Category Archives: New World Disorder

Dissecting Pope Bergoglio’s Speech at the United Nations

The highly anticipated speech of the Pope outlined some of the major root causes of the problems the world is facing today without identifying the institutions and entities responsible for such causes.
Doing so would have pointed fingers unto the church itself that’s been covertly responsible for all the divide and conquer schemes that plague the world with endless wars, where nations are pitted against one another just so they could stay at the top. Continue reading Dissecting Pope Bergoglio’s Speech at the United Nations

United Nations Appoints Executioner Saudi Arabia as Chair of Human Rights Council

The United Nations is showing its true color by appointing Saudi Arabia as the head of the UN Human Rights Council.
As disgusting as it is, the beacon of freedom and democracy United States has congratulated the House of Saud for the prestigious appointment.
Continue reading United Nations Appoints Executioner Saudi Arabia as Chair of Human Rights Council

US Taxpayers Paid $500 Million for 5 Fighters vs. ISIS/L

The NeoCons have been for decades selling wars like hotcake. Why not?
It’s a very profitable industry considering that they only need to hire and train unskilled laborers for dime a dozen to become terrorists, hire another set of cheap labor to fight the first group for PR purposes, and the ROIs are in the range of multiple millions. That’s just for the war sales agents.
Continue reading US Taxpayers Paid $500 Million for 5 Fighters vs. ISIS/L

Who Wants to Bite The “Inclusive Capitalism” Bait?

As we have mentioned earlier,  the upcoming Papal Speech at the United Nations will touch upon the need to change the capitalist system into an all-inclusive economic system, among others.

It turns out the idea comes from the Rothschild family of bankers, and they have been floating this idea since last year perhaps to appease the burgeoning resistance.
Continue reading Who Wants to Bite The “Inclusive Capitalism” Bait?

Nazionist Khazarians Disrupting September Events on Multiple Fronts

While Russia, together with Iran, is moving for a checkmate against the Khazarian organized fake Muslim caliphate, ISIS, in Syria and Iraq, and Japan has to deal with massive ongoing HAARP attacks in their territory, China is also being sabotaged diplomatically by Nazionist hardliners influencing the White House.
Continue reading Nazionist Khazarians Disrupting September Events on Multiple Fronts

Iran Joins Russia for a Grand Checkmate in Syria; Final Cabal Takedown Looming

Previously, Russia was able to push for an early checkmate against US warmongers when it successfully convinced the Assad government to destroy its chemical weapons arsenal under UN supervision, removing any pretext for Western aggression against the country.
Continue reading Iran Joins Russia for a Grand Checkmate in Syria; Final Cabal Takedown Looming

From State Sponsored Terror to State Sponsored "Freedom"

Every human being, no matter the color of his skin, aspires only two things, i.e. freedom and peaceful coexistence with his fellowmen.
Another fundamental truth is that, the environment to which that human being is raised on, or subjected to, dictates his attributes and attitude such that in places where resources necessary for basic survival are scarce, the prevailing attitude will tend to fall into that of a ravenous carnivore.
Continue reading From State Sponsored Terror to State Sponsored "Freedom"

Drowned Syrian Boy Drives Home Guilt in All of Us!

For weeks we have ignored the plight of the refugees from the Middle East thinking that the highly civilized European Community would responsibly shoulder the brunt of the human catastrophe of their own making. But high society has a way of turning a blind eye until all TV cameras are pointed at them.
Continue reading Drowned Syrian Boy Drives Home Guilt in All of Us!

How the Syrian Chemical Weapons Videos Were Staged 2 Years Ago

Earlier this week, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon submitted the findings of the UN chemical weapons inspection team dispatched to Syria last month to gather evidence on the August 21st chemical weapons attack in Ghouta.
Continue reading How the Syrian Chemical Weapons Videos Were Staged 2 Years Ago

Bomb Blast In Bangkok Kills 'At Least 27'

After the Tianjin China Blast which killed a hundred and still counting,  a bomb exploded in Bangkok Thailand’s busiest central district. Scores dead.
Some of the planned attacks were previously thwarted, but certainly this week’s Cabalist offensives were not.
We are entering a new phase of the endgame. Asia is now under an open war with Nazionists.
Continue reading Bomb Blast In Bangkok Kills 'At Least 27'

Nuclear Escalation: The Only Desperate Option for Desperate Nazionists

The Rothschild banking dynasty just lost its dominance in the business. Those who are deeply involved in the withdrawal of Asian assets are confirming to have recovered as much as 70% of the Collateral Accounts from the Rothschild dominated financial system, which should explain why…
… as early as 2012, thousands of banking CEOs from all over the globe decided to abandon ship. Some of those who stayed were seen jumping off the rooftops of the regional headquarters of these affected banks.
Continue reading Nuclear Escalation: The Only Desperate Option for Desperate Nazionists

China Hesitant to Admit it's been Nuked [Updated]

Update 27 August 2015:  Experts confirmed that the Tianjin Blast is nuclear in nature.
Update 18 August 2015:  A bomb exploded in central Bangkok Thailand just 2 hours ago. Scores dead including tourists.

