By now – October 2021 – it’s more than evident that the Big Pharma-Great Reset globalist elite are currently committing human genocide, carrying out their eugenics depopulation agenda.
Continue reading Elite’s Depopulation Agenda is Now IrrefutableCategory Archives: Bioweapons / Germ Warfare
The Military and Intelligence Origins of Public Health
In an address to a conference on the Covid-19 crisis held in Budapest, Hungary this past August Robert Kennedy gave a preview of his research results to the participants. His “Historical and Legal Perspectives of the Pandemic” takes an unusually wide view of the context in which the past 18 months unfolded.
Continue reading The Military and Intelligence Origins of Public HealthTimeline & Early Chronology of Covid-19 “Pandemic”
The authors and researchers have relied upon primary source documents whenever possible. These include official government documents and official statistics, scientific papers, original corporate documents, and direct accounts or statements by officials preserved in video.
Continue reading Timeline & Early Chronology of Covid-19 “Pandemic”Biden’s Vaccine Purge Prepares for Domestic Counter-Insurgency
American culture has been artificially shifted in the most radical way, not seen since the introduction of mandatory public schooling a century ago.
Continue reading Biden’s Vaccine Purge Prepares for Domestic Counter-InsurgencyForcing People to Take Vaccines is Not Only Ethically Awkward – It Could Prove Deadly
Given that so many medical voices have expressed concern about the mandatory vaccine mandates, why is the media not balancing their reporting with a healthy modicum of skepticism, as one would expect to find?
Continue reading Forcing People to Take Vaccines is Not Only Ethically Awkward – It Could Prove DeadlyCOVID Vaxx Certificates — Borderless Genocide
Ever since WHO mandated worldwide vaxx-certificates – a move directed and funded by the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations, not by WHO’s member states – the rope is tightening around the necks of those who decide not to go for the experimental not approved gene-therapy jab: They are not allowed in restaurants, or attending any indoor activity, be it sports or cultural events – not even the zoo.
Continue reading COVID Vaxx Certificates — Borderless GenocideFDA Allows Whistleblower Testimony that COVID-19 Vaccines are Killing and Harming People!
The FDA held a Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting yesterday (September 17, 2021) to discuss authorizing a third Pfizer COVID-19 “booster shot.”
Continue reading FDA Allows Whistleblower Testimony that COVID-19 Vaccines are Killing and Harming People!The Smoking Syringe: Was Evidence Withheld When The CDC Recommended the Pfizer Vaccine?
On Monday, August 30, 2021, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted unanimously to approve a recommendation that stated:
Continue reading The Smoking Syringe: Was Evidence Withheld When The CDC Recommended the Pfizer Vaccine?The Claim that COVID Jabs Are Safe and Effective Has Fallen Apart
“The rush to vaccinate first and research later has left you in a position whereby COVID-19 vaccination policy is now entirely divorced from the relevant evidence base.”
Continue reading The Claim that COVID Jabs Are Safe and Effective Has Fallen ApartWorkers Are Being Put in “The Line of Fire”: Organized Labour and Mandatory Vaccines
Throughout the previous year, governments and corporations have crushed the exercise of our human rights, constitutional rights, and civil liberties on a massive scale. The scope of the violations integral to the assault on people’s rights is now being rapidly extended into the imposition of government-sanctioned vaccine mandates.
Continue reading Workers Are Being Put in “The Line of Fire”: Organized Labour and Mandatory VaccinesAuthoritarian Elites Party on Regardless While Ordering Us to Follow Their Covid Rules
This week’s obscene Met Gala extravaganza is just the latest example of how the great and the good lord it over us ordinary people with astonishing chutzpah and hypocrisy. It’s time to resist their control.
Continue reading Authoritarian Elites Party on Regardless While Ordering Us to Follow Their Covid RulesHerd Stupidity
No matter how lethal, how injurious, or how fraught with other catastrophic consequences, the mass inoculation project is being pushed forward at warp speed.
Continue reading Herd StupidityIn the Name of ‘Public Safety’ Australia Descends Into a Nightmarish Orwellian Police State
The land Down Under appears to be reverting back to its original status as a penal colony as government officials, looking more like prison wardens than any servants of the people, clamp down on demonstrators weary of more Covid lockdowns.
Continue reading In the Name of ‘Public Safety’ Australia Descends Into a Nightmarish Orwellian Police StateOur Grave Concerns About the Handling of The Covid Pandemic in UK
We write as concerned doctors, nurses, and other allied healthcare professionals with no vested interest in doing so. To the contrary, we face personal risk in relation to our employment for doing so and / or the risk of being personally “smeared” by those who inevitably will not like us speaking out.
