In the January 9th Fulford Update titled, The Feds Have Sued for Peace and Detailed Settlement Negotiations Have Begun, we can read the following…
In essence the corporate Washington D.C. government is now going to have to negotiate a chapter 11 restructuring of their debt to Japan. They have offered to pay off 90% of the debt with gold stashed in the Philippines and the rest in cash. There is a problem, of course, over who has the rights to the gold there as at least three claimants have emerged.
Recently, China was infuriated by the Philippine request for military assistance from the US regarding the hotly contested Spratlys…
The US decision to station forces in the Philippines could have dangerous repercussions. Beijing may enact economic sanctions after Manila invited in US troops in response to an escalating territorial dispute over the South China Sea.
Dr. Pak-Nung Wong of the City University of Hong Kong told RT that the Philippines is merely cashing in on America’s move.
“At the international level, the Philippines knows that the US has definitely returned to Asia – refocusing its military and security deployment in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific, targeting China and Iran as the primary security concern,” he said.
“At the regional level, the Philippines also sees that there are recent changes in the regional politics, particularly in Taiwan, where Mr. Ma Ying-jeou and Kuomingtang [party] administration were successfully re-elected. That means Beijing and Taipei would have a more stable relationship, especially in terms of economic integration across the Strait in the coming years,” Wong explained.
What is more telling is the 5th paragraph from the bottom of this same RT article that says,
Meanwhile, a squadron of Russia’s Pacific Fleet warships en route from the Gulf of Aden, including the Udaloy-class anti-submarine destroyer Admiral Panteleyev, entered the main port of Manila on Tuesday on a business visit. It is the first time Russian naval forces have paid a visit to the Philippines in 96 years.
In one of our local newspaper, we can also read this…
Russian warships to visit Manila
MANILA, Philippines – A group of Russian ships – a large anti-submarine ship (Admiral Panteleyev), a rescue tag (Fotiy Krylov), and a large sea tanker (Boris Butoma) – of Russian Navy will visit here tomorrow, Jan. 31.
The visit of the warships will promote the willingness of the Philippines and Russia to continue joint response to modern challenges and threats, which include international terrorism, piracy and transnational crime.
Senior politicians and representatives of the Philippine military will visit the ships while its crew will tour the country’s capital.
On February 2, the flagship of Admiral Panteleyev will be open to the public from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Pier 15 at Manila South Harbor.
The warship has a glorious history. It is a part of the Russian Pacific Ocean Fleet that was deployed in 2009 as part of operations to combat piracy of the Somalia coast. (Jlyne Ubiña)
Source: Russian warships to visit Manila
Russian ships enter Manila port
Jan 31, 2012 10:34 Moscow Time
Admiral Panteleyev anti-submarine ship. Photo: RIA Novosti

A group of ships of Russia’s Pacific fleet headed by the Admiral Panteleyev anti-submarine ship has entered the port of Manila, the capital of the Philippines.
This is the first time in the past 96 years that the sailors of the Pacific fleet are visiting Manila.
The group of ships is on their way home from the Horn of Africa where it patrolled commercial ships protecting them from pirate attacks.
The Russian ships will stay in the port of Manila till Thursday.
These three articles suggest that the fight for world economic power, i.e. the possession of gold bullion that are still in the Philippine archipelago is not yet over, and the looming crises in Iran and Syria are part of the whole senseless war between two opposing forces. But the heating up of the situation in Spratlys is not what it seems to be.
It is once said that those who forget history are condemned to repeat it. What will happen then to those who know nothing about their true history?
To put this issue in its right perspective, we must go back to the Japanese entry into the Second World War.
We’ve been told that after Japan was subjected to economic sanctions, she decided to attack Pearl Harbor without warning. The alternative story that is coming out is that, the US knew of an impending attack from Japan because that is what the sanctions are for in the first place — to infuriate the Japanese people.
In secret, both governments of Japan and the United States have agreed to go to war, not for nationalism’s sake but for mutual benefit, i.e. the eradication of the sheeples on the face of the Earth.
Here are a few pages of the “Vatican Assassins” by Eric Jon Phelps…

Source: Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps
In the Lupang Hinirang Resistance website, we can read this page…

Jesuits Stole Philippine Gold Reserves at Central Bank
Researcher And Historian Claims New World Order With Help From Vatican And Jesuits Are Destroying Philippines
Bobby G. Limeta says the same thing is happening in America, but observers claim media and government are protecting the real enemy.
2 Jun 2006
By Greg Szymanski
When it comes to nailing the real enemy in America, the suppression of speech and the free flow of information has become a joke.
And while the fat cats are laughing, the country has become a caldron of confusion, hatred and deception, leaving most good men shaking their heads at all the two-faced, back-stabbing cowards in positions of governmental and media power.
A 90-year-old reader former German from Blythe, California, who survived Stalin, Mussolini, Churchill, FDR and Hitler, put it well when he said: “I can’t even stomach listening or looking at Bush and his corrupt media friends. I felt the same way about Hitler and the same thing is happening here, but Americans are too fat and blind too care or see anything.”
So the search for America’s real enemy is deflected, side-tracked, derailed and stonewalled by the thousands of New World Order minions, protecting the big shots at the top.
With that in mind, to fight the New World Order, the enemy from within must first be exposed. And according to many good patriots, most of them silenced by the corrupted media, a discussion of the real enemy within, including the Illuminati and Zionists, is totally outrageous and incomplete without including the Vatican and the Jesuit Order.
However, every once in a blue moon a courageous man comes forward who is unafraid of the powerful evil forces protecting the Vatican and Jesuits. And every once in awhile a man steps forward with solid information, helping to connect the dots and helping Americans wade through the crock of horse manure spread out on the air waves and in Washington.
In this case, the man is historian Bobby G. Limeta of the Philippines, who has chronicled, studied and closely observed the Jesuit Order since 1990, saying:
“The Philippines was dilapidated, looted and now an impoverished nation because of the conspiracies made by some elite peoples, priests and nuns that are controlled by the Jesuits. Today, political crisis & intrigues, social agitations, street marches-protests-rallies, and rebellions are very common in the Republic of the Philippines. These arenas are the expertise of the Jesuit Order.”
Limeta, who closely monitors the nefarious activities of the so-called God-loving Society of Jesus in the Philippines, warns Americans if the Jesuits would have their dirty hands in destroying his country, they are doing the exact same thing in America.
“I also said it many times on my written articles that no other entities in the world could parallel the diabolic works of the Jesuits,” said Limeta, adding Americans are also being conned, duped and sold down the river by the cunning and deceptive Jesuits, hiding behind the cloak of the clergy and their third party governmental and business counterparts in crime.
