Category Archives: Enlightenment

Inside the FDA Mafia

by Jon Rappoport
June 22, 2014
I post this piece now and then to show how personal things can get inside a terminally corrupt government agency.
It’s not all about remote decisions made from a great height.
These decisions can come about through the rank intimidation the Mafia exercises with a member who wants to leave the mob and go straight.
As in: “We know where your wife and kids are.”
Continue reading Inside the FDA Mafia

Inner Earth Disclosure Imminent

We are on the verge of one massive disclosure about the existence an advanced civilization within this planet. We have carried this story two years ago.
Just like the gradual release of Earth-like planets “just discovered” press releases a few months ago, another piecemeal disclosure, this time about the existence of another world several miles just below our feet.
Continue reading Inner Earth Disclosure Imminent

The Trinity Of Global Empire

There are three cities (city-states) across this planet that share striking similarities and play a crucial role in the global governmental system we have long been living under. The three city-states (along with the role they serve) is as follows:

City of London (finance)

Washington DC (military)

Vatican City (religion)

Continue reading The Trinity Of Global Empire

The Straw That Breaks the Cabal's Back

As always, David Wilcock’s latest article is another interesting read…
… connecting dots like no other. 😉

Flight 370: The Straw That Breaks the Cabal’s Back?

Flight 370 could have become the most devastating terrorist attack in recorded history. Could this Boeing 777 — or one just like it — have been used to murder the leaders of the top 53 nations on Earth?
Continue reading The Straw That Breaks the Cabal's Back

Common Law Community Training Manual


Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: The Common Law and its Courts

A Community Training Manual

Issued by The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (Brussels)

What is assembling is the first court in history to bring judgment against the Vatican and the Crown of England as institutions. But our Court also signals the dawn of a new notion of justice: one defined by the people themselves, and especially by the historic victims of church and state, to bring about not only a judgment on their persecutors, but a new political and spiritual arrangement to undo the systems responsible for intergenerational crimes against humanity
– from the founding Charter of The International Common Law Court of Justice, September 1, 2012

Continue reading Common Law Community Training Manual


Here’s an alarming reality, but still a good read…

The Financial Elite and the Global Land Grab

43543The global financial crisis, which began in 2008, has significantly altered the way many speculators and financial institutions invest. Rather than taking huge risks with dodgy derivatives like credit default swaps and mortgage-backed securities, both of which have proven to be particularly volatile, many speculators have instead begun to invest in the most tangible asset of all: land. By doing so, financial institutions, and many governments, have engaged in “land grabbing” – a process by which large amounts of capital are invested in the purchase of land for large-scale agricultural production, while the farmers who have worked the land for generations are displaced and/or become renters on land that was once their own.

Continue reading THE GLOBAL LAND GRAB

Keshe USB 2012 Released

No amount of intimidation, e.g. Malaysian Flight 370 & endless HAARPing of Asia, etc., could stop the ongoing Truth Revolution.
The Keshe USB 2012 contains the technology and how-to information sent to governments who joined the space flight development program of the foundation.
Any space program covers all technologies that deal with normal terrestrial activities, e.g. food production, energy generation, etc. The advantage of the Keshe Technology is that all of these critical materials can be out of space wherever you are.
If you’re new to Keshe Technology, please watch this video in full…
ARVE Error: need id and provider

Together, let us enforce peace and prosperity around the world!

The content of USB stick of 2012 has been released to public by Taiwanese KF group

Yesterday, 04:51 PM

Unready to be Unplugged

This week, we decided, will be for emails, and there are a lot that are worth sharing….

Name: Jim *****
Email: ****.com
Comment: I read with interest your free pdf titled "Emancipating Healthcare." I already knew many of the concepts and facts kept from many such as cancer cures, free energy, and other discoveries kept hidden by a select few by my own personal research. These sections are indeed very useful.
What I have to disagree with is the section called "The Greatest Deception," in which you basically tried to show that Christianity was a lie. In discovering all this hidden knowledge, I think you were hoodwinked in believing these lies directed toward the Christian religion, in particular the Catholic Church. You shouldn't believe everything you read but consider and weigh all the facts.
First, your basis for that section relied mostly on the writings and teachings of Jordan Maxwell. If you did further research, you'll find out his claims have been debunked several times, and you can find those videos on Youtube. He's a follower of Helena Blavatsky, whose occult mysticism teachings has influenced Nazi ideology and the New Age movement. So there goes Maxwell's credibility.
Second, you mentioned a quote from Thomas Paine, that said something about the Christian religion is a "parody" of the worship of the sun. Again, if you did your homework thoroughly you would know that Thomas Paine was a Deist, not a Christian or even believed in any organized religion. He believed that his mind is his "own church." Just a quick check at Wikipedia should have alerted you to this and his prejudice.
While I found the rest of the pdf file a very good read and very useful, I can't help but be disappointed by the fact that it would contain lies and disparaging comments again Christianity and the Catholic Faith. Especially since it seems that you or the people who authored it and running the website are Filipinos like myself. They could have been easily avoided if one is cautious in examining facts and doesn't possess a bias or resentment in religion in the first place.
It would be to your edification to check, double-check, and weigh all claims and their sources, especially those that seem to cast aspersions against the Faith, objectively before believing and disseminating such information as facts to the public. Just because a white man said it convincingly doesn't necessarily mean it's true. This is just another variation of unconscious "colonial mentality" which many Filipinos to this day seem to still suffer from.
Just to let you know that what I pointed out doesn't take anything away from the very helpful information that you provide in the rest of the pdf, for which I'm grateful for and find quite helpful.
Time: March 12, 2014 at 9:08 pm

I responded…
Thank you very much for contacting us, Jim.
For as long as the White Pope is sitting on a Golden Throne amidst global hunger, and the Black Pope is sowing divisions across the globe, etc. no sane mind would believe in them.
On 3/12/2014 9:08 PM, Jim *** wrote:

Name: Jim ****
Email: ***.com

Comment: I read with interest your free pdf titled “Emancipating Healthcare.” I already knew many of the concepts and facts kept from many such as cancer cures, free energy, and other discoveries kept hidden by a select few by my own personal research. These sections are indeed very useful.
What I have to disagree with is the section called “The Greatest Deception,” in which you basically tried to show that Christianity was a lie. In discovering all this hidden knowledge, I think you were hoodwinked in believing these lies directed toward the Christian religion, in particular the Catholic Church. You shouldn’t believe everything you read but consider and weigh all the facts.

Jesuit priests in snappy Nazi salute, how should we interpret that?

First, your basis for that section relied mostly on the writings and teachings of Jordan Maxwell. If you did further research, you’ll find out his claims have been debunked several times, and you can find those videos on Youtube. He’s a follower of Helena Blavatsky, whose occult mysticism teachings has influenced Nazi ideology and the New Age movement. So there goes Maxwell’s credibility.

His message resonated with my own understanding of where does religion came from. But i agree with you, that it is easier to shoot the messenger.

Second, you mentioned a quote from Thomas Paine, that said something about the Christian religion is a “parody” of the worship of the sun. Again, if you did your homework thoroughly you would know that Thomas Paine was a Deist, not a Christian or even believed in any organized religion. He believed that his mind is his “own church.” Just a quick check at Wikipedia should have alerted you to this and his prejudice.

I practice Common Sense. I analyze the argument. If it is based in sound logic then it stays.
The shape of the so called Holy Eucharist, representing the body of Christ, is of the Sun.
In short, the Church agrees with Paine.

While I found the rest of the pdf file a very good read and very useful, I can’t help but be disappointed by the fact that it would contain lies and disparaging comments again Christianity and the Catholic Faith. Especially since it seems that you or the people who authored it and running the website are Filipinos like myself. They could have been easily avoided if one is cautious in examining facts and doesn’t possess a bias or resentment in religion in the first place.

We are not entertainers, Jim. The country has more of that already.
And we are not Filipinos, too. We are your fellow human beings, trying to make life worth living.

It would be to your edification to check, double-check, and weigh all claims and their sources, especially those that seem to cast aspersions against the Faith, objectively before believing and disseminating such information as facts to the public. Just because a white man said it convincingly doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true. This is just another variation of unconscious “colonial mentality” which many Filipinos to this day seem to still suffer from.

We don’t subscribe to believing without seeing. We adore the most Supreme Being of All because we see and appreciate all the things we are blessed with every moment… We’ve come to know who the Almighty really is, through Science, and not through religion. And we don’t need to imagine what it looks like. We see her everyday.

Just to let you know that what I pointed out doesn’t take anything away from the very helpful information that you provide in the rest of the pdf, for which I’m grateful for and find quite helpful.

We appreciate your time and feedback, Jim.
He then responded rather quickly…
Thanks for your reply, Ed.
On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 5:13 PM, eClinik <ec*******@gm***.com> wrote:

Thank you very much for contacting us, Jim.
For as long as the White Pope is sitting on a Golden Throne amidst global hunger, and the Black Pope is sowing divisions across the globe, etc. no sane mind would believe in them.

I take it by White Pope you are referring to Pope Francis and by Black Pope the head of the Jesuit Order. I have read many of these allegations and in most cases they are from Protestant fundamentalists (there are many in the U.S.) and conspiracy theorists who have something against the Catholic Church. Their “facts” are mainly based on evidence which are flimsy at best and their motives are finding whatever dirt against the Church which they despise.As for hunger, it has existed even before Christianity and will continue to do so. The fingers should be pointed instead at the global bankers who are trying to cut down the world population through GMO, drugs, etc., but I’m sure you already know this.
Having bad popes is nothing new in the Church. If you read history, there are some who have had children, have people murdered, practised nepotism, bribery, etc. While their actions certainly do not befit their positions, they do not negate the good popes throughout history who are more numerous nor make the office less respectable. And I think that’s extreme to imply that the 1 billion+ Catholics worldwide who believe are not “sane.”

On 3/12/2014 9:08 PM, Jim *** wrote:

Name: Jim ***
Email:  ***
Comment: I read with interest your free pdf titled “Emancipating Healthcare.” I already knew many of the concepts and facts kept from many such as cancer cures, free energy, and other discoveries kept hidden by a select few by my own personal research. These sections are indeed very useful.
What I have to disagree with is the section called “The Greatest Deception,” in which you basically tried to show that Christianity was a lie. In discovering all this hidden knowledge, I think you were hoodwinked in believing these lies directed toward the Christian religion, in particular the Catholic Church. You shouldn’t believe everything you read but consider and weigh all the facts.

Jesuit priests in snappy Nazi salute, how should we interpret that?

I think you are referring to the Roman salute, which the Nazis appropriated from the Jesuits. It was in use way BEFORE the Nazi salute. Hitler was fond of the Jesuit structure, and copied elements into his party. Hitler also copied the Swastika symbol from a thousands-year old symbol of Buddhism. Original, he’s not.

First, your basis for that section relied mostly on the writings and teachings of Jordan Maxwell. If you did further research, you’ll find out his claims have been debunked several times, and you can find those videos on Youtube. He’s a follower of Helena Blavatsky, whose occult mysticism teachings has influenced Nazi ideology and the New Age movement. So there goes Maxwell’s credibility.

His message resonated with my own understanding of where does religion came from. But i agree with you, that it is easier to shoot the messenger.

Second, you mentioned a quote from Thomas Paine, that said something about the Christian religion is a “parody” of the worship of the sun. Again, if you did your homework thoroughly you would know that Thomas Paine was a Deist, not a Christian or even believed in any organized religion. He believed that his mind is his “own church.” Just a quick check at Wikipedia should have alerted you to this and his prejudice.

I practice Common Sense. I analyze the argument. If it is based in sound logic then it stays.
The shape of the so called Holy Eucharist, representing the body of Christ, is of the Sun.
In short, the Church agrees with Paine.

Except the Church came before Paine, and the shape of the Holy Eucharist being similar with any round objects does not make the Christian religion a “parody” of anything. It’s even a bigger stretch that the Church would agree with someone who doesn’t believe in organized religion.

While I found the rest of the pdf file a very good read and very useful, I can’t help but be disappointed by the fact that it would contain lies and disparaging comments again Christianity and the Catholic Faith. Especially since it seems that you or the people who authored it and running the website are Filipinos like myself. They could have been easily avoided if one is cautious in examining facts and doesn’t possess a bias or resentment in religion in the first place.

We are not entertainers, Jim. The country has more of that already.

What does entertainment have to do with not making disparaging comments and spreading lies against Christianity and Catholicism? By “The country” I assume you mean the Philippines. I’m not from there, and have no knowledge or interest in the Phil. entertainment industry whatsoever.

And we are not Filipinos, too. We are your fellow human beings, trying to make life worth living.

Well, you ARE Filipino, am I not correct? And are you not the one mainly in charge of the eClinik website as well as the author of the eMancipating Healthcare document?I do highly appreciate your exhaustive research on alternative treatments and methods for living in a world that is run by a few in power. I’m sure others do as well. It’s fascinating how much you can find out on the Net if you looked hard enough. I just don’t understand why the need to include a section that puts down a certain religion on a document that is about healthcare. It doesn’t make sense, unless you have your own personal axe to grind.

We don’t subscribe to believing without seeing. We adore the most Supreme Being of All because we see and appreciate all the things we are blessed with every moment… We’ve come to know who the Almighty really is, through Science, and not through religion. And we don’t need to imagine what it looks like. We see her everyday.

I understand this is your opinion, and it certainly is no different from those of some Americans I meet in my daily life. But to say “We” you are generalizing everyone to have the same beliefs as you do, which is definitely not the case.Like I said above, it don’t understand why you felt it necessary to include your own biased views about religion in an otherwise excellent document on healthcare. One can still be enlightened to all these cures and methods that have been hidden from them without the need to have their religious convictions attacked. It just jars and detracts from the main points of the information being conveyed.

Just to let you know that what I pointed out doesn’t take anything away from the very helpful information that you provide in the rest of the pdf, for which I’m grateful for and find quite helpful.

We appreciate your time and feedback, Jim.

I appreciate your response as well, Ed.

Time: March 12, 2014 at 9:08 pm
Telling people that they have been lied to by the very institution they have trusted since the day they were born is not an attack on the victims, or the beliefs that were forced on them through centuries of lies and deceit.
The healthcare eBook, “Towards Healthcare Emancipation,” was written to help people gain healthcare freedom. But how can one help them do so if their mind is completely controlled by the same Cabal running the healthcare industry and the mind-numbing organized religion?
We have to free the mind first before we put something new upon it.
If you can’t see the link in all aspects of our existence, in all things comprising what we call Nature, or that between all of those institutions that they’ve created, then you are a victim of the greatest illusion of all — the illusion of separation.
illusion of separation
There’s no separation between politics, healthcare, education, mass media, entertainment, and religion. They are all run by priests.
It’s all a priesthood, and each of them uses rituals, ceremonies and dogmas designed to protect and sustain its existence, and not to serve the very purpose for which the people understood them to be.
Nobody can expect a priest to relinquish his privileged position just for the sake of public service. They are all trained to justify their lies, and hide their crimes, even those against the sanctity of the human body itself, if only to protect the institution on top of all other institutions on the planet that they ultimately owe their lavish lifestyle from.

Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction

The following is the Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction given to high ranking Jesuits only. This oath is taken from the book Subterranean Rome by Carlos Didier, translated from the French, and published in New York in 1843.
“When a Jesuit of the minor rank is to be elevated to command, he is conducted into the Chapel of the Convent of the Order, where there are only three others present, the principal or Superior standing in front of the altar. On either side stands a monk, one of whom holds a banner of yellow and white, which are the Papal colors, and the other a black banner with a dagger and red cross above a skull and crossbones, with the word INRI, and below them the words IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOUS. The meaning of which is: It is just to exterminate or annihilate impious or heretical Kings, Governments, or Rulers…
My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant, and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.
You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.
You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and the judiciaries and councils of state, and to be all things to all men, for the Pope’s sake, whose servants we are unto death.
You have received all your instructions heretofore as a novice, a neophyte, and have served as co-adjurer, confessor and priest, but you have not yet been invested with all that is necessary to command in the Army of Loyola in the service of the Pope. You must serve the proper time as the instrument and executioner as directed by your superiors; for none can command here who has not consecrated his labors with the blood of the heretic; for “without the shedding of blood no man can be saved.” Therefore, to fit yourself for your work and make your own salvation sure, you will, in addition to your former oath of obedience to your order and allegiance to the Pope, repeat after me—
The Extreme Oath of the Jesuits:
“1, _ now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints and sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the present, do by the womb of the virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ’s Vice-regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing, given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes, states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that they may safely be destroyed. Therefore, to the utmost of my power I shall and will defend this doctrine of his Holiness’ right and custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and the now pretended authority and churches of England and Scotland, and branches of the same now established in Ireland and on the Continent of America and elsewhere; and all adherents in regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the sacred Mother Church of Rome. I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named Protestants or Liberals, or obedience to any of the laws, magistrates or officers.
I do further declare that the doctrine of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable and they themselves damned who will not forsake the same.
I do further declare, that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of his Holiness’ agents in any place wherever I shall be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England, Ireland or America, or in any other Kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants or Liberals’ doctrines and to destroy all their pretended powers, regal or otherwise.
I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume my religion heretical, for the propaganda of the Mother Church’s interest, to keep secret and private all her agents’ counsels from time to time, as they may entrust me and not to divulge, directly or indirectly, by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred covenant.
I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ.
That I may go to any part of the world withersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions of the North, the burning sands of the desert of Africa, or the jungles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive in all things whatsoever communicated to me.
I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants’ heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race. That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, of the Society of Jesus.
In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, my soul and all my corporal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and my feet, and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever!
All of which, I, _, do swear by the Blessed Trinity and blessed Sacraments, which I am now to receive, to perform and on my part to keep inviolable; and do call all the heavenly and glorious host of heaven to witness the blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, and witness the same further with my name written and with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and sealed in the face of this holy covenant.”

Help Us Defeat the Corrupt System by defunding the Medical Mafia supporting the fake news media networks, which promote terrorism and regime change around the world. Build your own Comprehensive Antiviral System, and start enjoying healthcare freedom today.

CIA Brought Darkness to America

Even some of my high school buddies then knew what the CIA is really all about, and what it’s been doing in countries such as the Philippines.
So far, it has assassinated at least one president (Magsaysay), removed at least two presidents through manufactured coup d’ etat (Marcos, Estrada) and installed in their stead subservient puppets (Cory, Gloria, Fidel, etc.).
The quotes below should sum up what this clandestine monster really is:

Popular culture tells you that schools and parents don’t know what’s going on, the police are dogs, politicians are all liars and scum, and any crime that’s not committed by the Mafia is done by the CIA.


Pausing briefly from the Ukraine situation we can pretend to see the good, the bad, the ugly and the funny.
Many of those following the events may consider the rationale why Putin have to augment troops already in Crimea to be positive. Obama and the EU, of course, are the bad guys in all of these. The ugly part is the confirmation that snipers were used to shoot people from both sides.
Continue reading THE HIVE MIND


In the early part of our uncivilization, there were only three estates, each with distinct political rights:

  1. Priests or spiritual lords
  2. Nobility or temporal lords
  3. Commoners or slaves

Soon, the fourth estate emerged from free thinkers, philosophers, poets and playwrights. Wired technologies facilitated a new vocation called journalism. Just like its predecessor, journalism has its own limits, one of which is the unidirectional flow of information.
Today, a more decentralized exercise of sharing information and views is helping shape public opinion, i.e. blogging.
While the Fourth Estate has gone bigger and better, the First and Second Estate have decided to join forces in order to have full control of the components of the Fourth Estate. This resulted to a profound subjugation of the Third Estate.
Collectively, this elite force dominating the planet right now is called the Deep State.
Thanks to Rick2012 for the article below…

The Dollar and the Deep State

If we consider the Fed’s policies (tapering, etc.) solely within the narrow confines of the corporatocracy or a strictly financial context, we are in effect touching the foot of the elephant and declaring the creature to be short and roundish.
I have been studying the Deep State for 40 years, before it had gained the nifty name “deep state.” What others describe as the Deep State I term the National Security State which enables the American Empire, a vast structure that incorporates hard and soft power–military, diplomatic, intelligence, finance, commercial, energy, media, higher education–in a system of global domination and influence.
Back in 2007 I drew a simplified chart of the Imperial structure, what I called the Elite Maintaining and Extending Global Dominance (EMEGD):

At a very superficial level, some pundits have sought a Master Control in the Trilateral Commission or similar elite gatherings. Such groups are certainly one cell within the Empire, but each is no more important than other parts, just as killer T-cells are just one of dozens of cell types in the immune system.
One key feature of the Deep State is that it makes decisions behind closed doors and the surface government simply ratifies or approves the decisions. A second key feature is that the Deep State decision-makers have access to an entire world of secret intelligence.
Here is an example from the late 1960s, when the mere existence of the National Security Agency (NSA) was a state secret. Though the Soviet Union made every effort to hide its failures in space, it was an ill-kept secret that a number of their manned flights failed in space and the astronauts died.
The NSA had tapped the main undersea cables, and may have already had other collection capabilities in place, for the U.S. intercepted a tearful phone call from Soviet Leader Brezhnev to the doomed astronauts, a call made once it had become clear there was no hope of their capsule returning to Earth.
Former congressional staff member Mike Lofgren described the Deep State in his recent essay Anatomy of the Deep State:

There is another, more shadowy, more indefinable government that is not explained in Civics 101 or observable to tourists at the White House or the Capitol. The subsurface part of the iceberg I shall call the Deep State, which operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power.The term “Deep State” was coined in Turkey and is said to be a system composed of high-level elements within the intelligence services, military, security, judiciary and organized crime.
I use the term to mean a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process.

I would say that only senior military or intelligence officers have any realistic grasp of the true scope, power and complexity of the Deep State and its Empire.Those with no grasp of military matters cannot possibly understand the Deep State. If you don’t have any real sense of the scope of the National Security State, you are in effect touching the foot of the elephant and declaring the creature is perhaps two feet tall.
The Deep State arose in World War II, as the mechanisms of electoral governance had failed to prepare the nation for global war. The goal of winning the war relegated the conventional electoral government to rubber-stamping Deep State decisions and policies.
After the war, the need to stabilize (if not “win”) the Cold War actually extended the Deep State. Now, the global war on terror (GWOT) is the justification.
One way to understand the Deep State is to trace the vectors of dependency. The Deep State needs the nation to survive, but the nation does not need the Deep State to survive (despite the groupthink within the Deep State that “we are the only thing keeping this thing together.”)
The nation would survive without the Federal Reserve, but the Federal Reserve would not survive without the Deep State. The Fed is not the Deep State; it is merely a tool of the Deep State.
This brings us to the U.S. dollar and the Deep State. The Deep State doesn’t really care about the signal noise of the economy–mortgage rates, minimum wages, unemployment, etc., any more that it cares about the political circus (“step right up to the Clinton sideshow, folks”) or the bickering over regulations by various camps.
What the Deep State cares about are the U.S. dollar, water, energy, minerals and access to those commodities (alliances, sea lanes, etc.). As I have mentioned before, consider the trade enabled by the reserve currency (the dollar): we print/create money out of thin air and exchange this for oil, commodities, electronics, etc.
If this isn’t the greatest trade on Earth–exchanging paper for real stuff– what is?While I am sympathetic to the strictly financial arguments that predict hyper-inflation and the destruction of the U.S. dollar, they are in effect touching the toe of the elephant.
The financial argument is this: we can print money but we can’t print more oil, coal, ground water, etc., and so eventually the claims on real wealth (i.e. dollars) will so far exceed the real wealth that the claims on wealth will collapse.
So far as this goes, it makes perfect sense. But let’s approach this from the geopolitical-strategic perspective of the Deep State: why would the Deep State allow policies that would bring about the destruction of its key global asset, the U.S. dollar?
There is simply no way the Deep State is going to support policies that would fatally weaken the dollar, or passively watch a subsidiary of the Deep State (the Fed) damage the Deep State itself.
The strictly financial arguments for hyper-inflation and the destruction of the U.S. dollar implicitly assume a system that operates like a line of dominoes: if the Fed prints money, that will inevitably start the dominoes falling, with the final domino being the reserve currency.
Setting aside the complexity of Triffin’s Paradox and other key dynamics within the reserve currency, we can safely predict that the Deep State will do whatever is necessary to maintain the dollar’s reserve status and purchasing power.
Understanding the “Exorbitant Privilege” of the U.S. Dollar (November 19, 2012)
What Will Benefit from Global Recession? The U.S. Dollar (October 9, 2012)
Recall Triffin’s primary point: countries like China that run trade surpluses cannot host reserve currencies, as that requires running large structural trade deficits.
In my view, the euro currency is a regional experiment in the “bancor” model,where a supra-national currency supposedly eliminates Triffin’s Paradox. It has failed, partly because supra-national currencies don’t resolve Triffin’s dilemma, they simply obfuscate it with sovereign credit imbalances that eventually moot the currency’s ability to function as intended.
Many people assume the corporatocracy rules the nation, but the corporatocracy is simply another tool of the Deep State. Many pundits declare that the Powers That Be want a weaker dollar to boost exports, but this sort of strictly financial concern is only of passing interest to the Deep State.
The corporatocracy (banking/financialization, etc.) has captured the machinery of regulation and governance, but these are surface effects of the electoral government that rubber-stamps policies set by the Deep State.
The corporatocracy is a useful global tool of the Deep State, but its lobbying of the visible government is mostly signal noise to the Deep State. The only sectors that matter are the defense, energy, agriculture and international financial sectors that supply the Imperial Project and project power.
What would best serve the Deep State is a dollar that increases in purchasing power and extends the Deep State’s power. It is widely assumed that the Fed creating a few trillion dollars has created a massive surplus of dollars that will guarantee a slide in the dollar’s purchasing power and its demise as the reserve currency.
Those who believe the Fed’s expansion of its balance sheet will weaken the dollar are forgetting that from the point of view of the outside world, the Fed’s actions are not so much expanding the supply of dollars as offsetting the contraction caused by deleveraging.
I would argue that the dollar will soon be scarce, and the simple but profound laws of supply and demand will push the dollar’s value not just higher but much higher. The problem going forward for exporting nations will be the scarcity of dollars.
If we consider the Fed’s policies (tapering, etc.) solely within the narrow confines of the corporatocracy or a strictly financial context, we are in effect touching the foot of the elephant and declaring the creature to be short and roundish. The elephant is the Deep State and its Imperial Project.
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Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy

False flag operations are not limited to terrorism only, but even in the field of journalism as well.
Posting of bias or tainted articles, and outright misinformation with attribution credited to someone else other than the actual publisher can also be considered a false flag operation to sow confusion.

How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations Continue reading Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy

Philippines and the Covert WW3

In response to the covert war waged by the United States, Inc. against my countrymen, we are starting to publish videos, distribute them locally, which would help them understand what is really going on.
Considering the deeply rooted Catholic religion among 95% of the population, i.e. nearly 400 years of brainwashing, they may have a hard time accepting these facts.
Continue reading Philippines and the Covert WW3

U.S. Attacked the Philippines with HAARP

Back in November 2013, we were knocked out of the Net after HAARP devastated much of Leyte and the entire Visayas, Philippines. Until now, people are still suffering the effects of that manmade disaster, e.g. homelessness, high food prices, epidemic, persistent live virus mass injections, etc.
We are also experiencing intermittent internet connections every now and then.
Just before the attack, we already knew it’s not going to be an “Act of God” but a deliberate attempt to pin us further down for reasons that we are also aware of already.
Before you continue reading the featured article below, understand that even the US Air Force officially admitted its ability to control the weather during a congressional budget hearing.

“The US Air Force and DARPA would like us to believe that they have stopped using HAARP in Alaska for research and experiment. Even then, we all know that there are other HAARP systems out there in the form of radar communication and surveillance systems that are rigged on top of mobile platforms that are deployable anywhere in the world.
All they need to do is twist a button to change the frequency to microwave range and increase transmission power enough to reach and heat up the atmosphere above the target.”

Here’s the US Air Force admitting the use of HAARP during a US congressional budgetary hearings…

A Weather Weapon is Just One Big Microwave Radio Transmitter

A weather weapon is not a strange technology that we can never have, or to say the least, ever understand.

The technology is composed of a wireless broadcast system, and the right microwave frequency to produce heat on any target, in this case, the atmosphere. To put it simply, it’s an FM broadcast system and a microwave oven in one device.

The only difference between your favorite FM radio station and a weather weapon is that the latter needs more power to push its signal to greater distances and reach the sky.

If its signals can reach the sky, all the more so with terrestrial targets to agitate long dormant volcanoes, or initiate an earthquake with extremely low frequency modulated into the usual radio carrier frequency through frequency modulation [FM] techniques.

The technology is covered under US Patent 4,686,605 on the “Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere.”

us patent 4,686,605

Download the patent from this link:

PressCore has posted this a week after the Typhoon Haiyan, or Yolanda, event. Thanks, I4T.

U.S. Wages War Against Philippines Using its HAARP Weather WMD Systems

Posted by PRESS Core , November 15th, 2013


The U.S. military’s Sea-Based X-Band Radar (SBX-1) was ordered to set sail out of its berth in Hawaii on March 23, 2013 on what the United States Department of Defense (DoD) claims to be routine sea trials. However in light of recent events in the Philippines – typhoon Haiyan – microwave data from the devastated region gives evidence that the SBX-1 was ordered deployed by the U.S. government (Barack Obama) to the Pacific to complement other U.S. military controlled steerable phased array radar systems (HAARP) in Japan to wage war against the Philippines using HAARP’s weather modification capabilities.

The SBX-1 was deployed for geopolitical purposes. As a U.S. military controlled weapon of mass destruction – an act of war.

The SBX-1’s active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar is mounted on a Russian-built fifth generation CS-50 twin-hulled semi-submersible drilling rig designed to function in the type of adverse conditions often encountered in ocean operations. The SBX-1 was built for 1 purpose – weather modification which was revealed in the U.S. Air Force report titled “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” (link is to pdf file on U.S. Air Force website).

The HAARP SBX-1 sea-based platform complies with a directive from the chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force to build upon weather modifying concepts, capabilities, and technologies that the United States can use to remain the dominant air and space force in the future. Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing weather modifying weaponry related to national defense and geopolitical purposes.


The U.S. weather weapon of mass destruction system called HAARP has been fully operational since Hurricane Katrina – 30 years ahead of schedule.

A steerable US land-based X-Band Radar system (COBRA DANE phased array radar system) was already built in northern Japan by the United States military and has been operational since 2006 and a second COBRA DANE installation in central Japan came online just prior to super typhoon Haiyan – the strongest wind storm ever recorded – being formed at sea and steered into the Philippines using HAARP AMISR phased array radar beam triangulation.

The COBRA DANE radar is a single faced ground-based, L-band phased-array radar located at Eareckson Air Station, Shemya, AK. (File photo)

Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) and satellite weather radar data from the Pacific region detected 2 stationary (land based) microwave hot spots and 1 slow moving hot spot at sea (The HAARP SBX-1 is a slow moving sea-based X-Band phased array platform) giving evidence that the U.S. military created and steered typhoon Haiyan using 3 HAARP systems.

The 2 land-based systems in Japan and the seafaring SBX-1. Using 3 phased array radar systems drastically improves the angular resolution of the emitted microwave – steers the microwave beam with pinpoint accuracy. Another U.S. military controlled HAARP installation was available on Guam – the COBRA DANE installation pictured in this article.

SBX-1 was deployed to the Pacific region (Japan / North Korea) March 2013. The SBX-1 has a maximum speed of approximately 8 knots (9.2 mph; 15 km/h) – bicycle speed.

The SBX-1 and the land based systems are all part of the US Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA) Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) project and performs a vital role in the Ballistic Missile Defense System (BMDS).

The SBX-1, the land based systems and the orbital X-37B are all illegal weapons of mass destruction. All are banned by under the “Environmental Modification Convention (ENMOD)” treaty – an international treaty prohibiting the military or other hostile use of environmental modification techniques having widespread, long-lasting or severe effects. It opened for signature on 18 May 1977 in Geneva and entered into force on 5 October 1978.


Related PRESS Core articles on HAARP

November 15, 2013 – 2:44 PM
The US Air Force’s Boeing X-37B (USA 240) Orbital HAARP – the main weapon of mass destruction of Prompt Global Strike (PGS) – was in a geosynchronous Earth orbit over the Pacific on November 9, 2013 during the U.S. government’s HAARP weather modifying operation against Philippines.

One month prior to the HAARP created and steered typhoon Haiyan attack against the Philippines, on Oct. 11, 2013 Lt. Gen. James Kowalski, commander of Air Force Global Strike Command, (commands and controls the Boeing X-37B orbital HAARP) replaced Maj. Gen. Michael Carey from command of 20th Air Force.

20th AF is responsible for the United States’ three intercontinental ballistic missile wings. 20th AF maintains and operates the nation’s ICBM force. Designated as STRATCOM’s Task Force 214, the command provides on-alert, combat ready ICBMs to the President.

Maj. Gen. Michael Carey was fired by Obama for refusing to carry out Obama’s orders to wage war against the United States. Obama intended on levying war against the United States through a false flag – treason.

18 USC § 2381 – Treason – “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Maj. Gen. Michael Carey refused to ready ICBMs for the thwarted Obama false flag operation against the U.S. Isn’t it time to indict Obama for treason and according to US law seek the max punishment for his crime – is guilty of treason and shall suffer death. I am sure no fewer than 60 top military officers will come forward as witnesses.

Since taking office 66 United States military officers, including nine senior commanding generals in 2013, have been removed from active duty (fired) by Obama for misconduct – refusal to follow unlawful orders regarding false flag operations (acts of treason) against the United States by British subject (Kenya born) Barack Hussein Obama.

According to the Pentagon Obama is not only purging the military of commanders that refuse Obama’s unlawful orders, but Obama’s actions are meant to strike fear in the hearts of those still serving. The Pentagon says Obama is threatening “young officers”, down through the ranks not to talk about Obama or oppose the treacherous politics of the White House. They are purging everyone and if you want to keep your job — just keep your mouth shut and commit acts of treason against the United States.

November 15, 2013 – 2:28 PM
What was the purpose of decimating the Philippines with the HAARP created and steered typhoon Haiyan? To establish a permanent military base for the U.S. military within ICBM striking distance of North Korea, China and Russia.

U.S. boots are already on the ground. The USS George Washington arrived in the Philippines with 5,000 Marines aboard. The aircraft carrier battle group was already deployed prior to typhoon Haiyan. US Marines were deployed to Hong Kong for this HAARP attack against the Philippines. Their mission isn’t humanitarian. It is to seize control of the country. As in Korea, Cuba, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia, and Haiti U.S. troops never leave once boots are on the ground in a foreign state.

Paul W Kincaid, CI PRESS Core editor

November 12, 2013 – 6:58 PM
For more evidence on the hurricane (typhoon) creating and steering technology that exists and is being used today read the article I wrote on June 1st 2011 titled “HAARP electromagnetic waves can be used to stimulate geophysical events such as earthquakes, climate change, volcanic eruptions and the like.

That article starts out by stating – “In a lecture on April 27, 1997 at the University of Georgia former Secretary of Defense, William Cohen spoke on weapons of mass destruction. At that lecture Cohen asserted that “electromagnetic waves can be used to stimulate geophysical events such as earthquakes, climate change, volcanic eruptions and the like”. ”

By manipulating the jet stream (pushing or pulling it off course) HAARP can modify the weather. HAARP can alter the path an existing high pressure weather system (clear skies) or low pressure weather system (storm clouds) anywhere on Earth just by heating the ionosphere over the target region.

How hurricanes and tornadoes are created using HAARP
HAARP can also create a column-shaped hole with a diameter of 30 miles that rises a couple of hundred kilometers through the atmosphere. The lower atmosphere then moves up the column to fill in that space, and it changes pressure systems below. The result of hot surface air being sucked up into the column to fill the HAARP created column-shaped hole is a HAARP created hurricane (if HAARP column-shaped hole is made over water) or tornado (if HAARP column-shaped hole is made over land).

Read article titled “U.S. global climate change weapon called HAARP” published December 31, 2010 for a list of HAARP patents. For example: The HAARP United States Patent 4,686,605 states: “Weather modification is possible by, for example, altering upper atmosphere wind patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device.” ~ page 14

Eleven other Patents documents describe in detail how to make “Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation” ~ U.S. Patent 4873928 Issued: Oct. 17, 1989 Filed: June 15, 1987

The HAARP patent that is specifically for hurricane (typhoon) creation is U.S. Patent 4712155: Method And Apparatus For Creating An Artificial Electron Cyclotron Heating Region Of Plasma ~ Issued: Dec. 8, 1987 Filed: Jan. 28, 1985 Patent available here
and here February 14th, 2011 article titled “Washington’s new star wars weapon of mass destruction linked to climate change.

Already in the 1970s, former National Security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski had foreseen in his book “Between Two Ages” that:
“Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised… Techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm. ”

Marc Filterman, a former French military officer, outlines several types of “unconventional weapons” using radio frequencies. He refers to “weather war,” indicating that the U.S. and the Soviet Union had already “mastered the know-how needed to unleash sudden climate changes (hurricanes, drought) in the early 1980s.” These technologies make it “possible to trigger atmospheric disturbances by using Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) radar [waves].”

In the US, the technology is being perfected under the High-frequency Active Aural Research Program (HAARP) as part of the (“Star Wars”) Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI). Recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is fully operational and has the ability of potentially triggering floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes.

The above article references and listed patents should be enough to convince any intelligent person that man made hurricanes is real and is now actively being used by the US government to modifying our weather and triggering hurricanes and earthquakes. Hurricane Sandy is Obama’s second and very successful use of this weapon of mass destruction technology for geopolitical gain.

November 12, 2013 – 6:44 PM
Excerpt from PRESS Core’s October 29th, 2012 article titled “Obama’s October Surprise – Creating and Steering Hurricane Sandy
The Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology Directorate, which direct agencies from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, expressed major interest in the science of hurricane modification.

It sounds kind of crazy and science fiction-ish, but it’s really the direction we need to go in,” Chris Doyle, head of DHS’s science and technology research division, told a conference of the American Meteorological Society in May of 2008.

Hurricane researcher Joseph Golden, a veteran of Project Stormfury, the federal government’s last attempt at militarized weather modification in the 1960s, organized a meeting of scientists at an interdepartmental hurricane conference to discuss weather modification. They discussed how hurricane steering could be used as a geopolitical tool. The major question of the conference was “Where would scientists direct a storm”?

Toward a less populated area or into major metropolitan areas? Steering a hurricane into small communities could wipe them out financially. Steering a hurricane into a farming community could wipe out crops. Steering a hurricane into a major city could cripple it for days, weeks or even years (Hurricane Katrina) and result in significant loss of life. Like Project Stormfury they were discussing how steering hurricanes could be used a geopolitical weapon.

