All posts by Geopolitics101

Get Ready for the Next Game-Changer: The Gold-Backed Digital Yuan

A new, radical paradigm shift is in progress. The U.S. economy may shrink as much as 40% in the first semester of 2020. China, already the world’s largest economy by PPP for a few years now, may soon become the world’s largest economy even in exchange rate terms.

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Are We on the Verge of a Global Financial Collapse?

As jobs disappear and our everyday lives are disrupted in the name of flattening the coronavirus curve, a picture of what tomorrow will look like is still too uncertain to make out, but all indications show that we are close to a breaking point.

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Surviving this Pandemic is Hard, For America’s Most Vulnerable, its Nearly Impossible

This coronavirus pandemic has laid bare the exclusion of whole subsets of the most vulnerable in our society, exemplifying the toxic mix of racism, sexism, imperialism, and capitalism that the US blends so well.

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China Calls for Closing All Deep-State Bioweapons Laboratories in Former USSR Countries

As countries have openly begun to utilize their military structures in fighting the coronavirus in programs intended to guard against biological warfare, Chinese authorities have come out in support the official position of Russia and considers it dangerous that there is a continued existence of U.S biological laboratories in the territory of individual states.

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‘Contact Tracing’: A Panopticon Grid Of Total Surveillance

As part of their carefully orchestrated coup d’état, Technocrats have declared war on an unseeable virus. The respective ‘army’ of foot soldiers is now revealed as ‘Contact Tracers’ who will kickstart the national panopticon grid of total surveillance.

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Analyzing the Emerging World Order

The global community today is clearly in a state of flux. This is not an aberration – we are in the midst of a normal and periodic global reordering. We shall briefly take a “big picture” look at this phenomenon and attempt to glean an understanding as to the direction that we are heading as citizens of a global society.

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Cuba to the Rescue, But Don’t Tell the American People

Anti-Cuba zealots in the Trump administration have been enticing Cuban doctors working overseas to defect, paying journalists to write negative stories, slapping sanctions on Cubans in charge of the program, and strong-arming countries to expel Cuban doctors.

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Revolutionary Times and Systemic Collapse

Some have queried how it could be that President Putin would co-operate with President Trump to have OPEC+ push oil prices higher – when those higher prices precisely would only help sustain U.S. oil production. In effect, President Putin was being asked to underwrite a subsidy to the U.S. economy – at the expense of Russia’s own oil and gas sales – since U.S. shale production simply is not economic at these prices. In other words, Russia seemed to be shooting itself in the foot.

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We are Living in A Failed State

This is an article about what’s currently happening in Mainstream America from a mainstream author. We are posting this here to illustrate that we don’t have to theorize in order to understand the level of madness that is happening in the US, the designated epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic today.

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Trump ‘Self-Isolates’ with Barbaric Sanctions

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo this week reiterated that economic sanctions would continue against Iran until the goal of regime change was achieved. That was in spite of the fact that Iran’s death toll from the coronavirus pandemic has risen to over 4,000, and the country is clearly struggling to obtain medicines and equipment to defeat the disease.

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Putchists in the Shadow of the Coronavirus

While the public’s eyes are riveted on the progression of coronavirus numbers, a profound reorganization of the executive is taking place, giving primacy to senior health officials over policy. In the shadows, bankers and soldiers are agitating in the hope of confiscating power for their own benefit.

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The Media’s Loudest #MeToo Champions are Ignoring Biden Sexual Assault Accuser Tara Reade

Have you heard about the Joe Biden allegations? If you’re relying on corporate media for your information, the answer is “probably not.” As of April 8, there has been exactly zero coverage of the sexual assault allegations on CNBC, CNN, MSNBC, ABC or CBS News.

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Handout or Bailout? Transferring Trillions to the Super-Rich via Covid-19 “Stimulus”

The measure agreed to near-unanimously by both right wings of the one-party state is all about transferring countless trillions of dollars from ordinary Americans to the nation’s privileged class.

