Category Archives: Vatican / Luciferianism

KEENAN: The Bridge

Here’s the latest update [May 30, 2013] re Global Settlements and Nelu’s impending release from unjustified incarceration. Nelu is an authority re Global Accounts. His release would mean our freedom, too.


Posted on May 30, 2013

by Neil F. Keenan

May 30, 2013 – I realize it is difficult waiting for the next post.  It is tough in between posts and I do not expect any of you to believe that nothing happens when lots is actually going on. Because we are near the end, I do not want you to miss the Ending.  I would not want to miss the end of a book after reading so many pages, or the final twenty minutes of a movie.  So I will try to bring you up to date so you know some of what actually transpired to get us to “ The End.”   It should create a bridge from one point to another and then finally to Nelu’s release (I hope so).

The strangeness of this period is connected to the questionable activities of Prosecutor Tanti, and of Nelu’s father-in-law Mulyadi—and the news of his admission to Nelu (finally) that all along he was secretly working with Keith Scott.

After our request went out to all of you to call the court on Nelu’s behalf,  you delivered more than 25,000 phone calls and it shut their system down.  When the court had no access to its system they understood we had some strength as well. It got to the point soon after that the Courts contacted our Irish-Korean friend Inchul Kim and politely asked him to keep me away from the courts.  When Kim asked why, they stated “They were all afraid of Mr. Keenan.”

When I was told this I wondered how they could make such a statement when I was on my best behavior and actually was thankful to the courts for their help.  They did not have to help me!  I thank them all to this very day because without them an integral element of Nelu’s case would never have been revealed and we would be to this very moment stuck with what we had.  What was revealed (and rightfully so) by Mr. Ibnu came to light when he asked why did I not show up to testify when I was summoned by the court?  I nearly fell off my chair when I heard this, yet gathered myself and rather than be loud, I just looked at him dumbfounded and asked, “What summons?”  I had been waiting many months for such an official court summons, and never received one despite being told day by day, “It is coming.” Mr. Ibnu and I looked at each other at this point, and the look in our eyes said it all.  Someone in the system suppressed the delivery of this summons.  I wonder who that could be?

We (Inchul, Jo and myself) visited the Lower Court after being advised by the Higher Court to get a statement submitted immediately to them otherwise all would be lost.  This advice was sound and I worked fervently to get one through.  After a long weekend working with Michael and Jean, I was happy with what had been finalized and brought it to the Lower Court on that following Monday.  Of course I expected everything to be okay.  The Higher Court said to do this.  We went and found our dear friend Daisy who is as honest as Day One and a fantastic person and asked her for help.  I trust her enough to ask her to translate and to help us.  She has been so helpful for many months and all my thanks to Daisy from us.  But she was not successful.  I could see she had a problem as she walked down the stairs.  I was ready to walk away when she said that her supervisor told her our statement could not be inserted into the case at this late date.  “The case is closed and in the hands of the Higher Court.”  It was the Higher Court that told us to bring it to the Lower Court, so what could we now do other than walk away?

Again it was Daisy who asked me what I wanted to do.  I said, well, the man said, “No,” so we should leave and return to the Apartment Hotel.  Daisy then asked, “Would you like to speak with him?”  I said, “No, he made his decision.”  It was then Daisy said, “What do you have to lose if you speak with him?”  I said, “Nothing.  But he made his  decision.”  On thinking it through, I then said, “What the hell, we have nothing to lose. Let’s go for it.”

At that time I did not know Mr. Ibnu was Daisy’s boss.  I learned later.  But all the while in his office, I felt  comfortable.  By being the humble yet wise person he is, he put me at ease.  When we both realized the value of the missing summons, Mr. Ibnu told me I would need a cover page for the statement—he decided to insert it into the case for us.  He had already read it and it impressed him such [so much] that he believed it might mitigate Martha Wibawa’s sentence.  He told us how to address the cover page and then went and spoke privately with Daisy.  I am sure this conversation revolved around how well she knew me.  I was very honest with her from the first day I met her, thinking I would testify and Nelu would be released.  Again Daisy would prove to be instrumental.  Immediately we went and completed the cover page with Jo working diligently while Inchul and I discussed the matter.  Again Daisy brought the finalized version upstairs to Mr. Ibnu and it was sent to the Higher Court and then inserted into Nelu’s case file.

It was a few days later that the request from Jean went out to the world to call in and express support for Nelu.  We banged our heads over this one, realizing it could go either way but when push came to shove we decided that the only way for anyone to see we were serious was to just let the request go out to all of you.  We prayed to God it would work.  After Jean’s request that Monday, the lights on the phones began early in the courthouse and continued throughout the day and night.  The court could not work and had to use their own cell phones to get things done.

I did not feel great about it after the assistance they had given us but everyone had to know this was also serious—they had an innocent man in jail and I wanted the opportunity to speak for his release.

It was some time before I realized that the separation of the case took all evidence away from Nelu and gave it to the rightful owner—MULYADI—his father-in-law who stabbed him in the back, the person who believed he was working with Keith Scott but in fact was being used.  It was Mulyadi who was Scott’s spy.  It was Mulyadi who told Scott everything Nelu was doing.  I had never liked that man, always coming for the ride, but never having anything to say.  Then when he thought he had the opportunity he started sending me messages telling me that he was the man to handle the Accounts, not Nelu.  This continued on, but I did not take it seriously.   He even e-mailed photos of himself holding what turned out to be fake notes he had been given—the very notes that would eventually land him in jail (unwittingly trapping his own son-in-law in Keith Scott’s net). I never took him seriously.  He would never be the man—he was not smart enough.  And then he failed the loyalty test.

