All posts by Geopolitics101

Black Pope Resigning

Due to persistence of action, ITCCS is succeeding in its drive for the removal of the Cabalists, one by one, from the Pulpit of Deception.

ITCCS Breaking News – May 25, 2014 : Accused Child Killer resigns from top Vatican office: Jesuit head Adolfo Pachon makes startling announcement as he stands trial in absentia for Crimes against Humanity

Posted on May 25, 2014
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West Foments Wars, East Enhances Quality of Life

The common bond between men is their mutual desire to live peacefully and progressively, yet digression sits in when outside influence ignores this coherence to further its own selfish motivations.
Progressive mind endures on enhancing the quality of life for all, but destruction is the only preoccupation of a myopic thought.
Any action that preserves the life and beauty of the Earth should be our only commitment.

Now, Gujarat to cover Narmada canals with solar panels!

Virendra Pandit

Canal solar power: Gujarat has attracted investments of Rs 9,000 crore so far on solar energy projects.
Canal solar power: Gujarat has attracted investments of Rs 9,000 crore so far on solar energy projects.

Continue reading West Foments Wars, East Enhances Quality of Life

Pope's Health: A Distraction [ITCCS]

The purported ill health of the Pope is only a distraction to the global attention of the Papal Crimes and that of the 9th Circle in general…

Exclusive interview with Kevin Annett: Vatican floats rumours of Pope’s “ill health” to distract from new evidence indicting Jorge Bergoglio for child murder – Common Law Sheriffs to take action

Posted on May 24, 2014
Continue reading Pope's Health: A Distraction [ITCCS]

We’re Moving On

Stressed yet excited about what our new location would bring us as we moved forward with this endeavor.
For the last three days we’ve been very busy preparing logistics and packing out of what’s left of last year’s most insane attack on the region.
As some of you may already know, we suffered a lot from the devastation brought about by Typhoon Hainan late last year. We lost most of our laboratory equipment to floodwaters and looters alike.
Over these recent years, we have witnessed to several press releases of free energy technologies yet replicating the same would seem impossible for the ordinary layman.
We may be starting over from scratch as far as materials and equipment are concerned, know that we are still committed to delivering the most comprehensible manual on free energy supported with a working prototype, as promised.
It is up to you to help us along the way.

House of Rothschild is Burning

The funny money game is overheating for the last three years and its about to burn into flames for good.
Even those within the corporate system are beginning to realize the faults and weakness of the institutions they themselves invested their lifetime on.
Continue reading House of Rothschild is Burning

Syrian Extremists Twitting on Crucifixions

Attention to Syria is being overshadowed by the events in Ukraine, but the bleeding continues…


By Lisbeth Hunter RYOT NewsMay 1, 2014 at 11:01 am

Continue reading Syrian Extremists Twitting on Crucifixions

3D Printer Built 10 Homes in 24 Hours

3D printer home

From Oreos to body parts, 3D printers have been cranking out some pretty unbelievable stuff lately.

But in Shanghai, WinSun Decoration Design Engineering Co. has been using a monstrous printing device to build homes at a breakneck pace — 10 homes in 24 hours.

Continue reading 3D Printer Built 10 Homes in 24 Hours

Revolution of Values

by Peter Joseph

The real revolution is the revolution of values. Human society appears centuries behind in the way it operates and hence what it values. If we wish to progress and solve the mounting problems at hand and, in effect, reverse what is an accelerating decline of our civilization in many ways, we need to change the way we think about ourselves and hence the world we inhabit.

Continue reading Revolution of Values

Secret American Army

Just as Americans are becoming aware and more convinced about the futility of the two party “democracy”, a growing armed group of veterans and active uniformed personnel alike are preparing for the inevitable.

Americans disapproving of both parties: Carla Howell

A political activist says Americans, especially the younger generation, have become “jaded and disapproving” of both Democrats and Republicans in the United States.
President Barack Obama’s approval rating dropped to a new low Tuesday, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
The poll showed that Obama’s rating fell to 41 percent, down from 46 percent for the first three months of the year, bumping up against the president’s lowest ratings since April 2009.”
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The secret “American” army

A new American army is growing on American soil. They are prepared.

