We are currently seeing an acceleration of the corporate consolidation of the entire global agri-food chain. The high-tech/big data conglomerates, including Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook and Google, have joined traditional agribusiness giants, such as Corteva, Bayer, Cargill and Syngenta, in a quest to impose their model of food and agriculture on the world.
Continue reading Food, Dispossession and DependencyCategory Archives: Corporatocracy / Fascism
Capitalism in All Its Glory: WEF Inmates Run the Asylum—and the World
Davos, a small skiing town in Switzerland, once a year becomes the world’s most consequential insane asylum. On Europe’s highest populated mountaintop, 3,000 of the global elite meet to ponder why the climate they pollute is so polluted, why the people they impoverish are so poor and why the world they fight over is at war.
Continue reading Capitalism in All Its Glory: WEF Inmates Run the Asylum—and the WorldG20, BRICS, WEF and the “Building of a Just World and a Sustainable Planet”
This year will be decisive for the future agenda, with the upcoming United Nations Summit of the Future in September. This will lay the foundation for a strengthened economic global governance with the G20 in an elevated position within the UN and the international financial system.
Continue reading G20, BRICS, WEF and the “Building of a Just World and a Sustainable Planet”WEF + United Nations Partnership Constitutes “A Global Corporate Takeover”
A reader of my latest Substack article, G20, BRICS, WEF and the “building of a just world and a sustainable planet”, notified me of an open letter, from September 2019, where over 400 civil society organisations and 40 international networks condemned the 2019 groundbreaking partnership between World Economic Forum and United Nations
Continue reading WEF + United Nations Partnership Constitutes “A Global Corporate Takeover”The Transnational Capitalist Class “Stake Holder Capitalism”
In 2011, the Great British Class Survey was conducted, in collaboration with academics from the University of Manchester, the London School of Economics, and the University of York. The British have always been obsessed with class, so it is not surprising that British academics would attempt something of this nature.
Continue reading The Transnational Capitalist Class “Stake Holder Capitalism”Meet BlackRock, the New Great Vampire Squid
BlackRock is a global financial giant with customers in 100 countries and its tentacles in major asset classes all over the world; and it now manages the spigots to trillions of bailout dollars from the Federal Reserve.
Continue reading Meet BlackRock, the New Great Vampire SquidReclaiming the US
At what point does a beleaguered population living near or below the poverty line rise up in protest?
Continue reading Reclaiming the USMcKinseyGate: France’s Shadow Government & the Rise of the Corporate State
In France, consultancy firms have been paid billions of euros to advise governments on policies from the coronavirus vaccine, to climate change, and vaccine roll-out, as well as digital transformation, according to a new report released by the French Senate. While the financial sums are staggering, the real scandal is the level of influence on policy that these shadowy corporate actors wield deep inside the halls of government.
Continue reading McKinseyGate: France’s Shadow Government & the Rise of the Corporate StateWhy the Freedom Convoy is Provoking Unprecedented Hysteria
The fact that it’s ordinary people behind the Freedom Convoy, rather than professional activists, has caused alarm among the ruling class.
Continue reading Why the Freedom Convoy is Provoking Unprecedented HysteriaColossal Financial Pyramid: BlackRock and The WEF “Great Reset”
A virtually unregulated investment firm today exercises more political and financial influence than the Federal Reserve and most governments on this planet.
Continue reading Colossal Financial Pyramid: BlackRock and The WEF “Great Reset”Oligarchy, the Capitalists’ Trojan Horse
As the west continues to slide inexorably towards a dystopian economic and societal abyss, its people still fail to recognise the true enemy.
Continue reading Oligarchy, the Capitalists’ Trojan HorseKlaus’ Great Narrative: Locking the Plebs Into Plato’s Cave for the 21st Century
Unfortunately for the Davos Guardians, the reality of the New Great Narrative is a world devoid of those very principles that humanity requires to survive and thrive within our creative, reasonable universe.
Continue reading Klaus’ Great Narrative: Locking the Plebs Into Plato’s Cave for the 21st Century‘Ideological Fanaticism’: The Folly of Seeing Human Systems as Hardware
The ‘meme-politics of lockdown and vaccine mandates’ may be fading, but the inflation meme and the economic aftermath meme has only just begun.
Continue reading ‘Ideological Fanaticism’: The Folly of Seeing Human Systems as HardwareUN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces “Green” Plan to Transform the Global Financial System
The most powerful private financial interests in the world, under the cover of COP26, have developed a plan to transform the global financial system by fusing with institutions like the World Bank and using them to further erode national sovereignty in the developing world.