A few days ago, I went to visit Nelu in prison, and as it was family visiting day, I found myself again with Mulyadi, Nelu, their wives, and Jo and Inchul in the prison visiting room.  I went only to speak with Nelu for a few minutes but Mulyadi, upon learning of the phone systems being shut down in support of Nelu, made his voice clear through Jo that he wanted to know why I was not helping him—only Nelu.  I asked him if he was kidding, and told him I would not raise one finger to assist him.  I told him he should try calling Keith Scott—the guy he worked for, the guy on whose behalf he ended up putting himself and Nelu in prison.   It was translated by Jo, and Mulyadi’s face turned tight and he banged the table, but little did he get from me because I stood up and banged the table as well.

Everyone was watching us and Mulyadi stayed down and continued to ask with his wife’s face on his shoulder why I was helping only Nelu. Mulyadi did not really care if Nelu got out of prison, but he did care if Nelu got out and he stayed in despite the fact that the entire matter was his doing.  Nelu tried to protect him throughout the court hearings never mentioning Mulyadi’s conniving ways, but while Nelu was trying to help Mulyadi, Mulyadi was trying to bury Nelu.  At one point and time he thought he was going home and Nelu was staying—since the notes were in Nelu’s bag.  On another occasion he told the Police he knew nothing about the notes, which left Nelu literally holding the bag.

I again told him he was responsible for this entire mess and if anything I would like to take his head off.  Jo would not translate this yet apparently Mulyadi understood and banged the table again.

Banging tables does not bother me but setting up your own family does.

Mulyadi not only hurt Nelu and his family but he hurt millions of people all over the planet, since we had been about ready to begin the Humanitarian Programs when Nelu was arrested.

I was already standing and I banged the table back and told him you will not get any help from me you &#$!?##!!!.  Nelu asked me to please remember this is his family, and his father-in-law might punch him in the face.  I calmed down for Nelu’s sake.  I was glad he did not bring his baby to see this.  It was a shouting match and could have been much more but we walked away.Jo being the smart man he is just kept looking straight ahead at the wall in front of him not saying a word and I told him later you are lucky this did not break out and he asked, ‘”Why?”  I said, “Because the guy in the middle is always the one that gets whacked!”  Hahahahha…:)

Jo said, “Really?!!”  Inchul, on the other hand, just kept watching everything stoically.  Nothing bothers that man. On the other hand, Mulyadi’s emotions were apparently getting the better of him.

But this time I kept my eyes on him, knowing after leaving the table he was rounding up his boys for a further confrontation with either us or Nelu.  He did not want word to get out that he was responsible for everything that happened to Nelu but rather that Nelu did this to him. We had already planned on leaving, though, and I could only pray that nothing happened to Nelu—but it did!

Later that night in a confrontation Nelu shouted at Mulyadi that he had put him in jail for nine months by secretly working with Keith Scott.  Now the only person who had a handle on this matter was me and for Nelu to finally come out and say it must have been a reach for him, but Mulyadi loudly responded, “Yes, I was working with Keith Scott, and you blew our deal!”

Now if stupid is as stupid does then you have to shake your head at this one.  Mulyadi had only fake notes.  This is why he went to jail (getting innocent Nelu jailed too) yet here he is saying, “You blew our deal.’”

Well, Mr. Mulyadi, how did you ever expect to complete a deal with fake notes?  On the other hand Nelu had real notes (notes we planned on bringing down to use in the Programs), and the banks were awaiting his arrival.  Of course, he never made it.  So last week, for the first time Nelu heard for himself that Mulyadi not only worked with Scott but was involved in his incarceration.  It goes without saying that Scott got the hell out of Dodge after the arrest, and never lifted a finger to help Mulyadi.

Now we sit and wait the Higher Court’s Decision.  Nelu’s case is in the pipeline and he expects to receive an answer shortly.  The matter of Nelu’s innocence is not at stake as much as the court’s integrity.  The Prosecutor, Ms. Tanti, lost her integrity long ago and might be in line to face charges herself.  This still yet remains to be determined, depending on how Nelu wants to handle things.  To date the Indonesian court (which is often chastised in the world media) has been more than helpful.  They have extended their hands and their wisdom and they have not liked the state of things anymore than we have.  They are not sure who did what but they know something illegal was done and that it was not Nelu who did it.

Wise and humble people usually put together things in the right manner.  Now we sit and tempers have cooled—although I still get hot thinking about things that should have been, could have been.  It hurts to know that Scott not only disrupted our attempts at getting the Humanitarian Projects out there but destroyed a plan that would have been actively generating capital for various projects throughout the world at this very moment.  He is hiding in Malaysia and Malaysia was in line to get financing for some projects, so I leave him now to Malaysia.  He is in their hands.  He cost them so much and then goes and uses them to hide.  Best he leave now because I will make sure they see this.

As for Mulyadi I would expect him to serve out his sentence, since no one could actually help him, and finally for Nelu I pray he at last gets to rejoin his loving family.  I feel so much for them all and am fighting my very best, along with Jean, Michael, Inchul, Jo, Ben, David, Drake, Frankie, Tichomir, Rich, Stanley, and most importantly all of you. You proved yourselves with the phone calls and I must state right now I am so proud to be involved with you.  Thank you so much from the bottom of all our hearts.