So if the Jesuits and the Vatican are the spiritual controllers of the New World Order, why have they been given a free-ride in America to do whatever they want without even the slightest bit of attention?
Limeta and other researchers say they are protected by their third party governmental, business and media lackeys, allowing them to operate behind the scenes as the black robes of the clergy provide the perfect cover.
In an effort to expose what Limeta calls the “evil Jesuits,” he provides 18 points of reference concerning how the Jesuits actively are destroying the Philippines, saying this gives more than an adequate reason to investigate their activities in America:
Here is Limeta’s list concerning The Republic of the Philippines of The Jesuit Order:
1.The two people power Edsa Revolution are the works of the Jesuits. Overthrew two presidents “Ferdinand Marcos & Joseph Estrada.
2.President Golria Macapagal Arroyo ‘GMA” is a Jesuit educated at the Jesuit owned Ateneo de Manila and Georgetown University (Fr. Edmund A. Walsh School Of Foreign Service).
3. GMA and Fr. Romeo Intengan (former Jesuit Provincial Superior In The Philippines) are sometimes having secret meetings at the Jesuit House in Quezon City, Manila.
4. Fr. Romeo Intengan is GMA’s spiritual and religious adviser.
5. GMA’s National Security Adviser Mr. Norberto Gonzales & Fr. Romeo Intengan are the founders of Partido Demokratiko Sosyalista Ng Pilipinas (PDSP) to combat Marcos regime.
6. The Jesuits introduced and brought the Theory of Liberation here in the Philippines. The same theology that havoc Nicaragua by the Sandinista Rebels. Because, of this Liberation Theology, there are now approximately 2,000 priest and nuns who are radicals and secretly supporting and associating themselves to the communist rebels in the Philippines. The same theology that resulted into the establishment of the Communist Party Of The Philippines – New Peoples Army (CPP-NPA) headed by Jose Maria Sison. Followed by the National Democratic Front (NDF) headed by Fr. Luis Jalandoni. Both these men are exiled in Netherlands.
7. Liberation Theology is being teach at the Jesuit owned Ateneo de Manila University under “Curriculum 141 Immersion Program”. The reason, many young students become very subversive against the Philippine government. This theology is the result of the creation of various anti-government militant organizations or groups “Communist Ideology.”
8. The Jesuits are the real master-minds of the terrorist movement known as the “Light A Fire Movement” during Marcos regime, as per confession by their former obedient follower named Mr. Ed Olaguer. Mr. Olaguer admitted that the Jesuits together with Mr. Norberto Gonzales are the people giving secret directives for planting bombs and arsons in various parts of the country during Marcos regime.
9. Another cohorts of the Jesuits is former president Cory Aquino who allowed Jesuit Fr. Joaquin Bernas to touched and amend our beloved 1987 Philippine constitution. Fr. Joaquin Bernas is Ateneo’s Constitutionalist.
10. The Jesuits are the educators of our past, recent and present leaders (Presidents, Senators, Congressman, Businessmen, Rich & Elite Families). Who are controlling thesideshow of Philippine politics and behind them are the Jesuits.
11. Ateneo de Manila University oversees government functions like Georgetown University. This university is the secret meeting place for political agendas where dark motives are planned.
12. Fr. Integan is member of the Transition Government Committee for the smooth transition of President Estrada for the new in-coming president of the republic “GMA”.
13. Both GMA and Norberto Gonzales are my pin-pointed Jesuit temporal co-adjutor.
14. Our Supreme Court Justices are members of the Knights Of Columbus. A Jesuit founded society. I call it “Philippine Supreme Court of the Knights Of Columbus by the Jesuit Order.
15. Two former senators and some in secret are members of the Jesuit’s arm “Opus Dei”.
16. OSS/CIA Agent Col. Severino Santa Romana a.k.a. Reverend Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz (Opus Dei) together with Atty. Ferdinand Marcos who become Philippine President and also one of their associate ex-priest Fr. Marcelino Tagle are the culprits in looting of Philippine gold out of the vaults of the Central Bank Of The Philippines.
17. Marcos friend Spanish-Filipino Mestizo Billionaire Don Enrique Zobel de Ayala, their idea to create a foundation for Marcos ill-gotten wealth. Who was the trustee, it was the Vatican Trust managed by Archbishop Bruno Torpiglianni (Papal Nuncio) and Fr. Alarcon of De La Salle University Jesuit Brothers.
18. Yesterday, former president Joseph Estrada strongly accused that his overthew legitimate government was done by conspiracy works of the following people. Fidel Ramos – former Philippine President Elite Businessmen Lopez & Ayala Rich Families. Some Military & Police Generals Jaime Cardinal Sin – the late Archbishop of Manila to include Cory Aquino and GMA’s husband, Miguel Arroyo.
For more informative articles, go to
Greg Szymanski
Confession No. 11: According to Philippine Man, Jesuit And Vatican Have Pilfered Trillions In Gold Owed To The People
by Greg Szymanski, July 02, 2006
Freedom fighter connects the dots back to Rome, as Americans better wake-up before the same thing happens here like is going on in the Philippines.
Bobby Limeta of the Philippines feels alone, abandoned and frightened for his life in his fight to expose the corrupt Jesuit Order.
First and foremost, frightened for the safety of his family, he is considering a move to New Zealand, seeking safe haven from the persecution being dished out for his political views and exposure of Vatican corruption.
Limeta has previously contributed to these Sunday Confessions, shedding light on how the Jesuits are raping and pillaging the Philippines in hopes Americans wake up before the same thing happens here.
But now he comes forward in Confession No. 11 on the shores of Brushy Creek, telling about his personal experiences as well as sharing more shocking information about the Jesuits and their underhanded control of the Philippines.
What I will tell you now is a matter of life and death,? said Limeta.
My country has been for 485 years controlled by the Roman Catholic Church and of course the Jesuits are the masterminds. Our government is controlled by the Jesuits-Vatican and our country is one of their stronghold territories.Would you believe that our government’s secret operatives, controlled by the Jesuits-Vatican, can grab me inside my home using warrantless arrest and my family will never see me again, alive.
Is it bad or a sin to be a patriotic citizen of my beloved country? Is it bad or a sin to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?
You may ask me, why I’m angry to the Jesuits-Vatican (Roman Catholic hierarchy)? Well, what if I tell you that the Jesuits-Vatican of the Roman Catholic Church are the real thieves that looted the wealth of our nation.
It all started way back 1990 (16-years ago), I saw my countrymen become poorer and poorer, becoming innocent victims and betrayed. Only elite and rich families, influential politicians and show-biz personalities enjoy the good life. My country is dilapidated and now an impoverished nation. The poor are unable to get good medical care and treatment, for we do not have enough money. We the minority, middle-class and the poor also cannot get a high standard of education, simply because we don’t have money.