Update 15 August 2015: One source is now saying that the Tianjin Blast was caused by some kind of “special weapons device” that’s been dropped from a US X-37B spacecraft that’s still on orbit since May 20th of this year.
Continue reading China Hesitant to Admit it's been Nuked [Updated]

UK Monarchy Financed WTC 911 False Flag through Saudi & Mossad

The conspiracy behind the turn-of-the-century false flag psychological operation against the Americans and subsequently, against the people of the world through the “war on terror” is now being traced up to the royal household of the British Monarchy.
Continue reading UK Monarchy Financed WTC 911 False Flag through Saudi & Mossad

Wall Street's Citigroup & US Military's Imperial History in Haiti

Haiti gained so much attention when it was hit by a massive earthquake in 2010, but it wasn’t just a natural disaster.
The action of the US military to control inbound flights including those carrying disaster relief materials and personnel raised some hard questions.
Continue reading Wall Street's Citigroup & US Military's Imperial History in Haiti

Forgotten ‘War on Terror’ in The Philippines

For most of the people in the Philippines, the “war on terror” of the Bush administration was morally and lawfully justified. All media networks were more than enthusiastic about posting Bin Laden’s bearded poster side by side with the local Abu Sayaff bandits responsible for showing ISIL fighters how to effectively do it.
Continue reading Forgotten ‘War on Terror’ in The Philippines

Nuland and Co. Making Money on Endless Wars

This is an exclusive investigative report by Robert Parry as annotated by Sputnik News. [Up to now we are still unable to access these Russian News sites without instituting a “workaround.”] “American neocons have turned wars into a profitable business, a US investigative journalist exposes, nailing Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and her husband, arch-neocon Robert Kagan, for their dubious foreign strategy.
Continue reading Nuland and Co. Making Money on Endless Wars

CIA is a secret government, involved in domestic assassinations

This is former Congressman Ron Paul telling like it is. The CIA is an organization beyond public and government oversight and it must be dismantled; a Nazi organization that involves itself in drugs, arms smuggling and human trafficking worldwide.
This Nazi organization has no place in a civilized society. Continue reading CIA is a secret government, involved in domestic assassinations

UK Silent About its Own Indian Holocaust

While it prides itself as one beacon of modernity, medievalist eugenic principles do run deep inside the British Monarchy. There is not a single moment in their past or the present that they don’t think about the total eradication of the colored race plague.
Continue reading UK Silent About its Own Indian Holocaust

Behold the Philippines Under U.S. Democracy for 113 Years!

The one-sided relationship between the Philippines and the United States dates back to 1902 when the last revolutionaries capitulated to the US military after fighting the Spanish 6 years before. The Spanish American War resulted in the transfer of control over this country from the Spaniards into the hands of the Americans.
Continue reading Behold the Philippines Under U.S. Democracy for 113 Years!

Jade Helm: Mastering the Human Domain thru Artificial Intelligence

When systems designer and software engineers discovered the thin red line between machines and humans, they have undoubtedly opened a Pandora ’s Box, just like when Nikola Tesla found out all the grave possibilities of using high-voltage, high frequency as well as ELF electromagnetic waves on the atmosphere, the human brain and on the fragile planet itself.
Continue reading Jade Helm: Mastering the Human Domain thru Artificial Intelligence

The Troika Swindlers Are Just Stalling, The British Monarchy is Not

Most of us here have already understood that the whole financial system is rigged down to its core. We understand that the money they conveniently called liquidity are made out of thin air; the only stock in the market that is not subject to speculation is the human resource and the products they produced. The rest are mere pigments of their imagination and have nothing to do with the real economy.
Continue reading The Troika Swindlers Are Just Stalling, The British Monarchy is Not

Bill & Hillary’s Body Count Increases!

Covert crimes can only be sustained by committing more of it. This has always been the case with the Bush family, i.e. from aiding and abetting the rise of Hitler, to the murder of Nikola Tesla, and the 9/11 WTC controlled demolition leading to the murder of millions more in Iraq and Afghanistan…
… and so with the Clintons.
Continue reading Bill & Hillary’s Body Count Increases!

Nazionist Banking Cabal May Inject Civil War in Greece

Update 6 July: Bloomberg just predicted that within 48 hours unrest will engulf Greece after its resounding “NO” vote against the Troika bailout program. Will the unrest be coming from the outside? Or, will they use embedded agents and NGOs like previous color revolutions?
48 hours away from greek unrest

What Happens Next?

Emergency negotiations start again this week. Euro-area leaders are set to meet Tuesday evening in Brussels, and things will get started Monday beginning with conference calls among the European players.
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker was set to hold a conference call Monday morning with European Central Bank head Mario Draghi and Jeroen Dijsselbloem, who heads the Eurogroup of euro-area finance chiefs.
Djisselbloem noted the “very regrettable” Greek result in a statement released on Sunday night.

