With the West-centered world order in decline, the strengthening of a new ‘power triangle’ in the East is a logical development.
Continue reading What Putin’s Meeting with Kim Jong-un Really MeansTag Archives: north korea
Towards a New Military Alliance
There are currently four hot war/tension points in the world with high growth potential: Ukraine, Palestine, Taiwan and North Korea. In Ukraine, Russia is at the forefront and is winning.
Continue reading Towards a New Military AllianceKim-Putin Summit: March Toward the Promised Land, the Multipolar World?
To my surprise, the Kim-Putin Summit of September (13-17) 2023 was scarcely analysed by the Western media. This may be due to the poverty of revealed contents of the summit or the fear of mentioning those agreements which were too unfavourable to the West.
Continue reading Kim-Putin Summit: March Toward the Promised Land, the Multipolar World?US Actively Opening A Second Theater of Tension vs. China
The US is currently escalating tensions in the Korean Peninsula in an attempt to provoke a response from China that would lead to South Korea’s increased military acquisition of new weapons, similar to what war merchants did to Taiwan much earlier.
Continue reading US Actively Opening A Second Theater of Tension vs. ChinaWhat Really Happened During the Trump-Kim Hanoi Summit?
While the western media has written off last weekend’s summit in Hanoi as a failure, the talks did help to burnish Kim Jong-un’s reputation as a sincere statesman committed to peacefully resolving the nuclear issue. This is a significant development for the simple reason that Kim needs to continue to build popular support for his cause if he hopes to prevail in the long-term. Continue reading What Really Happened During the Trump-Kim Hanoi Summit?
Unprecedented Trump and Kim Meeting on NK DeNuclearization Soon!
There is now talk about a North Korea-US dialogue on a possible peaceful resolution of the Korean conflict with the US. The NK leader is said to be committed to putting a stop on the series of nuclear testing, after a series of talks conducted between the two Koreas. Continue reading Unprecedented Trump and Kim Meeting on NK DeNuclearization Soon!
A US-China Trade War will End US Financial Monopoly | Jim Rogers
Donald Trump was reported to have halted the Chinese purchase of a US chipmaker last week. This is, of course, in line with his America First campaign speech. But there is also a grand plan to start a “mini nuke war” with North Korea, if only that is even possible.
The ultimate objective, of course, is China. Continue reading A US-China Trade War will End US Financial Monopoly | Jim Rogers
Is North Korea Showing the Emperor is Naked?
Amid the thick fog of (rhetorical) war between Washington and Pyongyang, it’s still possible to detect some fascinating writing on the (unbuilt) wall. Continue reading Is North Korea Showing the Emperor is Naked?
Rogue US Military Wants to Poke on Rogue North Korea Anew
Newly baptized Deep State puppet Donald Trump continues to court a nuclear war by “ordering the US Navy” to send the Carl Vinson Strike Group towards the Korean Peninsula, to deal with Pyongyang’s “nuclear threat.” Continue reading Rogue US Military Wants to Poke on Rogue North Korea Anew
North Korea Revealed
We have a very hazy picture of what North Korea really is all about. All the while we’ve seen how they can afford to launch multiple ICBMs in one testing session, without really being an economic powerhouse like the case in the South. How did they survive through all these years of Western sanctions? Continue reading North Korea Revealed
South Korea Takes Huge Step for Reunification with North
Seoul Says, Open the Rail Ties to the Eurasian Land-Bridge, to Proceed to Reunification
Continue reading South Korea Takes Huge Step for Reunification with North
Sony Hacked by A Disgruntled Employee, FBI Sticks with North Korea
Although the hacking of Sony turns out to be perpetrated by a disgruntled employee, there’s still a validity for the theory about a different scenario, i.e. Grassy Knoll 2.0 — the assassination of Barry Soetoro.
That’s because, up to this point, the FBI is still sticking into its own version, i.e. that the evidence it had gathered only points to North Korea as culprit.
Continue reading Sony Hacked by A Disgruntled Employee, FBI Sticks with North Korea
THE INTERVIEW: A Prelude To Grassy Knoll 2.0
We’ve watched The Interview yesterday just to understand what the fuss is all about.
And just like “America – Imagine the World Without Her”, it lacks the depth and accuracy of the prevailing geopolitical weather on the ground. Both films share the character of a typical propaganda that only mainstream brainwashed talking heads would subscribe on with.
With the economic embargo being imposed on North Korea, we don’t agree to the FBI’s assertion that it has the bandwidth capability to launch a cyber-attack on a technologically superior US-Japanese company. There certainly is no precedent for North Korea to have done an attack like this one in the past.
It looks like The Interview and the subsequent false flag hacking of Sony may be more than just to annoy North Korea.
Continue reading THE INTERVIEW: A Prelude To Grassy Knoll 2.0
Korean ReUnification
If left alone the two Koreas would have reunited long ago. It is only when a third party keep sowing political intrigue that a division is sustained.
Just like a persistent bacteria that hinders the complete healing of a wound, the West keeps its “democratically” infested colonies from working together towards mutual progress.
Continue reading Korean ReUnification
Polarized Intentions 3.0
Eastern nations want unity and unhampered march to progress, but there are those who seek to impose a divided world.
A victim of Nazionist’s Cold War, the Korean Peninsula was divided for Empire’s sake. Yet lies won’t endure as the human’s resolve for seeking the light.
No matter how they project their might in theaters of war and in the privacy of our own homes, the tradition of fear is ending, and the fearsome army of darkness is cowering from the corner of inevitable irrelevance.
We are moving into a new brave new world of our own choosing. We will get there because we willed it and always believe it to be our only destiny.
Pyongyang calls for Koreas’ federalization & reunification without outside interference
Edited time: July 07, 2014 04:25

What is Going on With North Korea is Not What it Seems
The biggest eye opener for me in decades of reporting about North Korea came seven years ago when a top Chinese government agent in Japan told me China considered North Korea to be a US colony. The recent so-called threats of war by North Korea being widely reported in the Western press are in fact cabal efforts to intimidate that country as it seeks independence from secret US rule. The North Korean moves are a part of an overall East Asian move away from cabal rule.</strong>
However, recent corporate media coverage of North Korea makes it obvious that very few members of the Western media have a clue about what is really going on there. That is why I have decided to write a basic primer for the benefit of interested readers and policy makers.
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.
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