November 12, 2013 – 3:14 PM
Department of Foreign Affairs Republic of the Philippines Oct 22, 2013 – “The Philippines regards South Korea as one of its important economic partners. In 2012, bilateral trade reached USD 7.4 billion, making South Korea the sixth major trade partner of the Philippines. Philippine exports to South Korea increased by 27.93 percent at USD 2.9 billion in 2012 from USD 2.2 billion in 2011.

Top Philippine exports to South Korea include semiconductor components and devices, electronic parts, copper products, electronic data processing machines, coconut oil, and marine products, fresh fruits, among others.

… the Philippines’ imports from South Korea … grew by 1.10 percent to USD 4.5 billion in 2012 from USD 4.4 billion in 2011. Top Philippine imports from South Korea consist of semiconductor components and devices, petroleum products, petrochemicals, electronic data processing machines, iron and steel metal manufactures, metal-based construction materials, motor vehicles, among others.”

The U.S. made typhoon Haiyan has devastated not only the Philippines but South Korea, who will now be forced to import U.S. goods to offset what won’t be coming out of the Philippines for quite some time.

Typhoon Haiyan = Geopolitical Warfare

November 12, 2013 – 3:06 PM
On October 17, 2013 the President of South Korea Park Geun-hye held summit talks with Filipino President Benigno S. Aquino III,. They talked about ways to boost cooperation between Korea and the Philippines. The in-depth talks covered bilateral cooperation in politics, security, investment, trade, development, culture and human resource exchanges. The presidents also discussed ways to jointly deal with both global and regional issues involving the Korean Peninsula and East Asia.

Strong motive for the U,S, to destabilize relations between Korea and the Philippines. Without political tensions in the region the U.S. cannot justify having U.S. military forces there.

November 12, 2013 – 2:19 PM
HAARP is part of the Vatican UN’s global genocide program call NSSM 200 – mass murder of 1/3 of the World Population by man made diseases (Parkinson and Alzheimer, ADD – caused by mercury/aluminum laced vaccines) and influenza viruses (AIDS, Swine Flu, Avian Flu, H5N1 (MERS)), HAARP weather modification (create and steer hurricanes and typhoons, cause heat waves and drought, cause torrential rainfall and flooding) and earthquake induction, Monsanto pesticide contaminated GMO foods, food irradiation and pasteurization, and war.


Unnatural weather patterns suggest HAARP is still here. So, how can we decipher which weather is real, and which is not, especially considering that the owners of the United Nations are considering imposing carbon taxes for industrial emissions on every member country.

They want us to reduce carbon emissions, but they are moving heaven and hell in the continued suppression of a hydrogen-based economy, and the establishments of nuclear fission-fusion hybrid power plants, among 10,000 other patented emission-free energy technologies that were bought by force and shelved beyond the purview of the public.


This is big — a sign of better things to come.
This is an expansion of the post previously released.

Release of offshore records draws worldwide response

ICIJ’s “Offshore Leaks” probe has ignited reactions around the globe – sparking official investigations, sweeping policy changes and high-profile resignations.
Since the series of stories – based on a leak of 2.5 million secret offshore records – began rolling out in April 2013, responses have come rapidly, from India, Mongolia, France and dozens of other nations. The European Union’s top tax official has called Offshore Leaks “the most significant trigger” behind Europe’s newfound resolve to crack down on offshore hideaways and global tax dodging.
“We’re in a completely different context today” because of the Offshore Leaks revelations, Belgium’s secretary of state said. “It’s a new world.”
Shutterstock “>Photo: Shutterstock Among the latest impacts and responses:

  •           A leading political party in Taiwan vowed to promote a new measure to crack down on offshore tax avoidance as its top agenda item. The Democratic Progressive Party,Taiwan’s leading opposition party, said that it would seek to pass an amendment to Taiwan’s Income Tax Act prohibiting corporations from using overseas subsidiaries and paper companies to avoid taxation. The proposal came days after ICIJ and its partner in Taiwan, CommonWealth Magazine, revealed that more than 16,000 Taiwanese, including more than a dozen billionaire family owners of some of Taiwan’s  largest corporations, owned offshore companies.
  •         The tax commissioner of China, Wang Jun, pledged that China would step up its participation in international efforts to combat tax evasion and crack down on tax fraud within the nation. The move came as Chinese authorities were still scrambling to block internet access in China to the China Leaks reports by ICIJ and its partners.
  • Chinese authorities moved aggressively to block online access to news reports exposing the secrecy-cloaked offshore holdings of China’s political and financial elites. Censorship of the latest investigation, which draws on previously secret records of nearly 22,000 clients with addresses in mainland China and Hong Kong, was unusual in its broad international scope. In addition to ICIJ’s own website, Chinese authorities blocked the sites of ICIJ publishing partners including Spain’s El PaísLe MondeSüddeutsche Zeitung in Germany, the Canadian Broadcasting Corp., and the U.K. and U.S. editions of The Guardian, according to reports from news organizations and analytics by

In Beijing, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Qin Gang dismissed the story calling it “hardly convincing” and said it raises “suspicions over the motives behind it.”

  • Incorporations of new offshore companies in the British Virgin Islands declined sharply last year, falling 21 percent from 2012. The change echoes a recent report by the company Offshore Incorporations Limited that found that ICIJ’s Offshore Leaks had created a “crisis of confidence” in the offshore industry, with more than three-quarters of the offshore professionals it surveyed said that ICIJ’s stories have reduced demand for offshore financial vehicles or prompted clients to move their business from one haven to another. Most of the secret accounts exposed by Offshore Leaks were incorporated in the BVI.
  • The recent attention to financial secrecy has also prompted the BVI and the Cayman Islands to enter into consultations on whether they should develop a registry that reveals the real owners of companies incorporated there, known as a “beneficial ownership” registry. UK Prime Minister David Cameron has been pressing British territories such as the BVI and the Caymans to improve their financial transparency, and pledged last fall to make the UK the first country in the world to create a publicly available beneficial ownership registry.  A recent paper issued by the BVI solicited comments from the public and “in particular” the financial services industry on whether it should create an ownership registry.
  • The number of Germans voluntarily disclosing secret offshore accounts tripled in 2013, according to the chairman of the German tax union, Thomas Eigenthaler. The disclosures are expected to result in a surge of revenue to the German treasury. Eigenthaler said that ICIJ’s Offshore Leaks investigation was a major factor that sparked the increased disclosures, as well as the admission by a prominent soccer club manager and former star player that he had a secret bank account in Switzerland.
  • The Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Igor Shuvalov, has repatriated his and his wife’s offshore assets to comply with a Russian law prohibiting state officials from holding their wealth abroad. An offshore company belonging to Shuvalov’s wife, Olga Shuvalov, was revealed in April by ICIJ. Shuvalov, a close ally of President Vladimir Putin, had pledged to return the assets to Russia soon after they were exposed.The move comes during a broad crackdown on offshore tax avoidance by Putin. Last week, Putin announced that Russian-owned companies registered in offshore jurisdictions would be forced to pay Russian taxes, and that companies registered abroad would be barred from getting funding from the budget or from state banks.
  • The European Parliament voted last week to strengthen its requirements for automatic exchange of tax data between EU member nations. The new rules, approved by 360 votes to 59, will require nations to collect and share data by 2017 on additional types of income such as employment, property and capital gains. In endorsing the measure, the Parliament voted to reject the “availability principle,” which would limit nations’ data sharing obligations to information that they decided independently to collect.“This important measure… responds to the challenges raised by [ICIJ’s] Offshore Leaks and the staggering €1 trillion annual losses of tax revenues in the EU,” stated a summary of the reform that was prepared by the European Parliament’s Green Party.
  • The Danish Tax Minister announced a plan to crack down on offshore tax havens on the day after the last of a four-part series of documentaries about tax havens was aired by ICIJ’s Danish partner, DR Documentary at Danish Broadcasting Corporation. Danish tax authorities will devote $7.3 million to pursue both individuals who hide money offshore and their professional advisers. The plan is expected to result in “a substantial number of new cases about illegal use of tax havens,” said Holger K. Nielsen, the Danish Tax Minister.The documentaries exposed reliance on offshore havens by a leading Danish bank as well as a major law firm. One film used a hidden camera to reveal Jyske Bank, Denmark’s third largest bank, advising an undercover journalist posing as a wealthy client to stash his money offshore in a plan that experts described as immoral and in some parts illegal. Others revealed the offshore tax advice given by Bech-Bruun, one of Denmark’s leading law firms, and by the massive accounting firm EY.
  • Authorities in Ireland have recovered 4.3 million euros in settlements after receiving offshore tax data shared by French authorities, and are expecting “a very significant amount of data” on offshore holdings from the governments of U.S., Britain and Australia. The French data was obtained from Herve Falciani, a whistleblower and former employee of HSBC. Much of the data from the U.S., Britain and Australia was initially unveiled in Offshore Leaks.
  • The Colombian government announced new regulations that will slap a 33-percent tax on financial transactions between Colombian companies or individuals and third parties in 44 countries identified as tax havens. “The party is over for those who were taking advantage of tax havens,” Mauricio Cárdenas, the country´s economics minister, told local journalists.Colombia’s top tax official, Juan Ricardo Ortega, said ICIJ’s Offshore Leaks stories “without doubt helped the government push forward regulations” that had been blocked for nearly a decade. The secret offshore files obtained by ICIJ revealed that the sons of former Colombian president Álvaro Uribe were shareholders in a British Virgin Islands company.
  • Tax authorities in India say they have sent notices to more than 500 individuals whose offshore holdings were revealed earlier this year by ICIJ and The Indian Express. These individuals included two members of Parliament and several prominent industrialists, and the inquiries from the income tax department seek details and transactions of their offshore companies and trusts. A new list of individuals with offshore holdings found in the Offshore Leaks database was also published earlier this week, and included a decorated former civil service officer and the wife of Delhi’s energy secretary.
  • South Korean authorities announced they had uncovered evidence that the family of former dictator Chun Doo-Hwan had engaged in illegal offshore transactions. Earlier this year, ICIJ and the Korea Center for Investigative Reporting revealed that Chun’s son, Chun Jae-kook, had a secret offshore company in the British Virgin Islands. On October 8  the Korea Customs Service announced that it had found that offshore companies held by Chun’s family, including those belonging to Chun Jae-Kook, were involved in illegal foreign currency transactions. The Korea Customs Service said the transactions were intended to evade taxes and that it had informed Korean state prosecutors of its findings. The developments are the latest in a series of responses to ICIJ and the Korea Center for Investigative Journalism’s reporting, which have also included raids by Korean prosecutors on both men’s homes and an agreement by Chun’s family to pay $154 million in fines.
  • The Anti-Corruption Commission in Bangladesh decided on September 30 to open an investigation into the offshore activities of Kazi Zafarullah, a leading member of Bangladesh’s governing Awami League political party. In July, ICIJ and its reporting partners at the Bangladeshi daily New Age revealed that Zafarullah and his wife, Nilufer Zafar, were directors and shareholders of two offshore companies.  The couple had also opened a joint account at the Singaporean branch of the Swiss bank UBS AG. The Anti-Corruption Commission decided to investigate Zafarullah’s activities after a two-month assessment of ICIJ and New Age’s findings, an official with the commission said.
  • The son of disgraced former South Korean president Chun Doo-hwan issued a public apology and vowed that his family would pay the government $154 million in fines related to corruption during Chun’s rule. Prior to the announcement, the former dictator’s family had claimed for years that Chun was bankrupt and unable to pay the fines. But earlier this year, ICIJ and the Korea Center for Investigative Journalism revealed that Chun’s son, Chun Jae-kook, had a secret offshore company in the British Virgin Islands. Chun Jae-kook denied any connection between his offshore holdings and his father, but South Korean prosecutors recently raided both men’s homes in a search for hidden assets.
  • Members of the G20 announced new measures to combat offshore tax evasion, including a plan to automatically share tax data among G20 nations by the end of 2015. Today’s G20 Leaders Declaration, released from a summit in St. Petersburg, Russia, also pledged the G20’s assistance to developing countries seeking to establish automatic tax information sharing, but stopped short of providing a timeline for doing so.  According to the advocacy group Global Financial Integrity, illicit financial flows cost developing countries nearly $6 trillion between 2001 and 2010.
  • South Korea has ordered 11 individuals named in the Offshore Leaks investigation to pay a total of $64.6 million for using offshore paper companies to evade taxes. According to Yonhap News Agency, South Korea’s state news service, the country’s National Tax Service reviewed a list of Koreans suspected of running paper companies in offshore locales that was published by ICIJ and the Korea Center for Investigative Journalism. Thirty-nine of those individuals were chosen for further investigation, and today’s news marks the completion of 11 of those cases.
  • Australian tax authorities said they are stepping up efforts to crack down on corporate tax dodging and taking a hard look at wealthy Australians and small companies with offshore holdings following “Offshore Leaks”. The Australian Tax Office’s plan includes 680 reviews and 115 audits of individuals and small businesses suspected of using offshore hideaways help them avoid taxes.
  • India’s Finance Minister said government probes into the offshore holdings of hundreds of Indians have made significant headway. “I am reviewing the progress every fortnight and can say that not a single case will go unpursued,” Finance Minister P Chidambaram said. The government’s effort was sparked by a joint investigation by ICIJ and The Indian Express.
  • Philippine authorities said the launch of ICIJ’s Offshore Leaks Database will prompt them to review the tax records of Philippine residents whose names appear in the data. Kim Jacinto-Henares, commissioner of the country’s Bureau of Internal Revenue said she welcomes the public release of the database, saying it can aid the agency’s efforts to gather information that could lead to tax investigations and cases. “We will look into it and match (the information on Philippine residents in the database) with income tax returns,” Henares told the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, an ICIJ reporting partner.
  • Algirdas Semeta: wants ICIJ and partners to keep digging.EU Commissioner Algirdas Semeta says the Offshore Leaks investigation by ICIJ and its partners has transformed tax politics and amplified political will to tackle the problem of tax evasion.”I personally think Offshore Leaks could be identified as the most significant trigger behind these developments … It has created visibility of the issue and it has triggered political recognition of the amplitude of the problem”, he told EU Observer. He added that tax transparency overrides the principle of data privacy.
  • South Korean financial regulators have opened an investigation into possible illicit fund transfers by hundreds of Koreans whose names are included in ICIJ’s “Offshore Leaks” database.  “We will investigate every one of them,” a top regulator said. “When doing capital transactions, they’re required to report to the authorities prior to the trades, so now we are investigating whether they violated the law.” ICIJ’s investigative partner, the Korea Center for Investigative Journalism, revealed that it had identified at least 245 Koreans who established companies in the British Virgin Islands, Cook Islands and other offshore havens.
  • Canadian Senator Vern White has called for a probe into a fellow legislator’s role in her husband’s use of an offshore hideaway in the South Pacific.  The conservative Senator said he has asked the Senate’s ethics officer to look into Liberal Senator Pana Merchant’s role in the matter, saying there are “serious questions” to be dealt with.  The Senate ethics office said in a statement that will give Merchant a chance to respond before deciding whether to launch a formal investigation. CBC News and ICIJ revealed last month that Merchant’s husband, famed class-action lawyer Tony Merchant, had shifted some CA$1.7 million (US$1.1 million) into a Cook Islands trust while he was locked in battle with Canadian tax authorities.
  • After meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House, British Prime Minister David Cameron made a strong call to tackle what he called “the scourge of tax evasion,” one of the key topics in next month’s G8 meeting in Ireland. “We need to know who really owns a company, who profits from it, whether taxes are paid.  And we need a new mechanism to track where multinationals make their money and where they pay their taxes so we can stop those that are manipulating the system unfairly,” Cameron said.
  • British, U.S. and Australian tax authorities announcedthat they are pursuing tax evasion investigations based on a cache of offshore documents that link to the Cook Islands, Singapore and the Cayman Islands, among other jurisdictions. The secret records are believed to include those obtained by ICIJand that are the basis of the Offshore Leaks investigation. British tax authorities said the files “reveal extensive use of complex offshore structures to conceal assets by wealthy individuals and companies.” The three agencies plan to share the information with their counterparts from other countries in what could be the beginnings of one of the largest tax investigations in history.
  • Canada’s revenue minister Gail Shea announced a $30 million commitment to fight tax evasion and target the practice of hiding money in offshore accounts, and the formation of an international tax expert “SWAT team”. Asked if her department now has the list of 450 Canadian names contained within the documents obtained by ICIJ, Shea said: “We currently don’t have the list and I can assure you that we’re looking at all of our options. We’re working with our international partners to get that list.”
  • The UK Treasury announced that following the lead of the Cayman Islands, all British overseas territories – including Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Montserrat and the Turks and Caicos Islands – have agreed to share information about individuals holding bank accounts in their jurisdictions with the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
  • The South China Morning Post reported that the new information exchanges will have real implications for Hong Kong and China companies, which do significant business through the Cayman islands, the British Virgin Islands and other offshore locales.
  • European finance ministers may reach an agreement to eradicate tax havens on May 13, after a meeting in Helsinki between finance ministers from Finland, Luxembourg, Greece, Slovakia, and Lithuania as well as the European Commissioner on Taxation  to discuss measures against tax evasion.
  • The European Commissioner on Taxation Algirdas Šemeta  and Irish Finance Minister Michael Noonan sent a letter to all EU Finance Ministers, setting out 7 key areas for immediate action in improving the fight against tax fraud, evasion and avoidance. Member States were asked to agree on these actions at the ECOFIN in May. The letter credits the offshore leaks investigation with “sharpening the focus” on tax fraud, and says it will ask ICIJ to supply names and details of European citizens from its data.
  • Finance ministers and central bankers at the G20 meeting in Washington said in a communiqué that automatic exchange of tax-relevant bank information should be adopted as the global standard to overcome international tax evasion. Skeptical European leaders reportedly “became more enthusiastic” after the public outcry over ICIJ’s offshore leaks revelations.

  • Bayartsogt Sangajav, deputy speaker of the Mongolian Parliament, hasbeen dismissed from his post following ICIJ’s revelations about his undeclared offshore company and bank account. In a parliamentary session he was asked to explain his actions. Several MPs called for further disciplinary action, including expelling him from Parliament entirely.
  • Santosh Kumar Agarwal (Kedia), a member of the board of directors for the Antwerp World Diamond Centre, has resigned from the organization after his offshore dealings were revealed. “In the interest of the integrity of the Antwerp World Diamond Centre as [an] organization and the industry as a whole, Kedia has taken the initiative to withdraw from the AWDC’s board of directors, awaiting the outcome of a potential investigation,” said a statement released by the company.”
  • French president Francois Hollande has published the personal financial details of  government ministers on the official government website, following the Jerome Cahuzac and Jean-Jacques Augier offshore assets scandals. The list of assets includes details of bank accounts, life insurance, property and other expensive items such as cars, art works and antiques. Various properties in Paris and the south of France have already been itemized by ministers, as well as designer lounge chair (Industrial Renewal Minister Arnaud Montebourg) and a David Beckham t-shirt (Culture Minister Aurelie Filippetti).
  • European Council president Herman Van Rompuy announced that tax evasion will be discussed at the next European Council in May, saying “we must seize the increased political momentum to address this crucial problem.”
  • BVI government officials have announced they are opening a new business headquarters in Hong Kong, with Orlando Smith, BVI Premier and Finance Minister, confirmed to officiate the opening. Executive director of BVI International Finance Centre, Elise Donovan, said the data obtained by the ICIJ was “a small fraction” of the total number of BVI firms. She later added, “We want to reassure clients in Hong Kong and the region that this is an isolated incident. We remain committed to clients’ privacy and confidentiality.”
  • The Swiss and U.S. governments are investigating a possible solution to the dispute over wealthy Americans using Swiss banks to hide their money. These talks come at time when Switzerland’s banking sector is under increased pressure to surrender personal information about suspected tax evaders. Swiss Finance Minister Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf said all countries should be treated equally in the drive for bank transparency. “We consider it very important that rules must apply to all and are engaging ourselves for a level playing field in multilateral forums,” Widmer-Schlumpf said.
  • German Chancellor Angela Merkel urged UK’s PM David Cameron to crack down on tax havens during talks in Berlin, following a public outcry in Germany over the “offshore leaks.” Sources “close to Cameron” claim he was actually the first to raise the issue, spelling out how his government was cracking down on tax avoidance in places such as Jersey and Guernsey.
  • Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov.Russian Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov is moving his offshore assets back to Russia after ICIJ’s revelations that Shuvalov’s wife Olga Shuvalova was either a shareholder or owner of several secretive offshore entities. The Shuvalovs had a declared income of $12.7 million in 2011, most of which was earned by Olga.
  • Spanish political party Unión Progreso y Democracia submitted written questions to the Spanish Congress today in the wake of French president François Hollande’s announcement that French banks had to declare their tax haven subsidiaries. The questions read: Is the government going to present in the European institutions any initiative to eradicate the tax havens within the Member States? and Is the government going to force banks to disclose the subsidiaries they have in tax havens and what are their activities?
  • Francois Hollande: called for tax havens to be “eradicated.”French president François Hollande called for “eradication” of the world’s tax havens and told French banks they must declare all of their subsidiaries. He also announced the creation of a special prosecutor to pursue cases of corruption and tax fraud. French government ministers have been ordered to declare their assets publicly within days.
  • Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker announced his country plans to lift bank secrecy rules for European Union citizens who have savings based in the country, ending decades of bank secrecy in Luxembourg. “We are following a global movement,” Juncker told parliament in a state-of-the-nation address. The new transparency regime would begin in January 2015. Austria is now the only EU country not sharing data about bank depositors. In a recent interview, Austrian Vice Chancellor and Finance Minister Spindelegger Fekter said: “How much money someone has in the bank is a matter between the bank and the customer and is no one else’s business.”
  • Algirdas Semeta, European Union Tax Commissioner stated in a recent interview that it is time to move “quicker and harder” against tax evasion. He said the “growing willingness to act” increases the likelihood of a more coordinated EU stance against tax havens.
  • Europe’s five biggest economic powers — Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Spain — announced they would begin regularly exchanging banking and tax information as a way of identifying tax dodgers and other financial wrongdoers.
  • Meanwhile, the British Virgin Islands (BVI) authorities are not fans of the ICIJ investigation. The BVI premier and Finance Minister Orlando Smith told the South China Morning Post that “BVI authorities are actively investigating how this private information has been illicitly obtained and used to attack the BVI financial services industry, which operates compliantly within international guidelines and the law.”
  • Athens’ district attorney Panayota Fakou has started a preliminary probe to find out if Greeks who own offshore companies unearthed by the ICIJ investigation have evaded taxes or laundered money. According to the Greek newspaper Ta Nea, prosecutors will send information requests to British Virgin Islands’ financial authorities asking them to turn over records of 107 entities connected to Greek citizens.
  • An investigation by Finnish State Televisionand ICIJ exposing the offshore connections of state-owned postal company Itella has been received with surprise by the Finnish Finance Minister, Jutta Urpilainen. The minister said that “state owned companies should be an example for other companies. That is why it is especially unacceptable that Itella owns a company in a tax haven.” Urpilainen said the Finnish government should adopt clear rules on the use of offshore jurisdictions by state-owned corporations and called tax havens “one of the biggest threats to the Finnish welfare state.”
  • The Mongolian Deputy Speaker, Bayartsogt Sangajav, admitted to an “ethics failure” over his undeclared million-dollar Swiss bank account. He told a press conference: “It is true that there is 1,658 Euros or 2.9 million MNT in a Swiss bank account. I opened the account to trade in international stocks with three other acquaintances in 2008. My failure of responsibility is that I did not include the company in my declaration of income. I have admitted my ethic failure and I am ready to take responsibility.”
  • Philippine government officials said they will investigate evidence that Maria Imelda Marcos Manotoc, a provincial governor and daughter of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos, was the beneficiary of a secret BVI offshore trust.
  • George Mavraganis, the Deputy Finance Minister of Greece announced that the Greek government is moving to address offshore-driven tax dodging. Greek members of parliament asked Mavraganis what he planned to do about the 103 offshore companies that ICIJ found hadn’t been registered with Greece’s tax authorities.
  • George Sourlas from Greece’s Ministry of Justice said the revenue loss caused by offshore was huge. “By the actions of offshore companies in Greece, the revenue loss to the Greek government is in the order of 40% or more of the debt of our country,” Sourlas said. “The offshore companies cast a shadow at this time of great crisis, when some get rich and many get poor.”
  • In France, President Francois Hollande denied knowledge of the offshore accounts held by his 2012 campaign manager, Jean-Jacques Augier, asserting that it’s up to the tax administration to monitor Augier’s private activities. Reports about Augier’s offshore dealings by Le Monde, the BBC and other ICIJ partners came in the wake of news about tax fraud charges against Hollande’s ex-budget Minister, Jerome Cahuzac.
  • The office of Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev asserted there was nothing unusual about the information in the leak – which showed that his two daughters were shareholders of three offshore companies. The statement said the President’s daughters “are grown up and have the right to do business.”  A spokesperson for Azersun – a holding company controlled by Hasan Gozal, a corporate mogul who was listed as the director of the daughters’ companies – said the report was biased and based on inaccurate information. “I regret that authority of Press Council doesn’t go beyond Azerbaijan and there is no such institution worldwide to fight racketeer journalists,” the spokesman said.
  • Ex-Colombian President Álvaro Uribe Vélez publicly defended his sons’ involvement in offshore business. Uribe stated that his sons Tomás and Jerónimo are entrepreneurs and “have participated in business dealings since they were children” and “they are not tax evaders.”
  • In the UK, David Cameron is facing renewed pressure to take action over Britain’s entanglements within the offshore world. Lord Oakeshott, a senior Liberal Democrat said that the secrecy haven of the British Virgin Islands “stains the face of Britain.” Oakeshott and others are questioning whether Cameron will raise the issue in June of at the G8 summit of wealth nations. “How can David Cameron keep a straight face calling for the G8 to make big business pay tax when we let the BVI use British law and British protection to suck in billions in dirty money?” Oakeshott asked.
  • German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble stated on public radio that he was “pleased” with the ICIJ reports. He went on to say, “I think that such things as have been made known will increase the pressure internationally, and we will be able to increase the cooperation with those who have been more reticent,” a sentiment reflected in Germany’s previous lobbying to stamp out tax avoidance.
  • Canadian Federal Revenue Minister Gail Shea called the released of offshore banking information as “good news” for Canadians and bad news for tax evaders. Ms. Shea urged ICIJ or anyone else with information on tax cheats to come forward.
  • Pascal Saint-Amans, director of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development, said: “Secrecy is no longer acceptable. We need to get rid of it. If the rules make it possible, then we’ll change the rules.”

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The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
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Where Life Is Good

… where bankers don’t exist.

No War, No Money, No Problems. The Island At The End Of The Earth, Where Life Is Good

Posted on January 9, 2014 / Sunny Skyz
By Thomas Martienssen for BBC News Magazine
It is one of the most isolated island communities in the world. The tiny Pacific island of Palmerston is visited by a supply ship twice a year – at most – and the long and hazardous journey deters all but the most intrepid visitors. What’s more, most of its 62 inhabitants are descended from one man – an Englishman who settled there 150 years ago.
island at end of the world
Photo: ©
Nine days of constant movement. Nine days in a boat, unable to stand. Nine days with the fear of being hit by a tropical storm, thousands of miles from rescue. The Pacific Ocean is big. Far bigger than one would imagine. This is the journey to the island at the end of the earth.
Part of the Cook Islands, Palmerston is one of a handful of islands connected by a coral reef which surrounds the calm waters of a central lagoon. But within this entire area the reef sits too high in the water for sea planes to land – and outside it the ocean is simply too rough. It is also too far from anywhere for a normal helicopter to fly to. The sea is the only access.
So getting there is not easy. After two days of flying – from London via Los Angeles – we set off by boat from Tahiti.
After five days of sailing in our small yacht, the clouds turn a menacing black. The strength of the sun has gone and a worrying chill hangs in the air. A sudden clatter of heavy rain hits the side of the boat. A bolt of lightning strikes the sea.
With the sail at full height, the strength of the wind pushes the boat over a full 60 degrees, dragging us sideways through the water. There’s very little that can be done once the sail has dropped – the boat is at the complete mercy of the elements.
And there is no-one to help. During nine days at sea we see nothing. No other ships, no wildlife, and no aircraft – not even at 50,000 feet. Nothing.
This extreme journey prevents all but the most determined of visitors from ever reaching Palmerston, a tiny patch of green surrounded by thousands of miles of ocean.
Photo: ©
The height of the island means it is not visible until just two miles away and in bad weather it’s simply impossible to see. Over the years, tens if not hundreds of boats have hit the reef hiding just below the waves, leaving the sailors stranded. The latest wreck, brought down just three years ago, sits on the beach with a gaping hole in its side. The parts of these ships – engines, wooden planks and masts – have been salvaged by the islanders and re-used. Nothing goes to waste here.
william marstersWilliam Marsters was Palmerston’s first permanent inhabitant 150 years ago. I was told – with some confidence – that he had sailed with Captain Cook’s ship as a carpenter. But while the famous explorer died in 1779, William wasn’t born until at least 1830.
Marsters lived in the Cook Islands from the 1850’s and in the early 1860’s, he was appointed caretaker of Palmerston by its then owner, a British merchant, John Brander. He moved there in 1863 accompanied by his wife, a Polynesian woman, and two of her cousins.
Today, all but three of the residents are direct descendants of William.
Approaching the beach / Photo: ©
“Welcome to my world, a land of white sands and coconuts. Nothing goes wrong in Palmerston,” says Bob Marsters, a resident of the island.
“Eh boy, grab these fellas a coconut – drink, drink.” Bob’s son knocks off the top of a coconut using a machete and I sit down on a plastic garden chair and drink.

“You know I love this place, all the people fighting wars should just come to Palmerston and go for a swim, play some volleyball,” says Bob. “No need for all that fighting and killing everybody, no-one fighting here.”

I listen to the wind rippling through the leaves of the palm trees. Then, in one of the most surreal moments of my life, surrounded by 3,000 miles of open ocean, I hear one of the islanders listening to her favorite song. Not a gently lilting melody but rather, “Boom, boom, boom – Vengaboys are coming” – the distinctive sound of cheesy Euro dance pop.
Officially a New Zealand protectorate, Palmerston receives many of the modern amenities that we take for granted. Housing, power (for a couple of hours a day), the internet (for a couple of hours a day), even – for a lucky few – a mobile phone signal.
Yet the people of Palmerston have no shop, just two toilets, and rainwater is collected for drinking water. Money is only used to buy supplies from the outside world – not from each other.
“That’s one thing I’m so proud of with the families living on Palmerston – we work together, we love each other and we share,” says Bob.
“For instance, when I’m out of rice or flour I can just go next door and if they have – they give. I’m really happy people don’t sell things here. The supply ship hasn’t been for six months but we don’t cry over rice or steak, we just manage with our coconuts and our fish. But the day the freighter arrives it’s like Christmas Day,” he laughs.
Bob is the mayor of Palmerston and lives at one end of the main street. It is a strip of sand no more than 100 meters long and is home to just half a dozen buildings. “This is the main road, no bus stops here, no buses to wait for in Palmerston,” says Bob with a hearty chuckle.
Photo: ©
In the 1950’s, Lt Cdr Victor Clark’s boat was shipwrecked and he lived on the island for nine months while it was repaired. This experience features heavily in his book, On the Wind of a Dream: A Saga of Solace. When he died aged 97, his daughter Rose made the long journey to Palmerston from her home in Devon to scatter his ashes.
“It was his favorite time of life,” she says. And a year after she first arrived, she is still here.
“My adventure here’s been great, not what I planned. I thought I was coming over for a short visit before heading off to carry on with the rat race of life.”
During her visit, she was asked to look after the school’s only special needs pupil, a child who has ADHD.
“I initially turned it down because I could not imagine living on a tiny atoll hundreds of miles from the nearest life. But then I realized – that’s what I was doing in the UK, it’d be pretty selfish to leave this little eight-year-old that couldn’t be at school.
“They’re such a family-orientated community – it’s very beautiful. I’ve learnt a lot about their closeness while I’ve been here.”
On the days when there is no school, Rose joins other women to make traditional hats or baskets from palm leaves.
More often than not, the group can be heard singing and laughing together. It is a social gathering, but it also highlights the lack of young adults. While the young children do the lifting and unskilled tasks, the older women do the intricate weaving, a skill perfected over many years. But there are no young adults here for the women to pass on their knowledge and family stories to.
island life
Photo: ©
Nevertheless, the Palmerstonians seem to have a good life. The days are long and the working hours short. As Bob says: “You are free to do what you want to do.”
In the evenings, the schoolchildren go swimming or play volleyball, while some of the men gather around the island’s only TV to watch the rugby highlights. The women relax on hammocks, laughing and joking.
In all this, alcohol plays no real part. Until the next supply ship makes an appearance, the island is dry. Beer is sometimes brewed, but only for special occasions. Edward, the island’s policeman, is probably the least busy police officer in the world.
I ask one of the islanders what would happen if someone was to steal a coconut.
“I’d fill a wheel barrow [with coconuts] and take it round,” he tells me. “They’re obviously desperate but too proud to ask for one.”
So with his spare time, Edward makes things. He’s particularly good at making ukuleles. He uses a piece of wood from the tree they call the mahogany tree, a coconut and fishing line for strings.
He also plays them, very well as it happens. As we sit outside his squat house, his brother Simon runs over with a plate of food.
island locals
Photo: © / Policeman Edward
“No one fed you lunch yet, eh?” he says, placing it on the table. And so, surrounded by engine parts, coconuts and my third lunch of the day, Edward and his brother Simon sing the Farewell song.
It tells of William Marsters’ trip to Palmerston a century and a half ago, when he “sang farewell to happy London town”.
As we prepare to leave, Bob appears with a basket of fish. He has been luckier than Bill with his catch and shares it across the whole island. “We share everything with our family,” he says, handing us two fish for the return leg of our journey.
Bob turns and looks out across the lagoon. “We were made to enjoy the world, enjoy the fresh air, enjoy the sunshine, enjoy the things God put us on the earth to enjoy. He didn’t put us on the earth to kill other people or hate other people.”
Please support us by downloading our Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Calling Things As They Are

Here’s a good post from Max Keiser to start the year on the right foot…

Resolution #1: Let’s Call Things What They Really Are in 2014

The Status Quo system is failing. Its collapse will be messy. Starting to call things what they really are is a necessary first step to working with this reality.

Longtime correspondent Harun I. has offered a refreshing resolution for 2014: let’s start calling things what they actually are, rather than continue using officially sanctioned half-truths and misdirections. Language defines the context, meaning and agenda–in other words, everything. If we continue using Orwellian language, we get an Orwellian world of officially sanctioned deceptions passing as reality.

Here are Harun’s suggestions should we accept the value of Calling Things What They Really Are. This may well be one of the most insightful explanations of our financial system you will ever read:

“Let’s start off the new year by resolving to call things exactly what they are with words a 5th grader would understand.

Bank Deposit: An unsecured personal loan. The bank can do whatever it wishes with the money. The money may not be returned (ironically, people pay for this “service”).

Fractional Reserve Banking (Lending): Leverage. A bank has only a fraction of what it owes to its depositors. In a 10% fractional reserve system, the bank is only required to have ten cents of every dollar in its vaults.

The IMF is suggesting a 10% default by European banks. In a 10% reserve system, this is a reversal. Effectively, one person is going to get their money back and nine others are not. This may reset the banking system but the economic consequences due to the loss of purchasing power at such a scale will be significant.

Bank Bailout: The bank has lost its depositors money and thence government forces the public to borrow money they have a) already earned, b) from the very banks that supposedly have no money, and c) do so at interest (which must be borrowed). Effectively it is a failure and therefore a default.

Bank Bail-in: Every dollar placed at a bank is a dollar it owes to someone (liability). When the bank has lost all or a portion of its depositors’ money, it cannot return what it owes. Rather than forcing the people that are owed money by the bank to borrow money to put back in their accounts, the bank merely points out that it doesn’t have the money. This is a default.

Default = Default.

Money: Has no other purpose than to allow people to trade things they have worked to make or services they have performed. Holding on to it may allow one to trade for more or less of a particular good or service in the future. Money is a promise but not a guarantee that it will be exchangeable for something in the future. It is credit and debt.

Without a tangible good or service to trade money is worthless. If I have made a fine overcoat and you, with your skills in carpentry, have made an exquisite chair, we can trade these things directly. In this case money is worthless. It does not work the other way around. Goods and services do not become worthless in the absence of money. My coat will still have value even if I choose to wear it to keep warm. Your chair will have value even if you just choose to sit in it.

This is a critical distinction — and it has been completely lost on just about everyone. We have become completely divorced from the goods and services we make and provide and the money we use to trade these goods and services. At the core of this divorce is Fractional or zero Reserve Banking.

Let’s propose that you and I traded our goods and we deposited our goods in a bank. The bank immediately pledges my chair and your coat to ten other people. Some time later I engage in a redecoration of my home and want my chair. Winter comes and you want your coat. Immediately there is a problem. The bank owes our goods to ten other people. The only way for them to resolve this situation is to either get everyone to accept a fraction of the coat and chair, which of course isn’t very practical, reduce their liability by giving one person the chair and one person the coat and the other ten people get nothing (bail in), or get you and I to bail them out by producing eleven more chairs and coats (10 plus interest).

You see, if in the definitions of bailout and bail in we simply substitute the word moneywith the words goods and services, the situation loses its ambiguity. When we understand internally what money represents, then we understand what the term Bank backstops really mean. A bank can only be backstopped, bailed out or bailed in, by labor because that is the only thing that “money” represents.

If we understand the definition of money then when we discuss the Federal Reserve’s leverage, e.g. 72 to 1, we immediately understand that for each unit of labor performed 72 are owed. If for each hour of labor 72 is owed, how is this ever make that up? The clever person would pipe up and say, I’ll just work for 72 hours straight. But for each of those 72 hours he has worked he now owes 72. When we understand this, we understand that it is an event horizon.

We then understand that every bit of QE (quantitative easing) is a pledge of labor someone must perform at some point in time and that the rate of performance required is impossible.

If we now understand money and leverage and are to propose debt forgiveness then we must embrace rather than bemoan austerity because austerity is the necessary result of 10 other people not getting a chair to sit in or a warm coat for the winter.

