Category Archives: Brave New World

Will Greece Be First in Europe To Join BRICS?

The newly elected Greek government remains defiant amid the scaremongering of European bankers led by Germany.
They are holding on to their campaign commitment of not accepting austerity-bearing loans, and they are demanding that Germany should pay for the economic damages it had inflicted on Greece during World War 2. These damages included interest-free bank loans and infrastructure damages it made against Greece.

Will Greece Be First in Europe
To Join the BRICS?

by Dean Andromidas
[PDF version of this article]
Feb. 2—The Greek people gave Syriza and the Independent Greeks an overwhelming mandate in the July 25 elections to say “ochi” (“no”) to their foreign oppressors. The performance of the new government, led by these two parties, in its first week in office, demonstrates that it is fulfilling expectations—much to the consternation of the Euro-fanatics bent on saving their dying financial system.
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Greek Municipality Removes EU Flag

Patras, Greece authorities have removed the flag of the European Union from the city’s town hall, citing locals’ ‘hatred’ toward the supranational organization.
Municipal authorities in the Greek city of Patras have removed the blue and gold flag of the European Union from the city’s town hall, citing the ‘hatred’ locals feel toward the political-economic union.
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Greece Just Killed the "Troika"


Original article:
“Nigel Farage commonly used “troika” to explain how the Greek government was run after the euro crisis in Greece. Farage pronounced “troika” as a derogatory term to refer to a “dictatorship” that is composed of a member of the International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank, and European Commission that “flies into Athens Airport and tells what the Greeks can or can not do.” [Wikipedia] Greece, under the Syriza administration, is keeping its campaign promise of not taking any more bailout funds from the Union nor fully cooperating with it, effectively destroying the Union itself.
No less than Eurogroup chief Jeroen Dijsselbloem admitted this to be a fact.
Spaniards may be navigating g on the same track.
It is interesting to note that while Germany is threatening Greece about further “haircut”, or that the latter could be facing shortage of paper money soon, Russia is offering to bail Greece out should it decide to ask for it.
All of these mind-blowing events are happening within the first week only of Syriza Party”s hold on the Greek government.  Yanis Varoufakis, the new finance minister, is also a blogger.
Watch the BBC interview on Yanis Varoufakis, too.  It’s pretty clear the Cabal journalist is having a hard time.
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Podemos March for ‘change’ in Madrid [Updated]

This is another headache for the European Cabalists…

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Greek Debt Restructuring Will Burst $100 Trillion Bond Bubble

Syriza’s rise to power in Greece spells the end of the Euro and the high probability of the $100 Trillion derivatives bubble to burst. This obviously is causing sleepless nights for the Cabal.
This is probably one of the reasons why New York City must be shut down in order to give the wolves in Wall Street plenty of time to regroup.
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Greece Shows What Can Happen When The Young Revolt Against Corrupt Elites

By Paul Mason
January 25, 2015 “ICH” – “The Guardian” –  At Syriza’s HQ, the cigarette smoke in the cafe swirls into shapes. If those could reflect the images in the minds of the men hunched over their black coffees, they would probably be the faces of Che Guevara, or Aris Velouchiotis, the second world war Greek resistance fighter. These are veteran leftists who expected to end their days as professors of such esoteric subjects as development economics, human rights law and who killed who in the civil war. Instead, they are on the brink of power.
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The Greeks end debt slavery, a bad king dies, the Russians attack, central banks panic and the Davos elite fiddle while the world burns

The world revolution against cabal rule and Babylonian style debt slavery continues to unfold, leaving Europe and the Middle East in turmoil. The Greeks made the boldest move last week when they kicked out the cabal slave government and elected a government promising to end debt slavery.
Continue reading The Greeks end debt slavery, a bad king dies, the Russians attack, central banks panic and the Davos elite fiddle while the world burns

Greeks Won, Bankers Lost in Syriza's Sweep

The people of Greece have spoken. They are officially tired of the bankers and its pro-banker government’s austerity programs which robbed them of their dignity to live as humans.
This is another blow to the euro currency and the EU bloc itself.
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Switzerland Adds to List of Countries Dumping Dollar / Euro

The global movement away from the dollar continues to gain traction when the Swiss central bank signed a pact with China to trade only in yuan or renminbi.
Still, the mainstream media refuse to cover this significant departure…
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China to Bail Out Finland Pork Industry

China’s soft power continues to gain ground…
Although China can surely produce and supply its own need for pork, she opted to buy them from far-off Finland, a country which complied with the Cabal’s economic sanction against Russia, and subsequently suffered from the latter’s retaliatory ban against European products.
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Putin's Black Swan vs. West

Just as 2014 was ending, we were made aware of an imminent Black Swan event. That event is already happening starting from the final decision to stop supplying natural gas to NATO by the withdrawal of South Stream project in favor of Turkish Stream.