In hushed tones during conversations across the breadth of the heartland of America there are whispers. Quiet talk. About an army. Of Americans?
Continue reading Secret American Army

Kevin Under Grave Threat; ITCCS Presses On [UPDATED]

ITCCS continues to apply pressure on the mother of all that is Evil in this world, even if under grave threats from desperate enemies.

ITCCS Delegation and Dignitaries to accompany Rev. Kevin Annett to Rome and London to enforce Annulment Order against the Church of Rome and of England

Continue reading Kevin Under Grave Threat; ITCCS Presses On [UPDATED]

Papacy Abolished: END OF CORPORATISM – [ITCCS]

The Birth of a New Era: The End of Papal Authority and Corporatism, and the Rise of a new Common Law Covenant


A Revolution is Launched in Maastricht, Holland

Rev. Kevin Annett

An ITCCS Exclusive Report – Friday, April 25, 2014 (2 pm GMT)
Issued through the Common Law News Service (CNS)

Maastricht and Rome:
Last Easter Sunday, in an action akin to Martin Luther’s posting of his Ninety Five Theses, a lone figure placed a Proclamation on the door of the oldest catholic church outside of Italy, and announced the end of an era and the birth of another.
Like Luther, Kevin Annett is a renegade clergyman who is caught in a life and death struggle with the oldest corporation on our planet: the church of Rome. But unlike the defrocked monk, Annett represents a movement aiming to not reform that church, but abolish it entirely because of its “irredeemable criminal nature”.
And that abolition was announced this past Sunday.
The manifesto posted by Kevin Annett on the door of St. Martin’s catholic church is called the Maastricht Proclamation, and invokes both international law and the “law of heaven” to declare the legal and spiritual abolition of the Church of Rome. The Proclamation effectively nullifies the authority of the Roman Catholic church under the very laws and legitimacy by which the latter claims to operate. (see, April 20, 2014)
But the repercussions of Reverend Annett’s action go far beyond Rome.
Interviewed today in Spain, where he is meeting with eyewitnesses to Vatican crimes, Annett comments,
“The modern Vatican is really the creation of Italian Fascism, whose Lateran Treaty in 1929 established the modern corporation called the roman catholic church: a de facto but legally fictitious and criminal body. In turn, that criminal syndicate helped spawn the horrors of the modern corporatist era, starting with Nazi Germany and leading to the present global New World Order. So by legally and spiritually disestablishing the Church of Rome, we are also dismantling that corporatist Order and all of the de facto, tyrannical authorities in the world, whether they be corporations, governments, or private courts.
“In other words, the Maastricht Proclamation is really a call to arms to all people to re-establish lawful de jure society across our planet, under the supremacy of the divine law of equality and peace: what we know as the Common Law.”
In effect, what began in Rome on a bleak February day in 1929 ended last Easter Sunday, when the terms by which the Vatican operates as an overt criminal syndicate were lawfully negated under the terms of International Law. So while the church may continue to function as a de facto power, it does so as a rogue criminal body with no authority, and no right to its own property, wealth or laws.
What does this new step mean for the twenty year campaign by Kevin Annett to expose and stop the murder and trafficking of children?
“It’s a whole new ball game now” says Annett. “This isn’t about trying to hold a dying system accountable anymore, but about creating a whole new world through a new Covenant.
“Once we put church and state on trial, we really declared war on the entire system. And like Napolean once said, whoever makes a revolution half way is just digging their own grave. So now we need not just our own peace officers to enforce our Common Law court verdicts; we need to mobilize humanity to take back our world and the law from the criminals who are destroying us and our children’s future. And to do that, we need to re-contract all our relationships.
“So in truth, there are no more lawful authorities anymore, and we owe none of them allegiance. We need to remake such authority from the ground up, from among ourselves. That’s why we call it the New Covenant. And that’s what we’ve begun, with the Maastricht Proclamation.”
This new Covenanting movement has two fronts, one legal, the other spiritual. Annett calls these fronts the “two arms of liberation”.
“Humanity is sick and dying, from the inside out, because we have forgotten our innate sovereignty and our bond with creation and the Creator. Nobody can mediate or create that bond for another, and justice is an empty shell without the personal capacity to be a just and virtuous man or woman. Benjamin Franklin said that only a virtuous people could be self-governing, for with personal corruption always comes political tyranny. So the new Covenant recognizes itself as both a new law and a new spirit, one supporting and feeding the other.”
In the wake of the Maastricht Proclamation, this re-covenanting movement,The Covenanters, is working actively to establish both common law courts and self-governing communities on the land that have declared their independence from existing authorities. As the seed of a new world, the Covenanters are working now in twenty one countries alongside the International Common Law Court of Justice and its Tribunal sponsor, the ITCCS.
As for Kevin Annett, he is clearly a happy man.
“It’s been a long night, but it’s always good to see the day break”.