I hope this sets the bridge you need between the last post and hopefully Nelu’s release.  Now you can see nothing has been smooth.  It could have gotten out of hand but I had Jo with me to translate, who could deal with them all so easily.  Go get ‘em Jo!  Thanks for all, and now I must say goodbye until Nelu is released.  He should be out soon and remember it took many of us to do things either big or small to hopefully make this release possible, so we are all in it together.  Again, thank you for all you do.

Neil F. Keenan

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On March 27, 2013, in Jakarta . . .

Uploaded on May 30, 2013

On March 27th in Jakarta, Neil Keenan waited to call his friend Nelu in prison…sitting on the couch next to the Mickey and Minnie dolls he bought for Nelu to give to his little boy on the day when he walks free. Keenan talks about the importance of creating a trustworthy team, and doing the right thing with the Global Accounts. At the end, we share a brief clip of Neil keeping the team’s spirits up with a late night songfest with Inchul, Michael, and the Indonesian cabbie….

Drake | May 30, 2013 at 8:49 pm | Categories: News | URL:

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

Image courtesy of ddpavumba /
Image courtesy of ddpavumba /

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Penny O, $10
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James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95
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Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10


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The Revolution Intensifies

Update 31 may 2013: MAJOR OFFENSIVES

The revolution is intensifying, and the revolutionaries are just fine.

Never in the most recent times has the Vatican experienced a massive attack right at its doorsteps. I would consider these actions below as significant because this war is, first and foremost, a war for the Mind. Once the Global Mindset is fully switched off against the Establishment, it becomes history.

The level of awareness just keeps getting higher. Absolutely fascinating.

First, there was this lady featured in one of Bullshit’s episodes of Penn and Teller tackling the Church, Inc., about 3 years ago.

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Then comes the Historic Press Conference in Italy by Rev. Kevin D. Annett of the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State [ITCCS] last May 23, 2013.

 kevin annett press conference italy

SAVONA, ITALY – The following is a summary of what Kevin Annett and Francesco Zanardi presented before the Italian media in Savona, Italy today May 23, 2013.

“Hello. My name is Kevin Annett, and I am the acting Field Secretary of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, the ITCCS, which represents over fifty organizations of survivors of church torture in nine countries, including Italy.

It is an honor to be present here today with Francesco Zanardi and the organization Rete L’abuse, at their invitation, and to join with them in an historical campaign to stop forever the religious torture of children.

For years now, Francesco has been conducting a heroic fight here in Italy for the same things that our Tribunal is campaigning for, by exposing child torture within the Roman Catholic church and bringing those responsible to justice. I look forward to working with Francesco and many others in Italy in the months ahead.

I have been authorized by the ITCCS Central Office to issue the following public statement:

1. As a Citizens’ Tribunal of Conscience with standing under international law, we call upon Italian President Giorgio Napolitano to seek the immediate extradition from the Vatican and the arrest of former Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, on the grounds that Ratzinger is a fugitive from justice and a wanted criminal duly convicted of crimes against humanity on February 25, 2013 by an international common law court of justice.

2. We further call upon President Napolitano and his government to abide by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court by giving no further aid, tax exemptions or financial subsidies to an organization guilty of crimes against humanity and children, namely, the Vatican Incorporated, and to cancel and annul the so-called Lateran Treaty between the government of Italy and the Vatican.

3. If President Napolitano fails to abide by international law and refuses to take these measures, our Tribunal, its international affiliates and Italian citizens will commence an international boycott of Italian goods, trade and tourism; and within Italy, we will commence peaceful church occupations, citizens arrests and other direct actions against the Vatican and its officials. This campaign will commence on September 20, 2013, the 143rd anniversary of Garibaldi`s liberation of Rome and expulsion of the papacy.

4. The purpose of this campaign will be to enforce the lawful verdict of the International Common Law Court of Justice of February 25, 2013, which convicted thirty officials of church and state of genocide and a criminal conspiracy, including former Pope Benedict and top Catholic Cardinals. (see This verdict sentenced these officials to immediate arrest and imprisonment for a term of twenty five years, and the confiscation of church property and wealth.

5. The Vatican and the Roman Catholic church as a whole represents a clear and present danger to the children of the world because of its standing policy known as Crimen Solictationas, which actively protects child rapists in the church and subverts justice and child protection laws in other nations. The present Pope Francis is actively complicit in this war crime by his position as head of the Church of Rome and his personal involvement in such crimes in Argentina. By this law, the Vatican consitutes a global criminal conspiracy and permanent war waged against the children, the sovereignty and the laws of all nations, and under the Law of Nations (jus gentium) must be resisted and opposed, and its power curtailed, for the wellbeing of people everywhere.

The ITCCS and its affiliates and allies in other governments are committed to doing so. We therefore call upon all citizens of Italy to withdraw their funding and allegiance from the Roman Catholic church, to demand that President Napolitano seeks the extradiction of Joseph Ratzinger and the annulling of the Lateran Treaty, and to join our September 20 campaign to end forever the criminal actions of the Church of Rome.

We also make a formal request to the police forces of Italy to assist Italian citizens in protecting their children and their communities from child-raping catholic clergy by arresting such known and suspected predators, and by refusing to aid or assist the Roman Catholic church and its officials evade justice and prosecution for their crimes.

The government of Italy and President Napolitano have until September 20, 2013 to respond to this statement and abide by its requests, and to a registered communication being sent to the Presidential Office and the Parliament of Italy.

Issued May 23, 2013

From the Central Office, ITCCS, Brussels

Kevin Annett also stressed the following excerpt from Crimen Sollicitationis (fully reprinted at, appendix 9)


From the Supreme and Holy Congregation of the Holy Office – Instruction on the Manner of Proceeding in the Cases of Solicitation (The Vatican Press, 1962) ….

