All posts by Geopolitics101

Russian No-Fly Zone Across Syria Grounded US & Turkey Planes; Sanctions In Effect

Russia is not taking chances this time. With the delivery of its S400 Self-Targeting SAM systems, a 600-kilometer radius from Khemeimim Airbase is now under full electronic surveillance and most of Syria is covered with surface-to-air missile system protection.
The highly advanced S400 SAM system is said to have no equal in terms of accuracy and reliability anywhere around the world today.
Continue reading Russian No-Fly Zone Across Syria Grounded US & Turkey Planes; Sanctions In Effect

Growing Journalists’ Protest Re Arrest of Cumhuriyet Editor May Lead to Erdogan’s Downfall

Most strongman regimes fall due only to a series of mistakes and inspired events that further trigger a succession of popular movements.
The current situation in Turkey has those elements that would force the current regime to impose Martial Law soon which would then inspire people to rise up and force the regime’s downfall.
Continue reading Growing Journalists’ Protest Re Arrest of Cumhuriyet Editor May Lead to Erdogan’s Downfall

Turkey Violated Greek Airspace 2,244 Times in 2014; Erdogan’s Son, ISIS Oil Smuggler

NATO is just paying lip service to Erdogan’s provocation against Russia. Everyone else is condemning the 17-second executive decision to shoot down the anti-terrorist Russian warplane.
The Erdogan government is now exposed for its double standard regarding airspace incursions as its own air force is also accused of intruding into Greek airspace 40 times a day!
Continue reading Turkey Violated Greek Airspace 2,244 Times in 2014; Erdogan’s Son, ISIS Oil Smuggler

“There were no warnings, no airspace violation” – Rescued Su-24 Pilot Attests

This will be the final nail to Erdogan’s arrogance. Already, the flight data did not indicate any intrusion into Turkish airspace. The Turkey government itself has not presented any convincing evidence to support their claims.
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Attack on our plane was premeditated, an ambush! – Lavrov confirms

Just as we suspected due to the full media coverage of the event, the attack on one Russian Su-24 a day ago was carefully planned and only backed up with flimsiest of reasons considering that Russia’s efforts in the region were highly effective and crippling to the ISIS oil industry to which Turkey has benefited largely from.
Continue reading Attack on our plane was premeditated, an ambush! – Lavrov confirms

New Silk Road Development Continues Amidst Nazionists’ Regressive Actions

The major developments in Eurasia in cooperation with its neighboring countries known as the New Silk Road may have given way the limelight to the regressive events in the West for the time being, but it has never abandoned the plan.
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Khazarian Mafia takedown is accelerating making them dangerously desperate, Fulford

by benjamin
November 24, 2015
It is no longer good enough to passively blog about the mass murdering fascist cabal that is seizing power in the West, it is time to take direct action. This writer is going to put his life where his word is by going at noon, Japan Standard Time on November 24th, 2015* to confront senior Khazarian cabalist mass murderers Richard Armitage, Michael Green and Kurt Campbell.
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Putin's Resolve: ISIS Oil Refineries & 1,000s of Oil Tankers Destroyed

Vladimir Putin’s resolve to disable the Islamic State sources of funds has been proven time and again. Scores of Islamic State controlled oil refineries and thousands of Oil tanker trucks are being blown with cruise missiles and smart bombs.
Continue reading Putin's Resolve: ISIS Oil Refineries & 1,000s of Oil Tankers Destroyed

Pentagon Claims Intensified Air Attacks vs. ISIS Using Russian Videos

In the aftermath of the so-called Paris Attacks, both the White House and the Pentagon claimed to have intensified US attacks against the Islamic State.
As always, such plans were preceded with intensified salivatic tsunami, too.
Continue reading Pentagon Claims Intensified Air Attacks vs. ISIS Using Russian Videos

Massive Missile Testing as Terror Cells Activated Worldwide, Social Engineering or WW3?

Nuclear powered BRICS countries are testing their ballistic missile systems as well as Japan and the United States in almost the same time as terror attacks from Paris to Mali happened.
Continue reading Massive Missile Testing as Terror Cells Activated Worldwide, Social Engineering or WW3?