Continue reading Papacy Abolished: END OF CORPORATISM – [ITCCS]

Take Your Garbage Home, Canada!

We are very grateful to all those who have helped us raise the public’s awareness about Corporate Canada’s blatant disregard of all established international decorum and its continued lack of decency to pull out the stinking garbage from the Port of Manila.
While this mess may have been facilitated by private entities of both countries, still the culpability lies from the port of origin, i.e. how on Earth did the port customs personnel of Canada find it appropriate to approve the boarding of these 50 mammoth vans of hazardous wastes?
Continue reading Take Your Garbage Home, Canada!

Keeping The Fox Out Of The Hen House; Rothschilds Hiding

Keenan on Obama’s Asian destructive island hopping…

 Neil Keenan Update | Keeping The Fox Out Of The Hen House & The Rothschilds Go Into Hiding

The Keenan Team
Little is known what to expect from Neil Keenan. Just when you think you have him pegged, he turns it around, letting you know that you have no idea what he is actually thinking.
Continue reading Keeping The Fox Out Of The Hen House; Rothschilds Hiding

No FLy Zone for Cabal [KEENAN]

An interesting move against the Cabal is the establishment of a “no fly zone” across Asia to limit their elbow room for destructive maneuvers, such as the recent diversion of Flight M370 towards another false flag operation which could have created, to say the least, the biggest turmoil so far, or possibly an “extinction level” event.
Here’s the latest from the Group K…
Continue reading No FLy Zone for Cabal [KEENAN]

Bundy, Ukraine, Bankers' Death, Swissindo [KEENAN]

Here’s Keenan Group’s take on recent events…

Neil Keenan Update | Our Cattleman Bundy, US Blunders in Ukraine, Suicided Banksters, & Swissindo Shenanigans

1.  Cattle Rancher Bundy Knows How To Treat FED Over-Reaching

After the FEDs arrested one of his sons, literally grinding his face into gravel with their boots on his neck and head, they threw down Bundy’s 57 year old cancer-survivor sister who was peacefully protesting these FED goons, ruffing up her knees and hands.  These FED thugs repeatedly tasered his other unarmed son, who just ripped off the wires  and stood his ground in true American cowboy fashion.
Continue reading Bundy, Ukraine, Bankers' Death, Swissindo [KEENAN]

Bundy Ranch: China-Obama Admin Land Swap Exposed

We continue to monitor what’s happening in Bundy Ranch, Nevada…
15th April:

China-Obama Admin Land Swap Exposed

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Description: Has the Bundy Ranch blown open the China Land swap deals being orchestrated by the Obama Administration and Harry Reid? New York Times best selling author and World Net Daily Senior Writer Jerome Corsi joins Gary Franchi to provide deep analysis of the web of connections between Washington legislators and the Debt Exchange to give US land to China.
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CIA’s FACEBOOK is Blocking Bundy Videos

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Posted yesterday, the video already has 105k hits. For all intents and purposes, the video has gone viral. However, some are saying that Facebook is doing its best to stand in the way of people seeing it. Reports started flooding the internet claiming that Facebook was blocking the video from being posted directly to their walls.
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Exclusive: Sources Inside The BLM and Las Vegas Metro Say Feds Are Planning A Raid On Bundy Home


Bunkerville, NEVADA, April 14, 2014– As reported yesterday, hundreds of federal agents are still at the Bundy Ranch and the area continues its status as a no-fly zone. Despite major media reports that the Nevada Bureau of Land Management is retreating, the remaining activity that still surrounds the ranch illustrates a different scenario.

Not only is the BLM not actually backing off of Cliven Bundy, Sheriff Richard Mack of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association has revealed stunning information: on Ben Swann’s radio program, Mack said that he has received intelligence from multiple, credible sources inside the BLM and the Las Vegas Metro that there is “no question” that the federal government is planning a raid on the Bundy home and the homes of their children who live on the property.