Simply, we are in debt to the World Bank & IMF loan system benefiting the rich. The interest alone is already killing millions of my countrymen, especially the poor. What World Bank and International Monetary Fund? These are owned by the Jesuits-Vatican !
Since 1990, I promised myself that I will find out the real culprits. It did not take me long to discover it was the Jesuits. Now below is what I’ve discovered and found out with supporting documents. Now, brace yourself as to what I’ve discovered and investigated that no politicians will even dare speak about it.
The Jesuits-Vatican initiated the Second 30 Years War (1914-1945). Yes, indeed our country was invaded and occupied by the Imperial Forces of Japan under Gen. Masaharu Homa. The Japanese Imperial forces had previously looted all the gold and treasures of the Far East, from China down to French Indo-China, from Singapore, Malaysia and finally bringing it to the Philippines when theJ apanese started losing the war against the Allies.
As the US forces with air and naval superiority cut-off the Philippines link-up to mainland Japan, Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita and his senior officers buried the looted gold in various parts of our country. After the war, some Jesuit-controlled OSS Agents and senior officials who are members of Knights of Malta began searching for the gold.
They included Refv Fr. Joes Antonio Diaz, Opus Dei, alias COL. SEVERINO SANTA ROMANA (OSS Agents called him Santy for short) together with Gen. Edward Lansdale and coordinated by Wild Bill Donovan,? all confirmed Knights of Malta of the Catholic Secret Brotherhood secret alliance along with the help of NAZI war criminals Franz Von Papen, Gen. Reinhard Ghelen, Heinrich Himmler.
Rev. Father Diaz alias Col. Santy and Gen. Edward Lansdale without showing any mercy then killed the Hukbalahak rebels. Why? Because the territories held by the rebels are the exact locations where Yamashita’s gold was buried. Not only that, Rev. Father Diaz, alias Col. Santy and his cohorts OSS Agents even tortured the personal driver of Gen. Yamashita to confess and reveal where the gold was actually buried. Major Ferdinand Marcos, who became senator and president of the Republic, also knew about it.
That’s why Rev. Father Diaz alias Col. Santy hired Marcos as his lawyer to bring out the recovered Yamashita’s looted Asian gold. However, by 1949 our people had accumulated 600,000 metric tons of gold deposited inside the vault of the Central Bank. This 600,000 metric tons of gold was different from the Yamashita’s looted gold. Hence, my countrymen are proud of it and legally speaking it’s our property. For decency, my countrymen will not claim the Asia’s looted gold by the Japanese Imperial Forces. What we are claiming is our country’s own gold deposited inside the vaults of the Central Bank.
In short, Yamashita’s looted Asian gold and our very own gold deposited inside the vaults of the central bank was brought out of our country by Rev. Father Diaz and traitor Ferdinand Marcos. The gold then was mixed together and deposited in various Jesuit-controlled illegal bank accounts in Switzerland and other banks. The illegal Nugan-Hand Bank of Australia operated CIA formerly OSS controlled by the Jesuits-Vatican helped in transporting other gold to Australia and then diverted into other countries. The Jesuits know it and they are watching as Rev. Father Diaz is a member of Opus Dei, all bagmen of the Jesuit-Vatican. I also discovered that Michael Hand of the Nugan-Hand Bank is a CIA Agent! ?The most shocking revelation is this, when Marcos was still alive, he wrote a letter as his last will before he died that his looted wealth (our country?s wealth) will be entrusted to the Vatican Trust. His true color was revealed. Also former Catholic priest, Marcelino Tagle of Bataan said that Marcos always worked for the Vatican. Now, I see the whole scenario.
According to EJ & Doris J. Ekke documents revealing the hidden history of the gold the 400,000 metric tons of gold held in the vaults of the Central Bank would elevate the gold-based money supply in the Philippines to more than twice as much per person as the money supply in the U.S. and U.S. money is not backed by gold. If that much money, some 4 trillion dollars, were to be spent cleaning and fixing up the Philippines, think of what a paradise it would be.
The Roman Catholic Church disguisd as religion from God and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ as well as the Catholic Church-Jesuits-Vatican are GREAT LIARS AND HYPROCRITES. They have betrayed my countrymen now living in despair and poverty because the Jesuits-Vatican-Roman Catholic Church illegally looted our country?s gold. Anyone of my countrymen who will dispute me, I’ll take on in a manly and civilized debate. Anyone who hates the truth is against our Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone of my countrymen that will dispute this hidden history of our country will become ignorant to reality. There?s no mystery in an open mind. Remember God is truth and we shall worship God in the spirit and truth. Jesus Christ said, and the truth shall set us free.
Therefore, I accuse the Jesuit-Vatican of the Roman Catholic Church as the mastermind, culprits and guilty entities for the looting of our country’s wealth. And I as a legal citizen of my country has the right to demand in behalf of my countrymen under the protection of our God given Constitution and Bill Of Rights demanding the Roman Catholic Church to return the gold they have illegally looted.
I admit I’m angry to the Catholic Church as I saw my poor countrymen living in despair. Why did the Catholic Church betray my countrymen and our country? They (Catholic Church) came into our country and my countrymen embraced them honestly and with respect.I have in my possession 15 sheets of original photocopied documents linking Rev. Fr. Jose Antonio Diaz (Opus Dei) alias Col. Santa Romana (OSS Agent), Gen. Edward Lansdale, Ferdinand E. Marcos, the late Archbishop Of Manila Jaime Cardinal Sin and Baron Arndt Krupp for the looting of various gold and of course our country’s very own gold. And you’ll be shocked that the shadows and footprints of the Jesuits-Vatican will be realized once and for all.? For more informative articles, go to
Greg Szymanski Greg also has his own daily show on the Republic Broadcast Network. Go to Greg Szymanski is an independent investigative journalist and his articles can been seen at He also writes for American Free Press and has his own site Listen to my Radio Broadcast live Monday night at 8pm Pacific time on LewisNews, returning Jan. 1 2006 Radio Greg is also regular on the first Thursday of every month at 9-10 pm pacific time. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
The Power Elite Playbook: Establishing Precedents
– by Deanna Spingola, 3 December, 2008

Coincidentally or not, at about the same time that the international bankers were promoting and funding Japan’s war-hawk behavior under Emperor Meiji (Hirohito’s grandfather) against Korea, China and Manchuria, banker-backed U.S. imperialists were looking for ways to seize productive land and control in Cuba (achieved by the Platt Amendment on March 2, 1901), banish the Spanish and expand into the resource-rich Philippines. William Howard Taft represented U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt in a highly confidential meeting in Tokyo with Japanese Prime Minister Katsura on July 27-29, 1905. They agreed that Japan would relinquish economic control of Hawaii and the Philippines to the U.S. while Japan targeted adjacent Asiatic countries. This insidious treaty sealed Korea’s death warrant. It was approved by Britain, or rather the British financiers behind the throne who were also funding Japan’s warfare.1
The Philippines (7,000 islands), a Spanish theocracy by 1575, were on the early trade routes. Chinese merchants had been trading there since the tenth century. Many merchants settled along the coast of Luzon, the largest island. In exchange for Chinese goods, Spanish traders received gold from the New World and silver from Mexico. The Spanish traders would return to Luzon’s Manila Bay from Acapulco with ships loaded with precious metals. Thus, Manila became a very important Chinese financial center as early as the sixteenth century. The Chinese middlemen made a reasonable profit and sent the majority of the gold and silver to China to pay for goods. The Spanish, intimidated by Chinese capabilities, unique skills and economic access, denied them citizenship and prohibited them from direct ownership of land. Occasionally, the Chinese were massacred – sending a persuasive message while reducing a specific ethnic population. Inevitably, the ghetto-dwelling Chinese cohabited with Malay girls to produce a large number of illegitimate Chinese mestizo children. These children, still a minority, were raised as good Catholics. They often inherited their father’s financial acuity, could buy land, and acted as moneylenders and middlemen.2
The Spanish mestizos, not as business-savvy as their Chinese counterparts, used the law to manipulate the native Malays into forfeiting their land. This ultimately resulted in the Katipunan Rebellion which began on August 23, 1896, an uprising against Spanish dominance. Emilio Aguinaldo, a member of the Chinese-mestizo minority, was a leader in that rebellion.3 It failed, and Aguinaldo took refuge in Hong Kong where he purchased weapons to continue the battle.
