship with a female employee – the circumstances of which was not disclosed.
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Only days after signing a deal to expand ABB’s activities in PV, CEO Joe Hogan has resigned from his post. Hogan cited “private reasons” for his departure.
Electrical engineering conglomerate ABB has been making major moves into the renewable energy sector in recent years, driven by CEO Joe Hogan. Its most recent move was the acquisition of inverter manufacturer Power-One. However Hogan is now set to leave the Swiss-based company, although a date for his departure has not been set.
“Joe is a great and successful CEO and has done a remarkable job of leading the company through the deepest economic crisis in living memory. ABB today is in a much better position than it was when he joined five years ago,” said Chairman Hubertus von Grünberg, in a statement announcing the move. “I know this has been a tough and difficult decision for Joe and the Board sincerely regrets that Joe will be leaving the company.”
Read more: http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/beitrag/abb-ceo-resigns_100011254/#ixzz2V1qbdFjt
After two years at the helm, R.B. Sloan has tendered his resignation as CEO of Pedernales Electric Cooperative, the cooperative’s board said Monday.
Sloan’s resignation will be effective March 15, and chief financial officer Frank Skube will serve as interim CEO until a new leader is chosen, according to a written statement from Kathy Scanlon, PEC board president.
Sloan was named CEO of Pedernales — the nation’s largest member-owned electric utility with more than 200,000 members — in February of 2011. His appointment came in the wake of a a years-long scandal at Pedernales that involved excessive salaries, questionable spending and undemocratic procedures.
Struggling project developer and PV distributor, Phoenix Solar is to close or divest a number of loss making operations in a bid to return to profitability after several years of heavy losses.
The boss of mining giant Rio Tinto Tom Albanese has resigned over a $14bn write-down, after admitting ‘accountability’ for the loss of assets following bad deals.
Rio Tinto revealed the losses in connection with its two most significant acquisitions in recent years. Immediately the company`s chief executive Tom Albanese left after more than 30 years working for the company.
Rio Tinto bought Canadian aluminum company Alcon in 2007, right before the start of the global economic recession. Some have called the $38 billion deal “disastrous”. In 2011 the company reported a 59% drop in profits followed by a $8.9 billion write-down on the value of the aluminum assets. As the results went public chief executive Albanese said he would not take his annual bonus.
AFTER months of speculation, BHP Billion announced on Wednesday that Marius Kloppers is stepping down as CEO and director of the world’s largest diversified resources miner.
Mr Kloppers had won kudos for leading BHP through the global financial crisis in much better shape than its peers, but disappointed investors with his expensive bid for shale-gas assets in the US, which led to $2.8bn in write-downs and cost him his bonus last year.
He is the third head of a major mining conglomerate to step down in recent months, following the resignations of Rio Tinto’s Tom Albanese and Anglo American’s Cynthia Carroll.
The announcement came as BHP Billiton released its financial results for the half-year to the end of December, saying underlying earnings before interest and tax fell 38.3% to $9.8bn, while attributable profit, excluding exceptional items of $5.7bn, was down 43.4%. It took $3bn in write-downs on its aluminium and nickel assets, in line with market forecasts.
Pan African Resources CEO Jan Nelson has quit his post at the company, according to announcement posted to the JSE on Wednesday, sending the stock’s share price down close to 6% by the end of trade.
On the LSE, where the company has its primary listing, the sell-down in Pan African’s shares was even more pronounced as the stock traded 8.5% lower late afternoon.
In its announcement, Pan African said Nelson’s resignation, both as chief executive and member of the board, will take effect on Friday (1 March).
The statement makes no mention of the reason for Nelson stepping down, but it is thought he is leaving due to personal reasons.
Nelson wasn’t immediately for comment.
ALAMEDA — Amy Trask resigned from the Raiders on Saturday, ending her tenure as the only female CEO in the NFL and as one of the highest-ranking women in American professional sports.
A fierce advocate for late owner Al Davis, Trask found her role reshaped under Mark Davis, who took over for his father upon his death in October 2011.
Since the arrival of general manager Reggie McKenzie in January 2012, Trask’s primary duties were to generate revenue through marketing and ticket sales and help the organization in its quest for a new stadium.
The Raiders are in the final year of their lease at O.co Coliseum. Trask has publicly pushed for a new stadium on the current site, with
File: Oakland Raiders CEO Amy Trask talks during a press conference at the Oakland Coliseum. (Nick Lammers/staff 11/2/05)
no deal on the horizon.
In an email to reporters, Trask said, “Earlier today, I informed Mark Davis of my decision to leave the Raiders. Having honored a commitment that I made to effectuate a smooth transition and transfer of control, I no longer wish to remain with the organization.
“For over a quarter of a century, it was my honor and my privilege to work for the Raiders. I will forever appreciate the opportunity afforded me by Al Davis.”
Trask joined the Raiders in 1987 in the legal department with the club in Los Angeles and was named CEO in 1997.
The Raiders, who have restructured both the football and business side of the organization since the death of Al Davis, acknowledged Trask’s departure with a statement
on the club website:
‘Mark Davis, Carol Davis and the rest of the Raider family would like to thank Amy Trask for her valued contributions to the Raiders over the past 25 years. The Raiders wish her the very best in her future endeavors.”
Neither Trask nor Mark Davis could be reached for comment.
PORT Adelaide Magpies chief executive Brian Leys has resigned.
The Magpies premiership player has left the SANFL club after noting the challenges at Alberton were forcing him to make too many sacrifices at home where he has three young children.
Leys was appointed to the Magpies’ administrative role in March last year.
“I’ve been discussing my position with club chief executive Keith Thomas for the last couple of months and I’ve come to the resolution that I want to spend more time with my young family,” Leys said.
The train wreck that was Ron Johnson’s tenure at J.C. Penney (JCP) is over.
Johnson has stepped down from the top spot nearly 18 months after charging in with big plans to overhaul the retailer and its long-established business model.
