Dozens of Canadian Communities have declared Canada as a sovereign nation, and not as subject to the Crown of the Vatican or England.
Continue reading Canada is Proclaimed A Sovereign Republic
Tag Archives: itccs
Common Law Sheriffs and OathKeepers Will Arrest Pope During US Visit
Here are the latest updates from the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS].
This update also emphasizes the true power of the Common Law over Corporate Courts, and present one of the peaceful solution to the dissolution of all Corporate Governments worldwide.
Common Law Sheriffs will arrest convicted criminal, “Pope Francis”, during September 2015 USA visit
>Posted on December 8, 2014
Continue reading Common Law Sheriffs and OathKeepers Will Arrest Pope During US Visit
The Evidence That Forced Pope Benedict to Resign is Now Available

Documentation of Genocide and Child Murder in Canada – Issued from the court record of The International Common Law Court of Justice, Brussels (Case Docket No. 02252013, The People v. Joseph Ratzinger, Elizabeth Windsor et al)
Continue reading The Evidence That Forced Pope Benedict to Resign is Now Available
EU Police Arrested 1000+ Using ITCCS Evidence on Ndrangheta
Ndrangheta is a mafia organization with connections to the Vatican. It specializes in human trafficking including children for feeding the appetite of the moneyed pedophiles.
European police arrest more than 1000 criminals using ITCCS evidence of Ndrangheta and catholic child trafficking
Breaking News: 25 September, 2014
Continue reading EU Police Arrested 1000+ Using ITCCS Evidence on Ndrangheta
Breaking: Ireland Cardinal Resigns After Exposè [ITCCS]
The top Catholic official in Ireland has tendered his resignation after his alleged cover up on mass killing involving close to 800 babies was exposed recently.
Continue reading Breaking: Ireland Cardinal Resigns After Exposè [ITCCS]
Kevin Annett's Arrest Foiled
Here’s the latest from The Tribunal…
Update interview: British Crown stopped in their effort to arrest Kevin Annett; new ITCCS offensive against corporate backers of child trafficking
VIDEO-Kevin Annett: British Crown & Ireland attempt arrest to stop ITCCS action on 800 sacrificed babies, and more…
Continue reading Kevin Annett's Arrest Foiled
Annett Faces Extradition Over Satanic Ritual Inquiry [ITCCS]
This is a very urgent bulletin from The Tribunal.
Impending Irish Arrest and Extradition of Kevin Annett on verge of Tuam Killings Inquiry:
Continue reading Annett Faces Extradition Over Satanic Ritual Inquiry [ITCCS]
More Disruptions for Upcoming Satanic Rituals [ITCCS]
Here’s a very comprehensive update from The Tribunal…
Report from the Joint Consultation of the Directorate of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) and the Common Law Court of Justice Held in Brussels and New York City August 20-24, 2014
Issued to all Common Law Court groups and their affiliates, including the Provisional Council for the Republic of Kanata and the Covenanted Congregationalists
Overview and Synopsis
The Tribunal and Court Directorate, its staff officers and Field Secretaries met in Brussels and New York this past week to review its work and plan the coming year’s actions.
With the successful prosecution of its second litigation against top church and state officials for crimes against humanity ( 19 July, 2014), the Court has established a Permanent Commission of Inquiry into Child Trafficking and Ritual Sacrifice that will convene on September 1, 2014. All affiliates are urged to work actively with the Commission to continue the prosecution of culpable individuals and institutions.
Continue reading More Disruptions for Upcoming Satanic Rituals [ITCCS]
Pope Francis Resigning [ITCCS]
Here’s the latest update from The Tribunal [ITCCS].
Pope Francis hinted again at resigning by saying he might be “dead in 2-3 years.”
Child Sacrifice Ritual stopped, and Pope Francis set to resign:
August 19, 2014, 930 pm EST
On August 15, our Direct Action Unit Alpha Team stopped a planned child sacrificial ritual in the Outremont district of Montreal, and arrested and interrogated two members of the Ninth Circle cult. (see, August 17)
Continue reading Pope Francis Resigning [ITCCS]
Satanic Ceremony Disrupted; 2 Cultists Arrested [ITCCS]
Here’s the latest update from the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS] to the scheduled satanic ritual in Montreal, Canada.
Child Sacrificial Cult Disrupted, Arrests made in Montreal
Global Communique No. 2: August 16, 2014 – Brussels
Striking in the early hours of Friday, August 15, one of our trained Direct Action Units (DAU) in Montreal, Canada successfully disrupted the preparations for a child sacrificial cult ritual at a private residence in the fashionable Outremont district.
Continue reading Satanic Ceremony Disrupted; 2 Cultists Arrested [ITCCS]
Armed Direct Action Units to Arrest Satanists [ITCCS]
The upcoming Satanistic ritual in Dublin and Montreal will be disrupted in order to save would be victims.
The notorious Ninth Circle, a Catholic cult whose appetite for child torture and rape can only be quenched by eventually killing the victim in a ritual officiated for the glory of Lucifer.
Sheriffs Move to Arrest Pope Bergoglio, et al
The mechanism for the arrest of the real threat to humanity has been provided by the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS]. It is up to us to enforce its verdict.
Sadly, some quarters in the alternative department are still thinking twice whether to pick up the pitchfork or not.
We think we need to do a crusade much like they did when they tried to conquer Palestine, only this time, we will storm the Vatican with arrest warrants in hand.
Continue reading Sheriffs Move to Arrest Pope Bergoglio, et al
Common Law Court convened by the Tribunal has found the Pope, et al., guilty of aiding and abetting crimes against humanity…
GUILTY: Pope, Jesuits convicted in historic case
In the Matter of The People v. Bergoglio et al (Case Docket No. 18072014-002)
Continue reading GUILTY!
ITCCS Takedown Units Prepare for Pope's Resignation
The unstoppable barrage of Truth coming from the alternative media and cascading into the mainstream consciousness has left the Vatican Hierarchy with no viable options other than to surrender peacefully, or keep pushing the button of Armageddon without knowing it’s been disconnected from its powerbase systematically.
In a chaotic frenzy for cover, some Cabalists are now choosing the exit door to appease the awakened population. One of these individuals is Bergoglio.
We are anticipating for his removal or voluntary resignation anytime soon…
Continue reading ITCCS Takedown Units Prepare for Pope's Resignation
Pope Francis, Vatican, Jesuits create public acts and media statements covertly responding to the Common Law Court trial – Breaking Interview with Kevin Annett
Please support us by downloading our Towards Healthcare Emancipation – Premium Edition, a fully illustrated eBook about how you can implement a low cost but extensive and decisively effective healthcare system in the comfort of your own home.
With this eBook you can easily defeat cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases for good. Find out more about it here.
The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.
Pope references Satanic Mass [ITCCS]
Pope’s reference to “satanic mass” in relation to catholic child rape constitutes “his tacit knowledge” of such a crime: Common Law Court … Outraged Survivors demand Pope’s immediate resignation for “sadistic insensitivity”
An ITCCS Special Breaking Communique – Tuesday, May 27, 2014
News Item: The BBC World News reported today that Jorge Bergoglio (“aka “Pope Francis”) compared the rape of children by catholic priests to the performing of a “satanic mass”
Continue reading Pope references Satanic Mass [ITCCS]
The Trinity Of Global Empire
There are three cities (city-states) across this planet that share striking similarities and play a crucial role in the global governmental system we have long been living under. The three city-states (along with the role they serve) is as follows:
City of London (finance)
Washington DC (military)
Vatican City (religion)
Continue reading The Trinity Of Global EmpirePope's Health: A Distraction [ITCCS]
The purported ill health of the Pope is only a distraction to the global attention of the Papal Crimes and that of the 9th Circle in general…
Exclusive interview with Kevin Annett: Vatican floats rumours of Pope’s “ill health” to distract from new evidence indicting Jorge Bergoglio for child murder – Common Law Sheriffs to take action
Posted on May 24, 2014
Continue reading Pope's Health: A Distraction [ITCCS]
Action Alert: Child Killers Targeted for Arrest [ITCCS]
Here’s the latest action from ITCCS…
Child Killers Identified, Targeted for Arrest – Breaking news and Action Alert from ICLCJ
Continue reading Action Alert: Child Killers Targeted for Arrest [ITCCS]
Kevin Under Grave Threat; ITCCS Presses On [UPDATED]
ITCCS continues to apply pressure on the mother of all that is Evil in this world, even if under grave threats from desperate enemies.
