Malaysia Pivots to BRICS; Soros Plans Color Revolutions in Southeast Asia

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak visits China, barely a week of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s visit.
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak’s week-long visit to China will start October 31. Will it mark a turning point for Malaysian foreign policy, similar to the one recently made by President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte?
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Why CIA Created the Abu Sayyaf in the Philippines

The rise of Rodrigo Duterte is probably the biggest blow to the CIA’s grand plan in the Philippines and in Southeast Asia, because, not only is the incumbent president is in an all-out war with US imperialism for patriotism’s sake, i.e. for those Muslim patriots waging the longest Muslim war in history against the Western invaders,
He’s taking this as a personal battle against those who killed hundreds of innocent civilians in multiple bombings in his hometown city of Davao by a CIA operative disguising as a treasure hunter, i.e. Michael Terrence Meiring, who was spirited out from a hospital arrest by FBI operatives without the then Mayor Duterte’s prior consent.
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When CIA & NSA Workers Blow the Whistle, Congress Plays Deaf

Do the committees that oversee the vast U.S. spying apparatus take intelligence community whistleblowers seriously? Do they earnestly investigate reports of waste, fraud, abuse, professional negligence, or crimes against the Constitution reported by employees or contractors working for agencies like the CIA or NSA? For the last 20 years, the answer has been a resounding “no.”
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Pentagon Commandos Fighting vs. CIA Daesh Terrorists in Syria

It’s not a Hollywood movie. It’s still happening right now.
In what could be the most defining moment of the US government foreign policy, or more accurately, sheer stupidity, the Pentagon armed commandos operating with their allies in Syria are now shooting CIA trained and funded terrorists, and for what purpose?
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The Ongoing Philippine Revolution is Catching Fire

Asians learned a lot from its experience with Western intrusions over the last 300 years. They’ve been duped and swindled of their historical assets, not just once, but multiple of times during this period, and all recent clandestine attempts at subverting the ongoing BRICS Alliance-led global reformation for purposes of usurping again their growing geostrategic influence, have all been averted.
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China & Philippines Sign $24 Billion Deals; Russia Asks for DU30 Wish List

It is very obvious by now that the US State Department could not contain their being shocked at the tectonic shift of the Philippine government’s foreign policy, veering away from the United States for the first time in 70 years, and into its regional neighbor, China.
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Time to say goodbye, my friend | Duterte

“I announce my separation from the United States, both militarily and economically,” said Duterte, in front of the Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli, and hundreds of Chinese and Filipino businessmen who were gathered during the Philippines-China Trade and Investment Forum in Beijing.
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Covert Hybrid WW3 Summary Oct2016

The Russian-led coalition assisting the Assad government in Syria has provided an 8-hour unilateral ceasefire to provide the trapped “moderate rebels” an opportunity to get out from a section of Aleppo. This is their way of separating those “moderate rebels” from Daesh hardliners, who are expected to stay and battle it out to the finish.
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West Press Freedom Goes Extinct as UK Closes All RT Bank Accounts

One of the much touted Western values in the love for freedom of speech. Yet, UK has disabled the more objective RT’s ability to run its station right at the greatest country on Earth, i.e. Great Britain.
This came in after US State Secretary John Kerry announced an impending US cyber-attack on Russian interests.
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Keep Your Aid! – Philippines to Obama

The tremendous transformation to optimism and moral strength taking place within the Philippines, under the leadership of President Rodrigo Duterte, is captured in the following brief report, reprinted from the EIR Daily Alert Service. The hysterical diatribe against Duterte coming from Obama and his ilk over Duterte’s War on Drugs is not surprising, given that Obama is pushing drug legalization across the country and around the world, contributing to the worst drug epidemic in American history and tearing every community in the country apart.

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Assad Provides Safe Passage for Terrorists to Leave Syria; US Redeploy Daesh Assets from Iraq to Syria

The Syrian government has been offering safe passage to Daesh terrorists, not just today, but has done so on several occasions in the recent past. To date, the Syrian government has reintegrated 10,000 militants, some of whom joined the Syrian Army.
However, the United States is doing exactly the opposite.
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MiGs for Manila: When Moscow Starts Supplying Philippines with Arms

There are countless of reasons why the Philippines needs to have an independent foreign policy at this point in time. Foremost of them all is the fact that until now the country hasn’t progressed economically as any other countries in the region in spite of its unquestionable loyalty to Uncle Sam.
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How Can We Stop Drug Trafficking When It’s The CIA that’s Running the Show

Historically, illegal drugs were being used to destroy sovereign countries, and by now the Philippines’ war on drugs is a regular headline by CIA funded journalists and media networks, and a constant object for criticism of the Soros’ Open Society Foundation funded pseudo-non-government organizations, for being brutal and violative of human rights.
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Russia Ready to Confront US "Plan B" in Syria

Aside from conducting several nuclear drills in major cities all over the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin commits to increasing the level of the Russian military support when necessary, to deter and suppress the purported Plan B of the United States, in its escalation of the Syrian invasion by proxy, amidst the collapse of diplomacy, as if there was a real one to begin with, between the two superpowers.
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Russia Conducting Nuclear Drills after US Threatens Attacks on its Cities

An estimated 40 million Russians who are living in major cities across the Russian Federation will be participating in several nuclear attack drills after the US State Department spokesman John Kirby recently threatens Russia with “more body bags and attacks on Russian cities” should it continue helping the Syrians recover the cities of Aleppo and Raqqa from the US  funded terrorists.
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Tectonic Shifts in the Middle East Due to US State Department's Warmongering

After the abrupt end of a weeklong Syrian ceasefire, the Russian led coalition raised the ante against Daesh terrorists who are still holding 275,000 Aleppo residents hostage.
Rightly so, as the US State Department are just wasting time of the Syria-Russian side over and over again by agreeing to multiple ceasefires that they can’t uphold, but actively sabotage to the advantage of the Daesh terrorists.
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Watch the Debate We Should Have – Trump, Stein & Clinton

Not everyone at Veteran’s Today goes all the way for Donald Trump, and his beautiful wall along the US border with Mexico.
As most of us know, the US Election Debate is a sham just like the primaries leading to it because the whole charade is controlled, and directed by a corporation that is owned and operated by the same people who control and finance both the Democratic and Republic political parties.
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