His predecessor, Myron Ullman, is returning to lead the company. Investors initially applauded the move, sending shares up more than 12% in after-hours trading Monday. Later in the evening, shares fell back to an 8% loss.
Johnson’s resignation brings to an end one of the more extraordinary business upheavals in recent memory. He made a name for himself leading the retail efforts ofApple (AAPL) and also held a top management position at Target (TGT). He was envisioned as a savior of sorts, and promised to return Penney to profit and make it a fashionable and exciting place to shop.
Johnson tried nixing sale events in favor of everyday low prices, and almost immediately found resistance from shoppers accustomed to Penney’s couponing and discounting culture. He boldly revised the company’s advertising, eschewing value propositions in favor of sparsely elegant and stylish displays that confused customers because they didn’t show prices.
Investors watched in horror as Penney’s stock price plummeted more than 50%.
Tuesday Morning Corp. of Dallas said Monday that CEO Brady Churches has resigned after six months on the job.
The 830-store chain that sells closeout home and gift merchandise named Michael Rouleau, 74, a Tuesday Morning board member and former CEO of Irving-based Michaels Stores Inc., to be interim CEO until a permanent replacement is found.
Churches, 54, will stay on as consultant.
Tuesday Morning’s stock fell $1.20 a share, or 13 percent, to close at $7.78. Still, share value has more than doubled in the past year since Dallas-based activist investors Becker Drapkin Management LP gained control of the board and ousted 12-year CEO Kathleen Mason
Pandora chief executive Joe Kennedy announced he would step down from his position during the company’s fourth-quarter earnings call. Shares rose nearly 20 percent on the news.
Kennedy said he will remain at Pandora’s helm — and as its chairman and president — until his successor is named, ending his 10-year run as the online radio company’s top executive.
“I love this business, which I helped create,” Kennedy said in an earnings call with analysts. “But as I approach the end of my tenth year, my head is telling me its time to find a recharging station.”
Under Kennedy’s leadership, the company has grown to take an 8 percent share of the total U.S. radio market, but has failed to regain the $20 per share price that it saw when it began trading publicly in June 2011.
The company did beat analyst expectations, but reported a net loss of 9 cents per share on $427.1 million in revenue. Mobile revenue growth grew 111 percent over the same period last year, outpacing a 70 percent listener hour growth through mobile devices.
Hulu CEO Jason Kilar announced in a blog on Friday that he’ll be stepping down in the first quarter. While the news was not unexpected, the timing was certainly a surprise.
Rumors started circulating in August that Kilar was on his way out. But the announcement came just days before the Consumer Electronics Show, where Hulu was expected to showcase its Hulu Plus app and its range of original content, and feature the fact that the subscription product is available on nearly every new device at the show.
ATLANTIC CITY — Kevin DeSanctis, the man who guided Atlantic City’s Revel casino-hotel through its tortuous development, only to see it struggle amid the cutthroat East Coast gambling market, is stepping down as head of the $2.4 billion resort.
James Piscopo has resigned from his post as CEO of the Labour Party with immediate effect. He is expected to take a senior position at Transport Malta.
The PL thanked Mr Piscopo for his ‘excellent service’ to the party, describing him as instrumental for the party’s electoral victory and for making the party the effective and efficient organisation which it is today.
VII Photo’s director Stephen Mayes has resigned effective 30 May. Nick Papadopoulos, the agency’s international director, will serve as interim CEO until a successor is named, the agency has announced today.
“It’s very tough to leave this great, talented team, but I feel the need to pursue new creative projects that will combine my experience and passion in many different parts of the photographic world,” says Mayes in a press statement. “It’s been a privilege to work with the world’s greatest photojournalists for the past five years, and what I’ve learned from them has been invaluable and is instilled in me for a lifetime.”
Ron Haviv, one of VII’s founding members, comments: “Under Stephen’s leadership, VII has increased its global footprint and has significantly grown its network of award-winning photographers, whose work appears regularly in the world’s top news media, including Time, National Geographic, The New York Times Magazine, Stern, The Sunday Times Magazine, GEO, The New Yorker and in exhibitions worldwide.”
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We will keep on expanding this article as we go along. In the meantime, keep the fire of the Last Revolution burning.
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95
Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10
Homeland Insecurity: On The Move
We predicted that the Worldwide Revolution will peak on May 31, 2013. Well, it turned out as the start of a climactic event which may led us all to freedom. And the Establishment knows this. They are not taking chances.
Recently, alternative medium BeforeItsNews.com received a set of photographs of military vehicles moving, not in hundreds, but in thousands “as far as the eyes can go”.
Material movements such as this one suggests that a major event is about to happen. Are these part of the last card that will be played?
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95
Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10
There is an undeniable great divide between the Corporate White House and the Pentagon right now.
We are indeed seeing major offensives against the Cabal from all fronts.
This one just came in.
Thousands blockade European Central Bank in Frankfurt
The entrance of the ECB is blocked by over 3,000 ‘Blockupy’ protesters in a march against austerity. ‘Blockupy’ has announced the coalition has “reached its first goal” of the day.
Anti-capitalist protesters have taken to the streets of the financial heart of Frankfurt a day ahead of Europe-wide gatherings planned for June 1 to protest leaders handling of the three-year euro debt crisis.
“We call up everyone to join our protests.”
The first batch of S-300 air defense complexes has arrived in Syria, President Bashar Assad said in an interview to Lebanon Al-Manar. Assad also said that Syrian army is battling up to 100,000 foreign mercenaries.
Assad revealed that the rest of the S-300 complexes previewed by a Russian-Syrian arms contract will be coming soon, reports RT Arabic (Rusiya Al Yaum), which has confirmed details of the exclusive interview to be broadcast on the Lebanese TV channel at 9pm local time (18:00 GMT) Thursday.
The president promised that the Syrian army will “immediately react” of a new Israeli aggression of Syrian soil, recalling recent bombings of military objects inside Syrian territory by the Israeli Air Force.
