The New World Order Under the Pretext of War in Ukraine

The conflict in Ukraine was not opened by Russia on February 24, but by Ukraine a week before. The OSCE is a witness to this. This peripheral conflict had been planned by Washington to impose a New World Order from which Russia, then China, were to be excluded. Don’t be fooled!

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Ukrainian Nationalists Who Tortured Russian Soldiers on Video Captured by RSF

Earlier, a video was circulated on social media in which several armed Ukrainians were seen torturing and shooting captured Russian soldiers, prompting calls for Kiev to address the issue.

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Intrepid Ground Reporter Finds Russians Welcomed as Liberators in West Propagandized Henichesk City

Propaganda has been spread on the Wikipedia page of Henichesk, stating the following: “On 24 February 2022, Henichesk was captured by the Russian Army in the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. It was where the famous incident occurred where an old woman confronted Russian soldiers and said ‘Put sunflower seeds in your pockets so they grow on Ukraine soil when you die,’ as well as the death of Vitalii Shakun blowing up a bridge to stop their advance.”

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Hunter Biden Secure $Millions for Pentagon BioWeapons Research in Ukraine vs Russian Genome

Just like with the designer SARS virus that they’ve used to eliminate the East Asian genome from the face of the Earth decades ago, and repeated again via COVID19, so too is the case with the 30 biolabs in Ukraine where they sought the full elimination of the Russian genome for the eventual control of the resource-rich Russian Federation land mass — that’s the consequence of the revelations made at the Daily Mail.

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Ukraine’s Propaganda War: International PR Firms, DC Lobbyists and CIA Cutouts

Since the Russian offensive inside Ukraine commenced on February 24, the Ukrainian military has cultivated the image of a plucky little army standing up to the Russian Goliath.

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Rubles for Gas Purchase Ensures “Unfriendly Countries” Prop Up Russian Economy

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on March 23 that natural gas payments from so-called unfriendly countries will be made in rubles from now on. He stressed however that Russia will continue to supply gas to other countries according to the volume and price specified in previously signed contracts.

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As New Purge of Fifth Columnists Approaches, Anatoly Chubais Jumps Ship

A fifth column has become increasingly embedded across all levels of America’s military, intelligence, bureaucratic, corporate, media and academic influence- very few westerners have any clear idea how this same structure has expressed itself in the nations of Eurasia.

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UK Was Worried Assange’s Weeding Would Mar Its ‘Media Freedom’ Event

Worried about a backlash over Julian Assange during its lavish 2019 “Media Freedom” event, emails show the Foreign Office monitored activity online, developed ‘lines to take’ and warned ‘we should be ready’.

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Ukraine : The Great Manipulation

While revelations are multiplying about the exactions committed by Ukrainian banditry over the past eight years, Westerners continue to perceive only the suffering of the Ukrainian civilian population. They are unaware of the root causes of the war, as well as the events that led the Kremlin to unleash it. No matter, the banditry is losing and the great powers are preparing for peace.

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Biggest Lie in World History: The Data Base is Flawed. There Never Was A Pandemic.

Destabilizing the social, political and economic structure of 190 sovereign countries cannot constitute  a “solution” to combating the virus. But that was the imposed “solution” which was implemented in several stages from the very outset of the corona crisis in January 2020.  It’s the destruction of people’s  lives. It is the destabilization of civil society.

Continue reading Biggest Lie in World History: The Data Base is Flawed. There Never Was A Pandemic.

‘FDA is in on the cover-up’ | Former BlackRock Advisor

In an interview with former BlackRock advisor Edward Dowd on “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast,” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dowd discussed why they believe COVID vaccine makers committed fraud, and government agencies know it.

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This is What Liberal War Fever Looks Like

We all know that the western media’s Ukraine coverage has been highly charged, playing on western feelings of sympathy for (some) underdog ‘victims’, and directing feelings towards a moral outrage that insists – even demands – retribution and punishment for the perceived perpetrators.

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“Nearly Half of Moscow’s Assets were Simply Stolen by the West” | Putin

The Russian president says the “myth of the Western welfare state, of the so-called golden billion, is crumbling”. According to Putin, from now on the West will be losing its “global dominance” both politically and economically.

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Why is the West Silent About Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Movements, Azov Battalion, & Bandera Legacy?