According to Mack, the so-called retreat was nothing more than theatrics. “It was a ploy to get people to back off, to get people out of the way. They weren’t expecting us to get this amount of people here. They were surprised by the numbers and so they wanted a way to get us out of here. This was a ploy to get us out of here and then they’re going after the Bundys.”  Mack said that when he was at the Bundy ranch on Saturday there were an estimated 600 to 800 protesters present when federal agents were releasing the cattle.

“If they do that kind of raid, I don’t believe there’s any way that could happen without bloodshed,” Mack told Swann.

Mack spoke about the tactic that protesters used by putting women at the front of the line facing the federal agents to make them think carefully before opening fire.

“I would’ve gone next. I would’ve been the next one to be killed. I’m not afraid to die here. I’m willing to die here,” said Mack.

Mack said that he had been told by Bundy that the federal government is actively shutting down the ranching industry, specifically in Clark County. He also revealed that there used to be 53 ranches in Clark County. All of those ranchers have been put out of business, except for Bundy who is still trying to hold on. “Every American should be outraged by it,”  said Mack. The ranch has been in Bundy’s family since 1877.

Mack decried Nevada governor Brian Sandoval for declaring this situation unconstutional while doing nothing to stop it. “He could have called in the state’s national guard, could have called in the sheriff’s office, could have called in highway patrol, and he’s done nothing except assail what’s going on. That’s easy, that’s cowardly.”

Sheriff Mack also called out media including radio host Glenn Beck who he says is siding with the BLM on this issue.

“I can’t believe that there are some Americans, and some media like Glenn Beck, that are supporting the BLM in this and it’s absolutely disgraceful.”

You can listen to the full interview, including Sheriff Mack’s stunning statement, above.

Read more:

14th April:
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U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid congratulates the sheriff!

reid and gillespie
Today, LVMPD Sheriff Douglas Gillespie had the honor of being invited to the Las Vegas office of Senator Reid to receive an official proclamation congratulating the sheriff for being named “Sheriff of the Year” by the National Sheriffs’ Association.
The statement entered into the Congressional Record reads as follows:

Mr. President, I rise to honor Sheriff Doug Gillespie, of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, who was recently named the National Sheriffs’ Association’s 2014 Sheriff of the Year.
The Ferris E. Lucas Award for Sheriff of the Year is awarded to recognize an outstanding sheriff for contributions made to improve the office of sheriff at the local, State, and national levels, and for involvement in the community above and beyond the responsibilities required. By this measure, I can think of no one more deserving than Sheriff Gillespie. His tireless service as sheriff has made the Las Vegas metropolitan area a safer and better place to live, work, and raise a family.
Sheriff Gillespie has diligently served the Las Vegas community for 33 years as a metropolitan police officer, the last 7 as sheriff. Under Sheriff Gillespie’s leadership, metro has become one of only 72 intelligence-gathering fusion centers in the country. It has won the Webber Seavey Award, given for quality in law enforcement by the International Association of Chiefs of Police, for an outreach effort to strengthen police relations in the Las Vegas area. Metro is also one of only 32 departments to achieve the highest standard of accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies.
In addition to his position as sheriff, he has served in many leadership roles in other law enforcement organizations, such as board director of the National Sheriff’s Association Executive Committee, chair of the Homeland Security Committee for the Major City Chiefs Association, vice chair of the Nevada High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area Task Force, finance committee chair for the Nevada Commission for Homeland Security, and president of the Major County Sheriff’s Association.
On behalf of the U.S. Senate, I congratulate Sheriff Doug Gillespie on receiving the Ferris E. Lucas Award for Sheriff of the Year and look forward to the continuation of a career that has already made Nevada very proud.

13th April:

Bundy Ranch Standoff is over…. for now.
What is important though is that once again a simple truth has been proven, that when people stand up for their inherent rights, the Usurper can take a back seat.
So, why not eliminate the problem for good so it won’t come back?
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As of April 11, the FAA imposed a no fly zone at the area…
Bundy Ranch Area on Temporary Flight Restriction
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5 billion solar panel plant nevada

The son of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Rory Reid, is the primary representative for ENN Energy Group, a Chinese energy company seeking to build a $5 billion solar panel plant on a 9,000-acre Clark County desert plot in Laughlin, Nevada.

