Not Just Sexual Abuses

Update 1mar2013: Celebrating a Pope-Free World

The Old Media is now in high gear as to the discussions about sexual abuses of the priestly demons creeping inside the Vatican. And willing participants in the New Alternative Media are now falling into the trap of the lesser crimes that the Vatican, Inc. has committed.

As Kevin D. Arnett had warned us, it’s not just about sexual abuses and pedophilia. The abuses against children and fellow priests, which are still high crimes, are the least of all their crimes.

It’s about money laundering, stealing massive sovereign wealth, genocide, world wars and worst of all, Satanism:

  1. When it comes to genocide, they are planning to reduce the population to a mere 500 million slaves by 2050, through the United Nations, Inc.’s Agenda 21; this is on top of the millions already dead thru scientific and brutal methods;
  2. Through the World Health Organization’s Codex Alimentarius, the massive human culling will be done via Monsanto’s GMO food, and similar poisons, that have flooded groceries worldwide.;
  3. Through the full corporate control of pseudo-regulators like the FDA, the use of deadly drugs including virus-tainted vaccines will be enforced with state sanctioned inoculations;
  4. Whistleblowers, Svali, Frater616 and Leo Zagami, claimed on multimedia that they were first-hand witnesses to human sacrifices regularly occurring in Vatican, London and elsewhere. This included impregnating a woman in a satanic ceremony only to come back few months later when the fetus is available for the feast. That all wars, mass shootings and assassinations are nothing but holocausts, or burnt offerings, meant to appease their god Satan.

The Worship of Satan embodies all their goals which can be summed up into one, i.e. to turn this planet into Hell with whatever means available to them, and they used to have all the resources at their disposal if not for the timely high profiled, well-coordinated response from the BRICS50, now BRICS180 countries – the same group that averted the Final War that will accomplish that which evil had fervently sought, i.e. 95% depopulation.

The various groups that are fighting against the Jesuits may have been and are still serving, first and foremost, their own interests but they definitely know that the best strategy to break the backbone of all that is evil is to empower all the people of the planet, economically and spiritually.

The one stroke called Disclosure Project in 2001 which should have served these ends, rather indirectly, was temporarily stifled by the controlled demolition of the WTC Towers in 911. That single event in late 2001, with its multi-level objectives, reinforced that fact that they, the Reformers, simply cannot do it alone. They must have the people on their side. Hence, the consensus prevailing thereafter is to release the Collateral Accounts for the total elimination of world poverty, among others.

It is now the consensus that to defeat evil for good:

  1. all resources must be made available to all the people of the planet; a massive redistribution of wealth has to occur to enable everyone to live within acceptable level of comfort and decency;
  2. all suppressed technologies must be released for its responsible use;
  3. all media will be used for global reeducation of the masses;
  4. all high crimes will be prosecuted through a neutral Common Law Court, and the verdict will be enforced by the people themselves when necessary;

The release of free energy and antigravity technologies would not only improve the quality of life for everyone, but would also enhance their understanding about spiritually which they mistakenly thought of having to do with religion.

Undeniable current events have destroyed that notion, and exposed its true purpose which is to put everyone in line, while systematically implementing the best scientific methods of eliminating those they considered as Worthless Eaters.

Now that the verdict is handed down, it is now up to the people to enforce it. They need not wait for the authorities to do it for they are still part of the system created by the former rulers of this planet. They simply could not arrest themselves.

The people have the inherent and proper authority to do so. They just need to assert that authority. Every one of us has the right and responsibility to clean this society of its wickedness. It may start from within ourselves but it must extend far beyond until the succeeding generations will forever forget what evil really was.

The opportunity and ability to exploit our fellow human being must be eliminated for good. Everyone must not only be given the opportunity to improve his lot, but must be taught how to use that opportunity wisely.

Even in the Age of Abundance, which will come very shortly, there is still great opportunity for work. Those who have been adequately informed must assist those who are not.

From thereon, to where exactly are we going, we all have to figure out along the way. The adventure will have more fun when we are many.


We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

P&J E, $10
Paula R, $5
Pamela F, $100
Pedro R, $15
Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Lloyd M, $25
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

harper pope


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Final Verdict is Rendered in First Common Law Court Case against the Vatican and Canada for Genocide

Pope, Queen and Canadian Prime Minister found Guilty of Crimes against Humanity and Sentenced to Twenty Five Year Prison Terms

Court Orders them to Surrender by March 4 or face Citizens’ Arrests


Pope Benedict will go to jail for twenty five years for his role in Crimes against Humanity, and Vatican wealth and property is to be seized, according to today’s historic verdict of the International Common Law Court of Justice.

The Brussels-based Court handed down a unanimous guilty verdict from its Citizen Jurors and ordered the citizens’ arrest of thirty Defendants commencing March 4 in a Court Order issued to them today.

The verdict read in part,

“We the Citizen Jury find that the Defendants in this case are guilty of the two indictments, that is, they are guilty of committing or aiding and abetting Crimes against Humanity, and of being part of an ongoing Criminal Conspiracy”

The Jury ruled that each Defendant receive a mandatory twenty five year prison sentence without parole, and have all their personal assets seized.

The Court went on to declare in its Order No. 022513-001,

“The Defendants are ordered to surrender themselves voluntarily to Peace Officers and Agents authorized by this COURT, having been found Guilty as charged.

“The Defendants have seven days from the issuing of this ORDER, until March 4, 2103, to comply. After March 4, 2013, an International Arrest Warrant will be issued against these Defendants”.

The guilty parties include Elizabeth Windsor, Queen of England, Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, and the head officers of the Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada. (A complete copy of the Verdict, the Court Order and a list of the Defendants is enclosed on the accompanying you tube link).

The guilty verdict followed nearly a month of deliberations by more than thirty sworn Citizen Jurors of the 150 case exhibits produced by Court Prosecutors.

These exhibits detailed irrefutable proof of a massive criminal conspiracy by the Defendants’ institutions to commit and conceal Genocide on generations of children in so-called Indian residential schools across Canada.

None of the Defendants challenged or disputed a Public Summons issued to them last September; nor did they deny the charges made against them, or offer counter evidence to the Court.

“Their silence told me a lot. Why wouldn’t innocent people defend their own reputation when accused of such horrible things?” commented one Juror, based in England.

“These crimes were aimed at children, and were a cold and calculated plan to wipe out Indians who weren’t Christians. And the defendants clearly are still covering up this crime. So we felt we had to do more than slap their wrist. The whole reign of terror by state-backed churches that are above the law has to end, because children still suffer from it”.

The Court’s judgement declares the wealth and property of the churches responsible for the Canadian genocide to be forfeited and placed under public ownership, as reparations for the families of the more than 50,000 children who died in the residential schools.

To enforce its sentence, the Court has empowered citizens in Canada, the United States, England, Italy and a dozen other nations to act as its legal agents armed with warrants, and peacefully occupy and seize properties of the Roman Catholic, Anglican and United Church of Canada, which are the main agents in the deaths of these children.

“This sentence gives a legal foundation and legitimacy to the church occupations that have already begun by victims of church torture around the world” commented Kevin Annett, the chief adviser to the Prosecutor’s Office, who presented its case to the world. (see, November 6 and January 30 postings)

“The verdict of the Court is clearly that these criminal church bodies are to be legally and practically disestablished, and their stolen wealth reclaimed by the people. Justice has finally begun to be be served. The dead can now rest more easily.”

Court officers are delivering the Order to all the Defendants this week, including to the Canadian Prime Minister, the Queen of England and to Joseph Ratzinger, the retiring Pope Benedict who is avoiding arrest within the Vatican after suddenly resigning two weeks ago.

The citizens’ arrests of these and other Defendants will commence on March 4 if they do not surrender themselves and their assets, as per the Court Order.

These actions will be filmed and posted at here in the coming week, along with further updates from the Court and its Citizen Agents.

Please see the accompanying you tube video.

Issued by the Central Office,

The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

25 February, 2013


source »

We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

P&J E, $10
Paula R, $5
Pamela F, $100
Pedro R, $15
Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Lloyd M, $25
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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harper pope

Canada Virtually Admits Genocide; Rome Pretends Normalcy

Even those who have followed the events and the real cause leading to the resignation of the CEO of the Vatican, Inc., are experiencing disbelief that such a thing would actually happen.

We are very lucky to have, in some measure, prepared for more monumental disclosures and resignation in the coming weeks. But for those who are still in denial and the uninformed, the shockwaves and aftereffects of upcoming events might be too much to handle, such that the only recourse would be to refuse its acceptance and succumb to a self-impose reclusion.

Be that as it may, even the once formidable system itself is cracking. It is disintegrating slowly but surely. No amount of patchwork could prevent the onslaught of Truth. After the Pope, the British Monarchy is next.

by Kevin D. Annett


Capitalizing on the distraction caused by the latest crisis at the Vatican, Canada`s state-managed “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” (TRC) sneaked into the media today its astounding admission that thousands of children did in fact die in church-run Indian residential schools across Canada.

But only 3000 of them died, that is. In short, a 2% death rate.

European Holocaust Deniers would be proud of Canada’s TRC.

To have the gall to even suggest such a ludicrously low death rate – when every government record and all our posted evidence shows that as early as the first year of the western residential schools, the death rate averaged between 30% and 50% – shows how deep the rot of deceit extends into the stage-managed TRC.

The death rate of 50% continued for at least six decades in these “schools”: from 1891 to 1949, when a top government official commented on that huge mortality. 50,000 or more kids never returned – not 3000.

This Big Lie strategy by the church and state-established TRC has worked up until now, but their deception has worn thin. Like the Vatican, the Canadian government must feel especially desperate to risk announcing such a proven lie and exposing such an obvious coverup.

Regardless, all the TRC has done today is to prove that their work constitutes a criminal conspiracy to subvert and obstruct justice. Their duplicity has indicted their government and church sponsors before the law and the world.

This latest act of official deception will figure as more evidence of deliberate cover-up in the docket of our upcoming Common Law Court case against Canada and its Catholic and Protestant churches. In the months ahead, it won’t just be former Popes who go to trial for conspiracy and child murder.


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Fiddling while Rome Burns? The Pope Hides from Sight while Italian Church and State Feign Normalcy

Posted on February 19, 2013 by itccs


The biggest crisis to hit Catholicism since the Reformation keeps spiraling out of control for the Vatican.

Domestic commentators describe events in Rome as constituting the worst political problem for an Italian government in decades, as President Napolitano is being pressured by the Vatican and his Lateran Treaty obligations to aid Pope Benedict evade and obstruct justice.

The entire matter of the Pope’s situation and Italian liability for criminal behavior was apparently high on the agenda of Napolitano’s recent discussions with US President Barack Obama in Washington, DC.

Meanwhile, keeping an accused Joseph Ratzinger under their protection in defiance of international law, the Vatican’s Secretariat of State under Cardinal Bertone is delaying their response to a Diplomatic communique from a European government notifying Rome of impending legal action against Ratzinger.

According to a source who is a liaison with the said government, no official reply has been issued by Bertone’s office to the February 4 communique, nor is the Secretariat even engaged in back-channel communications on the matter.

“They are pretending the Diplomatic Note never arrived, and that business is normal leading up to their Conclave to choose their next pope. They must maintain an appearance of stability right now, we are assuming” said the liaison source.

Meanwhile, the church-dominated Italian media has launched a vilifying and uninformed assault on the ITCCS and Kevin Annett without having contacted or interviewed Annett or ITCCS officers.

Nevertheless, ITCCS website traffic has exceeded 300,000 “hits” in the past several days, and legal and political help is pouring in to the Tribunal, especially from Italy and the United States.

The ITCCS is planning public occupations of Catholic churches commencing Sunday, March 24, 2013. It will issue an update and plan of action tomorrow, on this website.

Issued by ITCCS Central – Brussels
18 February, 2013

Source »

We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

Paula R, $5
Pamela F, $100
Pedro R, $15
Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Lloyd M, $25
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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Demons Admit Guilt; Pope Will Be Hiding in Hell

As many of us may already know, the house of the demons known as the Vatican Church is now experiencing a major fallout as a result of the “unexpected” resignation of Pope Malevolent XVI, as more and more people become aware of the crimes it has committed over the centuries of its corporate existence.

However, there are those who consider themselves to be far advanced in their way of thinking as to label the coverage of that fallout as sheer nonsense and utterly BS. These are the people who think they can have their utopian world without getting rid of the pests first, i.e. those parasites that infested the moral fabric of our society even before the day we were born.

We can’t build a castle on a quicksand. We can’t install a new and ideal system on top of the old and rotten. We can’t expect those who live and breathe through that absolutely corrupt system to lay down in silence forever. These evils are beyond redemption. They must be erased not only from our collective memory but from their own, too.

As I watched the presentation of evidence and witnesses against the Church and Crown during the 2nd Session of the International Common Law Court of Justice on trial for the genocide of 50,000 natives in Canada, I couldn’t help but look at the Church as the factual manifestation of Hell on Earth.

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You should download that video to have something to remind how these Demons in Robe far exceeded the Nazi’s ruthless actions in WW2.

If there is one institution, err corporation, which needs to be burned down with a fusion bomb, it should be the Church, and those pests creeping in it should each be best served with a generous spray of a compound known as thermate.

Only then can we build a new world free of wars and sufferings, and that generations could build their future on, enhanced upon by the responsible use of suppressed technologies like free energy.

Latest Update – Interview with Kevin Annett by Alexander Backman

Exclusive Breaking News: Friday February 15, 2013

12 midnight GMT

An Urgent Update from the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS) – Brussels


In a statement to Reuters today, Vatican officials announced that Joseph Ratzinger will remain a permanent resident of Vatican City after his resignation. Doing so will offer him legal protection from any attempt to prosecute him in connection with sexual abuse cases around the world, Church sources said today

“His continued presence in the Vatican is necessary, otherwise he might be defenseless”.

This startling admission of guilt by the church is also a direct obstruction of justice, and lends more weight to the charge by the ITCCS and others that the Vatican has arranged with the Italian government to shield Ratzinger from criminal prosecution, in violation of international laws ratified by Italy.


The Vatican decided today to give permanent sanctuary to a proven war criminal by allowing Joseph Ratzinger to obstruct justice and evade prosecution for crimes against humanity. And the government of Italy is colluding in this abrogation of international law.

This decision validates our claims about the criminal conspiracy surrounding Ratzinger and his Vatican co-conspirators. It also makes it clear that the Vatican is a rogue power that is flaunting every law to conceal its own criminality.