Continue reading Our Grave Concerns About the Handling of The Covid Pandemic in UKStatement of Non-Compliance with Mandatory Vaccination in Canadian Universities
First it was not even a university, but Seneca College. Then it was the University of Ottawa. Then Carleton University, the University of Western Ontario, and the University of Toronto. Now it is almost every university in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
Continue reading Statement of Non-Compliance with Mandatory Vaccination in Canadian UniversitiesNavy Commander Warns of “National Security Threat” from Mandatory Vaccination
An officer with the U.S. Navy is warning of a full-blown “national security threat” if the military moves ahead with its planned universal COVID-19 vaccination mandate, in a paper obtained exclusively by Revolver News.
Continue reading Navy Commander Warns of “National Security Threat” from Mandatory VaccinationPressure on Unvaccinated Intensifies
Dramatic steps in the war against the unvaccinated continue. Lithuania’s Cabinet yesterday voted in favor of new sweeping regulations that will further restrict the unvaccinated from participating in society.
Continue reading Pressure on Unvaccinated IntensifiesAmid Growing Calls for Vaccine Mandates, Employers and Employees Weigh Options
It’s not just businesses, the federal government and the military — the push is also on to mandate COVID vaccines for school children, despite evidence showing the benefits don’t outweigh the risks.
Continue reading Amid Growing Calls for Vaccine Mandates, Employers and Employees Weigh OptionsLeaked Document Reveals ‘Shocking’ Terms of Pfizer’s International Vaccine Agreements
Vaccine purchasers must “indemnify, defend and hold harmless Pfizer … from and against any and all suits, claims, actions, demands, losses, damages, liabilities, settlements, penalties, fines, costs and expenses … arising out of, relating to, or resulting from the vaccine.”
Continue reading Leaked Document Reveals ‘Shocking’ Terms of Pfizer’s International Vaccine AgreementsDoes COVID19 Vaccine Trade Secret Ingredients Include Graphene Oxide?
The production of vaccines is not the only area of concern whereby the existing corporate system allows trade secrets to trample upon the welfare of the population, and the basic right of the people to an informed decision.
Continue reading Does COVID19 Vaccine Trade Secret Ingredients Include Graphene Oxide?Big Pharma & Its Shills Have Substituted Lies & Coercion for Evidence and Analysis
Insanity Now Rules the Covid Hype, Rational Discourse Is Impossible
Continue reading Big Pharma & Its Shills Have Substituted Lies & Coercion for Evidence and AnalysisMore Injuries and Deaths from COVID “Vaccines” than All Previously Recorded Vaccinations
Official sources, namely EudraVigilance (EU, EEA, Switzerland), MHRA (UK) and VAERS (USA), have now recorded more Injuries and Deaths from the ‘Covid’ vaccine roll-out than from all previous vaccines combined since records began.
Continue reading More Injuries and Deaths from COVID “Vaccines” than All Previously Recorded VaccinationsCOVID Cases Are Surging in the Most-Vaxxed Countries, Not in the Least-Vaxxed
Dr. Robert Malone, who pioneered the mRNA vaccine technology is concerned that the countries with the smallest percentage of their population vaccinated have the fewest number of new Covid cases. Countries with the largest percentages of population vaccinated have surging numbers of new Covid cases.
Continue reading COVID Cases Are Surging in the Most-Vaxxed Countries, Not in the Least-Vaxxed“Our Species is Being Genetically Modified”: Humanity’s March Toward Extinction?
This year marks a seminal turning point in human history. For the first time since human civilization began, our species is being genetically modified. Vaccine manufacturers have now made it possible for the human genome to be permanently altered—and humanity’s relationship with nature forever changed—by means of an experimental pharmaceutical injection that is being falsely referred to as a “vaccine.”
Continue reading “Our Species is Being Genetically Modified”: Humanity’s March Toward Extinction?Spain’s Top Court Rules that Lockdown Was Unconstitutional
Spain’s top court has ruled that the country’s national COVID-19 lockdown was unconstitutional following a lawsuit filed by the populist Vox party.
Continue reading Spain’s Top Court Rules that Lockdown Was UnconstitutionalBritish Navy’s Flagship Hit with Covid-19 Outbreak En Route To Asia
COVID19, a highly malleable weapon of choice and the subject of 73 patents, has hit the UK Navy flagship HMS Queen Elizabeth with an outbreak on the way to Asia. But its officials are not about to discontinue its 40-country tour in the region because the rules don’t apply to them.