American politicians, eager to assist the corporate moguls in their opportunistic business quests, intervened. President McKinley sent Admiral George Dewey who led the Hong Kong-based Asiatic Squadron* of the U.S. Navy. (One must ask why the U.S. had an Asiatic Squadron, inasmuch as our military was/is constituted to exclusively defend our “homeland.”) On May 1, 1898, Admiral Dewey and his squadron defeated and sank the entire Spanish fleet in Manila Bay in six hours with the loss of one American life. If assistance to the Filipinos had been the actual agenda, they could then have departed, satisfied and victorious. Instead, on May 2, 1898, Congress voted a war emergency credit of $34,625,725. Two days later, the House, with McKinley’s consent, approved the annexation of Hawaii. On June 11, McKinley reiterated: “We must have Hawaii to help us get our share of China.”4 In relation to the U.S., the Philippines are 7,000 miles across the Pacific Ocean, 600 miles from the Asian continent and more than 4,500 miles from Hawaii.
McKinley cabled Admiral Dewey and asked him to compile an account of the Philippines’ natural resources, mining, farming and industry. An emissary from the State Department was sent to prepare a directory for the economic exploitation of the area. American companies quickly targeted the most fertile lands. A Del Monte subsidiary, restricted by law to 1,024 hectares, managed to have the U.S. Governor-General convert public land into a U.S. Navy preserve. Then the Navy subleased 20,000 hectares to Del Monte.5
U. S. Governor-Generals from 1898 to 1901 were: General Wesley Merritt who functioned from August 14, 1898 to August 28, 1898; General Elwell S. Otis who operated from August 28, 1898 to May 5, 1900 and General Arthur MacArthur, Jr. who implemented the U.S. program from May 25, 1900 to July 4, 1901, when the U.S. installed a civilian – William Howard Taft (1901 to 1903) whose father Alphonso Taft had co-founded Skull and Bones (The Brotherhood of Death) at Yale University in 1832. Taft became Secretary of War (1904-1908) and U.S. president (1909-1913). Additionally, he supported the unconstitutional 16th Amendment of February 3, 1913, which allows the privately owned IRS to collect income tax designed to pay interest on the fiat money that the Federal Reserve, also privately owned, prints. He also supported the 17th Amendment, ratified on April 8, 1913, which deprived state governments of the right to select U.S. senators in favor of direct, popular election of senators – popular election allows corporate giants to influence the result, and thus effectively to purchase federal legislation in their own favor.
Emilio Aguinaldo returned from his Hong Kong exile on May 19, 1898, at the invitation of the U.S. On May 25, 1898, the Philippine Expeditionary Force of 8,500 men (Eighth Army Corps) left San Francisco and arrived at Cavite, Philippine Islands. Surprise! Those U.S. soldiers were NOT there to help the Filipinos. Aguinaldo, naïve but hopeful, declared independence on June 12, 1898 and established the First Philippine Republic.
Aguinaldo stated in his 1899 work, True Version of the Philippine Revolution: “On the 4th of July (1898) the first United States military expedition arrived, under command of General Anderson, and it was quartered in Cavite Arsenal. This distinguished General called on me in the Filipino Government House at Cavite, an honour and courtesy which I promptly returned, as was right and proper, seeing that we were friends, of equal rank, and allies. In the course of official intercourse General Anderson solemnly and completely endorsed the promises made by Admiral Dewey to me, asserting on his word of honour that America had not come to the Philippines to wage war against the natives nor to conquer and retain territory, but only to liberate the people from the oppression of the Spanish Government.”6
According to Aguinaldo, Admiral Dewey had said: “Documents are useless when there is no sense of honour…have faith in my word, and I assure you that the United States will recognize the independence of the country. I further ask you to have patience if any of our soldiers insult any Filipinos, for being Volunteers they are as yet undisciplined.”7
On February 4, 1899, the official beginning of the American War in the Philippines, a Filipino was shot by an American sentry. This started the Battle of Manila led by General Arthur MacArthur Jr. (1845-1912). Between 50 and 60 Americans were killed while 2,000 Filipino corpses lay in the streets of Manila. Poorer, less experienced populations cannot compete with better artillery, warships, or superior marksmanship and firearms. McKinley claimed that “insurgents had attacked Manila.” The administration further declared that Aguinaldo was an “outlaw bandit,” the antiquated term for enemy combatant.
U.S. troops took Aguinaldo captive on March 25, 1901. General MacArthur convinced him to surrender and swear allegiance to America. European dominance was then replaced by U.S. imperialism. Vice President Teddy Roosevelt thought Manila should become an American Hong Kong. McKinley, feeling that the Filipinos were unfit to govern themselves, wanted all of the Philippines, not just Manila.8
Some Filipinos were willing to employ guerrilla warfare to resist, despite their lack of armaments.