ITCCS Delegation and Dignitaries to accompany Rev. Kevin Annett to Rome and London to enforce Annulment Order against the Church of Rome and of England
Continue reading Kevin Under Grave Threat; ITCCS Presses On [UPDATED]
Papacy Abolished: END OF CORPORATISM – [ITCCS]
The Birth of a New Era: The End of Papal Authority and Corporatism, and the Rise of a new Common Law Covenant
A Revolution is Launched in Maastricht, Holland
An ITCCS Exclusive Report – Friday, April 25, 2014 (2 pm GMT)
Issued through the Common Law News Service (CNS)
Maastricht and Rome:
Last Easter Sunday, in an action akin to Martin Luther’s posting of his Ninety Five Theses, a lone figure placed a Proclamation on the door of the oldest catholic church outside of Italy, and announced the end of an era and the birth of another.
Like Luther, Kevin Annett is a renegade clergyman who is caught in a life and death struggle with the oldest corporation on our planet: the church of Rome. But unlike the defrocked monk, Annett represents a movement aiming to not reform that church, but abolish it entirely because of its “irredeemable criminal nature”.
And that abolition was announced this past Sunday.
The manifesto posted by Kevin Annett on the door of St. Martin’s catholic church is called the Maastricht Proclamation, and invokes both international law and the “law of heaven” to declare the legal and spiritual abolition of the Church of Rome. The Proclamation effectively nullifies the authority of the Roman Catholic church under the very laws and legitimacy by which the latter claims to operate. (see, April 20, 2014)
But the repercussions of Reverend Annett’s action go far beyond Rome.
Interviewed today in Spain, where he is meeting with eyewitnesses to Vatican crimes, Annett comments,
“The modern Vatican is really the creation of Italian Fascism, whose Lateran Treaty in 1929 established the modern corporation called the roman catholic church: a de facto but legally fictitious and criminal body. In turn, that criminal syndicate helped spawn the horrors of the modern corporatist era, starting with Nazi Germany and leading to the present global New World Order. So by legally and spiritually disestablishing the Church of Rome, we are also dismantling that corporatist Order and all of the de facto, tyrannical authorities in the world, whether they be corporations, governments, or private courts.
“In other words, the Maastricht Proclamation is really a call to arms to all people to re-establish lawful de jure society across our planet, under the supremacy of the divine law of equality and peace: what we know as the Common Law.”
In effect, what began in Rome on a bleak February day in 1929 ended last Easter Sunday, when the terms by which the Vatican operates as an overt criminal syndicate were lawfully negated under the terms of International Law. So while the church may continue to function as a de facto power, it does so as a rogue criminal body with no authority, and no right to its own property, wealth or laws.
What does this new step mean for the twenty year campaign by Kevin Annett to expose and stop the murder and trafficking of children?
“It’s a whole new ball game now” says Annett. “This isn’t about trying to hold a dying system accountable anymore, but about creating a whole new world through a new Covenant.
“Once we put church and state on trial, we really declared war on the entire system. And like Napolean once said, whoever makes a revolution half way is just digging their own grave. So now we need not just our own peace officers to enforce our Common Law court verdicts; we need to mobilize humanity to take back our world and the law from the criminals who are destroying us and our children’s future. And to do that, we need to re-contract all our relationships.
“So in truth, there are no more lawful authorities anymore, and we owe none of them allegiance. We need to remake such authority from the ground up, from among ourselves. That’s why we call it the New Covenant. And that’s what we’ve begun, with the Maastricht Proclamation.”
This new Covenanting movement has two fronts, one legal, the other spiritual. Annett calls these fronts the “two arms of liberation”.
“Humanity is sick and dying, from the inside out, because we have forgotten our innate sovereignty and our bond with creation and the Creator. Nobody can mediate or create that bond for another, and justice is an empty shell without the personal capacity to be a just and virtuous man or woman. Benjamin Franklin said that only a virtuous people could be self-governing, for with personal corruption always comes political tyranny. So the new Covenant recognizes itself as both a new law and a new spirit, one supporting and feeding the other.”
In the wake of the Maastricht Proclamation, this re-covenanting movement,The Covenanters, is working actively to establish both common law courts and self-governing communities on the land that have declared their independence from existing authorities. As the seed of a new world, the Covenanters are working now in twenty one countries alongside the International Common Law Court of Justice and its Tribunal sponsor, the ITCCS.
As for Kevin Annett, he is clearly a happy man.
“It’s been a long night, but it’s always good to see the day break”.
Continue reading Papacy Abolished: END OF CORPORATISM – [ITCCS]
Judgment Day for Vatican
The laudable work that the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS] continues to do against the unsuitably venerated Church of Satan, known as the Vatican Church, may not be enforceable for now, but the steadfast presentation of damning evidence against the Harlot of Darkness in Common Law Court trials may soon create an impetus for worldwide condemnation as more and more Sheeples become aware of its true nature.
Continue reading Judgment Day for Vatican
Common Law Community Training Manual
Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: The Common Law and its Courts
A Community Training Manual
Issued by The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (Brussels)
What is assembling is the first court in history to bring judgment against the Vatican and the Crown of England as institutions. But our Court also signals the dawn of a new notion of justice: one defined by the people themselves, and especially by the historic victims of church and state, to bring about not only a judgment on their persecutors, but a new political and spiritual arrangement to undo the systems responsible for intergenerational crimes against humanity
– from the founding Charter of The International Common Law Court of Justice, September 1, 2012
ITCCS Attempts to Arrest Queen Liz
This is a report from the Sheriffs of the International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State…
Continue reading ITCCS Attempts to Arrest Queen Liz
Pro-ITCCS Belgian Lawmaker Beaten, Arrested
March 2014 Updates from the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State…
Pro-ITCCS Belgian Member of Parliament Laurent Louis beaten, falsely arrested by police March 8
Posted on March 10, 2014
Continue reading Pro-ITCCS Belgian Lawmaker Beaten, Arrested
UK is Governed by Criminals
Queen Elizabeth and UK Prime Minister David Cameron have been issued arrest warrants. The two were charged with sexual crimes against children as part of an international pedophile ring.
“We have enough evidence to prosecute and hold both the Prime Minister and Queen of England.”
… said ex-Royal Policeman Matt Taylor.
The present Catholic Pope Francis Bergoglio was alleged to be part of child trafficking in an international pedophile ring. Victims who were prostituted as children at the Vatican have come forward, along with survivors who alleged they were abused in international pedophile ring…
[Click on the image. When high resolution is loaded, click again on the image to zoom in…]
Please support us by downloading our Towards Healthcare Emancipation – Second Edition, a fully illustrated eBook about how you can implement a low cost but extensive and decisively effective healthcare system in the comfort of your own home.
The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.
Court Summons issued to Pope Francis, Heads of Jesuits, Anglican
Public Summons Issued to Pope Francis, Jesuits, Anglicans>
Formally charged with Crimes against Humanity, inciting Treason and abetting child trafficking, Pope Francis and the heads of the Jesuits and the Anglican Church have been issued a Public Summons. It compels them to appear before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels on March 31, 2014, to answer these charges and face prosecution. This broadcast constitutes their legal service and notification. See and .
The International Common Law Court of Justice
Criminal Trial Division, Brussels
In the Matter of The People v. Jorge Bergoglio, Adolfo Nicolas Pachon, Justin Welby and others
Case Docket No. 31032014-001
A SUMMONS to appear before this Court is issued on this day, March 3, 2014, to the following persons:
Jorge Bergoglio, alias Pope Francis 1, Pontiff of the Church of Rome
Adolfo Nicolas Pachon, alias Superior General of the Jesuit Order
Justin Welby, alias Archbishop of Canterbury of the Church of England
Let these person,s their agents and the world be advised that they, the named parties as flesh and blood men, are hereby publicly charged by the Citizen Prosecutor’s Office of the Court with the following offences:
1. Organizing, aiding and abetting child rape, torture and trafficking within their bodies Corporate, and inciting and commanding their agents and followers to do the same;
2. Violating the Laws of Nations and compelling their agents and followers to commit Treason within their respective Nations;
3. Criminal complicity in the death, rape, torture and genocide of untold numbers of children, and
4. Criminally conspiring to commit and conceal these offences, and counselling others to do the same.
These accused persons, as flesh and blood men, are hereby summoned to appear as primary Defendants in a law suit addressing their responsibility for these crimes to be adjudicated by the Court, commencing at its opening Examination Hearing on Monday, March 31, 2014, in the City of Brussels.