Continue reading British Navy’s Flagship Hit with Covid-19 Outbreak En Route To Asia“Spike Protein” The Killer in the Bloodstream
“From the beginning Covid has been a conspiracy against health and life. Covid is a profit-making agenda and an agenda for increasing arbitrary government power over people. There should be massive law suits and massive arrests of those who block effective Covid cures and impose a deadly vaccine.” – Paul Craig Roberts, Former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Ronald Reagan
Continue reading “Spike Protein” The Killer in the BloodstreamVaccine Billionaires and Human Guinea Pigs
How do you make a potentially dangerous and ineffective drug appear like a miracle of modern science? You could, for instance, enroll only certain people in clinical trials and exclude others or bring the study to a close as soon as you see a spike in the data that implies evidence of effectiveness.
Continue reading Vaccine Billionaires and Human Guinea PigsPharma Funded 2,400+ State Lawmakers’ Campaigns in 2020
The top pharmaceutical lobbyist in the 2020 elections was Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), which spent $25.9 million at the state and federal level.
Continue reading Pharma Funded 2,400+ State Lawmakers’ Campaigns in 2020Vatican Hails Vaccinations As ‘One of The Greatest Achievements’ of Modern Science
The official bioethics academy of the Catholic Church has come forward alongside a host of global medical associations to demand an end to the “myths and disinformation” interfering with the fight against Covid-19.
Continue reading Vatican Hails Vaccinations As ‘One of The Greatest Achievements’ of Modern SciencePhilippine Prez Duterte Threatens to Jail Antivaxxers and ‘inject vaccine in their butts’
Angered by the country’s low vaccination rate, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has said he may jail people who refuse to get the shot against coronavirus.
Continue reading Philippine Prez Duterte Threatens to Jail Antivaxxers and ‘inject vaccine in their butts’Florida Appeals Court Rules Mask Mandate is Unconstitutional
In April, I wrote a column outlining the constitutional violations of mask mandates and asking why the courts have failed to abide by the line of Supreme Court cases protecting the right to bodily integrity. Well, on Friday a Florida appeals court did exactly that, perhaps in more emphatic language than a Kentucky judge last week.
Continue reading Florida Appeals Court Rules Mask Mandate is UnconstitutionalSelf-Spreading Vaccines Would Deliver All Of Humanity Into The Hands Of Transhumans
Medical ethics is rapidly morphing to permit the release of contagious vaccines that would require only a small percentage of the population to be vaccinated. The rest of humanity would contract the vaccine in the same way as any contagious disease. This is fulfillment of the Transhuman goal to create H+, or Humanity 2.0.
This technology already exists and is currently being tested in the field…
Continue reading Self-Spreading Vaccines Would Deliver All Of Humanity Into The Hands Of TranshumansResponse to Fauci’s Emails Proves Everything is Fake
Watching the media coverage – or lack thereof – of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s emails and what they mean for the origin of the coronavirus, one is struck by how relentlessly fake everything is, from public health experts to science.
One of the things the emails suggest is that Fauci colluded with Peter Daszak – head of the EcoHealth Alliance, which channeled US research funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology – to suppress and dismiss any notion that the virus causing Covid-19 may not have evolved naturally.
Thing is, Daszak actually went around giving interviews about his work in China throughout last year, and nobody in the media thought to connect the dots. Simply put, Donald Trump said the virus came from China and might have come from a lab, therefore that had to be wrong and racist, end of story, case closed.
That’s just one, most recent and most acute example of Narrative trumping reality at all cost. Millions of deaths, widespread destruction of the economy, tectonic changes in society itself? Small price to pay for “progress” and ensuring the “correct” outcome of the 2020 election, the fortifiers of Our Democracy might say, without anyone batting an eye. “Build back better!” the press parrots instead.
Trump disagreeing with CNN is a mortal threat to democracy and free speech, but Biden telling a reporter he’d rather run her over with an electric truck than answer a question about the war currently going on in Israel is a funny joke, haha, how hilarious. What flavor of ice cream did you order, sir?
One of these is an official government mouthpiece, the other a "journalist." Can you tell which is which, without looking at the names?
— Nebojša Malić (@NebojsaMalic) May 27, 2021
This may seem partisan at first blush, but let’s remember this is the same media that once proudly carried water for the narrative about “Saddam’s WMDs.” So the old Democrat-vs-Republican dichotomy doesn’t really work here, and misses the bigger picture to boot.
A truly free society would have no official narratives, Australian columnist Caitlin Johnstone wrote earlier this week. Thing is, modern societies are not free, and official narratives are all they really have. Where would Joe Biden’s legitimacy be without the January 6 Capitol “insurrection” narrative?