Dollar & US Treasury Dumping Continue While Civil Asset Forfeitures Exceed Burglary; Bank Deposits at Risk

When the United States economy is being threatened by large foreign creditors, e.g. China and Japan, it has no other option but to seize people’s assets, i.e. real estate properties and bank deposits. Already, the amount of police civil asset forfeitures have exceeded burglary in 2014 alone.
Continue reading Dollar & US Treasury Dumping Continue While Civil Asset Forfeitures Exceed Burglary; Bank Deposits at Risk

Russia Unleashes Long Range, Strategic Bombers After Warning G20 on Financing ISIS

No one can doubt the sincerity and full resolve of the Russians to defeat ISIS in Syria.
On top of the display of its military might, the entire operation is conducted with full transparency in real-time as shown in the war room’s widescreen below…
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Putin Put the G20 on Notice: “We know you are financing Islamic State”

There are countless evidence of the direct involvement of Western countries on the rapid rise of the Islamic State or ISIS terror group. Aside from directly airdropping material support to the terrorist group, the West are also facilitating the selling of oil from ISIS occupied oil fields in Syria and Northern Iraq.
Continue reading Putin Put the G20 on Notice: “We know you are financing Islamic State”

Hollande, Cameron Selling “We are at War with ISIS” After Ignoring Global Intel Before Terror Attack

When WTC 911 was still developing, all intelligence reports related thereto were purposely suppressed or ignored by the decision makers. The same thing was happening on the way to the latest Paris Attacks on Friday 13th.
Continue reading Hollande, Cameron Selling “We are at War with ISIS” After Ignoring Global Intel Before Terror Attack

$25 Billion Fine for A $32 Trillion Foreclosure Fraud Proof of Gov’t + Bank Conspiracy

Multiple global banks have been fined “record breaking amounts” for foreclosure fraud and interest rigging, yet when we compare it to the actual damages that should have been awarded to the actual victims of the whole Ponzi scheme it would appear that the so-called “record breaking amounts” are just a trickle in the grand swindle bucket.
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Is Obama Working with Putin to Defeat Nazionist Khazarians?

A video captures the two leaders having a serious talk in one corner during a recess in in the ongoing G20 Summit and BRICS meeting in Turkey.
With the recent developments in Sinai, Paris, Syria, Yemen and Libya, we can speculate that they are sharing critical information and will be coordinating their countries response to these events.
Continue reading Is Obama Working with Putin to Defeat Nazionist Khazarians?

Friday 13th Paris Attacks: Hollande Government as the Prime Suspect

As in any other false flag terror attacks, the first clue would always come immediately after the orchestrated attack. A false flag operation need not be without actual victims. But it is important to evaluate the initial “reactions” or “countermeasures” a government is taking after the event.
In the case of France, the initial reaction is to close the border, declare state of emergency and put boots on the ground. Who would benefit, or lose, from such measures?
Continue reading Friday 13th Paris Attacks: Hollande Government as the Prime Suspect

The Real Reason Why Russia Leaked “Ocean Multipurpose System: Status-6”

This is the real reason why Russia had to inform the other side that they will definitely experience the Bear’s Wrath if they’ll do it again.
They know exactly who shot down Russian Flight 7K9268 and killed 224 civilians on board. Continue reading The Real Reason Why Russia Leaked “Ocean Multipurpose System: Status-6”

Stealth Technology Disclosed Publicly by China to Cripple West Warmongers

After Russia flaunted its military’s capability to render any given target unusable for decades after destruction, China released its method of creating very thin material that could deny radar signal from acquiring its location, i.e. stealth technology.
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When Corporatocracy is Disguised as Rule of Law

Politicians and policemen love to use the phrase “rule of law” when they argue for their positions on certain issues such as criminality and economics.
Ordained by God, the Rule of Law is supreme and it should be the binding force that unites civilized men, We  all are.
Continue reading When Corporatocracy is Disguised as Rule of Law

Russia Leaks "Assured Unacceptable Damage" Weapon System to Warn NATO

“Assured unacceptable damage”, or AUD capable Russian submarine weapons system is now being advertised to send shivers down NATO spine, effectively advising the latter to cease pursuing useless war materiel production and provocative war games as they are already looking more stupid when the rest of the world have already declared they are tired of all forms of war and destruction.
It’s time to  put those toys away and for good.
Continue reading Russia Leaks "Assured Unacceptable Damage" Weapon System to Warn NATO

Nazionists are on Some Agonizing Deathbed Tantrums

Nazionists are on Some Agonizing Deathbed Tantrums

There are a lot of indications that the losing Cabalists are experiencing the death throes of a collapsing empire. Be it in active theaters of proxy wars like Syria, or in the realm of banking and finance, the signs of shifting powercenters are evident.
Continue reading Nazionists are on Some Agonizing Deathbed Tantrums

Aleppo Airbase Siege Lifted After 100s of ISIS Terrorists Killed

A week ago, the final assault for the strategic Aleppo was launched, and the persistence of those fighting with the Syrians has paid off as hundreds of ISIS terrorists were killed in one of the fiercest battle so far that  put the critical Kuweires airbase under government control as of today.
Continue reading Aleppo Airbase Siege Lifted After 100s of ISIS Terrorists Killed

