All posts by Geopolitics101

Suddenly West is Failing to Overthrow “Regimes”

It used to be done regularly and it worked: The West identified a country as its enemy, unleashed its professional propaganda against it, then administered a series of sanctions, starving and murdering children, the elderly and other vulnerable groups. Continue reading Suddenly West is Failing to Overthrow “Regimes”

The Genesis and Evolution of the Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton Relationship

On August 10th, and for several days after, speculation swirled after it was announced that Jeffrey Epstein had been found dead in his cell. His cause of death has officially been ruled suicide by hanging. Continue reading The Genesis and Evolution of the Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton Relationship

Britain Has As Much Blood on its Hands as the Worst Dictatorships

All Western media networks, broadcast and online, are now focusing on the China-Hong Kong oppression narrative, and purposely silent about the massive protests against the Deep State’s plan to privatize healthcare and school systems in Honduras . Continue reading Britain Has As Much Blood on its Hands as the Worst Dictatorships

With Trump’s Help, Israel Chooses Short-Term Land Grabs Over Long-Term Legitimacy

The case for Israel’s legitimacy and right to exist is one that is difficult to make. Israel is a state that was created for immigrant-settlers in a country that was fully inhabited and developed. Continue reading With Trump’s Help, Israel Chooses Short-Term Land Grabs Over Long-Term Legitimacy

Eastern Alliance Thwarted Shameless Deep State Offensives

In recent months, the Deep State started being openly aggressive against one of the thorns in the Greater Israel ambition in the Middle East, i.e. Beautiful Iran, through MOSSAD false attacks on multiple sovereign oil tankers plying the Strait of Hormus, as aided and abetted by a US carrier fleet assigned in the area specifically for the purpose of castigating Iran. Continue reading Eastern Alliance Thwarted Shameless Deep State Offensives

CEO Claims Jewish AG Barr Set to Break Open Biggest Scandal in US

Barr’s father was born Jewish, and later converted to Catholicism. His mother is of Irish ancestry. Barr was raised Catholic.[4][5]” says mainstream Wikipedia. But the Overstock CEO still wants to tell us that AG William Barr is set to break open the biggest political scandal in the history of America. Is it really possible in the Land of Milk and Honey for the Israel Lobby? Continue reading CEO Claims Jewish AG Barr Set to Break Open Biggest Scandal in US

US Walks Away from Southeast Asia Summit Empty-Handed

Even if the so-called Q-planned mass arrests of high-profiled pedophiles via the Epstein trial has been effectively retarded with his “apparent suicide” through his cohorts in the intelligence community, the Organized Criminal Cabal is still experiencing global defeat everywhere outside of the United States. Continue reading US Walks Away from Southeast Asia Summit Empty-Handed

Mega Group, Maxwells & Mossad: At the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal

As billionaire pedophile and alleged sex-trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein, sits in prison, reports have continued to surface about his reported links to intelligence, his financial ties to several companies and “charitable” foundations, and his friendships with the rich and powerful as well as top politicians. Continue reading Mega Group, Maxwells & Mossad: At the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal

Will Epstein’s Incarceration, NY Child Victims Act, lead to High-Profile Pedophiles’ Convictions?

The courts in the State of New York are expecting a flood of child sexual abuse lawsuits after the signing of the Child Victims Act, which gives any pedophile victim one year to file charges against the perpetrators irrespective of the time that the event happened, a Reuters report recently said. Continue reading Will Epstein’s Incarceration, NY Child Victims Act, lead to High-Profile Pedophiles’ Convictions?

The World is Dedollarizing

What if tomorrow nobody but the United States would use the US-dollar? Every country, or society would use their own currency for internal and international trade, their own economy-based, non-fiat currency. It could be traditional currencies or new government controlled crypto-currencies, but a country’s own sovereign money. No longer the US-dollar. No longer the dollar’s foster child, the Euro. Continue reading The World is Dedollarizing

Government by Blackmail: Epstein, Trump’s Mentor and the Dark Secrets of the Reagan Era

Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire who now sits in jail on federal charges for the sex trafficking of minors, has continued to draw media scrutiny in the weeks after his arrest on July 6. Part of the reason for this continued media interest is related to Epstein’s alleged relationship to the intelligence services and new information about the true extent of the sexual blackmail operation Epstein is believed to have run for decades. Continue reading Government by Blackmail: Epstein, Trump’s Mentor and the Dark Secrets of the Reagan Era