11. Because, however, what is treated in these cases has to have a greater degree of care and observance so that these matters be pursued in a most secretive way, and, after they have been defined and given over to execution, they are to be restrained by a perpetual silence (Instruction of the Holy Office, February 20, 1867, n. 14), each and everyone pertaining to the tribunal in any way or admitted to knowledge of the matters because of their office, is to observe the strictest (space) secret, which is commonly regarded as a secret of the Holy Office, in all matters and with all persons, under the penalty of excommunication, latae sententiae, ipso facto, and without any declaration (of such a penalty) having been incurred and reserved to the sole person of the Supreme Pontiff, even to the exclusion of the Sacred Penitentiary, are bound to observe (this secrecy) inviolably. ….

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Savona, Italy

At an historic press conference yesterday, two groups fighting to end church terror against children formally joined forces and announced the launching of a public campaign commencing in Rome on September 20.

Francesco Zanardi of Rete L’Abuso and Kevin Annett of The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) disclosed their joint campaign to Italian reporters and activists at a morning press conference in the northern Italian city of Savona.

“We want to not only prosecute the priests who rape children but change the laws that let them get away with it” explained Francesco Zanardi, to thunderous applause.

Zanardi is himself a survivor of serial rape during the 1980’s by a Catholic priest named Nello Giraudo, who was protected and aided by Cardinal Domenico Calcagno.

Calcagno is now a prominent official in the Vatican Bank and helped elect the present Pope Francis.

“The Lateran Treaty obligates Italy to help the Vatican commit crime. That Treaty has to go” said Zanardi.

On behalf of the ITCCS, Kevin Annett also spoke at the press conference, and pledged the Tribunal’s “total support” to Zanardi and Rete L’Abuso.

Annett presented an authorized letter to Zanardi from the Central Office of the ITCCS that formally affiliated the Tribunal with the Italian group and guaranteed “direct action” throughout Italy in September.

“The Italian government helps a convicted criminal like (former Pope) Joseph Ratzinger evade arrest inside the Vatican, while persecuting a brave and honest man like Francesco Zanardi” said Annett.

“We’ve written to Italian President Giorgio Napolitano and demanded that he abide by international law and extradite Ratzinger from the Vatican to face justice for helping traffic children to priestly rapists”.

In a bilingual statement released to the media (see link below), the ITCCS stated that unless the Italian government begins steps to extradite Ratzinger and revoke the Lateran Treaty with the Vatican, civil disobedience actions will begin in Italian catholic churches and four cities on September 20, and will be accompanied by an international boycott campaign against Italian goods, trade and tourism.

Citizen groups in Savona, Genoa, Reggio Emilia and Rome have agreed to participate in these actions.

March Against Monsanto

Kevin Annett will return to Italy in mid-September to help inaugurate the campaign with Francesco Zanardi and local activists at special events in Rome and Savona on September 20.

 Demonstrators hold up posters during a protest against U.S.-based Monsanto Co. and genetically modified organisms (GMO), in New York US-AGRICULTURE-GMO-MONSANTO-PROTEST

Hundreds of thousands across the US joined the worldwide rally against biotech giant Monsanto and genetically engineered crops. It comes shortly after the Senate turned down a bill that would allow states to require the labeling of GM foods.

Organizers of the major rally that swept through dozens of nations around the globe on Saturday, urge a repeal of the so-called Monsanto Protection Act, and call for a boycott of Monsanto products.

Monsanto hires infamous mercenary firm Blackwater to track activists around the world

Sunday, May 26, 2013 by: Carolanne Wright
(NaturalNews) Remember the private mercenary army Blackwater that caused such a stir in Iraq during an unprovoked attack in 2007? Apparently, Monsanto and the controversial security firm are in bed together, described by blogger Randy Ananda as “a death-tech firm weds a hit squad.” At this point, you might be wondering what in the world the GM seed giant needs with the services of a ‘shadow army’? It appears as though the corporation found it necessary to contract with Blackwater in order to collect intelligence on anti-Monsanto activists as well infiltrate their ranks.

Protest Monsanto, stalked by Blackwater

Notorious for the Iraqi Nisour Square Massacre, Blackwater “created a web of more than 30 shell companies or subsidiaries in part to obtain millions of dollars in American government contracts after the security company came under intense criticism for reckless conduct in Iraq,” reports the New York Times. One of these subsidiaries became Total Intelligence, the company contracted by Monsanto between 2008-2010 to collect intelligence on activists rallying against GMO crops and other Monsanto activities. Journalist Jeremy Scahill states in The Nation:

“… entities closely linked to the private security firm Blackwater have provided intelligence, training and security services to US and foreign governments as well as several multinational corporations, including Monsanto, Chevron, the Walt Disney Company, Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines and banking giants Deutsche Bank and Barclays, according to documents obtained by The Nation. Blackwater’s work for corporations and government agencies was contracted using two companies owned by Blackwater’s owner and founder, Erik Prince: Total Intelligence Solutions and the Terrorism Research Center (TRC). Prince is listed as the chairman of both companies in internal company documents, which show how the web of companies functions as a highly coordinated operation.”

A spokesperson representing Monsanto admits the company hired Total Intelligence for information “… about the activities of groups or individuals that could pose a risk to company personnel or operations around the world which were developed by monitoring local media reports and other publicly available information. The subject matter ranged from information regarding terrorist incidents in Asia or kidnappings in Central America to scanning the content of activist blogs and websites.”