On December 20, 1900, General Arthur MacArthur had officially declared that Filipinos were an “inferior race” and further stated that because guerrilla warfare was contrary to “the customs and usages of war,” that those who engaged in it “divest themselves of the character of soldiers, and if captured are not entitled to the privileges of prisoners of war.” Thus, they were treated as criminals. The real war criminals, Jacob Smith and Littleton Waller, were later admonished and acquitted during a Senate white-wash investigation, headed by imperialist Republican Senator Henry Cabot Lodge. The U.S. use of the water torture or waterboarding, frequently lethal, was divulged during the very revealing hearings.91011 Waller was, after all, just following orders, a defense not allowed to German defendants by the U.S. at Nuremburg.12 California’s Fort MacArthur, a U.S. Army installation in San Pedro, was named after the general.
General Arthur MacArthur left the Philippines on July 5, 1901 and became Commander of the Department of the Pacific from January 1904 to April 1907. He was a Civil War veteran and had fought against America’s native population for thirty years. He was stationed in the Dakota Territory when the Spanish-American War began in 1898. He was sent to Manchuria to observe the Japanese military from January to September 1905, towards the end of the Russo-Japanese War. He then did a short stint as military attaché to the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo.13 While in Japan, both the general and his son, Lt. Douglas MacArthur, met with Emperor Meiji who had collaborated with the British bankers in Japan’s assault against Korea, China and Russia. Then the general, his wife and his son toured several Asian countries from November 1905 through June 1906 to assess their military strength. Who received that report? The MacArthurs visited Shanghai, Hong Kong, Ceylon, India, Burma, Bangkok, Batavia, Singapore, Rangoon and Saigon, and were possibly among the first U.S. officers to visit Vietnam.14
Douglas MacArthur graduated from West Point in 1903 and was commissioned a second lieutenant of engineers. His first assignment was in the Philippines, from 1903 to 1904, with the 7th Cavalry Regiment. During this Philippines assignment he befriended Manuel Quezon, one of two leaders of the Nationalista Party which would monopolize politics in the Philippines for the next forty years. He was promoted to first lieutenant in April 1904, and was an engineer officer and aide to the Commander of the Pacific Division (his father) from 1904 to 1906.15
As part of the 1898 Treaty of Paris, signed on December 10, 1898, America paid $20 million to Spain and then started fighting the ill-prepared Filipinos, who many of the ex-Civil War officers referred to as “Niggers” or “Goo-Goos.”16 President McKinley had been assassinated by a lone gunman and the U.S. military in the Philippines was holding a memorial service on September 28, 1901 in Balangiga on the island of Samar (600 square miles). Filipino guerillas who opposed the American occupation chose this opportunity to attack. They killed forty-eight and wounded twenty-two.17
To avenge this surprise attack, General Jacob Smith (previously a speculator in whiskey, gold, and diamonds who had stolen Civil War enlistment money from “colored” recruits) gave instructions regarding the inhabitants of Samar to Major Littleton Waller: “I want no prisoners. I wish you to kill and burn, the more you kill and burn the better you will please me. Kill everyone over the age of ten.” Homes were burned; all animals were destroyed. Then they imposed sanctions to starve the remaining population into submission. Major Adna Chaffee advised reporters not to be sentimental over the deaths of “a few Goo-Goos.”18
Littleton also sought to avenge the deaths of his military comrades who had died in North China. The Chicago Tribune reported that “We are the trustees of civilization and peace throughout the islands.” In an effort to persuade the Filipinos of American generosity and good will, the U.S. established a few schools, reorganized city governments, and improved sanitation conditions.19 H. L. Wells, a correspondent for New York Evening Post stated that there had been no widespread outrageous acts committed by U.S. troops. However, he understood their savage contempt for the enemy: “There is no question that our men do ‘shoot niggers’ somewhat in the sporting spirit, but that is because war and their environments have rubbed off the thin veneer of civilization… Undoubtedly, they do not regard the shooting of Filipinos just as they would the shooting of white troops. This is partly because they are ‘only niggers,’ and partly because they despise them for their treacherous servility… The soldiers feel they are fighting with savages, not with soldiers…”20
General Order #100 was applied in the Philippines: Lincoln’s order authorized the shooting on sight of all persons not in uniform or acting as soldiers and those committing, or seeking to commit, sabotage. The 7th Calvary Regiment, a part of the Regular Army, was originally organized on September 21, 1866 and is still viable today.21 This regiment was in the Philippines from 1904 to 1907, and again from 1911 through 1915. It employed the very same scorched earth policies against the Filipinos that had proven so effective against the vulnerable Plains Indians. Entire villages were burned, and unarmed Filipinos, women and children, were killed. To the troopers, all Filipinos looked alike and similar to the “red savages.” In fact, they called the Filipinos “Apaches” or “gooks.”22
Every member of America’s “high command” in the Philippines had spent most of his career chasing Apaches, Comanches, Kiowas, and Sioux. Some of them, the 7th Cavalry Regiment, had taken part in the massacre at Wounded Knee, South Dakota on December 29, 1890, where 370 women and children were slaughtered, in revenge for Custer. In American-written text books, the Balangiga Massacre focuses on forty-eight dead Americans, without mentioning the slaughter of tens of thousands of Filipino civilians.23 The men under the questionable “high command” expressed their biased views in letters they wrote home. (Read some of them here.)
One trooper wrote home: “I am in my glory when I can sight my gun on some dark skin and pull the trigger.” His squad killed more than one thousand “dark-skinned” Filipinos in just one village. General Arthur MacArthur defended his army’s civilian massacres as “carrying out the civilizing mission of its Aryan ancestors.”24
War generates famine; wealthy landowners finally acquiesced. Americans passed a law stating that resisters would be ineligible for civil service employment. The desperate people gave up, and the war ended. One million (out of six million) Filipinos died: 16,000 guerrillas and 984,000 civilians.25 The war officially ended July 4, 1902, but hostilities and the work of death continued for almost a decade.
* Cruisers: U.S.S. Olympia (flag ship), U.S.S. Raleigh, U.S.S. Boston, U.S.S. Baltimore, U.S.S. Concord and U.S.S. Petrel; the Revenue Cutter USRC Hugh McCulloch (commissioned 12 December 1897; under the authority of the United States Department of the Treasury). After the Battle of Manila Bay, the monitors U.S.S. Monadnock and the U.S.S. Monterey provided heavy-gun support for ongoing warfare against the Filipinos. The U.S.S. Charleston, on the way to Manila on May 10, 1898 captured Guam, as instructed by Secretary of the Navy John D. Long.26
^ The 1905 Secret Taft-Katsura Agreement: America's Betrayal Of Korea
^ Sterling Seagrave, The Marcos Dynasty, Harper and Row, New York, 1988, pgs. 8-9
^ Emilio F. Aguinaldo (1869-1964)
^ Chronology for the Philippine Islands and Guam in the Spanish-American War
^ Sterling Seagrave, op. cit., pgs. 30
^ Don Emilio Aguinaldo y Famy, True Version of the Philippine Revolution, Chapter X. The Proclamation of Independence, Tarlak, 23rd September, 1899
^ Ibid
^ Sterling Seagrave, op. cit., pgs. 10-11
^ Nation Master Encyclopedia, Lodge Committee, January 1902
^ The Lodge Committee, Testimonies
^ Secretary Root's Record: "Marked Severities" in Philippine Warfare, Report of the Philippine Investigating Committee formed in April of 1902 to investigate and publicize U.S. military atrocities in the Philippines.