In response, the ITCCS calls upon its affiliates and all people of conscience to use our upcoming Easter Reclamation Campaign to converge on Rome and the Vatican to force the extradition of Ratzinger from Vatican City, and place him and his accessories on trial for crimes against humanity.

Commencing Sunday, March 24, 2013, our activists and others will begin an escalating series of Catholic church occupations and seizures of church property to bring about Ratzinger’s extradition and reclaim stolen wealth from the criminal corporation known as Vatican Inc. – in the name of the legion of their victims, both living and dead.

.. and from Kevin Annett – The Rat Scurries Back to Vat!

Those whom the gods destroy, they first drive insane. Especially, it seems, in Rome.

Why would the oldest and wealthiest institution on our planet deliberately prove what its critics say about it, by first tossing their leader, a proven crook, out of his office after he’s threatened with arrest, and then giving him shelter to avoid prosecution? That’s the kind of panic and illogic displayed by a junior document-shredder, not a credible or wise body of men.

And that gives all of us hope.

Continue reading »

(Reuters) – Pope Benedict’s decision to live in the Vatican after he resigns will provide him with security and privacy. It will also offer legal protection from any attempt to prosecute him in connection with sexual abuse cases around the world, Church sources and legal experts say.

“His continued presence in the Vatican is necessary, otherwise he might be defenseless. He wouldn’t have his immunity, his prerogatives, his security, if he is anywhere else,” said one Vatican official, speaking on condition of anonymity.

“It is absolutely necessary” that he stays in the Vatican, said the source, adding that Benedict should have a “dignified existence” in his remaining years.

Vatican sources said officials had three main considerations in deciding that Benedict should live in a convent in the Vatican after he resigns on February 28.

Vatican police, who already know the pope and his habits, will be able to guarantee his privacy and security and not have to entrust it to a foreign police force, which would be necessary if he moved to another country.

“I see a big problem if he would go anywhere else. I’m thinking in terms of his personal security, his safety. We don’t have a secret service that can devote huge resources (like they do) to ex-presidents,” the official said.

Another consideration was that if the pope did move permanently to another country, living in seclusion in a monastery in his native Germany, for example, the location might become a place of pilgrimage.

Continue reading »

Pope Benedict XVI told priests today he will “remain hidden to the world” after he leaves his post as leader of the Roman Catholic Church at the end of this month.

During a meeting Thursday with priests and clergy of the Diocese of Rome at the Vatican, Benedict said although he was retiring to a life of prayer, “I will always be close to all you and I am sure all of you will be close to me, even though I remain hidden to the world,” Vatican Radio quoted him as saying.

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We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

Paula R, $5
Pamela F, $100
Pedro R, $15
Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Lloyd M, $25
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

Thank you very much. We greatly appreciate it.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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Pope Benedict Seeks Italian Immunity and Protection

International Tribunal calls on Napolitano to “not collude in criminality”, and announces global campaign to occupy Vatican property and launch human rights inquiry in Italy

Rome (9 am local time):

Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger, has scheduled a meeting with Italian President Giorgio Napolitano for Saturday, February 23 to discuss securing protection and immunity from prosecution from the Italian government, according to Italian media sources.

Ratzinger’s meeting follows upon the apparent receipt by the Vatican of a diplomatic note from an undisclosed European government on February 4, stating its intention to issue an arrest warrant for Ratzinger, who resigned from his pontificate less than a week later.

In response to the February 23 meeting, the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), through its field Secretary, Rev. Kevin Annett, has written to President Napolitano, asking him to refrain from assisting Ratzinger in evading justice.

The ITCCS letter states, in part,

“I need not remind you, Mr. President, that under international law and treaties that have been ratified by Italy, you and your government are forbidden from granting such protection to those like Joseph Ratzinger who have aided and abetted criminal actions, such as ordering Bishops and Cardinals in America and elsewhere to protect known child rapists among their clergy.

“Your obligation to the Vatican through the Lateran Treaty does not negate or nullify the requirements of these higher moral and international laws; nor does it require that you give any protection or immunity to a single individual like Joseph Ratzinger, especially after he has left his papal office.”

A copy of the complete text of the ITCCS letter follows.

In response to the documented crimes of child torture, trafficking and genocide linked to Pope Benedict and Vatican officials, the ITCCS will be sponsoring a series of ongoing protests and occupations of Roman Catholic churches and offices through its affiliates around the world beginning in Easter week, March 24-31, 2013, and continuing indefinitely.

These actions will accompany the legal efforts to bring Joseph Ratzinger and other Vatican officials to trial for their proven complicity in crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.

The Easter Reclamation Campaign will seize church property and assets to prevent their use by child raping priests, who are protected under Catholic canon law. Citizens have this right to defend their communities and children when the authorities refuse to do so, under international law.

Rev. Kevin Annett and an official delegation from the ITCCS Central Office will also be convening a formal human rights inquiry in Rome commencing the week of May 13, 2013, to consider further charges against the Vatican and its new Pope  for crimes against humanity and obstruction of justice.

Rev. Annett and his delegation will be working with organizations across Italy in this investigation. In 2009 and 2010, he held rallies outside the Vatican and met with media and human rights groups across Italy to charge the Vatican with the death of more than 50,000 aboriginal children in Canada.


An Open Letter and Appeal to Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Republic of Italy from Rev. Kevin D. Annett, Secretary of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State

14 February, 2013

Al Presdente della Repubblica Italiana Giorgio Napolitano
Presidenza della Repubblica
c/o Palazzo del Quirinale
00187 Roma

Dear President Napolitano,

On behalf of our Tribunal and people of conscience everywhere, and of the millions of victims of church abuse, I am making an appeal to you regarding your upcoming meeting with Joseph Ratzinger, who will retire soon as Pope Benedict, the Pontiff of the Church of Rome.

Our understanding is that, in the wake of pressure to have him resign his office because of his proven complicity in concealing child trafficking in his church and other crimes against humanity, Joseph Ratzinger is seeking the assistance of the Italian government in securing protection and immunity from legal prosecution.

I need not remind you, Mr. President, that under international law and treaties that have been ratified by Italy, you and your government are forbidden from granting such protection to those like Jospeh Ratzinger who have aided and abetted criminal actions, such as ordering Bishops and Cardinals in America and elsewhere to protect known child rapists among their clergy.

Your obligation to the Vatican through the Lateran Treaties does not negate or nullify the requirements of these higher moral and international laws; nor does it require that you give any protection or immunity to a single individual like Joseph Ratzinger, especially after he has left his papal office.

The need for you to abide by international law and not be seen to collude with Joseph Ratzinger is even more true when one considers the enormity of the crimes of which the Vatican and its highest officials are clearly guilty, according to considerable evidence gathered and documented by our Tribunal and other groups, and acknowledged by many governments.

In Canada alone, the Roman Catholic Church and its Vatican agents have been found guilty of responsibility for genocide and the deaths of at least 50,000 aboriginal child children in the Jesuit-initiated Indian residential school system, that operated until 1996.

In Ireland, more than 10,000 women suffered and were exploited in the Catholic-run Magdalene Laundries, where many of them died. Similar church-run institutions all over the world have caused enormous mortality, disease and ruination for millions of children. And yet the church has never been held accountable or prosecuted for these deaths and the theft of enormous wealth from entire nations.

With the recent initiative of at least one European government and a host of lawyers to bring Joseph Ratzinger and other church officials to trial for these crimes, we feel it is incumbent on you neither to assist nor to be seen to assist or condone the attempt by him to evade, obstruct or delay justice, lest you open yourself to a charge of being an accessory to a crime.

On behalf of our Tribunal and of many people who cannot speak, I call on you to stand on the law of nations and humanity, and offer no support or protection to Joseph Ratzinger or his accessories in their efforts to evade responsibility for their proven crimes.

I look forward to your reply, and to discussing this with you more when I visit your country in May with a human rights delegation to investigate this matter more closely.


Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div.
Secretary, The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
Central Office, Brussels

cc: world media

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santilli re pope

Previous action taken against the Holy Mafia [sampler only].

Vatican bank assets seized in Rome

Last Updated: Tuesday, September 21, 2010 | 2:30 PM ET

CBC News

Italian authorities have seized €23 million ($31 million Cdn) of Vatican bank assets as part of an investigation into suspected money laundering.

The Vatican said it was confused as to why financial police targeted the funds in a Vatican account at the Rome branch of the Italian bank Credito Artigiano Spa.

“The Holy See is perplexed and surprised by the initiatives of the Rome prosecutors, considering the data necessary is already available at the Bank of Italy,” the Vatican said in a statement Tuesday.

The Vatican said it has the “utmost faith” in the two men who head the bank, officially known as the Institute for Religious Works (IOR).

The probe is not the first time the bank has faced legal scrutiny. In the 1980s, it was implicated in a scandal that resulted in a banker being found hanging from Blackfriars Bridge in London.

Italian prosecutors maintain Roberto Calvi, head of the collapsed Banco Ambrosiano, was murdered, but there have been no convictions. The Vatican bank was Banco Ambrosiano’s main shareholder.

continue reading »

Thanks, Alex Reiger.

Public Prosecutor of Rome to Investigate Bilderberg Group on Allegations of Corruption and Conduct of Politicians

Written by Andrew Puhanic

Published on Friday, February 8th, 2013

Globalist Report

Alfonso Luigi Marra and mario Monto bilderbergAn Italian Lawyer from Italy, Alfonso Luigi Marra, has gone to the extraordinary length to request that the Public Prosecutor of Rome investigate the Bilderberg Group.

However, rather than only implicating the Bilderberg Group as Ferdinando Imposimato is trying to do, Lawyer Alfonso Luigi Marra has even gone to the extraordinary length to implicate the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti (another Bilderberg Group regular attendee) and has asked the Public Prosecutor of Rome to Investigate the Bilderberg Group.

continue reading »


We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

Paula R, $5
Pamela F, $100
Pedro R, $15
Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Lloyd M, $25
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

Thank you very much. We greatly appreciate it.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Hijacking the Revolution 3.0

There are reasons why only the is linked from the military category on the right side of the pages on this weblog. We learned early on that the prestigious Veterans’ Today is a huge high level psy-ops tool. These people are more sophisticated than Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura combined.

Why not?

Gordon Duff, Editor-in-Chief, outed not only himself but the whole VT gang. Duff mentioned in the call [Pete Santilli show] that “these folks are the top psy-operatives in the entire world.”

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Download the full transcript here.


The Board is responsible for all content on VT and participates in all major decisions regarding content, columnists, and editorial direction for VT

  • Gordon Duff – Chairman, U.S. Marines, Vietnam, Board Member/Director  Adamus Corp.,  Switzerland

  • Lt. General Hamid Gul – Director General ISI (Former Chief of Intelligence Services, Pakistan)

  • Col. Eugene Khrushchev – Former Soviet/Russian Airborne, Intelligence, PsyOps, First Secretary, Soviet and Russian Embassies, Kabul, Afghanistan

  • Gwenyth Todd – Former Head, White House National Security Council, Middle East Desk, Chief Political Advisor, US Navy 5th Fleet

  • Jeff Rense – Radio host and investigative journalist (

  • Major Bobby Hanifin – US Air Force, Veterans Affairs Editor

  • Khalil Nouri – Afghanistan Political Expert and Military Specialist

  • Carol Duff – RN, BA, MSN, Veteran’s Health Issues Editor

  • Jim W. Dean – Military Order of World Wars, Association for Intelligence Officers

  • Leo Wanta – Former National Director of Intelligence, White House, Inspector General, Department of Defense

  • James H. Fetzer, Ph.D. – McKnight Professor Emeritus, University of Minnesota Duluth, former Marine Corps officer

  • Clinton Bastin, WWII Marine Corps officer, 42 year veteran of the Atomic Engery Commission and Dept. of Energy, Lead Investigator, IAEA, chief nuclear weapons designer, DOE, world reknown expert in nuclear weapons, fuel reprocessing, and proliferation, past president of the 900,000 member Nuclear Workers Union, and VT’s in house nuclear expert.


General Manager:  John P. Allen

Senior Managing Editor: Gordon Duff

Managing Editors: Managing Editors are responsible for general formatting and editing issues.  This group interacts with and serves our community of columnists/staff writers and reader/subscribers

Comments Manager:  Billy Jackson


  • Middle East

  • General:  Gwyneth Todd, former head, Middle East Desk, National Security Council, White House, Washington, Chief Consultant, Department of the Navy for Middle East Affairs U.S.

  • Eqypt: Dr. Ashraf EzzatAdam Morrow, Khaled Moussa al-Omrani

  • Palestinian Territories & Gaza:  Ken O’KeefeSami Jadallah

  • Israel:  Uri Avnery (former Irgun, Haganah and IDF)

  • Iran:  Kourosh Ziabiari and Dr. Ismail Salmi (Press TV)

  • Afghanistan:  Fayaz Shah

  • Armenia/Syria:  Harut Sassounian

  •  Southeastern Europe

    • Bureau Chief:  Vojislav Milosevic, Director General, Center for Counter-Terrorism and World Peace

      • Professor Andrija Slavik (Specialist on Diplomacy, War Plans and Psychological Warfare)

      • Lt. General (Retd.) Banko Krga – Former Head of Military Intelligence and Deputy Chief of General Staff, Serbian Armed Forces

      • Lt. General (Retd.) Satish Nambiar – Former Deputy Chief of Staff, Assistant Secretary General and Under Secretary General ,United Nations

      • Vice Admiral Radomir Grujic, Fleet Commander, Serbian Naval Forces, Chief of Staff, War College of Serbia

  • France (Paris):Jane Rosenstein,  Gennady & Lidiya Sevastyanov

  • Southeast Asia

  • Pakistan: Major Raja MujtabaBrigadier General Asif Haroon Raja (ret), General Hamid Gul, (Ret. former DG ISI), Admiral Iftikhar Ahmed Sirohey (Ret. Former Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, Military of Pakistan)

  • United Kingdom: Gilad AtzmonAlan Hart (ret. BBC Middle East Desk Chief), Stuart LittlewoodMichael Shrimpton (Barrister, Intelligence Briefer to US/UK govts.)