These Defendants are advised that they or their legal representatives must appear at this Hearing, or give just cause in writing within ten (10) days of this date as to why they are unable or unwilling to attend.
The Defendants are further advised that their failure to respond to this Summons or to challenge these charges made against them will be interpreted by the Court as a tacit admission of guilt by them, and will constitute a plea of nolo contendere, or non-contested declaration, and will be entered into the Court record as such.
This PUBLIC SUMMONS is issued by the Office of the Presiding Magistrates of the Criminal Trial Division of the Court on the Third Day of March in the year 2014, in the City of Brussels.
The Defendants are hereby publicly served.
Head Magistrate (signed in the original)
Secretary of the Court (signed in the original)
The Official Seal of the Court in the original
The International Common Law Court of Justice
Case Docket No. 31032014-001 – Filed in the Court Registry in Brussels, Belgium – 03/03/2014
contact: , ,
Criminal Trial Division, Brussels
March 1, 2014
Announcement of Case Docket No. 31032014-001:
In the Matter of The People v. Jorge Bergoglio, Adolfo Nicolas Pachon, Justin Welby and others, and their Bodies Corporate
A Pre-Trial Hearing will commence on Monday, March 31, 2014 at 9:00 am GMT in Brussels
Issued by the Office of the Presiding Magistrates
E. Cantillon, Secretary
LET IT BE KNOWN that, based on an application brought before it by the Office of the Citizen Prosecutor on February 10, 2014, the Court will in thirty days commence litigation proceedings against Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis 1″), Adolfo Nicolas Pachon (“Superior General of the Jesuit Order”), Justin Welby (Archbishop of Canterbury”) and others involved in Crimes against Humanity.
These defendants will be charged with organizing and abetting child rape, torture and trafficking, and criminally conspiring to commit and conceal these offences.
The Court will convene its pre-trial Examination Hearing on Monday, March 31, 2014 at 9:00 GMT in the city of Brussels.
The Court is therefore issuing today a Public Summons to the named Defendants to be present at this Hearing, either in person or through their legal representatives.
Failure by any of the Defendants to appear may be interpreted by the Court as constituting a plea of nolo contendere, or non-contested, and will be entered into the Court record as such.
A copy of the Summons will be issued immediately to the named Defendants by Sheriffs appointed by the Court.
Anyone with evidence related to this matter is invited to submit it to the Office of the Citizen Prosecutor of the Court in the form of a legally sworn deposition and affidavit. For details, please contact the Office at .
The ITCCS and its affiliates are calling for a Public Day of Silence to End Church Violence against Children, on the day before the opening of the Trial: Sunday, March 30, 2014. You are asked to refrain from all normal activity that day and join in prayer, fasting and reflection.
The Tribunal asks all people of conscience to remember and act not only for the children who are presently suffering and dying at the hands of church-protected child rapists and traffickers, but for the countless children who have died at the hands of these churches – children like:
Albert Hance, age 9, starved to death at the Anglican St. George’s school in Lytton, British Columbia;
Richard Thomas, age 15, beaten to death by Catholic priest Terrance MacNamara at the Kuper Island school, British Columbia;
Shirley Tatooche, age 10, raped to death by Catholic priests at the Fort Albany school in Ontario …and at least 50,000 more children in Canada alone. (
Remember the Dead – Fight for the Living – Jail the Child Killers and all those who protect them!
Updates to follow.
Issued by The Public Information Office of the International Common Law Court of Justice, Criminal Trial Division and by ITCCS Central
March 1, 2014
The latest actions from the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State…
Final Exorcism
Some of us have graduated from organized religion a long time ago. Others continue to embrace this nonsense because they have not found any better alternative, or worse, misconstrued it as a path to greater understanding of one’s Spirituality.
Nevertheless, they are very committed to better the system they are still in.
We are looking forward to the day when all man-made institutions that limit the human potential crumble through its own irrelevance.
A “Peoples’ Apostolic Decree” defies Pope Francis, Prepares for “Final Exorcism” and New “Jubilee” Regime on September 22
Dublin – A multinational coalition of clergy and spiritual elders released their own Apostolic Decree yesterday that unseats the spiritual authority of Pope Francis and the Vatican, and establishes a new “Jubilee regime” within the church.
The Decree was read publicly in catholic churches in nine countries.
Based on the Jubilee Laws of divine renewal and social equality, the Decree is “a “Biblical and a peoples’ response to the criminal and unlawful authority of Rome”, according to one of its architects, Ciaran Ui Neill, a clergyman in County Wexford, Ireland.
“Human courts have found the papacy guilty of horrible crimes. But the court of God came to that verdict long before now. We are acting on our faith and reclaiming our church from a clique of deceptive criminals tied financially to organized crime” said Ui Neill in an interview today.
“So it’s unimportant what this new pope says or does. God has pronounced sentence on his false church and has disestablished its authority. And faithful Christians must now re-establish their church according to God’s word, which says, I am against the false shepherds and have destroyed them, for I alone will govern my people now.”
Ciaran is one of the founders of Not in Our Name, a coalition of catholic and protestant clergymen formed in 2010 that helped draft the Decree. It urges humanity to pray and fast for the next twenty one days to prepare for an historic “Spiritual Assembly and Convergence” in Rome and elsewhere on Equinox Sunday, September 22.
“Through a public collective exorcism of the foul spirit of the false church, we will be spiritually launching our new Jubilee congregations on that day, in the company of countless souls all around the world ” explained Ui Neill.
The Decree also invokes the radical program of the Jubilee Laws by calling for an end to all debts and interest, a collectivization of the land and of wealth, and a release of all prisoners.
According to Not in Our Name member Reverend Kevin Annett,
“We recognize that politics and spirituality are really one and the same thing, and that the Divine or Natural Law is simply about restoring justice and the earth to all of God’s people. We’re putting the Jubilee into practice, like every prophet and Jesus himself tried to do. And like them, we’re doing so against the established rulers, the bankers, and the religious authorities of the world.”
A complete transcript of the Jubilee Apostolic Decree follows, and can be downloaded. It is requested that copies be read in churches everywhere; and that people occupy and reclaim catholic churches on Sunday, September 22 and thereafter.
Not in our Name and its Jubilee Reclamation Movement can be reached at th***********@gm***.com .
Issued by the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS)
2 September, 2013
A Jubilee Pronouncement: God’s Rule is Established as all Things are Made New
An Apostolic Decree Issued Sunday, September 1, 2013
Commencing twenty one days of prayer and fasting prior to the Final Global Rite of Exorcism and Reclamation on the Equinox Sunday, September 22, 2013
The rulers of this world and the false church of Rome have been disestablished under the common law of mankind, because first, they have been dissolved by God present among us.
Do not remember the former things, of what has been. For behold, says the Lord God, I am doing a new thing, and now it emerges. Can you not see it? – Isaiah 42:18-19
For thus says God, I am against the false rulers and shepherds, who feed only themselves. I alone will rescue and rule my people … I the Lord God will strengthen the weak and feed them with justice, and the fat and the powerful I will destroy. -Ezekiel 34:10, 16
Set yourself against the holy places and prophesy against their wicked leaders, o son of man. For I the Lord God am against them and will draw my sword to destroy them and make them desolate. I will cut down both the righteous and the wicked, to make way for my new covenant. For my sword is drawn and it will not be sheathed again … Then remove the turban and take off the crown. Things shall not remain as they are. Exalt that which is low, and bring low that which is exalted. A desolation and ruin I will make, by the one who brings my judgment. -Ezekiel 21: 2-5, 26-27
On the Day of Judgment, you shall sound the trumpet throughout all the land, and proclaim liberty to all its inhabitants, for it is a Jubilee and holy to you. You shall neither sow nor reap, for the land shall rest … You shall not wrong each other, but fear God. The land shall not be sold, for it is mine, says the Lord God. Whatever has been taken from a man shall be returned to him … If your neighbor is poor you shall provide for him, that he may live alongside you. Take no interest or profit from him. You shall not lend him money at interest, and his debts shall all be cancelled … You shall not rule one over another but set all the captives and prisoners free. – Leviticus 25: 9-40
On August 4, 2013, the corporate entity calling itself the Church of Rome was lawfully disestablished and publicly declared to be a global criminal body, without standing or authority.