American founders codified the First Amendment because they regarded a free press necessary for a free republic. Yet the corporate media complex and their Big Tech counterparts have become a lapdog, not a watchdog, of power. Even the agencies, once thought neutral and objective, are in on it. AP literally rewrote its stylebook to limit the use of “riot” last summer. Reuters “fact-checked” Biden’s eulogy for Robert Byrd as false because the Democrat senator wasn’t a “grand wizard” of the KKK but merely an “exalted cyclops.”
— Hannah Cox (@HannahDCox) June 2, 2021
What this Orwellian replacement of facts with narratives does is condition the public to echo Hillary Clinton’s infamous Benghazi defense: “What difference, at this point, does it make?”
“Facts” mean nothing to this crowd. “Science” isn’t a rigorous process of finding the truth, but a word-totem invoked to grant authority and banish dissent. “Truth” is whatever they declare it is at the moment, and when it stops being convenient they’ll shamelessly go back and rewrite their own words, pretending all along that that’s what they’ve always believed. Yes, it’s literally Orwellian behavior, but they don’t seem to care.
Obliterate facts? Have you looked at the mainstream reporting record over the last five years? That's the point, they've stopped caring.
— Matt Taibbi (@mtaibbi) June 3, 2021
After all, what are you going to do, change the channel? Actually, that’s happening. Month after month, ratings reports show CNN and MSNBC getting their clock cleaned by Fox News – and Tucker Carlson in particular. The response is to triple down on wokeness and Democrat talking points, while waging a veritable jihad against Fox for “misinformation.”
To think that the media will come to their senses when the reality of ratings hits them in the face, therefore, is foolish. They simply don’t give a damn. Could it be that they don’t care for money as much as they care about power? And not just proximity to political power, but the power to shape and control reality itself, to remake society according to their utopian ideas. Even assuming those ideas are good – and that’s debatable at best – having that sort of power corrupts absolutely, to borrow the expression from Lord Acton.
The media were meant to be a means through which the public collectively perceives reality – not the creators of reality itself! Yet they act as if the latter is true and intended. That’s dangerous. They believe themselves in control of reality, to the point where they’re impossible to reason with. Confront them with actual facts, or principles, or laws of physics, and they either censor you – or cackle and carry on.
Biden’s behavior starts making sense when you understand he exists in a fantasy world, entirely conjured by the press and his staff. As do thousands of activists, ‘NGOs’ and cultist consumers of US government grants around the world. How does one reach these people, who have internalized the “logic” of Who/Whom? That might be the most important question facing not just the US, but the world, very soon.
First Propaganda, Then The Criminalization Of Dissent
Soft propaganda has been building for decades, but the next phase of globalization is fully engaged: that is, the criminalization of dissent. All revolutions end up at this stage. Cancelling, incarcerating and ultimately killing dissenters. The markers for Technocracy’s coup d’etat are clearly visible. ⁃ TN Editor
Continue reading First Propaganda, Then The Criminalization Of DissentDo You Want to Finance a Killer “Vaccine” and be “Inoculated” with It? Pass Me the Cup of Hemlock!
After my wife carefully read Prof. Chossudovsky‘s startling article “Big Pharma Conglomerate with a Criminal Record: Pfizer ‘Takes Over’ EU Vaccine Market” in “Global Research” (1), she said,
“So we citizens are paying for the poison Big Pharma wants to inject us with.”
Continue reading Do You Want to Finance a Killer “Vaccine” and be “Inoculated” with It? Pass Me the Cup of Hemlock!Dr. Charles Lieber’s Connections to The Plague, The Plot, and Psychotronic Warfare
New discoveries filed in the U.S. District Court of Middle Florida against COVID-19 vaccine makers, advertisers, and distributors by a Harvard-trained public health expert, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, reveal an enterprise secreting critical information about the actual activities of Harvard’s indicted nano-chemistry professor, Charles Lieber, his connections to the alleged “plandemic,” and the “conspiracy theory” embraced by a consensus of best-informed most-honorable scientists.
Continue reading Dr. Charles Lieber’s Connections to The Plague, The Plot, and Psychotronic WarfareRevealed: Propaganda Template For Vaccine Passports
Propaganda is a one-sided and skewed presentation of the facts in order to manipulate people into doing things that they would never otherwise do if they had all the facts. Today, there is a massive propaganda campaign to establish vaccine passports and it’s coming from the very top of the Technocrat oligarchy.