Yemen’s Houthis Turn to Russia for Support as US Raises Tension in the Middle East

MOSCOW — Yemen’s Houthi movement has reacted with concern to an announcement by Washington that the U.S. is pursuing an increased military presence in the Persian Gulf. U.S. Central Command announced Operation Sentinel on July 19, claiming that a multinational maritime effort is needed to promote “maritime stability, ensure safe passage, and de-escalate tensions in international waters throughout the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, the Arabian [Persian] Gulf, Strait of Hormuz, and the Gulf of Oman.” Continue reading Yemen’s Houthis Turn to Russia for Support as US Raises Tension in the Middle East

“Israel First” – Behold Trump’s True Foreign Policy

President Trump ran his presidential campaign under the slogan of “America First”. In his inaugural speech he stated that his “America first” approach ushers a new decree; a new vision of governing the US, and a new foundation for every single decision he will make to benefit only Americans. Continue reading “Israel First” – Behold Trump’s True Foreign Policy

The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case

Despite his “sweetheart” deal and having seemingly evaded justice, billionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein was arrested earlier this month on federal charges for sex trafficking minors. Epstein’s arrest has again brought increased media attention to many of his famous friends, the current president among them. Continue reading The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case

China’s 5G Leadership Means US Eavesdropping is Blocked, Spies Unemployed

The US intelligence community’s alarm at Chinese leadership in 5G mobile broadband has less to do with a threat of Chinese eavesdropping than with the likelihood that electronic eavesdropping will become next to impossible, thanks to quantum cryptography. I have had a number of conversations on the topic with US as well as Chinese sources, but this conclusion appears obvious from public sources. Continue reading China’s 5G Leadership Means US Eavesdropping is Blocked, Spies Unemployed

The Untold Story of Christian Zionism’s Rise to Power in the United States

Well before Theodore Herzl founded political Zionism and published The Jewish State, Christian Zionists in the United States and England were already seeking to direct and influence the foreign policy of both nations in service to a religious obsession end times prophecy. Continue reading The Untold Story of Christian Zionism’s Rise to Power in the United States

Fake Wars and Big Lies: The Muslim Brotherhood as Assassins

We are beginning the publication, episode by episode, of the new book by Thierry Meyssan, Right Before Our Eyes. It is an ambitious narration of the History of the last eighteen years, taken from the experience of the author in the service of several Peoples. Continue reading Fake Wars and Big Lies: The Muslim Brotherhood as Assassins

As Yemen Starves, International Aid Agencies Play Politics With Food

Yemeni authorities are accusing some international aid agencies of playing politics with food aid, correctly pointing out that financiers of the organizations are the very same countries participating in the war on Yemen. Continue reading As Yemen Starves, International Aid Agencies Play Politics With Food

30 British Marines Seized Iranian Oil Tanker

On July 4, a detachment of Royal Marines and the authorities in Gibraltar seized a supertanker suspected of carrying oil to Syria on the belief it was breaching EU sanctions. 30 Royal Marines from 42 Commando were involved in the operation targeting Grace 1 that had sailed from Iran. Continue reading 30 British Marines Seized Iranian Oil Tanker

Trump Admin Dangles $50Bn Bribe for Palestinian Surrender

President Trump’s senior aide on Mideast affairs Jared Kushner tried last week to sell his much-vaunted “deal of the century” for a Palestinian-Israeli peace settlement. The core of it was a purported foreign investment plan worth $50 billion. Continue reading Trump Admin Dangles $50Bn Bribe for Palestinian Surrender

Troika of Evil: Monsters Walk the Earth

There are monsters among us. Every day I read about an American “plan” to either invade some place new or to otherwise inflict pain to convince a “non-compliant” foreign government how to behave. Last week it was Iran but next week it could just as easily again be Lebanon, Syria or Venezuela. Continue reading Troika of Evil: Monsters Walk the Earth

Declassified: The Sino-Russian Masterplan To End U.S. Dominance In Middle East

Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin’s early June 2019 summit in Moscow with People’s Republic of China (PRC) Pres. Xi Jinping seems likely to have a disproportionate influence on the next phases of the crises unfolding in the greater Middle East, and therefore on the future of the region. Continue reading Declassified: The Sino-Russian Masterplan To End U.S. Dominance In Middle East