He noted that “The Syrian government will not interfere if some kind of Syrian group starts a war to liberate the Golan Heights,” occupied by Israel since the 1967 War.
During the interview, Assad confirmed the presence of Hezbollah fighters in Syria on the Lebanese border, but stressed, that “it is the Syrian army, not Hezbollah, battling the groups of armed rebels and will continue to do so until total elimination of the terrorists.”
The US-Russian initiative for a comprehensive peace conference to resolve the Syrian crisis needs honest effort of those involved. But some nations apparently try to undermine the effort to call the meeting, says the Russia’s foreign minister.
On Wednesday, the US, Turkey and Qatar pushed through a UN resolution condemning the Syrian government for the alleged use of foreign fighters against rebel forces in the battle for the strategic town of Qusair.
The document calls for an investigation into the matter as well as more aid access and protections for the civilian population of Syria.
The ‘foreign fighters’ in question are from the Lebanese Shia movement, Hezbollah, which backed Syrian president, Bashar Assad, fearing that if his regime falls, Lebanon will become Al-Qaeda’s next target.
Russia Warns Obama: Global War Over “Bee Apocalypse” Coming Very Soon
The shocking minutes relating to President Putin’s meeting this past week with US Secretary of State John Kerry reveal the Russian leaders “extreme outrage” over the Obama regimes continued protection of global seed and plant bio-genetic giants Syngenta and Monsanto in the face of a growing “bee apocalypse” that the Kremlin warns “will most certainly” lead to world war.
According to these minutes, released in the Kremlin today by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (MNRE), Putin was so incensed over the Obama regimes refusal to discuss this grave matter that he refused for three hours to even meet with Kerry, who had traveled to Moscow on a scheduled diplomatic mission, but then relented so as to not cause an even greater rift between these two nations.
29.05.2013 21:10
Friends of Syria meeting held in Tehran
The latest international ‘Friends of Syria’ meeting took place in the Iranian capital Tehran on Wednesday, gathering representatives from over 40 countries and international organizations under one roof, to discuss Syria’s future over the course of the day. The motto for the meeting was ‘Political Solution, Regional Stability’. Iran, like Russia, is known as a staunch opponent to any foreign meddling in the Syrian crisis, calling for a diplomatic solution to the current crisis between the government of Bashar Assad and rebel elements. It stresses free and democratic elections and national dialogue. Many have also stressed the importance and benefits of the meeting, including the UN-Arab League Special Envoy on Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, who said “We should help Syria establish a national government and end people’s sufferings.” A top Iranian foreign ministry official also told reporters that “Today’s consultations can help to the attainment of a political solution to the Syrian crisis, and we hope that these consultations will affect the discussions due to be made in the Geneva conference.” He was referring to the upcoming Geneva conference on Syria, designed to address the above questions and pave the way to ending the bloodshed, which in over two years has claimed some 80,000 lives, according to UN estimates.
China has dismissed US claims hackers procured blueprints for America’s most advanced weaponry. Beijing stated the allegations underestimate the Chinese people’s intellect and that China is perfectly capable of producing its own weapons.
A US Science Board report leaked this week alleged the Chinese hackers had obtained access to the designs of two dozen major US weapons systems in what amounted to “billions of dollars of combat advantage to China.”
The Washington Post, who saw a copy of the report, intimated that such information could be used by the Chinese government to speed up the development of their military. An unnamed official told the Post that China had saved themselves “25 years of research and development” by stealing the plans.
Beijing reacted with ire, with Chinese Defense Ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng dismissing the report as ridiculous.
“It both underestimates the Pentagon’s defensive security abilities and the Chinese people’s intelligence,” said Geng in a news briefing.
(NaturalNews) It has already begun: Japan has just cancelled a large contract to purchase U.S. wheat. “We will refrain from buying western white and feed wheat effective today,” Toru Hisadome, a Japanese farm ministry official in charge of wheat trading, told Reuters.
As many readers well know, I predicted precisely this scenario just yesterday in a Natural News article warning about the consequences of genetic pollution. There, I wrote, “All wheat produced in the United States will now be heavily scrutinized — and possibly even rejected — by other nations that traditionally import U.S. wheat. This obviously has enormous economic implications for U.S. farmers and agriculture.”
Now we’re already seeing the result: the ditching of U.S. wheat by world nations that want nothing to do with GMOs.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/040572_Japan_GE_wheat_genetic_pollution.html#ixzz2UsMPQFms One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure. You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here. We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:
Merna M, $20 James F, $10 Millard C, $15 Meera M, $49.95 Pamela F, $100 Wiley S, $100 John A, $10 Charles B, $10
KEENAN: The Bridge
Here’s the latest update [May 30, 2013] re Global Settlements and Nelu’s impending release from unjustified incarceration. Nelu is an authority re Global Accounts. His release would mean our freedom, too.
by Neil F. Keenan
May 30, 2013 – I realize it is difficult waiting for the next post. It is tough in between posts and I do not expect any of you to believe that nothing happens when lots is actually going on. Because we are near the end, I do not want you to miss the Ending. I would not want to miss the end of a book after reading so many pages, or the final twenty minutes of a movie. So I will try to bring you up to date so you know some of what actually transpired to get us to “ The End.” It should create a bridge from one point to another and then finally to Nelu’s release (I hope so).
The strangeness of this period is connected to the questionable activities of Prosecutor Tanti, and of Nelu’s father-in-law Mulyadi—and the news of his admission to Nelu (finally) that all along he was secretly working with Keith Scott.
After our request went out to all of you to call the court on Nelu’s behalf, you delivered more than 25,000 phone calls and it shut their system down. When the court had no access to its system they understood we had some strength as well. It got to the point soon after that the Courts contacted our Irish-Korean friend Inchul Kim and politely asked him to keep me away from the courts. When Kim asked why, they stated “They were all afraid of Mr. Keenan.”