Continue reading UN-Backed Banker Alliance Announces “Green” Plan to Transform the Global Financial SystemGlobal Economic Chaos? BlackRock and Citi Get on Board the “Climate Train”
There are some things that bring joy to my soul. My pleasures are simple ones. Peanut butter on toast (the food of gods), witnessing Macron getting a slap, and this…

The awesome thing here is that what is taking place is that our competition on bidding for coal assets has disappeared in a cloud of woke smoke.
This will quickly become geopolitical, and the question is this: can BlackRock, Citi, Prudential, HSBC, and their other woke mates decide the fate of nations?
They are already affecting the fate of nations. Witness Canada and all of Western Europe.
I found a live shot of their respective energy policies:

But will they do the same to China? Will they do the same to Russia?
The answer to that will only be fully revealed in the due course of time, but we don’t really need any crystal balls here as we just watch actions, not words.
“China put 38.4 gigawatts (GW) of new coal-fired power capacity into operation in 2020, according to new international research, more than three times the amount built elsewhere around the world and potentially undermining its short-term climate goals.”
Nearly all of the 60 new coal plants planned across Eurasia, South America and Africa — 70 gigawatts of coal power in all — are financed almost exclusively by Chinese banks”

We see all of this on the ground, and while it is taking place, formerly reputable media outlets such as the FT, Reuters, and Bloomberg tell us that: “China’s belt and road initiative creates a problem for China with respect to their climate goals.”
There is no conflict or problem. Let me explain. Here is what is transpiring. They will keep paying lip service to the woke ideology while capturing the bulk of the energy market, and by the time we all wake up, they’ll control the world’s energy and logistics chains. And once they’ve done that, they’ll be able to control the reserve currency and once they’ve done that… well, they will be the dominant power. Game over. At this rate they’ll get there in a frighteningly rapid period of time. No more than a couple of decades.

Every week I find myself saying to myself “I just can’t believe this sh**t I am reading.” It is the same old story. The West see themselves as above the East and that the West (North America and Europe) can dictate to the rest of the world what they must do.
From the BlackRock article:
“BlackRock Inc. and other major financial institutions are working on plans to accelerate the closure of coal-fired power plants in Asia in a bid to phase out the use of the worst man-made contributors to climate change.
“The world cannot possibly hit the Paris climate targets unless we accelerate the retirement and replacement of existing coal-fired electricity,” Don Kanak, chairman of Prudential’s insurance growth markets division, said in a statement. “This is especially in Asia where existing coal fleets are big and young and will otherwise operate for decades.””
So shut down coal fired power stations, and pray tell, what are you going to replace them with? How will this affect their standards of living?
Let’s put some numbers behind this to understand probabilities. China has a massive industrial sector. So massive it currently consumes 4x more primary energy than its transport sector and more primary energy than all of the US and European industrial sectors COMBINED. So, it’s big.
Will the CCP willingly negatively impact this sector whereby it threatens China’s growing lead in the global economy and, hence increasing global political influence? I’ll let you be the decider.
In contrast to the US, China uses 10x more coal than natural gas. In 2020, China built over 3x as much new coal capacity as all other countries combined, equal to one large coal plant PER WEEK. In fact, in 2020 alone China’s fleet of coal fired power plants was expanded by a net 29.8 GW.
Think that’s a lot? In 2020 they commissioned 73.5 GW of new coal plant proposals, which is over 5x that of the rest of the entire world combined.
Editor’s Note: The 2020s will likely to be an increasingly volatile decade. More governments are putting their money printing on overdrive. Negative interests are becoming the rule instead of the exception to it.
One thing is for sure, there will be a great deal of change taking place in the years ahead.
That’s precisely why legendary speculator Doug Casey and his team released an urgent new report titled Doug Casey’s Top 7 Predictions.
Copyright © Chris MacIntosh, International Man, 2021
New Movement Launched by Physicians to Fight Medical Tyranny
When Americans see the data on COVID deaths of over 600,000, who or what should they blame? The truth is this: Better than blaming the virus they should blame hospitals and the vast majority of physicians. Why?