With these concepts firmly in tow we begin to see that all of this hand wringing over paying off the $17 trillion in debt is, at best, a fools errand. Yes, in public politicians try to sooth us by appearing concerned. But behind closed doors, the Fed, Treasury, the Congress and the Executive, are all trying to figure out how we are going to borrow more so that over the next doubling period (about 10 years) debt will expand to a necessary $34 trillion.

Some additional clarification may be needed to explain leverage and work. At 72 to 1 the other option is to create 72 units in the time it takes to make one. In other words, if it took you and I one month to create our goods, we must create 72 coats and chairs in that one month. Broken down into hours, if we worked at full capacity 8 hours per day to create one coat and chair, we must do enough work in that 8 hours to create 72 coats and chairs.

Ultimately, work is nothing more than an exchange of energy, and the equation for any exchange of energy is quantifiable and finite (the equation must always balance). If we measured labor output in calories instead of money, the deception disappears. People may not be willing to expend 10 calories for 1. We would also understand that 1 calorie cannot create 10.

These concepts (thermodynamics) are esoteric to the point a 5th grader would have trouble understanding. But what is easily understandable is that if we all did the same work everyday but got less food because of an increase of incoming workers, yes, we would all have food – and we would all soon become malnourished or starved.

How would people react if the Fed said that for every loaf of bread it takes out of the system 72 loafs of bread will disappear?

We must also understand that a lever transmits torque, it does not create more torque.

It is at this point of awareness that it becomes clear that to balance the equation, it is unavoidable that people are not going to get most or all of what they have been promised (austerity). It is at this point that the sober realization arises that we have to dramatically change our expectation of the future.

Credit: Allows trade of something for a promise. Regardless of whatever expectation that may exist, something has been traded or given for no service performed or product yet created. Simply, something has been traded for nothing.

Federal Reserve System: A group of secretly privately owned banks (which, logically were among those who lost all of their depositors money and most certainly compose the primary dealers), that control the global money supply by making more or less credit/money available. It is also supposed to regulate banks within its system.

Even if this system functioned as designed rather than what it has morphed into, it still reads: a subsidiary formed but not funded by member banks and sanctioned by government to lend money to corporations and member banks (to themselves) against strong collateral (which no other bank would touch). Meaning the assets they own are good, but nobody wants them (i.e. the assets are worthless). In essence, this gets those great and wonderful assets off corporation’s and member bank’s books at full value.

Today this subsidiary of the member banks (the banks that own the Fed), loans money to its parent banks to buy all sorts of debt (mostly government debt), then goes about removing that debt (asset) from its parent bank’s balance sheet by buying it from them at full price, regardless of what it would have fetched in the market place.

At the most cursory glance, one begins to see how this farcically incestuous relationship would open the door to cronyism, political capture, monetary dominance, and serious abuses of public trust. Whether there is an awakening on the part of of the public is irrelevant. This system is failing. Its collapse will be messy.

There is no need to fret over debt or the monetary system, or the Feds economic and monetary “models”. There is no need to grouse about their manipulations. These things are destined to fail and are already doing so. What we will do in the aftermath of their complete failure, however, is probably of utmost importance.”

Thank you, Harun, for an excellent start in Calling Things What They Really Are. Off the top of my head, here are two more:Capitalism: in the U.S. and global economy, this is a cover-word for crony/State capitalism, in which the Central State (rather than the marketplace) chooses the winners and losers.Growth: Heavily manipulated statistics that reflect the increasing dominance of crony/State capitalism, passed off as “growth” in the real, lived-in economy. Those crony cartels that are receiving the Federal Reserve’s “free money” from quantitative easing (QE) are “growing,” and everything that isn’t receiving the Fed’s “free money” is stagnating.

I am sure you can add your own list of “calling things what they really are.”


Saudi’s Global Terror Network

Global Terrorism and Saudi Arabia: Bandar’s Terror Network

Global Research, January 11, 2014

Saudi Arabia has all the vices and none of the virtues of an oil rich state like Venezuela.  The country is governed by a family dictatorship which tolerates no opposition and severely punishes human rights advocates and political dissidents.  Hundreds of billions in oil revenues are controlled by the royal despotism and fuel speculative investments the world over.  The ruling elite relies on the purchase of Western arms and US military bases for protection.  The wealth of productive nations is syphoned to enrich the conspicuous consumption of the Saudi ruling family.  The ruling elite finances the most fanatical, retrograde, misogynist version of Islam, “Wahhabi” a sect of Sunni Islam.

            Faced with internal dissent from repressed subjects and religious minorities, the Saudi dictatorship perceives threats and dangers from all sides:  overseas, secular, nationalists and Shia ruling governments; internally, moderate Sunni nationalists, democrats and feminists; within the royalist cliques, traditionalists and modernizers.  In response it has turned toward financing, training and arming an international network of Islamic terrorists who are directed toward attacking, invading and destroying regimes opposed to the Saudi clerical-dictatorial regime.

            The mastermind of the Saudi terror network is Bandar bin Sultan, who has longstanding and deep ties to high level US political, military and intelligence officials.  Bandar was trained and indoctrinated at Maxwell Air Force Base and Johns Hopkins University and served as Saudi Ambassador to the US for over two decades (1983 – 2005).  Between 2005 – 2011 he was Secretary of the National Security Council and in 2012 he was appointed as Director General of the Saudi Intelligence Agency.  Early on Bandar became deeply immersed in clandestine terror operations working

in liaison with the CIA.  Among his numerous “dirty operations” with the CIA during the 1980s, Bandar channeled $32 million dollars to the Nicaragua Contra’s engaged in a terror campaign to overthrow the revolutionary Sandinista government in Nicaragua.  During his tenure as ambassador he was actively engaged in protecting Saudi royalty with ties to the 9/11/01 bombing of the Triple Towers and the Pentagon.  Suspicion that Bandar and his allies in the Royal family had prior knowledge of the bombings by Saudi terrorists (11 of the 19), is suggested by the sudden flight of Saudi Royalty following the terrorist act.  US intelligence documents regarding the Saudi-Bandar connection are under Congressional review.

With a wealth of experience and training in running clandestine terrorist operations, derived from his two decades of collaboration with the US intelligence agencies, Bandar was in a position to organize his own global terror network in defense of the isolated retrograde and vulnerable Saudi despotic monarchy.

Bandar’s Terror Network

Bandar bin Sultan has transformed Saudi Arabia from an inward-looking, tribal based regime totally dependent on US military power for its survival, to a major regional center of a vast terror network, an active financial backer of rightwing military dictatorships (Egypt) and client regimes (Yemen) and military interventor in the Gulf region (Bahrain).  Bandar has financed and armed a vast array of clandestine terror operations, utilizing Islamic affiliates of Al Qaeda, the Saudi controlled Wahhabi sect as well as numerous other Sunni armed groups.  Bandar is a “pragmatic” terrorist operator:  repressing Al Qaeda adversaries in Saudi Arabia and financing Al Qaeda terrorists in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and elsewhere.,  While Bandar was a long-term asset of the US intelligence services, he has, more recently, taken an ‘independent course’ where the regional interests of the despotic state diverge  from those of the US.  In the same vein, while Saudi Arabia has a longstanding enmity toward Israel, Bandar has developed a “covert understanding” and working relation with the Netanyahu regime, around their common enmity toward Iran and more specifically in opposition to the interim agreement between the Obama-Rohani regime.

Bandar has intervened directly or via proxies in reshaping political alignments, destabilizing adversaries and bolstering and expanding the political reach of the Saudi dictatorship from North Africa to South Asia, from the Russian Caucuses to the Horn of Africa, sometimes in concert with Western imperialism, other times projecting Saudi hegemonic aspirations.

North Africa:  Tunisia, Morocco, Libya and Egypt

            Bandar has poured billions of dollars to bolster the rightwing pro-Islamic regimes in Tunisia and Morocco, ensuring that the mass pro-democracy movements would be repressed, marginalized and demobilized.. Islamic extremists receiving Saudi financial support are encouraged to back the “moderate” Islamists in government by assassinating secular democratic leaders and socialist trade union leaders in opposition.  Bandar’s policies largely coincide with those of the US and France in Tunisia and Morocco; but not in Libya and Egypt.

            Saudi financial backing for Islamist terrorists and Al Qaeda affiliates against Libyan President Gadhafi were in-line with the NATO air war.  However divergences emerged in the aftermath:  the NATO backed client regime made up of neo-liberal ex-pat’s faced off against Saudi backed Al Qaeda and Islamist terror gangs and assorted tribal gunmen and marauders.  Bandar funded Islamic extremists in Libya were bankrolled  to extend their military operations to Syria, where the Saudi regime was organizing a vast military operation to overthrow the Assad regime.  The internecine conflict between NATO and Saudi armed groups in Libya, spilled over and led to the Islamist murder of the US Ambassador and CIA operatives in Benghazi.  Having overthrown Gadhafi, Bandar virtually abandoned interest in the ensuing blood bath and chaos provoked by his armed assets.  They in turn, became self-financing – robbing banks, pilfering oil and emptying local treasuries – relatively “independent” of Bandar’s control.

            In Egypt, Bandar developed, in coordination with Israel (but for different reasons), a strategy of undermining the relatively independent, democratically elected Muslim Brotherhood regime of Mohammed Morsi.  Bandar and the Saudi dictatorship financially backed the military coup and dictatorship of General Sisi.  The US strategy of a power-sharing agreement between the Moslem Brotherhood and the military regime, combining popular electoral legitimacy and the pro-Israel-pro NATO military was sabotaged.  With a $15 billion aid package and promises of more to come, Bandar provided the Egyptian military a financial lifeline and economic immunity from any international financial reprisals.  None were taken of any consequences.  The military crushed the Brotherhood, jailed and threatened to execute its elected leaders.  It outlawed sectors of the liberal-left opposition which it had used as cannon fodder to justify its seizure of power.  In backing the military coup, Bandar eliminated a rival, democratically elected Islamic regime which stood in contrast to the Saudi despotism.  He secured a like-minded dictatorial regime in a key Arab country, even though the military rulers are more secular, pro-Western, pro-Israel and less anti-Assad than the Brotherhood regime.  Bandar’s success in greasing the wheels for the Egyptian coup secured a political ally but faces an uncertain future.

The revival of a new anti-dictatorial mass movement would also target the Saudi connection.  Moreover Bandar undercut and weakened Gulf State unity:  Qatar had financed the Morsi regime and was out $5 billion dollars it had extended to the previous regime.

Bandar’s terror network is most evident in his long-term large scale financing, arming, training and transport of tens of thousands of Islamic terrorist “volunteers” from the US, Europe, the Middle East, the Caucuses, North Africa and elsewhere.. Al Qaeda terrorists in Saudi Arabia became “martyrs of Islam” in Syria.  Dozens of Islamic armed gangs in Syria competed for Saudi arms and funds.  Training bases with US and European instructors and Saudi financing were established in Jordan, Pakistan and Turkey.  Bandar financed the major ‘rebel’ Islamic terrorist armed group, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, for cross border operations.

With Hezbollah supporting Assad, Bandar directed money and arms to the Abdullah Azzam Brigades in Lebanon to bomb South Beirut, the Iranian embassy and Tripoli.  Bandar directed $3 billion to the Lebanese military with the idea of fomenting a new civil war between it and Hezbollah.  In co-ordination with France and the US, but with far greater funding and greater latitude to recruit Islamic terrorist, Bandar assumed the leading role and became the principle director of a three front military and diplomatic offensive against Syria, Hezbollah and Iran.  For Bandar, an Islamic takeover in Syria would lead to an Islamic Syrian invasion in support of Al Qaeda in Lebanon to defeat Hezbollah in hopes of isolating Iran.  Teheran would then become the target of a Saudi-Israeli-US offensive.  Bandar’s strategy is more fantasy then reality.

Bandar Diverges from Washington:  the Offensive in Iraq and Iran

Saudi Arabia has been an extremely useful but sometimes out of control client of Washington.  This is especially the case since Bandar has taken over as Intelligence chief:  a long-time asset of the CIA he has also, at times, taken the liberty to extract “favors” for his services, especially when those “favors” enhance his upward advance within the Saudi power structure.  Hence, for example, his ability to secure AWACs despite AIPAC opposition earned him merit points.  As did Bandar’s ability to secure the departure of several hundred Saudi ‘royalty’ with ties to the 9/11 bombers, despite a high level national security lockdown in the aftermath of the bombing.

While there were episodic transgressions in the past, Bandar moved on to more serious divergences from US policy.  He went ahead, building his own terror network, directed toward maximizing Saudi hegemony – even where it conflicted with US proxies, clients and clandestine operatives.

While the US is committed to backing the rightwing Malicki regime in Iraq, Bandar is providing political, military and financial backing to the Sunni terrorist “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria”. When the US negotiated the “interim agreement” with Iran Bandar voiced his opposition and “bought” support.  Saudi signed off on a billion dollar arms agreement during French President Hollande’s visit, in exchange for greater sanctions on Iran.  Bandar also expressed support for Israel’s use of the Zionist power configuration to influence the Congress, to sabotage US negotiations with Iran.

Bandar has moved beyond his original submission to US intelligence handlers.  His close ties with past and present US and EU presidents and political influentials have encouraged him to engage in “Big Power adventures”.  He met with Russian President Putin to convince him to drop his support for Syria, offering a carrot or a stick: a multi-billion dollar arms sale for compliance and a threat to unleash Chechnyian terrorists to undermine the Sochi Olympics.  He has turned Erdogan from a NATO ally supporting ‘moderate’ armed opponents to Bashar Assad, into embracing the Saudi backed ‘Islamic State of Iraq and Syria”, a terrorist Al Qaeda affiliate.  Bandar has “overlooked” Erdogan’s “opportunist” efforts to sign off oil deals with Iran and Iraq, his continuing military arrangements with NATO and his past backing of the defunct Morsi regime in Egypt, in order to secure Erdogan’s support for the easy transit of large numbers of Saudi trained terrorists to Syria and probably Lebanon.

Bandar has strengthened ties with the armed Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan, arming and financing their armed resistance against the US, as well as offering the US a site for a ‘negotiated departure’.

Bandar is probably supporting and arming Uighur Muslim terrorists in western China, and Chechens and Caucasian Islamic terrorists in Russia, even as the Saudi’s expand their oil agreements with China and cooperate with Russia’s Gazprom.

The only region where the Saudi’s have exercised direct military intervention is in the Gulf min-state of Bahrain, where Saudi troops crushed the pro-democracy movement challenging the local despot.

Bandar:  Global Terror on Dubious Domestic Foundations

Bandar has embarked on an extraordinary transformation of Saudi foreign policy and enhanced its global influence.  All to the worst.  Like Israel, when a reactionary ruler comes to power and overturns the democratic order, Saudi arrives on the scene with bags of dollars to buttress the regime.  Whenever an Islamic terror network emerges to subvert a nationalist, secular or Shia regime, it can count on Saudi funds and arms.  What some Western scribes euphemistically describe as “tenuous effort to liberalize and modernize” the retrograde Saudi regime, is really a military upgrade of its overseas terrorist activity.  Bandar uses modern techniques of terror to impose the Saudi model of reactionary rule on neighboring and distant regimes with Muslim populations.

            The problem is that Bandar’s “adventurous” large scale overseas operations conflict with some of the ruling Royal family’s “introspective” style of rulership.  They want to be left alone to accrue hundreds of billions collecting petrol rents, to invest in high-end properties around the world, and to quietly patronize high end call girls in Washington, London and Beirut –while posing as pious guardians of Medina, Mecca and the Holy sites.  So far Bandar has not been challenged, because he has been careful to pay his respects to the ruling monarch and his inner circle.  He has bought and brought Western and Eastern prime ministers, presidents and other respectable notable to Riyadh to sign deals and pay compliments to the delight of the reigning despot.  Yet his solicitous behavior to overseas Al Qaeda operations, his encouraging Saudi extremists to go overseas and engage in terrorist wars, disturbs monarchical circles.   They worry that Saudis trained, armed and knowledgeable terrorists – dubbed as “holy warriors” – may return from Syria, Russia and Iraq and bomb the Kings palaces.  Moreover, oversea regimes targeted by Bandar’s terror network may retaliate:  Russia or Iran, Syrians, Egyptians, Pakistanis, Iraqis may just sponsor their own instruments of retaliation.  Despite the hundreds of billions spent on arms purchases, the Saudi regime is very vulnerable on all levels.  Apart from tribal legions, the billionaire elite have little popular support and even less legitimacy.  It depends on overseas migrant labor, foreign “experts” and US military forces.  The Saudi elite is also despised by the most religious of the Wahhabi clergy for allowing “infidels” on sacred terrain.  While Bandar extends Saudi power abroad, the domestic foundations of rule are narrowing.  While he defies US policymakers in Syria, Iran and Afghanistan, the regime depends on the US Air Force and Seventh Fleet to protect it from a growing array of adversarial regimes.

            Bandar, with his inflated ego, may believe that he is a “Saladin” building a new Islamic empire, but in reality, by waving one finger his patron monarch can lead to his rapid dismissal.  One too many provocative civilian bombings by his Islamic terrorist beneficiaries can lead to an international crises leading to Saudi Arabia becoming the target of world opprobrium.

            In reality, Bandar bin Sultan is the protégé and successor of Bin Laden; he has deepened and systematized global terrorism.  Bandar’s terror network has murdered far more innocent victims than Bin Laden.  That, of course, is to be expected; after all he has billions of dollars from the Saudi treasury, training from the CIA and the handshake of Netanyahu!

source »

Please support us by downloading our Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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This is probably the easiest article to write, or the easiest hoax to disprove.

Global Warming is another concept that is based on false pretext, crumbling on its false weight much shorter than the concept of terrorism, cancer and hell before it.

The world is treating it as a non-issue anymore; in its stead, a new buzzword – polar vortex.

Polar vortex is new to me either, like the storm surge which most of my fellow countrymen never really understood to be a grave warning when category 5 typhoon Yolanda [Hainan] was fast approaching.

What is not new, however, is that when all of mainstream media are so enthusiastic about a frightening concept, it must be a hoax.

For all its hype, the Global Warming concept is officially frozen.. the carbon tax is carbonized, and Al Gore is Al Gone.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11


On The Coldest Day In America In 20 Years, Here Are Al Gore’s Stupidest Global Warming Quotes

What the United States and Canada are experiencing right now is making global warming alarmists such as Al Gore look quite foolish.  The following are 10 of Al Gore’s stupidest global warming quotes…

#1 In 2008, Al Gore boldly declared to a German audience that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.” (Needless to say, that did not happen.  In fact, the ice cap in the Arctic actually got larger this year.)

#2 “CO2 is the exhaling breath of our civilization, literally. … Changing that pattern requires a scope, a scale, a speed of change that is beyond what we have done in the past.” (Actually, without carbon dioxide life on earth would not exist.)

#3 “The planet has a fever. If your baby has a fever, you go to the doctor. If the doctor says you need to intervene here, you don’t say, ‘Well, I read a science fiction novel that told me it’s not a problem.’ If the crib’s on fire, you don’t speculate that the baby is flame retardant. You take action.” (It sounds like what Al Gore really needs is more cowbell.)

#4 During a speech at NYU Law School in 2006, Al Gore made the following statement: “Many scientists are now warning that we are moving closer to several “tipping points” that could — within as little as 10 years — make it impossible for us to avoid irretrievable damage to the planet’s habitability for human civilization.”

#5 “Here is the truth: The Earth is round; Saddam Hussein did not attack us on 9/11; Elvis is dead; Obama was born in the United States; and the climate crisis is real.”

#6 “The interior of the earth is extremely hot – several million degrees.” (It actually peaks out at about 11,000 degrees.)

#7 “There is an air of unreality in debating these arcane points when the world is changing in such dramatic ways right in front of our eyes because of global warming.”

#8 “It would be an enormous relief if the recent attacks on the science of global warming actually indicated that we do not face an unimaginable calamity requiring large-scale, preventive measures to protect human civilization as we know it.”

#9 “The survival of the United States of America as we know it is at risk. And even more — if more should be required — the future of human civilization is at stake.”

#10 “We ought to approach this challenge [of global warming] with a sense of profound joy and gratitude: that we are the generation about which, a thousand years from now, philharmonic orchestras and poets and singers will celebrate by saying, they were the ones that found it within themselves to solve this crisis and lay the basis for a bright and optimistic human future.”

As time goes by, the scientific evidence continues to mount.  It is becoming painfully evident that the theory of man-made global warming simply is not true.  The following is from a recent New American article

Well, 2013 is almost over, and contrary to the alarmist “predictions” by Gore and what critics refer to as his “doomsday cult,” the latest satellite data show that Arctic ice cover has actually expanded 50 percent over 2012 levels. In fact, during October, sea-ice levels grew at the fastest pace since records began in 1979. Experts predict the expansion to continue in the years to come, leaving global-warming alarmists scrambling fiendishly for explanations to save face — and to revive the rapidly melting climate hysteria.

In September, meanwhile, data also showed that sea ice levels in Antarctica had expanded to record levels for the second year in a row. Of course, by now, virtually everyone who has been following news about “global warming” — now more often referred to as “climate change” owing to public-relations concerns — also knows that global temperatures have not risen for some 17 years. The spectacular lack of warming demolished all 73 of the “climate models” used by the United Nations to push its controversial theories.

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Climategate: the final nail in the coffin of ‘Anthropogenic Global Warming’?

If you own any shares in alternative energy companies I should start dumping them NOW. The conspiracy behind the Anthropogenic Global Warming myth (aka AGW; aka ManBearPig) has been suddenly, brutally and quite deliciously exposed after a hacker broke into the computers at the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (aka  CRU) and released 61 megabytes of confidential files onto the internet. (Hat tip: Watts Up With That)

When you read some of those files – including 1079 emails and 72 documents – you realise just why the boffins at CRU might have preferred to keep them confidential. As Andrew Bolt puts it, this scandal could well be “the greatest in modern science”. These alleged emails – supposedly exchanged by some of the most prominent scientists pushing AGW theory – suggest:

Conspiracy, collusion in exaggerating warming data, possibly illegal destruction of embarrassing information, organised resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more.

One of the alleged emails has a gentle gloat over the death in 2004 of John L Daly (one of the first climate change sceptics, founder of the Still Waiting For Greenhouse site), commenting:

“In an odd way this is cheering news.”

source »

Please support us by downloading our Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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From the Keenan Group…

THE KEENAN TEAM REPORTS: THE FED FRAUD | The European-Controlled Creature That’s Bled Us for 100 Years

Posted on January 9, 2014

January 9, 2014

Knowledge is indeed power.  Neil Keenan and his team bring the truth to the people who have long been denied their right to know how our government has allowed the Federal Reserve Bank (the FED), a European-controlled private corporation, to ransack this country for the past 100 years in the biggest fraud this world has ever seen.  Rob us blind for 100 years, shame on them; rob us blind for the next 100 years, and shame on us for remaining blissfully ignorant and allowing this monstrosity to ruin our country.

 In 1932 the brilliant, courageous, patriotic Chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee, Congressman Louis T. McFadden, was American’s first, most informed, and most eloquent anti-FED champion.  His crusade, from the floor well of the U.S. House of Representatives, outlined below, is particularly “sacred” because McFadden paid for his brave efforts to expose this FED fraud with his life: he was assassinated.


As never before exposed to the world at large, these excerpts from McFadden’s audacious speeches from the United States House of Representative floor well, recited from the U.S. Congressional Record of 1934, clearly detail how the FED has masterminded the death of what our founding fathers envisioned for America.  With the passage of the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913, McFadden reveals how our government officially ceased being by-the-people and for-the-people and became wholly under the control of the Federal Reserve Board and their foreign European overlords.

Don’t believe it?  Then read on, and the outrageous truth will be understood: We The People’s hard-earned liberty and prosperity without restraint have been handed over by the FED to foreign bankers and their agents, generation after generation, to the exclusive benefit of the Globalists and their hellish agenda.  All the while, the truth has remained hidden, quietly submerged in so many unread pages of the Congressional Record — and not a word breathed of this tragedy in the last 100 years by America’s multi-national corporate-owned press.

McFadden told Congress:  “They [the FED] have been peddling the credit of this Government to the swindlers and speculators of all nations.  This is what happens when a country forsakes its Constitution and gives its sovereignty over the public currency to private interests.  Give them the flag and they will sell it.” President Woodrow Wilson who signed the Federal Reserve Act into law lamented  in his diary that by doing so, “I have unwittingly ruined my country.”

Although McFadden’s words were documented in the early 1930s, they accurately and tragically describe the state of America today, but with the inevitability that our conditions have grown to be far worse than even he has imagined.  Over the years much has been claimed about the lawlessness of the FED, however, once it is understood how this “crime train” got started, it takes little imagination to realize the ever-growing, ever-expanding methods that the FED employs to perpetuate their rape and pillage of America’s freedoms and finances.

In 1932 McFadden boldly called for an audit of the FED.  Over eighty years later, even with Ron Paul’s efforts, the FED has still never been audited for one penny they have illegally siphoned from the America people’s reserves.  Trillions of “bail-out” dollars that the FED doled out in the FED-caused crash of 2008 were given to foreign banks.  Why would ”our” FED give American bail-out money to foreign banks?  McFadden provides the answer to this question, as well as why the American people have suffered so severely and have been deprived of their rightful inheritance of wealth for which you, your parents, and your parents’ parents, labored so very long and hard.

Having served as Chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee for more than ten years, McFadden was uniquely knowledgeable when he cited specific examples and figures of the American wealth the FED was shipping out of our country.  Passed by a law from an empty chamber on the night before Christmas Eve, 1913, and with the regretful support of a naive President, the FED grew quickly to control a large portion of the world’s gold by the early 1930s.  There can be no question that the FED knew they were omnipotent and unstoppable to export whatever they wished of American wealth, whenever they wanted, to whomever they willed.

The FED has not made public the actual import and export figures of gold since 1941, however, based on their nefarious method of operation from the beginning, the figures that they previously made available were not based on reality.  McFadden blew the whistle right in the U.S. House floor well on regular European shipments of the American people’s gold in tranches to the tune of $1.3 billion (1932) dollars worth per quarter.  Yet the FED makes no accounting of this in their half-baked books, and quickly stopped making these books publicly available at all.

It is an understatement to say that McFadden’s words should be read by every American and taken to heart and mind, in spite of the fact that it will provide no comfort in knowing the truth,  no comfort in the anger and horror of learning the cold hard facts of what the arch-criminal FED has done to this country from the very first days of its diabolical inception.  Indisputable proof that McFadden spoke the truth is found in the heartbreaking fact that after two assassination attempts, one by gunshot and the other by poison, he died suddenly and inexplicably of “heart failure” in 1936.

Now The Keenan Team, in the proud tradition of our dear patriot Congressman McFadden, reveals what few know, and nobody else will come forward to say about today’s FED mis-dealings:


On May 12, 1933 Congressman McFadden brought a petition for the Articles of Impeachment against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank, The Comptroller of the Currency, and the Secretary of the United States Treasury for treason, fraud, unlawful conversion, and conspiracy.  These Articles of Impeachment were referred to the United States House Judiciary Committee, where they still remain in limbo.  The time has come to dust off these Articles of Impeachment, update their names, convict these traitors, and proceed to the gallows where the entire lot belongs.


copyright © 2014 Neil Keenan


Chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee

Congressman McFadden

on the Federal Reserve Corporation

excerpts from the United States Congressional Record, 1934

The Federal Reserve -A Corrupt Institution

“Mr. Chairman, we have in this Country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter called the Fed. The Fed has cheated the Government of these United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the Nation’s debt. The depredations and iniquities of the Fed have cost enough money to pay the National debt several times over.

“This evil institution has impoverished and ruined the people of these United States, has bankrupted itself, and has practically bankrupted our Government. It has done this through the defects of the law under which it operates, through the maladministration of that law by the Fed and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.

“Some people who think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lender. In that dark crew of financial pirates there are those who would cut a man’s throat to get a dollar out of his pocket; there are those who send money into states to buy votes to control our legislatures; there are those who maintain International propaganda for the purpose of deceiving us into granting of new concessions which will permit them to cover up their past misdeeds and set again in motion their gigantic train of crime.

“These twelve private credit monopolies were deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this Country by the bankers who came here from Europe and repaid us our hospitality by undermining our American institutions. Those bankers took money out of this Country to finance Japan in a war against Russia. They created a reign of terror in Russia with our money in order to help that war along. They instigated the separate peace between Germany and Russia, and thus drove a wedge between the allies in World War. They financed Trotsky’s passage from New York to Russia so that he might assist in the destruction of the Russian Empire. They fomented and instigated the Russian Revolution, and placed a large fund of American dollars at Trotsky’s disposal in one of their branch banks in Sweden so that through him Russian homes might be thoroughly broken up and Russian children flung far and wide from their natural protectors. They have since begun breaking up of American homes and the dispersal of American children.  Mr. Chairman, there should be no partisanship in matters concerning banking and currency affairs in this Country, and I do not speak with any.

“In 1912 the National Monetary Association, under the chairmanship of the late Senator Nelson W. Aldrich, made a report and presented a vicious bill called the National Reserve Association bill. This bill is usually spoken of as the Aldrich bill. Senator Aldrich did not write the Aldrich bill. He was the tool, if not the accomplice, of the European bankers who for nearly twenty years had been scheming to set up a central bank in this Country and who in 1912 has spent and were continuing to spend vast sums of money to accomplish their purpose.

“We were opposed to the Aldrich plan for a central bank. The men who rule the Democratic Party then promised the people that if they were returned to power there would be no central bank established here while they held the reins of government. Thirteen months later that promise was broken, and the Wilson administration, under the tutelage of those sinister Wall Street figures who stood behind Colonel House, established here in our free Country the worm-eaten monarchical institution of the “King’s Bank” to control us from the top downward, and from the cradle to the grave.

“The Federal Reserve Bank destroyed our old and characteristic way of doing business. It discriminated against our 1-name commercial paper, the finest in the world, and it set up the antiquated 2-name paper, which is the present curse of this Country and which wrecked every country which has ever given it scope; it fastened down upon the Country the very tyranny from which the framers of the Constitution sought to save us.

President Jackson’s Time

“One of the greatest battles for the preservation of this Republic was fought out here in Jackson’s time; when the second Bank of the United States, founded on the same false principles of those which are here exemplified in the Fed was hurled out of existence. After that, in 1837, the Country was warned against the dangers that might ensue if the predatory interests after being cast out should come back in disguise and unite themselves to the Executive and through him acquire control of the Government. That is what the predatory interests did when they came back in the livery of hypocrisy and under false pretenses obtained the passage of the Federal Reserve Act.

“The danger that the Country was warned against came upon us and is shown in the long train of horrors attendant upon the affairs of the traitorous and dishonest Fed. Look around you when you leave this Chamber and you will see evidences of it in all sides. This is an era of misery and for the conditions that caused that misery, the Fed are fully liable. This is an era of financed crime and in the financing of crime the Fed does not play the part of a disinterested spectator.

“It has been said that the draughts man who was employed to write the text of the Aldrich bill because that had been drawn up by lawyers, by acceptance bankers of European origin in New York. It was a copy, in general a translation of the statues of the Reichsbank and other European central banks. One-half million dollars was spent on the part of the propaganda organized by these bankers for the purpose of misleading public opinion and giving Congress the impression that there was an overwhelming popular demand for it and the kind of currency that goes with it, namely, an asset currency based on human debts and obligations. Dr. H. Parker Willis had been employed by Wall Street and propagandists, and when the Aldrich measure failed- he obtained employment with Carter Glass, to assist in drawing the banking bill for the Wilson administration. He appropriated the text of the Aldrich bill. There is no secret about it. The text of the Federal Reserve Act was tainted from the beginning.

Not all of the Democratic Members of the Sixty-third Congress voted for this great deception.  Some of them remembered the teachings of Jefferson; and through the years, there have been no criticisms of the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks so honest, so out-spoken, and so unsparing as those which have been voiced here by Democrats.  Again, although a number of Republicans voted for the Federal Reserve act, the wisest and most conservative members of the Republican Party would have nothing to do with it and voted against it.

“A few days before the bill came to a vote, Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, of Massachusetts, wrote to Senator John W. Weeks as follows:

New York City, December 17, 1913

My Dear Senator Weeks:

“‘Throughout my public life I have supported all measures designed to take the Government out of the banking business. This bill puts the Government into the banking business as never before in our history and makes, as I understand it, all notes Government notes when they should be bank notes.

The powers vested in the Federal Reserve Board seen to me highly dangerous especially where there is political control of the Board.  I should be sorry to hold stock in a bank subject to such dominations. The bill as it stands seems to me to open the way to a vast inflation of the currency.

I will merely add that I do not like to think that any law can be passed which will make it possible to submerge the gold standard in a flood of irredeemable paper currency.

I had hoped to support this bill, but I cannot vote for it because it seems to me to contain features and to rest upon principles in the highest degree menacing to our prosperity, to stability in business, and to the general welfare of the people of the United States.

Very Truly Yours,

Henry Cabot Lodge.

“In eighteen years that have passed since Senator Lodge wrote that letter of warning all of his predictions have come true. The Government is in the banking business as never before. Against its will it has been made the backer of horse thieves and card sharps, bootlegger’s smugglers, speculators, and swindlers in all parts of the world. Through the Fed the riffraff of every country is operating on the public credit of the United States Government.

The Great Depression

“Meanwhile and on account of it, we ourselves are in the midst of the greatest depression we have ever known. From the Atlantic to the Pacific, our Country has been ravaged and laid waste by the evil practices of the Fed and the interests which control them. At no time in our history, has the general welfare of the people been at a lower level or the minds of the people so full of despair.

“Recently in one of our States, 60,000 dwelling houses and farms were brought under the hammer in a single day. 71,000 houses and farms in Oakland County, Michigan, were sold and their erstwhile owners dispossessed. The people who have thus been driven out are the wastage of the Fed. They are the victims of the Fed. Their children are the new slaves of the auction blocks in the revival of the institution of human slavery.

The Scheme of the Fed

“In 1913, before the Senate Banking and Currency Committee, Mr. Alexander Lassen made the following statement: “The whole scheme of the Fed with its commercial paper is an impractical, cumbersome machinery- is simply a cover to secure the privilege of issuing money, and to evade payment of as much tax upon circulation as possible and then control the issue and maintain, instead of reducing interest rates. It will prove to the advantage of the few and the detriment of the people. It will mean continued shortage of actual money and further extension of credits, for when there is a shortage of money people have to borrow to their cost.’ “A few days before the Fed passed, Senator Root denounced the Fed as an outrage on our liberties. He predicted: ‘Long before we wake up from our dream of prosperity through an inflated currency, our gold- which alone could have kept us from catastrophe- will have vanished and no rate of interest will tempt it to return.’

“If ever a prophecy came true, that one did.

“The Federal Reserve bill became law the day before Christmas Eve, in the year 1913, and shortly afterwards, the German International bankers, Kuhn, Loeb and Co. sent one of their partners here to run it.

“The Fed Note is essentially unsound. It is the worst currency and the most dangerous that this Country has ever known. When the proponents of the act saw that the Democratic doctrine would not permit them to let the proposed banks issue the new currency as bank notes, they should have stopped at that. They should not have foisted that kind of currency, namely, an asset currency, on the United States Government. They should not have made the Government [liable on the private] debts of individuals and corporations, and, least of all, on the private debts of foreigners.  As Kemerer says: ‘The Fed Notes, therefore, in form, have some of the qualities of Government paper money, but in substance, are almost a pure asset currency possessing a Government guarantee against which contingency the Government has made no provision whatever.’

“Hon. L.J.Hill, a former member of the House, said, and truly: “They are obligations of the Government for which the United States received nothing and for the payment of which at any time, it assumes the responsibility: looking to the Fed to recoup itself.’

“If this United States is to redeem the Fed Notes, when the General Public finds it costs to deliver this paper to the Fed, and if the Government has made no provisions for redeeming them, the first element of unsoundness is not far to seek.

“Before the Banking and Currency Committee, when the bill was under discussion Mr. Crozier of Cincinnati said: ‘The imperial power of elasticity of the public currency is wielded exclusively by the central corporations owned by the banks. This is a life and death power over all local banks and all business. It can be used to create or destroy prosperity, to ward off or cause stringencies and panics. By making money artificially scarce, interest rates throughout the Country can be arbitrarily raised and the bank tax on all business and cost of living increased for the profit of the banks owning these regional central banks, and without the slightest benefit to the people. The 12 Corporations together cover the whole country and monopolize and use for private gain every dollar of the public currency and all public revenue of the United States. Not a dollar can be put into circulation among the people by their Government, without the consent of and on terms fixed by these 12 private money trusts.’

“In defiance of this and all other warnings, the proponents of the Fed created the 12 private credit corporations and gave them an absolute monopoly of the currency of these United States- not of the Fed Notes alone- but of all other currency! The Fed Act providing ways and means by which the gold and general currency in the hands of the American people could be obtained by the Fed in exchange for Fed Notes- which are not money- but mere promises to pay.

“Since the evil day when this was done, the initial monopoly has been extended by vicious amendments to the Fed and by the unlawful and treasonable practices of the Fed.

Money for the Scottish Distillers

“Mr. Chairman, if a Scottish distiller wishes to send a cargo of Scotch whiskey to these United States, he can draw his bill against the purchasing bootlegger in dollars and after the bootlegger has accepted it by writing his name across the face of it, the Scotch distiller can send that bill to the nefarious open discount market in New York City where the Fed will buy it and use it as collateral for a new issue of Fed Notes. Thus the Government of these United States pays the Scotch distiller for the whiskey before it is shipped, and if it is lost on the way, or if the Coast Guard seizes it and destroys it, the Fed simply write off the loss and the government never recovers the money that was paid to the Scotch distiller.

“While we are attempting to enforce prohibition here, the Fed are in the distillery business in Europe and paying bootlegger bills with public credit of these United States.  Mr. Chairman, by the same process, they compel our Government to pay the German brewer for his beer. Why should the Fed be permitted to finance the brewing industry in Germany either in this way or as they do by compelling small and fearful United States Banks to take stock in the Isenbeck Brewery and in the German Bank for brewing industries? “Mr. Chairman, if Dynamit Nobel of Germany, wishes to sell dynamite in Japan to use in Manchuria or elsewhere, it can drew its bill against the Japanese customers in dollars and send that bill to the nefarious open discount market in New York City where the Fed will buy it and use it as collateral for a new issue of Fed Notes- while at the same time the Fed will be helping Dynamit Nobel by stuffing its stock into the United States banking system.

“Why should we send our representatives to the disarmament conference at Geneva   while the Fed is making our Government pay Japanese debts to German Munitions makers?