  • Canada:  Josh Blakeney, Dr. Anthony Hill

  • Russia:  Colonel Gene Khrushchev (ret. Airborne, Intelligence/Psyops, First Secretary Soviet and Russian Embassies in Afghanistan)

  • Southern Africa:  Baron Ricardo Baretzsky (Director General, South African Counter Intelligence Agency)

  • Austria:  Lee Wanta (White House Director of Intelligence, Inspector General, Department of Defense, US under President Reagan)

  • Germany:  F. William Engldahl

  • Italy:   Daniela Giordanao (former Miss Italy, film star and extensively published on science and “fringe” phenomena)

  • US Army “Embed” Afghanistan: Tim King

source »

Complete list here.


Such high-profile a roster caters generously to the curiosity of the hungry mind.

For a time, was part of my daily routine. They have good articles, I mean, “new knowledge” and not the stuffs you usually read mainstream. But when Jeff Rense persistently muddled Ben Fulford’s live report, during those periodic guesting in his radio programs, by interrupting midway to the statements, I began to question his real motives.

Those Rense episodes turned out to be some debate sessions between the guest and the anchor himself acting as the moderator at the same time. The same method is being used on both Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theories.

At the very least, Jeff Rense’s actions were disrespectful. And that reveals the actual sinister motive.

Most of the truth journalists are now dead. Others are in constant death threats. In contrast, the likes of Jeff Rense, Alex Jones, and Jesse Ventura, live on.

Their ilk are engage, without doubt, in destroying legitimate intelligence journalists and first-hand truth-tellers for the ultimate glory of the Vatican.

So what is their take on the recent resignation of the CEO of the Vatican, Inc.?

In the article “Was Pope Benedict fired by the Knights of Malta?” Kevin Barrett takes you in by saying that it was not old age nor a deteriorating health that compelled the pontiff to vacate the golden throne. Instead he suggested Moynihan’s “sacked by the Knights of Malta” line, “to pave the way for a new Pope who will sanction homosexual marriage, non-celibate priests, and other projects aimed at sexualizing and de-sacralizing the Church [Quaglia]”, as if Ratzinger wasn’t one already.

But the final trick is not just about sexual orgies but a fundamental look at that ancient book that for thousands of years served as the basis for all the brutal wars and witch-hunting of the so-called heretics during the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisitions that still continue to this day.

Remember, it’s the withdrawal of the Eastern Alliance, BRICS180+ from global finance by issuing liens against borrowed hard currencies, i.e. gold, silver, precious metals, among other [covert] actions (e.g. money laundering and Libor exposes),that left the Cabal powerless, hence the massive bankers resignations, and now, royal and pontifical resignations, too.

The most visible proof about this financial non-participation is the unending austerity legislated measures across European states that fueled massive unrest throughout the Eurozone.

This financial angle of the true cause of the pontifical resignation is collaborated by Kevin D. Annett in his blog two days ago.

So, how would the most sophisticated psy-ops divert our attention to that simple fact?


“Or could the Pope’s resignation have been caused by some other intrigue involving the Knights of Malta?

At this point, we just don’t know. The choice of the next pope may reveal the hidden agenda.

Here’s the hot rumor going around Italy, passed to me by journalist Roberto Quaglia: Pope Benedict was fired in order to pave the way for a new Pope who will sanction homosexual marriage, non-celibate priests, and other projects aimed at sexualizing and de-sacralizing the Church. According to this analysis, the judeo-freemasonic secret societies responsible for Vatican II have been pushing Benedict to allow gay marriage and a sex-lovin’ priesthood – but Benedict’s eternal response is “not on my watch!” So, goeth the rumor, they ended Benedict’s watch.

My Muslim friends here in Tehran have a different story: They suspect that the Pope resigned because the Church is about to be blown to smithereens when the 2nd-century Gospel of Barnabas is made public. My most knowledgeable informant on this matter, a certain Professor Ben Isa, claims to know from a trusted source, a Turkish parliamentarian, that a copy of the Gospel of Barnabas, currently under armed guard in a special room of the Turkish capitol in Ankara, has been carbon-dated and certified as arguably the oldest extant Gospel.

The copy of Barnabas in the Turkish capitol, Dr. Ben Isa adds, appears to be identical – word for word – with the other copies, which Western scholars have tried to dismiss as Muslim forgeries.

Now it looks like the “Muslim forgery” predates the canonical gospels!

Barnabas’s Gospel, already known from much later copies, reveals that early Christianity was much closer to today’s Islam than to today’s Christianity. Like the Qur’an, it is unitarian. Like the Qur’an, it suggests that Jesus was not actually crucified. And in anticipation of the Qur’an, it predicts the coming of the Prophet Muhammad.

The import of the new Barnabas is staggering. In a nutshell:

Bye-bye Christianity as we’ve known it.

Hello Islam.”

Source »

What? A potential religious war, again?

Fall for it and you’re good for the cookin’.


We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

Paula R, $5
Pamela F, $100
Pedro R, $15
Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Lloyd M, $25
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

Thank you very much. We greatly appreciate it.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

The Latest Coup in Rome

Update 15jan2012: Pope Benedict Seeks Immunity and Protection from Italy

More insights into the real reasons why the infallible pope called it quits by Kevin D. Annett, the Acting Secretary of the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS):

The Rat Scurries from the Vat: The Latest Coup in Rome

by Kevin D. Annett

Theories are abounding this week now that the first pope in seven centuries is resigning his office. But as always, the most direct way to the truth behind the world’s oldest corporation is simply by following the money: and specifically, Vatican Bank money.

Let’s put to rest, first of all, the fallacy that “looming scandals” about child rape and coverup are behind Joseph Ratzinger’s resignation.

That’s just the cover story.

Nobody in the church hierarchy is losing much sleep over their standing, canon-law endorsed policy of concealing and protecting child rapists in their ranks. Even the International Criminal Court application about such crimes has been stymied by catholic-run legislators and jurists.

What pronounced the death knell on Pope Benedict was his personal implication in the bribery and money-laundering practices of the Vatican Bank, comically known as The Institute of Religious Works (IOR); and how that dirty connection gave the anti-Ratzinger faction in the College of Cardinals the lever they needed to dump the obstinate German from the papal throne.

We had a whiff of that dump-Rat Boy agenda last year, when “Vatileaks” broke into the news with a ludicrous story of how Ratzinger’s loyal butler Paolo Gabriele disclosed the pope’s dirty secrets to the Italian media. In fact, the damning documents detailing Ratzinger’s secret rewarding of Vatican contracts to his friends and family members originated in the Vatican Secretary of State’s office, which the fall-guy butler could not have had access to.

The Secretary of State and the real power behind the papacy is Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, an old insider who also engineered the sacking of Gotti Tedeschi, head of the Vatican Bank, last May.

Tedeschi had taken seriously the call of the European Parliament for “greater transparency” by the Vatican Bank /IOR, and was about to disclose to Brussels how his bosses had been laundering money for the mob for decades. The last Pope who had tried such a disclosure, John Paul 1, died from poisoning in September, 1978 after less than a month in office.

But even with Tedechi silenced, the IOR house of cards kept tumbling, as the European Parliament seized from it 300 million Euros fraudulently acquired, and even the American Securities and Exchange Commission declared the IOR’s assets and practices “insecure”. A major Vatican housecleaning was required; or at least, the appearance of one.

It was the pivotal Cardinal Bertone who leaked the pope’s diary and other incriminating papers to a catholic-friendly journalist in Rome last year soon after the sacking of Tedeschi, to prepare the world for Ratzinger’s removal. For it is Bertone who is now reaping the benefits of the papal housecleaning; he is not only a primary contender for the pope’s position but a key player in the IOR.

During my first speaking tour in Rome, in the fall of 2009, I met with several senior Italian senators and officials of the parliamentary Radical Party. They all said the same thing about why Joseph Ratzinger had been made pope, and what awaited him. To quote one of those politicians,

“Nobody becomes pope without a sordid past, because only with such liabilities can he be controlled by the Curia. It’s the same in any big company. Well, Ratzinger made many indisrections as a Cardinal and made many enemies. His signing letters ordering criminal concealment was just one sin. He was to be the scapegoat for all of the trash that the church knew would surface”

So now, the papal scapegoat is gone, pensioned off to wherever ex-popes end up; and the time for the big face life has arrived.

The idea of applying cosmetic surgery to a decaying facade like the Church of Rome reminds me of Shirley Maclaine trying to look forty at the age of ninety. And yet appearances are everything in show business as well as in religion.

Tarcisio Bertone is about as institutional as you can get, and represents the old Italian crowd of the Curia and are part of the Mob-government-papal clique that run the country and the Roman catholic church. In the words of one of the Roman Senators I spoke with,

“You must understand that in my country, the Mafia and the government and the Vatican are all the same people, and they really have only one concern: protecting their assets.”

Bertone, or whoever from the victorious ranks of his faction does assume the papal tiria, cannot be expected to do much but maintain the assets and security of the church, and that means by continuing the policies of silence and dissimulation that keeps the cash flowing. But their position is more difficult now in the wake of the enormous rifts developing within the wider church, where Cardinals are facing criminal prosecution for shielding child rapists, and talk of disaffiliating from Rome is widespread among Irish, American and German Bishops.

“We have all the grounds for a second Reformation now. That’s how serious is the crisis. The church will either rid itself of itself or face collapse” said the Roman Senator to me.

It was easy to despise Joseph Ratzinger: the Hitler Youth raised, reactionary bigot who sacked liberal and independent thinkers in his church as the Cardinal-head of the Vatican Inquisition, and who told American Bishops that purgatory awaited any of them who did not cover up priestly child rape. Even among fellow Cardinals, he was known as “Joe the Rat”.

But Ratzinger was a made to order object of hatred, and put there to play out the oldest game in politics: the venting of popular rage on a disposable figurehead so that the institution itself could proceed unscathed.

I doubt that it’s totally coincidental that Ratzinger was forced out of office so quickly barely ten days after our Common Law court published online hard evidence of the Pope’s involvement in crimes against humanity. Any new Pope will face the same charges, of colluding in a massive criminal conspiracy.

But the real issue is not who or what will replace Joseph Ratzinger as the latest figurehead, but how to displace the Vatican itself as a criminal power unto itself. And that struggle is just commencing.

source »

We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

Paula R, $5
Pamela F, $100
Pedro R, $15
Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Lloyd M, $25
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

Thank you very much. We greatly appreciate it.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Pope Resigned to Avoid Arrest and Seizure

Update 15jan2012: Pope Benedict Seeks Immunity and Protection from Italy

Update 14Jan2012: The latest coup in Rome – More insights from Kevin D. Annett.

Last year, the Vatican Church had been exposed not only as the main Headquarter for Phaedophiliacs but the godfather of all high-profiled money laundering activities. This is the reason why no sensible banks want to deal with it anymore, hence the preference for cash instead of plastics in all economic activities within the Unholy City.

The pope’s shocking resignation is said to be due to his being tired which is uncommon to infallible gods like him. But for those who have been following the ongoing covert yet global financial war, there should be more to it than meets the eye.

Ben Fulford’s latest update only talks about Bush and Blair as having outed the pope for his being the mastermind of both 911 and 311 attacks. What we have been waiting is the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State’s take on the matter, because this organization had been filing lawsuits against the Crown and the Church since last year.

Today, ITCCS released this report from their website:

pope resigned by itccs

Diplomatic Note was issued to Vatican just prior to his resignation

New Pope and Catholic clergy face indictment and arrest as “Easter Reclamation” plan continues

A Global Media Release and Statement from The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State


The historically unprecedented resignation of Joseph Ratzinger as Pope this week was compelled by an upcoming action by a European government to issue an arrest warrant against Ratzinger and a public lien against Vatican property and assets by Easter.

The ITCCS Central Office in Brussels is compelled by Pope Benedict’s sudden abdication to disclose the following details:

1. On Friday, February 1, 2013, on the basis of evidence supplied by our affiliated Common Law Court of Justice (, our Office concluded an agreement with representatives of a European nation and its courts to secure an arrest warrant against Joseph Ratzinger, aka Pope Benedict, for crimes against humanity and ordering a criminal conspiracy.

2. This arrest warrant was to be delivered to the office of the “Holy See” in Rome on Friday, February 15, 2013. It allowed the nation in question to detain Ratzinger as a suspect in a crime if he entered its sovereign territory.

3. A diplomatic note was issued by the said nation’s government to the Vatican’s Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, on Monday, February 4, 2013, informing Bertone of the impending arrest warrant and inviting his office to comply. No reply to this note was received from Cardinal Bertone or his office; but six days later, Pope Benedict resigned.

4. The agreement between our Tribunal and the said nation included a second provision to issue a commercial lien through that nation’s courts against the property and wealth of the Roman Catholic church commencing on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013. This lien was to be accompanied by a public and global “Easter Reclamation Campaign” whereby Catholic church property was to be occupied and claimed by citizens as public assets forfeited under international law and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

5. It is the decision of our Tribunal and the said nation’s government to proceed with the arrest of Joseph Ratzinger upon his vacating the office of the Roman Pontiff on a charge of crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.

6. It is our further decision to proceed as well with the indictment and arrest of Joseph Ratzinger’s successor as Pope on the same charges; and to enforce the commercial lien and “Easter Reclamation Campaign” against the Roman Catholic church, as planned.

In closing, our Tribunal acknowledges that Pope Benedict’s complicity in criminal activities of the Vatican Bank (IOR) was compelling his eventual dismissal by the highest officials of the Vatican. But according to our sources, Secretary of State Tarcisio Bertone forced Joseph Ratzinger’s resignation immediately, and in direct response to the diplomatic note concerning the arrest warrant that was issued to him by the said nation’s government on February 4, 2013.

We call upon all citizens and governments to assist our efforts to legally and directly disestablish the Vatican, Inc. and arrest its chief officers and clergy who are complicit in crimes against humanity and the ongoing criminal conspiracy to aid and protect child torture and trafficking.

Further bulletins on the events of the Easter Reclamation Campaign will be issued by our Office this week.

Issued 13 February, 2013
12:00 am GMT
by the Brussels Central Office

Source »

Statements #5 and #6 should be fully supported by everyone to send a clear message that we don’t condone all forms of sadistic behavior within and without the premises of any institution, especially in that hallowed grounds of the Usurpers of the Divine.

The closing statement also indicates that the men behind the most effective, most elaborate mind control device ever created, are panicking, they want Ratzinger out of the fold even at the eleventh hour as part of “damage control” measures.

