All posts by Geopolitics101

Saudi Arabia’s Blitzkrieg on Damascus Syria Foiled Anew, Diverts 1,000s of ISIS Militants to Yemen

Saudi Arabia is projected to go bankrupt in 2020 and is now scrambling for ways to prop up its economy after its offer to collaborate with Russia has been rejected by Putin in the middle of this year.
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800,000+ Syrian Refugees Return Home After Russia Destroyed 1,104 ISIL / Al-Nusra Targets

According to the Iranian FARS News Agency, Syrian refugees are now returning from Jordan and other places back into government recovered areas in Syria. The precision Russian airpower have decimated most of the critical Islamic State terror infrastructures, i.e. 1,104 ISIS targets as of last count.
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Here’s the latest update from the Keenan Group.

“Don’t think for one second that because you do not hear from me it means I have gone soft. Not at all!
What it means is that all the roads that have been blocked are no longer blocked. I have roads open now straight to the problems – and once we have arrived there, our problems become their problems.”

Continue reading IT’S ALL OVER BUT THE CRYING – Keenan

Arresting Richard Armitage… may be final straw to break back of Khazarian gangster rule

by benjamin
October 27, 2015
The story of a single individual gangster, Richard Armitage, and of his crimes over the years, provides good insight into the inner workings of the Khazarian gangster cabal. It also shows us how just arresting, or deleting, a few key individuals would be enough to change the future of this planet for the better. As his criminal history makes clear, Armitage is a key hatchet-man in Asia for the Bush/Nazionist branch of the Khazarian mob.
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Karen Hudes & Wolfgang Struck Using Myths to Muddle Global Financial Reset

There are multiple parties that have been using the fabled Marcos Gold, Yamashita Treasures, and bogus Maharlika land titles for extracting “membership and processing fees” from unwitting victims.
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Preserving Earth & Capitalism with Free Energy for Profit Scheme

When the legendary Nikola Tesla presented his World System, i.e. free energy broadcast system, to John Pierpont Morgan, the latter not only withdrew his financial support for the futuristic project, he also sent men to demolish the Tesla Magnifying Transmitter and burn his laboratory down in Wardenclyffe, Colorado Springs.
JP Morgan believed he could not put a meter on it. He was wrong of course.
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TTIP & CETA Trade Deals Are Aimed at Eliminating Governments

Governments are corporations, but too many are ignorant of this fact and they keep participating and electing leaders they hope are going to serve their interests. Sometimes, a good leader does emerge and when that happens, the Corporatocracy is threatened.
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World government is inevitable but it must never be fascist – Fulford

by benjamin
October 20, 2015
The political events of the past several years are pointing inexorably towards the formation of some sort of world government. This was made even more clear as most world leaders gathered at the United Nations for the September 28th Tetrad blood moon 70th UN anniversary appeared to be, with a few quibbles, mostly reading from the same script.
Continue reading World government is inevitable but it must never be fascist – Fulford

The Stooge and Statesman Inside A False East-West Paradigm

Just a day prior to the start of the decisive move to pulverize the Islamic State, both presidents of the United States and Russia provided the world with a glimpse of two contrasting geopolitical positions, i.e. one founded on prevailing observable realities, the other on sheer delusion.
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The Harper Corruption of Canada & Opposition Fear to Name It

Canadians are within a few days of stopping or allowing the Harper regime to continue to destroy the democracy and life fabric of Canada. But the dots are taboo to connect. The PR-led opposition has joined the corporate media in a public stage ritual of forgetting. The endless lies, election cheats, and bullying abuses through nine years of PMO civil destruction go scot free.
Continue reading The Harper Corruption of Canada & Opposition Fear to Name It

Leaked: The Drone Papers

The Intercept has once again provided a great detail and analysis on Obama’s drone based policy of eliminating perceived enemies of the corporate United States with its new exposé which highlights leaked drone papers by an intelligence whistleblower.
This process of summary execution by remote control is, to our understanding, is a way of eliminating “loose ends” of the Bush era “war of terror”,  and suppressing dissent, among others.
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U.S. Losing Not Only its Self-Respect But The Entire War of Diplomacy

Obviously, the United States corporate government was never prepared for the type of “asymmetric” warfare being unleashed against it. Be it in the field of financial and economics, mass media propaganda, cyber-security, military and diplomatic, the Western hegemony in all these fields is fast deteriorating.

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The Khazarian mob is on the run as US military takes over Federal Reserve Board – Fulford

The US military, under the new leadership of Marine General Joseph Dunford, has come out with guns blazing to free the people of the United States and the world. Under his command, the US military has taken over the Khazarian mob’s main source of power, the Federal Reserve Board. To confirm this, go visit the home page of the Federal Reserve board, it is no longer
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US Pulls Aircraft Carrier Out of Persian Gulf

Back in July, the United States declared they are going to pull out the only aircraft carrier they have in the Persian Gulf.  After Russia fired several cruise missiles through Iran airspace and all hitting within 9 feet of its Syrian targets, the US is making good of its intention and is now pulling USS Theodore Roosevelt out of the area.
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Two Koreas Want Better Ties; Russia-Japan Peace Talks Untimely, Said US

All over the globe, countries are sharing “good tidings” with their neighbors, eager to explore areas of possible “win-win” cooperation. They are all tired of wars.
They are all ready for the 21st Century, eager to know what’s in store for the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Abundance.
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The TPP Chapter on Drug Patents Will Kill Drug Dependents

The passage of the final version of the secretive TPP a few days ago will literally kill any drug dependent today because it would raise up the prices of even the now cheaper generic versions of an antibiotic, or take them out of the market altogether due to intellectual property infringement.
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It’s Official, Obama is Quitting Syria!

