Category Archives: Banking & Finance

Beijing Greenlights Purchases Of Billions In Bullion

In 2018, the Chinese launched a gold-backed, yuan-denominated oil futures contract.  These contracts were priced in yuan, but convertible to gold, raising the prospect that “the rise of the petroyuan could be the death blow for the dollar.”

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WEF Warns Of Cyber Attack Leading To Systemic Collapse Of The Global Financial System

If the pandemic represented stage one of Technocracy’s coup d’etat, then there remains a grand finale yet to come. Now the World Economic Forum is preparing for a massive cyber attack leading to the collapse of the global financial system. This could complete the “Great Reset” where everything flips. ⁃ TN Editor

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Russia, China Need to Move Away from Dollar to Reduce Risks of U.S. Sanctions

Russia and China need to work to further reduce their dependence on the dollar and switch to national currencies for trade in order to alleviate the risks of US sanctions, says Russia’s top diplomat.

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Vatican is Going Bankrupt from Decades of Financial Corruption

Over the past decade at least, financial scandals involving theft and money laundering hounded the Holy See’s Secretariat of State and its Financial Information Authority. Ongoing financial reforms made under the current CEO Bergoglio are not enough to improve its cash flow.

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The Back Door To Universal Basic Income

The road to hell, an old adage holds, is paved with good intentions. And it may be that the route to successfully implementing objectionable policies is forged by simply not naming them. It should come as no surprise that crises accelerate the adoption, or at least the consideration, of what were once borderline proposals.

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The Companies Where Employees Most Often Get Payday Loans

Payday loans are used by people who need money fast, who often have no other way of borrowing money to cover an unexpected expense. The benefit of these kinds of loans is they enable you to meet your immediate financial obligations. The risk, however, is you are taking on debt and incurring future obligations that require future income to fulfill.

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Pope Francis plans to ‘fix’ global capitalism with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Mastercard

The Vatican has said it will partner with Fortune 500 companies to address various economic grievances, including inequality and environmental degradation. But is it really incumbent upon the Bishop of Rome to virtue-signal?

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The New Tyranny Few Even Recognize

While the population is in shock from their elaborate implementation of the COVID19 planetary coup, the Deep State is now doubling down on their attack by introducing a new weapon for totalitarian control. Clearly, the Fed reckons the public is foolish enough to believe the Fed’s money will actually be “free.”

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The Dark Past Of The Bank For International Settlements

Today, the BIS is getting headlines again because of its direction of central banks to go cashless. It is readily apparent that it has not lost its power and influence over the decades. For anyone wanting to understand how the world really works, this is a must-read paper. ⁃ TN Editor

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Husband and Son Of Judge Investigating Epstein’s Ties To Deutsche Bank Shot

The husband and son of Federal Judge Esther Salas, who recently was appointed to investigate Jeffrey Epstein’s involvement with Deutsche Bank, were gunned down in their New Jersey home in a targeted attack.  The gunman rang the doorbell, Judge Salas’s husband, Mark Anderl, opened the door and was immediately shot.  Salas’s son ran to protect his father, and he too was shot.

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Behold: Gangster State Capitalism

Hanne Herland of the European Herland Report has just had her book published in which she argues that the ruling elite has resurrected feudalism by financializing the economy and offshoring middle class jobs.  The title is New Left Tyranny, but it is about gangster state capitalism. 

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Get Ready for the Next Game-Changer: The Gold-Backed Digital Yuan

A new, radical paradigm shift is in progress. The U.S. economy may shrink as much as 40% in the first semester of 2020. China, already the world’s largest economy by PPP for a few years now, may soon become the world’s largest economy even in exchange rate terms.

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Are We on the Verge of a Global Financial Collapse?

As jobs disappear and our everyday lives are disrupted in the name of flattening the coronavirus curve, a picture of what tomorrow will look like is still too uncertain to make out, but all indications show that we are close to a breaking point.

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Analyzing the Emerging World Order

The global community today is clearly in a state of flux. This is not an aberration – we are in the midst of a normal and periodic global reordering. We shall briefly take a “big picture” look at this phenomenon and attempt to glean an understanding as to the direction that we are heading as citizens of a global society.

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Revolutionary Times and Systemic Collapse

Some have queried how it could be that President Putin would co-operate with President Trump to have OPEC+ push oil prices higher – when those higher prices precisely would only help sustain U.S. oil production. In effect, President Putin was being asked to underwrite a subsidy to the U.S. economy – at the expense of Russia’s own oil and gas sales – since U.S. shale production simply is not economic at these prices. In other words, Russia seemed to be shooting itself in the foot.

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Handout or Bailout? Transferring Trillions to the Super-Rich via Covid-19 “Stimulus”

The measure agreed to near-unanimously by both right wings of the one-party state is all about transferring countless trillions of dollars from ordinary Americans to the nation’s privileged class.

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Big Banks Call for Wall Street Deregulation to “Fight Coronavirus”

As Naomi Klein laid out in her bestseller “Shock Doctrine,” the wealthy elite use the confusion caused by economic and other disasters to quickly force through pro-free-market legislation.

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Federal Reserve Intervenes with Massive Repo to Inject Cash into Money Markets

For the first time since 2008 the private central bank Federal Reserve has intervened in the money markets due to “unusually high demand for cash,” that sends borrowing costs soaring high, with massive $53 billion repo on Tuesday, and another $75 billion on Wednesday.