On Equinox Sunday, September 22, 2013, the same criminal entity will be spiritually disestablished, declared abomination, anathema and anti-Christ, and banished from the world.
The Bishop of Rome, his Cardinals and all other officials of the Vatican have no authority in the eyes of God and among all lovers of Christ and enlightened humanity. At Equinox, these false shepherds will be forever removed from their office, and a new spiritual order shall be established.
This new way will be expressed in the free and independent witness of true lovers of Christ within their own self-governing Jubilee congregations, free of the corporate tyranny of Rome.
Likewise, the fallen social and economic global order instituted historically by the corporation of the Church of Rome is similarly disestablished according to the Jubilee Leviticus Laws of Renewal and Equality.
All debts and interest are cancelled, the land shall rest and be held in common, and all prisoners are set free.
These acts are done freely and justly in the sight of God and according to the Divine Law, to rid creation of the false church and anti-Christ spirit that has violated the innocent and the Holy Spirit, and warred against God and humanity.
May the living presence of Yahweh God, Source of all creation and truth, fill all people and make of them again the one body of love in which they were formed. For only God-in-us can bind up our wounds and break the power of evil.
In these times of trouble, as the earth bleeds and our people cry out for justice and receive none, God-in-us is the sword that cuts down what is wrong and clears the way for life in all its fullness. May that living law in us bring to ruin the corrupt and violent rulers of church and state, to show them and to establish that God alone is the sole legitimate law and authority on earth.
We love the truth of God that is the fire at the core of our being, for in the time of our misery and despair, that light alone answers us with a true word and the judgement of righteousness. May we turn back to that source now, away from the lies and corruption of those who have ruled us and raped us in God’s name. Let us hasten from the Babylonian captivity of false religion and false laws, and gather into the great assembly of light, where truth and justice alone hold sway.
May our hearts and actions be true to the sacred purpose of restoring the world and the Natural Law to all people, and planting that law forever within our very core so that never again will be be misled and destroyed by evil men.
May we prove brave and worthy of this, God’s own purpose, so that as new men and women we may reclaim the earth and its wealth, and hold all things in common for ourselves and our children. Let us become a living and imperishable sign of this new age of freedom and equality, come fully adorned into the fallen world of men, so that all mankind may be leveled into the one and imperishable body of love we were created to be.
As we are all good and equal in the sight of God, may we see and act as God does, so that we may-4
Go now in the fire of Christ to overthrow the world with love, and to break open the hard soil of men’s hearts to receive God’s rule come among us.
Prepare your own hearts to bear witness with your life to the end of all false laws, all false religion, and all false governments.
May the ever living God who breaks the spears of war and returns the world to the just make you worthy vessels of his peace. Hold yourselves in readiness for the end and the beginning, for the last made first, and the first made last.
This Pronouncement is issued and read in nine countries on this First Sunday in September in the year 2013. Please read it in your places of worship and among your families for the next twenty one days, and occupy and reclaim catholic churches everywhere on Sunday, September 22 and thereafter.
Presented by The Leveler’s Fellowship and Not in Our Name – a coalition of clergy, shamans and spiritual elders at th***********@gm***.com
source »
We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book wil liberate ourselves from the tyranny of one man lording over another through violence, greed and superstition.
We pledge this in the name of the living and present God and of his son Jesus, who makes the first become last and the last become first, and in whose spirit we live and breathe and have our purpose. Amen.
For in those final days, God will pour out his spirit onto every servant and handmaid, and all people will share equally in that spirit. -Joel 2:29
Do you see? I am in a new way with my people, says God. Not in the former way is this new relationship. For this shall be the way: I and my people will become one and the same. I will pour my justice into their very heart and being, and it will become their mind and will. They will all know me and the true Law. We will become for each other ultimate authority and purpose.
And so no longer will one person teach another or have authority over others, saying, this is the way; for every man and woman shall know the way and the true Law, from the least of them to the greatest. For the old corruption and division is gone, and I will remember it no more. -Jeremiah 31
Behold! The realm of God is with humanity, for God dwells with them, and they are his people. God has wiped away every tear, for there is no more death or pain or suffering. The old order of things has passed away. -Revelation 21:3l be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.
30 Years of Secret Official Transcripts Show UK Government Experts Cover Up Vaccine Hazards To Sell More Vaccines And Harm Your Kids
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:
James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95
Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10
Be Not Deceived
This is another update from the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS]…
In this Update:
– We the Jury broadcasts on May 4
– The Desperate Deception in Rome
– Domestic Terrorism and Treason by Roman Catholic Officials – An Open Letter to Boston Cardinal Sean O’Malley
1. Our upcoming We the Jury blog radio program carries on the Common Law battle with front-line guests from Holland, America and Canada.
Catholic clergy are committing indictable treason by subverting child-protection laws in their own countries because of instructions from Rome. And family courts in Europe and the Americas are systematically trafficking children into the homes of known child rapists – an act of genocide under international law.
How are our newly-formed Common Law courts fighting these evils and pursuing convicted officers of church and state?
Tune in and find out this Saturday, May 4 at 4 pm EST, 9 pm GMT at
2. Commentary – Be Not Deceived
by Kevin Annett
The predictable but ridiculous gestures by the Emperor of Rome, Jorge-Francis, to refashion the image of his Catholic Church into that of a more “humble, just” body makes as much sense as a ravaging strip-mining corporation sponsoring an annual “Eco-Friendly Day”. A smiling figurehead and a facelift don’t change the nature of the Beast.
But the crowd is fickle, and wired into its brain is a desperate need to find virtue in the power of its master. So even otherwise sage observers are caught up nowadays in the “Francis Frenzy” vomiting forth from Rome, and good friends of mine have asked me if I am “encouraged” by the new pope’s statements.
Well, no. For if the smiling Francis didn’t exist, he’d have to be concocted, right now. Pope Frank Bergoglio is as legitimate in his beneficence as a smiling Al Capone was as he posed at Chicago charity photo-ops.
Papal reforms? Not really. One doesn’t “reform” the oldest and most iron-clad corporation on the planet.
Predictably, there’s no talk at the Vatican these days of stopping its laundering of Mafia money, or abolishing the church laws that protect priestly child rapists. They’re still not saying where all those aboriginal kids they slaughtered are buried. Nor are reparations being made to atone for centuries of catholic-sponsored genocide, stolen land and plundered wealth.
This new Pope, who funded and buttressed the military junta of Argentina and thinks that women are not complete human beings, is in truth a poor candidate as a reformer, despite his smooth rhetoric. Jorge Bergoglio is a Jesuit, after all: those masters of deception who by their own fourth vow are to pose as all things to all people in order to “infiltrate, dissimulate and destroy all enemies of Rome”.
And yet beneath all the necessary spin-doctoring in the church of Rome these days, a fundamental break-up is unfolding in Roman Catholicism that would have happened even without the obvious crimes of Herr Joseph Ratzinger.
Like an aging Mafia Don, the papacy has made just too many enemies, done too many scams and ordered too many deaths. But even more to the point, the Vatican Incorporated has lost the capacity to manage its own crises.
According to Nicolo Machiavelli, such an incapacity to govern legitimately spells the death knell of any ruler, since retaining the confidence of one’s immediate subordinates is key to keeping power. And so it’s small wonder that Bishops in Ireland and America are already devising plans to loosen their ties with Rome and may even break off entirely into national churches, according to insiders in Dublin, Boston and New York.
These local Catholic hierarchs are protecting their assets, quite obviously, as the Vatican Bank is sliding under the waves of financial insolvency, and more of the papal rats are swimming from the floundering vessel. And as for the rest of us: well, any good rebel knows that the time to storm the Bastille is when the King has his hands full and his lieutenants are disunited.
Like a tiny match dropped on a properly-soaked building, our recent Common Law Court conviction of the Vatican hierarchy has come just at the right moment. Igniting a flame that is spreading now in more countries, our action directly compelled one pope’s resignation and has encouraged Bishops and even Cardinals abroad to rethink their allegiance to Rome.