However things would actually turn out depend largely on our level of participation.

savile and pope jp2
Remembering the happier days, when Jimmy Savile and Pope John Paul 2 sharing some holy anecdotes…


We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

Paula R, $5
Pamela F, $100
Pedro R, $15
Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Lloyd M, $25
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

Thank you very much. We greatly appreciate it.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Worst Apocalypse Ever

Some of us may already have realized that the purported Doom’s Day, December 21 2012, was actually a crossroad between two choices: Apocalypse and Golden Age.

The fact that we are still here talking about it is proof enough that we are navigating along a timeline towards the first 12,960 years of absolute progression. That is, if we could sustain the effort.

Already, we are witnessing the gradual demise of the powers-that-be:

We have, indeed, chosen wisely.

Consequently, humanity will forever be grateful to the brave souls who have conquered their fears, and greed, that made this imminent global jubilee possible.

There are two updates from Drake a few hours ago related to this topic. Please read them in full. Another weekend update can be downloaded here.


By Drake

What I am about to release is of the highest restriction in classification.

I suggest that there may be only a dozen or fewer who really know the whole story as it were/is…
It is my hope that due to the truth, no one will get into any trouble over this release.

I will not offer extreme detail on some of this as details are unimportant. So, a few very general leaks are offering insights into predication’s dealing with events only reported at the highest levels… OK then.

There are only a handful of people who know and about half of those have the general idea of the physics involved. When I was asked, I told them that because of the BS routines they had played with me, they could just go wonder, take their best guess, and see if they were right.

There is an extremely large load of physics that only 3 – 5 of us on this planet understand. I gave a short insight into exactly this, and was discounted. In a nutshell, none of these great minds have a clue. Hawkings and a couple of others are right, but can only make suppositions, as they do not have the whole picture.

What is about to take place is ‘simply’ the evolutionary process of Ascension. This is exactly a change from 3D to 4D. This does include the whole solar system… The basis of the physics is that the fundamental vibratory frequencies of all matter is about to change. This alters all of the basis in our known physics and the matter involved.

The ideation of catastrophe is due to the basic lack of understanding of the type of changes that are going to take place. These also fall within some areas of astral physics, which is where these poor misguided are trying to glean any info they can. They are desperate…

The descriptions of what can be found from a 3D standpoint are cause for alarm… OH my! and OOOEEE!!! The OMG RUN! Kind of BS…Extraordinary fear of the unknown. Everyone is scared shitless from the ideas presented of the planet destroying or cleansing
events that are absolutely on the way.

Of the several scenes presented, only a few hold any accuracy.

One shows a giant solar flare burning the planet, the oceans all suddenly rise several hundred feet, and the asteroid ‘rain of fire’ of Biblical reference. Adding to this, are the ‘social scientists’ who absolutely know that all of society is just about to collapse…man will be subject to such large radiations that our cognitive brains will revert back to the stone age.

I imagine most have heard these stories.

The real truth is very much different than what is presented. None of the special projects allowed views past a certain point in time. This means that we are flying blind.

We have already had all but the finalization of this process. 12/21/12 has passed… We are into the New Year… The sky has not fallen, oceans risen, and no solar flare etc.

When the general event possibilities pass without problems, then what? Just exactly what the hell is going on that no one has any accurate predictions???

Usually, when man has no idea, but knows a serious problem is coming, he hides…under the covers, under the bed, or underground. The idea of a hideout, to make it hard for someone to find you, shows several things. First and foremost, that the earth killing events are not coming. Second, that it is possible to survive IF you are set to do so… This leaves only the social ideation of an apocalypse. Too bad these people don’t have a clue… one would think that these people would have at least a working idea, but they don’t.

In the very near future the social fabric is going to change. When people are set free, they will be coming after their oppressors. This is primarily the base fact. Due to the fragile nature of all social structures, most think there will be extreme upheaval, riots, etc.

That the basis of all culture will collapse, all systems fail, etc. Violent anarchy will become the social norm. After everyone kills everyone, the roving gangs are to visit, etc. Adding in the natural catastrophes, and the world as we know it is no more.

The opposing view goes to The Plan I have outed. BUT, first the real deal of The Changes due to The Ascension.

‘We’ (mankind) and everything in our solar system will undergo a basic transformation. Most of the base laws of physics as we know them will change. This is due to the fundamental frequency changing from lower to higher.

Carbon is a metallic crystalline structure, this will alter into a more concise crystalline base. One of the side effects is that anything that is ‘bound’ outside of a natural binding, will revert back to its first basis. Many artificial bindings between mostly natural substances will be lost, they will in effect dissolve. Reverting back to their most natural state. Not all, but many and some.

Man is to undergo extraordinary metamorphosis that moves us away from some of our physical orientation to a more spiritual one. Some of our physical orientation will no longer exist.

In general, most things will seem to be as they were with a few exceptions as noted. Mankind’s mind/being in its basis will also alter more towards the automatic knowing that goes along with this. We are to be able to be in close proximity without suspicion or fear, thus most aggressive tendencies will be a thing of the past.

Many of ‘us’ will be teaching people how to be ready and what to expect. This will allay the fear of the unknown.

According to the general plan, the transition from our present system to the original is to be as peaceful as possible. There are to be as few interruptions of expected services as can be accomplished, etc. From what I have heard, The Plan is being followed as closely as possible.
So I see no reason for any panic or concerns of any kind.

The disconnect between this and what many think or believe is very simple. No matter the tech involved, all tech has limitations. Futures are not written in stone and are not absolute until the event occurs.

All the special programs become null and void. Remember that white wall looking glass (and the others) ran into? Several of ‘us’ do have the ability to ‘see’ timelines and into timelines, past and future.

Timelines are very interesting. After a few years of study, some might get the general idea of their existence. Most will never ‘get it’. Within timelines you then have variants, variations, anomalies, variables, and additions/subtractions.

Further, there are ‘realms, dimensions, spaces between, and other lesser known variants/variables. This is very basic and must be understood as such. This is also the existence, condition, and parameters in which I perform my duties as needed.

The two Existences are simply distinct. The good and bad, light and dark, friends and rulers. One is of Light and the other consumes light. The ‘other’ is termed ‘void’. These are The Two existences within all of Creation.

All of the monsters, demons, boogeymen, and devils are of the Void. All of the angels, good spirits, saviors, and God/Creator/Source are of The Light. The battle between these ‘principalities and powers’ has raged for billions of years. It is the basis of all the legends, folk
stories, myths, and things that go bump in the night, that are known and some that are not known.

As our planet is set free, then mankind will be tasked with the social restructuring to offer a planet wide agreement to keep it all that way. This will be a new take on the idea of a One World Order. Yeah, I know, very close to another…

Various countries will form a general council that will meet in order to decide exactly where humanitarian needs are the greatest in order to address ALL those problems. The ‘wealth’ will become a world class application to all mankind according to needs. The 25th century ideas presented in the Star-Trek series best exemplifies our new social structure.

I hope this gives a better picture of the realities involved in all this. Feel free to share this and contact me with questions.

~ Drake

Drake | February 11, 2013 at 1:14 pm | Categories: News | URL:

Currencies RV – 1st Basket

By Drake

My the ‘rumors’ just keep coming…?

        This is one of several ‘lists’ sent to me.

       …and they all get to wait…


        There is another (main) shoe to fall first.

           ~ Drake

                            1st   Basket  RV’s:

Here is a list of the currencies that are updating together in the 1st basket::

  • jod = Jodan dinar
  • sos = Somali Shilling
  • scr = Seychellois Rupee
  • std = Sao Tomean Dodras
  • tnd = Tunisian Dollar
  • syp = Syrian Pound
  • tzs = Tanzanian Shilling
  • myr = Malaysian Ringgit
  • aed = United Arab Emirates Dirham
  • pen = Peruvian Nuevo
  • php = Philippine Peso
  • qar = Qatari Rial
  • nad = Namibian Dollar
  • mzn = Mozambican Metical
  • ngn = Nigerian Naira
  • omr = Omani Rial
  • cny = Chinese Yuan
  • kzt = Kazakhstani Tenge
  • lbp = Labanese Pound
  • vnd = Vietnam Dong
  • iqd = Iraqi Dinar
  • cop = Colombia Peso
  • bob = Bolivian Boliviano
  • vef = Venezuelan Bolivar

Drake | February 11, 2013 at 10:40 am | Categories: News | URL:

If this is yours, thanks for this cute froggy pic 😉


We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

Thank you very much. We greatly appreciate it.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

BREAKING NEWS: Pope Benedict XVI Resigns!

Update 14Jan2013: The latest coup in Rome – More insights from Kevin D. Annett.

Update 13Jan2013: Pope Resigned to Avoid Arrest and Seizure of Properties

Update 12Jan2013: Bush and Blair fingered Pope Benedict XVI as the mastermind behind 911, 311 (Japan Tsunami), hence the historic papal resignation, says Fulford.

Days ago, Queen Beatrix resigned in a clear sign that the Cabalists are losing grip on humanity. Now, it’s Pope Malevolent XVI’s turn.

These recent resignations come after a year of massive resignations from bankers and government officials.

Another groundbreaking event preceding this one is the airing of the Financial Tyranny on Russian REN-TV, a mainstream broadcast network influencing about 30 million primetime audience.

We should be watching the actions from hereon by other Nazis, e.g. Merkel, the Queen, etc. Will they follow suit?

After which, we shall find out if the 13 bloodlines behind them will be fully unmasked/neutralized eventually.

pope resigns

Pope Benedict XVI is to resign for reasons relating to his health, according to a Vatican spokesperson. He’s the first head of the Catholic Church to quit the highest post since the Middle Ages.

­The 85 year old is due to step down on February the 28th. The Pope said he is “fully aware of the gravity of this gesture” but that he lacks the strength to govern Church due to age, according to Vatican’s spokesperson Federico Lombardi.

In a statement released by the Catholic Church, Benedict VXI said that “after having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.”

source »

The perpetual skeptics would consider this resignation as a non-event. Quite the contrary, popes don’t just resign. They die as one, whether by natural causes or via the poison cup.

And like what’s stated in that RT article, this one is the first pope to resign since the Middle Ages.

Who is Pope Benedict XVI?

We know him as the man who penned the policy to protect the reputation of the Church, whatever the cost maybe, while the victims of phaedophile priests are systematically maligned.

After the scandals began breaking a decade ago in the United States, that tradition was explicitly (if secretly) continued by an order issued in 2001 by Joseph Ratzinger, then the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Crimes “perpetrated with a minor by a cleric” fall under church jurisdiction, not civil law enforcement. “Cases of this kind,” Ratzinger warned, “are subject to the pontifical secret”—the violation of which is punishable by excommunication. When Ratzinger was elected pope in 2005, a Vatican spokesman was asked about the 2001 pronouncement. “This is not a public document,” he replied, “so we would not talk about it.” No way, no how.

This guy is an active protector of the offender. He, and all others of his ilk, should be brought to justice.

This guy also represents almost 400 years of unhampered looting of my country. The latest attempt is this one. I’m more than glad to see them all go down.

This photo collage below is from a friend @ facebook.


Who will be the next Pope?

Still reeling from the initial shock, the Vatican still can’t figure out who are the potential successor to this great Jesuit asset. I mean, we have to admit, even the choice of Peter’s earthly representative has to undergo that same process called politics.

Nevertheless, our friends at Facebook have better ideas, one of which is this seasoned veteran…


Just click on the image above to see the comments about this proposal.

Coming Soon!

Except for Obama, who is now claimed to be playing alongside his new Asian “padrinos”, the hard-core Nazis will be displayed on TV as shown below.



We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

Elwyn P, $5
Marvin A, $20
Corneliu R, $100
Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

Thank you very much. We greatly appreciate it.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Political Correctness

For those whose mindset have gone beyond politics already, this may come as irrelevant. But we can still look back to this day when even within that outdated system of politics and religion, there are those who would rise to the occasion and try making the best out of it.

We can’t be accused of racism for this one comes from a better black president if only swift sweet speeches translate to swift sweet actions.

A neurosurgeon from Johns Hopkins, Dr. Benjamin Carson unleashed a vivid description of the current state of affairs of the nation to the audience, especially the lawyers in the room including the Obamas who were guests at the Fellowship Foundation National Prayer Breakfast, two or so days ago, and in the case of the president, should be responsible for providing the solutions being sought.

Among the issues he raised were the following:

  • the declining state of education by worshiping athletes more than the nerds;
  • the inadequacy of healthcare services by not giving the benefits directly to the needy but through middlemen, e.g. bureaucracy, healthcare providers and insurance;
  • political correctness conflicting with free thought;

You will be amused how the First Couple, nay the First Lawyers, reacted through their body language, to this speech.

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We just learned a crash course on how to slap a president, left and right, without raising a hand.

What happened to Obama in that occasion is akin to what happened to Bush Jr. when a shoe projectile was thrown in his direction while delivering a speech years ago. At least, he was able to dodge it; Obama, on the other hand, couldn’t do anything except wish for a blackout.

Previously, rapper Lupe Fiasco did the same thing his way but it wasn’t his party.

“And these the same people supposedly telling us the truth
Limbaugh is a racist, Glenn Beck is a racist
Gaza Strip was getting bombed, Obama didn’t say shit
That’s why I ain’t vote for him, next one either
I’m part of the problem
My problem is, I’m peaceful”

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We wouldn’t have the aforementioned problems if we only use Common Sense even when it’s not politically correct. We could even ignore politics altogether if all restrictions to resources are taken down.

The control mechanism may have worked at that time when most people have yet to figure out the best way to intercourse with society. But now that we have attained a certain level of awareness, the control mechanism called government and religion may have outlived their usefulness.

In fact, mankind may have acted differently, nay even better, if those control mechanisms were not erected in the first place.

There is huge correlation between the behaviors of any animal to its environment, i.e. when living in abundance the animal tends to behave well, but when deprived of the things necessary to sustain a minimum of comfort, the ability to think suffers.

Eventually the dire situation breeds corruption and anger.

Like I said, we could look back to this day when everybody, except the lazy, seems to be revolting in any way they can, even at the turf of the wicked.

We are very grateful for Carson and Fiasco for standing up, i.e. for speaking [or singing] their minds even when it was not politically correct.


We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

Thank you very much. We greatly appreciate it.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in decisively defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.