When I was told this I wondered how they could make such a statement when I was on my best behavior and actually was thankful to the courts for their help. They did not have to help me! I thank them all to this very day because without them an integral element of Nelu’s case would never have been revealed and we would be to this very moment stuck with what we had. What was revealed (and rightfully so) by Mr. Ibnu came to light when he asked why did I not show up to testify when I was summoned by the court? I nearly fell off my chair when I heard this, yet gathered myself and rather than be loud, I just looked at him dumbfounded and asked, “What summons?” I had been waiting many months for such an official court summons, and never received one despite being told day by day, “It is coming.” Mr. Ibnu and I looked at each other at this point, and the look in our eyes said it all. Someone in the system suppressed the delivery of this summons. I wonder who that could be?
We (Inchul, Jo and myself) visited the Lower Court after being advised by the Higher Court to get a statement submitted immediately to them otherwise all would be lost. This advice was sound and I worked fervently to get one through. After a long weekend working with Michael and Jean, I was happy with what had been finalized and brought it to the Lower Court on that following Monday. Of course I expected everything to be okay. The Higher Court said to do this. We went and found our dear friend Daisy who is as honest as Day One and a fantastic person and asked her for help. I trust her enough to ask her to translate and to help us. She has been so helpful for many months and all my thanks to Daisy from us. But she was not successful. I could see she had a problem as she walked down the stairs. I was ready to walk away when she said that her supervisor told her our statement could not be inserted into the case at this late date. “The case is closed and in the hands of the Higher Court.” It was the Higher Court that told us to bring it to the Lower Court, so what could we now do other than walk away?
Again it was Daisy who asked me what I wanted to do. I said, well, the man said, “No,” so we should leave and return to the Apartment Hotel. Daisy then asked, “Would you like to speak with him?” I said, “No, he made his decision.” It was then Daisy said, “What do you have to lose if you speak with him?” I said, “Nothing. But he made his decision.” On thinking it through, I then said, “What the hell, we have nothing to lose. Let’s go for it.”
At that time I did not know Mr. Ibnu was Daisy’s boss. I learned later. But all the while in his office, I felt comfortable. By being the humble yet wise person he is, he put me at ease. When we both realized the value of the missing summons, Mr. Ibnu told me I would need a cover page for the statement—he decided to insert it into the case for us. He had already read it and it impressed him such [so much] that he believed it might mitigate Martha Wibawa’s sentence. He told us how to address the cover page and then went and spoke privately with Daisy. I am sure this conversation revolved around how well she knew me. I was very honest with her from the first day I met her, thinking I would testify and Nelu would be released. Again Daisy would prove to be instrumental. Immediately we went and completed the cover page with Jo working diligently while Inchul and I discussed the matter. Again Daisy brought the finalized version upstairs to Mr. Ibnu and it was sent to the Higher Court and then inserted into Nelu’s case file.
It was a few days later that the request from Jean went out to the world to call in and express support for Nelu. We banged our heads over this one, realizing it could go either way but when push came to shove we decided that the only way for anyone to see we were serious was to just let the request go out to all of you. We prayed to God it would work. After Jean’s request that Monday, the lights on the phones began early in the courthouse and continued throughout the day and night. The court could not work and had to use their own cell phones to get things done.
I did not feel great about it after the assistance they had given us but everyone had to know this was also serious—they had an innocent man in jail and I wanted the opportunity to speak for his release.
It was some time before I realized that the separation of the case took all evidence away from Nelu and gave it to the rightful owner—MULYADI—his father-in-law who stabbed him in the back, the person who believed he was working with Keith Scott but in fact was being used. It was Mulyadi who was Scott’s spy. It was Mulyadi who told Scott everything Nelu was doing. I had never liked that man, always coming for the ride, but never having anything to say. Then when he thought he had the opportunity he started sending me messages telling me that he was the man to handle the Accounts, not Nelu. This continued on, but I did not take it seriously. He even e-mailed photos of himself holding what turned out to be fake notes he had been given—the very notes that would eventually land him in jail (unwittingly trapping his own son-in-law in Keith Scott’s net). I never took him seriously. He would never be the man—he was not smart enough. And then he failed the loyalty test.
A few days ago, I went to visit Nelu in prison, and as it was family visiting day, I found myself again with Mulyadi, Nelu, their wives, and Jo and Inchul in the prison visiting room. I went only to speak with Nelu for a few minutes but Mulyadi, upon learning of the phone systems being shut down in support of Nelu, made his voice clear through Jo that he wanted to know why I was not helping him—only Nelu. I asked him if he was kidding, and told him I would not raise one finger to assist him. I told him he should try calling Keith Scott—the guy he worked for, the guy on whose behalf he ended up putting himself and Nelu in prison. It was translated by Jo, and Mulyadi’s face turned tight and he banged the table, but little did he get from me because I stood up and banged the table as well.
Everyone was watching us and Mulyadi stayed down and continued to ask with his wife’s face on his shoulder why I was helping only Nelu. Mulyadi did not really care if Nelu got out of prison, but he did care if Nelu got out and he stayed in despite the fact that the entire matter was his doing. Nelu tried to protect him throughout the court hearings never mentioning Mulyadi’s conniving ways, but while Nelu was trying to help Mulyadi, Mulyadi was trying to bury Nelu. At one point and time he thought he was going home and Nelu was staying—since the notes were in Nelu’s bag. On another occasion he told the Police he knew nothing about the notes, which left Nelu literally holding the bag.
I again told him he was responsible for this entire mess and if anything I would like to take his head off. Jo would not translate this yet apparently Mulyadi understood and banged the table again.
Banging tables does not bother me but setting up your own family does.
Mulyadi not only hurt Nelu and his family but he hurt millions of people all over the planet, since we had been about ready to begin the Humanitarian Programs when Nelu was arrested.