^ Victor Nebrida, The Balangiga Massacre: Getting Even in Hector Santos, ed., Philippine Centennial Series, June 15, 1997
^ Arlington National Cemetery, Arthur MacArthur, Jr., Lieutenant General, United States Army
^ Lt. Gen. Arthur MacArthur (1845-1912) by James M. Gallen
^ Douglas MacArthur Bio
^ Sterling Seagrave, op. cit., pgs. 12-13
^ Victor Nebrida, op. cit.
^ Sterling Seagrave, op. cit., pgs. 12-13
^ Victor Nebrida, op. cit.
^ Victor Nebrida, op. cit.
^7th Cavalry Regiment (United States)
^ Lee Wha Rang, Review of Charles J. Hanley et al., The Bridge at No Gun Ri: A Hidden Nightmare from the Korean War
^ Victor Nebrida, op. cit.
^ Lee Wha Rang, op. cit.
^ Sterling Seagrave, op. cit., pgs. 12-13
^ Chronology for the Philippine Islands and Guam in the Spanish-American War
The Elite Playbook: Burn All, Kill All, Steal All
– by Deanna Spingola, 29 September 2008
Beneath Jacob Schiff’s portrait, (left to right) Gilbert W. Kahn, son of Otto Kahn, and Schiff’s grandsons, John M. Schiff and Frederick M. Warburg. (source)
Burn all, steal all and kill all was the official policy of Japan’s imperialistic military and paramilitary groups like the Black Ocean and Black Dragon societies. Japanese citizens regarded their emperor as omnipotent or sanctioned by God; therefore obedience to government was deeply entrenched. Weapons technology, driven by the orchestrated Cold War with its staged enemies, has improved. Now it is nuke all, steal all and kill all. The Power Elite prototype, in most nations, reveals their consistent goal of depopulating the earth (to 500 million) and seizing all resources. “Those nations who ignore history are doomed to repeat its tragedies.” Or, those U.S. citizens who ignore readily-available history are doomed to suffer the consequences of their deception and ignorance.
During the night of October 7, 1895 Japanese assassins from the secretive terrorist organization Black Ocean Society (Gen’yosha – ultranationalist paramilitary founded by an ex-samurai) entered the private quarters of Korea’s queen who had refused Japan’s imperialistic demands. They stabbed, slashed and then tossed the kerosene-soaked, screaming Queen Min into a blazing fire in the palace garden. The predictable civil turmoil provided the trumped-up justification for a military occupation facilitated by the Kempeitai (Army military police), the arrest of thousands of dissenting Koreans and the eventual annexation (August 22, 1910) of Korea. The majority of Japanese citizens believed they were in Korea to help.1 Cloaked in patriotism, humanitarianism and nationalism, ordinary citizens of imperialist nations rarely recognize the covetous, covert agenda of their rulers or more correctly – the banksters and conglomerates that direct their rulers.
The subsequent massive plunder of Korea began an era of intense Japanese brutality and systematic looting that ended in early June 1945 with a farewell party followed by the dynamite-charged entombment of 175 intoxicated, unsuspecting chief engineers in Tunnel-8, 220 feet underground just after General Yamashita, Prince Chichibu and Prince Takeda hastily exited. Tunnel-8 was just one of the 175 vaults the engineers had designed for the burial of tons of gold bullion and other treasures seized from twelve Asian countries. To eliminate witnesses, allied POWs and civilian slave laborers had suffered similar fates after building the treasure vaults. At the end of the war, 5,000 Korean laborers, supposedly “bound for home,” were sealed in the cargo hold of a ship that was soon scuttled. Tens of thousands of Korea’s young men had been conscripted into the Japanese army to serve as cannon fodder.2
With financial backing totaling $196 million from Jacob H. Schiff (who also financed the Russian Revolution of 19173), Kuhn, Loeb Morgan and Rockefeller, resource-poor Japan declared war on Tsarist Russia on February 8, 1904. At war’s end on September 5, 1905 and through the Treaty of Portsmouth, mediated by Theodore Roosevelt, Japan gained the South Manchurian branch of the China Far East Railway which became the South Manchurian Railway (Mantetsu); half was then owned by the Japanese government “with Emperor Hirohito as the largest private shareholder, followed by Mitsui (Japan’s first private bank; invested heavily into weapons4) and Mitsubishi industrial and banking conglomerates.”5
The reason Japan fared so well in the Treaty of Portsmouth is that an agreement (Taft-Katsura Agreement) was made on July 27, 1905 in a confidential meeting held in Tokyo between Japanese Prime Minister Katsura and U.S. Secretary of War, William Howard Taft. The U.S. agreed that Japan could colonize Korea if Japan relinquished the resource-rich Philippines to U.S. dominance. This secret agreement with Japan violated our friendship agreement with Korea signed in Incheon on May 22, 1882, negotiated after our assault on Korea on June 10, 1871, known as Shinmiyangyo (Western Disturbance of the Year Sinmi year), during which about 350 Koreans and three Americans died.6
Japan gained control of the “Russian interests” in Manchuria which economically destabilized thousands of Russian residents; the commercial port of Dalian and the naval base at Port Arthur. Mitsui and Black Dragon (Kokuryukai – another paramilitary, ultra-nationalist right-wing group) collaborated with the Japan’s Kwantung Army (the corporate enforcement arm) to seize Chinese concessions that Mitsui had targeted. Mantetsu employees began “itemizing” Manchurian resources for future confiscation. In Tokyo in September 1905, Black Dragon thugs staged riots, burned churches and engaged in other destructive activities to intimidate the government who considered selling the South Manchurian Railway to Edward H. Harriman who was attempting to build a world-wide railroad network. Amused, Harriman actually witnessed the staged riots in the company of Baron Matsui.7
The Power Elite are voyeuristic!