Here’s the rest of the lyrics…

It’s so loud Inside my head
With words that I should have said!
As I drown in my regrets
I can’t take back the words I never said
I can’t take back the words I never said

[Lupe Fiasco]
I really think the war on terror is a bunch of bullshit
Just a poor excuse for you to use up all your bullets
How much money does it take to really make a full clip
9/11 building 7 did they really pull it
Uhh, And a bunch of other cover ups
Your child’s future was the first to go with budget cuts
If you think that hurts then, wait here comes the uppercut
The school was garbage in the first place, that’s on the up and up
Keep you at the bottom but tease you with the uppercrust
You get it then they move it so you never keeping up enough
If you turn on TV all you see’s a bunch of “what the fucks”
Dude is dating so and so blabbering bout such and such
And that ain’t Jersey Shore, homie that’s the news
And these the same people that supposed to be telling us the truth
Limbaugh is a racist, Glenn Beck is a racist
Gaza strip was getting bombed, Obama didn’t say shit
That’s why I ain’t vote for him, next one either
I’ma part of the problem, my problem is I’m peaceful
And I believe in the people.

[Skylar Grey]
It’s so loud inside my head
With words that I should have said!
As I drown in my regrets
I can’t take back the words I never said
I can’t take back the words I never said

[Lupe Fiasco – Verse 2]
Now you can say it ain’t our fault if we never heard it
But if we know better than we probably deserve it
Jihad is not a holy war, wheres that in the worship?
Murdering is not Islam!
And you are not observant
And you are not a muslim
Israel don’t take my side cause look how far you’ve pushed them
Walk with me into the ghetto, this where all the Kush went
Complain about the liquor store but what you drinking liquor for?
Complain about the gloom but when’d you pick a broom up?
Just listening to Pac ain’t gone make it stop
A rebel in your thoughts, ain’t gon make it halt
If you don’t become an actor you’ll never be a factor
Pills with million side effects
Take em when the pains felt
Wash them down with Diet soda!
Killin off your brain cells
Crooked banks around the World
Would gladly give a loan today
So if you ever miss a payment
They can take your home away!

[Skylar Grey]
It’s so loud inside my head
With words that I should have said!
As I drown in my regrets
I can’t take back the words I never said, never said
I can’t take back the words I never said

[Lupe Fiasco – Verse 3]
I think that all the silence is worse than all the violence
Fear is such a weak emotion that’s why I despise it
We scared of almost everything, afraid to even tell the truth
So scared of what you think of me, I’m scared of even telling you
Sometimes I’m like the only person I feel safe to tell it to
I’m locked inside a cell in me, I know that there’s a jail in you
Consider this your bailing out, so take a breath, inhale a few
My screams is finally getting free, my thoughts is finally yelling through

[Skylar Grey]
It’s so loud Inside my head
With words that I should have said!
As I drown in my regrets
I can’t take back the words I never said

source »

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When Governments Fail

“What we need right now is a clear message to the people of this country. This message must be read in every newspaper, heard on every radio, seen on every television. This message must resound to the entire interlink. I want this country to realize that we stand on the edge of oblivion. I want every man, woman and child to understand how close we are to chaos…”

I want everyone to remember why they need us!

We were told that a government is necessary to put everything in order. Without a government there will be total chaos. But what if chaos is brought about by the government itself?

What if the government is found to be manufacturing the need for public protection in order to self-perpetuate itself amidst a growing perception of its irrelevance?

What can we do?

Can we dismantle a government overnight?

Or, do we just let it continue and ignore its existence? Call it non-participation or civil disobedience, if you will.

Or, can we establish our own parallel government, with its own legislative, arbitration and enforcement mechanism?

The third option requires the full cooperation of the majority who are completely convinced that the current government is dysfunctional as in the case when the mobsters have fully taken over, such that the power of the ballot is no longer respected.

With terror reaching intolerable levels and public frustration at its peak, the fed up Mexicans are now patrolling their own neighborhood fully armed.

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They have effectively taken over the primary function of their government, i.e. peace and order. Without peace and order, the economy suffers. And when the economy suffers, the state of affairs deteriorates even further.

But let us be very clear that the failure of the government is not just internally caused. There was almost always external interference preceding it.

This is the present case down there in Mexico where the drug lords have been receiving logistical support from the CIA for decades. There are very strong claims that the Bushes and the Clintons are deeply  involved in these illegal activities from the very beginning.

The Obama presidency, through Eric Holder, was also found to be complicit in the arming of the mobsters through the Fast and Furious Gun Running activities.

Such is not a unique case however. In countries like Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Syria, the deterioration of governance is artificially induced.

These governments, to the meddlers, are easy picking, i.e. too easy to mess with, due to the ethnic divisions of the population. Divide and conquer always work.

Fortunately, we have Russia, China, Iran, Iceland and the rest of the BRICS180+ who have shown real experience on how to decisively defeat the Jesuit Nazi Cabal in its own game:

  • Russians kicked out non-government organizations serving as fronts for Cabalists’ interests, and were found to be actively meddling in its internal affairs;
  • China, with its new reformist leader Xi Jinping, has started cleaning up the system, and effectively using the state media to root out corruption;

ARVE Error: need id and provider

These neutralizers have one thing in common: they all have their cultures and customs well preserved. In contrast, we in the Philippines have lost our sense of identity completely.

We have been, for 400 years, infected with the virus of materialism. Spirituality was replaced with idolatry and the superficiality of Hollywood.

When governments fail, it is imperative that a new one should be put in its place

It is completely absurd to demand reforms from the same old rotten politicos. The only way to move on is to leave them all behind.

The information control is now nonexistent. The power to acquire knowledge for free is now in everyone’s grasp. The lightning speed of multimedia correspondence should enable the conduct of economic exchange without the need for financial middlemen like banks and brokers.

Deeper understanding of the true Science of Spirituality frees the individual from the fear and guilt-based religion bypassing altogether the Church posing as the First Middleman between you and your god.

In the end, no matter how we play different scenarios, if the internet continues to exist, the barriers that have been erected to restrict cultural exchange will vanish. All political boundaries will become irrelevant as the speed of transport exponentially increases with the use of vortex propulsion systems.

The Peoples of the Earth have become One. They are now exercising their true power where no standing army could ever subdue.

The magic has become common knowledge and the magician draws crowd no more

We are witnessing the slow death of the old fear-based concepts and practices. They have lost control over the economics of scarcity. They are reduced to recycling the same failed actors on various false flag operations that only the lazy continues to believe.

In my country, false flag bombings done by a select segment of the military were exposed during the administration of the bogus president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. It was dubbed Oplan: Greenbase,  a covert operation sanctioned by the Corporate Headquarters in Washington DC.

The delay that everybody is complaining about is caused by a desire to make this transition as smooth as possible, allowing even the awake and aware to help spread the reality that this last and perpetual revolution will not end in futility, but a Golden Age that is already a forgone conclusion.

Embrace it or be left behind.

It’s your choice.



by Drake

I hope many Latinos get this.

Mexico has had a lot of problems and yet the people are of good spirit, hardworking, and decent.

I am sending this out in hopes that it gets read and passed around as far as possible to everyone.

Mexico is being set free by its people!

I posted the video that was sent to The Well Regulated American Militia site in order to inform as many as I can.

I strongly suggest every person of Mexican Heritage join your brothers and sisters in this effort.

Beyond that I hope that all American Patriots offer as much support as we can, join, donate, and help out.

I see this as an honorable effort to gain Freedom.

Thank you,


Share with Rick and 2309 others in your new group: MEXICO REVOLUCIONARIO

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Drake | February 7, 2013 at 3:31 pm | Categories: News | URL:

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

We are fully indebted to the following who gave their support for the month of February 2013:

Noel T, $50
Rebecca R, $20

Thank you very much. We greatly appreciate it.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Illuminati and Asia, Friends or Foes?

A Kenyan follower of Ben Fulford asked the same questions what many of us have in mind. Concisely, here’s Ben’s response:


RE: ILLUMINATI Use China to Loot the West

Hi,I’m a male 40- year old Kenyan who’s been a follower ever since your Fukushima expose. I have some questions I’ve always wanted to ask to simplify things. Is there a single high command at the pyramid apex or is there not a single Illuminati monolith? If not, which are the main factions and their specific agendas if any? Is there a single geographical region for each faction like an agreed sphere of influence?

Are any of these factions ever at loggerheads even though they share the same underlying philosophy of elitism, inbreeding, satanism(?) and contempt for Man? There are many threads on the illuminati and I’ve looked long for a functional description but haven’t seen one.


Thank you for the very thought provoking question. It will require a long answer. First of all, I believe that for most people the word Illuminati has become a generic term for a secret elite manipulating world events.

The reality is more complicated. Two groups have contacted me, each claiming to be the Illuminati. One says they have been opposed to secret rule by Satanic bloodlines for thousands of years. They claim to have started the French, Russian and American revolutions. Another group calling itself Illuminati says they are descended from the Caesars of Rome and control the Vatican and the Mafia. They are better known as the Vatican P2 lodge. Together they were plotting a fascist world government known as the New World Order. They were opposed by the inbred Royal families of Europe who I think of as the Old World Order.

Until recently, there was unified leadership with 5 key people at the top: David Rockefeller, George Bush Sr., Evelyn Rothschild, Queen Elizabeth and the Pope. Around the time of the election of George Bush Jr. and the self-inflicted 911, 2001 terror attack, they split into two factions: the war on terror faction and the global warming faction. The war on terror faction was the New World Order and the Global warming faction was the Old World Order.

Recently, my contacts with people at or near the top of the Western power structure lead me to believe the real situation has become really complicated because of a power transition. A good parallel is a band of hyenas that has lost its alpha leader. For a while there is complex factional infighting going on and it is hard to figure out exactly what is going on.

That is because an Asian group decided Western leadership was destroying the planet and started to take on both factions. They have done very well and the result has been the 180 nation BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) alliance.

President Obama was very limited in what he could do during his first term because of the power of the two secret factions. He was set up to be a puppet who could fool the colored peoples of the world into thinking he was the world’s leader and not the old white men like George Soros, David Rockefeller and George Bush Sr. who were pulling his strings.

Recently though, the situation has changed. My sources tell me the Rockefellers have fled to an Island near Fiji the Bushes tried to flee to South America but were stopped. Obama is now free to do more than he could in his first term. However, an American president has to represent the consensus of the establishment, especially the military industrial complex, so Obama is still fairly powerless.

Another way to understand what is going on in the West it to realize it has a split personality. One part of the West thinks of itself as heir to Greek (science and democracy) and Roman (law and strong military power) culture. However, a large part of the elite think of themselves as heirs to Babylonian or Egyptian cultures which were ruled by God kings. It is the Babylonian and Egyptian traditions that are associated with occult secret societies, slavery, finance, guilds and Satanism.

Posted at 11:34 | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Madame Wu

This is another intel from Drake on the personal background of Madame Wu re Global Settlement.

Google search would yield deep connection of this Lady to the Cabalists and the corrupt financial system they built. Drake’s intel below should be reliable.

madame wu
Wu Xiaoling

Madame Wu – Financial News

by Drake

Subject: Madame Wu

I must apologize for the amount of time it has taken to complete this investigation. However, obtaining specific information is no longer a simple or easy matter.

This comes directly from China which makes intelligence gathering all the more difficult.

I have stated many times that as I get information/intelligence, I would offer these insights to our audience.

Although this is short, it does get straight to the point. Further, the questions posed are those asked by certain officials of China.*
These sources will remain confidential.

– Madame Wu is NOT related to a former President of China. This woman is not the ex President’s daughter, she is just a banker, not a princess or anything else. She is merely the former governor of the Bank of China not the Central Bank and they are broke…

She is in no way related to the Dynasty nor Royal Bloodline and in fact the Dynasty office would love to speak to Madame Wu as she knows that she has no rights to any of our treasury.

She is going to be in shock because the Dynasty Offices are going to call her. If we are correct her family was the first Chinese family with a gambling license, her tie to Las Vegas.

Her family was taken down by Chairman Mao.

They were hired by the Dynasty as was Sen, Chek, Li, etc.  They are all hired employees and not Family members at all. Don’t believe us read the history.

* Ask Madame Wu where is her Dynasty office and ask her when was the last time she was in Mainland China?

-The answers are: she has no Dynasty office and she hasn’t been in Mainland China in a long time.

Ask her about the 9th or 8th or 7th.  She should know exactly what we are referring to.

She is another thief falsely staking claim to things which are not theirs.  There are 1000’s of these overseas princesses.  They aren’t even full Chinese.  They are all thieves of the people.

It has been very clearly stated that the Collateral Accounts are to benefit the people of the planet.

The Chinese will own their assets as they do now and everything that is theirs falls under their umbrella, which means at least 85% of the accounts.

The accounts have to be audited and reviewed and when sound they can be wrapped up for trades. Governments will not get a dime.

>The funds for the projects will come to the foundation and the foundation will issue the funds to the projects.

Due to misuse, theft, and refusal to honor agreed contracts of repayment, those who hold responsibility for these accounts, are left with no alternative except calling these ‘usages’, collateral and interest, due and payable.

Further actions are pending.

Happening NOW :
The Rockefeller family is no longer in the United States… Jay and David retired grabbing the money and ran!

There is no more money in the Federal Reserve because The Rockefeller’s took it with them!

With nothing in our vaults, you can see from what is going on, we are near The End.

The Rockefeller’s bought an Island  near Fiji intending to form their own sovereign nation.

~ Drake

Drake | January 30, 2013 at 2:38 pm | Categories: News | URL:

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Hijacking the Revolution 2.0

We’ve written about the potential dangers from Usurpers of the Revolution before. In light of new observations, we are compelled to write another.

In one of the episodes of Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory, he tackled about the issue of Time Travel. From an article in Exopolitics, we understand that it is the most closely guarded secret of the Cabal because it wields so much power as to allow one to alter the future.

Both the military and the Church obviously exercise great interest on this technology. For the former, they could coordinate the precise deployment of the troops and armaments to avoid defeat in any theater of battle. For the latter, they could predict future events to project their close relation with their God, thereby enhancing their credibility in the eyes of the Sheeples. If they so desire, they could also alter events in their favor, such as eliminating their potential enemy right before or after birth.

But how did Ventura treated this topic after featuring foremost authorities on the subject namely Alfred Lambremont Webre of and Andrew Basiago have delivered their statements supporting the above “theory”?

Ventura’s facial expression said it all.

In the concluding portion of the episode on Time Travel he said the following:

“Do I believe Andrew Basiago really traveled back in time to Gettysburg? Do I believe he showed up in George Washington’s tent?