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U.S. Admits it’s in Syria to Make it ‘Difficult’ for Moscow & Damascus to Defeat Terrorists

The State Department’s special envoy for Syria has just admitted that the US aims to defend jihadist militants in Idlib against ‘Russian aggression,’ proving once again that the swamp in Foggy Bottom is alive and well.

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Oil Wars Between Russia & Saudi Arabia May Destroy U.S. Shale Oil Industry Instead

Oil prices crash 27% and counting, as the new oil wars begin, when Russia decided not to give in to Saudi Arabia and OPEC’s request to cut down production by 1.5 million of barrels per day.

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Big Banks Call for Wall Street Deregulation to “Fight Coronavirus”

As Naomi Klein laid out in her bestseller “Shock Doctrine,” the wealthy elite use the confusion caused by economic and other disasters to quickly force through pro-free-market legislation.

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Putin Thumbs Down Erdogan’s Ottoman Ambition in Syria

In recent weeks, Sultan Erdogan is testing Vladimir Putin’s resolve in defending Syrian sovereignty by sending more Turkish troops to aid the remaining ISIS terrorists at their last stronghold in the Idlib province. Erdogan even complained about what the Russians are doing in the area, as if the region is still under the reign of the Ottoman Empire.

Ex-USMC intelligence officer Scott Ritter wrote this for Russia Today,

New Putin-Erdogan deal is sugar-coating the Turks’ surrender

by Scott Ritter

This week’s meeting between Presidents Putin and Erdogan in Moscow was cast as preventing a war between Russia and Turkey in Syria. War, however, was never on the horizon. Putin called Erdogan’s bluff, and the Turk folded.

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Erdogan, accompanied by their respective senior national security advisers, met in Moscow on March 5. The purpose of this emergency summit was to negotiate the terms of a ceasefire that would bring an end to heavy fighting in Syria’s Idlib province that threatened to draw their two nations into direct military conflict.

After more than six hours of meeting, a new agreement, packaged as an “additional protocol” to the “Memorandum on Stabilization of the Situation in the De-escalation Area as of September 17, 2018” (better known as the “Sochi Agreement”), was agreed to by both parties.

A sputtering offensive

Over the course of a week, from February 27 through March 5, Syria’s Idlib province transitioned from being ground zero for a war between the Syrian army and allied forces, and heavily armed groups opposed to the rule of Syrian President Bashar Assad, into a geopolitical powder keg that threatened to pull the Turkish and Russian militaries into direct conflict with one another.

On March 1, Turkey, following up on threats previously made by President Erdogan to drive the Syrian Army and its allies back to the line of demarcation set forth in the original Sochi Agreement, unleashed a major offensive, dubbed “Operation Spring Shield” and involving thousands of Turkish troops fighting alongside anti-Assad formations.

This operation soon fizzled; not only was the Turkish advance halted in its tracks, but the Syrian Army, supported by Hezbollah and pro-Iranian militias, were able to recapture much of the territory lost in the earlier fighting. Faced with the choice of either escalating further and directly confronting Russian forces, or facing defeat on the battlefield, Erdogan instead flew to Moscow.

The new additional protocol, which entered into effect at midnight Moscow time on Friday, March 6, represents a strategic defeat for Erdogan and the Turkish military which, as NATO’s second-largest standing armed force, equipped and trained to the highest Western standards, should have been more than a match for a rag-tag Syrian Army, worn down after nine years of non-stop combat.

The Syrian armed forces, together with its allies, however, fought the Turks to a standstill. Moreover, the anti-Assad fighters that had been trained and equipped by the Turks proved to be a disappointment on the battlefield.

One of the major reasons behind the Turkish failure was the fact that Russia controlled the air space over Idlib, denying the Turks the use of aircraft, helicopters and (except for a single 48-hour period) drones, while apparently using their own aircraft, together with the Syrian Air Force, to pummel both the Turkish military and their allied anti-Assad forces (though neither side has officially confirmed the Russians bombing the Turks – that would be a disaster for the talks).