Despite Schiff’s influence and diplomatic machinations by Senator Philander Knox (Attorney General April 5, 1901 – June 30, 1904; Secretary of State March 6, 1909 – March 5, 1913) Japan rejected Edward H. Harriman’s offer. Knox, known for his Dollar Diplomacy and loan brokering in Nicaragua, Honduras and Cuba for his bankster buddies and lying about the ratification of the 16th amendment was instrumental in resource/land grabbing for some of his clients: Carnegie, Vanderbilt, J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller and Harriman.8
Edward Harriman was the father of future U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union – William Averell Harriman (CFR, Skull and Bones, Marshall Plan Administrator) who also secretly financed the Bolsheviks. Harriman convinced Lenin to let “him take over the Czar’s cartels, which exported manganese, iron ore and other raw materials” which he shipped “to his German partners, the Thyssens, who had been secretly bought out by the Rockefellers,” who were able to buy the stock of many German companies due to Germany’s worthless currency. Brown Brothers Harriman financed this Rockefeller front company, Thyssens, and their slave labor camp, Auschwitz. Their money would be secure no matter who won the war. Rockefeller lawyers, the Dulles brothers, “had established three banks,” one each in Germany, Holland, and Union Banking Corporation (Rockefeller owned 98%) in New York run by Prescott Bush, son-in-law of Herbert Walker. Union Banking was seized in 1942 “as a Nazi front,” only to be returned by the accommodating U.S. government in 1951. Bush and Walker’s two shares netted them about $1.5 million in 1951 dollars.9 Same names, same schemes, different generations.
Back in South Manchuria, Japanese rogues, called tairiku ronin, turned the country into a poppy-producing paradise to supply thousands of Japanese-established opium dens throughout China; drugs demoralize and diminish dissent.10 Heroin-laced cigarettes were even introduced to 10-year old children. Ultimately Japan supplied 90% of the world’s illegal suppressive, mind-numbing narcotics. The Power Elite have used other countries, like Afghanistan, Laos and Nicaragua to grow and process drugs. Morphine and heroin produced in army factories were stored in warehouses owned by Mitsui, Mitsubishi and other conglomerates, the same firms that would later use slave labor.
Using a staged provocation in which one expendable Japanese man was killed, hundreds of Yakuza (organized crime groups) and members from the Black Dragon Society along with 90,000 Japanese troops invaded Shanghai, China in January 1932. As a result, 18,000 civilians were slaughtered and 240,000 Chinese lost their homes. The Japanese bombed Shanghai on January 28, 1932 and retreated on March 2, 1932.11
To diminish international criticism regarding the massive random rapes of local women during the Shanghai and Nanking (Nanjing) invasions, the Japanese government enticed, deceived, kidnapped, or purchased between eighty thousand to two hundred thousand women, including adolescent girls, from Korea, China, Taiwan, the Philippines and Indonesia and forced them into sexual slavery (reusable bodies are Power Elite profit centers) in battlefront brothels all over Asia. Only 25 percent of the Comfort Women survived their horrific ordeal. Government involvement is substantiated by a document entitled “Regarding the Recruitment of Women for Military Brothels” uncovered in the Japanese Defense Department’s archives in 1991.1213 In the 1930s Shanghai was rife with drugs, alcohol, gambling and over 100,000 prostitutes. Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, head of the Kuomintang (KMT) government, received his share of drug profits from Tu Yueh-sheng, China’s most powerful godfather, boss of the Green Gang and a big financial backer of the general. The KMT established the Opium Suppression Bureau which “turned over confiscated opium to the Green Gang for conversion to heroin and morphine.”14 The head of the government’s drug control pretext, Du Yuesheng, was an active member of the Green Gang.15 Highly funded fake, deliberately ineffective “drug wars” are used to transfer wealth to the criminal government class and their cronies while pretending to eliminate the problem. A drug-burdened (illicit or pharmaceutical) country is not evidence of government incompetence but rather complicity.
The Second Sino-Japanese War started on July 7, 1937 when the highly-militarized, submissive-to-authority, morally bankrupt Japan again invaded China. In the first month of the war, nearly a quarter million Chinese, mostly women and children were slaughtered. The war would end on September 9, 1945.
On December 2, 1937, Prince Asaka, uncle of the emperor, replaced General Iwane Matsui, as commander of the Japanese Shanghai Expeditionary Force (SEF), for the invasion of Nanking, China’s Nationalist capital at that time. “To preserve his own KMT army, which was his only means of staying in power, Chiang Kai-Shek abandoned all of North China.” Although Chiang Kai-shek had a “numeric advantage” he “inexplicably moved his armies and his headquarters” away from Nanking just as the Japanese encircled the city, “the generalissimo decided once more to abandon his civilian population without a fight.” The few uninformed KMT forces that remained surrendered on 13 December 13, 1937 with minimal military resistance.16 Wars are choreographed to produce winners, losers and cultural and geographic changes. Warfare enriches the bankers who fund both sides and their cohorts, the munitions manufacturers.
During the next six weeks Nanking residents were subjected to rape, grisly mutilations, decapitations, arson, looting, burning and live burial, bayonet practice, castration, disembowelment and mass executions. Japanese soldiers also engaged in cannibalism. The noncombatant death toll during that six week period, according to the International Military Tribunal of the Far East (IMTFE, May 3, 1946 to November 12, 1948), was more than 260,000 and may have been as many as 350,000.
Recently declassified documents (December 2007) estimated the number of deaths for Nanking and the surrounding area at about 500,000.17 Compare that to the civilian casualties for the entire war in European countries: Great Britain – 61,000 civilians; France – 108,000; Belgium – 101,000; and the Netherlands – 242,000. More civilians died in Nanking than in the British air raids on Dresden – 60,000 dead, 30,000 wounded. America’s raids on Tokyo – an estimated 80,000 to 120,000 civilian deaths. Estimated deaths at Hiroshima and Nagasaki were 140,000 and 70,000 respectively.18
On August 6, 1937 Emperor Showa19 (name of the era that corresponded with the Emperor’s reign and means Enlightened Peace), better known by his personal name, Hirohito (an emperor’s personal name is never used in Japan), had issued a directive to remove all the humane constraints of International Law (Hague Conventions) regarding prisoners of war which included the mandate to stop using the term “prisoners of war” (in favor of enemy combatants?). Torture could then be used as a means of acquiring intelligence.
General Iwane Matsui, due to chronic illness, was not in Nanking during the atrocities but was tried by the IMTFE and hanged for war crimes in December 1948. Matsui’s more moral instructions were changed on December 13, 1937 to “kill all captives” to eliminate the possibility of guerrilla retaliations and the necessity of feeding prisoners. Prince Asaka was questioned but never charged and died at the age of 93 on April 12, 1981.20 General MacArthur granted immunity to all members of the Imperial family. About 50 major suspects including the future Prime Minister, Nobusuke Kishi, and Yoshisuke Aikawa, head of the zaibatsu Nissan, were charged but released without going to trial. The tribunal essentially functioned to exonerate the imperial family from all criminal responsibility and for the victors (who committed similar atrocities) to selectively mete out justice for a morsel of satisfaction for the victims.