Paul Craig Roberts – Russia To Unleash Ultimate Black Swan Against The West

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Counter Color Revolution Launched

The so-called “color revolutions” that saw action in Hong Kong, Ukraine, and the Arab Spring before them, are now facing a worthwhile antagonist.
These color revolutions are feeding the Cabalists’ Agenda of Global control by removing non-conformist governments like that of Assad in Syria, Qaddafi’s Libya and Saddam’s Iraq..
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Wipe Out Wall Street, the Detonator for World War

by Jeffrey Steinberg

Jan. 5—The maelstrom in the trans-Atlantic financial markets is gathering strength, sucking in more and more financial institutions, and threatening a systemic collapse, starting with the crash of the euro. The Greek elections, which are a harbinger of that nation leaving the euro, are still three weeks away, and the oil price appears to have no bottom. 2015 has begun with a bang.
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What Putin is Not Telling Us

Obama is said to be a great orator, but oration is just a glorified monologue. Hosting a press conference during a “perfect storm” requires an in-depth mastery of the whole geopolitical craft, and Vladimir Putin has done it again.
Whereas, Obama speeches is more like an early reelection campaign, Putin tackles heavy questions with detailed responses leaving few or no ambiguities, the mainstream Cabalist media could not stand.
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China Extends $3 Billion Aid to Europeans; Monitoring Ruble

While China has been asserting its ownership of the major portion of the  Collateral Accounts, it’s not leaving everybody behind.
Last December 16th,
“At a meeting with the leaders of 16 Central and Eastern European countries (CEE) in the Serbian capital of Belgrade on Tuesday, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang announced a new investment fund of $3 billion to facilitate financing in the cash-strapped countries.”
However, this is not news for the mainstream media…
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How U.S. Sanctions Backfiring on Cabalists Banks Globally

This is just one of those factors that we mean when we said that Russia’s falling ruble is still serving Russia’s interest in the long term.
Russian financial crisis is not really Russia’s…
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Obama May Visit Cuba After Reestablishing Diplomatic Relations: White House

23:46 17.12.2014
White House spokesperson Josh Earnest stated that US President Barack Obama may visit Cuba, following the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between Washington and Havana.

WASHINGTON, December 17 (Sputnik) – US President Barack Obama may pay a visit to Cuba amid restoring diplomatic relations between Washington and Havana, White House spokesperson Josh Earnest said Wednesday.
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Russia Continues Nuclear Arms Reductions in ‘Businesslike Way’: US Official

01:38 18.12.2014
The Under Secretary of State for Arms Control stated that both Russia and the United States are faithfully implementing the New START Treaty, aiming to greatly reduce the number of deployed strategic nuclear warheads by 2018.
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Obama Lifting Sanctions on Cuba; Flip-flopping on More Russia Sanctions

These may confirm Fulford’s hypothesis that Obama is now getting his orders from different handlers, to which the Vatican may have also given its nod to during Kerry’s visit to the Crown a few days ago.
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Italy Arrests Calabrian Mobsters as Rome Mob Probe Widens

By Steve Scherer, ROME Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:05am EST
(Reuters) – Italian police arrested two suspected mobsters on Thursday as part of a widening investigation into a mafia-like group in Rome that allegedly bribed senior city officials to obtain lucrative contracts.
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Italy Police Break Up International Money Laundering Ring in Rome

By Steve Scherer, ROME Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:27pm EST
(Reuters) – Italian finance police on Wednesday arrested 17 people accused of running an international money laundering ring through a British-based money transfer services company which was used to shuttle illegal proceeds abroad, mostly to China.
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Names Redacted; CIA Torture Report Sparks Bush Arrest Plea

Published on Dec 15, 2014

Just last week, the Senate Intelligence Committee released their full report on inhumane CIA torture tactics. Even though the report says former President George W Bush was kept in the dark until 2006, many people still believe he should be held accountable for the actions of the CIA during his term as Commander-in-Chief. In fact, the International Criminal Court has in their hands, an official request document for the immediate arrest of George W Bush.

Joining us today, is professor Francis Boyle from the University of Illinois’ College of Law. He’s very closely connected with the ICC, and is reporting on the status of the Bush arrest warrant request.