In the end, the anti-Assad fighters were compelled to take shelter within so-called ‘Observation posts’– heavily fortified Turkish garrisons established under the Sochi Agreement, intermingling with Turkish forces to protect themselves from further attack. Operation Spring Shield turned out to be a resounding defeat for the Turks and their allies.

Problems talking doesn’t solve

Under the terms of the original Sochi Agreement, the Turkish military was supposed to oversee the removal of heavily armed anti-Assad forces, including Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a designated terrorist organization, from so-called ‘de-escalation zones.’ The failure to accomplish this task, coupled with continued attacks against Syrian positions by HTS fighters, prompted the Syrian Army’s attack in Idlib. The additional protocol negotiated this week in Moscow “reaffirms” the Turkish and Russian “dedication” to “combat all forms of terrorism” and to “eliminate all terrorist groups in Syria”.

How this will be implemented is not spelled out in the additional protocol, indeed, given the fact that the majority of the anti-Assad forces that have sought refuge in the Turkish observation posts are HTS fighters that had, just a week before, been provided arms and vehicles to carry out attacks coordinated with the Turkish Army, the practicalities of implementation appear non-existent.

The agreement also focuses on another critical, yet unfulfilled, aspect of the original Sochi agreement – the guarantee of safe passage along the strategic M4 and M5 highway corridors connecting the city of Aleppo with Latakia (M4) and Damascus (M5). The inability and/or unwillingness on the part of the Turks to follow through with this provision was the major impetus behind the current Syrian offensive in Idlib.

Indeed, the Syrian Army was able to gain full control of the M5 highway and was in the process of doing the same for the M4 highway when the Moscow agreement brought an end to the fighting.

Under the terms of the additional protocol, the new zones of de-escalation will be defined by the frontlines as they currently exist, securing the hard-won advances made by the Syrian Army and embarrassing Erdogan, who had promised to drive the Syrians back to the positions as they existed at the time of the original Sochi Agreement.

Moreover, the M4 highway will now be buffered by a 12-kilometer security zone (Six kilometers on each side), and will be jointly patrolled by Turkey and Russia, guaranteeing secure passage for commercial vehicle traffic. These patrols will begin on March 15, which means the Turks have ten days to oversee the evacuation of anti-Assad forces from this corridor–in effect, pushing them back north of the M4 highway, which was the goal of the Syrian offensive to begin with.

Back in line, but for how long?

While couched as a ceasefire agreement, the additional protocol produced by the Moscow summit between Putin and Erdogan on Thursday is a thinly disguised instrument of surrender. The Syrian government got everything it was looking for by launching its offensive, and the Turks and their anti-Assad allies were left licking their wounds in a much-reduced Idlib pocket.

Beyond preventing direct conflict between Turkey and Russia, the additional protocol achieves little that changes the situation on the ground. Turkey is still faced with the task of disarming the HTS fighters it currently embraces as allies, and the humanitarian crisis triggered by hundreds of thousands of refugees displaced by the earlier fighting remains.

In many ways, the additional protocol, like its antecedent, the Sochi Agreement, is an arrangement designed to fail, because by succeeding it only perpetuates an unsustainable reality that will only be resolved when the totality of Syrian territory is restored to the control of the Syrian government.

Scott Ritter is a former US Marine Corps intelligence officer. He served in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty, in General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991-1998 as a UN weapons inspector. Follow him on Twitter @RealScottRitter

The Death of 33 Turkish Soldiers Embedded in ISIS Stronghold May Spark WW3

There are multiple terror factions operating in Syria, as there are multiple parties that have contributed to the efforts to bring down the Assad government since 2011, e.g. MOSSAD, CIA, Saudi, Turkey, US and UK. Turkey has provided the exit route for the smuggling of Syrian oil in 2011 onwards, and the subsequent escape of ISIS terrorists back to the UK, Canada and Europe, over the last 2 years.