Continue reading New Movement Launched by Physicians to Fight Medical TyrannyAmerican Medical Association Instructs Doctors to Deceive
The Winter 2021 “AMA COVID-19 Guide: Background/ Messaging on Vaccines, Vaccine Clinical Trials & Combatting Vaccine Misinformation,” issued by the American Medical Association raises serious questions about the AMA’s adherence to transparency, honesty, ethics and the moral standards to which it will hold its members.
Continue reading American Medical Association Instructs Doctors to DeceiveAustralia’s Not A Free Country: No Bill of Rights, State Surveillance and Autocracy are Rife
The Australian government has been on the receiving end of more and more criticism for its COVID response lately, not just domestically but from overseas.
Continue reading Australia’s Not A Free Country: No Bill of Rights, State Surveillance and Autocracy are RifeAstraZeneca Boss Tops CEO Pay Chart in UK – Survey
Britain’s bluechip firms last year slashed chief executive pay as the pandemic struck but the head of Covid vaccine maker AstraZeneca still pocketed a chart-topping £15.45 million, a survey showed Thursday.
Continue reading AstraZeneca Boss Tops CEO Pay Chart in UK – SurveyAmerica’s Two-Party System is Doomed… What Comes Next?
The United States is facing a historical crisis from its own internal political authority crumbling, according to American political science professor Colin Cavell. In the following interview, Cavell takes the long historical view of how the two-party system has been used traditionally as a reactionary device to conceal and shore up the oligarchic power of U.S. capitalism.
Continue reading America’s Two-Party System is Doomed… What Comes Next?Denying Reality Leads To Tyranny and Societal Failure
The common thread that connects failed societies, from Weimar Germany to the Soviet Union, is an almost pathological insistence on denying reality. Weimar Germany denied that masses of printed money would destroy civilized society. The Soviet Union insisted that Soviet Man would emerge spontaneously from the ashes of capitalist society. Weimar Germany spawned Nazi Germany.
Continue reading Denying Reality Leads To Tyranny and Societal Failure2013 Rockefeller Paper Predicted Isolation, the Death of Physical Interaction & Global Health Police
At the 2013 Global Health Summit in Beijing, China, 112 key individuals from governments, the private sector, international organizations, and other groups, met to discuss how the next 100 years of global health may look. The summit released a white paper, titled: Dreaming the Future of Health for the Next 100 Years, which was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Continue reading 2013 Rockefeller Paper Predicted Isolation, the Death of Physical Interaction & Global Health Police1 Year Into ‘15 Days to Flatten the Curve’, Why Are We Still Tolerating Authoritarian Gov’t Clampdowns
In the 12 months since states first started ordering citizens to stay at home under the pretext of Covid, we’ve come a long way. Particularly in our understanding of how illiberal our politicians can be and how supine we are.
Continue reading 1 Year Into ‘15 Days to Flatten the Curve’, Why Are We Still Tolerating Authoritarian Gov’t ClampdownsThe Growing Virus of Inequality Under Covid Will Fuel Popular Rebellions Across The World
As the gap between rich and poor rapidly worsens during the pandemic, you can detect a surge in support for revolutions and remedies. But instead of truly tackling the underlying problems, governments will react with repression.
Continue reading The Growing Virus of Inequality Under Covid Will Fuel Popular Rebellions Across The WorldGovernor Andrew Cuomo Imposes Vaccination Passports in New York
Some politicians can’t stop coming up with new ways of bossing people around and preventing the return of normal life, all in the name of countering coronavirus. A prime example of such coronavirus tyrants is New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.
Continue reading Governor Andrew Cuomo Imposes Vaccination Passports in New YorkBayer’s Plan for Settling Future Roundup Cancer Claims Faces Broad Opposition
Dozens of U.S. law firms have formed a coalition to fight a new $2 billion settlement proposal by Monsanto owner Bayer AG that aims to contain the company’s ongoing liability related to claims that Roundup herbicides cause a type of cancer known as non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL).
Continue reading Bayer’s Plan for Settling Future Roundup Cancer Claims Faces Broad OppositionHome Invasions: All the Ways the Government Can Lay Siege to Your Property
“How ‘secure’ do our homes remain if police, armed with no warrant, can pound on doors at will and … forcibly enter?”— Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, the lone dissenter in Kentucky v. King
Continue reading Home Invasions: All the Ways the Government Can Lay Siege to Your PropertyPrisons Prime Testing Ground for Dehumanizing Hi-Tech “Advances”
A new form of exploitation, known as “stakeholder capitalism,” is already being tested in many places around the world and prisons are among the main targets for its implementation, as they provide an ideal and literally captive market for its proof of concept.