I was already standing and I banged the table back and told him you will not get any help from me you &#$!?##!!!. Nelu asked me to please remember this is his family, and his father-in-law might punch him in the face. I calmed down for Nelu’s sake. I was glad he did not bring his baby to see this. It was a shouting match and could have been much more but we walked away.Jo being the smart man he is just kept looking straight ahead at the wall in front of him not saying a word and I told him later you are lucky this did not break out and he asked, ‘”Why?” I said, “Because the guy in the middle is always the one that gets whacked!” Hahahahha…:)
Jo said, “Really?!!” Inchul, on the other hand, just kept watching everything stoically. Nothing bothers that man. On the other hand, Mulyadi’s emotions were apparently getting the better of him.
But this time I kept my eyes on him, knowing after leaving the table he was rounding up his boys for a further confrontation with either us or Nelu. He did not want word to get out that he was responsible for everything that happened to Nelu but rather that Nelu did this to him. We had already planned on leaving, though, and I could only pray that nothing happened to Nelu—but it did!
Later that night in a confrontation Nelu shouted at Mulyadi that he had put him in jail for nine months by secretly working with Keith Scott. Now the only person who had a handle on this matter was me and for Nelu to finally come out and say it must have been a reach for him, but Mulyadi loudly responded, “Yes, I was working with Keith Scott, and you blew our deal!”
Now if stupid is as stupid does then you have to shake your head at this one. Mulyadi had only fake notes. This is why he went to jail (getting innocent Nelu jailed too) yet here he is saying, “You blew our deal.’”
Well, Mr. Mulyadi, how did you ever expect to complete a deal with fake notes? On the other hand Nelu had real notes (notes we planned on bringing down to use in the Programs), and the banks were awaiting his arrival. Of course, he never made it. So last week, for the first time Nelu heard for himself that Mulyadi not only worked with Scott but was involved in his incarceration. It goes without saying that Scott got the hell out of Dodge after the arrest, and never lifted a finger to help Mulyadi.
Now we sit and wait the Higher Court’s Decision. Nelu’s case is in the pipeline and he expects to receive an answer shortly. The matter of Nelu’s innocence is not at stake as much as the court’s integrity. The Prosecutor, Ms. Tanti, lost her integrity long ago and might be in line to face charges herself. This still yet remains to be determined, depending on how Nelu wants to handle things. To date the Indonesian court (which is often chastised in the world media) has been more than helpful. They have extended their hands and their wisdom and they have not liked the state of things anymore than we have. They are not sure who did what but they know something illegal was done and that it was not Nelu who did it.
Wise and humble people usually put together things in the right manner. Now we sit and tempers have cooled—although I still get hot thinking about things that should have been, could have been. It hurts to know that Scott not only disrupted our attempts at getting the Humanitarian Projects out there but destroyed a plan that would have been actively generating capital for various projects throughout the world at this very moment. He is hiding in Malaysia and Malaysia was in line to get financing for some projects, so I leave him now to Malaysia. He is in their hands. He cost them so much and then goes and uses them to hide. Best he leave now because I will make sure they see this.
As for Mulyadi I would expect him to serve out his sentence, since no one could actually help him, and finally for Nelu I pray he at last gets to rejoin his loving family. I feel so much for them all and am fighting my very best, along with Jean, Michael, Inchul, Jo, Ben, David, Drake, Frankie, Tichomir, Rich, Stanley, and most importantly all of you. You proved yourselves with the phone calls and I must state right now I am so proud to be involved with you. Thank you so much from the bottom of all our hearts.
I hope this sets the bridge you need between the last post and hopefully Nelu’s release. Now you can see nothing has been smooth. It could have gotten out of hand but I had Jo with me to translate, who could deal with them all so easily. Go get ‘em Jo! Thanks for all, and now I must say goodbye until Nelu is released. He should be out soon and remember it took many of us to do things either big or small to hopefully make this release possible, so we are all in it together. Again, thank you for all you do.
Neil F. Keenan
On March 27, 2013, in Jakarta . . .
Uploaded on May 30, 2013
On March 27th in Jakarta, Neil Keenan waited to call his friend Nelu in prison…sitting on the couch next to the Mickey and Minnie dolls he bought for Nelu to give to his little boy on the day when he walks free. Keenan talks about the importance of creating a trustworthy team, and doing the right thing with the Global Accounts. At the end, we share a brief clip of Neil keeping the team’s spirits up with a late night songfest with Inchul, Michael, and the Indonesian cabbie….
Drake | May 30, 2013 at 8:49 pm | Categories: News | URL: http://wp.me/p2tRr3-VU
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:
Penny O, $10
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95
Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10
The Revolution Intensifies
Update 31 may 2013: MAJOR OFFENSIVES
The revolution is intensifying, and the revolutionaries are just fine.
Never in the most recent times has the Vatican experienced a massive attack right at its doorsteps. I would consider these actions below as significant because this war is, first and foremost, a war for the Mind. Once the Global Mindset is fully switched off against the Establishment, it becomes history.
The level of awareness just keeps getting higher. Absolutely fascinating.
First, there was this lady featured in one of Bullshit’s episodes of Penn and Teller tackling the Church, Inc., about 3 years ago.
Then comes the Historic Press Conference in Italy by Rev. Kevin D. Annett of the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS] last May 23, 2013.
SAVONA, ITALY – The following is a summary of what Kevin Annett and Francesco Zanardi presented before the Italian media in Savona, Italy today May 23, 2013.
“Hello. My name is Kevin Annett, and I am the acting Field Secretary of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, the ITCCS, which represents over fifty organizations of survivors of church torture in nine countries, including Italy.
It is an honor to be present here today with Francesco Zanardi and the organization Rete L’abuse, at their invitation, and to join with them in an historical campaign to stop forever the religious torture of children.
For years now, Francesco has been conducting a heroic fight here in Italy for the same things that our Tribunal is campaigning for, by exposing child torture within the Roman Catholic church and bringing those responsible to justice. I look forward to working with Francesco and many others in Italy in the months ahead.
I have been authorized by the ITCCS Central Office to issue the following public statement:
1. As a Citizens’ Tribunal of Conscience with standing under international law, we call upon Italian President Giorgio Napolitano to seek the immediate extradition from the Vatican and the arrest of former Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, on the grounds that Ratzinger is a fugitive from justice and a wanted criminal duly convicted of crimes against humanity on February 25, 2013 by an international common law court of justice.