“Mr. Chairman, if a German wishes to raise a crop of beans and sell them to a Japanese customer, he can draw a bill against his prospective Japanese customer in dollars and have it purchased by the Fed and get the money out of this Country at the expense of the American people before he has even planted the beans in the ground.  Mr. Chairman, if a German in Germany wishes to export goods to South America, or any other Country, he can draw his bill against his customers and send it to these United States and get the money out of this Country before he ships, or even manufactures the goods.

“Mr. Chairman, why should the currency of these United States be issued on the strength of German Beer? Why should it be issued on the crop of unplanted beans to be grown in Chili for Japanese consumption? Why should these United States be compelled to issue many billions of dollars every year to pay the debts of one foreigner to another foreigner?  Was it for this that our National Bank depositors had their money taken out of our banks and shipped abroad? Was it for this that they had to lose it? Why should the public credit of these United States and likewise money belonging to our National Bank depositors be used to support foreign brewers, narcotic drug vendors, whiskey distillers, wig makes, human hair merchants, Chilean bean growers, to finance the munition factories of Germany and Soviet Russia?

The United States Has Been Ransacked

“The United States has been ransacked and pillaged. Our structures have been gutted and only the walls are left standing. While being perpetrated, everything the world would rake up to sell us was brought in here at our expense by the Fed until our markets were swamped with unneeded and unwanted imported goods priced far above their value and make to equal the dollar volume of our honest exports, and to kill or reduce our favorite balance of trade. As Agents of the foreign central banks the Fed try by every means in their power to reduce our favorable balance of trade. They act for their foreign principal and they accept fees from foreigners for acting against the best interests of these United States. Naturally there has been great competition among among foreigners for the favors of the Fed.

“What we need to do is to send the reserves of our National Banks home to the people who earned and produced them and who still own them and to the banks which were compelled to surrender them to predatory interests.

“Mr. Chairman, there is nothing like the Fed pool of confiscated bank deposits in the world. It is a public trough of American wealth in which the foreigners claim rights, equal to or greater than Americans. The Fed are the agents of the foreign central banks. They use our bank depositors’ money for the benefit of their foreign principals. They barter the public credit of the United States Government and hire it out to foreigners at a profit to themselves.

“All this is done at the expense of the United States Government, and at a sickening loss to the American people. Only our great wealth enabled us to stand the drain of it as long as we did.

“We need to destroy the Fed wherein our national reserves are impounded for the benefit of the foreigners.  We need to save America for Americans.

Spurious Securities

“Mr. Chairman, when you hold a $10.00 Fed Note in your hand, you are holding a piece of paper which sooner or later is going to cost the United States Government $10.00 in gold (unless the Government is obliged to go off the gold standard). It is based on limburger cheese (reported to be in foreign warehouses) or in cans purported to contain peas (but may contain salt water instead), or horse meat, illicit drugs, bootleggers fancies, rags and bones from Soviet Russia (of which these United States imported over a million dollars worth last year), on wines whiskey, natural gas, goat and dog fur, garlic on the string, and Bombay ducks.

“If you like to have paper money- which is secured by such commodities- you have it in Fed Note. If you desire to obtain the thing of value upon which this paper currency is based, that is, the limburger cheese, the whiskey, the illicit drugs, or any of the other staples, you will have a very hard time finding them.

“Many of these worshipful commodities are in foreign Countries. Are you going to Germany to inspect her warehouses to see if the specified things of value are there? I think more, I do not think that you would find them there if you did go.

“Immense sums belonging to our national-bank depositors have been given to Germany on no collateral security whatever.  The Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks have issued United states currency on mere finance drafts drawn by Germans.  Billions upon billions of our money has been pumped into Germany and money is still being pumped into Germany by the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks.  Here worthless paper is still being negotiated here and renewed here on the public credit of the United States Government and at the expense of the American people.

“On April 27, 1932, the Fed outfit sent $750,000 belonging to American bank depositors in gold to Germany. A week later another $300,000 in gold was shipped to Germany. About the middle of May $12,000,000 in gold was shipped to Germany by the Fed. Almost every week there is a shipment of gold to Germany. These shipments are not made for profit on the exchange since the German marks are below parity with the dollar.

“Mr. Chairman, I believe that the National-bank depositors of these United States are entitled to know what the Federal Reserve banks are doing with their money. There are millions of National Bank depositors in the Country who do not know that a percentage of every dollar they deposit in a Member Bank of the Fed goes automatically to American Agents of the foreign banks and that all their deposits can be paid away to foreigners without their knowledge or consent by the crooked machinery of the Fed and the questionable practices of the Fed.

“Mr. Chairman, the American people should be told the truth by their servants in office. In 1930, we had over a half billion dollars outstanding daily to finance foreign goods stored in or shipped between several billion dollars. What goods are these on which the Fed yearly pledge several billions of dollars. In its yearly total, this item amounts to several billions of dollars of the public credit of these United States?

“What goods are those which are hidden in European and Asiatic stores have not been seen by any officer of our Government but which are being financed on the public credit of the United States Government? What goods are those upon which the United States Government is being obligated by the Fed to issue Fed Notes to the extent of several billions of dollars a year?

The Bankers’ Acceptance Racket

“The Federal Reserve banks have been International Banks from the beginning, with these United States as their enforced banker and supplier of currency. But it is none the less extraordinary to see these twelve private credit monopolies, buying the debts of foreigners against foreigners, in all parts of the world and asking the Government of these United States for new issues of Fed notes in exchange for them.

“I see no reason why the American taxpayers should be hewers of wood and drawers of water for the European and Asiatic customers of the Federal Reserve banks.  I see no reason why a worthless acceptance drawn by a foreign swindler as a means of getting gold out of this country should receive the lowest and choicest rate from the Federal Reserve Board and be treated as better security than the note of an American farmer living on American land.

“The magnitude of the acceptance racket as it has been developed by the Fed, their foreign correspondents, and the predatory European born bankers, who set up the Fed here and taught your own, by and of pirates, how to loot the people: I say the magnitude of this racket is estimated to be in the neighborhood of 9,000,000,000 per year. In the past ten years it is said to have amounted to $90,000,000,000.00. In my opinion it has amounted to several times that much.  Coupled to this you have to the extent of billions of dollars, the gambling in the United States securities, which takes place in the same open discount market- a gambling on which the Fed is now spending $100,000,000.00 per week.

“Fed Notes are taken from the U.S. Government in unlimited quantities.  Is it strange that the burden of supplying these immense sums of money to the gambling fraternity has at last proved too heavy for the American people to endure? Would it not be a national calamity to again bind down this burden on the backs of the American people and by means of a long rawhide whip of the credit masters, compel them to enter another seventeen years of slavery?

“They are trying to do that now. They are trying to take $100,000,000.00 of the public credit of the United States every week, in addition to all their other seizures and they are sending that money to the nefarious open market in a desperate gamble to reestablish their graft as a going concern.

“They are putting the United States Government in debt to the extent of $100,000,000 a week, and with the money they are buying our Government securities for themselves and their foreign principals. Our people are disgusted with the experiences of the Fed. The Fed is not producing a loaf of bread, a yard of cloth, a bushel of corn, or a pile of cordwood by its check-kiting operations in the money market.

“Mr. Speaker, on the 13th of January of this year I addressed the House on the subject of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation [R.F.C].  In the course of my remarks I made the following statement:  In 1928 the member banks of the Fed borrowed $60,598,690,000 from the Fed on their fifteen-day promissory notes. Think of it.  Sixty billion dollars payable on demand in gold in the course of one single year. The actual amount of such obligations called for six times as much monetary gold as there is in the world. Such transactions represent a grant in the course of one single years of about $7,000,000 to every member of the Fed.

“Is it any wonder that American labor which ultimately pays the cost of all banking operations of this Country has at last proved unequal to the task of supplying this huge total of cash and credit for the benefit of the stock market manipulators and foreign swindlers?  In 1933 the Fed presented the staggering amount of $60,598,690,000 to its member banks at the expense of the wage earners and tax payers of these United States. In 1929, the year of the stock market crash, the Fed advanced $58,000,000,000 to member banks.

“In 1930 while the speculating banks were getting out of the stock market at the expense of the general public, the Fed advanced them $13,022,782,000. This shows that when the banks were gambling on the public credit of these United States as represented by the Fed currency they were subsidized to any amount they required by the Fed. When the swindle began to fall, the bankers knew it in advance and withdrew from the market. They got out with whole skins   and left the people of these United States to pay the piper.  My friend from Kansas, Mr. McGugin, has stated that he thought the Fed lent money on rediscounting. So they do, but they lend comparatively little that way. The real discounting that they do has been called a mere penny in the slot business. It is too slow for genuine high flyers. They discourage it. They prefer to subsidize their favorite banks by making them $60,000,000,000 advances and they prefer to acquire assistance in the notorious open discount market in New York, where they can use it to control the price of stocks and bonds on the exchanges.

“For every dollar they advanced on discounts in 1928, they lent $33.00 to their favorite banks for whom they do a business of several billion dollars income tax on their profits to these United States.

The John Law Swindle

“This is the John Law swindle over again. The theft of Teapot Dome was trifling compared to it. What King ever robbed his subject to such an extent as the Fed has robbed us? Is it any wonder that there have been lately ninety cases of starvation in one of the New York hospitals? Is there any wonder that the children are being abandoned?

“The government and the people of these United States have been swindled by swindlers deluxe to whom the acquisition of American or a parcel of Fed Notes presented no more difficulty than the drawing up of a worthless acceptance in a Country not subject to the laws of these United States, by sharpers not subject to the jurisdiction of these United States, sharpers with strong banking “fence” on this side of the water, a “fence” acting as a receiver of a worthless paper coming from abroad, endorsing it and getting the currency out of the Fed for it as quickly as possible exchanging that currency for gold and in turn transmitting the gold to its foreign confederates.

Ivar Kreuger, the Match King

“Such were the exploits of Ivar Krueger, Mr. Hoover’s friend, and his rotten Wall Street bakers. Every dollar of the billions Kreuger and his gang drew out of this Country on acceptances was drawn from the government and the people of the United States through the Fed. The credit of the United States Government was peddled to him by the Fed for their own private gain. That is what the Fed has been doing for many years.

“They have been peddling the credit of this Government and the signature of this Government to the swindlers and speculators of all nations. That is what happens when a Country forsakes its Constitution and gives its sovereignty over the public currency to private interests. Give them the flag and they will sell it.

“The nature of Kreuger’s organized swindle and the bankrupt condition of Kreuger’s combine was known here last June when Hoover sought to exempt Krueger’s loan to Germany of $125,000,000 from the operation of the Hoover Moratorium. The bankrupt condition of Krueger’s swindle was known her last summer when $30,000,000 was taken from the American taxpayers by certain bankers in New York for the ostensible purpose of permitting Krueger to make a loan to Colombia. Colombia never saw that money.

“The nature of Krueger’s swindle was known here in January when he visited his friend, Mr. Hoover, at the White House. It was known here in March before he went to Paris and committed suicide.

“Mr. Chairman, I think the people of the United States are entitled to know how many billions of dollars were placed at the disposal of Krueger and his gigantic combine by the Fed, and to know how much of our Government currency was issued and lost in the financing of that great swindle in the years during which the Fed took care of Krueger’s requirements.

“A few days ago, the President of the United States with a white face and shaking hands, went before the Senate of behalf of the moneyed interests and asked the Senate to levy a tax on the people so that foreigners might know that these United States would pay its debt to them.

“Most Americans thought it was the other way around. What does these United States owe foreigners? When and by whom was the debt incurred? It was incurred by the Fed, when they peddled the signature of the Government to foreigners- for a Price. It is what the United States Government has to pay to redeem the obligations of the Fed.

Thieves Go Scot-Free

“Are you going to let these thieves get off scot free?  Is there one law for the looter who drives up to the door of the United States Treasury in his limousine and another for the United States Veterans who are sleeping on the floor of a dilapidated house on the outskirts of Washington?

“The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad is here asking for a large loan from the people, and the wage earners and the taxpayers of these United States. It is begging for a handout from the Government. It is standing, cap in hand, at the door of the R.F.C. where all the jackals have gathered to the feast. It is asking for money that was raised from the people by taxation and wants this money of the poor for the benefit of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., the German International Bankers.

“Is there one law for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and another for the hungry veterans it threw off its freight cars the other day? Is there one law for sleek and prosperous swindlers who call themselves bankers and another law for the soldiers who defended the flag?  The R.F.C. is taking over these worthless securities from the Investment Trusts with United States Treasury money at the expense of the American taxpayer and the wage earner.

“It will take twenty years to redeem our Government. Twenty years of penal servitude to pay off the gambling debts of the traitorous Fed and to vast flood of American wages and savings, bank deposits, and the United States Government credit which the Fed exported out of this country to their foreign principals.

“The Fed lately conducted an anti-hoarding campaign here. They took that extra money which they had persuaded the American people to put into the banks- they sent it to Europe- along with the rest. In the last several months, they have sent $1,300,000,000 in gold to their foreign employers, their foreign masters, and every dollar of that gold belonged to the people of these United States and was unlawfully taken from them.

Fiat Money

“Mr. Chairman, within the limits of the time allowed me, I cannot enter into a particularized discussion of the Fed. I have singled out the Fed currency for a few remarks because there has lately been some talk here of “fiat money.” What kind of money is being pumped into the open discount market and through it into foreign channels and stock exchanges?  Mr. Mills of the Treasury has spoken here of his horror of the printing presses and his horror of dishonest money. He has no horror of dishonest money. If he had, he would be no party to the present gambling of the Fed in the nefarious open discount market of New York, a market in which the sellers are represented by 10 discount corporations owned and organized by the very banks which own and control the Fed.

“Fiat money, indeed!

“What Mr. Mills is fighting for is the preservation, whole and entire, of the banker’s monopoly of all the currency of the United States Government.

“Mr. Chairman, last December, I introduced a resolution here asking for an examination and an audit of the Fed and all related matters. If the House sees fit to make such an investigation, the people of these United States will obtain information of great value. This is a Government of the people, by the people, for the people. Consequently, nothing should be concealed from the people. The man who deceives the people is a traitor to these United States.

“The man who knows or suspects that a crime has been committed and who conceals and covers up that crime is an accessory to it. Mr. Speaker, it is a monstrous thing for this great nation of people to have its destinies presided over by a traitorous government board acting in secret concert with international usurers.

“Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers- but the truth is- the Fed has usurped the Government. It controls everything here and it controls all of our foreign relations. It makes and breaks governments at will.

“No man and no body of men is more entrenched in power than the arrogant credit monopoly which operated the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal reserve banks. These evil-doers have robbed this country of more than enough money to pay the national debt.

“What the National Government has permitted the Fed to steal from the people should now be restored to the people. The people have a valid claim against the Fed. If that claim is enforced the Americans will not need to stand in the bread line, or to suffer and die of starvation in the streets. Women will be saved, families will be kept together, and American children will not be dispersed and abandoned.

“The Fed owes the United States Government an immense sum of money.  We ought to find out the exact amount of the peoples’ claim.  We should know the amount of the indebtedness of the Fed to the people and we should collect that amount immediately.  We certainly should investigate this treacherous and disloyal conduct of the Fed.

“Here is a Fed Note. Immense numbers of the notes are now held abroad.  I am told that they amount to upwards of a billion dollars. They constitute a claim against our Government and likewise a claim against our peoples’ money to the extent of $1,300,000,000 which has within the last few months been shipped abroad to redeem Fed Notes and to pay other gambling debts of the traitorous Fed. The greater part of our money stock has been shipped to foreigners.

“Why should we promise to pay the debts of foreigners to foreigners?  Why should American farmers and wage earners add millions of foreigners to the number of their dependents? Why should the Fed be permitted to finance our competitors in all parts of the world? Do you know why the tariff was raised? It was raised to shut out the flood of Fed Goods pouring in here from every quarter of the globe- cheap goods, produced by cheaply paid foreign labor, on unlimited supplies of money and credit sent out of this Country by the dishonest and unscrupulous Fed.

“Go out in Washington to buy an electric light bulb and you will probably be offered one that was made in Japan on American money.  Go out and buy a pair of fabric gloves and inconspicuously written on the inside of the gloves that will offered to you will be found the words “made in Germany” and that means “made on the public credit of the United States Government paid to German firms in American gold taken from the confiscated bank deposits of the American people.

“The Fed are spending $100,000,000 a week buying government securities in the open market and are making a great bid for foreign business. They are trying to make rates so attractive that the human hair merchants and the distillers and other business entities in foreign land will come here and hire more of the public credit of the United States Government to pay the Fed outfit for getting it for them.

World Enslavement Planned

“Mr. Chairman, when the Fed was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world system was being set up here which would make the savings of the American school teacher available to a narcotic-drug vendor in Acapulco. They did not perceive that these United States was to be lowered to the position of a coolie country which has nothing but raw material and heart, that Russia was destined to supply the man power and that this country was to supply the financial power to an “international superstate”.  A superstate controlled by international bankers, and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure?

“The people of these United States are being greatly wronged. They have been driven from their employments. They have been dispossessed from their homes. They have been evicted from their rented quarters. They have lost their children. They have been left to suffer and die for lack of shelter, food, clothing and medicine.

“The wealth of these United States and the working capital have been taken away from them and has either been locked in the vaults of certain banks and the great corporations or exported to foreign countries for the benefit of the foreign customers of these banks and corporations. So far as the people of the United States are concerned, the cupboard is bare.

“It is true that the warehouses and coal yards and grain elevators are full, but these are padlocked, and the great banks and corporations hold the keys.

“The sack of these United States by the Fed is the greatest crime in history.

“Mr. Chairman, a serious situation confronts the House of Representatives today. We are trustees of the people and the rights of the people are being taken away from them. Through the Fed the people are losing the rights guaranteed to them by the Constitution. Their property has been taken from them without due process of law. Mr. Chairman, common decency requires us to examine the public accounts of the Government and see what crimes against the public welfare have been committed.

“What is needed here is a return to the Constitution of these United States.

“The old struggle that was fought out here in Jackson’s time must be fought our over again. The independent United States Treasury should be reestablished and the Government should keep its own money under lock and key in the building the people provided for that purpose.

“Asset currency, the devise of the swindler, should be done away with. The Fed should be abolished and the State boundaries should be respected. Bank reserves should be kept within the boundaries of the States whose people own them, and this reserve money of the people should be protected so that the International Bankers and acceptance bankers and discount dealers cannot draw it away from them.

“The Fed should be repealed, and the Fed Banks, having violated their charters, should be liquidated immediately. Faithless Government officials who have violated their oaths of office should be impeached and brought to trial.

“Unless this is done by us, I predict, that the American people, outraged, pillaged, insulted and betrayed as they are in their own land, will rise in their wrath, and will sweep the money changers out of the temple.

“Mr. Chairman, the United States is bankrupt: It has been bankrupted by the corrupt and dishonest Fed. It has repudiated its debts to its own citizens. Its chief foreign creditor is Great Britain, and a British bailiff has been at the White House and the British Agents are in the United States Treasury making inventory arranging terms of liquidations!

Great Britain, Partner in Blackmail

“Mr. Chairman, the Fed has offered to collect the British claims in full from the American public by trickery and corruption, if Great Britain will help to conceal its crimes. The British are shielding their agents, the Fed, because they do not wish that system of robbery to be destroyed here. They wish it to continue for their benefit! By means of it, Great Britain has become the financial mistress of the world. She has regained the position she occupied before the World War.

“For several years she has been a silent partner in the business of the Fed. Under threat of blackmail, or by their bribery, or by their native treachery to the people of the United States, the officials in charge of the Fed unwisely gave Great Britain immense gold loans running into hundreds of millions of dollars. They did this against the law! Those gold loans were not single transactions. They gave Great Britain a borrowing power in the United States of billions. She squeezed billions out of this Country by means of her control of the Fed.

“As soon as the Hoover Moratorium was announced, Great Britain moved to consolidate her gains. After the treacherous signing away of American rights at the 7-power conference at London in July, 1931, which put the Fed under the control of the Bank of International Settlements, Great Britain began to tighten the hangman’s noose around the neck of the United States.

“She abandoned the gold standard and embarked on a campaign of buying up the claims of foreigners against the Fed in all parts of the world. She has now sent her bailiff, Ramsey MacDonald, here to get her war debt to this country canceled. But she has a club in her hands! She has title to the gambling debts which the corrupt and dishonest Fed incurred abroad.

“Ramsey MacDonald, the labor party deserter, has come here to compel the President to sign on the dotted line, and that is what Roosevelt is about to do! Roosevelt will endeavor to conceal the nature of his action from the American people. But he will obey the International Bankers and transfer the war debt that Great Britain should pay to the American people, to the shoulders of the American taxpayers.

“Mr. Chairman, the bank holiday in the several States was brought about by the corrupt and dishonest Fed. These institutions manipulated money and credit, and caused the States to order bank holidays.

“These holidays were frame-ups!  They were dress rehearsals for the national bank holiday which Franklin D. Roosevelt promised Sir Ramsey MacDonald that he would declare.

“There was no national emergency here when Franklin D. Roosevelt took office excepting the bankruptcy of the Fed, a bankruptcy which has been going on under cover for several years and which has been concealed from the people so that the people would continue to permit their bank deposits and their bank reserves and their gold and the funds of the United States Treasury to be impounded in these bankrupt institutions.

“Under cover, the predatory International Bankers have been stealthily transferring the burden of the Fed debts to the people’s Treasury and to the people themselves. They the farms and the homes of the United States to pay for their thievery! That is the only national emergency that there has been here since the depression began.

“The week before the bank holiday was declared in New York State, the deposits in the New York savings banks were greater than the withdrawals. There were no runs on New York Banks. There was no need of a bank holiday in New York, or of a national holiday.

Roosevelt and the International Bankers

“Roosevelt did what the International Bankers ordered him to do!

“Do not deceive yourself, Mr. Chairman, or permit yourself to be deceived by others into the belief that Roosevelt’s dictatorship is in any way intended to benefit the people of the United States: he is preparing to sign on the dotted line!  He is preparing to cancel the war debts by fraud!

“He is preparing to internationalize this Country and to destroy our Constitution itself in order to keep the Fed intact as a money institution for foreigners.  Mr. Chairman, I see no reason why citizens of the United States should be terrorized into surrendering their property to the International Bankers who own and control the Fed. The statement that gold would be taken from its lawful owners if they did not voluntarily surrender it, to private interests, show that there is an anarchist in our Government.

“The statement that it is necessary for the people to give their gold- the only real money- to the banks in order to protect the currency, is a statement of calculated dishonesty!

“By his unlawful usurpation of power on the night of March 5, 1933, and by his proclamation, which in my opinion was in violation of the Constitution of the United States, Roosevelt divorced the currency of the United States from gold, and the United States currency is no longer protected by gold. It is therefore sheer dishonesty to say that the people’s gold is needed to protect the currency.

“Roosevelt ordered the people to give their gold to private interests, that is, to banks, and he took control of the banks so that all the gold and gold values in them, or given into them, might be handed over to the predatory International Bankers who own and control the Fed.

“Roosevelt cast his lot with the usurers.  He agreed to save the corrupt and dishonest at the expense of the people of the United States.

“He took advantage of the peoples’ confusion and weariness and spread the dragnet over the United States to capture everything of value that was left in it. He made a great haul for the International Bankers.

“The Prime Minister of England came here for money! He came here to collect cash!

“He came here with Fed Currency and other claims against the Fed which England had bought up in all parts of the world. And he has presented them for redemption in gold.

“Mr. Chairman, I am in favor of compelling the Fed to pay their own debts. I see no reason why the general public should be forced to pay the gambling debts of the International Bankers.

Roosevelt Seizes the Gold

“By his action in closing the banks of the United States, Roosevelt seized the gold value of forty billion or more of bank deposits in the United States banks. Those deposits were deposits of gold values.  By his action he has rendered them payable to the depositors in paper only, if payable at all, and the paper money he proposes to pay out to bank depositors and to the people generally in lieu of their hard earned gold values in itself, and being based on nothing into which the people can convert it, the said paper money is of negligible value altogether.

“It is the money of slaves, not of free men. If the people of the United States permit it to be imposed upon them at the will of their credit masters, the next step in their downward progress will be their acceptance of orders on company stores for what they eat and wear. Their case will be similar to that of starving coal miners. They, too, will be paid with orders on Company stores for food and clothing, both of indifferent quality and be forced to live in Company-owned houses from which they may be evicted at the drop of a hat. More of them will be forced into conscript labor camps under supervision.

“At noon on the 4th of March, 1933, FDR with his hand on the Bible, took an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the U.S. At midnight on the 5th of March, 1933, he confiscated the property of American citizens. He took the currency of the United States standard of value. He repudiated the internal debt of the Government to its own citizens. He destroyed the value of the American dollar.  He released, or endeavored to release, the Fed from their contractual liability to redeem Fed currency in gold or lawful money on a parity with gold. He depreciated the value of the national currency.

“The people of the U.S. are now using unredeemable paper slips for money. The Treasury cannot redeem that paper in gold or silver. The gold and silver of the Treasury has unlawfully been given to the corrupt and dishonest Fed. And the Administration has since had the effrontery to raid the country for more gold for the private interests by telling our patriotic citizens that their gold is needed to protect the currency.

“It is not being used to protect the currency! It is being used to protect the corrupt and dishonest Fed.  The directors of these institutions have committed criminal offense against the United States Government, including the offense of making false entries on their books, and the still more serious offense of unlawfully abstracting funds from the United States Treasury! “Roosevelt’s gold raid is intended to help them out of the pit they dug for themselves when they gambled away the wealth and savings of the American people.


“The International Bankers set up a dictatorship here because they wanted a dictator who would protect them. They wanted a dictator who would protect them. They wanted a dictator who would issue a proclamation giving the Fed an absolute and unconditional release from their special currency in gold, or lawful money of any Fed Bank.

“Has Roosevelt relieved any other class of debtors in this country from the necessity of paying their debts? Has he made a proclamation telling the farmers that they need not pay their mortgages? Has he made a proclamation to the effect that mothers of starving children need not pay their milk bills? Has he made a proclamation relieving householders from the necessity of paying rent?

Roosevelt’s Two Kinds of Laws

“Not he! He has issued one kind of proclamation only, and that is a proclamation to relieve international bankers and the foreign debtors of the United States Government.

“Mr. Chairman, the gold in the banks of this country belongs to the American people who have paper money contracts for it in the form of national currency.  If the Fed cannot keep their contracts with United States citizens to redeem their paper money in gold, or lawful money, then the Fed must be taken over by the United States Government and their officers must be put on trial.

“There must be a day of reckoning. If the Fed have looted the Treasury so that the Treasury cannot redeem the United States currency for which it is liable in gold, then the Fed must be driven out of the Treasury.

“Mr. Chairman, a gold certificate is a warehouse receipt for gold in the Treasury, and the man who has a gold certificate is the actual owner of a corresponding amount of gold stacked in the Treasury subject to his order.

“Now comes Roosevelt who seeks to render the money of the United States worthless by unlawfully declaring that it may No Longer be converted into gold at the will of the holder.

“Roosevelt’s next haul for the International Bankers was the reduction in the pay of all Federal employees.

“Next in order are the veterans of all wars, many of whom are aged and infirm, and other sick and disabled. These men had their lives adjusted for them by acts of Congress determining the amounts of the pensions, and, while it is meant that every citizen should sacrifice himself for the good of the United States, I see no reason why those poor people, these aged Civil War Veterans and war widows and half-starved veterans of the World War, should be compelled to give up their pensions for the financial benefit of the International vultures who have looted the Treasury, bankrupted the country and traitorously delivered the United States to a foreign foe.

“There are many ways of raising revenue that are better than that barbaric act of injustice.

“Why not collect from the Fed the amount they owe the U.S. Treasury in interest on all the Fed currency they have taken from the Government? That would put billions of dollars into the U.S. Treasury.

“If FDR is as honest as he pretends to be, he will have that done immediately. And in addition, why not compel the Fed to disclose their profits and to pay the Government its share?

“Until this is done, it is rank dishonesty to talk of maintaining the credit of the U.S. Government.  My own salary as a member of Congress has been reduced, and while I am willing to give my part of it that has been taken away from me to the U.S. Government, I regret that the U.S. has suffered itself to be brought so low by the vultures and crooks who are operating the roulette wheels and faro tables in the Fed, that is now obliged to throw itself on the mercy of its legislators and charwomen, its clerks, and it poor pensioners and to take money out of our pockets to make good the defalcations of the International Bankers who were placed in control of the Treasury and given the monopoly of U.S. Currency by the misbegotten Fed.  I am well aware that the International Bankers who drive up to the door of the United States Treasury in their limousines, look down with scorn upon members of Congress because we work for so little, while they draw millions a year. The difference is that we earn, or try to earn, what we get, and they steal the greater part of their takings.

Enemies of the People They Rob

“I do not like to see vivisections performed on human beings. I do not like to see the American people used for experimental purposes by the credit masters of the United States. They predicted among themselves that they would be able to produce a condition here in which American citizens would be completely humbled and left starving and penniless in the streets.

“The fact that they made that assertion while they were fomenting their conspiracy against the United States that they like to see a human being, especially an American, stumbling from hunger when he walks.  Something should be done about it, they say. Five-cent meals, or something! “But FDR will not permit the House of Representatives to investigate the condition of the Fed. FDR will not do that. He has certain International Bankers to serve. They do not look to him as the man Higher Up who will protect them from the just wrath of an outraged people.

“The International Bankers have always hated our pensioners. A man with a small pension is a ward of the Government. He is not dependent upon them for a salary or wages. They cannot control him. They do not like him. It gave them great pleasure, therefore, to slash the veterans.

“But FDR will never do anything to embarrass his financial supporters. He will cover up the crimes of the Fed.

“Before he was elected, Mr. Roosevelt advocated a return to the earlier practices of the Fed, thus admitting its corruptness. The Democratic platform advocated a change in the personnel of the Fed. These were campaign bait. As a prominent Democrat lately remarked to me; “There is no new deal. The same old crowd is in control.”

“The claims of foreign creditors of the Fed have no validity in law. The foreign creditors were the receivers, and the willing receivers of stolen goods! They have received through their banking fences immense amounts of currency, and that currency was unlawfully taken from the United States Treasury by the Fed.

“England discovered the irregularities of the Fed quite early in its operations and through fear, apparently, the Fed have for years suffered themselves to be blackmailed and dragooning England to share in the business of the Fed.  The Fed have unlawfully taken many millions of dollars of the public credit of the United States and have given it to foreign sellers on the security of the Debt paper of foreign buyers in purely foreign transactions, and when the foreign buyers refused to meet their obligations and the Fed saw no honest way of getting the stolen goods back into their possession, they decided by control of the executive to make the American people pay their losses!

Conspiracy of War Debts

“They likewise entered into a conspiracy to deprive the people of the U.S. of their title to the war debts and not being able to do that in the way they intended, they are now engaged in an effort to debase the American dollar so that foreign governments will have their debts to this country cut in two, and then by means of other vicious underhanded arrangements, they propose to remit the remainder.

“So far as the U.S. is concerned, the gambling counters have no legal standing. The U.S. Treasury cannot be compelled to make good the gambling ventures of the corrupt and dishonest Fed. Still less should the bank deposits of the U.S. be used for that purpose. Still less should the national currency have been made irredeemable in gold so that the gold which was massed and stored to redeem the currency for American citizens may be used to pay the gambling debts of the Fed for England’s benefit.  The American people should have their gold in their own possession where it cannot be held under secret agreement for any foreign control bank, or world bank, or foreign nation. Our own citizens have the prior claim to it. The paper [money men] have in their possession deserves redemption far more than U.S. currency and credit which was stolen from the U.S. Treasury and bootlegged abroad.

“Why should the foreigners be made preferred creditors of the bankrupt U.S.? Why should the U.S. be treated as bankrupt at all? This Government has immense sums due it from the Fed. The directors of these institutions are men of great wealth. Why should the guilty escape the consequences of their misdeeds? Why should the people of these U.S. surrender the value of their gold bank deposits to pay off the gambling debts of these bankers? Why should Roosevelt promise foreigners that the U.S. will play the part of a good neighbor, ‘meeting its obligations’?

“Let the Fed meet their own obligations.

“Every member of the Fed should be compelled to disgorge, and every acceptance banker and every discount corporation which has made illegal profits by means of public credit unlawfully bootlegged out of the U.S. Treasury and hired out by the crooks and vultures of the Fed should be compelled to disgorge.

Federal Reserve Pays No Taxes

“Gambling debts due to foreign receivers of stolen goods should not be paid by sacrificing our title to our war debts, the assets of the U.S. Treasury, which belong to all the people of the U.S. and which it is our duty to preserve inviolate in the people’s treasury.

“The U.S. Treasury cannot be made liable for them. The Fed currency must be redeemed by the Fed banks or else these Fed banks must be liquidated.

“We know from assertions made here by the Hon. John N. Garner, Vice  President of the U.S. that there is a condition in the United States such that would cause American citizens, if they knew what it was, to lose all confidence in their government.

“That is a condition that Roosevelt will not have investigated. He has brought with him from Wall Street, James Warburg, the son of Paul M. Warburg. Mr. Warburg, alien born, and the son of an alien who did not become naturalized here until several years after this Warburg’s birth, is a son of a former partner of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., a grandson of another partner, a nephew of a former partner, and a nephew of a present partner.

“He holds no office in our Government, but I am told that he is in daily attendance at the Treasury, and that he has private quarters there! In other words, Mr. Chairman, Kuhn, Loeb and Company now has control and occupy the U.S. Treasury.

Preferred Treatment for Foreigners

“The text of the Executive order which seems to place an embargo on shipments of gold permits the Secretary of the Treasury, a former director of the corrupt, to issue licenses at his discretion for the export of gold coin, or bullion, earmarked or held in trust for a recognized foreign government or foreign central bank for international settlement. Now, Mr. Chairman, if gold held in trust for those foreign institutions may be sent to them, I see no reason why gold held in trust for America as evidenced by their gold certificates and other currency issued by the U.S. Government should not be paid to them.  I think that American citizens should be entitled to treatment at least as good as that which the person is extending to foreign governments, foreign central banks, and the bank of International Settlements. I think a veteran of the world war, with a $20.00 gold certificate, is at least as much entitled to receive his own gold for it, as any international banker in the city of New York or London.

“By the terms of this executive order, gold may be exported if it is actually required, for the fulfillment of any contract entered into prior to the date of this order by an applicant who, in obedience to the executive order of April 5, 1933, has delivered gold coin, gold bullion, or gold certificates.  This means that gold may be exported to pay the obligations abroad of the Fed which were incurred prior to the date of the order, namely, April 20, 1933.

“If a European Bank should send 100,000,000 dollars in Fed currency to a bank in this country for redemption, that bank could easily ship gold to Europe in exchange for that currency. Such Fed currency would represent “contracts” entered into prior to the date of the order. If the Bank of International Settlements or any other foreign bank holding any of the present gambling debt paper of the Fed should draw a draft for the settlement of such obligation, gold would be shopped to them because the debt contract would have been entered into prior to the date of order.”

Crimes and Criminals

“Mr. Speaker, I rise to a question of constitutional privilege.

