Tag Archives: aiib

BRICS Financial Institutions to Support African, Latin American Development

Development projects in Africa and Latin America will henceforth receive greater attention from the Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, BRICS bloc financial institutions such as the New Development Bank, NDB and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, AIIB. Continue reading BRICS Financial Institutions to Support African, Latin American Development

Establishing A Parallel Economic System for Global Peace & Abundance

For every economic crisis any country is experiencing today there’s always a banker behind it. The bankers control which sector of the economy rises and which one needs to fall. They dictate the entire direction to which we, the people of the world, will march towards, every step of the way.
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$100B BRICS Monetary Fund to Be Operational in 30 Days

While the Atlantic nations and their allies are covertly negotiating on how to strengthen the Corporatocracy by passing secretive trade agreements that even the puppet lawmakers haven’t read yet or don’t really care to know what’s in them, the BRICS countries have been busy organizing multiple banks with committed funding of $100 billion each, to cater the needs of underdeveloped nations without the usual strings attached.
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Greek Domino falls, China moves in to pick up the pieces

June 29, 2015

So, it has finally happened, Greece has shut down its banks and imposed capital controls. And so the dominoes start to fall. This is only the first act in a grand opera that will continue to unfold in the coming months. To try to guess what is in store for the European Union, it is good to take a look at how the fall of the Soviet Union took place.
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AIIB Members Discuss Shareholding & Other Specifics

The $100 billion Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s 5th Chief Negotiators’ meeting has ended in Singapore on Friday.
Delegates and representatives from 57 countries which had joined the China-led Bank as founding members have discussed stake-holding, draft of articles and shares in the newly found lender.
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BRICS Global Bank Will Open Coffers by Year-End, Coinciding Jesuits' Debt Jubilee

As we have indicated in our previous article, “World Bank & U.S. Companies Ready to Cooperate with BRICS“, the Jesuits are planning to erase all persons’ debt starting December 8th of this year dubbed as the Holy Year of Mercy, a big PR stunt that is sure to lure the Sheeples once again into the caring arms of the Jesuit controlled Vatican Church, aka Roman Empire.
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Asia-Africa Synergy Crucial for South-South & North-East Ties

Self determination for countries in Asia and Africa is now unstoppable. No longer will decisions be coming from regional representatives of the West as it was always the case decades ago.
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Spain, South Korea, Austria Join China-Led Asian Investment Bank

At the moment the number of founding members of the Beijing-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank has reached 41 countries, according to the Chinese Finance Ministry. The United States and Japan have refrained from joining the bank.
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Stampede to Join China’s Development Bank Stuns Even Its Founder

As of 2 April 2015, there are 33 Prospective Founding Members (PFM)[22][23] and 22 countries and regions applying for PFM. As one of the countries and regions currently applying for PFM, Hong Kong joins the delegation of China in the negotiations.[24]
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Has Obama Lost Control Of the Philippines?

by Mike Billington
Nov. 2, 2014
The Philippines appears to be waking up to the disaster planned for it by President Obama and his controllers in London.Obama’s war plan against Russia and China has, as a key component, the transformation of the Philippines into a U.S. military base, with U.S. air, land, and sea forces deployed on Philippine military bases across the archipelago.
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U.S. / World Bank About to Make "Gigantic Concessions" with BRICS

Mainstream pundits really have to use keywords standard to mainstream audience. We, who are following these events, know that the West really has no other choice but to go along with the East this time around because the threat of war no longer works.
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Washington Blinks; Seeks Partnership With BRICS' World Bank

Don’t look now, but Washington just blinked.
As we’ve documented exhaustively over the past week, pressure has been building steadily for the US to strike some manner of conciliatory tone towards China with regard to the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, a China-led institution aimed at rivaling the US/Japan-backed ADB. Britain’s decision to join China in its new endeavor has prompted a number of Western nations to throw their support behind the bank ahead of the March 31 deadline for membership application.
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Cong. Ellison Endorses U.S. Joining AIIB; Get On the AIIB Boat Before It Sails – Xinhua

March 19, 2015 (EIRNS)— The co-chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) was asked yesterday by Alicia Cerretani of LaRouche PAC whether he would support the United States joining the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), and taking up Chinese President Xi Jinping’s offer for the U.S. to collaborate with China on this initiative. Ellison, who was speaking to a Capitol Hill luncheon sponsored by the Progressive Democrats of America, stated that it is a great idea and, that he agrees “wholeheartedly.”
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It's Official: Switzerland, Luxembourg Joining BRICS' Bank

Despite negative noises from the US, Switzerland and Luxembourg have become the latest European nations to apply to join the Beijing-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), the Chinese Finance Ministry announced.
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Australia Joining BRICS' World Bank; Japan Considering

Japan is now entertaining the idea of joining the China-led World Bank 2.0, while Australia, with its well established economic cooperation with China, is already showing positive signs since its mother corporation, i,e, United Kingdom, has already decided to join in.
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EU Joins BRICS in Defiance to U.S.; South Korea, Luxemburg, Switzerland Coming

The new China-led Asian investment bank, a potential rival to institutions such as the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank, has enlisted more US allies as members after Britain decided to join last week.
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China-led new Bank challenges Japanese, US’ influence

October 26, 2014, 5:12 am
Emerging economic powers such as China, India and Brazil have long been demanding greater share of votes in multilateral development institutions like the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the Asian Development Bank to reflect their recent phenomenal growth. China’s economy is expected to grow to $10 trillion this year, yet its share of votes in the Bretton Woods institutions is only 3.72 percent, compared with 17.4 percent for the United States.
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