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BLM sells 29 oil, gas leases in northeast Nevada


Posted: Thursday, March 14, 2013 8:38 am

RENO, Nev. (AP) — Buyers snapped up 29 federal land leases totaling more than 56 square miles in a northeastern Nevada area.
This could become the state’s first oil shale fracking site.
U.S. Bureau of Land Management geologist Lorenzo Trimble tells the Las Vegas Review-Journal the Elko County oil and gas leases sold Tuesday for $1.27 million to six different companies.
The auction took place in Reno. The leases are near where Houston-based Noble Energy Inc. wants to drill for oil and natural gas on 40,000 acres of public and private land near the town of Wells.
The Review-Journal reports the project would be the first in Nevada to use hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, to extract oil and gas from shale deposits.
The BLM is conducting an environmental review of Noble’s proposal.

© 2014 Shale Reporter . All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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“The battle’s been going on for 20 years,” Cliven Bundy said. “What’s happened the last two weeks, the United States government, the bureaus are getting this army together and they’re going to get their job done and they’re going to prove two things. They’re going to prove they can do it, and they’re gonna prove that they have unlimited power, and that they control the policing power over this public land. That’s what they’re trying to prove.”

The Bundys said their appeals to local and state law enforcement and other authorities have proved futile. “This is just about power of the government,” Carol said.

“Our sheriff says he just doesn’t have authority, our governor says he doesn’t have authority, and we’re saying, why are we a state?” asked Carol.

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Family, Ranch, Freedom & Future is What I’m Fighting For

The Bundys are blogging on their ongoing experience right here.

Whether this becomes the rallying point for US Militia nationwide to take collective action is still too early to tell.
What we do hope is that all Principled Men would dare to stand up for their own dignity, and begin to stop the intrusion thereof by their own fascist state.
Freedom can only be had if you start behaving like you already have it.

Please support us by downloading our Towards Healthcare Emancipation – Premium Edition, a fully illustrated eBook about how you can implement a low cost but extensive and decisively effective healthcare system in the comfort of your own home.
With this eBook you can easily defeat cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases for good. Find out more about it here.
The proceeds from this book will be used to fund our next project, Towards Energy Emancipation.
The aim is to make the subject of free energy more understandable for the layman so that anybody could replicate and install his own power plant and be completely living off-grid.
If you haven’t done so, please like our FB page to encourage others to learn more about our work.
Thank you very much for your valuable support.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Judgment Day for Vatican

The laudable work that the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS] continues to do  against the unsuitably venerated Church of Satan, known as the Vatican Church, may not be enforceable for now, but the steadfast presentation of damning evidence against the Harlot of Darkness in Common Law Court trials may soon create an impetus for worldwide condemnation as more and more Sheeples become aware of its true nature.
Continue reading Judgment Day for Vatican

The Straw That Breaks the Cabal's Back

As always, David Wilcock’s latest article is another interesting read…
… connecting dots like no other. 😉

Flight 370: The Straw That Breaks the Cabal’s Back?

Flight 370 could have become the most devastating terrorist attack in recorded history. Could this Boeing 777 — or one just like it — have been used to murder the leaders of the top 53 nations on Earth?
Continue reading The Straw That Breaks the Cabal's Back

Common Law Community Training Manual


Establishing the Reign of Natural Liberty: The Common Law and its Courts

A Community Training Manual

Issued by The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (Brussels)

What is assembling is the first court in history to bring judgment against the Vatican and the Crown of England as institutions. But our Court also signals the dawn of a new notion of justice: one defined by the people themselves, and especially by the historic victims of church and state, to bring about not only a judgment on their persecutors, but a new political and spiritual arrangement to undo the systems responsible for intergenerational crimes against humanity
– from the founding Charter of The International Common Law Court of Justice, September 1, 2012

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Canada Exports Toxic Garbage to Philippines

A friend sent this to me…
Can you believe that “garbage” can be exported, too? A shipper from Canada sent some fifty misdeclared 40-ft container vans filled with what the Bureau of Customs found out to be “used plastic bags, bottles, newspaper, household garbage, and even used adult diapers to Manila.
Continue reading Canada Exports Toxic Garbage to Philippines

Canadian Genocide Officially Admitted

Historic Breaking News from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) – Massive Deaths of Aboriginal Children in Canada is officially admitted, as Genocide Verdict and Kevin Annett’s work are finally vindicated

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Beyond the Smoke & Mirrors