“Whereas, I charge. . .Eugene Meyer, Roy A. Young, Edmund Platt, Eugene B. Black, Adolph Casper Miller, Charles S. Hamlin, George R. James, Andrew W. Mellon, Ogden L. Mills, William H. Woo W. Poole, J.F.T. O’Connor, members of the Federal Reserve Board; F. H. Curtis, J.H. Chane, R.L. Austin, George De Camp, L.B. Williams, W.W. Hoxton, Oscar Newton, E.M. Stevens, J.S. Wood, J.N. Payton, M.L. McClure, C.C. Walsh, Isaac B. Newton, Federal Reserve Agents, jointly and severally, with violations of the Constitution and laws of the United States, and whereas I charge them with having taken funds from the U.S Treasury which were not appropriated by the Congress of the United States, and I charge them with having unlawfully taken over $80,000,000,000 from the U.S. Government in the year 1928, the said unlawful taking consisting of the unlawful creation of claims against the U.S. Treasury to the extent of over $80,000,000,000 in the year 1928; and I charge them with similar thefts committed in 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932 and 1933, and in years previous to 1928, amounting to billions of dollars; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally with having unlawfully created claims against the U.S. Treasury by unlawfully placing U.S. Government credit in specific amounts to the credit of foreign governments and foreign central banks of issue; private interests and commercial and private banks of the U.S. and foreign countries, and branches of foreign banks doing business in the U.S., to the extent of billions of dollars; and with having made unlawful contracts in the name of the U.S. Government and the U.S. Treasury; and with having made false entries on books of account; and

“Whereas I charge them jointly and severally, with having taken Fed Notes from the U.S. Treasury and with having put Fed Notes into circulation without obeying the mandatory provision of the Fed Act which requires the Fed Board to fix an interest rate on all issues of Fed Notes supplied to Fed Banks, the interest resulting therefrom to be paid by the Fed Banks to the government of the U.S. for the use of the Fed Notes, and I charge them of having defrauded the U.S. Government and the people of the U.S. of billions of dollars by the commission of this crime, and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with having purchased U.S. Government securities with U.S. Government credit unlawfully taken and with having sold the said U.S. Government securities back to the people of the U.S. for gold or gold values and with having again purchased U.S. Government securities with U.S. Government credit unlawfully taken and with having again sold the said U.S. Government security for gold or gold values, and I charge them with having defrauded the U.S. Government and the people of the U.S. by this rotary process; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with having unlawfully negotiated U.S. Government securities, upon which the Government liability was extinguished, as collateral security for Fed Notes and with having substituted such securities for gold which was being held as collateral security for Fed Notes, and with having by the process defrauded the U.S. Government and the people of the U.S., and I charge them with the theft of all the gold and currency they obtained by this process; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with having unlawfully issued Fed currency on false, worthless and fictitious acceptances and other circulating evidence of debt, and with having made unlawful advances of Fed currency, and with having unlawfully permitted renewals of acceptances and renewals of other circulating evidences of debt, and with having permitted acceptance bankers and discount dealer corporations and other private bankers to violate the banking laws of the U.S.; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with having conspired to have evidences of debt to the extent of $1,000,000,000 artificially created at the end of February, 1933, and early in March 1933, and with having made unlawful issues and advances of Fed currency on the security of said artificially created evidences of debt for a sinister purpose, and with having assisted in the execution of said sinister purpose; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with having brought about the repudiation of the currency obligations of the Fed Banks to the people of the U.S. and with having conspired to obtain a release for the Fed Board and the Fed Banks from their contractual liability to redeem all Fed currency in gold or lawful money at the Fed Bank and with having defrauded the holders of Fed currency, and with having conspired to have the debts and losses of the Fed Board and the Fed Banks unlawfully transferred to the Government and the people of the U.S., and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with having unlawfully substituted Fed currency and other irredeemable paper currency for gold in the hands of the people after the decision to repudiate the Fed currency and the national currency was made known to them, and with thus having obtained money under false pretenses; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with having brought about a repudiation of the notes of the U.S. in order that the gold value of the said currency might be given to private interests, foreign governments, foreign central banks of issues, and the Bank of International Settlements, and the people of the U.S. to be left without gold or lawful money and with no currency other that a paper currency irredeemable in gold, and I charge them with having done this for the benefit of private interests, foreign governments, foreign central banks of issue, and the bank of International Settlements; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with conniving with the Edge Law banks, and other Edge Law institutions, accepting banks, and discount corporations, foreign central banks of issue, foreign commercial banks, foreign corporations, and foreign individuals with funds unlawfully taken from the U.S. Treasury; and I charge them with having unlawfully permitted and made possible ‘new financing’ for foreigners at the expense of the U.S. Treasury to the extent of billions of dollars and with having unlawfully permitted and made possible the bringing into the United States of immense quantities of foreign securities, created in foreign countries for export to the U.S. and with having unlawfully permitted the said foreign securities to be imported into the U.S. instead of gold, which was lawfully due to the U.S. on trade balances and otherwise, and with having lawfully permitted and facilitated the sale of the said foreign securities in the U.S., and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with having unlawfully exported U.S. coins and currency for a sinister purpose, and with having deprived the people of the U.S. of their lawful medium of exchange, and I charge them with having arbitrarily and unlawfully reduced the amount of money and currency in circulation in the U.S. to the lowest rate per capita in the history of the Government, so that the great mass of the people have been left without a sufficient medium of exchange, and I charge them with concealment and evasion in refusing to make known the amount of U.S. money in coins and paper currency exported and the amount remaining in the U.S. as a result of which refusal the Congress of the U.S. is unable to ascertain where the U.S. coins and issues of currency are at the present time, and what amount of U.S. currency is now held abroad; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with having arbitrarily and unlawfully raised and lowered the rates of money and with having arbitrarily increased and diminished the volume of currency in circulation for the benefit of private interests at the expense of the Government and the people of the U.S. and with having unlawfully manipulated money rates, wages, salaries and property values both real and personal, in the U.S. by unlawful operations in the open discount market and by resale and repurchase agreements unsanctioned by law, and

“Whereas I charge them jointly and severally, with having brought about the decline in prices on the New York Stock Exchange and other exchanges in October, 1929, by unlawful manipulation of money rates and the volume of U.S. money and currency in circulation: by theft of funds from the U.S. Treasury by gambling in acceptances and U.S. Government securities; by service rendered to foreign and domestic speculators and politicians, and by unlawful sale of U.S. gold reserves abroad, and

“Whereas the unconstitutional inflation law imbedded in the so-called Farm Relief Act by which the Fed Banks are given permission to buy U.S. Government securities to the extent of $3,000,000,000 and to drew forth currency from the people’s Treasury to the extent of $3,000,000,000 is likely to result in connivance on the part of said accused with others in the purchase by the Fed of the U.S. Government securities to the extent of $3,000,000,000 with U.S. Government’s own credit unlawfully taken, it being obvious that the Fed do no not intend to pay anything of value to the U.S. Government for the said U.S. Government securities no provision for payment in gold or lawful money appearing in the so-called Farm Relief bill- and the U.S. Government will thus be placed in a position of conferring a gift of $3,000,000,000 in the U.S. Government securities on the Fed to enable them to pay more on their bad debts to foreign governments, foreign central banks of issue, private interests, and private and commercial banks, both foreign and domestic, and the Bank of International Settlements, and

“Whereas the U.S. Government will thus go into debt to the extent of $3,000,000,000 and will then have an additional claim of $3,000,000,000 in currency unlawfully created against it and whereas no private interest should be permitted to buy U.S. Government securities with the Government’s own credit unlawfully taken and whereas currency should not be issued for the benefit of said private interest or any interests on U.S. Government securities so acquired, and whereas it has been publicly stated and not denied that the inflation amendment of the Farm Relief Act is the matter of benefit which was secured by Ramsey MacDonald, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, upon the occasion of his latest visit to the U.S. Treasury, and whereas there is grave danger that the accused will employ the provision creating U.S. Government securities to the extent of $3,000,000,000 and three millions in currency to be issuable thereupon for the benefit of themselves and their foreign principals, and that they will convert the currency so obtained to the uses of Great Britain by secret arrangements with the Bank of England of which they are the agents, and for which they maintain an account and perform services at the expense of the U.S. Treasury, and that they will likewise confer benefits upon the Bank of International Settlements for which they maintain an account and perform services at the expense of the U.S. Treasury; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with having concealed the insolvency of the Fed and with having failed to report the insolvency of the Fed to the Congress and with having conspired to have the said insolvent institutions continue in operation, and with having permitted the said insolvent institutions to receive U.S. Government funds and other deposits, and with having permitted them to exercise control over the gold reserves of the U.S. and with having permitted them to transfer upward of $100,000,000,000 of their debts and losses to the general public and the Government of the U.S., and with having permitted foreign debts of the Fed to be paid with the property, the savings, the wages, and the salaries of the people of the U.S. and with the farms and the homes of the American people, and whereas I charge them with forcing the bad debts of the Fed upon the general public covertly and dishonestly and with taking the general wealth and savings of the people of the U.S. under false pretenses, to pay the debts of the Fed to foreigners; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with violations of the Fed Act and other laws; with maladministration of the evasions of the Fed Law and other laws; and with having unlawfully failed to report violations of law on the part of the Fed Banks which, if known, would have caused the Fed Banks to lose their charters, and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with failure to protect and maintain the gold reserves and the gold stock and gold coinage of the U.S. and with having sold the gold reserves of the U.S to foreign Governments, foreign central banks of issue, foreign commercial and private banks, and other foreign institutions and individuals at a profit to themselves, and I charge them with having sold gold reserves of the U.S. so that between 1924 and 1928 the U.S. gained no gold on net account but suffered a decline in its percentage of central gold reserves from the 45.9 percent in 1924 to 37.5 percent in 1928 notwithstanding the fact that the U.S. had a favorable balance of trade throughout that period, and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with having conspired to concentrate U.S. Government securities and thus the national debt of the U.S. in the hands of foreigners and international money lenders and with having conspired to transfer to foreigners and international money lenders title to and control of the financial resources of the U.S.; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with having fictitiously paid installments on the national debt with Government credit unlawfully taken; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with the loss of the U.S. Government funds entrusted to their care; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with having destroyed independent banks in the U.S. and with having thereby caused losses amounting to billions of dollars to the said banks, and to the general public of the U.S., and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with the failure to furnish true reports of the business operations and the true conditions of the Fed to the Congress and the people, and having furnished false and misleading reports to the congress of the U.S., and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with having published false and misleading propaganda intended to deceive the American people and to cause the U.S. to lose its independence; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with unlawfully allowing Great Britain to share in the profits of the Fed at the expense of the Government and the people of the U.S.; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with having entered into secret agreements and illegal transactions with Montague Norman, Governor of the Bank of England; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with swindling the U.S. Treasury and the people of the U.S. in pretending to have received payment from Great Britain of the amount due on the British ware debt to the U.S. in December, 1932; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with having conspired with their foreign principals and others to defraud the U.S. Government and to prevent the people of the U.S. from receiving payment of the war debts due to the U.S. from foreign nations; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with having robbed the U.S Government and the people of the U.S. by their theft and sale of the gold reserves of the U.S. and other unlawful transactions created a deficit in the U.S. Treasury, which has necessitated to a large extent the destruction of our national defense and the reduction of the U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy and other branches of the national defense; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, of having reduced the U.S. from a first class power to one that is dependent, and with having reduced the U.S. from a rich and powerful nation to one that is internationally poor; and

“Whereas I charge them, jointly and severally, with the crime of having treasonable conspired and acted against the peace and security of the U.S. and with having treasonable conspired to destroy constitutional Government in the U.S.

“Resolve, That the Committee on the Judiciary is authorized and directed as a whole or by subcommittee, to investigate the official conduct of the Fed agents to determine whether, in the opinion of the said committee, they have been guilty of any high crime or misdemeanor which in the contemplation the Constitution requires the interposition of the Constitutional powers of the House. Such Committee shall report its finding to the House, together with such resolution or resolutions of impeachment or other recommendations as it deems proper.

“For the purpose of this resolution the Committee is authorized to sit and act during the present Congress at such times and places in the District of Columbia or elsewhere, whether or not the House is sitting, has recessed or has adjourned, to hold such clerical, stenographic, and other assistants, to require of such witnesses and the production of such books, papers, and documents, to take such testimony, to have such printing and binding done, and to make such expenditures as it deems necessary.”

After some discussion and upon the motion of Mr. Byrns, the resolution and charge was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.

Attacks on McFadden’s Life Reported

Commenting on Former Congressman Louis T. McFadden’s ”heart-failure sudden-death” on Oct. 3, 1936, after a “dose” of “intestinal flu,” “Pelley’s Weekly” of Oct. 14 said:

Now that this sterling American patriot has made the Passing, it can be revealed that not long after his public utterance against the encroaching powers of Judah, it became known among his intimates that he had suffered two attacks against his life. The first attack came in the form of two revolver shots fired at him from ambush as he was alighting from a cab in front of one of the Capital hotels.  Fortunately both shots missed him, the bullets burying themselves in the structure of the cab.

“He became violently ill after partaking of food at a political banquet at Washington. His life was only saved from what was subsequently announced as a poisoning by the presence of a physician friend at the banquet, who at once procured a stomach pump and subjected the Congressman to emergency treatment.”

/s/ Robert Edward Edmondson (Publicist-Economist)

President Andrew Jackson stated in reference to the bankers at the state of his administration:  ”You are a den of vipers and thieves.  I intend to rout you out, and by the Eternal God, I will rout you out.”


THE KEENAN TEAM recommends the following material for a full understanding of the nature and history of the FED scam:

The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, Eustace Mullins (2009)

The Federal Reserve Conspiracy, Antony C. Sutton (1995)

The Creature From Jekyll Island, G. Edward Griffin (1998)

Click Here to view: The Money Masters, a video series narrated by Bill Still,

copyright © 2014 Neil Keenan

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From Al Gore to OPPT


Ben Fulford used to sound like the pseudo-environmentalist Al Gore. Now, he’s more like the OPPT. But contrary to the latter’s $10 Billion assertion, he’s more conservative at $10,000 for each and everyone on the planet.

On his nov 2th update, he said that a formal notice has been given to the Sabattean Mafia to start saving the planet. We thought that such “formal notices” were already served years before. He said that… countless times.

Can’t we or the mighty White Dragon Society get rid of the Mafia and do the saving of the planet by ourselves?

We don’t even need to save the planet but ourselves. The planet can take good care of herself  and she’s doing that for ages. She was just fine until we came.

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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Rewriting History

Recorded history is buried and Manipulated History is written in its stead by the victors whose sole intent is to constrain the thinking of the survivors to a limited set of ideas that would make them weak intellectually and culturally.

But the works of Michael Cremo, and those who ventured beyond the writings of the psychopaths, are simply hard to ignore.

The internet is rewriting history at blazing speeds.

But it is not only in the archaeological perspective that it must be revisited, for in it lies clues of how ancient civilizations tapped into the limitless source of energy, among others, which knowledge has been persistently suppressed.

Knowing the true story of our past not only means nurturing its legacy but of ensuring the viability of the future.

Houston Anthropologist Reveals Irrefutable Proof that Recorded History is Wrong

Yes, we’ve been fed a load o’ hooey when it comes to nearly everything, but the history of Humanity and this planet is the biggest lie going. I can’t WAIT to hear the truth about everything and to burn those history books! The mass media is complicit in a coverup of epic proportions.  ~ BP

Houston Anthropologist Reveals Irrefutable Proof that Recorded History is Wrong

November 12, 2013

Flickr-Bosnian Pyramids-Cabiria8

Debbie West, Contributor
Waking Times

Evidence Found Across the Globe of Highly Evolved Human Species from before the Ice Age, Demand Scientific Recognition of our Past that Depicts Societies of Advanced Technology and Culture

Houston anthropologist, Dr. Semir Osmanagich, founder of the Bosnian Archaeology Park, the most active archaeology site in the world, declares that irrefutable scientific evidence exists of ancient civilizations with advanced technology that leaves us no choice but to change our recorded history.  An examination of the age of structures across the earth reveals conclusively that they were built by advanced civilizations from over 29,000 years ago.

“Acknowledging that we are witness to fundamental proof of advanced civilizations dating back over 29,000 years and an examination of their societal structures forces the World to reconsider its understanding of the development of civilization and history,” explains Dr. Semir Osmanagich. “Conclusive data at the Bosnian Pyramid site revealed in 2008 and confirmed this year by several independent labs who conducted radio carbon testing dates the site at 29,400 +/-400 years minimum.”

The radiocarbon dating tests of 29,200 years +/- 400 years was done by Radiocarbon Lab from Kiew, Ukraine, on organic material found at the Bosnian Pyramid site. Physicist Dr. Anna Pazdur of Poland’s Silesian University first announced the news at a Press Conference in Sarajevo in August of 2008. Professor of Classical Archaeology from the University of Alexandria Dr. Mona Haggag called this discovery “writing new pages in European and World history.” The C14 date of 29,000 years at the Bosnian Archaeological Park was obtained from a piece of organic material retrieved from a clay layer inside the outer casing to the pyramid. It follows a sample date obtained during the 2012 dig season on material located above the concrete at 24,800 years, meaning this structure has a construction profile stretching back almost 30,000 years.

“The ancient people who built these pyramids knew the secrets of frequency and energy. They used these natural resources to develop technologies and undertake construction on scales we have never witnessed on earth,said Dr. Osmanagich. Evidence clearly shows that the pyramids were built as ancient energy machines aligned with the earth’s energy grid, providing energy for healing as well as power.

Ancient historians in the US have news just as astonishing as anything found in the far corners of the globe. For instance, the Rockwall discovery outside of Dallas, Texas, is only one example of how we are now re-examining ancient mysteries to reveal more about our past, right in the United States. H2 (History 2) popular series Unearthing Ancient America recently filmed an episode about the Rockwall that will air later this year. The Texas site is a complex and massive wall ten miles in diameter built over 20,000 years ago and covered by soil seven stories below the ground. The question is by whom was this structure built and for what purpose and, most importantly, how can knowledge left by these past civilizations help shape our future?

Newly-revealed or rediscovered traces of ancient civilizations have ignited an innate curiosity about human origins as reflected by recent coverage in mainstream media and TV. The November 2013 issue of National Geographic: 100 Greatest Mysteries Revealed-Ancient Civilizations Unearthed says,

“Sometimes cultures leave behind mysteries that baffle those who come after them, from standing stones to coded manuscripts, indications that ancient people indeed had a profound purpose.”

Forward-thinking scientists continue to pursue knowledge from our past that is useful to determine a better future. Renowned author Michal Cremo in his book Forbidden Archeology theorizes that knowledge of advanced Homo-sapiens has been suppressed or ignored by the scientific establishment because it contradicts the current views of human origins that don’t agree with the dominant paradigm. Cremo’s body of work has been described as “a useful teaching resource, raising a wide range of issues covering aspects of knowledge transfer, sure to be provocative in the classroom.” It has been reviewed with widespread appraisal by hundreds of academic journals.

Gobekli Tepe in Eastern Turkey

Results clearly indicate that similar advanced civilizations of humans were present all across the globe at that time in history. For example, Gobekli Tepe located in Eastern Turkey, is a vast complex of enormous megalithic stone circles with a radius of between 10 and 20 meters, much larger than the well-known Stonehenge in Great Britain. Excavations at Gobekli Tepe that began there in 1995 revealed radio carbon dating at least 11,600 years. German archaeologist Dr. Klaus Schmidt from the German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, Germany, with the support of ArchaeoNova Institute from Heidelberg, Germany, has led the excavation of these recently-discovered pre-historic megalithic circles at the Turkey location.

“Gobekli Tepe is one of the most fascinating Neolithic locations in the world,” Dr. Klaus Schmidt claims. But as he explains in a recent report, to understand the new finds, archaeologists need to work closely with specialists in comparative religion, architectural and art theory, cognitive and evolutionary psychology, sociologists using social network theory, and others.

“It is the complex story of the earliest, large settled communities, their extensive networking, and their communal understanding of their world, perhaps even the first organized religions and their symbolic representations of the cosmos,” as reported by Klaus Schmidt.

In addition to the megalithic structures, figures and carvings have been discovered, depicting animals of pre historic nature such as dinosaurs and other wild life. Since excavations started in 1995, four of the circles have been partially cleaned, but it is thought that there are a total of up to 50 circles hidden underground. These vast monoliths, soaring seven meters in height and 25 tons in mass at Gobekli Tepe, are situated right in the heart of what we perceive as the origin of civilization. This find offers new guidance to the true history of earth and our ancient civilizations.

“Our archaeological research goal is not to simply uncover all of the megalithic circles but to try to figure out their purpose,” adds Schmidt.

Bosnian Pyramid Now in Eighth Year: Proof of Advanced Civilizations from over 30,000 years ago

The Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids now in the eighth year of excavation spans six square kilometers in the Visoko River Basin 40km northwest of Sarajevo. Comprised of four ancient pyramids almost three times the size of Giza and an extensive subterranean pyramid tunnel complex, new discoveries each year continue to reveal proof of a much different history of mankind on earth. The central pyramid of the Sun rises a colossal 420 meters in to the air and has a mass of millions of tons. By comparison the Great pyramid of Cheops (Khufu) in the Giza plateau is 146 meters high, making the Bosnian Pyramids the largest and oldest known pyramids on the planet. Since research began at the Bosnian site, Dr. Osmanagich has amazed the scientific and archaeological community by gathering a team of interdisciplinary engineers, physicists and researchers from around the world to conduct open and transparent investigation of the site to try and discover the true nature and purpose of this pyramidal complex.

“This is an unknown culture presenting highly-advanced arts and sciences, technology capable of forming truly massive structures and we believe in that process demonstrating an ability to harness pure energy resources,” comments Tim Moon, who has recently joined Osmanagich as lead archeologist at the Bosnian site.

The archaeological project delivered another significant finding this year in the pyramid tunnel complex known as Ravine. Tunneling deep into a ridge line leading toward the Pyramid of the Sun the team has unearthed several megalith stones. In August an enormous stone estimated at 25,000 kgs was uncovered approximately 400 meters into the labyrinth. This is a hugely significant find,” comments Moon. Here we have a massive stone, possibly a constructed ceramic, buried under hundreds of thousands of tons of material. We are locating foundation walls around its perimeter and cut stone blocks.” Large quantities of artifacts have been recovered from the associated tunnels leading to the site, including effigies painted on stone, art objects and a series of hieroglyphics or ancient texts carved into the tunnel walls.

Dr. Osmangich stresses that it is time for open sharing of knowledge so we can understand and learn from our past.

“It is time for us to open our minds to the true nature of our origin and destruction of each other as a civilization on this planet. Our mission here is to realign science with spirituality in order to progress as a species, and this demands a clear path of shared knowledge.”

Visitors are welcome to the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids and its Foundation offers a volunteer program each dig season, running June to September.

To hear Dr. Sam’s interview on Lost Knowledge go to:

For more on the Bosnian Pyramids go to

About the Author

Deborah West worked in corporate public relations and media for over 20 years and is currently a freelancer, reporting on a wide variety of topics including disclosure, ancient and multidimensional civilizations, the the shift in humanity’s consciousness and brings truthful reporting to topics ranging from healthcare to energy. She writes a column called Lost Knowledge at The New Era Times and has a weekly radio show called Lost Knowledge on Tuesdays 3-5pm CST. To see her articles go to:

This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio is included and all links remain intact.


We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

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Watching the images of floating bodies of the victims of HAARP-induced Hainan, and knowing who perpetrated it makes one cry and seek justice at its fullest. But in this world that they, the perpetrators, built such a thing wouldn’t be handed down, but can only be extracted.

We can end the sufferings of the present, and avoid the same in the future if we join those who have started to act for the complete banishment of the Jesuits and its collaborators from this planet.

Apathy and massive ignorance, they are dangerous. But awareness can be contagious. Knowledge can spread like wildfire if the awake and aware would begin taking action in that direction. A grassroots movement to inform and organize anti-Jesuit groups is more than a necessity if humanity is to survive.


This is one of the guiding principles of the Society of Jesus and all organizations, i.e. corporations under its umbrella. That’s why we have the likes of Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, Cobra, Ben Fulford, Vladimir Putin, etc.

putin meets bergoglio

Genuine oppositions are now dead: Dr. Eugene Mallove, John F. Kennedy, John Lennon, Michael Jackson, Bill Hicks, Bill Cooper, Aaron Swartz, etc.

At this point, we can assume that the Keenan Group, and the International Tribunal for the Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS] are still with us.

Those people pretending to be the Reformists are stirring the freedom movement into a predetermined direction that the Jesuits want us to proceed. And that direction is where they still continue to wield so much influence under the cloak of global reformation.

It is easy to verify this sinister plan by looking at the continued gas exploration and pipe laying across Europe and Asia instead of gradually introducing more fuel efficient systems, and free energy. They are also presenting an alternative global development bank that uses the same fundamental methods as the old World Bank, but promises to eliminate corruption. That’s what politicians are good at, i.e. making promises.

The economic system based on any currency is not compatible with a society that possesses Type 1 Civilization technologies.

The Controlled Oppositions are taking their cue from the Vatican, Inc. itself: Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the first Jesuit White Pope, is wearing a Reformist image and speak only those words that the people want to hear, very similar to Obama.

With Obama and Bergoglio heading the two of the greatest corporations on Earth, we are indeed in perilous times. But they can only succeed when we stop doing what we must be doing – counter-brainwashing the masses.

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ARVE Error: need id and provider

ARVE Error: need id and provider

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Rothschild’s $100 Trillion Empire

Although the real significance of these assets is just the same as the value of the paper they are printed on, still the damage inflicted upon the masses, of which the fiat financial system serves as the control mechanism to the access of all the essentials for one’s survival, is immensely immeasurable. Continue reading Rothschild’s $100 Trillion Empire

Perpetual Revolution

We haven’t heard such a thing before.

Scouring the pages of our highly diluted history, we could find that after the battle is won, or so they thought, the freedom fighters would just go home and trust that the new faces in the same hierarchical structures of government would do their task faithfully to the best of their abilities and with full honesty.

Never have witnessed such things either.

The first time the patriots of my country fought against imperialism were in March 16, 1521, when Lapulapu slashed the neck of one Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese mariner sent by Spain. Spears, bolos, and wits may have muted the guns and cannons of the Spaniards during that glorious day, but they were not prepared against the more sophisticated weapon of all that came soon after – religion.

Prior to 1521, the natives of this land practiced no religion at all. They honor and call upon their dead, but they never worship any unknown idols. They were highly spiritual but never religious. But since then, and until today, my countrymen kneel with full submission upon a god they never really met, known, or understood very well

The divide and conquer policy was so successful that it would take more than 3 centuries later before a revolution was planned and executed. The death of Dr. Jose P. Rizal triggered the armed revolution led by Andres Bonifacio in 1896, only to be hijacked by a Jesuit stooge, Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, subsequently appointed as the first president of the our first republic.

In short, we freed ourselves from the oppressive reign of the Spaniards only to fall into the hands of the more advanced military might of the Americans. As it turned out, what took 3 centuries for Spain to rape our country of its dignity, the Corporate America only needed a few decades to ruin our vast and rich natural resources that keep its industrial revolution well-oiled and running.

Since 1896, there wasn’t a true revolution ever fought again for in 1986 People Power revolution, the hidden hands of the Jesuits thru its local Council of Trent were always the one instigating for the ouster of the Marcos dictatorship. Ferdinand Marcos, himself is a Jesuit coadjutor, who started realizing that he was being conned in releasing the 600,000 tons of pure gold from our Central Bank and into different banks under the control of the Jesuits, in exchange for some worthless paper bonds, was in a position to wage war against the OiliGarch by switching on the Bataan Nuclear Plant in 1986 only to be ousted that same year.

The man of the masses, Pres. Joseph E. Estrada, himself was ousted through a media simulated people power in 2001, while his friend actor Fernando Poe Jr. was murdered after formally filing an election protest which the country knew he won by a landslide in 2004.

My countrymen were losing hope until a group of 321 young military officers staged an occupation of the Oakwood Premiere in 2003 to publicized corruption, planned reimposition of martial law through fabricated terror attacks dubbed as Oplan Greenbase penned by Edgardo Ermita. Gen. Reyes who helped in the ouster of Estrada put a bullet on his head in front of his mother’s grave as an expression of remorse.

What this foregoing summary of events suggests is a need to make revolution a continuing effort to preserve and protect its principles and objectives.

There’s no doubt that the sentiments of our young military officers are shared by all their counterparts around the world. Afterall, the military entity cloaked in black robes that caused such widespread pain and sufferings is one and the same.

They were unsuccessful then but what about in the foreseeable future?

The young officers union just got bigger…

Disgruntled forces surface, say ‘crucial decision’ made


Signs of unrest have again manifested in the military ranks as a group which called itself the Reformist Officers United (ROU) issued a manifesto yesterday declaring a stand to “save the country from further ruin and continue the unfinished revolution of our forefathers, the true nationalists of the 1896 Philippine Revolution.”

The manifesto, called an “Article of Faith,” carried the signatures of representatives from all the military commands, the Philippine Army, the Philippine Air Force, the Philippine Navy, the Philippine Marines and the Presidential Security Guard, and civilian security agencies Philippine National Police, Coast Guard and the National Bureau of Investigation. The names in the manifesto, however, are all likely pseudonyms.
The ROU said it reached a “crucial decision,” which it did not state clearly, after many of its supposed members attended the recent rally at the Luneta Park or the Million People March on Aug. 26.
The decision was arrived at “after much contemplation of the political, social, economic and national security situations that turned from bad to worse, after we have vetted our organization, purged its ranks of opportunists and fake nationalists and after we have consulted some of our elders in the military, legal profession, farmers and those from the business, church, academe, labor and civil society groups.”

“Rest assured, together we will win this battle if possible with less bloodshed,” the ROU said in the manifesto.
“We are very much aware of the colonial and neo-colonial circumstances which have denied us the chance to discover our national self and to establish our identity and discover how much our dignity is really worth,” it stated.

The group added that the government and many of the country’s leaders have been “weak, corrupt, venal, insensitive and self-serving.”

As a result, foreign powers in the name of friendship and business partnership have interfered in our affairs with impunity, manipulating us, playing with our lives, our country and our destiny, the ROU added.

The group was clearly critical of the administration of President Aquino saying that his government “is no different from his mother’s regime, characterized by callous shamelessness propped up by endless popularity surveys.”

It added that the Aquino administration stages spurious public shows of piety and compassion.

“It goes through the motions of apologizing for numerous blunders in public yet committed the unforgivable sin of blasphemy to shield its depravity,” the group said.

It described the Aquino administration as being in the shameful tradition of the Makabebes, who betrayed the Philippine Revolution of 1896, and the even more notorious Makapilis who sent many Filipinos to their death (in World War II).

“Pnoy’s government has repeatedly frustrated the honest aspirations of our people by offering its fanciful and deceitful brand of democracy, economy and political lifestyle to unscrupulous foreigners and appealing directly for their intervention to save it from the wrath of long-suffering populace with legitimate grievances,” the ROU added.

The group added Aquino has been deceiving the armed forces into “fighting its battles of self-aggrandizement while undermining the military at every turn. It tells its armed service to fight terrorism without credible laws to protect them and the people.”

“Many of our men have already died of loss of blood fighting a war they do not even understand,” the group added.

It said occasionally, Aquino throws the military a bone to chew on, like guard dogs to be placated from hunger and reject.

“More than 70,000 of our men in uniform are living as squatters in the urban centers as well as in the countryside,” it added.

The Aquino administration has reduced the once-proud military and police organization into a private security force, dedicated to perpetuate its status quo.
The group added that a Gestapo-like counter intelligence organization is being maintained by the government “not to spy on the real enemies of the State but to spy endlessly on the office corps, rank-and-file, their families and other innocent targets.”

“From the first day, Pnoy, using useless advocacy of Matuwid na Daan, has actually steered by one direction alone, that of private gains and mindless arrogance,” the ROU added.

For more than three long, unhappy years (Aquino) has drifted with neither will nor ability to govern, muddling through all our national crises, setting a record of corruptions and plunder, incompetence and clumsiness, it said.

The solutions offered “have been short-sighted, meaningless palliatives and rhetorics that leave the people more frustrated than ever.”

The ROU said the Aquino administration excelled in only two things: the enrichment of its clique and self-congratulations.

“What is more unconscionable is that (Aquino) even lionized Janet Lim-Napoles, who stole public funds and enriched herself and unscrupulous politicians. She cannot deny this because there are witnesses and highly incriminating pieces of evidence that will send them to jail the rest of their lives. This is not the right time to read a bill of particular. That will come later,” it added.

The group said that only a few days ago while the political crisis was evolving, (Aquino) apologized to the nation and appealed to the public to support his presidency and the rule of law.

“His conscience has become so compartmentalized he does not realize that the very men and women he asked for help were the same men and women victimized by his government’s corruption, plunder, arrogance and incompetence,” it said.

Daily, the public “contend with (Aquino’s) mismanagement, extravagance, arrogance and sexual escapades, it claimed.

“They suffer the high prices and the low wages. They suffer the scarcity of jobs. They suffer the absence of transportation, water shortage and high fuel prices. They suffer the breakdown of law and order, moral decay and endless salvaging,” it added.

The group also lamented that the Aquino regime has the gall to ask for help from the very people they continued to deprive of their rights and their dignity.
“Pnoy even asked the men in uniform to die for his government and his brand of illiberal democracy. But will they, these people on whose tongues linger the acrid tastes of disillusion, betrayal and greed?,” it added

The ROU said it has “allies in the civilian sectors” and will offer the country, “not the tarnished version of EDSA 1986, cheapened and exploited beyond recognition, but the revolutionary spirit of 1896 and its noble dream, a dream filled with a fierce yearning for change: true independence, a sovereign nation, a just and wise government, genuine nationalism, respect for the rule of law, freedom in its best sense and reconciliation.”

“In short, genuine democracy as the Filipino revolutionaries of 1896 installed but only fleetingly enjoyed before decades of subjugation, tyranny and pretense that saw our resources exploited and our values warped and perverted,” the group said.

It called on “friends and guests from foreign lands” who the group said it gives respects to their “sovereignty, culture, individuality and business interests.”
“We implore you in the name of our country not to interfere anymore with our internal affairs,” it said.

It also appealed to media “to be fair and responsible in your reporting.”

“We will not hesitate to fight fire with fire those who will stand in our way and undermine our determination to protect the State and to create a just, wise, efficient and stable society throughout the land,” the group warned.

It said that its members will remain anonymous, for the meantime, “but in time we will get to know with one another as some of our forces are still busy garhering intelligence information, infiltrating centers of power of the Aquino Government and carefully assessing its loyal forces on the basis of their morale, command system, fighting capability, intelligence and materiel supplies.”

It said that since the 1986 EDSA Revolution, the Filipino masses “still huddled in their hovels, exploited, hungry and dispossessed. Our bureaucracy is corrupt and inefficient.”

“There is systems failure everywhere. The entire country is deregulated in favor of the elite and their crook foreign partners. Prices of basic commodities keep on rising while workers’ wages remain the same,” it added.

The group also said there is no peace and order. “The simplest public services cannot be delivered. Our military is demoralized and shot through with politics. Our judicial system does not work. The guilty go free; the innocent are framed.”
The ROU said the country’s strength is vitiated by corruption, plunder and ignorance in high places. “When we protest, the government responds with arrogance and brutality. Our elections are farces, contests of force and money, or sleight-of-hand spewed by computers and automated machines,” it added.

source »

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

US and Philippine Forces training for war they never fully understood.
US and Philippine Forces training for war they never fully understood.

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National Security

We should have understood by now that for the United States “national security” really means military conquest which only serves the imperialistic ambitions of the bloodlines through the Jesuits.

A good analysis that destroys the myth of having military superiority ensuring national security follows. This post would also serve as a good introduction to the next article, The Need for Perpetual Revolution.

Bear in mind that, in spite of the worsening economy and eventual demise of the dollar as international currency, the military industrial complex is still preparing for a $400 Billion systems upgrade.


The Price of America Having the Greatest Military in the World? It’s Destroying the Country

The idea of U.S. “national security” seems inextricably entangled with the notion of “military supremacy.” Over the past 15 years, this has served to rationalize the most expensive unilateral military build-up in history. But there is no evidence that having the most expensive and destructive military forces makes Americans safer than people in other countries, nor that restoring a more balanced military posture would leave us vulnerable to dangers we are currently protected from. Many countries with smaller military forces do a better job of protecting their people by avoiding the hostility that is generated by U.S. imperialism, aggression and other war crimes.

Now, successful diplomacy over Syria‘s chemical weapons has demonstrated that diplomacy within the framework of international law can be a more effective way of dealing with problems than the illegal threat or use of military force. Our government claims that its threat of force led to the success of diplomacy in Syria, but that’s not really what happened. It was only when the sleeping giant of American democracy awoke from its long slumber and pried the cruise missiles from our leaders’ trigger fingers that they grudgingly accepted “diplomacy as a last resort.” For once in a very long while, our political system worked the way it’s supposed to: the public made its views clear to our representatives in Congress, and they listened. We saved our leaders from the consequences of their own criminality, and their efforts to sell a propaganda narrative that turns that on its head is a sad reflection on their disdain for democracy and the rule of law.

For most of our history, Americans never dreamt of global military supremacy. At the turn of the 20th century, even as the U.S. waged a genocidal war that probably killed a million Filipinos, American diplomats played key roles in the Hague Peace Conferences and the establishment of international courts, eager to adapt American concepts of democracy and justice to the international arena to develop alternatives to war and militarism.

In response to the horrors of the First World War, an international social movement demanded the abolition of war. In 1928, the U.S. government responded by negotiating the Kellogg-Briand Pact, named for U.S. Secretary of State Frank Kellogg, in which all major powers renounced “war as an instrument of national policy.” The treaty failed to prevent the Second World War, but it provided the legal basis for the convictions of German leaders at Nuremberg for the crime of aggression. And it is still in force, supported by subsequent treaties like the UN Charter and conventions against genocide, torture and other war crimes, under which senior U.S. officials must also eventually face justice.

The allied defeat of Germany and Japan in the Second World War was not the result of American military supremacy, but of an alliance across ideological lines with imperial Britain and the communist Soviet Union, based on mutual trust, vigorous diplomacy and the recognition of a common existential threat. Most Americans believed at the time that the war would lead to a renewed international commitment to peace and disarmament, not to an American bid for military supremacy.

American, British and Soviet leaders agreed that their common interests required what Roosevelt called “a permanent structure of peace” after the war, through the United Nations and continued great power diplomacy. The prohibition against the threat or use of force is a key provision of the UN Charter. But Roosevelt’s death deprived America of his vision and personal diplomatic skills just as the complexities of the post-war world began to rear their head.

Truman mistrusted the Soviets and never shared Roosevelt’s commitment to work with them in a spirit of mutual respect. He quickly fell under the influence of hawkish advisers like his Chief of Staff Admiral Leahy, Ambassador Harriman and Navy Secretary Forrestal, and he condemned the Russians harshly at every turn during negotiations on the contours of the post-war world. Truman embraced Churchill’s self-fulfilling declaration of an “iron curtain” across Europe and his dark view of America‘s wartime ally as a potential aggressor in the mold of Nazi Germany.

What emboldened the former Senator from Missouri to squander the fruits of Roosevelt’s astute diplomacy? In great part, it was “the bomb.” The U.S. monopoly on atomic weapons in the late 1940s gave rise to a newly aggressive posture in U.S. foreign policy, including desperate calls to destroy the Soviet Union in a massive nuclear holocaust before it could develop its own nuclear deterrent.

Fortunately for all of us, wiser heads prevailed and a nuclear war was avoided. The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists and wartime American and British military leaders warned that attacking the U.S.S.R. would unleash an even more terrible war than the one the world had just survived. U.S. Army Chief of Staff General Eisenhower made an early venture into politics with a speech in St. Louis, saying, “I decry loose and sometimes gloating talk about the high degree of security implicit in a weapon that might destroy millions overnight… Those who measure security solely in terms of offensive capacity distort its meaning and mislead those who pay them heed.”

Many Americans accepted their government’s claims that bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki had shortened the war with Japan and saved American lives, but the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey concluded that, “Japan would have surrendered, even if the atomic bombs had not been dropped, even if Russia had not entered the war, and even if no invasion had been planned or contemplated.” In fact, Japan’s vital supply lines were cut and it was already suing for peace. The main sticking point was the continued rule of Emperor Hirohito, which the allies eventually conceded in any case. American leaders from former President Hoover to future President Eisenhower to military intelligence chief General Carter Clarke all opposed using the bomb as barbaric and unnecessary.

But America‘s monopoly on nuclear weapons transformed U.S. foreign policy after the war. Even though our leaders have never found any practical way to realize the mirage of omnipotence conjured up by these weapons, they gave them a false sense of ultimate power in a fluid and uncertain post-war world. Cooperation with the Soviets was no longer imperative, because, in the last resort, we had the bomb and they did not.

The U.S. and U.K. could not prevent most of the countries of Eastern Europe from falling into the Soviet political and economic orbit once they were liberated by the Red Army and communist resistance forces, any more than the Russians could bring their communist allies to power in Western-occupied France, Italy or Greece. But the U.S. nuclear monopoly encouraged Truman to take a hard line. The Truman Doctrine committed the U.S. to militarily oppose Soviet influence across the globe in a long ideological struggle.

As the Soviets developed their own nuclear arsenal, the U.S. invested trillions of dollars and vast human resources in an unrestrained technological arms race. American warplanes and tanks generally proved superior to Soviet ones in proxy wars around the world, but this was irrelevant to the outcome of guerrilla wars, where the AK-47 became the weapon of choice and a symbol of popular resistance to Western imperialism. Meanwhile Germany and Japan, excluded and freed from the tyranny of military production, invested all their resources in civilian technology and soon produced better cars and home electronics than either of the “superpowers.”