C’mon, I tell you one thing though, I think Andrew Basiago believes it. And from the evidence we uncovered, I think he was used as a guinea pig in some kind of government black ops program whether it was time travel or whether his memories were implanted. He’s another victim of the covert operations we pay for even when it’s used against us.

Time travel? Yeah, we found out the government experimented with it. It’s a conspiracy that reaches back years. And if they were successful, into the future, too. “

Dissecting this concluding statement reveals how debunking is done with subtlety:

  • “from the evidence we uncovered” ß these evidence were not shown in this episode; purely an arbitrary statement; in contrast, Basiago’s statement is supported with clear evidence that he was made to wear a bigger shoes matching that in the photograph of the boy in Gettysburg 1863; another evidence to support Baisago’s claim is the canister he’s holding near his breast, said to contain written instructions to the Secretary of the Navy at that time, to assist him in case of unforeseen problems;
  • “his memories were implanted” ß again, that’s a conclusion without the necessary evidence claimed;
  • “He’s another victim of the covert operations” ß another personal conclusion in agreement to the real motive of the show;

The problem with this episode is that, it never explored the veracity of the technology itself. It never tried to understand the science of it. How could they? They’re not qualified to do it. Such superficial and myopic treatment of the subject under consideration would negate the factual existence of the “theory” even prior to the actual interviews of relevant resource persons. What’s funny is that these resource persons are primemovers of the “theory” being discussed.

The usual consequence predictably is the effective debunking of such “theory”, and the public humiliation of the primemover, i.e. resource person. The resource person’s only consolation is the mere fact that at least the topic had been discussed primetime; it is now up to the public to make up their own minds.

However, debunking wasn’t always the object. There are other episodes that did show some confirmations on the theory, but only when they can pinpoint or blame it to lesser important players, e.g. Bush, Rockefeller. That was the case with HAARP. But when it comes to the possible involvement of the Church, the Jesuits in particular which are experts in the art of mind reprogramming, and 13 bloodlines higher than this military organization disguising as a religious order, Jesse Ventura is mum about it, just like his best friend Alex Jones.

We may also look at the new members of this high profiled debunking group. First, is his son and the other is Oliver Stone’s. But who really is Oliver Stone?

Stone did several multi-awarded films about Vietnam, JFK, and the Untold History of America. But did any of these films ever mention the men behind the Nazi operation in the CIA? Have you ever heard him say the “J” word?



Well, just like Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones, he is also a Jesuit Coadjutor. This trio, among others, may have been assigned to put all the blame on the puppets to avoid exposing the puppet masters. The methods and formula used are mostly the same, i.e. 95% truth, 5% silent lie.

In the case of the Untold History of America, he’s just repeating what have been told before by Soviet “historians”…

“Stone, it turns out, has been engaged in some false advertising. For what he has produced, at least so far, might be better entitled “A Twice-Told Tale” — because the narrative he presents was told first by official Soviet “historians” and their fellow-travelers in this country, albeit without the hi-tech enhancements and prominent platform available to Stone. And if you think this is just cheap red-baiting, then go on over to Digby’s site and watch chapter one.”


Both Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones are guilty of not telling the critical 5% of the story. Their names floated during the last US Elections.

“People like Alex Jones and Ron Paul, while claiming to offer an alternative to American corruption, are strangely silent when it comes to the agency that is historically most culpable. While ostensibly defending our Constitution; they say nothing of the organization that has opposed it the longest. “None of these self-styled ‘freedom fighting’ conspiracy theorists expose the real power behind all the conspiracies at work,” writes Seventh-day Adventist layworker, Roland Temple.

“Alex Jones is hiding the biggest part of the NWO. He’s hiding all this and it’s not by accident,” says (non-Adventist) Christian activist, Thomas Richards. “A lot of the things he covers have a direct connection with The Vatican, but he never mentions it.” That’s suspicious, say some, because the Commander of seems very well informed about everything else that’s going on behind the scenes, almost as if he’s got a back-stage pass.

Jones may have rock-star appeal, but he doesn’t have a degree. A doctor of political philosophy, however, author John Robbins has well documented Rome’s surreptitious role in global events. Then there’s Jesuit Malachi Martin’s Keys of This Blood, “the untold story behind the Vatican’s role in today’s winner-take-all race against time to establish, maintain, and control the first one-world government.”

Unwilling to debate these claims, Jones just writes them off as “mental cases,” deferring instead to the wisdom of one such as Representative Ron Paul. Like Alex, this fellow Texan seems to have some good ideas about restoring our rights, but has a stunning disconnect when it comes to the Vatican. In a 2005 letter, the Congressman praises the “commitment to human dignity” of a Pope who shamelessly covered for pedophile priests.

Mail-carriers have known for years that the best way to keep a dog off their trail is to give them a bone to chew on. The “alternative media” may serve this function, occupying listeners with unsatisfying bones of contention—stripped of real meat. “The conspiracy theorists actually tend to point the finger away from the Babylon of the Three Angel’s Messages,” writes Temple. These messages, say Seventh-day Adventists, not only provide a solid Scriptural basis for the conspiracy, but point people to the One who can deliver them from its clutches. ”


How about Drake Bailey? Weeks ago, he supplied the links to the videos of Untold History of America by Oliver Stone. Has anyone heard him say the “J” word yet?

For anyone interested, try reading Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps as your basic lessons in history as the Jesuits have virtually written it.

The Philadelphia Experiment

Again, time travel is the most closely guarded secret of the Vatican, and the 13 bloodlines behind that elaborate facade. It’s understandable that any mainstream discussion regarding the subject is designed to weakened the theory, not strengthened it.

The Philadelphia Experiment is said to be dealing primarily with cloaking, but the result went far beyond this intention. The device transported the entire ship USS Eldridge from Philadelphia to Norfolk instantly. We know that space and time are very closely related, if not two sides of the same coin, i.e. if one could manipulate space or teleport in an instant, then one could also travel through time using essentially the same high-powered device shown below.

Here are some photos of the Philadelphia Experiment, showing actual “send off” of the naval destroyer escort.

The last two photos could be the mammoth power plant used, or same like it, to generate the required amount of power that tore the fabric of space and time, both of which are just made of the same electromagnetic waves that manipulated them, i.e. the low energy wave perturbed by the same, yet ultra-high, energy wave.

Have you noticed The Fuehrer himself?

Of course, Hitler was still alive after WW2 as Otto Skorzeny, his personal bodyguard, confessed in his deathbed in December 31, 1999. Below, is a post-war photo of him and his daughter, Angela Merkel.

In the early years of the experiment, and with the non-cooperation of Nikola Tesla, countless Navy personnel serving as guinea pigs suffered from multiple side-effects, the worst of which was when the whole crew melted into the metal deck of the ship. The agonizing pain compelled some to shot themselves and others to death.

Where Are We Now?

The fact that we are still here at this time suggests that we are already navigating into another timeline separate from that of the apocalypse scenario. At this time we can rest assured that another world war will never happen. We can also go to bed every night knowing that any morning from now we would wake up to the long awaited, carefully planned, redistribution of the planet’s wealth for everyone to benefit from.

The only problem left is when those groups promoting themselves to have done some actions, legal or otherwise, to regain freedom, will claim credit for the release of these massive prosperity funds. Already, some of these groups are spreading sophisticated variations of their religious bad taste.

The revolution should therefore be perpetual. We shall never go back again to ignorance.

Desperately Looting [UPDATED]

Update 5:52 PM 26jan2013: The Philippines is said to be clueless as to why a US minesweeper is in the area of a world heritage site we love to call as Tubbataha Reef. USS Guardian is causing about 1,000 square meters of damage and counting.

The irresponsible parties are now considering three options on how to remove the stranded minesweeper: crane, towing and dismemberment. Of course, the use of crane is more appropriate considering the additional damage towing may imposed on the natural preserve.

The use of crane could also help facilitate the recovery of any sunken treasures in the area. And that’s what exactly the option they are prioritizing.

They are also waiting for USNS Salvor, a very powerful Safeguard salvage ship, to arrive at the vicinity. Even without the crane, this rescue and salvage ship can very well do the job as well…

Stranded vessels can be retracted from a beach or reef by the use of Salvor‘s towing machine and propulsion. Additional retraction force can be applied to a stranded vessel through the use of up to six legs of beach gear, consisting of 6,000-pound (2,700 kg) STATO anchors, wire rope, chain, and salvage buoys. In a typical configuration, two legs of beach gear are rigged on board Salvor, and up to four legs of beach are rigged to the stranded vessel.[5]

In addition to the standard legs of beach gear, Salvor carries 4 spring buoys. The spring buoys are carried beneath the port and starboard bridge wings and are painted bright orange.[6] Each spring buoy weighs approximately 3,100 pounds (1,400 kg), is 10 feet (3.0 m) long and 6 feet (1.8 m) in diameter, provides a net buoyancy of 7½ tons, and can withstand 125 tons of pull-through force.[5] The spring buoys are used with beach gear legs rigged from a stranded vessel when deep water is found seaward of the stranded vessel. more »

So far, the insidious plan is working. Even the noisy Department of Justice is unusually silent about the whole issue. That’s the clue right there, that this administration know exactly what’s really going on but they’re not ready to tell you about it.

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That’s Tubbataha Reef in all its splendor. Sadly, just recently, some rogue elements of the US Navy decided to ram their ship into our underwater paradise without the slightest provocation from anybody.

They can drive drones remotely, but they can’t steer a sophisticated warship without smashing a highly protected marine sanctuary, a world heritage site for that matter, in spite of repeated radio warnings from park rangers. If this is not deliberate then, are they all drunk on board?

Please read below to see how these assholes showed their arrogance on the way to the event.

Possible Dark Mission

Only a few days ago, Germany demanded repatriation of their gold deposit at Federal Reserve NY. Other countries are also doing the same recovery measures after falling victims to Tungsten Bullion plated with thin coats of the real deal.

Early last year, as the bankers were jumping off the sinking ship in droves, intel reports received through Ben Fulford talked about raids of old buildings and caves in the area of Palawan, in the guise of a joint military exercise, Balikatan 2012.

They’ve done this same monstrosity to my country in 2006. Now they are back again.

If more of their ships or submarine will come, then, it’s obvious that this is a deliberate action to create a need for another recovery effort beyond the removal of their grounded USS Guardian.

This week’s Fulford Update also mentioned about the real intent of the occupation forces in Mali, i.e. to make sure that her annual gold production would be allocated for the repatriation of the German gold. The second purpose is to divert attention from a last ditch land grab of a potentially lucrative post-Cabal Saharan desert.

Whatever the case maybe, the damage to our crowning jewel is said to have irrecoverable consequence.

The action was deliberate showing nothing but desperation out of an imminent defeat.

The Philippine government has fined the US Navy for unlawfully entering and damaging a World-Heritage listed coral reef aboard the USS Guardian, even after receiving radio warnings by park rangers to avoid the reef.

Penalties of unauthorized entry to the Tubbataha Reef are severe, and include a maximum penalty of one-year imprisonment and a fine of 300,000 pesos (about $7,300). The Philippine government has decided to fine the US Navy, but will not be sending anyone to prison, according to information obtained by the Agence France-Presse.

Ever since the USS Guardian damaged the protected reef on Jan. 17, Philippines have expressed growing anger over the perceived carelessness of the US. A government-led board that manages the reef took several days to assess the destruction to its reef and resources and decide on the penalty.

Jose Lorenzo Tan, a member of the board, refused to discuss the amount of the fine the US Navy will be forced to pay, but confirmed that there would be no jail time.

Angelique Songco, head of the Philippine government’s Protected Area Management Board, told the Huffington Post that the government typically imposes fines of about $300 per square meter of damaged coral. The World Wide Fund for Nature Philippines estimates that at least 10 meters (11 yards) of the 68-meter (74-yard) reef have been damaged.

On Jan. 17, the USS Guardian, an American minesweeper, went aground the coral reef, even after receiving radio complaints from park rangers assigned to warn oncoming ships of the World Heritage-listed site’s location. After park rangers contacted the USS Guardian, the ship captain told them to direct their complaints to the US embassy instead. The US Navy then continued along their route, going aground against the Tubbataha Reef and getting stuck.

The US Navy released a statement after the incident, blaming the slip-up on bad weather, wind and waves, and promising that some of its personnel will remain aboard the USS Guardian to help free the ship from the coral it was stuck on and to minimize the environmental damage.

The US has long planned to increase its military presence in the Philippines in order to counter China’s growing influence in the region. Last month, the Obama administration began to significantly increase its number of troops, aircraft and ships that rotate through the island nation. The US has also provided the country with financial assistance and signed a five-year joint US-Philippine military exercise plan. The US Navy also visits the Philippine ports to refuel its ship and allow its forces to rest and relax. But while the administration has tried to keep up good relations with the Philippines and gain a strong presence in the region, its mistake on the World Heritage-listed coral reef upset many locals and may cause a setback.

The USS Guardian is now grounded on the south atoll of the Tubbatha Reef. The Phillipine Coast Guard will attempt to remove the ship from its dangerously close location to the protected reef and will continue to assess the environmental damage.

Source »

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Thanks to the following for continuing to support this humble endeavor:

  • Alison vG, $40
  • Ryann M, $10
  • Sandra B, $20
  • Hahn E, $25
  • Steven K, $15
  • Sharon dS, $10
  • Penny P, $7

All for the month of January 2013.

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Final Push for Golden Age Accelerates [UPDATED]

Update 11:44 AM GMT+8 25jan2013: From the same Youtube Channel, Alang Jr, showing details of the Global Settlements. These videos prove, once and for all, that the funds known as Collateral Accounts that would eliminate global poverty in 3 months and usher a Golden Age for humanity, do exist.

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Update 7:37PM GMT+8: This video is the subject of Djon’s comment below. After the statement about payments and distribution schedule, photos of actual cash, gold/silver coins, bonds and gold bullion are shown.

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INFINITE BANK STATEMENTS from The World Bank can be viewed/downloaded here. For those who are new to this blog, you can have a good background as to the story behind this document here.

ibs p1 signatories

Unlike earlier versions of this document, this one does contain Obama’s signature, among others in his administration, as well as the signature of Pope Malevolent XVI.

Obama’s signature was supposed to be required for the Global Settlements to push through. Now that it’s already done, the redistribution of wealth should begin any day from now.