2. We further call upon President Napolitano and his government to abide by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court by giving no further aid, tax exemptions or financial subsidies to an organization guilty of crimes against humanity and children, namely, the Vatican Incorporated, and to cancel and annul the so-called Lateran Treaty between the government of Italy and the Vatican.
3. If President Napolitano fails to abide by international law and refuses to take these measures, our Tribunal, its international affiliates and Italian citizens will commence an international boycott of Italian goods, trade and tourism; and within Italy, we will commence peaceful church occupations, citizens arrests and other direct actions against the Vatican and its officials. This campaign will commence on September 20, 2013, the 143rd anniversary of Garibaldi`s liberation of Rome and expulsion of the papacy.
4. The purpose of this campaign will be to enforce the lawful verdict of the International Common Law Court of Justice of February 25, 2013, which convicted thirty officials of church and state of genocide and a criminal conspiracy, including former Pope Benedict and top Catholic Cardinals. (see www.itccs.org). This verdict sentenced these officials to immediate arrest and imprisonment for a term of twenty five years, and the confiscation of church property and wealth.
5. The Vatican and the Roman Catholic church as a whole represents a clear and present danger to the children of the world because of its standing policy known as Crimen Solictationas, which actively protects child rapists in the church and subverts justice and child protection laws in other nations. The present Pope Francis is actively complicit in this war crime by his position as head of the Church of Rome and his personal involvement in such crimes in Argentina. By this law, the Vatican consitutes a global criminal conspiracy and permanent war waged against the children, the sovereignty and the laws of all nations, and under the Law of Nations (jus gentium) must be resisted and opposed, and its power curtailed, for the wellbeing of people everywhere.
The ITCCS and its affiliates and allies in other governments are committed to doing so. We therefore call upon all citizens of Italy to withdraw their funding and allegiance from the Roman Catholic church, to demand that President Napolitano seeks the extradiction of Joseph Ratzinger and the annulling of the Lateran Treaty, and to join our September 20 campaign to end forever the criminal actions of the Church of Rome.
We also make a formal request to the police forces of Italy to assist Italian citizens in protecting their children and their communities from child-raping catholic clergy by arresting such known and suspected predators, and by refusing to aid or assist the Roman Catholic church and its officials evade justice and prosecution for their crimes.
The government of Italy and President Napolitano have until September 20, 2013 to respond to this statement and abide by its requests, and to a registered communication being sent to the Presidential Office and the Parliament of Italy.
Issued May 23, 2013
From the Central Office, ITCCS, Brussels
Kevin Annett also stressed the following excerpt from Crimen Sollicitationis (fully reprinted at www.hiddennolonger.com, appendix 9)
From the Supreme and Holy Congregation of the Holy Office – Instruction on the Manner of Proceeding in the Cases of Solicitation (The Vatican Press, 1962) ….
11. Because, however, what is treated in these cases has to have a greater degree of care and observance so that these matters be pursued in a most secretive way, and, after they have been defined and given over to execution, they are to be restrained by a perpetual silence (Instruction of the Holy Office, February 20, 1867, n. 14), each and everyone pertaining to the tribunal in any way or admitted to knowledge of the matters because of their office, is to observe the strictest (space) secret, which is commonly regarded as a secret of the Holy Office, in all matters and with all persons, under the penalty of excommunication, latae sententiae, ipso facto, and without any declaration (of such a penalty) having been incurred and reserved to the sole person of the Supreme Pontiff, even to the exclusion of the Sacred Penitentiary, are bound to observe (this secrecy) inviolably. ….
Savona, Italy
At an historic press conference yesterday, two groups fighting to end church terror against children formally joined forces and announced the launching of a public campaign commencing in Rome on September 20.
Francesco Zanardi of Rete L’Abuso and Kevin Annett of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) disclosed their joint campaign to Italian reporters and activists at a morning press conference in the northern Italian city of Savona.
“We want to not only prosecute the priests who rape children but change the laws that let them get away with it” explained Francesco Zanardi, to thunderous applause.
Zanardi is himself a survivor of serial rape during the 1980’s by a Catholic priest named Nello Giraudo, who was protected and aided by Cardinal Domenico Calcagno.
Calcagno is now a prominent official in the Vatican Bank and helped elect the present Pope Francis.
“The Lateran Treaty obligates Italy to help the Vatican commit crime. That Treaty has to go” said Zanardi.
On behalf of the ITCCS, Kevin Annett also spoke at the press conference, and pledged the Tribunal’s “total support” to Zanardi and Rete L’Abuso.
Annett presented an authorized letter to Zanardi from the Central Office of the ITCCS that formally affiliated the Tribunal with the Italian group and guaranteed “direct action” throughout Italy in September.
“The Italian government helps a convicted criminal like (former Pope) Joseph Ratzinger evade arrest inside the Vatican, while persecuting a brave and honest man like Francesco Zanardi” said Annett.
“We’ve written to Italian President Giorgio Napolitano and demanded that he abide by international law and extradite Ratzinger from the Vatican to face justice for helping traffic children to priestly rapists”.
In a bilingual statement released to the media (see link below), the ITCCS stated that unless the Italian government begins steps to extradite Ratzinger and revoke the Lateran Treaty with the Vatican, civil disobedience actions will begin in Italian catholic churches and four cities on September 20, and will be accompanied by an international boycott campaign against Italian goods, trade and tourism.
Citizen groups in Savona, Genoa, Reggio Emilia and Rome have agreed to participate in these actions.
March Against Monsanto
Kevin Annett will return to Italy in mid-September to help inaugurate the campaign with Francesco Zanardi and local activists at special events in Rome and Savona on September 20.
Hundreds of thousands across the US joined the worldwide rally against biotech giant Monsanto and genetically engineered crops. It comes shortly after the Senate turned down a bill that would allow states to require the labeling of GM foods.