The following Open Letter is more fuel added to this spreading fire. It was issued today to one of the Cardinals who almost beat Jorge Bergoglio in the papal elections: Sean O’Malley of Boston, who is part of the “Autonomy” faction in the Vatican Curia and is a member of Bergoglio’s so-called “Reform Commission”.
Like all Catholic Cardinals, Sean O’Malley is actively subverting the sovereignty and the laws of the United States of America.
3. An Open Letter to a Traitor
Dear Cardinal Sean O’Malley,
I appreciate your time, considering how preoccupied you are politically these days.
Your own Massachusetts state legislature has just passed a new broader statute of limitation law allowing your many child-raping priests to be tried more readily. Following as this law does on the heels of the first-ever conviction and jailing of an American Catholic Bishop, William Lynn, for concealing child trafficking among his priests in Philadelphia, I’m sure you feel the water lapping at your own feet.
You and other members of the Catholic hierarchy are now in more than a quandry, and not only because you are actively subverting the sovereignty and the laws of the United States of America.
You church officials are now caught firmly between the law of the land and of God, and church law. The latter orders you to conceal child rape in your parishes, and to protect the rapist by not telling the police of this crime. If you don’t participate in such a criminal conspiracy, you face immediate excommunication.
And that fact alone means that you wouldn’t be in your position today if you hadn’t aided child rapists.
Of course, that papal law – Crimen Solicitationas – has been around since 1929, and none of you seem to have been that bothered by it up to now – that is, until William Lynn’s imprisonment. But now that you, Sean O’Malley, can conceivably go to jail for obeying church law and aiding in the torture and soul-murder of children, it’s a pimp of a different color, as they say in Boston’s south side.
So I understand why you’re part of Frank Bergoglio’s “Reform Commission” in Rome, and are trying to tip toe through the present mine field with the right words and gestures. But worse the luck for you, I have to piss on your parade a wee bit, Sean, with some more bad news.
By sending money to the Vatican, and obeying its laws, you, Sean O’Malley, are already an undeniable accessory to a crime against humanity, and to what American lawyers call “an international obstruction of justice”: the criminal interference of one government with the laws and internal sovereignty of another.
Of course, the Catholic church is an old hand at subverting and overthrowing other governments; but their Bishops have not until now been jailed for doing so. But now, your oath of office and actions are quite simply helping the Vatican subvert the laws and sovereignty of the United States of America. That makes you an indictable traitor and a terrorist, under domestic laws.
That fact alone means you can be arrested and put on trial at any time – especially now that a Common Law Court verdict on February 25 found your bosses in Rome guilty of these crimes and sentenced them to prison terms and public banishment. (
So Sean, listen up: you’re not being asked, but are rather required under the Law of Nations to stop enforcing the church law Crimen Solictationas by immediately identifying and defrocking any clergyman in your Diocese who has harmed or is harming children, or who’s aided those who have.
Under Article 25 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, you are also obligated not to fund or subsidize institutions such as the Vatican which has ordered that you collude in this crime.
Ultimately, I know your bottom line, and how concerned you are about all the Citizens Arrests, occupations of Catholic church property, and the commercial liens issued against the wealth of your church and its officers. These same actions are going to commence soon in your own Boston Diocese, led by survivors of priestly torture.
I know you’re worried about all this, because recently you commented to a subordinate,
“I’ll eat shit publicly before I let any of those bastards occupy our Cathedral”
Well, I’d hate to be the one who reduced a Cardinal of Rome to the status of a coprophiliac, Sean, but life is hard. These matters aren’t in my hands anymore, as I’m sure you’ve known ever since a tornado and lightning struck the Vatican the day after our first public exorcism of your church in Rome in October, 2009.
But you do have a way out, Sean: you, and your fellow Cardinals and others with so much blood and crime on your hands. It’s this simple:
You, and your Bishops and priests in the Boston Diocese, must all agree to take a Public Oath of Protection to the community and its children whereby you unconditionally pledge the following, under God:
1. To disregard and publicly repudiate the Catholic canon law known as Crimen Solicitationas, and seek for its immediate repeal by the Vatican, along with any similar canon law statutes;
2. To actively protect children in your Diocese by immediately and without conditions expelling and defrocking any clergy or other employees who have harmed or are harming children, and
3. To refuse to fund or commercially engage with the corporation known as the Vatican or Church of Rome.
Taking such steps will undoubtedly cause your own defrocking, Sean, but as the Book says, You cannot serve God and Mammon. Remember?
There’s nowhere for you to hide anymore, Sean: not from civil justice, and certainly not from the sight and judgement of God and your victims. But you must act quickly, so that not another child is destroyed by your church’s standing policy of harboring and protecting active child rapists in its ranks.
The reclamation actions of our network will begin in the churches of your Boston Diocese, depending on your response to this letter, or lack of it. The choice is yours. We await your reply.
Kevin D. Annett, Field Secretary of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
Issued 28 April, 2013 to the Office of the Boston Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church.
source »
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the period between March 26th and April 2013:
Peggy P, $20
Matthew W, $35
Pamela F, $100
David M, $30
Monika ME, $30
Levi H, $20
Rhoda D, $20
Rick G, $50
Keith H, $75
Rodrigue B, $49.95
Howard K, $5
Geoffrey D, $10
Mike R, $20
Clayton F, $5
Sheryl C, $25
Russ M, $20
Steven K, $20
Joyce D, $10
Chris A, $5
AHC, $50
Rodrigo B, $5
Linda H, $6
Terry B, $5
Chris A, $1
Kipp S, $10
Wendell I, $12
Edgar R, $10
Mass Graves of Children in Canada
A Special Report from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
Mass Graves of Children in Canada:
The first documented evidence of the burial of children at a former Indian residential school
Issued by the ITCCS Central Office and Kevin D. Annett during the Ninth Annual Aboriginal Holocaust Memorial Week –
April 25, 2013
In late 2011 in Brantford, Ontario, history was made with the uncovering of forensic evidence of the burial of children at the oldest Indian residential school in Canada.
Despite subsequent attempts by the Church and Crown of England and their aboriginal agents to discredit and conceal this evidence of their crimes, this first unveiling of mass graves has prompted new disclosures of genocide across Canada.
After the first evidence of a mass grave near the Anglican-run Mohawk Institute in Brantford, Ontario was unearthed between September and November, 2011, these agencies that are responsible for the deaths of children at this, Canada’s oldest “Indian residential school”, mounted an enormous sabotage campaign to stop the dig and fog the evidence. That coverup eventually involved the Archbishop of Canterbury in London, Rowan Williams, the Anglican Primate in Canada, Fred Hiltz, and Buckingham Palace.
This sabotage temporarily halted the excavation of the Mohawk Institute graves – the first independent dig ever undertaken at Canadian residential schools. But the evidence uncovered confirmed that children are indeed buried there.
This report is a recapitulation of what was discovered at the Mohawk school, and reminds the world that forensic evidence has now substantiated that the Crown of England, the Vatican and the Canadian government and churches are responsible for the death of more than 50,000 children across Canada.
This report includes original field notes from the Mohawk Institute excavations, video recordings of the dig, and evidence of the bones and bits of school uniforms that were uncovered on the former school grounds, along with other corroborating material.
In April, 2011, ten traditional elders of the Grand River Mohawk Nation issued a written invitation to Kevin Annett and the ITCCS to conduct an inquiry on their land into children who went missing at the nearby “Mush Hole”: their name for the Mohawk Institute, founded in 1832 by the Crown and Church of England, where records indicate that on average 40% of the children died until it closed in 1970. (see Exhibit No. 1, in Appendix, below)
The Mohawk invitation authorized Kevin and his team to work with specialists to survey the old residential school grounds and search for the remains of children whom eyewitnesses claim were buried east of the Mohawk Institute building, which is still intact.
The survey and excavation work on the grounds of the former school began on September 29, 2011, and continued in its first phase for two weeks, until October 11. The second phase, which included intensive excavations that yielded the aforementioned bones and clothing, spanned four days between November 21 and 24, inclusive.
The project’s core team included Kevin Annett and Lori O’Rorke with the ITCCS, four members of the Mohawk nation including two authorizing Mohawk elders, Cheryl and Bill Squire, a Ground Penetrating Radar technician, Clynt King, two consulting forensic and archaeological specialists, Kris Nahrgang of Trent University and Greg Olson with the Ontario Provincial Coroners’ Office, and a senior forensic pathologist, Dr. Donald Ortner of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC.