Some of the red flags written on that document are the following:

  • That nobody are Allowed to Open, Deal, Transact and Negotiate said above mentioned accounts except King ASM, US/Philippine Government Designated Officer and the Host Government and its Duly Designated Government Officer/Employee anybody who are going to interfere and/or claim as claimants without the approval of all above mentioned Government Officers/Employee and King ASM shall be immediately net and imprisoned with a maximum penalty of International Law against them. | Comment: This requires that the US/Philippine Corporate Governments must be restored first to their being republic. Otherwise, the same politicians will block these funds as they have always done before in the case of the Philippines.
  • That all above mentioned accounts are subject forever for clearance to the Committee of 300 leveling from United Nation Organization down to US Federal Reserve and only US Federal Reserve Board are only Authorized and Allowed by the World Trade Organization and World Bank Group to conduct Fiscal Trading and US Federal Reserve Board are Authorized by the World Bank Group to keep and care all information list of above mentioned accounts; | Comment: “to” instead of “from”… we need to ask for clearance forever from the same institutions that put us in Hell even before the day we were born.
  • That the Committee of 300 unanimously Recognized GROUP OF FAMILIES IN SACRED BLESSINGS, INC. with Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission Reg. No. CN201200127 as Local and Legal Affiliation of ASBLP Group in the Philippines.  | Comment: Who are these families? Does this include the Dragon Families that Ben Fulford represents or this is another group altogether? There are at least three groups claiming ownership/authority over the accounts. One of them commented elaborately on this subject while being discussed on this blog. Who gave them the Sacred Blessings? The illustrious signatories on the the last page?
  • That all Interesting Parties and the Host Governments are Disallowed to Use funding originated from ASBLP Accounts to Extend and Source Tool for Military Power …  | Comment: Deliberate misspellings again, or unintentional as English is not the native language of our brothers in Indonesia? The Federal Reserve Notes or FRNs issued to owners of the gold bullion they “borrowed” have deliberately misspelled texts on them and the rationale forwarded was that they are going to be used to detect authenticity. As it turned out, the discrepancy was used to deny claims in its favor. The issuer has no intention of paying what was owed from the very beginning. In short, it was the biggest swindle in the whole history of finance and banking. However, if the misspellings in the above document are not deliberate, it would mean that the document was prepared by Indonesians and as such may give us some level of assurance that the whole thing is indeed above board, unlike the version of the document issued in 1988 and signed by ex-Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos obviously under duress.

The biggest red flag of all is the fact that the present Philippine Government is visibly controlled by the Jesuits, and 90% of the population are brainwashed Christians. Sorry, but they include the rest of my own family, too.

As far as that document is concern, the road ahead is still not paved with good intentions. We all need to be vigilant. We’ll find it very soon if this is another attempt to hijack the revolution.

It’s exactly 5:00 AM GMT+8. Can hardly open my eyes but I can’t wait another minute to share with you the latest financial intel from China through Drake and perhaps from Keenan.

As with all posts before, this page will be updated from time to time. So, just look for the [UPDATED] tag. Also, remember, Drake dropped the date 23rd January, as the ultimatum day for those who promised him the “action” to take place. Otherwise, he will drop the names of these people in the military hierarchy giving false intel.

Financial Intel

by Drake

Financial Intel

HUGE assets and MONEY from the imperial families are in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Specifically, China, Japan, Indonesia.

The new China Government is to change it all in 8 weeks time (?) so people are moving stocks…

JP Morgan is having a huge issue as all their customers are moving their Gold (AU) now QUICKLY…

All the families mentioned above and Morgan included are very nervous because everything they have falls under the Xing Dynasty.

The Real Buddha, The Empress of the Xing Dynasty Empire is nearing return and showing all parties that the thievery must stop now!

She is responsible for the rightful arrests of those in Hong Kong involved in the outright theft of the Xing Dynasty Royal Assets and the firing of many top Chinese Officials.

She is very fair in her ways and she is going to take the course that her ancestors took of assisting the people of the world. She will stand strong and be unshakeable against those who test her will.

Finally Asia will get rid of the demons they have allowed in and those inside that have become evil themselves.

The assets JP Morgan is trying to dump now in Hong Kong are well known and belong to the Xing Dynasty. They are watching every move they make and with whom.

The traders, players, and frauds think they have eight (8) weeks left (?) to play and get rich but get this, BUT, there is no eight (8) weeks, as it has already begun.

The Empress is on her way to her rightful home now, to arrive before you expect it… HSBC close your 13th floor right now they are watching you after hours because they know this is when you do your illegal trading.

Things have started.

~ Drake

Drake | January 22, 2013 at 1:20 pm | Categories: News | URL:

Thanks to the following for continuing to support this humble endeavor:

  • Alison vG, $40
  • Ryann M, $10
  • Sandra B, $20
  • Hahn E, $25
  • Steven K, $15
  • Sharon dS, $10
  • Penny P, $7

All for the month of January 2013.

We will try to post a list of all last years’ donors as time permits. Thank you for all the love and support you have given us since 2011. We appreciate it very much.

In case you haven’t notice it yet, we are making donations to the Red Book as optional since last week of November 2012. This is to give everyone the opportunity to have access to practical solutions to all forms of cancer /immune disorders.

Xi Jinping is Reinforcing Deng Xiaoping’s Open Policy as opposed to the Jesuit-Maoist Principles

Only a few weeks ago, CCTV broadcasted for the first time the highly subversive “V for Vendetta” video to the stunned millions of viewers across China.

Now, China is moving ahead with the removal of her highly condemned labor camps.


Chinese ‘re-education’ labor camps set for abolition: official

China’s hugely controversial “re-education” labour camps are set to be abolished this year, state media Monday quoted a senior legal official as saying.

It is another signal that the widely criticised system — where people can be sentenced to up to four years’ “re-education” by a police panel, without an open trial — is coming to an end.

The comments come after the Communist Party’s new leader Xi Jinping said the party recognised as a “pressing problem” that it was “out of touch with the people”.

About 60,000 people are detained in the camps, officials say, most of whom serve from six months to a year.

Opponents say the camps are used to silence government critics and would-be petitioners who seek to bring their complaints against officials to higher authorities.

Earlier this month reports emerged briefly that the system — known as laojiao — would be abolished. But they were swiftly deleted and replaced with predictions of reforms, with few details and no timetable.

Chen Jiping, deputy director of the China Law Society, was quoted by the China Daily as saying that a key meeting had agreed tightly to limit use of the system until it could be scrapped by China’s rubber-stamp parliament, the National People’s Congress (NPC).

It added in reported speech that he described laojiao as having “made its contribution at a time when the Communist Party of China was consolidating the republic and rectifying social order, but now China has well-established legal systems”.

“Ending the system requires the approval of the top legislature which originally endorsed laojiao in 1957,” the paper said. The annual session of the NPC is due to be held in March.

Currently, people sentenced under the laojiao system are forced to perform manual labour such as farm or factory work, but do not receive a criminal conviction.

Authorities will need to replace it with alternative punishments for those accused of petty offences, the paper added.

continue reading »

Geithner Leaving Treasury on Friday

We been expecting this to happen any day after he was said to have shared vital information that would bring down the Dark Cabal in exchange for his immunity.


US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, who steered the administration of President Barack Obama through the financial crisis, will step down from his post Friday, a source told AFP on Tuesday.

Geithner had said he would leave the department after the conclusion of Obama’s first four-year term. The president was sworn in on Sunday for a second term.

Obama has nominated longtime Washington insider Jack Lew, his current chief of staff, to succeed Geithner. His nomination requires Senate approval.

Deputy treasury secretary Neal Wolin is to serve as acting secretary pending Lew’s confirmation.

continue reading »

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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Doing 2013 [UPDATED]

Update 21 jan 2013: Drake drops Wednesday 23rd as D-Day or else he will begin to “out”, i.e. mention names of, people giving false intel. He’s obviously pissed off with all the “horse hockey” and “ringing around the rosie” ruining our “fun and games”. Download here [mp3].

The year 2012 was said to be the year when all secrets are no more. Indeed, it was the year of Knowing.

The fundamental question right now is what are we going to do with it?

What are we going to do with all the knowledge that have been leaked to us by living heroes like Bradley, Julian, Anonymous Collective, and the legacy of the fallen, Aaron, Innocent Children of false flag operations, etc.?

Should we just sit idly by, and consider every sacrifice made by both known and nameless individuals as another form of sophisticated entertainment that will just fizzled out when a new one steals the limelight? All pure distractions to our normal lives?

Some of us are looking up to the next fellow to determine on what exactly is needed to be done, and when we realize that he’s got a perfect idea, we readily swarm upon it, and that’s how a petition for cessation from Corporate United States was born. That’s how Idle No More is setting fire on that cold winter Canadian storm these days.

Of course, others would not want to be outdone or rest in their laurels until the establishment does get the message. Raising the threshold from 25,000 signatures to 100,000 for government to act on a single We the People petition is such a bad idea. It makes people want to revolt instead.

And we are seeing signs that “We the People” are more than ready.

But this is just the beginning. In a few days, the Americans at home (streets for the homeless) will start to remember the year when it all started. More importantly, how it’s done.



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I have a feeling that we are already looking at the shadow of the next American Revolution. Be prepared.

Drake did mention Wednesday as when some form of instructions will be given for the militia to act. If not accurate, he threatened to “out” those people giving false intel. He’s obviously tired of the “horse hockey” and “ring around the rosie” unnecessarily delaying our “fun and games”.

Mainstream Broadcast of Financial Tyranny

A prelude to financial disclosure of the third kind, Russia’s mainstream medium RN-TV successfully broadcasted to at least 30 million potential viewers the popular series re Financially Tyranny which explains the events behind the recent collapse of western economies.

Featured on primetime were David Wilcock and of course, our very own fellow Asian, Benjamin Fulford. Although i don’t know a single character in the Russian alphabet, I can sense just by looking at the images that this is undoubtedly the most explosive so far, it will blow every Sheeple’s mind, and a huge slap to the Old Media!

Some footage in this video may have been taken by undercover agents.

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Probably, the first of its kind that a mainstream medium treated such occult subject in great detail. It’s pretty exciting to see how the masses would react when the English version hit the road.

And as Neil Keenan mentioned earlier, this is just part of what the Real Buddha intends to do, i.e. house cleaning.

Secrecy of Cayman’s off-shore tax haven to be blown

AFP Photo / Valery Hache

AFP Photo / Valery Hache

The legendary secret tax haven status of the Cayman Islands is coming to an end. The islands’ financial authorities are going to begin scrutinising the companies and hedge funds set up there.

Thousands of enterprises and financial institutions in the British overseas territory that kept a low profile will soon come into the spotlight. The Cayman Island Monetary Authority (CIMA) wants to set up a database of funds registered in the island which will include the names of the bosses, according to the Financial Times (FT).

read more »

Looking Back

Soros is said to have indirectly funded the Occupy Wall Street in the beginning. Well, I think the people have successfully hijacked the movement to the point of even transforming it to a Global Occupy Everywhere raising a new level of awareness that continues to move people against oppressive austerity measures even today. Governments are in disarray, and the whole Cabal is evidently in panic mode as the endgame is concluding.

In desperation, they resorted to Sandy Hook false flag and its predecessors, without realizing that we have successfully used their personal information gathering mechanism, aka social media, as our means of sharing establishment secrets, revolutionary ideas, and coordinating concrete actions that would surely bring them down to their knees.

We have successfully hijacked every system of oppression in our favor.

Verily, real power truly belongs to an Awakened Collective.

But the job is not done yet. The momentum must be sustained. The spirit that brought us here must be rekindled in perpetuity.

Let this be the year of Doing for the Common Good, and like so for all the years thereafter.





One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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What Does It All Mean? 2.0

It amuses me somehow to see how most people would respond to statements like “cancer and AIDS are curable” or “money will be flooding soon and eventually becomes irrelevant”.

“When all diseases are curable, how and when are we going to die?”

“When money is flooding, and I don’t have to worry about anything, what is there left to do?”

An attorney even replied to me once, “When everything is made free for all, then what is there left to satisfy me?” Admittedly, I was shocked at first, because I was expecting that he is more open minded and should have figured it out considering his level of “education”. So, after a while I smiled and asked him,

“What is it that you really love doing? You see, when everyone is already living in that free world, the level of thinking may have risen up a few notches, and by that time, people will have figured it out. There may be physical changes to their desires, but the fundamentals will remain the same. They will keep doing what they love most; all those things that they want to do now but don’t have the time or resources to do them. It is the fulfillment of childhood dreams.”

That’s the irony. We need to think so high enough to be able to play. After all, isn’t it that the Artist in all of us is just a kid who survived?

Above all, by that time, we will have more opportunities of looking inward to our own Spirituality. What is it exactly?

And the more we understand our True Nature, the more we appreciate the other man’s existence.

What Would You Create If You Had What You Need?

From: Palmi
Subject: Hello my beloved lightworker
Date: January 19, 2013 9:06:29 AM PST

Thank you so much for all your work regarding our new world.

I´m not sure what I want to do with this but I somehow felt that I needed to write this to help people better understand what we are going through. I live in Iceland and I sure I am on this planet for a good reason like yourself and that I´m trying to think about how one can contribute to our efforts in getting the message out to the rest of the world and what we should DO in the near future.

It´s important for people to start realizing and understanding this issue in plain 3D English. Maybe you and the readers of your page can help us get an article up that will do just that. Bellow is what I have written so far but I´m sure there are sooooo many things that I am missing and together is the new word so maybe we can work something like this out together.

Thank you my dear love for all the work you have done and will DO in the future.
Lots of love.

The GOLDEN AGE of mankind.


Google “One People’s Public Trust” or “OPPT” (lot of this is written in “legalese” but that´s kind of required for this kind of action) but you will have to do some research to find this since no one of the mainstream media has picked up on this yet.

I also encourage you to look up these documents in the legal system:

All the financial/corporate structure (owned by the “ELITE” or sometimes called the “CABAL”) that were in place is now foreclosed upon and does no longer have any authority to claim anything from you!

I realize this is so unbelievable and amazing and many will cry “wolf” before generally excepted but never the less then I encourage you to read up on this as it is very inspiring and eye opening as you start to ask yourself questions like:

Am I really free?

Have I been in chains all my life
and not just realized it until now?

Who do I really report to?
My government?
My bank?

Who owns me?

If you think about it, no matter what religion you belong to then you have to admit that someone created all of this, can we agree on calling “this force of creation” GOD? If we can agree on this then it is him, and only him that you can and should report to. Now, since this creator GOD is not readily available here on planet earth to claim ownership over YOU then it is only one person that can rule over you, “YOU” are in charge of yourself until someone else claims “ownership” over YOU.