However, what the spokesperson fails to address is that according to documents secured by Scahill, Monsanto was willing to pay a sizable sum (up to $500,000) for Blackwater agents to infiltrate anti-Monsanto organizations.

As the plot continues to thicken regarding Monsanto’s tactics of domination, Ananda aptly notes:

“… Monsanto, by hiring a mercenary army and former CIA field agents, is deadly serious about protecting its deadly products. Yet, this contract further discredits the company. The public can now paint an even bleaker picture of the firm that brought us Agent Orange, PCBs, rBST, DDT, aspartame and, now, hit men.”

Sources for this article include:
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Supreme Court Validates People’s Rights to Establish Common Law Grand Jury

by Drake


Sunday, May 26, 2013

Supreme Court Validates People’s Rights to Establish Common Law Grand Jury

Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 8:13 PM
Subject: FW: Supreme Court Validates People’s Rights to Establish Common Law Grand Jury

Subject: The Common Law 4th Branch Of Government-Legally Is The Common Law Grand Jury — Voted 6 to 3 Decision In The U.S. Supreme Court– Already started in CA and NY.

Click to listen

Grand Jury How? to and Why? & In a stunning 6 to 3 decision Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive nor legislative branches of government, but instead belongs to the people. It is in effect a fourth branch of government “governed” and administered to directly by and on behalf of the American people, and its authority emanates from the Bill of Rights.
This is the solution to taking back our government county by county . . . state by state!

Judge Scalia decision: United States vs. Williams Clck Here To Read:
What Power Does the Common-Law Grand Jury Hold?

“The grand jury is an English institution, brought to this country by the early colonists and incorporated in the Constitution by the Founders. … “to provide a fair method for instituting criminal proceedings against persons believed to have committed crimes.” [Costello v. United States, 350 U.S. 359 (1956),]

16 Page Pdf File how to set up a Constitutional Grand Jury Save this to your favorites and download the documents.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

We THE People

And as Interim President, 12 May 2013

Initiate the orders of We THE People

We THE People who are the Civilian Authority with superior lawfull position over the U.S. Corporation and U.S. Military acting under the Original Jurisdiction of the United States Constitution 1789, Bill of Rights 1791 with the original 13th Amendment=”which removes persons who has an entitlement from holding public office” as the United States of America, Republican form of Government, standing as the true form of Government is proud to announce the following effective IMMEDIATELY.:

As Interim President=Commander in Chief of the Republic it is the duty of this de jure office to ensure the orders issued to the United States Military , Secretary of the Treasury, Provost Marshall and its Public Servants are carried out within the proper time as required by We THE People of The United States of America.

This announcement is for We THE People of the United States of America and our Friends World Wide and

To Chief of Staff of Joint Chiefs, Field Generals, Admirals, Office of General Council for Pentagon, Secretary of the Navy, Trustees of the Constitution and Office of the Inspector General, Provost Marshal, Flag Officers and Secretary of the People’s Treasury;

This announcement and order is to the Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew, the Flag Officers assigned to The Secretary of the Treasury Mr. Jack Lew and the Provost Marshall,

You are hereby ordered to use any force including EXTREME PREJUDICE toward any and all public officers including any and all people in the U.S. Corporation=Internal Governmental Departments=Agencies, Individual Corporations=Organizations, and any other Entity=sentient beings WHOM are delaying=derailing= holding up=stopping any other delaying manipulation tactic on the execution of the following announcements and orders:

1. The Flag Officers assigned to The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew and Provost Marshall is ordered to commandeer all main stream television and radio broadcasting companies and start the announcements that have been prerecorded to inform the Nation:

a. The Republic being re-set, shutdown of the US Corporation (founded in 1871),

b. The shutdown of the Federal Reserve (99 Year Contract Ended),

i. All Debt caused from the US Corporation and / or Federal Reserve is not the responsibility of We THE People of the United States of America

ii. The collector of this debt shall look to and upon US Corporation and its CEO / Presidents, their staff including Legislative and Judicial holders plus the Executives of the Federal Reverse to repay ALL DEBT from their wealth which they stole from the We THE People

iii. Furthermore, the US Corporation Past and Present President, Vice President, staff, Legislative and Judicial are classified as Corporate Contractors or Actors who do not have the lawfull standing for the positions they currently occupy. Therefore, they are trespassing upon We THE People’s rights and liberties and are subject to our Constitutional Laws for Fraud, Treason, Misrepresentation, Embezzlement of our Currency, Unlawfull taxation and more. All damages shall be paid to We THE People by Seizing their assets and freezing their funds on-shore and off-shore bank account, safe deposit boxes, Precious Metals stashes, any storage, and depositing all recovered items back into the Peoples Treasury.

c. The shutdown of the Internal Revenue Service=IRS (taxation was repealed by Congress in 1939 and has been in operation fraudulently and while working for foreign agents it has fraudulently told the American people that is a department of the Treasury)

d. To Immediately begin broadcasting the educational=truth of this nation’s true history

2. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew is established and operating under the Republican form of Government as the true Treasury

3. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew will

a. Conduct a forensic audit of the IRS, freeze all assets, shut down all IRS operations and return all stolen funds to We THE People of The United States of America by depositing the returned funds in the Peoples United States Treasury.

b. All bankruptcies of the United States to date are terminated.

c. All debt tied to the social security numbers shall be set to zero.

i. Due to corrupt and unlawful banking practices and corrupt and unlawful government activities ALL injured parties shall be notified immediately following these actions and public announcements on all major media outlets shall commence immediately.