Snowden Celebrates 'Broadly Influential' Ruling Against NSA Dragnet

Reiterating his prior ruling which found the U.S. government’s surveillance of civilians’ telephone records to be unconstitutional—”Orwellian,” even—a federal judge on Monday ordered the National Security Agency to halt its bulk collection program.
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"Crackas With Attitude" Hacking Group Penetrate US Police Databases

That same hacking group that successfully penetrated the CIA Chief email account has done it again, this time penetrating US Police systems.
This goes to show that the system comprising the very backbone of the fascist technocratic dictatorship is not completely immune to attacks.
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Mocking the Memory of Flight 9268 Victims Highlights Collapsing Western Culture

Those who have fully consented to the actions of ISIS to target non-combatants in its battle with the Russian coalition, not only cheered for the bearded headcutters for what they did on the ill fated flight, but are now mocking the victims directly in more ways than one.
Continue reading Mocking the Memory of Flight 9268 Victims Highlights Collapsing Western Culture

ISIS Leadership is Being Decapitated One by One

One by one, ISIS leaders are being killed as decisive ground operations across Syria are being conducted under the aerial protection of Russian and Syrian military jets, especially in the aftermath of the Russian passenger plane crash.

The Syrian government troops are being complemented by Syrian and Iraqi volunteer fighters alike. Iranian planes are said to be helping out with the transport of these Iraqi volunteers into Syria.
Continue reading ISIS Leadership is Being Decapitated One by One

“ISIS may have planted bomb on flight 9268”- US & UK Governments

Western governments are now emphasizing it is highly probable that ISIS affiliated Egyptians working as baggage handlers may have planted the bomb that caused the mid-air explosion of Russian flight 9268.
UK has suspended all flights from Egypt for the time being.
Continue reading “ISIS may have planted bomb on flight 9268”- US & UK Governments

Investigate Sen. McCain for War Crimes & Narcotics Trafficking – Mohmand

Kadir A. Mohmand Abdul Kadir Mohmand was born in Kabul, Afghanistan. He currently resides at Kalamazoo, Michigan. He graduated from Kabul High School. On an UNESCO scholarship, Mr. Mohmand studied at Sofia University, Bulgaria from 1976 until 1978 when his studies were interrupted by the Communist seizure of power in Afghanistan.
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Final Assault for Allepo is Ongoing; ISIS Leader Confirms Receiving US Arms, Intel Aid

‘We saw US coalition jets transporting terrorists”, said an Iraqi military commander.
This is on top of the plan to put “boots on the ground” to create buffer zones between Russian led coalition force against Islamic State terror group.
Continue reading Final Assault for Allepo is Ongoing; ISIS Leader Confirms Receiving US Arms, Intel Aid

7 Al Qaeda Leaders Killed, Gov't Forces Inflict Devastating Strikes vs. ISIS Post Flight 7K9268 Crash

In addition to the increased firepower being unleashed by the Russians against the bearded terrorists ISIS just after its passenger plane was knocked out from the skies of Sinai Peninsula, the Syrian government forces reciprocated the Russian efforts by inflicting heavy casualties against its enemy across Syria for the last 24 hours.
Continue reading 7 Al Qaeda Leaders Killed, Gov't Forces Inflict Devastating Strikes vs. ISIS Post Flight 7K9268 Crash

High level secret negotiations continue as rogue state Israel’s military put under air and sea blockade

The rogue state of Israel has been put under an “electromagnetic cordon sanitaire,” meaning that its military airplanes are grounded and its warships are unable to leave their ports, according to Pentagon officials.
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Terrorism Not Ruled Out by Kremlin re Flight 7K9268 Crash

Russian authorities are not ruling out terror attack, or other external forces as the cause of yesterday’s flight 7K9268 A321 disaster.
“External forces are the only possible reason of the deadly crash, Kogalymavia officials said Monday. Kogalymavia 7K9268 flight likely suffered substantial damages when it started to fall, officials said.”
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Did CIA & Mossad Shot Down Russian Flight 7K9268?

“It is technically difficult to target a plane on that level,” Ismail told reporters, saying it’s too early to give a reason for the crash. It’s not clear that the Islamic State group in Sinai has weapons capable of downing aircraft at such a height. “We have no evidence that anything unusual was happening on the plane before it crashed.”
“We didn’t receive any SOS signals from the plane,” Hossam Kamal, the minister, told reporters.
Continue reading Did CIA & Mossad Shot Down Russian Flight 7K9268?