Venezuela’s Maduro has followed his predecessor, the late Chavez, in uplifting the workers of his country. This salary increases were done on top of a massive housing campaign started by Chavez himself who died of cancer earlier.
Continue reading Venezuela Raised 64% Salary for its Workers
Category Archives: Brave New World
Total War Against BRICS
Here’s Pepe Escobar’s detailed analysis of what’s going on the surface of the ongoing battle for the control of the planet.
It’s now total war against the BRICS
Over 100 former Israeli Officials Urge Peace with Palestinians
Over 100 former Israeli officials urge peace with Palestinians
Continue reading Over 100 former Israeli Officials Urge Peace with Palestinians
An End to The Crown [ITCCS]
<pJust one of the reasons why a poorly produced false flag operation must be served even at this late hour.
An End to the Crown: Republic of Kanata convenes
51 countries declare banking secrecy ‘obsolete’, sign pact in Berlin [RT]
Published time: October 30, 2014 16:18

Continue reading 51 countries declare banking secrecy ‘obsolete’, sign pact in Berlin [RT]
BAR Members vs. Unified Common Law Grand Jury
Here’s a good empirical illustration on the supremacy of the Common Law Court over Admiralty Court of England.
Breaking News
Continue reading BAR Members vs. Unified Common Law Grand Jury
Ebola: Cabal's Last Card?
When pictures and videos about Ebola were released, we already noticed how poorly the production was executed. In fact, of all the false flags they’ve produced in recent memory, it was the 9/11 that could be classified as the blockbuster, second only to Pearl Harbor. Continue reading Ebola: Cabal's Last Card?
MSM Outlets Censor Themselves, Cover Up for Obama [CBS Reporter]
Sharyl Attkisson of the Washington Post has written a book detailing her frustrations about the persistent censorship and active cover up of the mainstream media on the misdemeanors of the Obama administration.
Another whistleblower has just confirmed some of our “conspiracy theories”, and there will be more…
Mainstream media outlets cover up for President Obama and kill unfavorable stories’: Bombshell claims made by former CBS reporter in explosive new book
Continue reading MSM Outlets Censor Themselves, Cover Up for Obama [CBS Reporter]
Brazil's Poor Majority Reelected Rousseff
As founding member of the BRICS, Brazil’s Rousseff reelection should ensure further stability on the organization.
Continue reading Brazil's Poor Majority Reelected Rousseff
Praising Putin
Everybody should know by now what is happening in countries forced fed with US brand of democracy, e.g. Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya. Ethnic firefights and deteriorating quality of life are the norms rather than the exception.
Upon launching a smooth transition from Pentagon enforced occupation to CIA / ISIL oil fields control, the White House is now more than ready to hand over military control of Baghdad to the proper local authorities.
While it is relatively easy for us to point these facts, Putin, in his position as the President of Russia, must choose the “right words” to avoid backlash from western government and media, but not this time.
Continue reading Praising Putin
Putin Scolded Exceptional United States Anew
Knowing you have the moral high ground does give you the authority to provide instructive advice to those who claimed to be exceptional but are not.
Continue reading Putin Scolded Exceptional United States Anew
Asian World Bank Launched
As promised, China together with 20 other countries inaugurate their infrastructure investment bank which would rival the ADB and WorldBank.
Continue reading Asian World Bank Launched
Argentina vs. Vulture IMF
Argentina is threading on the same path as did Iceland and Ecuador, but which Greece and Cyprus did not, and with the help of the BRICS, it should be able to keep its sovereignty intact and the vultures starving.
Continue reading Argentina vs. Vulture IMF
We can surely interpret Lavrov’s statement below in a number of ways, but I think the most plausible is the optimistic literal translation of the phrase, “redistribution of resources”
Has the Corporation Finally Stepped Down? – Keenan [Updated]
UPDATE FALSE FLAG: Neil has just asked me to post this for him relating to the earlier Grammy J posting:
Neil has managed to do a lot of digging and much effort to try to get to the bottom of the ‘information’ he had heard. He has spoken to the Dragon family and the Pentagon to discover that it is indeed a False Flag coordinated by an agent of the Bush faction as a distraction and to create confusion.
Continue reading Has the Corporation Finally Stepped Down? – Keenan [Updated]
With regards to progress and development, there is no stopping for the BRICS. This massive partnership is based primarily on mutual respect and prosperity which is what the New Silk Road symbolizes.
The Eastern Alliance is more than ready and sincerely committed to finance the redevelopment of the planet, including the financing of massive rehabilitation of Western economies for as long as the purge of dangerous parasites is done as soon as possible.