Trump’s Pick to Lead Military is Staunch anti-Chinese WarHawk

US President Donald Trump continues to surround his administration with people who – when it comes to the issue of China – will be nothing but “yes men” who agree entirely with his administration’s policies towards Beijing. Continue reading Trump’s Pick to Lead Military is Staunch anti-Chinese WarHawk

Provoking Iran Could Start a War and Crash the Entire World Economy

Tensions in the Persian Gulf are reaching a point of no return. In recent weeks, six oil tankers have been subjected to Israeli sabotage disguised to look like Iranian attacks to induce the United States to take military action against the Islamic Republic. Some days ago Iran rightfully shot out of the sky a US Drone. Continue reading Provoking Iran Could Start a War and Crash the Entire World Economy

Behold, the Cognitive Dissonance of the Media in One Graph

The mainstream media has been shaping our thoughts and views for hundreds of years now. It is one of the most important tool used by the ruling bloodlines, in cooperation with their own self-designated experts and scholars, who are interpreting for us the mundane events of the day. Continue reading Behold, the Cognitive Dissonance of the Media in One Graph

Cold War 2.0 Officially Accepted by the Russians

Just a few days ago, the Russian State Duma overwhelmingly passed Vladimir Putin’s resolution to withdraw Russia’s obligations from the INF Treaty that was signed between Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev on 8 December 1987, that paved the way for the reunification of Germany, and the subsequent collapse of the USSR.

Continue reading Cold War 2.0 Officially Accepted by the Russians

The Protocols of Zion is Derived from the Jewish Talmud, But never Semitic

Discussing the crimes of Apartheid Israel is never anti-Semitic for they are not the true Semites in the Land of Palestine. But the Protocols of Zion does come from the Jewish Talmud and you’ll be shocked about what you can read there. Continue reading The Protocols of Zion is Derived from the Jewish Talmud, But never Semitic

Israel’s Secretive Nuclear Facility Leaking as Watchdog Finds Israel Has Nearly 100 Nukes

Israel is one of only five nations in the world that refuse to sign the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, an international treaty aimed at ending the proliferation of nuclear weapons and achieving global nuclear disarmament. Continue reading Israel’s Secretive Nuclear Facility Leaking as Watchdog Finds Israel Has Nearly 100 Nukes

Trump Throws Some WTC911 Bones to Distract US from Oman Gulf False Flag Failure

As we already know by now, Donald Trump suffered significant losses worldwide when his duly-approved false flag operation against Iran did not gain any traction, as the victims, the Norwegian-owned ‘Front Altair’ and the Japanese-owned ‘Kokuka Courageous in this case, didn’t buy the White House narrative. Continue reading Trump Throws Some WTC911 Bones to Distract US from Oman Gulf False Flag Failure

The Democrats’ Sinister Strategy to Win in 2020

The wildest single phenomenon as we come close to a clearer picture of the Democratic Party’s election strategy for 2020, is that there really isn’t a single candidate that the party has been able to coalesce around. Continue reading The Democrats’ Sinister Strategy to Win in 2020

NeoCon Paul Singer is Driving the Outsourcing of US Tech Jobs to Israel

WASHINGTON — With nearly 6 million Americans unemployed and regular bouts of layoffs in the U.S. tech industry, major American tech companies like Google, Microsoft and Intel Corporation are nonetheless moving key operations, billions in investments, and thousands of jobs to Israel — a trend that has largely escaped media attention or concern from even “America first” politicians. Continue reading NeoCon Paul Singer is Driving the Outsourcing of US Tech Jobs to Israel

Australia Goes on Assault Spree Against Free Press

SYDNEY — Since the United States charged journalist Julian Assange with 17 counts of Espionage Act violations — charges that could see Assange facing the death penalty — Australia appears to be following America’s lead and cracking down on free press, particularly journalists and publications that publish government secrets. Continue reading Australia Goes on Assault Spree Against Free Press

Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’: Two Con Men’s Job

Yes, you can ‘judge a book by its cover’, especially if the ‘book’ is the ‘Deal of the Century’ and the ‘cover’ lauds two con men, Trump and Netanyahu. Furthermore, when two con men are involved, ‘Deal of the Century’ is likely more akin to ‘Theft of the Century’. Continue reading Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’: Two Con Men’s Job