A third and final phase of this initial project occurred during January, 2012, involving interviews with key eyewitnesses who had access to Anglican church archives.
Previous Discovery of Children’s Bones at the Mohawk Institute
Our project was initiated in part because of the discovery of children’s bones near the former Mohawk Institute / “Mush Hole” school building in 2008, and previously, in 1982.
Tara Froman, curator of the Woodland Center – a museum adjacent to the still-standing former Mohawk Institute building – reported to Kevin Annett in April, 2011 that during the reconstruction of the floor of the Woodland Center, sometime in 2008, an employee named Tom Hill found what turned out to be the forearm of an adolescent female.
This bone was analyzed by the Provincial Coroners’ Office and then “locked away” by Barb Harris, an employee of the state-funded Six Nations Confederacy.
A similar incident had occurred during the actual construction of the Woodland Center in the spring of 1982, according to Tara Froman. That construction was stopped because the complete skeleton of a small child was found immediately west of the former Mohawk Institute building.
Froman says that she was sworn to silence about that discovery, and the remains were “taken away” by the Ontario Provincial Police, possibly into “deep storage” at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.
The Mush Hole Dig: Phase One (September 29-October 11, 2011)
Phase One of the project involved interviews with Mush Hole survivors and the commencing of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) surveys on the grounds of the former school. The GPR operation was overseen by Clynt King, a technician employed by the local Six Nations Confederacy, a non-traditional state-funded organization.
A group of six survivors of the Mush Hole were gathered and interviewed for clues to the location of possible graves of children at or near the school building. Based on this information, the GPR survey began on the grounds immediately east of the building, on hilly and uneven terrain where school survivor Geronimo Henry reported seeing children buried in in the early 1950’s.
Sure enough, the GPR surveys immediately detected what GPR technician Clynt King referred to as “massive soil dislocation and abnormal disturbances” in the area east of and adjacent to the Mush Hole building. (see Exhibits No. 2 and No.3)
According to King, on the second day of the GPR survey, (September 30, 2011),
“It appears from the radar that at least ten to fifteen feet of soil has been displaced and covered over the original terrain east and southeast of the school building. This is definitely a subsurface anomaly, meaning it’s earth that was dumped there.”
Survivor Geronimo Henry (b. 1936) corroborated on the same day,
“None of that mound was there when I was in the Mush Hole (note: 1944-1953). It was all flat then. This has all been piled up, right where I saw them digging one night and burying a small kid.”
Significantly, in the same general area, Geronimo Henry also claims he saw fellow Mush Hole students being placed in an underground cistern as punishment. Henry states,
“Some of those kids went down in there and never came out again. I remember that happened to a girl who was only nine or ten.”
The cement cistern referred to by Geronimo Henry is about ten feet by sixteen feet in size, and stands immediately south of the main school building’s east (girls’) wing. The cistern’s concrete lid seal is broken, making the underground chamber accessible.
Members of the ITCCS team explored the underground cistern chamber on October 5, 2011 and discovered small, apparently animal bones that were scattered throughout the muddy floor of the concrete interior, along with chairs and other garbage. The team returned that night with a driller and bored into the underground wall facing the school building, finding much loose and displaced soil and a drainage pipe running from the school.
Random children’s graffiti was also detected on the walls, confirming that children had been in the cistern.
On the outside of the school building, opposite from the cistern on the north wall of the school, the top of an archway was also discovered. This archway was almost entirely covered by uneven, compacted soil which survivors Geronimo Henry and Roberta Hill claim had not been there in the 1950’s. It appears that the archway is the top of a buried doorway leading from a lower sub-basement area that has been concealed by soil deposits.
The existence of this sub-basement area is significant, in that other school survivors describe being taken as children for punishment to a chamber “under the basement”. This sub-basement chamber contained rings and shackles on the walls where one survivor who desires anonymity states that she saw children being confined in the year 1959 or 1960.
A cousin of Mohawk elder Yvonne Hill stated on October 6, 2011 that a sealed underground tunnel runs from the same sub-basement chamber through the school’s furnace room to a former Greenhouse on the grounds of the Woodland Cultural Center, and “that’s where they buried the kids who died”.
(Note: the same spot at the Woodland Center is where skeletal remains of children were unearthed and then concealed in 1982 and 2008, see above).
The furnace room’s connection to the alleged underground tunnel may be related to the common practice in Indian residential schools of incinerating the bodies of children and newborns who had died or been killed on the premises.
The GPR survey of the Mush Hole grounds encompassed in total four grid areas to the north and northeast of the building. The total size of the surveyed grids was 400 square meters.
On Day 6 of the GPR survey (October 4), Dale Bomberry, head of Operations for the non-traditional, government-funded Six Nations Confederacy, suddenly denied further use of the GPR equipment to the ITCCS team. Clynt King was ordered by Bomberry to cease his activities and all of the data from the GPR survey was seized by Bomberry.
On Day 8 (October 6), Six Nations Confederacy chief Bill Montour was called to Ottawa for “consultations” with the government.
The same day, threats of physical violence were issued against Kevin Annett by three employees of the Confederacy – Tom Powless, Sean Toulouse and a cousin of Dale Bomberry. That evening, the underground cistern was opened and explored by unknown persons.
On Day 9 (October 7), members of the Men’s Fire, a Mohawk security force working closely with the ITCCS team, discovered many boxes of residential school files in the basement immediately above the apparent sub-basement chamber described above. Within minutes, the Men’s Fire members were stopped by Confederacy staff and photographed on video camera.
The same day, Chief Montour announced that no further support for the Mush Hole inquiry would be offered by the Confederacy, despite Montour having endorsed the survey and dig two days earlier (see Exhibit No. 4, Tekawennake Newspaper October 5, 2011, p. 2).
Consequently, this first phase of the inquiry was suspended on October 11 to allow the sponsoring Mohawk elders and the ITCCS team the chance to assess events and plan how to continue in the face of growing sabotage and resistance by government-funded “chief and council”.
The Mush Hole Dig: Interregnum (October 11-November 21, 2011)
After a series of consultations between the ITCCS team and the sponsoring Mohawk elders, as well as the Men’s Fire Group, it was unanimously decided to continue with the Mush Hole inquiry and excavations, based on what had been discovered until then.
Numerous attempts to contact GPR technician Clynt King and obtain the GPR survey data from the Mush Hole grounds were unsuccessful. King was reportedly “on extended vacation” and the Six Nations Confederacy refused to release the GPR survey data.
Accordingly, it was decided to proceed directly with a test excavation in the area most likely to contain burial sites, based on the GPR survey and eyewitness accounts.
An excavation team consisting of seven people was established, with the Men’s Fire providing site security. The dig team was Kevin Annett (a trained student of archaeology), Cheryl Squire (representing the sponsoring elders), Nicole and Warren Squire, John Henhawk, Frank Miller (videographer) and Yvonne Fantin.
The need for security around the excavation was heightened by continual efforts to sabotage the inquiry on the part of government-paid aboriginal operatives led by Jan Longboat, a local resident. Longboat began approaching the sponsoring Mohawk elders with smears about Kevin Annett and even offers of money.
Consequently, and to build as much international and public support as possible, the excavation team was given absolute authority and permission by the sponsoring Mohawk elders to not simply recover remains on the Mush Hole grounds but to make the findings public, including by sharing them with the media.
This crucial authorization was openly declared and recognized to be part of the ITCCS team’s mandate.
The excavations near the Mohawk Institute building commenced on November 21, 2011.
The Mush Hole Dig: Phase Two – November 21-24, 2011
The excavation team laid out a 30 by 30 foot excavation grid about fifty yards due east of the old school building, on lightly forested ground where witnesses Geronimo Henry and Roberta Hill had seen children buried. The grid was marked in 3 ft. increments and was located and aligned with a GPS locator.
On Day One of the dig, the first grid in the upper left corner of the site, designated Grid A1, was cleared of all underbrush and topsoil, and excavated to a depth of one foot.
Within this first top layer, Level One, two sizable bone fragments were discovered almost immediately, in association with many pieces of glass, coal and bricks. The bones were between two and three inches in length and one of them appeared to be part of a spine, either of animal or human origin. The other, longer bone had clearly been cut or chopped up. (See Exhibit 5)
On Day Two (November 22), new and significant evidence was obtained as a second level was opened between a depth of 12 and 24 inches. This evidence involved many small white and brown buttons made of bone and wood rather than plastic: clearly of a pre-1950 vintage.