Continue reading Revealed: Propaganda Template For Vaccine PassportsU.S. Gov’t Giving Away $500k for “Innovative & Effective” Facemasks
As the Biden administration insists on double-masking indefinitely and funding a design for new, better face coverings, Americans yearning to breathe free once the coronavirus pandemic is over may need to think again.
Continue reading U.S. Gov’t Giving Away $500k for “Innovative & Effective” FacemasksBelgian Judge Orders Government to Scrap COVID Lockdown
A Brussels court has decided the government’s Covid measures are illegal, due to a lack of parliamentary scrutiny. This will provide impetus to those keen to legally challenge authorities’ handling of the pandemic worldwide.
Continue reading Belgian Judge Orders Government to Scrap COVID LockdownWhat is the End Game for COVID19 Black Ops?
What is the “Big Picture” of Covid-19 (the disease), alias SARS-CoV-2 (the virus)? – Is it what we could also call the end-game, or what Aldous Huxley called the “Brave New World” (1932), science-fiction – gradually turning into reality in the form of the UN Agenda 2030 – with the implementing tool of the Bill Gates created Agenda ID2020?
Continue reading What is the End Game for COVID19 Black Ops?John Magufuli: Death of a Freedom Fighter, Confronted Big Pharma & Covid Cabal
In the Western world, African leaders are invisible, until that is, they draw the ire of the Globalati, the Pandemic Curia, the WHO, and its Virus-obsessed Media.
Continue reading John Magufuli: Death of a Freedom Fighter, Confronted Big Pharma & Covid Cabal“Vaccines” Are the Keys to World Control
“It’s better to die on your feet than to live on your knees”, ascribed to Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata, is quoted by many, but few seem willing to live it. In any case, the pharmaceutical industry and its operatives throughout government, media and the medical establishment have terrorized an already infantilized society and brought it to its collective knees.
Continue reading “Vaccines” Are the Keys to World Control53 Dead in Gibraltar 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections
Gibraltar is a British Colony at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula attached to the country of Spain. It’s population is just over 30,000 people, and it is best known for its huge “rock,” the “Rock of Gibraltar.” Initial reports after Pfizer mRNA injections are dire and need to be known worldwide.
Continue reading 53 Dead in Gibraltar 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID InjectionsHow the U.S. Turned Ukraine into A Biological Testing Ground
The Covid-19 pandemic has hit Ukraine’s health care system very hard. Problems in medical and biological safety field escalated significantly. The consequences of the reform initiated earlier by Ulana Suprun were particularly negative.
Continue reading How the U.S. Turned Ukraine into A Biological Testing GroundG7 Entrusts Covid Battle to Bill Gates, Revamps Globalization
The Group of Seven (G7) convened by videoconference at the heads-of-state level on 19 February 2021, with President Biden attending for the first time.
Continue reading G7 Entrusts Covid Battle to Bill Gates, Revamps GlobalizationUK Government Has Decided to Introduce CovID Ghettos
It has been announced that a further 1.7 million people have been added to the Covid shielding list in England – and, of course, it is the poorest among us who must keep out of sight and out of mind.
Continue reading UK Government Has Decided to Introduce CovID GhettosVulture Funds Plan to Use the Pandemic to Pillage the Global Economy
There’s a new app with a tagline that promises that you, too, can ‘profit like a landlord from just £1 with no effort’. Proptee, set to launch this year (subject to approval from the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority) allows anyone with, say, five grand to buy shares in a buy-to-let flat in London worth half a million.
Continue reading Vulture Funds Plan to Use the Pandemic to Pillage the Global EconomyAtlantic Council Braces for Opportunities of Potential Bioterror Attack
Bill Gates’ prediction that the next threat to humanity will come from a bioterror attack is giving war hawks and corporate America a reason to get excited.
Continue reading Atlantic Council Braces for Opportunities of Potential Bioterror AttackWe Are at War
We are at war. Yes. And I don’t mean the West against the East, against Russia and China, nor the entire world against an invisible corona virus.
Continue reading We Are at WarThe mRNA COVID Vaccine is Not a Vaccine
It’s NOT a vaccine. The mRNA COVID vaccine now being militarily deployed in many nations around the world, is NOT a vaccine. I repeat: it is not a vaccine. It is many things indeed, but a vaccine is not one of them.
Continue reading The mRNA COVID Vaccine is Not a VaccineA Fabricated Second “Tidal Wave” of Poverty and Injustice
Crimes against Humanity. The people who are implementing and enforcing lockdown measures are directly contributing to the untold suffering and deaths of millions of people.
Continue reading A Fabricated Second “Tidal Wave” of Poverty and Injustice