Organizers of the major rally that swept through dozens of nations around the globe on Saturday, urge a repeal of the so-called Monsanto Protection Act, and call for a boycott of Monsanto products.
Monsanto hires infamous mercenary firm Blackwater to track activists around the world
Sunday, May 26, 2013 by: Carolanne Wright
(NaturalNews) Remember the private mercenary army Blackwater that caused such a stir in Iraq during an unprovoked attack in 2007? Apparently, Monsanto and the controversial security firm are in bed together, described by blogger Randy Ananda as “a death-tech firm weds a hit squad.” At this point, you might be wondering what in the world the GM seed giant needs with the services of a ‘shadow army’? It appears as though the corporation found it necessary to contract with Blackwater in order to collect intelligence on anti-Monsanto activists as well infiltrate their ranks.
Protest Monsanto, stalked by Blackwater
Notorious for the Iraqi Nisour Square Massacre, Blackwater “created a web of more than 30 shell companies or subsidiaries in part to obtain millions of dollars in American government contracts after the security company came under intense criticism for reckless conduct in Iraq,” reports the New York Times. One of these subsidiaries became Total Intelligence, the company contracted by Monsanto between 2008-2010 to collect intelligence on activists rallying against GMO crops and other Monsanto activities. Journalist Jeremy Scahill states in The Nation:
“… entities closely linked to the private security firm Blackwater have provided intelligence, training and security services to US and foreign governments as well as several multinational corporations, including Monsanto, Chevron, the Walt Disney Company, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and banking giants Deutsche Bank and Barclays, according to documents obtained by The Nation. Blackwater’s work for corporations and government agencies was contracted using two companies owned by Blackwater’s owner and founder, Erik Prince: Total Intelligence Solutions and the Terrorism Research Center (TRC). Prince is listed as the chairman of both companies in internal company documents, which show how the web of companies functions as a highly coordinated operation.”
A spokesperson representing Monsanto admits the company hired Total Intelligence for information “… about the activities of groups or individuals that could pose a risk to company personnel or operations around the world which were developed by monitoring local media reports and other publicly available information. The subject matter ranged from information regarding terrorist incidents in Asia or kidnappings in Central America to scanning the content of activist blogs and websites.”
However, what the spokesperson fails to address is that according to documents secured by Scahill, Monsanto was willing to pay a sizable sum (up to $500,000) for Blackwater agents to infiltrate anti-Monsanto organizations.
As the plot continues to thicken regarding Monsanto’s tactics of domination, Ananda aptly notes:
“… Monsanto, by hiring a mercenary army and former CIA field agents, is deadly serious about protecting its deadly products. Yet, this contract further discredits the company. The public can now paint an even bleaker picture of the firm that brought us Agent Orange, PCBs, rBST, DDT, aspartame and, now, hit men.”
Sources for this article include:
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/040492_GMO_activists_Monsanto_blackwater.html#ixzz2UXA1n066
Supreme Court Validates People’s Rights to Establish Common Law Grand Jury
by Drake
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Supreme Court Validates People’s Rights to Establish Common Law Grand Jury
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 8:13 PM
Subject: FW: Supreme Court Validates People’s Rights to Establish Common Law Grand Jury
Subject: The Common Law 4th Branch Of Government-Legally Is The Common Law Grand Jury — Voted 6 to 3 Decision In The U.S. Supreme Court– Already started in CA and NY.
Click to listen http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/audioPop.jsp?episodeId=738152&cmd=apop
Grand Jury How? to and Why? & In a stunning 6 to 3 decision Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government “governed” and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights.
This is the solution to taking back our government county by county . . . state by state!
Judge Scalia decision: United States vs. Williams Clck Here To Read: http://www.newyorkcommitteemen.org/judicial/jury/documents/grand%20jury%20status.pdf
What Power Does the Common-Law Grand Jury Hold?
“The grand jury is an English institution, brought to this country by the early colonists and incorporated in the Constitution by the Founders. … “to provide a fair method for instituting criminal proceedings against persons believed to have committed crimes.” [Costello v. United States, 350 U.S. 359 (1956),]
16 Page Pdf File how to set up a Constitutional Grand Jury
http://www.newyorkcommitteemen.org/ Save this to your favorites and download the documents.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
We THE People
And as Interim President, 12 May 2013
Initiate the orders of We THE People
We THE People who are the Civilian Authority with superior lawfull position over the U.S. Corporation and U.S. Military acting under the Original Jurisdiction of the United States Constitution 1789, Bill of Rights 1791 with the original 13th Amendment=”which removes persons who has an entitlement from holding public office” as the United States of America, Republican form of Government, standing as the true form of Government is proud to announce the following effective IMMEDIATELY.:
As Interim President=Commander in Chief of the Republic it is the duty of this de jure office to ensure the orders issued to the United States Military , Secretary of the Treasury, Provost Marshall and its Public Servants are carried out within the proper time as required by We THE People of The United States of America.