These buttons were later positively identified by Mush Hole survivors Geronimo Henry, Roberta Hill and Lorna McNaughton as coming from the uniforms of girls at the school during the 1940’s.
The same style of buttons were continually found in association with more bone fragments, some as large as four inches in length, and several teeth. These bones and teeth, along with considerably more bits of brick and charcoal, proliferated the deeper the team dug, to a final depth of 22 inches. One of the bones had an apparent burn mark, and several other bones bore the signs of having been cut up.
In addition, other articles of clothing were unearthed at this Level Two, including the sole from an early-vintage shoe and pieces of a green-colored woolen blanket that survivor Roberta Hill verified as the kind used in the Mush Hole dormitories. One larger piece of blanket several square feet in size was discolored with a rust-colored stain.
Days Three and Four (November 23-24) unearthed even more significant evidence as the excavation extended to the base of Level Two to a depth of 22 inches; and to a length of 8 ft. 6 inches outside the first Grid A1 into Grid A2.
This evidence consisted of more bone and school button fragments entangled in the roots of a small tree that was uprooted in Grids A1-A2. The significance of finding school buttons tangled in the tree roots is indicated in the statement of Mush Hole survivor Roberta Hill:
“Whenever children died on our dorm they were buried east of the school, and a tree was planted on top of their grave. The staff used to talk about doing that among themselves.”
A sample of these significant button artifacts excavated at the A1-A2 site is found in Exhibit 6.
After Day 4 of the dig, it was decided to temporarily halt the excavation to allow specialists the chance to analyze and identify the artifacts, and to issue a public statement about what we had unearthed.
Post-Excavation Analysis and Response: The Inquiry is Derailed
On December 1, 2011, a meeting of the dig team, the sponsoring Mohawk elders and two forensic specialists was held at the nearby Kanata Center, a half mile from the Mush Hole building and dig site. The Center, operated by traditional, non-government Mohawk elders at odds with the Six Nations Confederacy, served as the operations post for the inquiry.
The two forensic specialists, archaeologist Kris Nahrgang of Trent University and Greg Olson of the Provincial Coroner’s Office, carefully examined the excavated bones from the A1-A2 site and came to the following conclusions about the bones:
1. Olson and Nahrgang both agreed that one of the unearthed bones was part of a small knee socket from “what is probably a small child four or five years old” (Olson). (see Exhibit 7) Olson said, “Personally, I am 95% sure that this is a human bone and I’d stake my reputation on it”.
2. Both men agreed that the dig site should be excavated more to unearth additional evidence, and they recommended that “it is imperative” for a full-scale professional excavation to be launched at the Mush Hole grounds by the spring, after the ground had thawed.
3. Greg Olson recommended that a Provincial Coroner’s Warrant be sought in the light of this probable discovery of human remains, in order to thoroughly search all Anglican church records and buildings for corroborating evidence. Olson pledged his willingness to publicly endorse and participate in such action.
However, less than one week later, on December 6, Greg Olson informed Kevin Annett by phone that he had been reprimanded by his “employer” – presumably the Provincial Coroner’s Office – for partaking in the Mush Hole inquiry, and he was ordered not to do so again, “even during off-work hours”. After that, neither he nor Kris Nahrgang – who refused to answer phone and email messages – continued their involvement with the dig or the ITCCS inquiry. (See Exhibit No. 8 for copies of original Field Notes from the Mush Hole survey and dig).
In response, and following the instructions of the sponsoring Mohawk elders, on December 8, 2011, Kevin Annett mailed thirteen bone samples, including the knee socket identified by Greg Olson and Kris Nahrgang as “probably human”, to Dr. Donald Ortner, the senior Forensic Pathologist at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC.
Additional samples were sent to Dr. Ortner on January 10, 2012.
Dr. Ortner communicated by phone to Kevin on January 30 and said that “I tend to lean towards seeing the samples as animal remains”, although he then qualified his statement with the remark,
“Some of them could easily be human, but they’re too small to tell. I’d need to conduct more expensive tests to know for sure”.
Dr. Ortner made it clear that he had only superficially glanced at the samples, but he promised to study them more thoroughly, and he agreed to work with the ITCCS team at the Mush Hole dig in the future.
On April 29, 2012, Dr. Don Ortner died suddenly of an apparent heart attack; he was 73 years old and in excellent health. Just prior to his death, Ortner had spoken to Kevin Annett on the phone and agreed to become involved in the next phase of the Mush Hole dig, by speaking to the Mohawk elders during early May.
Dr. Donald Ortner was a leading world specialist in the identification of diseases in human remains – such as the tuberculosis that the Mush Hole children were deliberately exposed to, and which killed off thousands of residential school students.
During the same period leading up to Dr. Ortner’s death and the sabotage of the Mush Hole dig, between January and May, 2012, a continual campaign of fear and disinformation was launched on the internet and in the Mohawk community against the ITCCS inquiry and Kevin Annett.
This sabotage campaign was led by government operative Jan Longboat, Six Nations Confederacy chief Bill Montour and others in the pay of Longboat, including former dig team member Frank Miller, whom Longboat had, by her own admission, recruited with money payments. This campaign effectively halted the Mush Hole dig and inquiry.
Nevertheless, three Anglican church insiders approached the ITCCS team during the same period with vital information about this silencing and coverup campaign, as well as more evidence of crimes at the Mush Hole.
Leona Moses
On December 2, 2011, Kevin Annett and elder Cheryl Squire were invited by Mohawk resident and former Anglican Church researcher Leona Moses to her home in Oshweken. Moses had contacted Cheryl Squire the day before on her own initiative. She stated to both Kevin and Cheryl as they entered her home,
“I want the truth to get out to the world. The church has been sitting on it for way too long”.
These facts were shared by Leona Moses with Kevin and Cheryl over the next several hours:
1. While employed during 1998 by the Huron Diocese of the Anglican Church of Canada to examine their archives and records from that church’s Mohawk Institute “Mush Hole” school in Brantford, Leona Moses (LM) found documents that showed that children were dying continually at the school over many years, and the church and government knew of these deaths and did nothing to stop or even investigate them.
2. These records were part of a designated “G 12 collection” held in the Huron College archives in London, Ontario under the authority of then-Huron Diocese Bishop Bruce Howe. The records have now been sealed from public access under present Bishop Bob Bennett.
3. LM personally read documents describing the regular practice of denying food and medical aid to children in the Mush Hole, of keeping parents ignorant of their sickened condition, and of temporarily improving food at the school only during official visits by government medical inspectors. These documents had been copied and sent to the Indian Affairs department in Ottawa.
4. After inquiring with Indian Affairs in Ottawa in 1998, LM was told by a department lawyer, “G 12 is closed to the public and can never be discussed”. LM then asked her co-researcher Wendy Fletcher (WF / recently retired head of the Vancouver Shool of Theology) to help her access the records, and was told by WF,
“There are over 30,000 documents in the Diocese archives that are sealed, and lots of them could bring down the church”.
5. LM saw one “particularly damning document” in the archives that she called “a smoking gun”: an “official looking thing, signed and sealed” (LM) dated from the year 1870. It was a formal agreement between the New England Company that established the Mush Hole, the Crown of England/Anglican Church, and non-Mohawk chiefs of the state-run Six Nations Confederacy. The agreement transferred authority over the Mush Hole school to the Confederacy, providing that the school targeted Mohawks for incarceration and extermination. The Confederacy chiefs agreed to cooperate in this plan.
6. LM saw this genocidal document only once, ” and then it went missing, Wendy says into the G 12 collection”. The regular Diocese archivist was then fired. LM was told after that, that to continue working, she would have to agree to being placed under a voluntary gag order or what then-Bishop Bruce Howe called an “oath of silence” for ten years. LM refused and resigned. WF agreed to be gagged by such an order, and served as the Diocese’s “official researcher” after that.