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Assange Extradition Hearing Opens with Scathing Condemnation by Mainstream Media

The extradition trial of Julian Assange began with the prosecution reading out a damning statement from five leading mainstream media organizations that once partnered with Wikileaks.

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Russia is Set to Welcome Africa to Nuclear Age

Russia has been collaborating with many African countries on the “peaceful atom” for quite some time. But Western terror efforts have effectively retarded the African march towards 21st Century development and progress. With a powerful ally, Africans are now assured of their rightful place in the sun.

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Bloomberg is Trying to Take Down Bernie Sanders, Not Trump

Michael Bloomberg’s campaign has called on the other “moderate” candidates, such as Amy Klobuchar, Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg, to step down and unite behind him as the only force that can stop Bernie Sanders, who, he warns, will soon have an insurmountable lead in delegates.

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CIA Owned Crypto AG, not Huawei, is Spying on You, Government since 1950s

Former CIA Chief and current State Department Secretary Mike Pompeo is constantly harping about the potential dangers of using Huawei 5G technologies, when multiple field testing made have already proved it otherwise. Instead, the CIA for which he once headed, was involved in what the Washington Post dubbed as “The Intelligence Coup of the Century.”

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Philippine Junking of Military Alliance with U.S. May Cause Domino Effect

The scrapping by the Philippines of a military partnership with the US occurs with rather embarrassing timing for Washington, as it seeks to rally its allies to adopt America’s hostile line towards China.

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Manufactured Weather is the New Battlefield New York, NY — 2/12/2020 — The US Military has become an entity with a mind of its own; despite efforts to curtail it’s expansion by activists and politicians, it continues to grow.  Years ago a small problem arose that posed an existential threat to the system, the enemies were all defeated. 

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I Will Put an End to Endless Wars | Pete Buttigieg

We’ve heard this statement before. Is Pete Buttigieg as antiwar as Candidate Donald Trump in 2016? Or, is the 2020 presidential election just a battle between war marketeers aiming for the periodic opportunity to have the highest tiered sales commission from the war manufacturing industry?

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Duterte Scraps Visiting Forces Agreement with U.S. in spite of Trump Admin Trying to Save it

True to his word and to his own government’s independent foreign policy, the Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has reiterated one more time that he will move for the scrapping of the grossly one-sided Visiting Forces Agreement with the United States, in spite of the desire from the Donald Trump administration to save it.

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Coronavirus: US Biological Warfare Against Russia and China

Washington benefits from new SARS unsettling major competitors. Prior to the advent of the 2019-nCoV coronavirus, it was believed that the so-called “first package” of the US-China trade agreement, which was signed on behalf of the Celestial Empire by Vice Premier of the State Council of the PRC Liu He, is a tactical move, thanks to which China will get a respite.

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Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’: Old Israeli Demands in a New Package

After several postponements, US President, Donald Trump, has finally revealed the details of his Middle East plan, dubbed ‘Deal of the Century’, in a press conference in Washington on January 28. 

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Bernie Railroaded Again: ‘Technical Glitch’ in Democratic Party Voting App

It’s amazing to think how the entire American media and political Establishment has been banging on ad nauseum for the last four years running, telling the public that the biggest threat to the integrity of their fragile western democracy and fleeting freedoms – was the Russians.

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How Government and Media Are Prepping America for a Failed 2020 Election

Russia, China and Iran are already being blamed for using tech to undermine the 2020 election. Yet, the very technologies they are allegedly using were created by a web of companies with deep ties to Israeli intelligence.

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How World War 2 Happened | Vladimir Putin

Some European leaders colluded with Hitler. Speech delivered by Russian President Vladimir Putin at the informal summit of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), held in Moscow on Dec. 20, 2019. Putin spoke about the pre-history of World War 2 and invited the participants to tour a especially organized exhibit of archive materials on the conflict.

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