As we have been expecting, Obama just can’t take the shame anymore and the White House has just ended the Pentagon’s “train the moderate rebels” program in Syria, which only benefited the likes of John McCain and his cohorts with $500 million budget.
To date, the program has only produced five armed “moderate rebels.”
Continue reading It’s Official, Obama is Quitting Syria!

Recent Events Prove Empty UN Theatrics

After all the mainstream media hype about the “all inclusive capitalist system” and advances in humanitarian law”, the United Nations not only appointed Saudi Arabia to the chairmanship of UN Human Rights Council, it has also allowed the passage of the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership amidst the cover of the Apollo “moon landing.”
And as ridiculous as it sounds, the United States is also allowed to investigate itself by the same United Nations as to its own culpability about the recent precision bombing of the Kunduz hospital were a number of patients were seen burning in their beds.
Continue reading Recent Events Prove Empty UN Theatrics

Cabal resorting to extreme threats as their power structure crumbles [Fulford]

Senior cabalists in the West are threatening tsunamis, nuclear terror, death camps and other atrocities as their grip on world power continues to slip. The Russian, Iranian and Pentagon attack against Saudi Arabian, Israeli and Turkish troops in Syria appears to be the most visible trigger for these threats.
Continue reading Cabal resorting to extreme threats as their power structure crumbles [Fulford]

Islamic State has gone bankrupt; Where did all oil money go?

With US tanks and armories deliberately left for the ISIS/L to use later on, the terror group did a blitzkrieg throughout North Iraq and Eastern Syria capturing all the oil fields along the way, ransacked all assets from captured civilians, raped, enslaved and trafficked the women to their benefactors in Riyadh and Saudi Arabia.
Continue reading Islamic State has gone bankrupt; Where did all oil money go?

US Dumb Bombing of Kunduz Hospital Obama’s “Tragic Incident”

When Russia was about to bomb ISIS/L installations in Syria, Pentagon Chief Carter and Western media were quick in claiming the Russians were using “dumb bombs” for its “failure” to hit intended targets. Russian air sortie videos suggest otherwise.
While the Western media were making these grossly unfounded claims even before the Russian warplanes took off for the first time, Obama has taken more than a day to apologize for the US smart bombings in Kunduz Afghanistan, where hospital patients were burning in their beds as a result.
Continue reading US Dumb Bombing of Kunduz Hospital Obama’s “Tragic Incident”

Pentagon's Top Cabalists Resigning; Exceptionalist Unipolar World is Dead

Top Pentagon officials overseeing the events in Ukraine and Syria have resigned, or are planning to leave their posts, as early as next month.
The falling out came as soon as Obama could not contain Putin’s Syrian Grand Checkmate anymore.
Continue reading Pentagon's Top Cabalists Resigning; Exceptionalist Unipolar World is Dead

Russia Hits Precise ISIS Targets; US Bombing Where Obama "Ended 2 Wars"

Here’s the latest airstrike video released by the Russians.

Published on Sep 30, 2015

Russian Aerospace Forces’ air strikes against ISIS targets in Syria. 8 targets hit, terrorist HQ & coordination center completely destroyed.
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Russian Federation Approves Use of Armed Forces in Syria

Just as soon as Saudi Arabia declared that the only way to resolve Syrian crisis, which it authored with the help of Israel and US, is the removal of Assad by force if necessary, the Russian Federation give its thumbs up to Putin’s request for their armed forces to be sent to Syria.
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Reviving Soviet Era Plan to Sink United States

Pravda, the Kremlin virtual mouthpiece is entertaining one of the West’s old Cold War concerns, the purported sinking of the United States using multiple unmanned nuclear submarines which was very feasible during that era considering the 20 year technological edge of the Soviets over the adversary.
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Chinese Navy sets off for Syria

In another sign that the US is being sidelined in Syria, China is reported to be sending cruisers into the coast of Syria in a move to show support to the Russian anti-ISIS/L initiative.
This is on top of the Iraq decision to share critical  intelligence to the Syrian forces which shocked the White House recently.
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US Approves Yuan SDR Inclusion after China Orders 300 Boeing Planes

After reassuring the United States that its economy will be propped up by China, Obama has given his thumbs up to the inclusion of Renminbi into the IMF’s SDR basket of currencies.
Renminbi is the official “people’s currency” of China; Yuan is the primary unit of that currency.
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Dissecting Pope Bergoglio’s Speech at the United Nations

The highly anticipated speech of the Pope outlined some of the major root causes of the problems the world is facing today without identifying the institutions and entities responsible for such causes.
Doing so would have pointed fingers unto the church itself that’s been covertly responsible for all the divide and conquer schemes that plague the world with endless wars, where nations are pitted against one another just so they could stay at the top. Continue reading Dissecting Pope Bergoglio’s Speech at the United Nations