Prelude to NESARA
The whirlwind tours and state visits of BRICS leaders across the four corners of the globe for the last couple of months, the consistent Russian position against NATO aggressions, and the scheduled “simulation” of a banking collapse next week, should give us enough hint that something big is about to happen.
The most anticipated event is so grand even the mainstream media couldn’t contain it, and no amount of false flag operations could ever stop it.
Continue reading Prelude to NESARA
Global Arrests Imminent [Anonymous]
BRICS Rising
BRICS countries continue to make headlines and are gaining more allies along the way.
Four of the BRICS founding members are in the New Emerging G7 countries.
Continue reading BRICS Rising
Palestine is A Sovereign State [Sweden]
“… and US should not decide our internal policies.” These are the brave words of the female Foreign Minister of Sweden, Margot Wallström.
As each day passes, more and more personalities and countries are joining the bandwagon that shun the actions and policies of the United States and the Crown, risking reputations and lives in the process.
Continue reading Palestine is A Sovereign State [Sweden]
Korean ReUnification
If left alone the two Koreas would have reunited long ago. It is only when a third party keep sowing political intrigue that a division is sustained.
Just like a persistent bacteria that hinders the complete healing of a wound, the West keeps its “democratically” infested colonies from working together towards mutual progress.
Continue reading Korean ReUnification
Stop Being Stupid & Revolt
These are the preemptive words of Mr. Lyndon LaRouche as he warned the impending imposition of Martial Law using the Ebola false flag epidemic.
Continue reading Stop Being Stupid & Revolt
Past civilizations on this planet may have gone so far than what we were taught but may not be farther than what we have attained right now. There’s no indication that they have reached a level comparable to our communication grid, i.e. the internet.
The internet has carried critical information away from the control grid and into the consciousness of the masses, through which spun a potpourri of ideas never before explored in a scale as it is today.
When comparing between contrasting philosophies we tend to look at the character of those who advance them. We seek to know more about the people involved.
In the case between BRICS and NWO, the choice is simple enough just by looking at the leaderships. We could go back much farther into the recent past and look at what they had actually done in any given situation.
Even in the absence of adequate exposure, those who are directly affected of their actions can objectively say that BRICS is a far better alternative.
New World Order in Chaos [Kissinger]
Another notorious Nazi, Henry Kissinger, who penned the justification of the plot to eliminate 95% of the global population, has acknowledged that their New World Order is in total disarray.
Continue reading New World Order in Chaos [Kissinger]
Final Cabal Takedown Imminent [Drake]
As confirmed globally, the final takedown against the Cabal is imminent.
2 years of waiting for the green light could be over soon.
Continue reading Final Cabal Takedown Imminent [Drake]
The deliberate distortion of the Scottish Referendum is starting to backfire against The Monarchy of the Bauers in control of the City of London.
Their paid hacks in the media and politics can deny to their teeth that these malfeasance have occurred but the people won’t be fooled, nor will they ever listen to these scoundrels ever again.
Already there is a developing wave of thousands joining the pro-independence movement after the exposure of the fraud on the global alternative media. The online petition for the rejection of the fraudulent canvassing of votes has gained more than 70 thousand signatures on its first day alone.
Membership to the pro-independence movement has swelled to thousands.
Aggressive Reciprocity 2.0
You don’t deploy 100,000 of your troops, some coming 5,000 kilometers away, just for the game’s sake.
The recent missile attack on an ammunition depot in East Ukraine suggests that Russia just can’t take NATO’s aggressive maneuvers in the area lightly.
September is the month for settling dues. Will this be the month when payment should be extracted rather more forcefully?
Continue reading Aggressive Reciprocity 2.0
Here at eClinik Learning we always evaluate and give more weight to actions taken rather than the face value of the words spoken. We give them the luxury and benefit of the doubt.
There are articles to the contrary, but it may be valid to consider that Vladimir Putin is the face of the global resistance at this point. Truly, he did rise from the perimeter of the Oligarchs but his actions seem to betray them.
Below, is a long tribute to Mr. Putin…
Aggressive Reciprocity
The ongoing US/NATO vs. Russia Military Exercises are too close for comfort.
We know that the Old Guards are bleeding, and the Reformists are conducting constructive and transparent meetings in quick succession after another in the last few days, we can hardly keep up.
The Ukrainian coup-installed government is in panic mode judging from its volatile stand against humanitarian aid from Russia. They are even bombing the OSCE observers in MH-17 ground zero.