This announcement is for We THE People of the United States of America and our Friends World Wide and
To Chief of Staff of Joint Chiefs, Field Generals, Admirals, Office of General Council for Pentagon, Secretary of the Navy, Trustees of the Constitution and Office of the Inspector General, Provost Marshal, Flag Officers and Secretary of the People’s Treasury;
This announcement and order is to the Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew, the Flag Officers assigned to The Secretary of the Treasury Mr. Jack Lew and the Provost Marshall,
You are hereby ordered to use any force including EXTREME PREJUDICE toward any and all public officers including any and all people in the U.S. Corporation=Internal Governmental Departments=Agencies, Individual Corporations=Organizations, and any other Entity=sentient beings WHOM are delaying=derailing= holding up=stopping any other delaying manipulation tactic on the execution of the following announcements and orders:
1. The Flag Officers assigned to The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew and Provost Marshall is ordered to commandeer all main stream television and radio broadcasting companies and start the announcements that have been prerecorded to inform the Nation:
a. The Republic being re-set, shutdown of the US Corporation (founded in 1871),
b. The shutdown of the Federal Reserve (99 Year Contract Ended),
i. All Debt caused from the US Corporation and / or Federal Reserve is not the responsibility of We THE People of the United States of America
ii. The collector of this debt shall look to and upon US Corporation and its CEO / Presidents, their staff including Legislative and Judicial holders plus the Executives of the Federal Reverse to repay ALL DEBT from their wealth which they stole from the We THE People
iii. Furthermore, the US Corporation Past and Present President, Vice President, staff, Legislative and Judicial are classified as Corporate Contractors or Actors who do not have the lawfull standing for the positions they currently occupy. Therefore, they are trespassing upon We THE People’s rights and liberties and are subject to our Constitutional Laws for Fraud, Treason, Misrepresentation, Embezzlement of our Currency, Unlawfull taxation and more. All damages shall be paid to We THE People by Seizing their assets and freezing their funds on-shore and off-shore bank account, safe deposit boxes, Precious Metals stashes, any storage, and depositing all recovered items back into the Peoples Treasury.
c. The shutdown of the Internal Revenue Service=IRS (taxation was repealed by Congress in 1939 and has been in operation fraudulently and while working for foreign agents it has fraudulently told the American people that is a department of the Treasury)
d. To Immediately begin broadcasting the educational=truth of this nation’s true history
2. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew is established and operating under the Republican form of Government as the true Treasury
3. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew will
a. Conduct a forensic audit of the IRS, freeze all assets, shut down all IRS operations and return all stolen funds to We THE People of The United States of America by depositing the returned funds in the Peoples United States Treasury.
b. All bankruptcies of the United States to date are terminated.
c. All debt tied to the social security numbers shall be set to zero.
i. Due to corrupt and unlawful banking practices and corrupt and unlawful government activities ALL injured parties shall be notified immediately following these actions and public announcements on all major media outlets shall commence immediately.
d. Remove=Terminate all unlawful taxation on all privately held property=land=labor.
e. Remove=Terminate all private personal income tax and private business taxation.
f. The return all government agencies CAFR=off book accounts and all court CRIS account funds to the Peoples United States Treasury.
i. CAFR=Consolidated Annual Financial Report
ii. CRIS=Court Registry Investment System
g. Restore financial privacy to all private sentient beings.
h. Introduce the United States Treasury currency (UST) backed by Gold and other Precise metals replacing the Federal Reserve Note effective IMMEDIATELY.
i. Release the 1.5 Trillion dollars of the Wanta-Regan-Mitterrand Protocols into the United States Treasury for We THE People
j. Announce the largest banks in United Sates of America are now Basel 3 Banking Regulations complaint along with several hundred mid-size banking institutions.
i. Basel 3 – A comprehensive set of reform measures designed to improve the regulation, supervision and risk management within the banking sector.
ii. Basel 3 – Largely in response to the credit crisis, banks are required to maintain proper leverage ratios and meet certain capital requirements protecting the end customer.
4. The “Fines & Penalties”, Foreign Currency Revaluation, Prosperity Packages, the Global Settlements Program, Prosperity Packages, Native American Claims, Humanitarian funds are to be paid out simultaneously effective IMMEDIATELY.
5. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew will oversee the delivery Sunday 12 May 2013 to all recipients of the Farm Claims=Fines and Penalties=Farm Claims Class Action Law Suit Settlement=Bank Claims=Resolution Trust proceeds to the people;
a. The Farm Claims shall be moved to the Royal Bank of Canada for complete delivery=disbursement effective IMMEDIATELY.
b. The Farm Claims Lawsuit shall be unsealed and made part of the public record with=by publication, posting on the internet which is freely accessible to the public at large and=or full disclosure to all claim participants. The executive order that has kept this information hidden was done with the intent to defraud the people and has delayed the execution and delivery of the settlement.
c. These claims shall be delivered using any of the following methods of delivery or all of them together; National Guard, County Sheriffs, Bonded Couriers, Registered Mail, and the Organized and Unorganized State Militias.
d. There shall be NO taxation, NO fees, NO NDAs, NO hidden=misleading language, NO terms or condition or forms that create a contract causing loss of value through BANK FRAUD=MANIPULATION against the private citizen’s.
6. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew shall conduct the release of the foreign currency exchange to all tier three foreign currency holders known as the “U.S. Treasury Hold” on the participating banks Sunday 12 May 2013 and
a. To communicate on all main stream media channels that the global re-set has occurred every hour for the next seventy- two (72) hours.
b. All banks are to make the hours of operation from 07:00 AM to 24:00 PM daily for the next ninety (90) days.
c. All tier three foreign currency holders shall be given VIP=Group rates with NO taxation, NO fees, NO NDAs, NO hidden=misleading language, NO terms or condition or forms that create a contract causing loss of value through BANK FRAUD=MANIPULATION against the private citizen’s when they exchange their currency.
7. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew will release the Global Settlements Program, Prosperity Packages, Native American Claims, and all other programs and claims of a similar nature on 12 May 2013.
It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed by the Political Will of the People~
Interim President
The United States of America
Reference: Contempt of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence circa 1776 and 2012, Orders #1-10
Drake | May 27, 2013 at 7:55 am | Categories: News | URL: http://wp.me/p2tRr3-VJ
Turks clash with police at anti-Erdogan rallies
19 May, 2013 09:05 AM | Photo by Reuters / Umit Bektas
Global Settlements
Keenan on the other hand is in his final legalwork for the release of Martha Wibawa [Nelu], an Indonesian patriot critical to the release of the Collateral Accounts that would be used to finance global eradication of poverty and environmental destructions.
Our organization have determined May 31st as the Peak of the Revolution. Whether we can beat that schedule or not, doesn’t really matter. What is important is that we are making headways and we keep on moving forward.
The Dark Side will never win this war because you, the awakened, will never allow that.
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:
Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95
Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10