Continue reading Prisons Prime Testing Ground for Dehumanizing Hi-Tech “Advances”Vulture Funds Plan to Use the Pandemic to Pillage the Global Economy
There’s a new app with a tagline that promises that you, too, can ‘profit like a landlord from just £1 with no effort’. Proptee, set to launch this year (subject to approval from the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority) allows anyone with, say, five grand to buy shares in a buy-to-let flat in London worth half a million.
Continue reading Vulture Funds Plan to Use the Pandemic to Pillage the Global EconomyThe Criminality of Global Capitalism
“It is time the nation woke up and realized that it’s not the armed robbers or drug dealers who cause the most economic harm, it’s the white collar criminals… who harm us the most.” (Harry Markopolos)
Continue reading The Criminality of Global CapitalismEnemies of the Deep State: The Government’s War on “Domestic Terrorism” is a Trap
“This is an issue that all Democrats, Republicans, independents, Libertarians should be extremely concerned about, especially because we don’t have to guess about where this goes or how this ends.
Continue reading Enemies of the Deep State: The Government’s War on “Domestic Terrorism” is a TrapI am an American constitutional lawyer – and I see gov’t using Covid-19 to take away our rights
Do we really think “it can’t happen here” in America? Could we quarantine the constitution? Are we doing it already? Panics from pandemics unleash unchecked governmental power.
Continue reading I am an American constitutional lawyer – and I see gov’t using Covid-19 to take away our rightsThe Sheep Syndrome
People are unhappy. Yes, but not enough to stop this tyranny! – Well, I better behave otherwise I’m going to be punished. – FEAR! – Fear leads to the sheep syndrome – that deep-deep social disease which besets us today. They keep to the narrative – MUST wear a mask – MUST keep the safe 2-meter distance – police enforced.
Continue reading The Sheep SyndromeBig Tech & the Democratic Party Are Leading America to a Fascist Future
Although there may not be tanks on the streets and a dictator inciting crowds from his bully pulpit, the end result has been pretty much the same.
Continue reading Big Tech & the Democratic Party Are Leading America to a Fascist FutureAmerica’s Richest 1% Owned 5% in 1990, Own 36% Today
According to the U.S. Federal Reserve’s table that’s headlined, “Distribution of Household Wealth in the U.S. since 1989”, the percentage of U.S. privately owned wealth which is held by the richest 1% has risen from 5% in 1990 to 36% today, more than a seven-fold increase.
Continue reading America’s Richest 1% Owned 5% in 1990, Own 36% TodayEconomist Behind 2008 Financial Crash Among Elites Warning Against $2000 Stimulus Checks
78% of Americans support the proposed $2,000 stimulus check, but that hasn’t stopped the Washington Post, New York Times, and a cadre of DC economic elites from sounding the alarm against the measure.
Continue reading Economist Behind 2008 Financial Crash Among Elites Warning Against $2000 Stimulus ChecksHow U.S. Government Paid-Off Its Super-Rich in Order to Pass Its Coronavirus-Relief Laws
On December 14th, two excellent news-reports were belatedly published about some of the massive corruption that was behind the initial U.S. federal coronavirus-relief law, the CARES Act, and about U.S. Senators of both Parties now intending to include such corruption in the next one.
Continue reading How U.S. Government Paid-Off Its Super-Rich in Order to Pass Its Coronavirus-Relief LawsAmerica’s Future is Liberal Fascism Sporting a Smiley Shirt and Armed With a Syringe
The globalists responsible for engineering a medical tyranny across much of the Western world have something valuable to teach right-wing nationalists and would-be fascists, and that is you don’t sell your damaged product out of the barrel of a machine gun, but rather dripping from the end of a syringe that promises to end all pain and misery.
Continue reading America’s Future is Liberal Fascism Sporting a Smiley Shirt and Armed With a SyringeElon Musk’s Coup Stooge Áñez Arrested Trying to Escape Bolivian Justice
On November 24th, Elon Musk’s agent and now deposed Bolivian coup leader Jeanine Áñez was caught trying to escape justice by making her way to Brazil, but was prevented from boarding a plane by a group of citizens who were able to identify her in Trinidad.
Continue reading Elon Musk’s Coup Stooge Áñez Arrested Trying to Escape Bolivian JusticeA Biden Presidency Would Be A Dream Scenario For Our Corporate Overlords
One of the biggest reasons why the elite hate Donald Trump so much is because they can’t control him. But if Joe Biden ends up in the White House, that won’t be a problem.