Continue reading Aggressive Reciprocity
All Out Civil War
One sheriff promises an action-packed response just in case Obama and the Corporate US start taking guns from his county…
Continue reading All Out Civil War
Warning Merkel on Russian ‘Invasion’ Intel
Continue reading Warning Merkel on Russian ‘Invasion’ Intel
Monsanto Suffers Legal Blackeye in Mexico
Previously, the most populous nation of the world, China has rejected the renewal of GMO use in its farms. Now, it’s Mexico’s turn to kick the food manipulators out.
The only caveat is: legal measures are simply not enough. People in the fields need to replace the seeds and completely avoid buying them from underground channels.
Grassroot information drive against GMO should be amplified.
Mexican Judge Departs From Script, Turns Monsanto’s Mexican Dream Into Legal Nightmare
Putin Addresses East Ukraine as New Russia
We are indeed witnessing the endgame playing.
Spinning actual events by Nazionists media only reveals they’re running out of time.
So, sit tight and buckle up.
‘Anything US touches turns into Libya or Iraq’: Top Putin quotes at youth forum
Edited time: August 29, 2014 23:10
‘United Continent’: European volunteers fighting Kiev troops in Eastern Ukraine
European volunteers are streaming into Ukraine to join the fighting on both sides. While Kiev’s forces are beefed up with mercenaries from private military companies, Europeans have also come to defend the rebel Donbass region of their own free will.
continue reading »
Russia-led military bloc ready to send peacekeepers to Ukraine
Ukrainian Forces Surrounded by Militia in the Country’s South-East
Putin Directly Addressed Rebels In Ukraine For The First Time, And He Used A Frightening Word To Describe Them
RIA-Novosti, Alexei Nikolsky, Presidential Press Service/AP
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday publicly addressed pro-Russian rebels fighting in southeastern Ukraine for the first time , praising their “major success” inside Ukraine.
The Kremlin released a late-night statement from Putin on its website in which he appealed to the militia of “Novorossyia,” or “New Russia.”
Ukrainians Rise Up @ Kiev's Independence Square

US$ 150 Trillion Lawsuit Against the Cabal
November 19, 2012
Dear Benjamin Fulford:
I am writing to inform you of a pending $150 Trillion US Dollar legal action between King George Watene Tautari of the Maori and the New Zealand Government/The Crown. I am also writing to ask for your help. The Maori King must raise funds to pay the legal costs to bring his Case to the International Court of Justice in The Hague.
Firstly, I will share with you the highlights of the case.
In essence, this starts in 1760, when King George 111 of England and King Waitaheke Tautari of the Maori entered into a Private Trade Agreement. King George was bankrupt at this time and needed help to discharge his debt.
The agreement was for the Maori to collect Kauri trees (which produce a hardwood for boat building and fine furniture) and trade them for gold bullion. The gold bullion was to be held in trust by the King of England and all colonial lands owned by the Maori people throughout the world would be leased for a 99 year period by The Crown with an agreed upon 60/40 split (60% to Maori and 40% to the English). In addition, all Commonwealth colonies had access to the gold bullion (which was being held in Trust by the King of England), and could borrow against it, as long as they returned it with interest in gold bullion.
In 1820, the agreement was still active, with Kauri trees continuing to be harvested and sold for gold bullion. In the early 1820’s, King Ngawaka Tautari of the Maori set up 59 Merchant (Creditor) Banks using the interest on the gold to finance and back bank guarantee hundreds of Wholesale/Retail (Debtor) banks in 59 countries. In 1911, King Ngawaka Tautari’s successor, using the compounding interest from the 59 Merchant banks set up a 60th Merchant/Creditor Bank (BNZ), which was bank guaranteed by the 59 Merchant Banks.
In 1995, King George Watene Tautari succeeded his father and for the past 14 years, has been trying to unravel what has happened to his people’s wealth.
He discovered that in 1967 the accounts set up by his ancestors were being illegally accessed and the funds being withdrawn. Furthermore, in 1992, the 1000+ accounts, which had enormous amounts of money in them (48 zeros), were changed from grey screens to black screens without legal authorization, and the accounts were credited to 60 individual Maori names with 1000’s of subsidiary accounts for each name. Also, in 1992, the BNZ Merchant/Creditor Bank was illegally sold and the $12 Billion in assets were seized and distributed amongst the NZ Government, the US Government, the CIA, FBI, and others, and came to be known as the “Wine Box Enquiry”. The details of all of this, are well presented in the documents (see attached PDF file).
The historical explanation is contained in the letter of October 2, 2012, from King George Watene Tautari to NZ Prime Minister John Key, which starts on page 27 (see attached PDF file) .