I take note of the outcome of the Greek referendum. This result is very regrettable for the future of Greece. For recovery of the Greek economy, difficult measures and reforms are inevitable. We will now wait for the initiatives of the Greek authorities. The Eurogroup will discuss the state of play on Tuesday 7 July.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will meet French President Francois Hollande in Paris on Monday evening.
The ECB Governing Council is also due to talk, with a decision pending on what to do about Greek banks given the increased risk of default. Euro-area finance ministers are slated to meet at 1 p.m. on Tuesday in Brussels.
On the Greek side, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will need to find a replacement for Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, who resigned the morning after the referendum. He’ll also have to decide what to do about the banks, which were shut all last week.
continue reading »
This one is somewhat extreme but still probable giving the propensity of the Banking Cabal for taking aggressive measures whenever their position is threatened like in the case in Greece right now.

The Mood On The Ground In Greece: “Some Have Raised The Prospect Of Civil War”

Earlier today, John O’Connell, CEO of Davis Rea, spoke to Canada’s BNN from what may be Greece’s top tourist attraction, the island of Santorini, to give a sense of the “mood on the ground.” Not surprisingly, his feedback was that, at least as far as tourists are concerned, nobody is worried. After all, it is not their funds that are capital constrained plus should the Drachma return as the local currency, the purchasing power of foreigners will skyrocket.
What he did point out, however, that was quite notable is the diametrically opposing views between old and young Greeks when it comes to Grexit.
According to O’Connell, “the old people want to vote for Europe cause they have a lot to lose, they have their pensions, but the younger population – they are already poor, they are already unemployed – and they don’t have much to lose. Their attitude is it’s going to be tough, it’s already tough, and so why not just move on go back to the Drachma, and they’re ok with that.
Their attitude is in 5 to 10 years I’ll be better off. They believe there’s a lot of misinformation. They believe they’re being pressured by European countries particularly Germany that are holding them to very difficult terms.”
He continues: “whatever the polls may way, the young population is going to vote to leave the Euro and deal with the problems long-term.”
Finally, his take on capital controls and tourism: “You are going to see a big, big drop off in tourism because people are not going to want to come here. People are going to worry that if people do come here with a lot of Euro, are they going to be allowed to leave with those Euros.
It’s going to have a dramatic impact on the Greek economy at some point, a lot of the people that live here are underestimating how bad it could get in the short term.”
The punchline:
There have been some people that worry that the military may actually get involved. It wouldn’t surprise me – there are some people in Greece that have raised the whole prospect of potential civil war.
Who would benefit the most from a Greek civil war? Why the biggest exporter of weapons in the world, of course: the United States.
So dear Greeks: please avoid Kiev-style, CIA-inspired “Maidan type” provocations. The US military industrial complex is wealthy enough without your help.
Full video after the jump.
One of the significant sources of funds for the fascist Nazionist Jesuit Khazarian Mafia is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $3.09 trillion in 2014, and is projected to soar to $3.57 trillion in 2017, in the US alone.
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Fiat Financial System's Assured Collapse Sans Greek Contagion

This is a pretty concise and truthful take on the current mufti-layered financial-geopolitical drama centered on the Atlantic economies, and is a very useful addition to what we already know to date.
Continue reading Fiat Financial System's Assured Collapse Sans Greek Contagion

Russia Studying How to Effectively Neutralize Color Revolutions

There is a science behind every human activity and the Illuminati have conscripted the best minds in the industry of psychological warfare to further its own agenda of total world domination.
The study of human behavior has led these mind control masters to a set of very well-defined steps that enable them to control, dictate and influence future geopolitical events.
Continue reading Russia Studying How to Effectively Neutralize Color Revolutions

Belgium & France Freezing Russian Assets

In an attempt to pressure Russia from taking any steps to help Greece with its negotiations with the EU Debt Collectors, an estimated $1.6 billion of Russian assets are being freezed out on court order.
The Russians are said to be much willing to play this game. We are, indeed, reaching the end game.
Continue reading Belgium & France Freezing Russian Assets

The G7 Summit & Their Global Warfare

The G7 countries are notorious for saying one thing and doing another. So, while they are saying Russia should be joining them in their yearly get together, they are in fact concocting plans to avert the successful implementation of the BRICS anti-imperialist reforms.
Continue reading The G7 Summit & Their Global Warfare

Obama is Impeachable, Mentally Unfit; May Provoke War with Russia & China

People may have already lost count of how many presidential actions fall into the realm of impeachable offenses, but there is none clearer than the evidenced based Benghazi debacle wherein the Obama administration is caught lying on record to the people as to the real cause of the attack.
Continue reading Obama is Impeachable, Mentally Unfit; May Provoke War with Russia & China