The almost unbelievable record of American militarism since 1945 is that, despite the most sustained and expensive military build-up in the history of the world and the tragic annihilation of millions of people, the United States has not won a single major war. After overreaching in Korea, bringing China into the war and devastating North and South Korea, it was forced to settle for a ceasefire on the original border. At least 3 million Vietnamese and 57,000 Americans paid with their lives for the folly of the American War in Vietnam. Proxy and covert wars in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and other parts of South-East Asia have been just as bloody but no more successful. America‘s only real military successes have been limited campaigns to restore friendly regimes in three small strategic outposts: Grenada; Panama; and Kuwait.

Surveying the ruins of U.S. policy at the end of the American War in Vietnam, Richard Barnet put his finger on the irony of America‘s unique place in world history. He wrote, “at the very moment the number one nation has perfected the science of killing, it has become an impractical instrument of political domination.”

But the lessons of Vietnam were gradually eroded by a revival of U.S. militarism. George Bush Senior played a critical role as Director of the CIA (1976-7) and the Council on Foreign Relations (1977-9) and then as Vice President and President. After covert wars in Angola, Afghanistan and Central America, and invasions of Grenada and Panama, Bush refused Iraq‘s offers to withdraw peacefully from Kuwait in 1991 and instead ordered the massacre of at least 25,000 Iraqi soldiers and civilians. Bush rejoiced, “By God, we’ve kicked the Vietnam Syndrome once and for all!”

The fall of the U.S.S.R. was a critical factor in U.S. military expansion in the Middle East. As Pentagon adviser Michael Mandelbaum said in 1991, “For the first time in 40 years we can conduct military operations in the Middle East without worrying about triggering World War III.” The “peace dividend” Americans expected at the end of the Cold War was trumped by a “power dividend,” as policy-makers exploited the fall of the Soviet Union to project U.S. military power around the world. New interventionist doctrines of “reassurance“, “humanitarian intervention“, “responsibility to protect“, “information warfare” and “preemption” have served as political cover for violating the UN Charter’s prohibition on the threat or use of force, culminating in the travesty of Barack Obama’s speech justifying war as he accepted the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.

Since Vietnam, we have spent at least another $17 trillion on war and preparations for war – our entire national debt – and killed millions more of our fellow human beings. Watching General Giap’s funeral in Hanoi as I write this today, I have to ask, “What have we learned?” Our generals have learned how to wage war in other countries with fewer American casualties by using disproportionate violence that kills more civilians than combatants. This has made war less painful for Americans, but it only underlines its futility and barbarism. No American general of this generation will be buried with the outpouring of genuine public gratitude and grief we just saw in Hanoi.

Now we have spent 12 years at war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Somalia (along with covert operations across the entire globe, from Sweden to the Philippines to Colombia). We have brought death, injury, devastation and chaos to hundreds of millions more people, with no end in sight as the “Long War” keeps spreading from country to country. Nowhere have our leaders achieved their original stated intentions to reduce terrorism, prevent weapons proliferation or establish democracy. Their increasingly desperate rationalizations for a murderous, out-of-control policy, repeated ad nauseam by a craven corporate propaganda system, can barely disguise their humiliation.

Like Americans in the late 1940s who were desperate to destroy the U.S.S.R. in a “preemptive” nuclear war, some Americans today may still not understand why our military supremacy cannot bring us political power over enemies with fewer resources and inferior weapons. But, as Eisenhower and other American war leaders understood only too well, the use of force is a blunt and brutal instrument, and more powerful weapons are only more powerful, not magical. The use of force is always destructive, not constructive, and being killed or maimed by shrapnel and high explosives is no cleaner or kinder because missiles are more expensive or more sophisticated. Political power is something quite different, requiring popular support and legitimacy and policies that actually solve problems.

So military supremacy is not a trump card to achieve political objectives; the use of force is inherently destructive; and war nearly always causes more problems than it solves. Killing people to save them from an oppressive government is an absurdity, and “regime change” is generally a euphemism for “regime destruction,” with no ability to ensure that what comes after will be better, especially once the violence and chaos of war are added to the problems that led to it in the first place.

Norwegian General Robert Mood led the UN monitors sent to Syria to oversee the failed ceasefire in 2012. A year later, amid calls for Western military intervention, he reflected, “It is fairly easy to use the military tool, because, when you launch the military tool in classical interventions, something will happen and there will be results. The problem is that the results are almost all the time different than the political results you were aiming for when you decided to launch it. So the other position, arguing that it is not the role of the international community, neither coalitions of the willing nor the UN Security Council for that matter, to change governments inside a country, is also a position that should be respected…”

Threatening the use of force while hoping not to have to use it may seem like a less painful way for our leaders to impose their will on other countries, but in practice this doesn’t work very well either. It forces both sides into positions from which neither can afford to back down, putting the credibility of our military supremacy on the line over every crisis around the world. This has turned manufactured disputes over non-existent weapons into a choice between war and political humiliation for American leaders, as we saw with Iraq and, incredibly, are now going through all over again with Iran. There is great wisdom in the UN Charter’s prohibition on the threat as well as on the use of force, because the one leads so predictably to the other.

Despite nearly bankrupting our country, military supremacy remains an expensive national ego-trip in search of a constructive purpose. Countries that are not cursed with military supremacy have to settle their differences by other means, notably by diplomacy within the rule of international law. As we have found out over Syria, this is not by any means a worse option, and it offers us a way forward to life after militarism.

The victory of democracy in America‘s debate over Syria is a small but significant step in the right direction. Organizing and public outrage transformed formerly passive public opposition to war and militarism into effective action to prevent U.S. aggression. Now we must tap into the same combination of public sentiment and effective political organizing to actually bring peace to Syria, to restore civilized relations with Iran and to finally turn the tide on the largest, most wasteful and dangerous unilateral military build-up in the history of the world. This could be an important turning point, but that will be up to us.

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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Karen Hudes Dropped the “J” Word on RT

Those who pretend to be on our side rarely mention the involvement of the most insidious military organization that is running the Vatican. Be it Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, Ron Paul, and Ben Fulford – they can all go into the details of the problem but they are united in one common thread – the silence about the Jesuits.

Karen Hudes, on the other hand, just did what those men can’t do.

And while others are injecting fear porn into the ongoing US, Inc. shutdown, the RT article below emphasizes a smooth transition from the West to the East, i.e. economic strengths.

‘Congress all bribed, has zero confidence in eyes of American people’ – World Bank whistleblower

October 07, 2013 08:30

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hudes on Jesuit

Karen Hudes

The US government shutdown – a temporary ailment or a symptom of a grave disease? Are the Republicans right in their move to block Obamacare spending? Who gains from the shutdown turmoil? Do the politicians care about their citizens? Our guest comes from the very heart of the banking system: Karen Hudes was World Bank lawyer when she blew the whistle on major corruption cases in the system and was fired as a result.


Sophie Shevardnadze: Our guest today is whistleblower Karen Hudes, former senior counsel at the World Bank. Karen, it’s great to have you on a show today.

Karen Hudes: Thanks for having me. Sophie, I’m glad to be with you.

SS: So, the government shutdown. Is the move on the part of the Republicans justified? Is fighting off Obamacare worth all this mess?

KH: I think there is something more going on behind the scenes. A lot more actually.

SS: What do you mean?

KH: Well, there is a terrible currency problem. We’re on the verge of the currency war. The Federal Reserve is printing dollars like there is no tomorrow. And if they keep going the rest of the world is not going to accept them. As it is the BRICS countries – Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – have decided that they are going to finance the trade among these countries with assets and pay for the difference in gold. And this is a right move for them…

SS: But how is that connected with a shutdown though?

KH: The US Congress has been fighting with the presidency because the presidency has been in total contempt and the highest legal officer of the United States Government has also been in contempt of Congress in fighting this international corruption that is ruining the dollar as an international reserve currency.

SS: You know, economists have been predicting the dollar will fall ever since the crisis in 2008. But the Government has managed to keep it afloat.

KH: Well, not for a long. If you look at what’s going in the gold and other precious metals markets, silver as well, we’re headed to something called “permanent gold backwardation”, that means there is a loss in confidencein the fiat currencies that are issued by those private banks. They like to consider themselves as ‘public banks’ but they really owned by private entities. And these currencies are about to crash because they are valueless, that’s what always happens to paper currencies that aren’t backed by assets.

SS: Like you’ve mentioned – “gold backwardation”, gold is often chanted as perfectly safe investment and alternative to the dollar, even. But how come the price of gold is following?

KH: Because of a market manipulation but that can only continue for so long because the Central Banks are running out of gold and the rests of the world are lining up to buy them. If you want to buy gold today, you have to pay today a premium. What they are offering in the future is called ‘a naked short’, they don’t have the gold to back those offers, that’s illegal what they are doing.

SS: I will get back to gold in a bit. But for now I would like to focus on Obamacare. In your opinion, is Obamacare really that crucial for the US economy?

KH: What you have is something that’s very good for medical insurance because most of the other countries that offer medical coverage do this through a single issuer. And that’s it not what we have here. What we have here is a bill that was drafted by the medical insurance companies. It’s not good for this economy. It never was.

SS: Why do you say it’s not good?

KH: Because what’s happening is the workers that worked full-time are being put deliberately on part-time basis, so that the companies can avoid giving the medical insurance coverage under the provisions of the law.

SS: You know this Obamacare thing.. I’ve heard it many times being compared to Socialism, Communism sometimes even. Do you trace the resemblance?

KH: That’s just because the mainstream media, when they report about what’s going on, are doing it by telling lies and anything that’s good for the powers that be. The mainstream media is completely owned and controlled by the same companies, private companies that own the Federal Reserve System. Most of the American citizens are clueless about the corruption that’s rifling their economy.

SS: But just to make sure are you saying that everything about Obamacare is bad? Or are there good things about it?

KH: No, of course, there are good things about it. But the problem is that the people that wanted to get up decent courage were not given the tools, they were not given the equipment, they were not given the press coverage – the honest press coverage that society needs to enact just legislation. The Congress people are all bribed by these corrupt forces and the American citizens have Zero confidence in their Congress.

SS: So, at this point you side with the Republicans for blocking the medicare.

KH: I’m not siding with Democrats or Republicans because both of those parties have been co-opted by these terrible corrupt forces I’m talking about.

SS: What we have right now is Americans being forced to get health insurance. How does it go with their love of liberties and freedom of choice?

KH: It’s not so much a question of being forced, you have to look at those parts of the society that have been thrown under the bus. The uneducated children who are not given superior education like we used to have.We are society that is giving short shrift to the people that need us. I’m not saying that we ignore the health needs of our country. I’m saying that we ignore the mainstream media because they are not telling us the truth.

SS: You know, I also heard Obama supporters argue that the American Capitalism is on the verge of death in its present form, the way it is existingnow, and the social injections, meaning the medical care and Obamacare, are needed as the only way to reform it or save it. Do you agree or disagree with that?

KH: The problem is not with the American citizens, they are a wonderful group, their values are good. It’s just that they are not given the tools that they need to have a just society. They are not given the basic information, about what is really going on and who is benefiting, from the economies that they are being told… they have been told that they have no money, they have taken an entire city, Detroit, and declared it bankrupt. When what’s actually happening is their tax dollars are not even staying in the society, their tax dollars are going by treaty to the United Kingdom, and then they are being transferred to the Vatican, to the bank of the Vatican. This is not a society that is going to be sustainable on any basis, for any reason.

SS: Do you feel like American economy is peaking up because we hear President Obama saying shutdown hurts American economy but at the very sensitive moment world has just started to catch up. Do you feel it’s catching up really?

KH: Those numbers about the employment are completely fabricated because they are not counting those people who have given up ever finding a job as unemployed. That’s ridiculous! The real rate is just about double what they reported as being.

SS: So the American debt looks like a doomed patient. Is there any other possibility for it than just grow into eternity forever? I mean raising debt ceiling once or twice a year, what’s the problem?

KH: The problem is actually when you talk about debt that our currency is financed by debt, our currency is issued by the Federal Reserve instead of the Treasury which is unconstitutional. When the Federal Reserve System was instituted in 1913 most of the Congress was on break, they sneaked that legislation through. So the debt is there simply for those bankers to put in interest on it and have it grow and compound every year. The debt is a fabrication, it’s probably should be repudiated. But it can be repudiated until you’ll have looked that all ofthe implications.

SS: Do you think it’s going to go on and on forever?

KH: No, what I think it’s going to happen is that at the upcoming Bretton Woods meeting on October 9th the countries of the world, the foreign ministers of the world are going to sit down and have a rational basis for currency rather than this fiat currency which is absolutely… what can I say, it makes no sense to anyone but the bankers that are issuing it.

SS: So, when you look at the conflict of the debt, it’s much more than just borrowing money – it makes you controllable. For example, in the case of US – who controls it, you mean the big corporations, or countries like China and Japan, who control large chunks of the debt?

KH: Well, that’s a very good question and, fortunately, some mathematicians at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology have given us a very precise answer. They did a study of who owns and controls the companies on the capital markets – 43 000 companies. They found out that there is «a secret super-entity», they call it, that owns 60% of the earnings every year and 40% of the assets. They did this by putting the same people on the boards of these companies. So, they have ten times the economic power than there are entitled to. And they thoughtthat none would catch them at it. This is a huge conglomerate that has been rigging the labour’s prices, it has been rigging all of the commodity’s prices, and it has been trading in the securities markets with insider information. It has got to be stopped. It also bought up the media and has been lying to people deliberately. This is going to stop.

SS: So just to answer my question – the government is controlled by the conglomerates or the corporations rather than countries that are up and coming economically, right? Why haven’t these corporations or conglomerates, as you call it, been caught? Why is nothing changing?

KH: That’s the whole point about it. They’d like to think they are in control but they are not, they are not above the law. And we, citizens, know exactly what they are up to, we’ve been working on this problem, all of the governors of the States have been working on this terrible corruption, so have the Attorneys-General, so have the Sheriffs, and it’s not going to continue. The American people are taking back their government and they are stopping this terrible corruption.

SS: As of today, the United States is a financial heart of the world. Whether it collapses or keeps on going, it’s obviously wrong – this much power is concentrated in one place. Asia is a rising monster right now; could it be stealing this financial role from the US? Do you think China, for example, could steal its financial role from the US? Or are they also controlled by that same financial elite you’re mentioning?

KH: Well, I can tell you that the Jesuits have a very strong strangle hold on China as well but I can also tell you that the transition of economic strengths from the western countries to the east is going to happen, but it’s going to happen in a smooth way. It’s not going to be a transition through a currency war like that terrible corrupt group is trying to manipulate everyone into. We’re going to have a peaceful power transition this time around; we’re not going to have the World War III. They try to pull it off in Syria, they are now thinking they can pull it off in Iran, it’s not happening. The citizens of the world see what they are doing and we’re not letting them get away with it this time.

SS:Foreign governments keep buying US Treasury bonds despite obvious problems US economy is facing. What’s making them do that, in your opinion?

KH: I think the biggest market for the Federal Reserve notes is the US Treasury and there is a God of dollars right now. Yes, there is also a small market, unfortunately, the market is weakening as the dollar weakens because of all of this, what they call quantitative easing, where every month so many additional dollars are printed with absolutely no backing.

SS: Should we be buying gold?

KH: Well, yes and no, I think gold is probably wise purchase right now but more as insurance than investment because there is actually a great deal of gold, there is even more gold than people know about. For example, the amount of gold in the deposit in the Bank of Hawaii is 170 000 tonnes, this is more than the World Gold Council says as available for all the gold on the Earth. People don’t know how much gold there is, there is a lot of gold.

SS: Are you buying gold?

KH: I did actually, yes. But not because it’s an investment but because I’m not 100% certain that we’re going to get to act together before all of the paper fiat currency falls apart. So I see it as an insurance but because of the amount of gold that’s actually around in the world in deposit all over the world, I’m not so sure it’s a great investment.

SS: So you think the return to the gold standard is a realistic thing? It could be a possibility?

KH: Well, actually, that’s not such a good thing. The currency ought to be backed by value, but there is no reason why it should be restricted to precious metals, it could be any of the commodities that are valuable. The important thing is that, yes, the currency should be backed by assets rather than by debt as we now have.

SS: But if a financial collapse happens , let’s say, will gold be of any use? I mean, there is shortage of food, look at the world today, the biggest problem we’re facing is a clean drinking water. What gold is going to do about that?

KH: First of all, I think that we’re going to manage together, act together, I’m not expecting a collapse. Very accurate game-theory model is showing that we’re going to manage to make a transition in a very smooth way, maybe there’ll be a few fits at start. I think most of the countries in the world are in favour of working together and not to have a collapse. The only thing that you’re saying is that some of these crooks haven’t figured out, they haven’t seen the writing on the wall, they haven’t seen that we understand that there is a way to work together and avoid these problems, which are definitely avoidable.

SS: So, Karen, you were a senior counsel at the World Bank. Tell me something, honest banking is this an oxymoron?

KH: No, we have examples all over the place in the United States, the state of North Dakota has its own state bank and many of the other states are looking at that – at the moment 22 other states are looking at it, and we’re urging the other 28 states to look at it. There was a bank in Amsterdam but I think went on for 300 years with no problem. We know how to do banking, it should be like infrastructure to support the economy, it shouldn’t be for the benefit of elites that think they are above the law as we currently have. If you look at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), that institution was established when the war reparations were being exacted from Germany after the World War I. That when it was started in 1930 and I believe its 60 central banks, that are members of the BIS, those are the corporates, those are the ones that really needs to go out of business.

SS: You first blew the whistle over corruption in the World Bank. Tell us more about your revelations?

KH: Well, that’s actually what happened. I was working in the Philippines and there was a bank. This was at the end of the East Asia financial crisis in the end of the 1990s. The second largest bank in the Philippines, the Philippine National Bank, there was a loan to strenghten the banking sector and what happened was a man who own Philippine airlines, Lucio Tan, ended up buying more than 10% of the shares of the Philippine National Bank without informing the security authorities in the Philippines, that was against the law. And then I told the person who was in charge of the World Bank Lending Programme they should tell the government of the Philippines that the conditions of the loan were not going to be met. And instead I was reassigned and I didn’t accept that, so I went to the meeting where it was decided whether or not to disperse the loan and I said that the board was not being informed that the conditions were not met. And then what happened was the loan wasn’t dispersed but the people who had their money on deposit in that bank withdrew their money and the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corp. had to withdraw, had to back up the bank, for five hundred million dollars, and then we didn’t disperse our loan for two hundred million and the Japanese didn’t disperse their loan for two hundred million. So, that was nine hundred million dollars worth of a pure loan performance and when the evaluation department in the world bank said that the World Bank had performed satisfactorily, I corrected that report and my correction was never given to the board. That was a cover-up. You can’t have a cover-up in a bank – that shows that money is going the wrong way. I’ve been working together with other whistleblowers at the World Bank because we know that the board has to be informed about what’s actually going on. Other whistleblowers have reported double accounting, we reported this to the UK Parliament, I reported it to the European Parliament in 2011 and the European Parliament wrote the letter to the World Bank. I had a very detailed chronology, and the World Bank never responded. Then I’ve been reporting this to the US Congress and when the US Congress was asked to give a capital increase to the World Bank, they had asked for a government accountability office audit which never took place. I was reporting this to the International Organisation of Supreme Audit institutions and then I asked the board to require KPMG to do an auditof the World Bank Internal Controls. KPMG did not follow the auditing standards, I reported this to the public company accounting oversight board, I reported this to the ICC. But since the ICC couldn’t be bothered to sort out the insider trading for the Federal Reserve System, they certainly weren’t going to straighten out the bonds in the World Bank. So I borrowed world bank bond and I sued under the securities laws, and I also went to each and every Attorney-General in the States, and I told the States that they were responsible for making sure that there was accurate financial information going to the bond holders in their States, and I also went to the International Organisation of the Securities Commissioners. So, the World Bank has got to be brought into compliance and there has to be transparency in the capital markets, and the insider training of the Federal Reserve System is going to be history in short order.

SS: Do you feel safe after all these leaks, I mean you were fired?

KH: You know I have been working with some very wonderful whistleblowers; in particular, I’d like to mention Mark Novitsky who has been reporting about insider trading and inaccurate financial reporting for Teletech, which is a company that had been spying on American citizens. So, when whistleblowers work together, and compare notes and share information you get a very accurate picture. In addition, I’d like to mention Larry Harrison, who has been my PR guy. So when you have people who you’re working with it’s not so easy to shut the whistleblowers down, we just gain in strength. We ‘re going from strength to strength.

SS: Do you feel like you are being heard? Is anything changing?

KH: Well, that’s what I like to ask your audience.

SS: Do you feel like anything changing in the system by whistleblowing on it?

KH: Yes, I absolutely do. I think the number of people they are hearing my message and that are looking into this information, and everyday they are sending me e-mails. They are going out and they are getting their neighbours to find out what’s really going on. I don’t think this mainstream media is going to have too big of an audience at the rate we’re going.

SS: There are liberty movements that are actually picking up now, the likes of Bitcoin, for example. Can they ever grow into a solid rival to the conventional system?

KH: I think they’re going to be a force to be reckoned with, yes. It’s a matter of fact. There are other similar kinds of payment systems that are now gaining currency. Yes, I think we’re going to have a world where there’s a lot of choice and the legal tender is not going to be used to put people into debt and to imprison them.

SS: Are you using a Bitcoin as of now?

KH: That’s a good question. I’m trying to learn how. There is a conference that is taking place and I’m going to try to get myself sorted out on that.

SS: Karen, thank you very much for your time. That’s all for today. Our guest was a former insider at the World Bank, ex-senior counsel Karen Hudes. Thanks for watching and we will see next time here in SophieCo.

source »

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support, and for bringing us to our first million site views. We really appreciate it.

A Jesuit-Free World is A Free World

We have raised the alarm early on about the possible Jesuit infiltration in the global freedom movement. Only a few have noticed. We wholeheartedly understand why. We’re just a small fry in the muddy pond.

We have written several articles on how Jesuit infiltration could happen:

–          Hijacking a Revolution – April 1,  2012

–          Hijacking a Revolution 2.0  – January 25, 2013

–          Hijacking a Revolution 3.0 – February 14, 2013

–          Hijacking the Greatest Revolt Ever – August 23, 2013

Recently, The Keenan Group have raised concern over the recent pronouncement of Ben Fulford that “P2 Freemasons want Pope Francis to be new M1, the controller of money.” Although this is not a categorical statement of agreement to the Jesuit agenda, still the telegraphing of that statement left a bad taste from a person who claimed to abhor Cabalistic behavior.

We fully endorse the statement made by Michael Henry Dunn about Ben Fulford. And we fully appreciate the immediate reconciliatory remarks by Keenan himself, although he doesn’t even need to.

Another statement made by Keenan in the recent past that resonated so well with us was when he said that the BRICS alternative bank is just the same as the Old Bank it tries to compete with.

Fulford, on the other hand, took an offensive move that served and sounded his fellow Jesuit Coadjutors, Alex and Jesse, that, “gold is just a yellow metal that you cannot eat [a useless stone that should better be handed to us].”

We’re not falling for that scheme again.

You cannot eat gold, but it is enhancing the speed at which all computer networks and stand-alone PCs processes their data. There are many aspects of the industry where this yellow metal has been serving well.

And maybe it’s time now to throw in some nuggets we have found along the way:

–          John Bedini, in one of his free energy experiments, discovered accidentally that when copper wire is heated to 5000 C, it turns to a yellow metal. Verify if you must;

–          Gold has also been found to be useful in the age old human pursuit for physical immortality.

Maybe these are the very reasons why free energy is violently suppressed and gold is actively regulated.

Why are we advocating for the recovery of the Asian Gold Bullion?

To finance the implementation of all suppressed technologies, for its responsible use and further development. A transition mechanism should be provided before we can effectively move into a resource based economic system. In fact, once the free energy system is put in place worldwide, RBE will be its natural consequence.

We don’t believe that anybody could just force the concept of the Venus Project down to everyone’s throat at this point in time. We need a transition mechanism which will provide the necessary education and psychological adjustment.

Notwithstanding, that It’s a lot better to put the safekeeping of this yellow metal back into the hands of its peaceful rightful owners rather than in the lap of the warmongers who sought to decimate every breathing soul on this planet.

Where do we go from here?

We will be, as we always have been, a filter in the alternative media, sifting through and try separating the wheat from the chaff in the alternative information that have been fed both by the true advocates for Truth and Lies.

The benefit of the doubt, or is it trust, that we’ve extended to the freedom movement players has limits, and we for the sake of fairness have extended these limits several times, but for Fulford, it’s been too much.

His repeated appearance at the Veterans Today, a sophisticated Jesuit psyops outfit unmasked by Pete Santilli, suggests he’s been sold out to the Dark Side for good.

When was the last time have you heard Ben Fulford utter the “J” word?

We don’t remember either.

Recently, we have posted three articles about how the Jesuits exploited Asia and my country:

As it is very clear by now, Fulford and the P2 Lodge, he’s been trying to strike a “win-win solution” with, are two of the most useless accidents that ever occurred on this planet.

But that’s just us.

So, if you still love his weekly antics, it would serve him well if you go directly to his blog and subscribe.

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Yellow Metals, Infiltrators, and the Ignoramus

This is a continuation of our series on the Illuminati’s conquest in Asia. We are running these articles in the hope of illuminating more on the nature of errors committed against Asians and why they must be corrected.

This is a very long article which will contradict Ben Fulford’s claim that:

“The conclusion is that there are no giant treasure caves in Indonesia or the Philippines and that the so-called global collateral accounts or global debt facility is based on fraud. What is true though, is that to this day, large amounts of un-usable dollars and Euros are printed, shrink-wrapped and left in warehouses in the region as “payment” for the gold taken from the region by Western powers in the 19th and 20th centuries.” more »

The Golden Lily loot widely known as the Yamashita Treasures is real. The Philippine Gold Bullion, 600,000 tons from our own gold mining industry is real, too, and separate from the Yamashita Treasures. Even at this point in time,the gold mine industry is still active especially at the Mount Diwalwal in Davao.

My own hometown is a victim of this attempt to recover a portion of the Golden Lily loot.

WW2 Veterans should know that at the closing of the war, when Gen Douglas McArthur did keep his immortal words “I shall return [for more gold].”, via the island of Leyte where the biggest naval battle in history was fought, the Japanese Imperial Army were forced to evacuate to the southernmost tip of the island, where Guinsaugon is located.

In 2006, Guinsaugon mudslide happened after 5 days of non-stop heavy rainfall. More than 3 days of heavy rainfall is never natural.

The mudslide was triggered by an incendiary bomb which according to witnesses, they saw white smoke and heard a loud explosion from the direction of what became the site of the landslide that took more than a thousand lives, mostly children in school and women who are celebrating women’s day unmindful of the fate that was coming.

The first article below is from Greg Szymanski as sourced from Bobby Limeta, a local historian from the National Museum who painstakingly researched the subject for the enlightenment of his fellow countrymen.

The second article is a successful attempt of the Jesuits to legitimize their claim on the Yamashita Treasure and our own assets held in our own Bangko Sentral with the willful cooperation of the CIA-installed political dynasty of the Aquino family. This is included here to illustrated that even the Jesuits themselves officially acknowledge the existence of the treasures.

The third article is just among the few mainstream accounts written about the 22 crates said to contain currency [gold bullion?] that were flown by the US Navy together with the Marcos family when they frantically fled to Hawaii in 1986 at the conclusion of the biggest People Power Revolution then.

We are hoping that these grave errors inflicted on all Asians be corrected through the help of The Keenan Group, and the rest of the world who do have a stake on the survival of this planet.

Confession No. 11: According to Philippine Man, Jesuit And Vatican Have Pilfered Trillions In Gold Owed To The People

by Greg Szymanski, July 02, 2006

Last Updated: Sunday, July 02, 2006 01:59:34 PM

Freedom fighter connects the dots back to Rome, as Americans better wake-up before the same thing happens here like is going on in the Philippines.

 Bobby Limeta of the Philippines feels alone, abandoned and frightened for his life in his fight to expose the corrupt Jesuit Order.

First and foremost, frightened for the safety of his family, he is considering a move to New Zealand, seeking safe haven from the persecution being dished out for his political views and exposure of Vatican corruption.

Limeta has previously contributed to these Sunday Confessions, shedding light on how the Jesuits are raping and pillaging the Philippines in hopes Americans wake up before the same thing happens here.

But now he comes forward in Confession No. 11 on the shores of Brushy Creek, telling about his personal experiences as well as sharing more shocking information about the Jesuits and their underhanded control of the Philippines.

What I will tell you now is a matter of life and death,? said Limeta.

My country has been for 485 years controlled by the Roman Catholic Church and of course the Jesuits are the masterminds. Our government is controlled by the Jesuits-Vatican and our country is one of their stronghold territories.Would you believe that our government’s secret operatives, controlled by the Jesuits-Vatican, can grab me inside my home using warrantless arrest and my family will never see me again, alive.

Is it bad or a sin to be a patriotic citizen of my beloved country? Is it bad or a sin to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?

You may ask me, why I’m angry to the Jesuits-Vatican (Roman Catholic hierarchy)? Well, what if I tell you that the Jesuits-Vatican of the Roman Catholic Church are the real thieves that looted the wealth of our nation.

It all started way back 1990 (16-years ago), I saw my countrymen become poorer and poorer, becoming innocent victims and betrayed. Only elite and rich families, influential politicians and show-biz personalities enjoy the good life. My country is dilapidated and now an impoverished nation. The poor are unable to get good medical care and treatment, for we do not have enough money. We the minority, middle-class and the poor also cannot get a high standard of education, simply because we don’t have money.

Simply, we are in debt to the World Bank & IMF loan system benefiting the rich. The interest alone is already killing millions of my countrymen, especially the poor. What World Bank and International Monetary Fund? These are owned by the Jesuits-Vatican !

Since 1990, I promised myself that I will find out the real culprits. It did not take me long to discover it was the Jesuits. Now below is what I’ve discovered and found out with supporting documents. Now, brace yourself as to what I’ve discovered and investigated that no politicians will even dare speak about it.

The Jesuits-Vatican initiated the Second 30 Years War (1914-1945). Yes, indeed our country was invaded and occupied by the Imperial Forces of Japan under Gen. Masaharu Homa. The Japanese Imperial forces had previously looted all the gold and treasures of the Far East, from China down to French Indo-China, from Singapore, Malaysia and finally bringing it to the Philippines when the Japanese started losing the war against the Allies.

As the US forces with air and naval superiority cut-off the Philippines link-up to mainland Japan, Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita and his senior officers buried the looted gold in various parts of our country. After the war, some Jesuit-controlled OSS Agents and senior officials who are members of Knights of Malta began searching for the gold.

They included Rev Fr. Joes Antonio Diaz, Opus Dei, alias COL. SEVERINO SANTA ROMANA (OSS Agents called him Santy for short) together with Gen. Edward Lansdale and coordinated by Wild Bill Donovan,? all confirmed Knights of Malta of the Catholic Secret Brotherhood secret alliance along with the help of NAZI war criminals Franz Von Papen, Gen. Reinhard Ghelen, Heinrich Himmler.

Rev. Father Diaz alias Col. Santy and Gen. Edward Lansdale without showing any mercy then killed the Hukbalahak rebels. Why? Because the territories held by the rebels are the exact locations where Yamashita’s gold was buried. Not only that, Rev. Father Diaz, alias Col. Santy and his cohorts OSS Agents even tortured the personal driver of Gen. Yamashita to confess and reveal where the gold was actually buried. Major Ferdinand Marcos, who became senator and president of the Republic, also knew about it.

That’s why Rev. Father Diaz alias Col. Santy hired Marcos as his lawyer to bring out the recovered Yamashita’s looted Asian gold. However, by 1949 our people had accumulated 600,000 metric tons of gold deposited inside the vault of the Central Bank. This 600,000 metric tons of gold was different from the Yamashita’s looted gold. Hence, my countrymen are proud of it and legally speaking it’s our property. For decency, my countrymen will not claim the Asia’s looted gold by the Japanese Imperial Forces. What we are claiming is our country’s own gold deposited inside the vaults of the Central Bank.

In short, Yamashita’s looted Asian gold and our very own gold deposited inside the vaults of the central bank was brought out of our country by Rev. Father Diaz and traitor Ferdinand Marcos. The gold then was mixed together and deposited in various Jesuit-controlled illegal bank accounts in Switzerland and other banks. The illegal Nugan-Hand Bank of Australia operated CIA formerly OSS controlled by the Jesuits-Vatican helped in transporting other gold to Australia and then diverted into other countries. The Jesuits know it and they are watching as Rev. Father Diaz is a member of Opus Dei, all bagmen of the Jesuit-Vatican. I also discovered that Michael Hand of the Nugan-Hand Bank is a CIA Agent! ?The most shocking revelation is this, when Marcos was still alive, he wrote a letter as his last will before he died that his looted wealth (our country?s wealth) will be entrusted to the Vatican Trust. His true color was revealed. Also former Catholic priest, Marcelino Tagle of Bataan said that Marcos always worked for the Vatican. Now, I see the whole scenario.

According to EJ & Doris J. Ekke documents revealing the hidden history of the gold the 400,000 metric tons of gold held in the vaults of the Central Bank would elevate the gold-based money supply in the Philippines to more than twice as much per person as the money supply in the U.S. and U.S. money is not backed by gold. If that much money, some 4 trillion dollars, were to be spent cleaning and fixing up the Philippines, think of what a paradise it would be.

The Roman Catholic Church disguised as religion from God and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ as well as the Catholic Church-Jesuits-Vatican are GREAT LIARS AND HYPROCRITES. They have betrayed my countrymen now living in despair and poverty because the Jesuits-Vatican-Roman Catholic Church illegally looted our country’s gold. Anyone of my countrymen who will dispute me, I’ll take on in a manly and civilized debate. Anyone who hates the truth is against our Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone of my countrymen that will dispute this hidden history of our country will become ignorant to reality. There’s no mystery in an open mind. Remember God is truth and we shall worship God in the spirit and truth. Jesus Christ said, and the truth shall set us free.

Therefore, I accuse the Jesuit-Vatican of the Roman Catholic Church as the mastermind, culprits and guilty entities for the looting of our country’s wealth. And I as a legal citizen of my country has the right to demand in behalf of my countrymen under the protection of our God given Constitution and Bill Of Rights demanding the Roman Catholic Church to return the gold they have illegally looted.

I admit I’m angry to the Catholic Church as I saw my poor countrymen living in despair. Why did the Catholic Church betray my countrymen and our country? They (Catholic Church) came into our country and my countrymen embraced them honestly and with respect.I have in my possession 15 sheets of original photocopied documents linking Rev. Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz (Opus Dei) alias Col. Santa Romana (OSS Agent), Gen. Edward Lansdale, Ferdinand E. Marcos, the late Archbishop Of Manila Jaime Cardinal Sin and Baron Arndt Krupp for the looting of various gold and of course our country’s very own gold. And you’ll be shocked that the shadows and footprints of the Jesuits-Vatican will be realized once and for all.?

For more informative articles, go to

Greg Szymanski Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Go to Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at He also writes for American Free Press and has his own site www.arcticbeacon.comListen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radio Greg is also regular on the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


Jesuits Stole Philippine Gold Reserves at Central Bank

Researcher And Historian Claims New World Order With Help From Vatican And Jesuits Are Destroying Philippines

Bobby G. Limeta says the same thing is happening in America, but observers claim media and government are protecting the real enemy.

2 Jun 2006

By Greg Szymanski

When it comes to nailing the real enemy in America, the suppression of speech and the free flow of information has become a joke.

And while the fat cats are laughing, the country has become a caldron of confusion, hatred and deception, leaving most good men shaking their heads at all the two-faced, back-stabbing cowards in positions of governmental and media power.

A 90-year-old reader former German from Blythe, California, who survived Stalin, Mussolini, Churchill, FDR and Hitler, put it well when he said: “I can’t even stomach listening or looking at Bush and his corrupt media friends. I felt the same way about Hitler and the same thing is happening here, but Americans are too fat and blind too care or see anything.”

So the search for America’s real enemy is deflected, side-tracked, derailed and stonewalled by the thousands of New World Order minions, protecting the big shots at the top.

With that in mind, to fight the New World Order, the enemy from within must first be exposed. And according to many good patriots, most of them silenced by the corrupted media, a discussion of the real enemy within, including the Illuminati and Zionists, is totally outrageous and incomplete without including the Vatican and the Jesuit Order.

However, every once in a blue moon a courageous man comes forward who is unafraid of the powerful evil forces protecting the Vatican and Jesuits. And every once in awhile a man steps forward with solid information, helping to connect the dots and helping Americans wade through the crock of horse manure spread out on the air waves and in Washington.

In this case, the man is historian Bobby G. Limeta of the Philippines, who has chronicled, studied and closely observed the Jesuit Order since 1990, saying:

“The Philippines was dilapidated, looted and now an impoverished nation because of the conspiracies made by some elite peoples, priests and nuns that are controlled by the Jesuits. Today, political crisis & intrigues, social agitations, street marches-protests-rallies, and rebellions are very common in the Republic of the Philippines. These arenas are the expertise of the Jesuit Order.”

Limeta, who closely monitors the nefarious activities of the so-called God-loving Society of Jesus in the Philippines, warns Americans if the Jesuits would have their dirty hands in destroying his country, they are doing the exact same thing in America.

“I also said it many times on my written articles that no other entities in the world could parallel the diabolic works of the Jesuits,” said Limeta, adding Americans are also being conned, duped and sold down the river by the cunning and deceptive Jesuits, hiding behind the cloak of the clergy and their third party governmental and business counterparts in crime.

So if the Jesuits and the Vatican are the spiritual controllers of the New World Order, why have they been given a free-ride in America to do whatever they want without even the slightest bit of attention?

Limeta and other researchers say they are protected by their third party governmental, business and media lackeys, allowing them to operate behind the scenes as the black robes of the clergy provide the perfect cover.

In an effort to expose what Limeta calls the “evil Jesuits,” he provides 18 points of reference concerning how the Jesuits actively are destroying the Philippines, saying this gives more than an adequate reason to investigate their activities in America:

Here is Limeta’s list concerning The Republic of the Philippines of The Jesuit Order:

1.The two people power Edsa Revolution are the works of the Jesuits. Overthrew two presidents “Ferdinand Marcos & Joseph Estrada.

2.President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo ‘GMA” is a Jesuit educated at the Jesuit owned Ateneo de Manila and Georgetown University (Fr. Edmund A. Walsh School Of Foreign Service).

3. GMA and Fr. Romeo Intengan (former Jesuit Provincial Superior In The Philippines) are sometimes having secret meetings at the Jesuit House in Quezon City, Manila.

4. Fr. Romeo Intengan is GMA’s spiritual and religious adviser.

5. GMA’s National Security Adviser Mr. Norberto Gonzales & Fr. Romeo Intengan are the founders of Partido Demokratiko Sosyalista Ng Pilipinas (PDSP) to combat Marcos regime.

6. The Jesuits introduced and brought the Theory of Liberation here in the Philippines. The same theology that havoc Nicaragua by the Sandinista Rebels. Because, of this Liberation Theology, there are now approximately 2,000 priest and nuns who are radicals and secretly supporting and associating themselves to the communist rebels in the Philippines. The same theology that resulted into the establishment of the Communist Party Of The Philippines – New Peoples Army (CPP-NPA) headed by Jose Maria Sison. Followed by the National Democratic Front (NDF) headed by Fr. Luis Jalandoni. Both these men are exiled in Netherlands.

7. Liberation Theology is being teach at the Jesuit owned Ateneo de Manila University under “Curriculum 141 Immersion Program”. The reason, many young students become very subversive against the Philippine government. This theology is the result of the creation of various anti-government militant organizations or groups “Communist Ideology.”

8. The Jesuits are the real master-minds of the terrorist movement known as the “Light A Fire Movement” during Marcos regime, as per confession by their former obedient follower named Mr. Ed Olaguer. Mr. Olaguer admitted that the Jesuits together with Mr. Norberto Gonzales are the people giving secret directives for planting bombs and arsons in various parts of the country during Marcos regime.

9. Another cohorts of the Jesuits is former president Cory Aquino who allowed Jesuit Fr. Joaquin Bernas to touched and amend our beloved 1987 Philippine constitution. Fr. Joaquin Bernas is Ateneo’s Constitutionalist.

10. The Jesuits are the educators of our past, recent and present leaders (Presidents, Senators, Congressman, Businessmen, Rich & Elite Families). Who are controlling the sideshow of Philippine politics and behind them are the Jesuits.

11. Ateneo de Manila University oversees government functions like Georgetown University. This university is the secret meeting place for political agendas where dark motives are planned.

12. Fr. Integan is member of the Transition Government Committee for the smooth transition of President Estrada for the new in-coming president of the republic “GMA”.

13. Both GMA and Norberto Gonzales are my pin-pointed Jesuit temporal co-adjutor.

14. Our Supreme Court Justices are members of the Knights Of Columbus. A Jesuit founded society. I call it “Philippine Supreme Court of the Knights Of Columbus by the Jesuit Order.

15. Two former senators and some in secret are members of the Jesuit’s arm “Opus Dei”.

16. OSS/CIA Agent Col. Severino Santa Romana a.k.a. Reverend Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz (Opus Dei) together with Atty. Ferdinand Marcos who become Philippine President and also one of their associate ex-priest Fr. Marcelino Tagle are the culprits in looting of Philippine gold out of the vaults of the Central Bank Of The Philippines.

17. Marcos friend Spanish-Filipino Mestizo Billionaire Don Enrique Zobel de Ayala, their idea to create a foundation for Marcos ill-gotten wealth. Who was the trustee, it was the Vatican Trust managed by Archbishop Bruno Torpiglianni (Papal Nuncio) and Fr. Alarcon of De La Salle University Jesuit Brothers.

18. Yesterday, former president Joseph Estrada strongly accused that his overthew legitimate government was done by conspiracy works of the following people. Fidel Ramos – former Philippine President Elite Businessmen Lopez & Ayala Rich Families. Some Military & Police Generals Jaime Cardinal Sin – the late Archbishop of Manila to include Cory Aquino and GMA’s husband, Miguel Arroyo.

For more informative articles, go to

Greg Szymanski

I found this letter that was purportedly written by Conrado Limcaoco to ex-President Corazon Aquno about the Marcos Gold that was shipped all over the world. The amounts involved are staggering, mind boggling to say the least that I wanted to start a thread about this very important part of our history that is seldom discussed due to its sensitive nature and far reaching implications both for our country and the world’s monetary system at large. To start off the discussion here’s the letter which also appeared in Eric San Juan’s book “Marcos’ Legacy Revisited”. Fire away guys.


10 October 1989


President of the Philippines

Malacanang, Manila

Dear Mrs. President,

I have never waivered in my commitment to serve you and our people over the past few years. Even in our bleakest moments, I was confident we would triumph — and thus far, we have.

In the course of tracking down the right-wing military adventurists a task which is continuing, we have unearthed a story — parts of which you may have heard before — but which we feel deserves a serious second glance at this particular historical conjuncture. I ask you to please read through this report personally and not show or pass it on to other officials of this govemment until we have had the chance to meet, should you feel such a meeting is necessary after going through this. Please suspend your judgment and disbelief and know that this report was written after much in-depth intelligence work and soul-searching on my part.

I. Background/Premises

Our work thus far supports the contention that the Yamashita treasure does exist and appears to be the basis for the Marcos’ hidden wealth. What has been recovered and sequestered to date is not even the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

Over 90% of the worlds legal and illegal gold production were in Asia at the outbreak of World War II. Why? History will tell us why. From the galleon trade where spices and silk were traded for gold and other precious metals to the days before World War II when the Europeans, fearing a war in the West, moved their gold to their Asian colonies and former colonies for safekeeping. Thus, England moved their gold to Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Australia -France to Vietnam, and so forth. The rest you know. The Japanese brought the gold here and had to leave it here as they retreated in defeat

From 1967 to 1973, Cipirino Garcia Sta. Romana found some of this gold and began shipping it out of the country mostly to the PROC. In 1973/4, Sta. Romana signed a power of attorney over the gold to Marcos. More of the treasure was found with the help of treasuro maps, foreign treasure hunters and the AFP (many of the retired generals now in Hawaii) in subsequent years. It was either (1) shipped out as is, (2) laundered via the Central Bank reminting facilities and through other means and then shipped out, or (3) reburied under the custodianship of trusted subalterns or heirs. Further, there reportedly is still 35-37% of the treasure still to be discovered — which the likes of Noel Soriano and company have set their eyes on.

II. The Global Implications

There is a forty (40) year period within which another country may claim treasure/property taken from it with another country. This period lapsed in November 1985.

An interesting question is — who owns the gold? Or better still — who wants the gold? Technically, now the people of the Philippines can lay some claim to the gold, assuming Marcos was not an innocent “finder” or “treasure hunter” entitled to a share, but instead used his position and influence to find it, ship it out, and even sell some of it. To answer the question —

The countries of Europe want the gold! They believe much of it was theirs to begin with. They want or need it so much they are even willing to buy some of it back. A 1983/84 sale we are reconstructing indicates that the 11 monarchs of Europe syndicated a deal involving over 120 banks with the Bank of England as the lead bank to buy back some of the gold. This transaction is known by the code JOB/HK/25 which I will detail later.

The 12 Asian countries conquered and plundered by Japan in World War II want the gold! They believe they have a stake in this as it was from their countries that the Japanese took it from. Marcos struck deals with many of these Asian countries. He shipped back some of the gold to them in return for a share in the booty. For example, the gold shipped back to Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and India are reportedly split now at 70% of the particular country and 30% for Marcos. Japan allegedly has been promised 50% of Marcos 30% in these Asian settlements. Mrs. Yamashita has alleged shares in some of the gold stock in Asia. I will also detail this later in this report.

The United States of America wants some of the gold! The US had virtually no gold of its own to begin with. They need it to back their currency and to stave off economic difficulties. Marcos shipped large stocks of gold to the USA. Marcos allegedly committed to sell 300,000 metric tons of the gold to the US. Obviously, the Asian countries and the Europeans would look with displeasure at this — if they knew about it or could prove it We have evidence that at least 2 major sales were negotiated with CIA and US Treasury front organizations in 1983/4 and 1984/5. One of these transactions in 1984/5 codenamed YAB42 was apparently aborted because of a difference in payment terms. The US offered 20% in cash and 80% in US government securities.

Marcos wanted 80% in cash and 20% in securities. The amount involved is staggering. A taped conversation with one of the buyer negotiators indicate that senior executive officials of the US Government during the period had to get Congressional approval to increase the US foreign debt to accommodate this deal. As late as mid-1986, US officials were trying to convince Marcos to conclude the deal in Hawaii. In 1987, feelers from their front organizations — e.g., Navegacion Global’s Mr. Bullock were sent to this government (A letter from Mr. Bullock was received by Malacanang Records Office last October 8, 1987 and is enclosed as Annex A). I believe some of our people may have even sat with Mr Bullock. I do not think they knew what Bullock vas really up to — or understood or believed him if he told them. We allegedly have gold sitting in US depositories — which the US government wants badly. They reportedly cannot release their new “rainbow dollar” (multicolored dollar bills) that are already printed without this gold to back it up.

III. The Marcos Scheme of Things

Marcos compartmentalized this whole operation so that very few could piece it all together. We have managed to assemble quite a number of Marcos’ real operating people — those that shipped the gold out, found the buyers, negotiated the transactions We are slowy piecing the puzzle together.

For each Marcos account, whether in cash or in bullion, these are assigned trustees and signatories — some of whom do not even know each other. There are secret bank/depository arrangements such as access code and security countersigns.

Before his death, Marcos organized what is called THE UMBRELLA, a network of 54 people whose task is to manage these assets in the event of his death. In theory, the umbrella, not Mrs. Marcos or his children would execute his will. At least two members of the umbrella’s inner core of about one dozen are already working with us. The umbrella has never been tested in action before. Marcos has never died before. Those who now work with me tell me that the chairman of the umbrella is a very decent man who can be talked to on behalf of our nation. Apparently, there is no sharp cleavage between this group (family, heirs, followers, etc.) and Imelda’s. Most of what we know is FM’s not Imelda’s. It is doubtful that even she would know all of FM’s holdings. The destabilization efforts will most probably come from Imelda’s camp not surprisingly. Marcos is reported to have revised his will a few months before he died, asking former Solicitor General Estelito Mendoza to Hawaii for this purpose. Imelda was reportedly vehemently against the revision. We are trying, through the umbrella, to get a copy of this will.

Exactly how much gold is involved? The estimates vary, and understandably so because of the complex shipping procedures and the compartmentalized nature of the operation.

I have seen documents saying that the gold under the control of the umbrella (there are smaller stocks not reported to or controlled by the umbrella) is in the neighborhood of 1.33 million metric tons (MT). Whether one believes this figure or a lessor figure is not material given the magnitude of the entire scenario. One metric ton of gold is worth

about $11 million. The Philippines’ annual gold production is estimated at between 40-60 metric tons The world’s “legal” annual gold production, which is regulated by the London gold cartel so as not to upset gold prices as well as the value of currencies of the world, is estimated at between 1,200 to 1,400 metric tons.

So, where is the gold? How much of it have we traced thus far?

IV. Where Is It?

Our sources have pinpointed the locations, volume, and details of many of the Marcos and Imelda gold accounts around the world.

We have left out the volume figures for countries other than the United States which are relevant for understanding points raised in other sections of the report We do have the detailed breakdown of these other accounts in the other countries but thought it best to omit these for now. The volume/amounts involved are staggering and may be subject to misinterpretation There is admittedly a possibility in some instances of double-counting an entry because of the process of shipping and laundering the gold from one country to another. We can present the figures per country and per bank should you wish to see them.

Whatever volume figures are ultimately believed or proven, the magnitude remains astounding. The gold was shipped out in a span of more than a decade from the late sixties to the mid-eighties. In the later frenzied stages from 1983-85, all forms of transport were used from commercial and chartered ocean vessels and aircraft to the military aircraft of the Philippines.

A. Asia

1. PROC — in various depositories in Southern China & Switzerland; joint IRM/FM stock

— an amount allegedly given to Mao Tse Tung by IRM, 1973, now with Madam Mao

2. Singapore — in three banks in Singapore; banks and signatories identified

— an amount reportedly given to Lee Kuan Yew by IRM in 1975, now in Tatlee Bank, Singapore

3. Malaysia — in Bank Negara (Central bank), shipped 1973

4. Indonesia — in at least 4 banks in Jakarta, 9,600 MT sold in 1987 for FM to Union Bank of Switzerland

5. India — in various depositories; one 94 year-old trustee identified

6. Hong Kong — in 10 Hong Kong banks; banks, signatories, account numbers, etc. identified

7. Marianas — in private storage, IRM’s stock; trustee identified

8. Palau — in private storage, IRM’s stock, trustee identified

9. Philippines — 4,600 pieces, 75 kgs. in 18 identified banks in Metro Manila

— more in private storage, some identified

— more still to be dug up estimated at 400,000 MT

NOTES: Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 which are FM stocks are probably covered by the 70-30 deal with each country. No. 1 still has to be studied further, as both IRM and Madame Mao are no longer in their respective nation’s political structures. Nos. 7 & 8 are also IRM stocks and are not probably covered by the 70-30 deal. Japan and Mrs. Yamashita have their stakes here as mentioned. Mrs. Yamashita is co-owner of some Hongkong stock (already identified). Japan may expect 50% of FM’s 30% in these Asian settlements.

A. US and Environs

1. 38,000 MT — various identified depository banks in New York

2. 72,000 MT — Fort Knox, account no. identified

3. 18,300 MT — in a New York bank; signatories, account codes identified

4. 62,000 MT — various identified depository banks; Canada, Nevada, California, and Panama

NOTES: These were shipped out covering a period of more than 10 years from 1973-1983, The MAFIA and the CIA helped ship it, including some monitored shipments through Clark Air Base. Nos. 1 & 2 formed the stock for the YAB42 transaction to be detailed later Nos. 3 & 4 were also being sold in 1983-1985. It is doubtful any of these transactions were actually consumated.

5. Bahamas — Banco Bahamas; trustee identified

6. Panama — Bank of Panama; possible 1983 sales through Navegacion Global’s Bullock

B. Europe

1. England — in 4 identified London depository banks; IRM’s stock

— shipped 1978-85, flown to and reminted in Switzerland, then on to London in GLD bars

2. Switzerland — in various depository banks, some banks and signatories identified

3. FRG — in various depositories in Luxembourg and Bonn

— Fabian Ver and Edna Camcam’s account, some lent to back up FRG’s currency

C. Africa — FM owns 40% of 4 leading gold mining and processing firms

V. Some Transactions Worth Looking At

We must differentiate between the movement of the stock, its ultimate destination, and its final disposition in the event it was sold. The movement often required numerous transit points and sometimes “laundering” services like those provided by Johnson Matthey reminting refineries in England and Switzerland or by the Golden Eagle reminting plant in Hong Kong and even possibly by our awn Central Bank refinery in Quezon City. The original form of the treasure was varied and often indicated their countries of origin — e.g. 75 kg., 91.33 kg. bars with various ‘hallmarks” like “Suhatra-Loyd,” a dragon, AAA, etc. Internationally, the 12.5 4 GLD or Good London Delivery bar is the recognized unit of gold that is numbered and registered in the London Commodity Computer by batches with indicated owners. These GLDs in batches are covered by Gold Bullion Certificates (GBCs) that are also registered in the London computer If GLDs are bought and sold, it is often not necessary to effect a, physical transfer of the stock but merely to credit and debit or swap equivalent currency or other GLDs or GBCs.

In 1983, FM gave the signal to start selling his gold in grand fashion. This was perhaps triggered by the unrest and re-awakening after 21 August. Literally hundreds of gold buyers, traders, brokers, and middlemen converged in Manila in the years 1983-85, FM issued “mandates” to select people to sell this gold for him (A sample of a “mandate” granted to a certain Konsehala Candelaria V. Santiago is enclosed as Annex B). Others managed to secure “sub-mandates” from the original mandate holders. Still others produced “fake mandates” that they used to con some buyers with to give them hefty advances. We have some of the real mandate holders working with us.

In passing, today there are over 160 gold buyers and brokers now in Manila reminiscent of the 1983-85 years anticipating gold sales by FM heirs or this governments representatives. I understand a few “looseleaf” pieces of 75 kg. bars have already been sold.

Three schemes to sell the gold were conceived in this period. First, the CB Treasury bills method where gold buyers agreed to purchase CB Treasury bills equivalent to the amount of gold they were buying. Then they would redeem these CB T-bills for gold upon maturity of these notes. Second, the loan method where buyers guarantee to lend the GRP money equivalent to the gold they were buying. Using this second method, it could well be that many of our debts are not really debts but are already paid for in gold. How else can one explain the seemingly easy credit FM enjoyed with the ADB, the WB, and the IMF and their prime banks? And this could explain the cavalier spending of these loan proceeds for personal ends. Our sources say that the very top echelon of the WB and the IMF know of this. Why are they now putting on the screws for our loans? Possibly because we have not concluded YAB42. Third, the direct sale, method where after a while the sheer magnitude of the gold being sold could no longer be sanitized by either of the two methods described earlier outright sales agreements gold were negotiated.

We have a good deal of documentary evidence to prove that gold transactions were indeed negotiated by front organizations as well as legitimate banks in those years.

To highlight a few…

1. The YAB42 transaction. This was negotiated in late 1984, early 1985. As reported, this was initiated by the US government through the US Treasury and the CIA. Front organizations; and personalities were used to make the deal ostensibly a non-governmental transaction. Dr. Ole Bay (YAB is BAY backwards) was the main trustee of the buyers’ group (A Trust Exchange Agreement and a Funding Trust Pay Order between seller and buyer in transaction code YAB42 are enclosed as Annex C). Navegacion Global SA, Dupont, and other CIA conduits were used.

Forty-two (42) other major trusts were tapped to help fund this purchase. Senior US officials even called FM to confirm the veracity of the mandate holder negotiating for “the seller.” Close to 100 prime banks pledged their participation in helping fund the purchase. The US offered 20% cash or $200 billion through these trusts and banks and 80% in US government securities. Using the $200 billion cash as 20% of the transaction, this transaction would then involve 110,000 MT or over $1 trillion. The stock for this transaction appears to be the 38,000 MT in New York and the 72,000 MT in Ft. Knox which total exactly 110,000 MT. In June 1986, US government representatives reportedly asked FM to conclude YAB42 and turn over the 72,000 MT in Ft. Knox He declined. Earlier, FM signed over the 38,000 MT in New York which the US government found insufficient. In 1987, Navegacion Global’s Bruce Bullock tried to make contact with this government, possibly to conclude this transaction.

2. In 1983-84, we have evidence of another transaction involving a minimum 62,000 MT up to a maximum of 81,000 MT negotiated with Frank Higdon, another reported CIA intermediary (Investment loans offered to the Philippine Government which is repayable with 62,321 MT of gold bars is enclosed as Annex D). The stock for this appears to be the 62,000 MT in 4 locations in mainland America plus the 18,300 MT in Citibank, New York. It is doubtful this transaction was consummated as these stocks have reportedly been recently verified to still be in place.

3. The JOB/HK/25 transaction. In 1983-84, 29,327 MT was reportedly sold to the 11 monarchs of Europe with over 120 prime banks participating with the Bank of England as the lead buyer’s bank. The proceeds are allegedly sitting in ledger credits to the seller in the seller’s banks and even in some buyer banks. The PNB Singapore and New York branches were actively involved in this transaction and the key officers of these banks then can reportedly identify where these seller credits are located. In commissions alone, there is a reported P200 B/$10 B commission for the transaction’s brokers credited to the PNB through the CB sent from the Chemical Bank of New York. There is an additional $63 million in commissions for this transaction at the AMEX Bank in Hong Kong. The brokers who are claiming these commissions are with us providing us information on this deal and are willing to negotiate with this government

4. The Central Bank of the Philippines may not be able to balance their books as far as gold is concerned. A July report by a senior Central Bank official to the PCGG prompted by preliminary information on this project we passed on to the PCGG does not reconcile with other CB data we have on gold transactions for the 1984-85 period alone.

Further, our sources say that there is at least 5,000 MT of gold in the CB vaults in Manila and Quezon City. A recent Chronicle article indicates that COA may be getting some wind of this (The newspapers reports that Central Bank has violated audit standards such as under-recording of its actual gold acquisitions and the same is enclosed as Annex E). We have the GBC number of this gold in the CB vaults. Our sources say that senior CB officials may have begun to cover their tracks by moving the gold out or logging it under someone else’s account number. Very simple, let us conduct a surprise physical count of the gold in both CB vaults. If this is true, without working on the rest of what we have uncovered, then this government will be richer by, $55 billion.

The original GBC was for seven sub-lots of 1,000 MT each. Sub lots 2 and 4 have already been disposed of leaving a balance 5,000 MT. Remember, our total annual gold production is only 60 MT and our declared gold reserves are possibly only in hundreds of metric tons.

5. We have evidence to support October 1983 transaction of 1,000 MT of FM gold deposited at a PCIB branch under FM trustee Alice Lazo (deceased). The buyer was Mr. Van Dreck of a organization called MERCANTUS (A PC Bank offer to sell gold to Mercantus International Establishment and an irrevocable Purchase Order by the latter are enclosed as Annex F). What business does a local bank have keeping and selling 1,000 MT of gold? Apparently, this transaction was consumated.

These are but some of the transactions we have been able to piece together We do have some documentary evidence, but our main sources are testimonies from the people who were actually involved in these transactions who are now cooperating with us.

VI. Evaluation and Assessment

We have substantial documentation that by their sheer volume indicate these gold transactions did take place.

More important, we now have in our protective custody, key actors that actually helped FM on an operational level. Their testimonies have helped us piece this extremely complex puzzle together. More importantly, they are Wiling to assist in the recovery effort of the government. They are key actors — trustees, part-owners, signatories, umbrella members who could be vital in “unlocking” these accounts.

Why are they helping us? Partly out of a sense of patriotism. They are not rich — many of their relatives are impoverished. They believe that it would be criminal to allow the nation to suffer in economic deprivation when something can be done relatively quickly to correct it. Quite frankly, they also hope for a just reward to be granted by this government for their assistance together with the necessary immunities from suit and documents to allow them to spend their reward or commission. This is one of the aspects needing your approval — the amounts or percentages should be negotiated on a case to case basis depending on the assistance given and the amount to be recovered.

They have put their trust in me for the moment. Loyal FM and IRM henchmen would definitely not look kindly on their efforts to assist us.

We would have proceeded to develop this project further except that certain factors compelled me to bring this matter to your attention now.

First, FM died — unleashing a host of now unpredictable events that may make purposive action on our end moot and academic. What was in his will? Will the umbrella or can the umbrella execute his will? What will IRM and his other relatives do? What will the host of account trustees and signatories do? What will the banks and depositories do? We are trying to ascertain the answers to some of these questions.

Second, the project has grown to a scope now requiring your knowledge, and to use an FM term, your “mandate” to proceed in directions you agree with. I am not funded for an operation of this scope. To develop this project to this point has cost nearly P300,000 of borrowed money. We now have our “assets” in various safehouses and lodging areas. Soon, one of our “assets’ will go abroad to contact the umbrella’s chairman to check the contents of FM’s will and his willingness to help our government and our people. I am totally loyal to our people’s interest through you and word may get to you from other sources that I am in touch with “loyalists.” I need you to know what it is I am doing.

Third, you are scheduled to take your second state visit to the US next month. Some of our information may have impact on that visit. At the very least, you are appraised of what we have gathered to fathom any subtle messages that the US officials may send to you. At most, we may be able to put together enough conclusive data to allow you to bring the matter up to President Bush, if not in November at some other opportune moment.

What do we have as far as the recovery of FM’s ill-gotten wealth? A few hundred million dollars from deals with overt FM cronies the sale of some identified FM assets (buildings, paintings, and other properties) and court cases here, in Switzerland, and in the United States.

Lately, there are those who propose a “master settlement” approach, meaning one negotiation with possibly IRM or the representatives FM. This “master settlement” may involve the return of FM’s remains and/or some of his exiled relatives and henchmen. I agree with these conditions should be rejected at the moment for national security reasons. Also, one negotiation will not work because those that propose it are at best making “educated guesses” about the amount of the ill-gotten wealth that is the basis for negotiation. The PCGG has even recently proposed, holding public discussion groups to try to get more information on the whereabouts of the wealth and amounts involved.

Lastly, it is doubtful that IRM or any one of the FM heirs would know all or even most of his wealth much less make a full disclosure of what little they may know during these negotiations. A “master settlement” on the wealth by those that propose it presently may not result in a fair deal for our government

On the other hand, negotiated settlements on a case to case basis based on more precise intelligence information and with the cooperation of the principals involved (the trustees, banks/depositors) in a given case or account may lead to faster and fairer results for our government The ex-FM operatives we are talking to are not politically motivated and place no political pre-conditions (e.g. the return of FM’s remains or relatives) on assisting us.

Even if a fraction of what we have uncovered is true, moving on it correctly and recovering some of it for our people could alter the course of our history.

VII. Proposed Courses of Action and Vital Considerations

1. Agree to a detailed presentation only to you or what we have uncovered to date.

2. Allow us to continue the project to pinpoint concrete action proposals for your approval.

In this regard, a reporting/feed back mechanism directly to you must be set up. Some funding support is also needed even at this preparatory stage.

3. The concrete action proposals will probably take the form of proposed negotiated settlements with the parties involved aimed at recovering FM’s share for our government and our people. Each negotiated settlement will be different in nature. Some may even be on a country to country basis, requiring your direct intervention ( e.g. the US and some of the Asian countries). Most will be between specific banks, trustees, and signatories and our government. I will detail some possible negotiated settlement formulas when we get to meet

4. There are some action proposals that can be done here immediately like the Central Bank gold and the PNB/CB sale proceeds and commissions outlined earlier. Due to the sensitive nature of these actions and the possible involvement of senior officials of this and the previous government, I propose we discuss this in private.

5. On the local front, some of the trustees/owners/caretakers of the gold already discovered but stored here in our country have come to me to explore the possibilities of negotiated settlements. Initially, some 3,000 MT of gold has been offered. I have been told, if this succeeds, there is much more. I have asked that they bring me proof positive — gold bars to show you and a visit by me to the site of the gold stockpile — before I bring this matter up to you for your consideration.

6. In all negotiated settlements, we must exact a commitment and activate a monitoring mechanism to ensure that the monies released to parties other than our government are not used to destabilize our government

7. Trust is a vital dimension to this undertaking! Our newfound “partners” — the FM trustees, signatories, and caretakers have placed their trust in this government through me and you — whom they believe I report to directly. Some of them have had “sad experiences” with others in our government, the details of which I would rather discuss privately. I ask in turn for your continued trust and guidance without which we cannot proceed with this task nor hope to succeed. Greater men than I have risked their names and reputations on parts of this puzzle — some have failed, others have had dubious interests at heart. I find myself in a situation where I must try to see this through its conclusions — because success means a better life for all of us.


NOTE- The small stocks being referred to here by Mr. Limcaoco are actually the so-called unrecorded accounts of Imelda and FM’s children. I was earlier told by one trustee that some of these smaller stocks were a part of Mrs-Marcos’ compromise deal with the US. Government, in exchange for her acquittal in the New York court.

The photocopy of Mr. Limcaoco’s letter to Pres. Cory Aquino was given to me by a RAM officer who is now living, in the U.S.A. and had a role to play among Col. Red Kapunan’s group who took over Channel 4 at the height of the 1989 RAM-SFP-YOU coup d’etat. Some concerned citizens at hotel coffee shops have circulated other similar photocopies.

Even the defunct Newsday dated February 27, 1990 printed the same.

Limcaoco’s Gold Recovery Program had successfully controlled the part of the Marcos gold specifically that taken from the Napindan Channel. This was the very reason why the Yellow Army particularly saw to it that Channel 4 should be the first target area to recover. The barricades erected surrounding the TV station’s perimeter were dismantled only after “the loot” had been successfully brought out and transferred to “safer” ground. Thus, the persuasion flight of the U. S. Phantom Jet.

At this point, I would like to reiterate the misconception that the Marcos gold was the Yamashita treasure. The mere mention of Sta. Romana’s name and other long existing gold accounts as having never been moved until the time Marcos gained control over them, including those at Fort Knox, strongly confirms that the Marcos gold had been successfully amassed from different sources.

Just in case you’re curious about the background of Hon. Conrado Limcaoco, here’s a few of his accomplishments;


* Network general Manager & CEO, People’s Television Network, Inc. (PTV4)

o Got PTV 4 its congressional corporate charter and seed capitalization

o Won for PTV 4 the CMMA award for Best Station with Balanced Programming Three Years in a row

o Managed PTV 4 for seven years without government subsidy

o Negotiated a French government protocol giving PTV4 state of the art equipment from the ground up

o Built a new building and transmission tower for PTV 4

* Chairman of the Board & General Manager – CEO, LagunaLake Development Authority (LLDA)

o Decreased fish pens from over 30,000 hectares to less than 10,000 from 1986-1987 to give small fishermen more fishing areas and allow the lake to recover from the excessive strain on its resources and carrying capacity.

o Implemented environmental protection laws for the lake and its watershed. This resulted in first ever closure of a firm for violation of pollution laws in the Philippines, Rizal Cement in Binangonan. Many other violators were subsequently investigated and meted penalties from closure to severe fines.

* Chair, Management Committee & CEO, Philippine Broadcasting Service, The Bureau of Broadcasts. (Radyo ng Bayan & all government radio stations)

o Re-organized government radio making it more responsive and efficient.

* Consultant, Radio Television Malacañang (RTVM)

o Conceptualized and helped manage the weekly TV and radio program of Fmr. Presidnet Aquino originally titled Magtanong sa Pangulo

o Assisted in planning, advanced party work, and management of the pooled media coverage for foreign trips of Fmr. President Aquino to the ASEAN countries, the United States of America, and Europe.

* Consultant, Philippine Information Agency (PIA)

* Consultant to the Governor of Laguna province, the late Felicisino T. San Luis

o Assisted in planning provincial development agenda helping make Laguna one of the most prosperous provinces.

* Chairman & CEO, Shear Philippines, Inc (SPI), a medium-scale export oriented garments firms with about 1000 sewing machines.

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Philippines Sues To Get Cash Crates From Marcos Luggage

March 04, 1986|By Anne Keegan, Chicago Tribune.

HONOLULU — The new Philippine government filed suit Monday for the return of 22 crates brought to Hawaii by deposed President Ferdinand Marcos, which U.S. officials admit contain Philippine currency.

The crates were flown to Honolulu on a U.S. C-141 cargo plane soon after Marcos and his entourage fled the country.

Attorney C. Michael Hare, representing the Philippine Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of the Philippines, filed suit against Marcos Monday in federal District Court here seeking the return of the contents of the crates. He also asked for a temporary injunction preventing Marcos and anyone in his party from having access to the crates or their contents. He contended the cargo was illegally taken out of the Philippines when Marcos fled.

According to Philippine law, authorization from the central bank is required to take out more than 500 pesos. No such authorization was given, according to the suit.

In court, Assistant U.S. Atty. John Peyton, representing the U.S. Customs Service, agreed the contents of the crates would not be released for two weeks. He also agreed to provide attorneys for the Central Bank of the Philippines with a detailed inventory of the crates` contents by Friday.

“And is there currency in those closed crates?“ asked Judge Richard Fong.

“Yes,“ replied Peyton.

The 22 crates are sitting in the cargo plane under guard, isolated on a runway at Hickam Air Force Base.

The plane, purportedly bringing in “personal belongings“ for the Marcos family and their entourage, who carried only hand luggage when they fled, arrived here at 11 p.m. Thursday–12 hours after the Marcos party set foot on Hawaiian soil.

“This is the first public and official admission that the crates do contain Philippine currency,“ said attorney Hare. “And in terms of the provisions of Philippine law that you can only take out 500 pesos from the country, we know if there are 22 crates there`s no way it`s under 500 pesos.“ According to printed reports, Reagan administration officials have said the impounded crates include millions of dollars` worth of freshly printed pesos and negotiable securities.

In New York, meanwhile, a judge froze $350 million in New York properties believed owned by Marcos in the first step of a legal fight to recover

“wealth that properly belongs to the Philippine people,“ lawyers said Monday.

Lawyers working for Philippine President Corazon Aquino filed suit in Manhattan against Marcos, his wife, Imelda, and 20 other people and corporations in order to recover the holdings, including a palatial Long Island estate.

The lawyers at the Center for Constitutional Rights are representing Aquino without fee. They claim Marcos has $7 billion in holdings in the United States, $350 million of which is in New York City and on Long Island.

They obtained a temporary restraining order from state Supreme Court Justice Elliot Wilk late Sunday forbidding the property to be sold until the dispute over ownership is decided.

source »

For being inconsistent with his views and for the unreliability of his own sources, we have decided to terminate our publication of Mr. Fulford’s weekly geopolitical reports.

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Illuminati in Asia 2.0

This is a continuation of our series on the Illuminati’s conquest in Asia. We are running these articles in the hope of shedding more light on the nature of errors committed against Asians and why they must be corrected.

Japan – Land of Western IndustrializationThis is a featured page

– by Deanna Spingola, 17 November, 2008

Morgan, Lamont, MatsumotoIn Japan – “For a thousand years, it was the policy of emperors and shoguns to keep the people ignorant, and to keep taxes high enough so families had to struggle to survive, because this kept them fully occupied and harmless.”1
J. P. Morgan was involved in Japan during the Meiji Restoration (1867-1912) which replaced the ruling Tokugawa Shogunate with the restored imperial family. This trade-off of power was merely a cosmetic change. Assets were confiscated from the Tokugawa shoguns and used to build factories and railroads. These assets were then privatized into four major zaibatsu (conglomerates): Mitsubishi, Sumitomo, Yasuda and Iwasaki. A zaibatsu could be comprised of mines, factories, banks, ocean fleets, insurance companies and export agencies. These four zaibatsus retained their exclusivity through kinship, marriage, school associations, bribes or any other secret or social arrangement.2 This is very similar to America’s elite class.

J. P. Morgan, always alert to profit potential, arranged financing for selected American entrepreneurs. Morgan financed Thomas Edison’s incandescent light and invested in Edison’s power generation and distribution plants. In 1891, he took over the Thomson-Houston Company and the Edison Company to form General Electric.3 Tesla resisted financial support from Morgan as he had seen how the robber baron had “coveted and threatened the autonomy of Westinghouse.”4 Morgan wanted to acquire Nikola Tesla’s patents, probably to conceal the possibility of profitless, wireless electricity through Tesla’s AC (alternating current) induction motor.5
Thomas Lamont, a J.P. Morgan partner by 1911, had arranged the financing and purchasing of American supplies for France and Britain during World War I as the major purchasing agent for the British Army and Navy and for the French government. By the end of WWI, J. P. Morgan Bank had handled $3 billion in commercial transactions, netting $3 million in fees. It had arranged over $1.5 billion in credits and had become the world’s most influential bank, moving it into the political arena of foreign policy, thereby serving as a virtual extension of the federal government.6 Ironically, J.P. Morgan, war profiteer, had paid three hundred dollars to evade military service in the Union Army during the Civil War.

Post-WWI, Lamont negotiated Germany’s deliberately crippling reparations payments. In 1920, with the approval of commerce secretary Herbert Hoover, Jack Morgan (J. P.’s son) sent Lamont to Asia in search of additional clients and investment opportunities. Lamont met with Japan’s elite. Japan had prospered during World War I and had acquired huge gold reserves. This early collaboration would set a precedent for the corporate collusion that followed the Second World War.7
Between 1899 and 1930 banks and western manufacturers made large foreign direct investments (FDIs) in what is referred to as multinational enterprises (MNEs). This occurred in technologically advanced industries, like machine equipment and electric machinery, areas that were weak or nonexistent in Japan.89 The Vanderbilts and J.P. Morgan bought a one-third interest in Gray (the real inventor of the telephone) and Barton in 1872 and then changed its name to the Western Electric Manufacturing Company.
One of the first U.S./Japan joint ventures was Nippon Electric Company (NEC), established in 1899 with Western Electric, as a 54 percent shareholder. During the 1920s, other joint ventures included U.S. automobile companies. Toyota’s sales organization began with American marketing methods acquired while working with Ford and General Motors which had established assembly operations. The U.S. companies purchased local parts which helped to create a network of suppliers. Nissan began as a Ford parts supplier. Many of the joint ventures ultimately became prominent Japanese corporations.10
Westinghouse transferred technology and management techniques to Mitsubishi Electric, founded in 1921. Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd, a British firm, created Dunlop Japan, founded in 1909, which ultimately became Sumitomo Rubber Industries, Ltd., the first Japanese-owned rubber company to make automobile tires. Initially, Sumitomo depended on Dunlop engineers and skilled workers for its production technology.11
The Japanese government would eventually place restrictions on Ford and General Motors in the 1930s. Consequently, these companies would divest from Japan prior to World War II. Nissan and Toyota took over former Ford and General Motors suppliers, dealers and strategic personnel. After World War II, Japan used licensing agreements rather than FDIs. From 1950 to 1970, the Japanese government approved 7,800 licensing contracts in the area of chemicals, food, machinery, steel and other industries which escalated Japan’s postwar economic growth.12
Japan’s prosperity in the 1920s was enjoyed only by the elite who controlled the nation’s wealth as well as a stable of corrupt government officials. Increased population and unemployment, especially in rural Japan led to horrific exploitation of laborers who often lived and worked in squalor. Outcasts, indentured workers, prisoners, evicted farmers from Korea and Manchuria worked and frequently died in Mitsubishi coals mines. Thousands of pre-teen girls slaved in wretched conditions. Labor and social movements were forcefully suppressed.13
In 1925, the Peace Preservation Law was passed. Criticism of the emperor or his government in any way, even by implication was a crime punishable by death. Opposing candidates could face arrest which restricted membership in Japan’s parliament, the Diet, to the far right. By 1928, the Peace Preservation Law became even more restrictive – anyone speaking against, or even thinking about changing government policy could incur life in prison or the death penalty. Dissent was absolutely stifled. People were denied a trial by jury. Education Minister Hatoyama targeted primary and secondary school teachers who entertained dangerous thoughts. In November 1928, Hirohito was formally enthroned during a mythological Shinto ceremony. Four days later he was deified as a descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu.14
J. P. Morgan Bank, known in Japan as the Morgan zaibatsu, flush with war profits, loaned $150 million to Japan for the rebuilding of Tokyo after the destructive Kant? earthquake of September 1, 1923.15 Japan, thereafter would be Morgan Bank’s special customer. With the earthquake came a 36-foot tall tsunami followed by a thick yellow cloud of dust rising from the thousands of collapsed buildings. Tens of thousands of homes, flexible and generally earthquake proof burst into flames. Tokyo burned and refugees fled. Thousands perished. On the Kant? Plain, Japan’s biggest agricultural region, farms and warehouses were damaged or destroyed. Even Tokyo Bay burst into flame due to 100,000 tons of spilt fuel from the Yokosuka naval base. Two million people were rendered homeless. Hirohito’s palace, behind a wide moat, survived the earthquake and the flaming inferno. Mob violence erupted and lasted for two weeks. Food, water and shelter were scarce. The U.S. donated canned beans.16
To avoid shame for their inadequacies in providing solutions, government officials accused Korean and Chinese immigrants of looting, murder, arson and rape. Fears were fueled by the media and martial law was proclaimed. The extreme right provoked violence against leftists and immigrants. Vigilantes murdered thousands. When the government finally halted the terror, they insisted that the Koreans provoked it.17 Tyrannical governments always cast the blame on others: illegal aliens, bungling borrowers, incompetent managers, Arab hijackers, Jews – anyone but themselves.