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BRICS Departing from the War Path into Peaceful Scientific Pursuit

Science is like a two-bladed sword; it can be used to build and destroy things. It is the intention and purpose that really matters.
In the case of the BRICS, they are moving away from the destructive use of scientific knowledge. It is now up to the West to reciprocate.
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Common Law Sheriffs and OathKeepers Will Arrest Pope During US Visit

Here are the latest updates from the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS].
This update also emphasizes the true power of the Common Law over Corporate Courts, and present one of the peaceful solution to the dissolution of all Corporate Governments worldwide.

Common Law Sheriffs will arrest convicted criminal, “Pope Francis”, during September 2015 USA visit

>Posted on December 8, 2014
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The Importance Of The Cancellation Of South Stream

by Alexander Mercouris
The reaction to the cancellation of the Sound Stream project has been a wonder to behold and needs to be explained very carefully.
In order to understand what has happened it is first necessary to go back to the way Russian-European relations were developing in the 1990s.
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The Next Stage is the Revolution of Love

Although there are persistent attempts to steer the ongoing awakening to suit a corrupt, selfish agenda, there exist a third force which is so determine, unrelenting in its purpose for unified evolution, a far greater force that encompasses all of us.
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ex-Police Captain Says Cops Are Mercenaries for Corporations

The Real Reason Why West Wants to Own Iran

It’s not about the persistent desire for nuclear capabilities. It is about its rich resources that Iran must be acquired at all cost.
There a lot of reasons why the Iranian government must be put under their control. First, Iranians have been executing bankers for fraud. Second it is always defying pointed instructions from the  West. Third, Iran is embarking on a knowledge-based economy, and fourth, it’s sustained implementation of its “economy of resistance” against the wolves of the banking industry.
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The Critical Mass Has Been Achieved

In the ‘70s, my older folks used to discuss about the reality of occult organizations and that includes extraterrestrial entities that have visited this planet for thousands of years. I was too young then but I already understood the “plausibility” of their understanding on these subjects. But I never really have my own confirmations until 1990s, when I began to dig deeper into the subject. From there, the journey towards what I hesitantly would call my enlightenment never stops, and I don’t believe that is exclusive.
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The $9 Billion Witness: JPMorgan Chase's Worst Nightmare

Meet the woman JPMorgan Chase paid one of the largest fines in American history to keep from talking

She tried to stay quiet, she really did. But after eight years of keeping a heavy secret, the day came when Alayne Fleischmann couldn’t take it anymore.
“It was like watching an old lady get mugged on the street,” she says. “I thought, ‘I can’t sit by any longer.'”
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More Signs of The Empire Crumbling

Revolutions are everywhere. Be it at the national level or in every individual, there is that fire that wants to set the soul free from the bondage of systematic imperial control.
There is now a globalized movement for freedom aggressively clashing on with the Cabalists’ desire to preserve its imperialistic status.
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Putin Played Critical Role After The Pre-Planned Collapse Of The USSR

Vladimir Putin’s Russia: Perfect Foil To The Anglo-American Axis And Their New World ‘Order’

State of the Nation
Why is the Anglo-American Axis so afraid of Putin and determined to bring him down?
No world leader has been so demonized by the West over the past decade as President Vladimir Putin of Russia has.
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Putin, Xi Jinping Sign Mega Gas Deal 2.0

President Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping have signed a memorandum of understanding on the so-called “western” gas supplies route to China. The agreement paves the way for a contract that would make China the biggest consumer of Russian gas.
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China Announces $40 B Silk Road fund

November 8, 2014, 5:04 pm

The Silk Road connected China and Europe from around 100 B.C. The 4,000-mile road linked ancient Chinese, Indian, Babylonian, Arabic, Greek and Roman civilizations [Xinhua]
The Silk Road connected China and Europe from around 100 B.C. The 4,000-mile road linked ancient Chinese, Indian, Babylonian, Arabic, Greek and Roman civilizations [Xinhua]
Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday announced China will contribute $40 billion to set up a Silk Road Fund to strengthen connectivity in the Asia-Pacific region.
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BRICS is Unstoppable

The BRICS agenda of progressive cooperation between its 188 member countries is expected to dominate the APEC meeting this week. Already, Russia and China have agreed to formulate a unified stand on issues which could affect the planned New Silk Road that will cover the perimeter countries of both superpowers.
BRICS progressive global intercourse is a far cry to the genocidal character of the West.
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EU Cabalists Resort to Bullying & Tax Evasion

Here’s another sign that the EU has become more and more powerless each passing day.
Since the day Hungary decided to strengthen its ties with the more progressive BRICS, EU started applying pressure on their leaders through travel sanctions and similar dirty tactics.
Fortunately for Hungary, the Cabalist EU may have only a few months to  live.
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