d. Remove=Terminate all unlawful taxation on all privately held property=land=labor.

e. Remove=Terminate all private personal income tax and private business taxation.

f. The return all government agencies CAFR=off book accounts and all court CRIS account funds to the Peoples United States Treasury.

i. CAFR=Consolidated Annual Financial Report

ii. CRIS=Court Registry Investment System

g. Restore financial privacy to all private sentient beings.

h. Introduce the United States Treasury currency (UST) backed by Gold and other Precise metals replacing the Federal Reserve Note effective IMMEDIATELY.

i. Release the 1.5 Trillion dollars of the Wanta-Regan-Mitterrand Protocols into the United States Treasury for We THE People

j. Announce the largest banks in United Sates of America are now Basel 3 Banking Regulations complaint along with several hundred mid-size banking institutions.

i. Basel 3 – A comprehensive set of reform measures designed to improve the regulation, supervision and risk management within the banking sector.

ii. Basel 3 – Largely in response to the credit crisis, banks are required to maintain proper leverage ratios and meet certain capital requirements protecting the end customer.

4. The “Fines & Penalties”, Foreign Currency Revaluation, Prosperity Packages, the Global Settlements Program, Prosperity Packages, Native American Claims, Humanitarian funds are to be paid out simultaneously effective IMMEDIATELY.

5. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew will oversee the delivery Sunday 12 May 2013 to all recipients of the Farm Claims=Fines and Penalties=Farm Claims Class Action Law Suit Settlement=Bank Claims=Resolution Trust proceeds to the people;

a. The Farm Claims shall be moved to the Royal Bank of Canada for complete delivery=disbursement effective IMMEDIATELY.

b. The Farm Claims Lawsuit shall be unsealed and made part of the public record with=by publication, posting on the internet which is freely accessible to the public at large and=or full disclosure to all claim participants. The executive order that has kept this information hidden was done with the intent to defraud the people and has delayed the execution and delivery of the settlement.

c. These claims shall be delivered using any of the following methods of delivery or all of them together; National Guard, County Sheriffs, Bonded Couriers, Registered Mail, and the Organized and Unorganized State Militias.

d. There shall be NO taxation, NO fees, NO NDAs, NO hidden=misleading language, NO terms or condition or forms that create a contract causing loss of value through BANK FRAUD=MANIPULATION against the private citizen’s.

6. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew shall conduct the release of the foreign currency exchange to all tier three foreign currency holders known as the “U.S. Treasury Hold” on the participating banks Sunday 12 May 2013 and

a. To communicate on all main stream media channels that the global re-set has occurred every hour for the next seventy- two (72) hours.

b. All banks are to make the hours of operation from 07:00 AM to 24:00 PM daily for the next ninety (90) days.

c. All tier three foreign currency holders shall be given VIP=Group rates with NO taxation, NO fees, NO NDAs, NO hidden=misleading language, NO terms or condition or forms that create a contract causing loss of value through BANK FRAUD=MANIPULATION against the private citizen’s when they exchange their currency.

7. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew will release the Global Settlements Program, Prosperity Packages, Native American Claims, and all other programs and claims of a similar nature on 12 May 2013.

It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed by the Political Will of the People~


Interim President
The United States of America

Reference: Contempt of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence circa 1776 and 2012, Orders #1-10

Drake | May 27, 2013 at 7:55 am | Categories: News | URL:

Turks clash with police at anti-Erdogan rallies

19 May, 2013 09:05 AM | Photo by Reuters / Umit Bektas


Global Settlements

Keenan on the other hand is in his final legalwork for the release of Martha Wibawa [Nelu], an Indonesian patriot critical to the release of the Collateral Accounts that would be used to finance global eradication of poverty and environmental destructions.

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Our organization have determined May 31st as the Peak of the Revolution. Whether we can beat that schedule or not, doesn’t really matter. What is important is that we are making headways and we keep on moving forward.

The Dark Side will never win this war because you, the awakened, will never allow that.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:

Merna M, $20
James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95
Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Trapped in A 3D World 3.0

We haven’t been able to write for the last two weeks or so, and it is for some very good reasons. First, I have to help the incoming local administration of my beloved hometown, Saint Bernard [old name: Himatagon] making necessary preparations for its assumption to office.

Throughout the campaign period, I have extended some form of voluntary assistance including taking videos of political sorties, administering a Facebook page for the said political party which included formulating and posting rebuttals to adversarial issues raised by the other camp, and in one time performing live yet corny stuff.

I have not participated in any political actions since 1998, but with this one I took exception for I saw a man of true dignity, discipline and the organizational skills which our town needed so badly. His sterling record of putting duty to country first before self and family could never be outshined by any of the local personalities. I have made some short descriptions about him in our “Trapped in A 3d World” article.

It can be remembered that this town was hit by an artificial disaster which buried one whole village in less than a minute. The outpouring of international help in 2006 did help reduce the shock felt by the survivors but the insatiable greed of the few who later came into the local political scene made all hell possible for these people. They are now on the way out. The next administration we supported throughout the grueling campaign period will assume office on July 1st.

Among other projects, the incoming mayor recently asked for me to assist in their plan to put the whole municipality of Himatagon online. It’s a massive undertaking to say the least. The internet service here is one of the country’s slowest. The lofty goal is to transform this town from a mere 4th class municipality into a first-class mini city.