Continue reading A Biden Presidency Would Be A Dream Scenario For Our Corporate OverlordsThe Politics of Cultural Despair | Chris Hedges
It is despair that is killing us, eating into the social fabric, rupturing social bonds, and manifesting in self-destructive pathologies.
Continue reading The Politics of Cultural Despair | Chris HedgesIMF Seizes on Pandemic to Pave Way for Privatization in 81 Countries
76 of the 91 loans the IMF has negotiated since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic come attached with demands for deep cuts to public services and policies that benefit corporations over people.
Continue reading IMF Seizes on Pandemic to Pave Way for Privatization in 81 CountriesBezos Doubles Wealth as Amazon Essential Product Prices Rise 1000% Amid Pandemic
A report by Public Citizen found that “Amazon is engaged in price gouging on products it sells directly” through its Amazon Essentials line, with products like facemasks and corn starch seeing elevenfold increases in price.
Continue reading Bezos Doubles Wealth as Amazon Essential Product Prices Rise 1000% Amid PandemicA Silver Lining in the Rise of Neo-Fascism
The only benefit from the rise of neo-fascist leaders in heretofore democratic nations is that the various fascist, neo-Nazi, racial and religious supremacists, and far-right terrorists have reared their ugly heads to the degree where it is now easier to identify them and their circle of contacts and organizations.
Continue reading A Silver Lining in the Rise of Neo-FascismBreaking Down the Global Elite’s ‘Great Reset’ Master Plan
The World Economic Forum has defined and is leading the global stampede into “The Great Reset” that would kill Capitalism and Free Enterprise, while establishing Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy.
Continue reading Breaking Down the Global Elite’s ‘Great Reset’ Master PlanPlanetary Emergency Plan Declared | Club of Rome
Club of Rome was originally founded at a meeting in David Rockefeller’s house in Bellagio, Italy, and promoted alarmism over population growth. Its 1973 book, Limits to Growth, coincided with the creation of the Trilateral Commission, also by Rockefeller. They are still at it. This text is taken from the Club of Rome’s report, Planetary Emergency Plan: Securing a New Deal for People, Nature and Climate.
Continue reading Planetary Emergency Plan Declared | Club of RomeAmerica’s Top 12 Plutocrats Now Own $1 Trillion in Wealth
New figures from the Institute for Policy Studies show that, despite a pandemic that has stunted the economy for months, America’s billionaire class is becoming richer than ever, adding nearly $700 billion to their fortune since the nationwide lockdown in March.
Continue reading America’s Top 12 Plutocrats Now Own $1 Trillion in WealthDARPA Launches Project CHARIOT in Bid to Shield Big Tech Profits
DARPA announces a new type of cryptography to protect the Big Tech firm profits from the dawn of quantum computers and allow backdoor access into 3 trillion internet-connected devices.
Continue reading DARPA Launches Project CHARIOT in Bid to Shield Big Tech ProfitsAs Defense Bill Divides Senate, the Pentagon Shows a Crack in the Armor
The national security state is on the verge of a radical transformation. From DHS to the military, the pressure is mounting on all sides to revamp federal law enforcement hierarchies, shift information pipelines, and reimage the nature of warfare.
Continue reading As Defense Bill Divides Senate, the Pentagon Shows a Crack in the ArmorBillionaires That Donated to Gates-Buffet Giving Pledge Now Richer Than Ever – Study
As the assets of the billionaire class in the US swell to $3.5 trillion amid the pandemic, a new study of philanthropic giving reveals that many of America’s wealthiest are using charitable donations to stay rich and get richer.
Continue reading Billionaires That Donated to Gates-Buffet Giving Pledge Now Richer Than Ever – StudyScientific Study Proves America is A Dictatorship, not a Democracy
Who actually rule America today? Is America really the beacon of hope, democracy and freedom that the world came to know about? Or, is it worse than the governments it toppled in the pursuit of advancing corporate interests?
Continue reading Scientific Study Proves America is A Dictatorship, not a DemocracyThe Davos’ “Great Reset” Fraud & the Great War that We Must Fight
Like everyone, I would love to live in a pollution-free world. I would love to see human civilization strike a balance with nature and at the risk of sounding like a naïve idealist, I sincerely do believe that this is ultimately our destiny as a species.
Continue reading The Davos’ “Great Reset” Fraud & the Great War that We Must Fight