7. Bishop Bruce Howe extended this “oath of silence” to all Diocese employees and clergy. Some clergy resigned or transferred out of the Diocese. WF told LM a few months after the latter had resigned that she, WF, had been threatened with a lawsuit if she disclosed anything in the G 12 collection. LM recalled,
“Wendy Fletcher feared for her life … I offered her sanctuary, especially after one of her secretaries died suddenly after helping Wendy dig deeper into the Mush Hole history in church archives when they were in London, England” (LM, 2 December 2011)
8. Before she resigned from the Diocese research committee, LM saw letters describing how Mush Hole Principal John Zimmerman (served 1936-1948) regularly took girls from the school to private homes of wealthy Brantford residents to rape and traffic them. LM met at least one local woman, a homeless Mohawk in Brantford, who was such a victim.
9. LM also saw documents describing that children in the Mush Hole were deliberately not given warm clothing or pajamas “as a matter of course”, and that sickness and death from the cold was common. These deaths and conditions were regularly reported to the church by Mohawk parents, without any response or amelioration.
10. After his silencing of Diocese staff, Bishop Howe retired and was replaced by present Bishop Bob Bennett, who continued the policy of coverup and silencing. Bennett also ordered the destruction of school records showing the records of students and staff members.
11. Soon after the start of the ITCCS Mush Hole dig in late November, 2011, Bishop Bennett met with LM at her home and demanded to know what she had uncovered in the Diocese archives concerning staff and student records. Bennett confirmed to LM that the church was aware of all the crimes and the deaths of children but for that reason denied any public access to the evidence.
Bennett also described to LM a meeting held in 2006 at the Five Oaks United Church center at which a Member of Parliament, United Church clergy and “some doctors” described killings at the Mush Hole, including the murder of newborn children there and at the local Catholic residential schools.
12. Bishop Bennett also disclosed to LM that the Anglican, Catholic and United churches had made an agreement with the Canadian government whereby the latter (ie, taxpayers) would assume all of the financial liability for the residential school crimes, in return for which the churches would promise to disclose all of their evidence. But (to quote Bennett),
“We agreed among ourselves that we could never release certain kinds of information, even if it meant reneging on our promise”
13. After Bishop Bennett’s remarks that indicated the Anglican church had committed deliberate fraud on the Canadian people, LM went to Canadian Anglican Primate Fred Hiltz and asked him to order Bennett to open the G 12 archive. Hiltz refused to do so, claiming, untruthfully, “I have no authority over the Bishops”.
14. LM learned that the Mush Hole’s founding agency, the New England Company based in London, England, still funds “Anglican Mohawks” and that the Queen’s chaplain, Bishop John Wayne, has played a direct role in ordering the permanent sealing of the G 12 collection.
15. LM gave many of these facts to the Canadian media early in the year 2008, but only one newspaper, the Tekawennake in Brantford, printed some of her remarks. Teka editor Jim Windle did not explain why he edited LM’s story and refused to share the story with the world media, as LM had requested.
Leona Moses reiterated again to Kevin and Cheryl before they left her home,
“The church must be brought to justice … please get this story out. I’ve been threatened by Bob Bennett if I keep speaking to you”.
Two Anglican Church sources: Spring 2012
After news of the shut down of the Mush Hole dig circulated throughout the internet, two other Anglican church insiders approached Kevin Annett with information.
One of these insiders still worked in the Toronto Diocese office of the Anglican church, and another was an employee of the church in a liaison capacity with the Archbishop of Canterbury’s office until the fall of 2009.
The present employee told Kevin that in mid January, 2012, Primate Fred Hiltz had been issued a direct order by Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams to “permanently bury or destroy” any evidence that might implicate the church or “Her Majesty” in the death of children at the Brantford Mush Hole school. Hiltz commented on the request to his secretary, who passed in on to the employee.
The second, former church employee told Kevin that before he resigned from his position liaising with London, he had been told of a “serious leak” in the church archival system that implicated unnamed members of the Royal family with “mishaps” at an Indian school in Canada.
The former employee did not know whether this referred to the allegation from eyewitness William Combes that Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip had been seen taking ten aboriginal children from the Kamloops Catholic residential school in October, 1964 during a verified state visit, after which none of the children were ever seen again. But the employee said,
“It was serious enough for the Archbishop to intervene personally and order a clean sweep of the archives in Canada and London”.
Summary and Conclusion
In the light of these events and discoveries, the ITCCS Central Office has concluded the following:
1. The remains of children are interred on the grounds of the former Anglican Mohawk Institute Indian residential school in Brantford, Ontario.
2. These remains and other artifacts that have been unearthed on these grounds verify eyewitness accounts of how children who died at the Mohawk Institute were buried.
3. These children who died were the victims of a deliberate genocidal plan devised and implemented in 1870 by the Church and Crown of England and their accomplices in the Six Nations Confederacy and government of Canada.
4. The evidence of these deaths and burials has been deliberately concealed and destroyed by members of the Anglican Church and the Church and Crown of England, aided by members of the Six Nations Confederacy. This concealment amounts to a deliberate and ongoing Criminal Conspiracy and obstruction of justice.
5. The first independent inquiry into these deaths and burials was overtly sabotaged by these church and government bodies. Accordingly, the ITCCS and groups outside of Canada must intervene to continue the excavation of these buried remains at the Mohawk Institute in order to a) provide a proper burial for these remains, b) determine the cause of death and other facts surrounding these children, and c) use this evidence to bring further criminal charges against those persons and institutions responsible.
In early April, 2013, the ITCCS Central Office received a new invitation and endorsement by elders of the traditional Mohawk Nation to continue the Mush Hole excavation with their permission on the grounds of the former Mohawk Institute in Brantford.
In the light of the Common Law Court indictment and sentencing of the Crown of England, Canada and its churches for Crimes against Humanity on February 25, 2013 – a verdict based partly on the evidence acquired at the Mush Hole excavations in 2011 – Canada, the Crown and its police forces have lost any authority to prevent such a continued excavation on the grounds of the Mohawk Institute in Brantford.
Those indicted persons who have actively subverted the Mush Hole dig, including the Prime Minister of Canada, the Queen of England, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and Anglican Bishops Fred Hiltz, Bruce Howe and Bob Bennett, in fact face immediate arrest under outstanding Citizen Arrest Warrants for their complicity in obstructing justice.
Considering these developments, a new ITCCS forensic team equipped with professional specialists will be dispatched to Mohawk territory to proceed with this inquiry.
This team will be accompanied and protected by International Common Law Court officers who will provide security at the new Mush Hole excavations in conjunction with traditional Mohawk peace keepers. The Brantford excavation site and other locations are presently under close observation and lock-down by Mohawk traditional elders and Common Law Court officers.
These same Common Law Court officers will be armed with the power to arrest and detain not only the aforementioned church and crown officials and those who assist them, but anyone who disturbs or interferes with the excavation on the Mush Hole grounds.
We acknowledge and thank the traditional Mohawk people who are standing by this historic campaign and helping win justice for the missing children. We ask for the active support of all people of conscience.
Issued by Kevin D. Annett in conjunction with ITCCS Central Office, Brussels
25 April, 2013
Appendix containing Exhibit references and links
Exhibit 1: Invitation and authorization from Mohawk traditional elders to Kevin Annett and the ITCCS – April, 2011
Exhibits 2 and 3: Ground Penentrating Radar (GPR) survey, Mush Hole grounds – September/October, 2011 –
Exhibit 4: Tekawennake Newspaper – October 5, 2011, p. 2 (will be available soon)
Exhibit 5: Bone samples, Mush Hole Dig – November, 2011
Exhibit 6: Button samples, Mush Hole Dig – November, 2011
Exhibit 7: Probable human bone, Mush Hole Dig – November, 2011
Exhibit 8: Original field notes, Mush Hole Survey and Dig – September-November, 2011 (will be available soon)
Exhibit 9: Sole Canadian media coverage of Mush Hole dig and discoveries – Tekawennake newspaper (will be available soon)
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We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the period between March 26th and April 2013:
Peggy P, $20
Matthew W, $35
Pamela F, $100
David M, $30
Monika ME, $30
Levi H, $20
Rhoda D, $20
Rick G, $50
Keith H, $75
Rodrigue B, $49.95
Howard K, $5
Geoffrey D, $10
Mike R, $20
Clayton F, $5
Sheryl C, $25
Russ M, $20
Steven K, $20
Joyce D, $10
Chris A, $5
AHC, $50
Rodrigo B, $5
Linda H, $6
Terry B, $5
Chris A, $1
Kipp S, $10
Wendell I, $12
Edgar R, $10