We have since transformed the campaign page into one of promoting unity and popular participation. What we at eClinik are mostly excited about is that: we are now in a better position to influence more people into the kind of progressive mindset we are made of.

As you may already know, most parts of this country is populated by highly brainwashed (85% Catholics), and taking them to the same thinking requires some real heavy lifting.

But we are fully committed, and we will prevail.

Alongside all these, we are also developing a new website which will host the second edition of our eBook, Towards Healthcare Emancipation 2.x, which is significantly bigger and better than the first.

Thank you very much for bearing with us.

Local Elections 2013

It was a very close fight between a newbie and the incumbents.

Kuya Nap Cuaton of Partido ng Masang Pilipino, the same party of the former propoor president Joseph “Erap” Estrada, who was ousted by the CIA/Jesuit in 2001, won by a margin of 213 votes only.

His running mate for vice-mayor, daughter of a veteran-politician, won by a 1000+ margin, while five out of his eight councilor-candidates made it to the final eight.

The final tally is in this MSM website.

Let me share you now some photos taken by a die–hard supporter, about 4:30 in the morning of May 14th…

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:

James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95
Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

30 Years of Secret Official Transcripts Show UK Government Experts Cover Up Vaccine Hazards To Sell More Vaccines And Harm Your Kids

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:

James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95
Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Child Sacrifice and Trafficking in Holland, and Abroad: An Eyewitness Names Her Torturers

An Exclusive Breaking News Report from ITCCS Central Office and its Dutch Affiliates

Zwolle, Holland:

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A survivor of a high-level ring involving child sacrifice, torture and trafficking went public today in an exclusive disclosure and interview with Freedom Central’s Mel Ve and ITCCS Field Secretary Kevin Annett.

Toos Nijenhuis, a fifty four year old physiotherapist and mother of five from Holland, was tortured, raped and used experimentally from the age of four years old by wealthy and powerful men around the world, including top officials of churches and governments.

And, Nijenhuis claims, these crimes are continuing today, including the ritual sacrifice of children in rural Holland.


Toos Nijenhuis points out child sacrifice site, near Zwolle, Holland

On May 7, Ms. Nijenhuis accompanied Kevin Annett, Mel Ve and other investigators to a forested site near to Zwolle where such child murders took place as recently as November, 2010, according to Ms. Nijenhuis.

Among the perpetrators who are named in these crimes and who allegedly assaulted Toos Nijenhuis are Prince Bernhard of Holland, who was the grandfather of the newly-crowned Dutch King Alexander, and a founder of the Bilderberger Group; Catholic Cardinal Bernard Alfrink of Utrecht, and members of the British Royal Family.

These assaults occurred in Holland, Scotland, and a military experimental base in Melbourne, Australia, where Toos was subjected to what appears to be pain threshold and behaviour modification experiments. She also witnessed the torture and murder of other children.

In response to Toos Nijenhuis’ horrific revelations, a Dutch-based group was formed on May 7 in Zwolle to investigate and prosecute child traffickers and ritual child sacrifice.

In conjunction with Ms. Nijenhuis, Freedom Central, the ITCCS and others, this new group will launch a Common Law Court case into these crimes during the coming year. Key alleged perpetrators will be publicly named and issued a Summons to appear before the Court.

Stay tuned for more information on this campaign.

Kevin Annett is Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

New York City

Reverend Kevin Annett has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by a group of American and Canadian academicians, it was learned today. Annett is currently on an extended speaking tour in Holland, France, Italy and other countries.

Reverend Annett has made history since 1996 with his meticulous exposure of church and state sponsored Genocide of indigenous children in Canada’s Indian residential school system. Annett produced the first documented evidence of massive deaths in the schools and helped force official recognition and an apology from the government of Canada in 2008.

Reverend Annett has been honored and adopted by aboriginal nations in Canada over the past fifteen years and has helped immeasureable numbers of residential school survivors at a great personal cost, in recognition of which he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by a group of North American scholars.

“Without Kevin Annett there would have been no healing and no justice for any of us survivors of this Genocide. He has put us on the map” stated Ojibway Nation elder Louis Daniels in October of 2004 when he adopted Annett into his tribe and gave him the name Eagle Strong Voice.

The Nobel Committee in Oslo – which may itself name candidates – does not reveal nominees or those who endorse them for a period of 50 years, nor does it offer comment, although contenders are sometimes named or speculated over by the media and other sources.

Rev. Annett presently serves as the Field Secretary for the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. A complete interview with him will be posted shortly.

source »

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:

James F, $10
Millard C, $15
Meera M, $49.95Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Are We There Yet?

We are wrapping up the political campaign that I wrote to you about in our Trapped in a 3D World article. This is just necessary for me to do because it would be absurd to keep on dealing with global issues while ignoring the local ones. And I am so happy to say that the people have understood the message and in four or five days from now, we will have the final outcome.

In the world stage, we are reading news which may point to the realization of the massive change we were anticipating for more than a year. The Netanyahu-China exchange which immediately halted the land-grabbing in the West Bank, and the ultimatum issued by Vladimir Putin against Israel regarding the CIA-sponsored Syrian conflict, are signs that a major event is about to unfold. All these are well-coordinated measures aimed at containing the Satanists controlling Israel.

The North Koreans are also removing their fingers on the trigger to a nuclear Armageddon. They have removed their missiles from the launching pads, days ago.

Keenan, on the other hand, is mopping up the hijackers to the Global Settlements, and is finalizing the final version of the Lawsuit that will end it all, i.e. financial tyranny. His detractors have came here to say that he is bogus. We are seeing the opposite.