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The World is Dedollarizing

What if tomorrow nobody but the United States would use the US-dollar? Every country, or society would use their own currency for internal and international trade, their own economy-based, non-fiat currency. It could be traditional currencies or new government controlled crypto-currencies, but a country’s own sovereign money. No longer the US-dollar. No longer the dollar’s foster child, the Euro. Continue reading The World is Dedollarizing

Central Banking is Central Planning

At a time when the appeal of and demands for a new “democratic” socialism seem to have caught the imagination of many among the young and are reflected in the promises of a good number of political candidates running for high office, there is one already-existing socialist institution in America with few opponents: the Federal Reserve System. Continue reading Central Banking is Central Planning

US Military Use IMF, World Bank as “Unconventional” Weapons

WASHINGTON – In a leaked military manual on “unconventional warfare” recently highlighted by WikiLeaks, the U.S. Army states that major global financial institutions — such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) — are used as unconventional, financial “weapons in times of conflict up to and including large-scale general war,” as well as in leveraging “the policies and cooperation of state governments.” Continue reading US Military Use IMF, World Bank as “Unconventional” Weapons

Israel’s Largest Banks Pay Over $1 Billion in Fines for US Tax Evasion Schemes

WASHINGTON — Israel’s three largest banks — Hapoalim Bank, Leumi Bank and Mizrahi Tefahot Bank — have all been ordered to pay record fines, which collectively are set to total over $1 billion, to the U.S. government after the banks were found to have actively colluded with thousands of wealthy Americans in massive tax-evasion schemes. Continue reading Israel’s Largest Banks Pay Over $1 Billion in Fines for US Tax Evasion Schemes

Venezuelan Supreme Court Fights Back Deep State Regime Change

The Maduro government is imperfect. The Venezuelans are just like the Americans, and the rest of the global population. They can easily be manipulated through economic pressures, and black propaganda. Fortunately for the Venezuelans, their Supreme Court is standing up to the developing Deep State incursions into their domestic affairs. Continue reading Venezuelan Supreme Court Fights Back Deep State Regime Change

Obama Appointed WB President Jim Yong Kim Abruptly Resigns, Here's why

The Obama appointed World Bank President Jim Yong Kim has announced his early retirement to make way for a Trump appointed CEO in The Bank. There’s a deeper, behind the scenes maneuvering in the world’s financial sector that is shifting paradigms and people across various organizations. Continue reading Obama Appointed WB President Jim Yong Kim Abruptly Resigns, Here's why

Resistance vs. Washington’s Silent Weapon for Not-so-Quiet Wars

Today by far the deadliest weapon of mass destruction in Washington’s arsenal lies not with the Pentagon or its traditional killing machines. It’s de facto a silent weapon: the ability of Washington to control the global supply of money, of dollars, through actions of the privately-owned Federal Reserve in coordination with the US Treasury and select Wall Street financial groups. Continue reading Resistance vs. Washington’s Silent Weapon for Not-so-Quiet Wars

What Trade War Truce? Stock Markets Crash as Canada Arrests Huawei CFO

True to its two-faced character, the Deep State controlled Canada took a bold step of arresting Chinese Huawei CFO Wanzhou Meng, while the other wing of the Deep State is supposedly suing a “trade truce” with China in the aftermath of the recently concluded G20 Summit in Argentina, that would postpone tariffs on at least $200 billion Chinese imports into the US. Continue reading What Trade War Truce? Stock Markets Crash as Canada Arrests Huawei CFO

The Final Demise of Dollar Hegemony?

Sanctions left and sanctions right. Financial mostly, taxes, tariffs, visas, travel bans – confiscation of foreign assets, import and export prohibitions and limitations; and also punishing those who do not respect sanctions dished out by Trump, alias the US of A, against friends of their enemies.

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Economic Contagion? Central Banks Are the Real Culprit

The mainstream news has been awash lately in talk over the danger of economic “contagion,” primarily due to lack of dollar liquidity in emerging markets. This lack of liquidity is being pegged as a trigger for instability in stocks, bonds and forex markets around the world, and this time around it is the nation of Turkey that is being called a potential trigger for a fiscal domino effect spreading through multiple countries. Continue reading Economic Contagion? Central Banks Are the Real Culprit

US Sanctions Continue to Backfire

In another slap in the face against US hegemony, China just opened up a $10 billion credit line for Iran. This means that, while the US Congress was forced to raise the debt ceiling again, this time way beyond the $20 trillion mark, the Eastern Alliance member countries are moving ahead with the massive Eurasian project known as the One Belt One Road revival of the ancient Silk Road. Continue reading US Sanctions Continue to Backfire

How Capitalist Central Banks Have Been Creating the Next Financial Crisis

As central bankers, finance ministers, and government policy makers head off to their annual gathering at Jackson Hole, Wyoming, this August, 24-26, 2017, the key topic is whether the leading central banks in North America and Europe will continue to raise interest rates this year. Continue reading How Capitalist Central Banks Have Been Creating the Next Financial Crisis

Petrodollar Faces Growing Threat with Payments in Gold across Asia

Reuters reported, a week ago, that Russia’s Sberbank has begun trading in gold at the Shanghai exchange. This is both a retaliatory move against those who continue to wage an economic war through a broad, extended economic sanction against the federation, and as a long term measure against global terrorism, aka Khazarian Mafia. Continue reading Petrodollar Faces Growing Threat with Payments in Gold across Asia

Start of BRICS Gold-Backed Trade Pushing Deep State Desperation at All-Time High

It appears that the real reason why Trump capitulated to the Deep State so quickly is the final BRICS leadership’s decision to start the dumping of the fiat dollar in matters of mutual trade and economic cooperation between the BRICS member countries. Continue reading Start of BRICS Gold-Backed Trade Pushing Deep State Desperation at All-Time High

The Death of London’s Roman Empire | Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

In earlier published reports, I had warned, in one way or another, that the Roman empire, which is represented presently by the terminal conditions of the hyper-inflated British empire, has reached the fag end of its tyrannies, in one manner or another. Continue reading The Death of London’s Roman Empire | Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.