Letters from King George of the Maori to the Prime Minister of Australia, the UN, the World Bank, heads of Corporations that were fraudulently sold and many others are also included. King George is seeking payment of $150 Trillion US Dollars in damages; the return of all businesses and property sold fraudulently; and return of 60% ownership of all NZ Crown and NZ Government Corporations to King George Watene Tautauri of Maori Nation.
The initial Notice and Cease and Desist letters are dated October 2, 2012. As there was no legal reply, Notices of Default were sent out are dated November 13 and received on November 15 and 16, 2012 (see attached).
In order to pay the expected legal costs in the World Court, King George Watene Tautari needs about $100M. King George has instructed his Attorney General Neal Lyster to seek investors willing to participate in a 50% /50% JV Private Placement Program that has been offered to him. The King and his Attorney General believe that this is the best why to quickly generate the required funds for his legal case.
I am no expert with regard to these high yield Programs, however I know they offer exceptional returns. Attorney General, Neal Lyster is well versed with these types of platforms and will detail the investment to any interested investors. Recently, Neal described to me in writing how this Platform is managed as follows:
“A Managed Buy Sell or MBS is where a Manager Sells the Investor the Bank MTN or BG’s.
Then the Manager arranges the Exit Buyer for the Investor.
This happens very quickly like within an hour so the Investor is not out of Pocket at all.
The Investor must put up a minimum of 100M and he / she gets back 20% of the sale price per tranche.
If an Investor is willing to fund a court action I would expect a fair way to do it would be 50-50 share of the profits.
1% is always shared with the Brokers split 50% Buyer side 50% sell side”
Attorney General Neal Lyster is available to speak to you about this legal case and the managed MBS in detail.
I am not a licensed agent and this is not an offering of shares or securities.
The reason I am writing this letter to you is because I was recently approached by Neal Lyster to seek financial support to pay for expenses for the legal case. I originally connected with Prince Neal about 7 years ago, when I was seeking funding for an ecological city I wanted to build in Mexico (where I currently live, I am Canadian land developer). We ended up becoming friends, as we share many of the same values and interests, especially in regards to the environment. He recalled that I had worked in China over 6 years (1992-1998), with the Chinese Electrical Utility President and other high level bureaucrats to introduce ecologically friendly coal powered plants. He thought I may still have some contacts.
After some reflection, I realized I did not know anyone from my past who had an understanding of global issues, and who would be motivated to assist. I realized also, that asking an Asian person or group made sense, as any other group with ties to the UK and Commonwealth could be in a conflict of interest.
I thought of you Ben, because I have followed your work for years and have a lot of respect for what you do. I am especially impressed with your ability to connect the dots and I believe you to be an honest man. I also know from your background, that you have a lot of knowledge and experience with respect to high level financial transactions, including trades. And lastly, I resonate with your values and goals as I have spent a big part of my life on environmental initiatives.
As to the journalistic details of this pending legal case, to my knowledge, this has not been reported in any news outlet of significance (it has been reported in a Maori newspaper). The people whose names appear of the letters obviously know of the case, but from what I hear they have taken no legal action, nor offered any defence and are likely unsure of how to proceed. I believe Neal and King George would welcome journalistic coverage. I would ask you to speak with Neal about what he is comfortable about revealing before you report on this $150 Trillion Claim. As you can see from the most recent Notice of Default, this letters were received on November 15th and 16th, 2012 so this news is very current.
I suspect your emails are monitored, however what I am presenting here is not secret and it will eventually get out.
If you can help in any way, please respond to me via return email.
I thank you in advance for anything you can do to help King George of the Maori.
My warmest regards,
Dear Mr. Burton,
First you need to understand that you are standing in a long line of creditors to a bankrupt entity. Nonetheless, I am sure that the New Zealand government can be made to offer a plea bargain. However, it must be on behalf of the Maori people as a whole and not a specific king.
Is it OK if I publish your letter minus without your personal details?
Benjamin Fulford
Dear Benjamin,
Thank you for your e-mail. I agree with your observations.
The Maori as a whole will benefit.
Yes you may publish my letter minus my personal data.
The Crown may be Bankrupt…. there is a lot of Gold in New Zealand
that belongs to the Kings family and the Maori people.
Some say that the Markos Gold is also hidden in NZ.
There is known to be Gold in storage under three Air Ports.
There is a greater story here if you get into the Wine Box Inquiry.
The NZ, and US Governments the CIA, FBI and others stole 12 Billion
from the Kings family Bank.
If you require more details, you can speak to Attorney General Neal Lyster.
Would you like him or myself to call you?
My warmest regards,
source »
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.
You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.