French President Emmanuel Macron claimed in his Wednesday address to the nation that Russia’s special operation to demilitarise and “de-Nazify” Ukraine is “not a fight against Nazism”, thus joining the chorus of political leaders and media outlets in the West who downplay or altogether deny the problem of Ukrainian ultra-nationalism.

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Russia Has Just Cause Unlike a Legion of US/NATO War Criminals

Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, now in its third week, was a justified response to aggression based on self-defence. The threat from the NATO-backed Kiev regime is made all the more dangerous with the apparent discovery of bioweapons in Ukraine that were being developed covertly by the Pentagon.

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What’s Behind Washington’s Denial of Biowarfare Weapons Program in Ukraine?

State Dept. Under Secretary Victoria Nuland’s exchange with Sen. Marco Rubio during the Tuesday Senate hearings triggered a heated debate, given that Washington had previously strongly denied the presence of any US-run biolabs in Ukraine.

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Cutting Through the Fog Masking ‘a New Page in the Art of War’

The non-government in Kiev is simply not allowed by the Empire to negotiate anything. Based on documents received from Ukrainian biolab employees, the Russian ModD revealed that research with samples of bat coronavirus, among other experiments, were conducted in a Pentagon-funded biolab.

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Professional Assessment re Russia’s DeNazification Operation in Ukraine

It’s hard for everyone. Our guys are dying. Citizens of Ukraine are dying. But the hardest part is for the military, acting both in reserve, both Russian and Ukrainian, who have gone through “hot” conflicts. I’m grinding my teeth from impotence, I’m not personally sure — could I have carried out the Commander-in-Chief’s order had I been in the ranks today.

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The Global Digital ID Surveillance Plan Accelerates

The COVID-19 plandemic provided the perfect cover for all manner of “New Normal” changes that were always intended to become permanent. One change in particular has continued to go mostly under the radar – the increasing use of all-pervasive surveillance.

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Israel’s Bennett Verified and Stunned by Ukrainian neo-Nazis

The state-organized presence of neo-Nazis within the Ukrainian army is not anecdotal, even if it is not possible to quantify it in a certain way. On the other hand, it is easy to count their victims. In general indifference, they have killed 14,000 Ukrainians in eight years.

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China Pushes Back Against the US in the Pacific

While China has made it clear that there is no direct correlation between Ukraine and Taiwan, noting that Taiwan is an integral part of China, its silence on Russia’s use of force should give pause to those who may doubt Beijing’s willingness to resort to similar action when it comes to defending its own territorial claims.

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Belt & Road Reaching Far and Wide in Middle East

“All eyes on Ukraine,” writes a former staff member of a British prime minister in an email. That is understandable, but not to the exclusion of everything else. In particular, Europe should spare a few minutes to consider the expansion of China’s Belt and Road Initiative across the eastern and southern shores of the Mediterranean.

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Blackwater is in Donbass with the Azov Battalion

The CIA and MI6 are reorganizing NATO stay-behind networks in Eastern Europe. If after the Second World War they relied on former Nazis to fight the Soviets, they still support neo-Nazi groups against the Russians. There is no obvious reason for this. The Nazis were plethora in the 1940s, they are very few today and only exist thanks to the help of the Anglo-Saxons.

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Putin vs Gang of Drug Addicts and Neo-Nazis

By evoking “a gang of drug addicts and neo-Nazis” in power in Kiev, President Putin has shocked many. The Atlanticist press tried to present him as a mental patient. However, the facts are there: the power in Ukraine is verily occupied by a bunch of drug addicts who stole the gas revenues.

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How Russia Will Counterpunch the U.S. / EU Declaration of War

Only self-sufficiency affords total independence. And the Big Picture has also been keenly understood by the Global South. One of the key underlying themes of the Russia /Ukraine /NATO matrix is that the Empire of Lies (copyright Putin) has been rattled to the core by the combined ability of Russian hypersonic missiles and a defensive shield capable of blocking incoming nuclear missiles from the West, thereby ending Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D.)

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Putin is Not Waging War vs Ukrainians, But Against this Special Group

When Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he ordered a “special military operation” to “deNazify and demilitarize” Ukraine, he meant it literally and purposely to avoid any miscommunication. This is the reason why all those in the Ukrainian military who laid down their arms are allowed to go home and reunite with their families, while local mayors are advised to continue providing basic public services, e.g. water and power supply, and distribution of basic necessities wherever necessary.

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Beyond the Smoke & Mirrors