Of course, these major events can only be fully understood when reading the Fulford Updates.

Speaking of major events, the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure went through so smoothly, too.

Now, here comes Drake who subscribed to John MacHaffie’s recent article at NesaraNews.


by Drake

Many have a lot to learn in consideration of this list.
Let the world know when ‘Validation’ of this is available.
~ Drake

Subject: Post from McHaffie on NESARA Blogspot

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Message to: Mr. Lew, Mr. Dempsey, & CEO of Wells Fargo —— GET IT DONE NOW!

Message to:  Mr. Lew, Mr. Dempsey, & CEO of Wells Fargo

OK, it’s been said

  1. Supposedly, Christine Largarde of IMF pressed the button in front of the World Court at 4:45 pm EST on 5/6 and this sent the RV in motion
  2. Supposedly, 200 WF bankers were arrested over the weekend on 5/3 – 5/5
  3. Supposedly, over 5/4-5/5 weekend, all the banks in US updated or replaced file Servers to work directly with the US Treasury and not the Federal Reserve.
  4. Supposedly, all the banks of 208 countries are on the same banking system
  5. Supposedly, WF, Chase, CB applied for Sovereignty Papers to remove themselves from Federal Reserve System and allowing themselves to be US Treasury banks during week April 28th and was granted
  6. Supposedly, said this week May 5th, new US Treasury dollars to appear 5/15 backed by GOLD and other precious metals
  7. Supposedly, April 28th week, Judge Roberts release the Gold Certificates for the Farm Claim Lawsuit recipients
  8. Supposedly, April 28th week, The Supreme Court Justices have  been in RENO witnessing the release of the Farm Claim Lawsuit documents
  9. Supposedly, April 28th week, WF CEO was fired, thought arrested, however, appeared before the US Supreme Court to argue the case in behalf of George Bush (Sr./Jr.) to stop the Farm Claims Lawsuit release. Judge Roberts supposedly told them to take a hick and ordered the release of the funds.
  10. Supposedly, New file servers were installed over the weekend at Treasury freeing them from the Federal Reserve System on April 27 / 28 while under protection of special forces
  11. Supposedly, the numbers has been on the WF screens for weeks and no one pulled the trigger.
  12. Supposedly, Wells Fargo owner Warren Buffet (with silent partners  Bill Gates, George Bush, Queen of England) has sold their controlling interest in WF to the Old Chinese Family (69% ownership).  Just got to ask the question:  Why would they Buffet (Bush, Gates & Queen) who do not want the RV to happen, who do not want the Farm Claim Lawsuit to be paid out, or who do not want the prosperity packages released to the people every sell their ownership???
  13. Supposedly, Wells Fargo was always a gold backed bank since Queen was involved with them too …
  14. Supposedly, All Bankers have the entitlements from England as do the BAR attorney’s which makes them British Citizens and not US Citizens who control your money & laws who are manipulate countries for WAR profiteering
  15. Supposedly, Citibank was not able on their own to achieve Basel 3 banking compliancy, so Russia came in and bought controlling interest and later sold to the Old Family Chinese who backed them with enough gold to qualify for Basel 3.
  16. Supposedly, Chase CEO Jamie Damon resigned;
  17. Supposedly several weeks prior Jamie Damon was arrested and questioned on bad banking practices and he squealed about all the plans against the We THE People.
  18. Supposedly, Chase is now Basel 3 complaint where I fine this funny since they were one of the worst on derivatives with Gold Certificates.  Do you smell a deal done!!
  19. Supposedly, On the Tom Hennigan report, Flag Officers have been assigned to US Treasurer Jack Lew to run this process on taking down the US Corporation and installing the Republic form of US Constitutions government plus releasing of the RV, Farm Claim Lawsuit and prosperity packages
  20. Supposedly, On the Benjamin Fulford report, US Military led by General Dempsey & the military need to temporarily take over the key centers of power. They need to send troops to occupy the following places: the Federal Reserve Board branches, the Congress, the Senate, the White House, the Supreme Court, the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the major media companies and the Council on Foreign Relations. General Dempsey, the Republic is waiting on YOU Sir, how many orders do you need, get with it.
  21. Supposedly, Governor of CBI, US Treasury Secretary, & WF CEO (old Chinese Family Nephew?) to make the final arrangements.  So, make the arrangements and get on with this …

So with all this said, WHERE is the evidence to show TRUTH! It’s all talk with no evidence of action.

  1. OK, public announcement, General Dempsey, get on with it.
  2. OK, public announcement, US Treasury Sect. Lew, get on with it.
  3. OK, public announcement, CEO of Wells Fargo, get on with it or we will remove your Bank Charter effective immediately and you will be out of business
  4. OK, public announcement, Old Family of China, get on with it, enough talk, American’s move much faster and expect actions.  Our culture is take action; your culture is allow time.  Must understand Sir, our Government, Banking, Legal practices are corrupt and need a complete overhaul per our Declaration of Independence circa 1776 and circa 2012.

We THE People who are the Civilian Authority, under Original Jurisdiction of the Constitution 1789, Bill of Rights 1891, with original 13thAmendment having superior position over US Corporation and the US Military. We the people do here by say GET IT DONE NOW!
REF:       Declaration of Independence 2012            Order #1 – 10

Posted by John MacHaffie at  1:36 PM
Drake | May 8, 2013 at 9:15 am | Categories: News | URL:

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are very grateful to the following for the love and support they’ve given us for the month of May 2013:

Pamela F, $100
Wiley S, $100
John A, $10
Charles B, $10


Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines