All posts by Geopolitics101

Will Andrew Jackson Trump Embody the Bannon Doctrine?

Amidst the deep recesses of Trumpology – the new discipline crammed with “experts” trying to decode the new American presidency – it has become fashionable to deride Chief White House strategist Steve Bannon as a Jurassic Park-style sociopathic swamp creature, a “quasi-fascist” comparable to Islamofascists. Continue reading Will Andrew Jackson Trump Embody the Bannon Doctrine?

The “Impeach Trump” Movement has taken A Wrong Turn

Following the recent US tradition of protesting against an “establishment outsider” by personalities of highly questionable bearing,
… this congresswoman is spewing whatever comes to mind just so she could justify her “Impeach Trump” campaign. Continue reading The “Impeach Trump” Movement has taken A Wrong Turn

Syrian Gamechanger: Syrian Opposition Joins Gov’t Forces vs. CIA Daesh Terrorists

The Russian-led ceasefire meant to separate the terrorists from the legitimate armed opposition groups in Syria is now bearing fruit, as some opposition groups are now joining government efforts to topple those foreign mercenaries who have nothing to do with their cause. Continue reading Syrian Gamechanger: Syrian Opposition Joins Gov’t Forces vs. CIA Daesh Terrorists

The Death of London’s Roman Empire | Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

In earlier published reports, I had warned, in one way or another, that the Roman empire, which is represented presently by the terminal conditions of the hyper-inflated British empire, has reached the fag end of its tyrannies, in one manner or another. Continue reading The Death of London’s Roman Empire | Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

Senators McCain & Graham are Dragging Trump into NATO's War with Russia

It has begun. The same formula which did work with Obama, is now being used against Donald Trump. Senators McCain and Graham are fueling a Ukrainian war with Russia to ruin the Trump presidency. Continue reading Senators McCain & Graham are Dragging Trump into NATO's War with Russia

Trump’s White House Blasts Bibi for Approving New Israeli Settlements

A recent statement from the White House has shocked the Israeli hierarchy when it said not to continue building new settlements, or any unilateral actions from both sides that would undermine the two-state solution that the United States has been advocating for the last 50 years. Continue reading Trump’s White House Blasts Bibi for Approving New Israeli Settlements

When Obama tried to stop people from visiting Crimea, where was the outrage?

The hysteria surrounding Trump’s temporary ban on travelers from the world’s most lawless countries contrasts sharply with the actions taken by Obama to restrict access to one of the world’s most beautiful places – Russia’s Crimea. Continue reading When Obama tried to stop people from visiting Crimea, where was the outrage?

Trump’s Extreme Vetting Sold as “Muslim Ban” by MSM; Not All Muslims are Buying it

Trump is banning all Muslims from entering into the United States — that’s the single line that’s been repeated all over the airwaves, and yet the details are not about banning all Muslims from entering the fabled Land of Milk and Honey. Continue reading Trump’s Extreme Vetting Sold as “Muslim Ban” by MSM; Not All Muslims are Buying it

What to Expect From the First Official Phone Call Between Putin & Trump

The highly anticipated telephone call between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump will take place on Saturday at 8 pm Moscow time (12 pm in Washington, DC). Sputnik presents what we know so far about the topics likely to be discussed by the two leaders during the historic telephone call. Continue reading What to Expect From the First Official Phone Call Between Putin & Trump

Murder Trump for the Deaths of NATO & “Moderate Rebel” Fantasy in Syria

A Nazionist German mainstream medium forewent civility and told its audience that it’s better to have a murder in the White House than a circuitous impeachment to deter the withdrawal of the US from NATO. Continue reading Murder Trump for the Deaths of NATO & “Moderate Rebel” Fantasy in Syria

There’s No Reset with Israeli Lobby in the White House

There may be a reset on US  policies when it comes to the TPP withdrawal, UN withdrawal, cooperation with Russia in Syria, and the gradual release of exotic technologies [here] to prop up the US economy and “Make America Great Again,” but as far as the Israeli lobby is concerned there’s no reset whatsoever. Continue reading There’s No Reset with Israeli Lobby in the White House

Fake News Media Protesting the Mass Removal of US State Dep’t Diplomats & Senior Staff

Today, some of the Fake News Media are reporting that all in the Senior Management Team resigned en masse as “part of an ongoing mass exodus of senior foreign service officers who don’t want to stick around for the Trump era.” Continue reading Fake News Media Protesting the Mass Removal of US State Dep’t Diplomats & Senior Staff

Australians Burn the Empire’s Flag to Condemn “Invasion Day”

As most of know, the Empire has laid claim to a vast number of territories around the world through its supposed discovery thereof, while effectively ignoring the fact that those lands were already occupied for millennia, i.e. long before they arrived.  Continue reading Australians Burn the Empire’s Flag to Condemn “Invasion Day”

Trump Foiled Soros' Master Plan to Impose New World Order | Mitch Feierstein

Wall Street hedge fund manager and financial analyst Mitch Feierstein claims that Donald Trump came to power just in time to prevent billionaire George Soros and Bill and Hillary Clinton achieve a Trans Pacific free trade deal hidden from the public.  Continue reading Trump Foiled Soros' Master Plan to Impose New World Order | Mitch Feierstein

Trump Leaving UN-NWO with HR193 American Sovereignty Restoration Act 2017

The Trump administration and some members of the Republican Party continue to impress us.
They are now formalizing the US withdrawal from the United Nations, Inc., aka Khazarian World Order-One World totalitarian government, with the filing of House Resolution Bill No. 193, or the American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2017. Continue reading Trump Leaving UN-NWO with HR193 American Sovereignty Restoration Act 2017

Trump Seeking Greater Federal Reserve Accountability, Transparency

The Federal Reserve, having drawn harsh criticism from House Republicans, Donald Trump and the general public, is now facing a perspective of being reformed as all its critics are now forming the new US government, with Republican majorities in the Congress and Trump as President, backed by the silent majority of the US Main Street economy. Continue reading Trump Seeking Greater Federal Reserve Accountability, Transparency

Foreign Sponsors are Turning Their Back on the Clinton Foundation

The Clintons are shutting down the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), a crucial part of the famous Clinton Foundation. The question arises what lies at the root of the decision and why the Foundation’s numerous foreign sponsors are turning their back on the former Democratic presidential candidate. Continue reading Foreign Sponsors are Turning Their Back on the Clinton Foundation

United States Reset Has Begun

So far, the newly inaugurated Trump administration is doing as expected. The White House has just signed an EO withdrawing from TPP Trade Deal, and it is now sharing intelligence information regarding the specific locations of Daesh terrorists in Syria. Continue reading United States Reset Has Begun

Donald Trump and The New International Paradigm | EIR

What we see right now is a completely new paradigm emerging, a system which is based on the development of all, a “win-win” potential to cooperate among nations, and obviously the idea for what was the axiomatic basis of the globalization system since 1991 to insist on a unipolar world, is failing, or has failed already.  Continue reading Donald Trump and The New International Paradigm | EIR

Divided America: Trump’s New Deal vs. Soros’ Open Swamp

In every big protest rally, there’s always the passionate protestors and the well-funded rabblerousers. Under-funded demonstrations are usually quite small, and boring.
The rest are anomalies from which arise real and meaningful change. The rise of Donald Trump to the presidency is an anomaly for the establishment, just like Vladimir Putin and Rodrigo Duterte before him. Continue reading Divided America: Trump’s New Deal vs. Soros’ Open Swamp

Nobody’s Stealing Your Jobs, You Spend Too Much on Wars | Alibaba’s Jack Ma

Chinese billionaire and Alibaba founder Jack Ma believes that improper distribution of funds and hyper inflated US military spending, not globalization or other countries “stealing” US jobs, is behind the economic decline in America. Continue reading Nobody’s Stealing Your Jobs, You Spend Too Much on Wars | Alibaba’s Jack Ma

Plane Transporting Brazil Supreme Court Magistrate Crashes Near Rio de Janeiro

A small plane has crashed near Rio de Janeiro, carrying a Supreme Federal Court judge who was investigating the ongoing high-profile Operation Carwash corruption scandal in Brazil, sparking worries that nefarious intent may have contributed to the aircraft’s wreckage.  Continue reading Plane Transporting Brazil Supreme Court Magistrate Crashes Near Rio de Janeiro

Veteran Intel Pros Demand for Russian ‘Hacking’ Proof from Obama

More than 20 U.S. intelligence, military and diplomatic veterans are calling on President Obama to release the evidence backing up allegations that Russia aided the Trump campaign – or admit that the proof is lacking. Continue reading Veteran Intel Pros Demand for Russian ‘Hacking’ Proof from Obama

Down to America’s Business: Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Profiled

Last week the American people watched Donald Trump’s choice for Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson allowing a Senate panel to ask him questions. The former CEO of ExxonMobil was supposed to be grilled by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Instead the granite hard businessman appeared to be conducting a board meeting and paying lip service to populist Washington dogma. Continue reading Down to America’s Business: Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Profiled

3,500 Ton Philippine Gold Bars Unlawfully Shipped Out, But for Whose Benefit?

The Philippines is rocked again by another scandal involving the previous administration of Benigno Aquino III for having illegally shipped out 3,500 metric tons of 99.999% pure gold, with an estimated value of $141 billion, out of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas’ vault.

Said amount of gold were used to back up the printing of $3 trillion USD paper currency, early last year. But for whose benefit? Continue reading 3,500 Ton Philippine Gold Bars Unlawfully Shipped Out, But for Whose Benefit?

Trump Presidency: Era Of Destabilization In The U.S.?

It is clear that Americans were able to avoid the worst case scenario of a Hillary Clinton presidency. However, the 2016 elections provided the country with the Presidency of Donald Trump. While the surprise was not unwelcome considering the other option, Trump supporters are now being faced with some difficult questions as he nears actually taking office.  Continue reading Trump Presidency: Era Of Destabilization In The U.S.?

Obama's Farewell Tears Are an Insult, His Record is Soaked in Blood

Do not be fooled by the tears and gushing words of Obama and his supporters as he counts down to his departure from the White House. They are an insult when measured against the tears of the countless Libyans, Syrians, Afghans and others who have suffered as a result of a foreign policy that brought his administration into disrepute. Continue reading Obama's Farewell Tears Are an Insult, His Record is Soaked in Blood

DC National Guard Chief Fired On Trump Inauguration Day, Here’s Why…

The Army general who heads the D.C. National Guard and has an integral part in overseeing the inauguration said Friday that he will be removed from command effective at 12:01 p.m. Jan. 20, just as Donald Trump is sworn in as president.
Continue reading DC National Guard Chief Fired On Trump Inauguration Day, Here’s Why…

Farewell, Obama: You Talked A Better Game Than You Played

As predicted by multiple political observers, the Obama administration turns out to be a continuation of the Bush Jr’s regime, which saw the rise of invasive surveillance, US national debt and US unemployment, continued funding of CIA terror operations in Syria, and establishment of drone bases in Africa, among many other highly destructive measures.
Continue reading Farewell, Obama: You Talked A Better Game Than You Played