To facilitate large scale plundering, Emperor Hirohito, educated as a marine biologist, had appointed one of his three brothers, Prince Chichibu, to head a secret organization called kin no Yuri (Golden Lily) to accompany the military. He was assisted by Prince Tsuneyoshi Takeda, a cousin of Hirohito. A first pass was conducted by the Kempeitai who seized and crated government, bank and private family assets including gold, jewelry, furniture, rugs, gold fillings from cadavers, antiques, artwork, and other transportables. Special Service Units focused on the influential Chinese and emptied banks, pawn shops, treasuries, factories, private homes, and art galleries. General Kenji Doihara recruited Kodama Yoshio, Japan’s government-friendly top gangster to plunder China’s underworld and black economy. Kodama, before the war ended, would also facilitate the plundering of Asia’s underworld.21
In the spring of 1938, more than a thousand Japanese “experts” sifted through China’s imperial collections in Nanking which included over 100,000 pieces of “priceless jade and over 1.2 million books and manuscripts and millions of porcelain pieces. Priceless books and manuscripts “were used to set up the Institute of East Asian Studies, Institute of Oriental Culture, Institute of East Asian Economy,” Great East Asia Library and other facilities where these items remain. China recovered less than six percent of their rare volumes.22 The Japanese even managed to steal the 500,000-year old teeth and bones of the Peking Man after the Peking Union Medical College staff made arrangements for thirteen Americans to move them to the Smithsonian Institute until after the war. The padded steel boxes containing the bones were confiscated and the men were taken to Hokkaido where they spent three and a half years as slave labor in Mitsubishi coal mines.23 Certainly, Iraq’s gold, treasures, antiquities and rare manuscripts were confiscated and not destroyed by the Iraqis as reported. Where are they now?
All of South-East Asia fell to the Japanese during the winter and spring of 1941-42 including the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and Indonesia. Nothing and no one was off-limits including land: Prince Chichibu’s Golden Lily operatives seized valuable assets from American, Chinese (the biggest victim24), Dutch, British and French citizens; the Japanese “tore gilt from Buddhist temples” and took gold Burmese Buddhas, even opened Korea’s ancient tombs under the pretext of preserving them. All gold was “melted down into ingots at the Japanese-run smelter in Ipoh, Malaya. The plundered treasures, ancient books and artifacts were transported to Japan in “boats disguised as hospital ships” up until the 1943 allied blockade of Japan.25
Prince Chichibu moved his “industrial scale” Golden Lily operation to Manila and the Philippine ports and then, along with a cousin Prince Takada Tsuneyoshi, supervised the construction of 175 storage sites (34 in deliberately scuttled ships) using slave laborers and POWs who were later “buried alive” when each of the sites were sealed. The sites, all booby-trapped with 1,000- and 2,000-lb bombs and poisonous gas were located in areas less likely to be bombed by the Americans. Japanese leaders anticipated that they could negotiate and retain control of the Philippines and later recover the plundered treasures.2627 “As the war came to an end, Chichibu and Takeda escaped back to Japan by submarine.”
The Asian Holocaust perpetrated by the Japanese military took the life of about 30 million people: Chinese (23 million), Filipinos, Malays, Vietnamese, Cambodians, Indonesians and Burmese. The Nazis purportedly killed six million Jews and 20 million Russians. The U.S. reparations and accountability policies towards Germany and Japan were noticeably and deliberately inequitable though both countries used dehumanizing forced labor, plundered their victims, conducted lethal medical experiments and slaughtered millions while arrogantly viewing themselves and their countries as superior and destined to rule the world. German archives were protected and later declassified, German war criminals were prosecuted and the German government was totally dismantled. Conversely, Japan’s postwar records, in the custody of the U.S., are still highly classified; the Emperor, his cronies and relatives were exonerated by the U.S. and the elite ruling class was restored to power by 1948.28 What became of the gold?
^ Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, Gold Warriors, America's Secret Recovery of Yamashita's Gold, Verso Publishing, 2003, Prologue and Chapter 1, pg 14-15, This book was exhaustively researched and has copious documentation to support it claims.
^ Ibid
^ Jacob Henry Schiff
^ Wikipedia, Matsui Group
^ Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, op. cit.
^ Report of Rear Admiral John Rodgers Detailing the Events Leading Up to the U.S. Assault on the Korean Forts; See also Thomas Duvernay, The 1871 U.S.-Korea Conflict: Cause and Effects
^ Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, op. cit., pg 23-31.
^ Naomi Wiener Cohen, Jacob H. Schiff: A Study in American Jewish Leadership, Brandeis 1999, pgs. 32-35
^ John Loftus, The Bush-Rockefeller-Dulles-Harriman Nazi scandal, Federal Prosecutor
^ Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, op. cit., pg 32-43.
^ Ibid
^ Iris Chang, The Rape of Nanking, Penguin Books, New York, 1997, pgs. 35-59
^ David E. Sanger, Wako Journal; History Scholar in Japan Exposes a Brutal Chapter, New York Times, January 27, 1992
^ Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, op. cit., pg 32-43.
^ Opium History, 1858 To 1940 by Alfred W. McCoy
^ Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, op. cit. pg 32-43.
^ Nanking Massacre, Wikipedia. Also read The Rape of Nanking by the late Iris Chang
^ Iris Chang, op. cit., pgs 5-7
^ Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, op. cit., pg 23-31
^ Iris Chang, op. cit., pgs. 35-59
^ Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, op. cit., pg 32-43.
^ Ibid
^ Ibid, pg 42
^ Interview with Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, Authors, GOLD WARRIORS: America's Secret Recovery of Yamashita's Gold, (Bowstring Books, 2002, 330 pp., 2 CDs with 900 MB documents optional) Interview Conducted 1 November 2003
^ The Looting of Asia By Chalmers Johnson, London Review of Books, November 20, 2003
^ Ibid
^ Sterling and Peggy Seagrave, op. cit., pg 14-15.
About the Author
Deanna Spingola has been a quilt designer and is the author of two books. She has traveled extensively teaching and lecturing on her unique methods. She has always been an avid reader of non-fiction works designed to educate rather than entertain. She is active in family history research and lectures on that topic. Currently she is the director of the local Family History Center. She has a great interest in politics and the direction of current government policies, particularly as they relate to the Constitution. Deanna’s Web Site
What we are suggesting here is that, if the Chinese Government will go head to head with the US Navy in a full blown conflict, it is not in the name of sovereignty but for the glory of the Illuminati.
We may love to claim the Spratlys as our own but in reality it’s not the people of my country who will benefit from such claim but the real power behind it. Moreover, the incumbent president of this republic, himself a Jesuit trained idiot from Ateneo de Manila University, can’t be expected to uphold this country’s dignity. All indications suggest he doesn’t even know the real history of our people. How so, when this guy doesn’t even know that their family is consorting with the devil from the very beginning?
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