Prince Asaka’s (1887-1981) opulent Takanawa palace was destroyed in the Kant? earthquake. He had it rebuilt. The Art Deco style palace, ultimately finished in 1933, was even more luxurious.18 He continued to live there until he died of old age in 1981, despite claims of imperial poverty and alleged post-WWII loss of property.19 To conceal their wealth and avoid confiscation, some imperial family members transferred ownership of palaces and other properties and personal belongings to the well-connected Tsutsumi family. However, they never actually vacated their properties or relinquished their belongings. (More on that later in this series.)20 Prince Asaka ordered and directed the brutal atrocities committed during the 6-week assault against Nanking, then the capital of China, the incident that destroyed any hope of peace.

With the Japanese banking crisis of 1927 (similar to the one in the late 1990s), a financial panic gripped Tokyo. Many of Japan’s biggest banks had made massive unsecured loans to businesses that were, in fact, owned by the same bankers or their friends or family. This predictably created a sense of prosperity and reckless expansion. There were no audits, no oversight – just easy money. Years without interest collection led to a major crisis and a government bailout loan of 2 billion yen which only assisted the privileged individuals who had triggered the dilemma. Eight hundred out of 1,422 pre-crisis smaller banks inevitably collapsed, reducing competition.21 Compare this to the $700 billion Wall Street open-ended bailout of September 2008.22
During the 1927 panic, the ruling elite again contacted Thomas W. Lamont, J. P. Morgan’s principle financier. He immediately responded and offered direction to his banking buddies and visited Hirohito, who had assumed the emperor’s throne on December 25, 1926. Lamont was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun. Hirohito would wage his first war of aggression against China’s Shandong Province in May 1927,23 and sanctioned Japan’s second and third military Shandong expeditions. Hirohito’s rule, from 1927 to Japan’s surrender in August 1945, was distinguished by Japan’s plundering wars of aggression.24
Back in New York, Lamont arranged the following: $263 million in new bond issues for Japanese borrowers; additional Kant? earthquake reconstruction loans for Tokyo; a guaranteed loan to Japan’s electric utility in Taiwan; and a $25 million bank credit to the Yokohama Specie Bank to stabilize their currency to help Japan get back on the gold standard.25 The emperor owned 22 percent of that bank’s stock. Gold and platinum had been hoarded by Asians for generations as they distrusted banks and governments. The deprivations of the imminent worldwide depression reinforced the people’s distrust of paper currency, making gold and other tangible assets even more desirable.26
Approximately one half of Japan’s small businesses failed because of the orchestrated Wall Street crash of 1929. Japan’s ultra nationalists believed that the depression was a Western racist scheme. Between 1929 and 1931, the value of Japanese exports fell by 43 percent. Rural families were devastated by a 50 percent reduction in farm produce. Other economic conditions such as taxes and rent forced many small farmers off their lands. Whole villages starved, tens of thousands of children were sold into prostitution by their desperate families. During the 1930s, 200,000 girls would be sold into prostitution annually.27
War takes the focus off of a failing economy! In a false flag attempt to provoke Chang’s Manchu troops into attacking Japanese units, Japanese officers murdered Manchurian warlord Chang Tso-lin in 1928 with the objective of allowing Japan to counter attack and seize Manchuria. Emperor Hirohito, upon learning of the incident, concealed it, thereby sanctioning future terrorist acts. It took three years and several more terrorist actions to get the desired response. The devised Manchurian Incident of 1931 was blamed on ill-equipped Chinese soldiers but it enabled Japan to seize Manchuria, 440,000 square miles – an ideal source of food and raw materials – a solution to Japan’s financial and social crisis. Morgan banker, Thomas W. Lamont, supported Japan’s seizure and probably financed it, while President Hoover publicly denounced but privately endorsed the action.28
Chinese citizens stopped purchasing Japanese exports which fell about 90 percent in 1932. Japanese provocateurs posing as monks started a fight with a Shanghai mob and the two “monks” were slain. Westerners in China’s International Settlement were appalled at the Japanese machinations. Lamont conceded that Japan’s aggressiveness might make Japanese loans troublesome.29
Harvard-educated Lamont had been Herbert Hoover’s biggest political and financial supporter. President Hoover (1928-1932) installed Douglas MacArthur as the Army Chief of Staff.30 During the Great Depression, Japan was still an important market for American products. Trade privileges were tendered to insure cooperation, peace and prosperity, especially in view of the growing enemy, Communism. In June 1932, Hoover appointed, with Lamont’s support, Harvard-educated Joseph Grew as Ambassador to Japan. His job included promoting American business in Japan. Grew had worked on Hoover’s campaign and came from a family of Boston bankers who had underwritten Russell & Company and their opium clipper ships. The Grew family associated with the Forbes, Delano and Roosevelt merchant clans.31
Joseph Grew had been a diplomat in Berlin when WWI started and oversaw Hoover’s phony profit-producing food relief scheme to keep the Germans from starving and to keep the war going until America could join in the slaughter. Grew claimed that he “loved Germany and was an unrestrained champion of the German cause.” But when the U.S. entered the war in April 1917, he returned home. He went on a “Liberty Bond whistle-stop sales tour speaking to 24,000 people in eleven days” where he described Germans as “licentious barbarians and international criminals.”32
Hoover, Lamont and other elites promoted the idea that national economies linked together by private enterprise would stabilize the world. Private enterprise through multinational and transnational business, orchestrated financial assaults against the middle class, enslavement of the surviving poor and war – all funded or activated by the banks – is facilitating a one world, one currency tyrannical government.


  1. ^ Sterling Seagrave and Peggy Seagrave, The Yamato Dynasty: the Secret History of Japan’s Imperial Family, Broadway Books, New York, 1999, pg. 149
  2. ^ Ibid, pgs. 116-134
  3. ^ The New York Times Guide to Essential Knowledge: A Desk Reference for the Curious Mind By The New York Times, Published by Macmillan 2004, pgs. 142-143
  4. ^ Margaret Cheney, Tesla: Man Out of Time, Barnes & Noble, New York, pg. 99
  5. ^ Free Energy, Tesla, Wireless Electricity by Melvin D. Saunders
  6. ^ Sterling Seagrave and Peggy Seagrave, op. cit., pgs. 116-125
  7. ^ Ibid, pgs. 116-134
  8. ^ Geoffrey Jones, The Evolution of International Business, Routledge, 1996 pgs. 238-241
  9. ^ Adventures in Cyberspace, Elisha Gray: 1835 – 1901
  10. ^ Geoffrey Jones, op. cit., pgs. 238-241
  11. ^ Ibid
  12. ^ Ibid
  13. ^ Ibid, pgs. 131-137
  14. ^ Ibid
  15. ^ Ibid, pgs. 228-229
  16. ^ Ibid, pgs. 116-134
  17. ^ Ibid
  18. ^ Ibid, pgs. 167-68
  19. ^ Ibid, pgs 220-232
  20. ^ Ibid, pgs 294-295
  21. ^ Ibid, pgs. 134-136
  22. ^ Questions About The Mother of All Bailouts by Jane Sasseen, Newsweek, September 20, 2008
  23. ^ Shi Young and James Yin, The Rape of Nanking: An Undeniable History in Photographs, Innovative Publishing Group, Chicago, 1997, pg. pg. 282
  24. ^ Ibid
  25. ^ Sterling Seagrave and Peggy Seagrave, op. cit., pgs. 134-136
  26. ^ Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, Gold Warriors: America’s Secret Recovery of Yamashita’s Gold, Verso Publishing, 2003, pg 50. This book was exhaustively researched and has copious documentation to support its claims.
  27. ^ Sterling Seagrave and Peggy Seagrave, op. cit., pgs. 134-136
  28. ^ Ibid, pgs. 143-145
  29. ^ Ibid
  30. ^ Ibid, pgs. 134-139
  31. ^ Ibid, pgs. 140-147
  32. ^ Ibid

About the Author

Deanna Spingola has been a quilt designer and is the author of two books. She has traveled extensively teaching and lecturing on her unique methods. She has always been an avid reader of non-fiction works designed to educate rather than entertain. She is active in family history research and lectures on that topic. Currently she is the director of the local Family History Center. She has a great interest in politics and the direction of current government policies, particularly as they relate to the Constitution. Deanna’s Web Site

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We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

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The De-Evolution of Philippine Society

Here’s a gentle treatment of our history. This will be followed by a more in-depth accounts of how we were transformed and treated by those who wrote the history for us.

Understanding The Filipino Community

by Tomas Quintin de Andres

In the beginning, there were no major problems in the Philippine communities. The early Filipinos had a relatively advanced civilization contemporaneous with that of any ancient civilization. The ancestral land and its natural resources provided facility for cultural exchange through migration as well as trade and commerce, not only among fellow orientals but also among the occidental countries.



The wisest, the strongest, the eldest or the bravest among the tribes or kinship groups conducted the affairs of the community in order to give and share whatever good things they had rather than to get and exploit. The old nobility among the pre-Spanish Filipino shared the land and other resources of the community with the other Filipinos such as the “Timawa” or freemen.

That time the basic political unit of society was the barangay, an informal grouping of several families headed by either a Datu or Lakan who ran the affairs of the entire barangay in much the same manner that he managed his own family affairs. No wonder the barangay was then a one big happy family. It was self-contained and self-reliant. The relationship in the barangay was cordial and cooperative. The barangay was relatively self-sufficient: politically, economically, socially, and religiously. The highest norm of morality was the welfare of the barangay.

Rice Harvest
Before, the Spanish colonization, the barangays became societies in various levels of transition from the primitive communal state to an Asiatic form of feudalism. The Philippine settlements then were subsistence villages and all the inhabitants were self-sufficient farmers and part-time craftsmen. Spanish colonialism arrested the natural development of the native communities but it also laid the basis for a unification of the archipelago.

First Mass not for, but by the gods.

The king of Spain, as a reward to the colonizers for their services to the crown were given possession and jurisdiction over large tracts of land and its inhabitants. This was the Encomienda System. The old Filipino nobilities who cooperated with the encomiendero were reduced to the status of “cabeza de barangay” while the timawa or freemen became “tenants”. Thus the landlord-tenant relationship or “kasamahan” was born.

The Evolution of Philippine Society - Philippine Resistance Movement

The Bonapartian principle of “divide and conquer” imposed by the Spaniards to divide the Filipinos psychologically and thus unite them politically made them small-group oriented with a tayo-tayo (just we) or kanya-kanya (to each his own) attitude.

Blood Compact
Since there was no security in the Spanish Government, the Filipinos started to regard other groups outside their families with caution, suspicion and influence. Imitating Spanish colonizers, they sought political public office not anymore to give but to enhance their families’ welfare. The main pre-occupation became their family survival (makaraos) and how to go through (lusot), no matter at whose expense. The colonial experience of the Filipino of Western structures did not give them security, They have made him find nothing but insecurity outside his family. With the erosion of the cooperative values of the pre-Spanish Filipino, the rich became richer and the poor simply got poorer.The poor Filipinos became victims of the Western credit practices of “Pacto de Retroventa”, sangla-bili and usury.

The American era in the Philippines was characterized by the desire to expand American trade, using the Philippines as the springboard to Asia. The Payne-Aldrich Act of 1901, the Underground Trade Act of 1913, the Tydings-Kocial Kowski Act and Bell Trade Act were all aimed at enhancing the American benefits at the expense of the Filipinos. The Philippines became free politically in 1946 and yet is not free economically. The country became a “consumer society” for Western goods and ideas. The coming of American multinationals discouraged some local entrepreneurship. Other evil effects of American influences in the Philippines are the following:

  •     the coming of inappropriate technology,
  •     creation of “inefficient oligopoly patterns in the small national market,
  •     erosion of local economic policies and control,
  •     stimulation of inappropriate consumer taste, and
  •     illegitimate meddling in the local and political process.

The Japanese regime in the Philippines was no less evil than the last two past colonizers. Under the pretext of building an Asian Co-prosperity sphere in Asia, they imposed their systems on the Filipinos with force and brutality.

The Colonial period was the beginning of major problems in the Philippines. some of these major problems which until now remain unresolved are the following:

  •     bad government,
  •     red tape,
  •     graft and corruption,
  •     nepotism and dependence,
  •     forced obeisance to wealth,
  •     power and position,
  •     rigid nationalism,
  •     disbelief in science,
  •     fatalistic religious beliefs,
  •     poor and one-sided legal system,
  •     irrelevant education,
  •     illiteracy,
  •     poverty,
  •     poor communication, etc.*

In the past colonial period, the barangay system was revived as the primary unit of government but not to its pristine and original values, aims and status. This is the big challenge to community developers:

how to restore the original values, aims and status of each barangay,
how to motivate people to become self-sufficient, self-reliant, cooperative, and willing to share their lands,
how to train leaders who are the best, wisest, strongest and bravest in the community, those whose intentions will be to give rather than to get benefits for themselves as their primary motive.

The present Filipino communities are beset with problems such as low level of living, low level of productivity, poor marketing system, oppressive tenurial arrangements and practices, unemployment, and underemployment, limited genuine support facilities for socio-economic development, poor health conditions, low level of education, cultures of silence and poverty, personalized policies and community disorganization.

Characteristics of the Filipino Community

The Filipino community is predominantly rural, transitional, pluralistic, multilingual, segmented, particularistic and developing.

Its aims, goals, and aspirations are characterized by the values of:

  •     social acceptance (pakikisama, amor propio, hiya),
  •     economic security and
  •     social mobility.

Its beliefs and convictions are:

  •     personalistic and
  •     supernaturalistic (bahala na, suerte, gaba-panalanging).

Its predominant value-orientations are:

  •     personalism,
  •     non-rationalism,
  •     particularism.

Its norm and principles are:

  •     structural (in-group centeredness, family and kin, age-grading and generation system, status and power, locally language and religion,)
  •     ranking ( in-group vs. out-group, super-ordinate-subordinate, relationship authority),
  •     operational (equivalence and solidarity),
  •     reciprocity (utang na loob),
  •     compassion (awa),
  •     patience (endurance and resignation).

*Extracted without permission from Dr. T.Q.D. Andres’ 1988 Community Development Manual: A Manual ISBN 971-10-0358-9.

Images are from ImagesPhilippines.

We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

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Top Israel Scientist Says Ashkenazi Jews are Khazarians

An Israeli has found out that the Ashkenazi Jews came from Khazaria. This is a scholarly finding from an Israeli himself who should not be accused of being anti-Semitic, but rather Scientific. Further, there’s a “nazi” word within Ashkenazi.

Hmmmn, might this be where Nazis got their brand name? But, they were annihilating Jews in WW2 Europe, we are told. Interesting.


An Israeli geneticist challenges the “Zionist” hypothesis that all Jews belong to one race and are intimately related, thus giving them a common ancestor in the Holy Land and a Biblical claim to Palestine. 

Scientists usually don’t call each other “liars” and “frauds.” But that’s how Johns Hopkins University post-doctoral researcher Eran Elhaik describes a group of widely respected geneticists, including Harry Ostrer, professor of pathology and genetics at Yeshiva University’s Albert Einstein College of Medicine and author of the 2012 book “Legacy: A Genetic History of the Jewish People.”

For years now, the findings of Ostrer and several other scientists have stood virtually unchallenged on the genetics of Jews and the story they tell of the common Middle East origins shared by many Jewish populations worldwide. Jews — and Ashkenazim in particular — are indeed one people, Ostrer’s research finds.

It’s a theory that more or less affirms the understanding that many Jews themselves hold of who they are in the world: a people who, though scattered, share an ethnic-racial bond rooted in their common ancestral descent from the indigenous Jews of ancient Judea or Palestine, as the Romans called it after they conquered the Jewish homeland.

But now, Elhaik, an Israeli molecular geneticist, has published research that he says debunks this claim. And that has set off a predictable clash.

“He’s just wrong,” said Marcus Feldman of Stanford University, a leading researcher in Jewish genetics, referring to Elhaik. The sometimes strong emotions generated by this scientific dispute stem from a politically loaded question that scientists and others have pondered for decades: Where in the world did Ashkenazi Jews come from?


The debate touches upon such sensitive issues as whether the Jewish people is a race or a religion, and whether Jews or Palestinians are descended from the original inhabitants of what is now the State of Israel.


Ostrer’s theory is sometimes marshaled to lend the authority of science to the Zionist narrative, which views the migration of modern-day Jews to what is now Israel, and their rule over that land, as a simple act of repossession by the descendants of the land’s original residents.

Ostrer declined to be interviewed for this story. But in his writings, Ostrer points out the dangers of such reductionism; some of the same genetic markers common among Jews, he finds, can be found in Palestinians, as well. By using sophisticated molecular tools, Feldman, Ostrer and most other scientists in the field have found that Jews are genetically homogeneous.

No matter where they live, these scientists say, Jews are genetically more similar to each other than to their non-Jewish neighbors, and they have a shared Middle Eastern ancestry. The geneticists’ research backs up what is known as the Rhineland Hypothesis.

According to the hypothesis, Ashkenazi Jews descended from Jews who fled Palestine after the Muslim conquest in the seventh century and settled in Southern Europe. In the late Middle Ages they moved into eastern Europe from Germany, or the Rhineland. “Nonsense,” said Elhaik, a 33-year-old Israeli Jew from Beersheba who earned a doctorate in molecular evolution from the University of Houston. The son of an Italian man and Iranian woman who met in Israel, Elhaik, a dark-haired, compact man, sat down recently for an interview in his bare, narrow cubicle of an office at Hopkins, where he’s worked for four years.

In “The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses,” published in December in the online journal Genome Biology and Evolution, Elhaik says he has proved that Ashkenazi Jews’ roots lie in the Caucasus — a region at the border of Europe and Asia that lies between the Black and Caspian seas — not in the Middle East.

They are descendants, he argues, of the Khazars, a Turkic people who lived in one of the largest medieval states in Eurasia and then migrated to Eastern Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries. Ashkenazi genes, Elhaik added, are far more heterogeneous than Ostrer and other proponents of the Rhineland Hypothesis believe. Elhaik did find a Middle Eastern genetic marker in DNA from Jews, but, he says, it could be from Iran, not ancient Judea.

Elhaik writes that the Khazars converted to Judaism in the eighth century, although many historians believe that only royalty and some members of the aristocracy converted. But widespread conversion by the Khazars is the only way to explain the ballooning of the European Jewish population to 8 million at the beginning of the 20th century from its tiny base in the Middle Ages, Elhaik says.

Elhaik bases his conclusion on an analysis of genetic data published by a team of researchers led by Doron Behar, a population geneticist and senior physician at Israel’s Rambam Medical Center, in Haifa. Using the same data, Behar’s team published in 2010 a paper concluding that most contemporary Jews around the world and some non-Jewish populations from the Levant, or Eastern Mediterranean, are closely related.

Elhaik used some of the same statistical tests as Behar and others, but he chose different comparisons. Elhaik compared “genetic signatures” found in Jewish populations with those of modern-day Armenians and Georgians, which he uses as a stand-in for the long-extinct Khazarians because they live in the same area as the medieval state. “It’s an unrealistic premise,” said University of Arizona geneticist Michael Hammer, one of Behar’s co-authors, of Elhaik’s paper.

Hammer notes that Armenians have Middle Eastern roots, which, he says, is why they appeared to be genetically related to Ashkenazi Jews in Elhaik’s study. Hammer, who also co-wrote the first paper that showed modern-day Kohanim are descended from a single male ancestor, calls Elhaik and other Khazarian Hypothesis proponents “outlier folks… who have a minority view that’s not supported scientifically.

I think the arguments they make are pretty weak and stretching what we know.” Feldman, director of Stanford’s Morrison Institute for Population and Resource Studies, echoes Hammer. “If you take all of the careful genetic population analysis that has been done over the last 15 years… there’s no doubt about the common Middle Eastern origin,” he said. He added that Elhaik’s paper “is sort of a one-off.”

Elhaik’s statistical analysis would not pass muster with most contemporary scholars, Feldman said: “He appears to be applying the statistics in a way that gives him different results from what everybody else has obtained from essentially similar data.” Elhaik, who doesn’t believe that Moses, Aaron or the 12 Tribes of Israel ever existed, shrugs off such criticism. “That’s a circular argument,” he said of the notion that Jews’ and Armenians’ genetic similarities stem from common ancestors in the Middle East and not from Khazaria, the area where the Armenians live.

If you believe that, he says, then other non-Jewish populations, such as Georgian, that are genetically similar to Armenians should be considered genetically related to Jews, too, “and so on and so forth.” Dan Graur, Elhaik’s doctoral supervisor at U.H. and a member of the editorial board of the journal that published his paper, calls his former student “very ambitious, very independent. That’s what I like.”

Graur, a Romanian-born Jew who served on the faculty of Tel Aviv University for 22 years before moving 10 years ago to the Houston school, said Elhaik “writes more provocatively than may be needed, but it’s his style.” Graur calls Elhaik’s conclusion that Ashkenazi Jews originated to the east of Germany “a very honest estimate.” In a news article that accompanied Elhaik’s journal paper, Shlomo Sand, history professor at Tel Aviv University and author of the controversial 2009 book “The Invention of the Jewish People,” said the study vindicated his long-held ideas. ”It’s so obvious for me,” Sand told the journal. “Some people, historians and even scientists, turn a blind eye to the truth. Once, to say Jews were a race was anti-Semitic, now to say they’re not a race is anti-Semitic. It’s crazy how history plays with us.” The paper has received little coverage in mainstream American media, but it has attracted the attention of anti-Zionists and “anti-Semitic white supremacists,” Elhaik said.

Interestingly, while anti-Zionist bloggers have applauded Elhaik’s work, saying it proves that contemporary Jews have no legitimate claim to Israel, some white supremacists have attacked it. David Duke, for example, is disturbed by the assertion that Jews are not a race.

“The disruptive and conflict-ridden behavior which has marked out Jewish Supremacist activities through the millennia strongly suggests that Jews have remained more or less genetically uniform and have… developed a group evolutionary survival strategy based on a common biological unity — something which strongly militates against the Khazar theory,” wrote the former Ku Klux Klansman and former Louisiana state assemblyman on his blog in February. “I’m not communicating with them,”

Elhaik said of the white supremacists. He says it also bothers him, a veteran of seven years in the Israeli army, that anti-Zionists have capitalized on his research “and they’re not going to be proven wrong anytime soon.” But proponents of the Rhineland Hypothesis also have a political agenda, he said, claiming they “were motivated to justify the Zionist narrative.”

To illustrate his point, Elhaik swivels his chair around to face his computer and calls up a 2010 email exchange with Ostrer. “It was a great pleasure reading your group’s recent paper, ‘Abraham’s Children in the Genome Era,’ that illuminate[s] the history of our people,” Elhaik wrote to Ostrer. “Is it possible to see the data used for the study?” Ostrer replied that the data are not publicly available.

“It is possible to collaborate with the team by writing a brief proposal that outlines what you plan to do,” he wrote. “Criteria for reviewing include novelty and strength of the proposal, non-overlap with current or planned activities, and non-defamatory nature toward the Jewish people.” That last requirement, Elhaik argues, reveals the bias of Ostrer and his collaborators.

Allowing scientists access to data only if their research will not defame Jews is “peculiar,” said Catherine DeAngelis, who edited the Journal of the American Medical Association for a decade. “What he does is set himself up for criticism: Wait a minute. What’s this guy trying to hide?”

Despite what his critics claim, Elhaik says, he was not out to prove that contemporary Jews have no connection to the Jewish people of the Bible. His primary research focus is the genetics of mental illness, which, he explains, led him to question the assumption that Ashkenazi Jews are a useful population to study because they’re so homogeneous.

Elhaik says he first read about the Khazarian Hypothesis a decade ago in a 1976 book by the late Hungarian-British author Arthur Koestler, “The Thirteenth Tribe,” written before scientists had the tools to compare genomes. Koestler, who was Jewish by birth, said his aim in writing the book was to eliminate the racist underpinnings of anti-Semitism in Europe. “Should this theory be confirmed, the term ‘anti-Semitism’ would become void of meaning,” the book jacket reads. Although Koestler’s book was generally well reviewed, some skeptics questioned the author’s grasp of the history of Khazaria. Graur is not surprised that Elhaik has stood up against the “clique” of scientists who believe that Jews are genetically homogeneous. “He enjoys being combative,” Graur said. “That’s what science is.”

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40 Outrageous Facts Most People Don’t Know

Once you go down the rabbit hole, you will discover things that most people don’t know. Here are 40 outrageous facts that most people are clueless about.

1. The IRS is not a U.S. Government Agency. It is an Agency of the IMF. (Diversified Metal Products v. IRS et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate Report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391.)

2. The IMF is an Agency of the UN. (Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Pg. 816)

3. The U.S. Has not had a Treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch.214 pg. 654)

4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF. (Presidential Documents Volume 29-No.4 pg. 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288)

5. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States. No more reorganizations. After over The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs were never part of the United States government. Even though the "US Government" held shares of stock in the various Agencies. (U.S. V. Strang , 254 US 491, Lewis v. US, 680 F.2d, 1239)200 years of operating under bankruptcy its finally over. (Executive Order 12803) Do not personate one of the creditors or share holders or you will go to Prison.18 U.S.C. 914

6. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs were never part of the United States government. Even though the “US Government” held shares of stock in the various Agencies. (U.S. V. Strang , 254 US 491, Lewis v. US, 680 F.2d, 1239)

7. Social Security Numbers are issued by the UN through the IMF. The Application for a Social Security Number is the SS5 form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5 not the Social Security Administration. The new SS5 forms do not state who or what publishes them, the earlier SS5 forms state that they are Department of the Treasury forms. You can get a copy of the SS5 you filled out by sending form SSA-L996 to the SS Administration. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 42 2.103 (b) (2) (2) Read the cites above)

8. There are no Judicial courts in America and there has not been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat. 138-178)

9. There have not been any Judges in America since 1789. There have just been Administrators. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464, Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1Stat. 138-178)

10. According to the GATT you must have a Social Security number. House Report (103-826)

11. We have One World Government, One World Law and a One World Monetary System.

12. The UN is a One World Super Government.

13. No one on this planet has ever been free. This planet is a Slave Colony. There has always been a One World Government. It is just that now it is much better organized and has changed its name as of 1945 to the United Nations.

14. New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capital of the World” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart B 422.103 (b) (2) (2)

15. Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a Trust Fund. (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619, Steward Co. V. Davis 301 US 548.)

16. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF which is an Agency of the UN. (Look at it if you receive one. It should have written on the top left United States Treasury.)

17. You own no property, slaves can’t own property. Read the Deed to the property that you think is yours. You are listed as a Tenant. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session)

The Revolutionary War was a fraud.18. The most powerful court in America is not the United States Supreme Court but, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (42 Pa.C.S.A. 502)

19. The Revolutionary War was a fraud. See (22, 23 and 24)

20. The King of England financially backed both sides of the Revolutionary The King of England financially backed both sides of the Revolutionary war. (Treaty at Versailles July 16, 1782, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80)war. (Treaty at Versailles July 16, 1782, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80)

…and as history repeats itself, Prescott Bushas history repeats itself, Prescott Bush, father of George HW Bush and grandfather of George W. Bush, funded both sides of World War II. The Bush family have been traitors to the American citizens for decades. father of George HW Bush and grandfather of George W. Bush, funded both sides of World War II.  The Bush family have been traitors to the American citizens for decades.

“Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched.”

George Bush Senior speaking in an interview with Sarah McClendon in December 1992

21. You can not use the Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it. (Padelford Fay & Co. v. The Mayor and Alderman of The City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520)

22. America is a British Colony. (THE UNITED STATES IS A CORPORATION, NOT A LAND MASS AND IT EXISTED BEFORE THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR AND THE BRITISH TROOPS DID NOT LEAVE UNTIL 1796.) Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, TheBritain is owned by the Vatican.Society for Propagating the Gospel, &c. V. New Haven 8 Wheat 464, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774.)

23. Britain is owned by the Vatican. (Treaty of 1213)

24. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States. (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol.1 A 1040 form is for tribute paid to Britain. (IRS Publication 620953-54)

25. A 1040 form is for tribute paid to Britain. (IRS Publication 6209)

26. The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery. (Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493)

27. The Pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of millions of people.(Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1493)

28. The Pope’s laws are obligatory on everyone. (Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix., c. vii., n. 4. Prati, 1844)(Syllabus, prop 28, 29, 44)

29. We are slaves and own absolutely nothing not even what we think are our children. (Tillman v. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten v. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 43 & 73rd Congress 1st Session, Wynehammer v. People 13 N.Y. REP 378, 481)

30. Military Dictator George Washington divided the States (Estates) into Districts. (Messages and papers of the Presidents Vo 1, " The People" does not include you and me. pg 99. Websters 1828 dictionary for definition of Estate.)

31. ” The People” does not include you and me. (Barron v. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore. 32 U.S. 243)

32. The United States Government was not founded upon Christianity. (Treaty of Tripoli 8 Stat 154.)

33. It is not the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect the Corporation and arrest code breakers. Sapp v. Tallahasee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, Reiff v. City of Philadelphia, 477 F.Supp. 1262, Lynch v. N.C. Dept of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247.

34. Everything in the “United States” is For Sale: roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water, prisons airports etc. I wonder who bought Klamath lake. Did anyone take the time to check? (Executive Order 12803)

35. We are Human capital. (Executive Order 13037)

36. The UN has financed the operations of the United States government for over 50 years and now owns every man, women and child in America. The UN also holds all of the Land in America in Fee Simple.

37. The good news is we don’t have to fulfill “our” fictitious obligationsYou can discharge a fictitious obligation with another’s fictitious obligation.

38. The depression and World War II were a total farce. The United States and various other companies were making loans to others all over the World during the Depression. The building of Germanys infrastructure in the 1930’s including the Railroads was financed by the United States. That way those who call themselves “Kings,” “Prime Ministers,” and “Furor.”etc could sit back and play a game of chess using real people. Think of all of the Americans, Germans etc. who gave their lives thinking they were defending their Countries which didn’t even exist. The millions of innocent people who died for nothing. Isn’t it obvious why Switzerland is never involved in these fiascoes? That is where the “Bank of International Settlements”is located.Wars are manufactured to keep your eye off the ball. You have to have an enemy to keep the illusion of “Government” in place.

39. The “United States” did not declare Independence from Great Britian or King George.

40. The etymology of government means to control the mind. From Latinised Greek gubernatio “management, government”, from Ancient Greek κυβερνισμός, κυβέρνησις (kybernismos, kybernesis) “steering, pilotage, guiding”, from κυβερνάω (kybernao) “to steer, to drive, to guide, to act as a pilot” plus Latin mente “mind”


We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.

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Just happened

An anonymous sent this letter to Ben Fulford:

Obama just happened to know 60s far-left radical revolutionary William Ayers, whose father just happened to be Thomas Ayers, who just happened to be a close friend of Obama’s communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis, who just happened to work at the communist-sympathizing Chicago Defender with Vernon Jarrett, who just happened to later become the father-in-law of Iranian-born leftist Valerie Jarrett, who Obama just happened to choose as his closest White House advisor, and who just happened to have been CEO of Habitat Company, which just happened to manage public housing in Chicago, which just happened to get millions of dollars from the Illinois state legislature, and which just happened not to properly maintain the housing—which eventually just happened to require demolition.

Valerie Jarrett also just happened to work for the city of Chicago, and just happened to hire Michelle LaVaughan Robinson (later Mrs.Obama), who just happened to have worked at the Sidley Austin law firm, where former fugitive from the FBI Bernardine Dohrn also just happened to work, and where Barack Obama just happened to get a summer job.

Bernardine Dohrn just happened to be married to William Ayers, with whom she just happened to have hidden from the FBI at a San Francisco marina, along with Donald Warden, who just happened to change his name to Khalid al-Mansour, and Warden/al-Mansour just happened to be a mentor of Black Panther Party founders Huey Newton and Bobby Seale and a close associate of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, and al-Mansour just happened to be financial adviser to a Saudi Prince, who just happened to donate cash to Harvard, for which Obama just happened to get a critical letter of recommendation from Percy Sutton, who just happened to have been the attorney for Malcolm X, who just happened to know Kenyan politician Tom Mboya, who just happened to be a close friend of Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., who just happened to meet Malcolm X when he traveled to Kenya.

Obama, Sr. just happened to have his education at the University of Hawaii paid for by the Laubach Literacy Institute, which just happened to have been supported byElizabeth Mooney Kirk, who just happened to be a friend of Malcolm X, who just happenedto have been associated with the Nation of Islam, which was later headed by Louis Farrakhan, who just happens to live very close to Obama’s Chicago mansion, which also just happens to be located very close to the residence of William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, who just happen to have been occasional baby-sitters for Malia and Natasha Obama, whose parents just happened to have no concern exposing their daughters to bomb-making communists.

After attending Occidental College and Columbia University, where he just happened to have foreign Muslim roommates, Obama moved to Chicago to work for the Industrial Areas Foundation, an organization that just happened to have been founded by Marxist and radical agitator Saul “the Red” Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals, who just happened to be the topic of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s thesis at Wellesley College, and Obama’s $25,000 salary at IAF just happenedto be funded by a grant from the Woods Fund, which was founded by the Woods family, whose Sahara Coal companyjust happened to provide coal to Commonwealth Edison, whose CEO just happened to be Thomas Ayers, whose son William Ayers just happened to serve on the board of the Woods Fund, along with Obama.

Obama also worked on voter registration drives in Chicago in the 1980s and just happened to work with leftist political groups like the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) and Socialist International (SI), through which Obama met Carl Davidson, who just happened to travel to Cuba during the Vietnam War to sabotage the U.S. war effort, and who just happened to be a former member of the SDS and a member of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism, which just happened to sponsor a 2002 anti-war rally at which Obama spoke, and which just happened to have been organized by Marilyn Katz, a former SDS activist and later public relations consultant who just happened to be a long-time friend of Obama’s political hatchet man, David Axelrod.

Obama joined Trinity United Church of Christ (TUCC), whose pastor was Reverend Jeremiah Wright, a fiery orator who just happened to preach Marxism and Black Liberation Theology and who delivered anti-white, anti-Jew, and anti-American sermons, which Obama just happened never to hear because he just happened to miss church only on the days when Wright was at his “most enthusiastic,” and Obama just happened never to notice that Oprah Winfrey left the church because it was too radical, and just happened never to notice that the church gave the vile anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan a lifetime achievement award.

Although no one had ever heard of him at the time, Obama just happened to receive an impossible-to-believe $125,000 advance to write a book about race relations, which he just happened to fail to write while using the cash to vacation in Bali with his wife Michelle, and despite his record of non-writing he just happened to receive a second advance, for $40,000, from another publisher, and he eventually completed a manuscript called Dreams From My Father, which just happened to strongly reflect the writing style of William Ayers, who just happened to trample on an American flag for the cover photograph of the popular Chicago magazine, which Obama just happened never to see even though it appeared on newsstands throughout the city.

Obama was hired by the law firm Miner, Banhill and Galland, which just happened to specialize in negotiating state government contracts to develop low-income housing, and which just happened to deal with now-imprisoned Tony Rezko and his firm Rezar, and with slumlord Valerie Jarrett, and the law firm’s Judson Miner just happened to have been a classmate of Bernardine Dohrn, wife of William Ayers.
In 1994 Obama represented ACORN and another plaintiff in a lawsuit against Citibank for denying mortgages to blacks(Buycks-Roberson v. Citibank Federal Savings Bank), and the lawsuit just happened to result in banks being blackmailed into approving subprime loans for poor credit risks, a trend which just happened to spread nationwide, and which just happened to lead to the collapse of the housing bubble, which just happened to help Obama defeat John McCain in the 2008 presidential election.

In 1996 Obama ran for the Illinois State Senate and joined the “New Party,” which just happened to promote Marxism, and Obama was supported by Dr. Quentin Yong, a socialist who just happened to support a government takeover of the health care system.

In late 1999 Obama purportedly engaged in homosexual activities and cocaine-snorting in the back of a limousine with a man named Larry Sinclair, who claims he was contacted in late 2007 by Donald Young, who just happenedto be the gay choir director of Obama’s Chicago church and who shared information with Sinclair about Obama, and Young just happened to be murdered on December 23, 2007, just weeks after Larry Bland, another gay member of the church, just happened to be murdered, and both murders just happened to have never been solved. In 2008 Sinclair held a press conference to discuss his claims, andjust happened to be arrested immediately after the event, based on a warrant issued by Delaware Attorney General Beau Biden, who just happens to be the son of Joe Biden.

In 2003 Obama and his wife attended a dinner in honor of Rashid Khalidi, who just happened to be a former PLO operative, harsh critic of Israel, and advocate of Palestinian rights, and who Obama claims he does not know, even though the Obamas just happened to have dined more than once at the home of Khalidi and his wife, Mona, and just happened to have used them as occasional baby-sitters. Obama reportedly praised Khalidi at the decidedly anti-Semitic event, which William Ayers just happened to also attend, and the event Obama pretends he never attended was sponsored by the Arab American Action Network, to which Obama just happened to have funneled cash while serving on the board of the Woods Fund with William Ayers, and one speaker at the dinner remarked that if Palestinians cannot secure a return of their land, Israel “will never see a day of peace,” and entertainment at the dinner included a Muslim children’s dance whose performances just happened to include simulated beheadings with fake swords, and stomping on American, Israeli, and British flags, and Obama allegedly told the audience that “Israel has no God-given right to occupy Palestine” and there has been “genocide against the Palestinian people by (the) Israelis,” and the Los Angeles Times has a videotape of the event butjust happens to refuse to make it public.

In the 2004 Illinois Democrat primary race for the U.S. Senate, front-runner Blair Hull just happened to be forced out of the race after David Axelrod just happened to manage to get Hull’s sealed divorce records unsealed, which just happened to enable Obama to win the primary, so he could face popular Republican Jack Ryan, whose sealed child custody records from his divorce just happened to become unsealed, forcing Ryan to withdraw from the race, which just happened to enable the unqualified Obama to waltz into the U.S. Senate, where, after a mere 143 days of work, he just happened to decide he was qualified to run for President of the United States.

“Tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society.” –


We have just released the Second Edition of Towards Healthcare Emancipation eBook. The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.

The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.

Thank you very much for your valuable support.

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