Our Prospects Against the Russians & Chinese in WW3 | Paul C. Roberts

The Saker reports that Russia is preparing for World War III, not because Russia intends to initiate aggression but because Russia is alarmed by the hubris and arrogance of the West, by the demonization of Russia, by provocative military actions by the West, by American interference in the Russian province of Chechnya and in former Russian provinces of Ukraine and Georgia, and by the absence of any restraint from Western Europe on Washington’s ability to foment war.
Continue reading Our Prospects Against the Russians & Chinese in WW3 | Paul C. Roberts

Brazil: The Provisional Banana Scoundrel Republic

The latest cliffhanger was the leak of a conversation between one of the key operators involved in the oil giant Petrobras corruption scandal and a senator and short-lived Minister of Planning in the usurper interim government currently replacing President Dilma Rousseff while she is undergoing an impeachment trial by the Senate.
Continue reading Brazil: The Provisional Banana Scoundrel Republic

Saudi Arabia Press Fingers U.S. Gov't for WTC 911 Attack

The shit is now hitting the fan.
After the US Senate approved the bill allowing 911 victims to sue the House of Saud for 911 terror, the latter released to media an article pointing instead to the US government as the one behind the planning and execution of the WTC 911 false flag attack in 2001.
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What Cabal Wants to Happen in Russia is Now Developing in Venezuela

Saudi Arabia’s deliberate increase in oil production to plunge oil prices is not to deplete the Khazarian Mafia’s financial muscle as earlier reported but is actually aimed at undermining Russian economy to bring down Vladimir Putin.
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Brazil’s Democracy to Suffer Grievous Blow | TheIntercept

Only the upper class are happy with what’s happening in Brazil right now.
But they will have to confront the ugly truth soon enough as  their country’s resources are siphoned off through the help of a few traitors in their midst, in a desperate Khazarian Mafia move to refuel and enable themselves to continue fighting against the BRICS-led revolution.
Continue reading Brazil’s Democracy to Suffer Grievous Blow | TheIntercept

Khazarian Cabal Succeeds in Sowing Turmoil in Brazil

The Khazarian corporatists working behind the scenes in Brazil succeeded in dividing the nation in their favor by installing a Wall Street friendly Vice President Michel Temer at the helm. This covert coup should allow them access to vast energy resource that is until now controlled by the government of Brazil.
This successful coup should also affect the integrity of the BRICS Alliance.
Continue reading Khazarian Cabal Succeeds in Sowing Turmoil in Brazil

Confronting the US-based “Resistance Movement”

As you might have realized already, the global resistance movement is a loose alliance of global activists of all types and persuasions. Most of the known personalities are claiming to have privileged access to intelligence sources embedded within the White Hats community who are said to be in the process of taking down the Khazarian Mafia.
Continue reading Confronting the US-based “Resistance Movement”

Khazarian Mafia’s System of Cartels to Subjugate Entire Planet

All the evils in our society today can be traced back to the biggest crime syndicate that had its roots in the old Khazarian Empire.
The rogue phallic worshiping Khazarian Empire may have been destroyed, but they did not disappear completely.
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Philippine Presidential Elections Results

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Cabalist Impeachment Efforts Against Rousseff Faltering?

The B in the BRICS Alliance is experiencing geopolitical attack from the usual suspects within the global oil cartel. Brazil’s political turmoil started when a large oil deposit was discovered [here] and the government decided to exclude foreign players from fully exploiting it.
Continue reading Cabalist Impeachment Efforts Against Rousseff Faltering?

Bloomberg Fear Mongers to Help Local Oligarchy Prevent A Duterte Presidency

With barely 6 days to go before Philippine population go to the polls, the local Oligarchy and their counterparts in the US establishment are resorting to fearmongering about the economic uncertainty in the country.
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The Calm Before the Coming Global Storm | Pepe Escobar

Major turbulence seems to be the name of the game in 2016. Yet the current turbulence may be interpreted as the calm before the next, devastating geopolitical/financial storm. Let’s review the current state of play via the dilemmas afflicting the House of Saud, the EU and BRICS members Russia, Brazil and China.
Continue reading The Calm Before the Coming Global Storm | Pepe Escobar