Now, what these filings from the OPPT, DO claim in legalese is: ONLY THE CREATOR OF YOU CAN CLAIM OWNERSHIP OVER YOU! This is now on paper in our legal systems and everything is properly done from the legal standpoint. What was then done at the same time was to overthrow all of the monetary system that we are born into and we claimed sovereignty from those who have kept us in shackles for a long time (remember that the “old” monetary system is based on dept! there were no funds to begin with, it was created out of thin air, e.g. hence the FED).

Now here is where this becomes very interesting. According to the OPPT then the gold and silver amount owned by OPPT is quite a lot! 🙂 (NESARA Fund and St St. Germain Fund, please google these) or about $500 billion in Gold and Silver per person on the planet… This means in plain 3D English that the 7 billion humans on planet earth have now pretty good funds to build a new world, hence the Golden Age Of Man Kind.

It is interesting to note that the final filings from OPPT are dated on the 25th of December 2012. Those of you that know astrology know that this is the day that the sun rises after three days of darkness and then on the 25th it rises again and a new AGE is born or The age of Aquarius (we are coming out of the Age of Pisces (hence the letters “Jesus” are often depicted in a fish symbol). Again, those who know anything about astrology know Aquarius is symbolized by the Water Bearer. In much the same way that the Water Bearer brings that precious liquid as a gift, Aquarians shower the world with their thoughts and new ideas and are the bringers of prosperity and growth.

We know that the earth does  wobble on its axis and it takes the earth 25.960 years to do a full circle or 2160 years in each Zodiac (this number 25.960 is also the Mayan long calendar). This 25.960 years are just like our 24hour day cycle with 12 hours in night and 12 hours in the day or with two seasons in growth and with two seasons in hibernation but there is a much longer cycle as well and in the long cycle this is 12.960 years of “night” and 12.960 years of “day”. On the 25th of December 2012 was the first day of “day” timeline for our planet in this long calendar count. In other words we have been going through 12.960 days of night but 25th of December 2012 was the first day of our next 12,960 year cycle. It is worth noting that in the past 12.960 years of our planet being in the dark side of this cycle, all kind of negative things can manifest. However, as soon as we come on the bright side of the cycle those negative things cease to exist although it may take some time to get rid of all of it.

Having spent many hours over the last year reading/viewing material on astrology, astronomy, cosmology, religion, politics, financial etc. then I find this new information quite interesting and well worth researching as we know that our monetary system is on the edge of collapse, our way of living on the planet is on the edge of no return in terms of destruction, we see people rising up and demanding justice and fairness, we see corruption pretty much everywhere in our societies and people are crying out loud for change. It seems to me that here it is at last.

After about 20 years of creating crap that was designed to last a very short time (remember, pretty much everything is designed to have a certain lifespan so we can keep the economy running) and using resources and materials un-wisely, I realized that I did not want to design “crap” anymore since we do not have materials to keep this going. Over the last 30 years or so we have depleted about 1/3 of all resources on the planet. Now, since I have 4-6-21 year old boys I know that when they will reach my age at 43, we will have depleted completely every resource on our mother earth. As far as I know then we only have one mother earth that we can life on so we better start thinking about this very seriously.

Now we are finally free and have wealth way beyond our wildest dreams, but, what does all this mean for us as free human beings? Are we all now just going to put our feet up and stop working? Why would I work anymore since I have all this wealth? Well, here is the thing. What this means in my mind is that now we have to look at our world and ask our self: How are we going to continue? If everyone stops working nothing will get done, that is for sure. Now we will have to rethink our very BE’ing on this planet together. What we need to do now is to merge into 5th dimensional economics, and in 5D economics everything is free. You say, wait, if everything is free and no one is going to work how is that going to work?  Well, that´s up to you whether you work or not, but now it is YOU that will have to make up your own mind regarding what you want TO DO. I personally want to start living/co creating this new world with our new economics, in a world of peace, prosperity and abundance.

How I would see 5D economics work.

You see, I studied Industrial design because I loved CREATING something. Now, since I now am free and can live a life in abundance do you think I want to stop creating? You see that many people on the planet are actually doing what they absolutely love doing. E.g. a nurse in Iceland does study nursing because she or he wants to nurse people, they want to help those who are in need. This gives them life pleasure. Nurses in Iceland have always been on very poor salaries. There was a article in the paper here in Iceland few weeks ago about a nurse that was leaving her job because the salaries where so shamefully low that she was being forced to leave her job and look for an alternative job to make ends meet. Do you think this same nurse, now when she does not owe anything, she does not have to worry about mortgage payments next month, she does not have to worry she will not be able to buy food and clothing for her family next month is going to sit home and do nothing? Or is she going to stand up and say: I WANT TO CONTRIBUTE  to my society and be a part of society where we all can live in abundance peace and love. I can assure you that I will do the latter. I will not stop designing products, no I will START designing products that are designed to last, that are designed with our resources in mind, that are designed to minimize pollution, designed to please someone, designed to inspire someone, that´s what I would LOVE to START doing and that´s what I AM going to start DO´ing.

Now is the opportunity for all those that decided to learn something for the money to start learning what they really want to do for the rest of their lives. Now is the time to reflect, WHAT DO I WANT TO DO? WHERE WOULD I LOVE TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE WORLD? Now you can learn many different things and DO different things. You would be able to work in one field for as long as you want but if you ever wanted to learn or DO something else you would just stop DO’ing what you have been doing and just learn the next thing and so on. Now, you will of course say “hang on Palmi” what the hell are you talking about, if everyone starts DO’ing what they want to do, who’s going to DO the things NONE WANTS TO DO? This does never work…or so you think. I think there is a simple solution for this. You see, since we now have abundance and have new economic system there will be a time period where we will have to start by building this new WORLD. With the new economic system there will be a lot of people that will be out of a job, all the banks are gone, all the military is gone, there will be a lot of resources that will become available to us since people will want to CONTRIBUTE. So, just imagine, think about all the resources that will become available from e.g. the military or other institutes that are no longer needed. Imagine all the brilliant designers, engineers, scientists, technicians etc. out there that we will have access to. We will use these resources to design solutions to solve those jobs NO ONE WANTS TO DO. We can design robots or machines to do all this work that no one wants to do. In our new society our goal should be to “WORK” as little or as much as we want. Our goal should be to spend more time living, not working. When I´m designing I´m not really working, I´m loving what I do therefore I´m not really working I´m enjoying myself. If you do not want to contribute then there is no one (except “GOD”) that can kick your butt… but this is your FREE WILL.

This will not happen overnight but, this is what we are faced with and I know in my heart this is what we can very easily do and what we have to do. I promise you that the technology that has been kept hidden from us for a long time or used in special ops. will blow your minds. When we will get access to these technologies things will look and work differently than you could ever dream of.

Being an Industrial Designer and having good background in research and development I have a pretty good understanding of technology and design and I know things can be designed to last. For example, there is nothing in the way of designing cars to last several hundred years. Today our cars are pretty much done after 10years specially here in Iceland where weather does not act in our favor most of the time. Why do we all need to have e.g. golf clubs hanging in our garage that we use couple of times a year? Why does my garage have to be full of tools that I use couple of days a year? Now we will just go to the golf club and pick whatever clubs you want to use (and they will always be the latest and greatest), if you want to keep it then…keep it, you transport the damn thing back to your car and back to your garage, I´ll personally will just return mine to the clubhouse for others to use. You see, we will need much much less of things in 5D since we will start sharing everything much better than we did before.

So, where do I go from here? Well, first, research for yourself everything above, second, share the word, third, start DO’ing. Remember, we have to give this some time to sink in and remember we have to keep things going for awhile in the old system until we have redesigned it. If your job becomes obsolete, ask yourself, where do I want to CONTRIBUTE and go from there.


Things we have to make sure will stay in place during the transition and have absolute priorities.

1) FOOD FOR EVERYONE, AND I MEAN EVERYONE, NOW! Food production is essential, and will have to continue as it is but I´m sure the workers in the food industry will quickly change their practices when it comes to the QUALITY of the food.

2) SHELTER FOR EVERYONE! There is a lot of property that are owned by BANKS and no one is living in. We need to get those who do not have shelter into these houses, NOW and turn on their utilities. The military and other organizations will focus on getting our so called 3rd world assistance in bringing them food and building houses.


4) TRANSPORTATION IS ESSENTIAL. Since we need to keep food, materials and personnel moving.

5) ENERGY PRODUCTION! Needs to keep running as it is but I´m sure new technologies will transpire quickly that will deplete some of the old energy technologies.

6) FORM SOME SORT OF ALLIANCE BETWEEN GEOGRAPHIC AREAS WHERE WE CAN GET OVERVIEW OF OUR PROGRESS. (Since there are no borders anymore and the people of the world is one nation I say geographic areas).





Thanks, RTS.


One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

China HouseCleaning: Final Push for Golden Age is On

Hot from the American National Militia, Keenan informed Drake about the house cleaning that China is doing right now. This is coupled by Russia’s sweet revenge to the Soros led shutdown of her economy in the late 80s and early 90s.

We are at the threshold of the Greatest Experience mankind can only dream of. Fasten your seat belts. The Golden Age will come shortly.

[Press Ctrl and + sign to increase view size.]

This as far as I know is BREAKING NEWS.


From the information received privately as well as RT I must state this is really the first act to clean house relating to arrests of the CABAL.


Her Majesty the Real Buddha is going to follow the will of her Family which is to keep the world’s peace.

We just might be in a better position and cannot be any worse than the deadbeats that have been playing us for more than 100 years.

[11:16:06 AM] Neil Keenan: the Royal Family Trust has already been turned over to the Emperor and she is cleaning house from what we can see from the Russian Television Network RT.  People are being fired holding high governmental positions in China and Traders and Bankers are being taken directly from their positions of power in Hong Kong and taken directly to jail.  They are not passing Go

~ Drake

Drake | January 18, 2013 at 1:41 pm | Categories: News | URL:

Sheeples No More!
Sheeples No More!

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

What Does It All Mean?

Throughout the journey we all share until this point in time, when all that had happened and those that continue to manifest, i.e. the positive changes that have been effectively downplayed, nay ignored, by the Old Media, we have been brought to the limits of our patience, and imagination. We are forced to understand something that requires a different mindset than that which we were born into.

The concept of freedom is not just the absence of tyranny and oppression. It is a complete reassertion of one’s being, i.e. the Creator and the Created. We are the Collective Consciousness that decided to be here, in this present continuum of space and time, for a certain purpose.

That purpose may have been forgotten for a while, but once etched in memory can never be obliterated through the passage of time, for time never really existed to begin with.

All concepts that limit what can be need not be utilized anymore if we are to survive as a species. The concept of individualism spun a cancerous “survival of the fittest” mindset.

On the other hand, it is easy to condemn the shortcomings of anybody but oneself, yet evolution was never simultaneous. We are our brothers’ keeper. We have to carry them for a while because this is a journey that all of us deserve and decided to be part of.

Together, we will revisit the real meaning of freedom, and be blissful to live in it.

What Does It All Mean?
Nicole Matthews
January 16, 2013

Reading the latest statement from the One People’s Public Trust, and reading the comments from the supportive as well as from the confused has brought one particular thought and realization to mind.

One thing from all of the OPPT documents and statements is perfectly clear. The laws are all reset back to prime, back to ‘zero point’, back to how it was in the very beginning before any man-made laws and rules ever existed eons of our time ago. All rules (laws, statutes, regulations, codes, etc.) are all created by corporations such as the corporation of the United States of America (all countries, political parties, governing bodies, etc.) are actually just registered corporations. All corporations are regulated through the UCC(1) which is owned by all of the people of the earth equally. Therefore, the people once again rule the corporations and therefore rule the systems, legally and lawfully. We are back at ‘zero point’. Fresh start. Where we choose to take it from here is up to us, the one people of earth. I AM is you (and me), the actual, real, spiritual you, which is different than the legal-entity-you. We are spiritual beings who have chosen to currently experience a life on planet earth. I AM created by the Creator and as such, I AM subject to the Creator’s laws which supersede any man-made law. This is the basis for this system reset.

Many are asking why the wording of the OPPT statements are written in 5D or galactic. Well, the systems in the old paradigm (aka 3D) are legally and lawfully foreclosed. The language of legalese is no longer valid. The language of the new paradigm is an enlightened language, from a higher consciousness. It is time for humanity to begin living in the new paradigm.

Human consciousness is made of energy, which includes magnetic energy. Even with humanity’s limited scientific knowledge, human scientists have been mathematically tracking and calculating this rate.(2) Human consciousness is growing and expanding and we are ready to evolve and live in the new paradigm.

This brings me to the thought I had when reading the most recent statement from the OPPT. All of this accomplishes something wonderful. Our galactic brothers and sisters have been offering earth’s population a membership in the galactic community for many years. Two main reasons have prevented this from happening so far. First of all, our corrupt systems, especially the corrupt financial and governing systems were not in alignment with the higher consciousness of the galactic community. Secondly, membership was offered through the ‘leaders’ at that time. The ‘leaders’ at that time were corrupt. They did not want to release their hold on humanity for many reasons that all ultimately would have meant a loss of their control of their power. We are ready at last to move forward and to become a member of the galactic community as our systems are being restructured in a way that aligns with the greater galactic neighbourhood. Between our systems aligning with a higher consciousness and humanity’s consciousness expanding, WE ARE ready!

The people of earth are soon to be again offered a membership in the greater galactic community. THIS time, the decision to join our galactic community will be made for the people, by the people since we the people are now the ‘leaders’ of earth’s community. Let it be known, I AM ready! WE ARE ready!

(1) UCC or Universal Commercial Code was founded and initially owned by The People, it was subsequently usurped by an individual for the purpose of legally enslaving The People. Recently, through the work of the OPPT, the UCC ownership is back in the rightful hands of all The People of the Earth equally.

(2) Research the Institute of HeartMath or Princeton University’s Global Consciousness Project for more information.

source: Removing the Shackles

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

US Republic Restored: Obama Out, Boehner In; NESARA Announcement Soon! [UPDATED]

Updated 19 jan 2013: Russian REN-TV’s “How to get rich” series, aka Financial Tyranny featuring David Wilcock and Ben Fulford is another sign that the highly anticipated NESARA announcement is forthcoming.

Just received this update from Drake. It’s 4:57AM from my end. This will be very good news if indeed all of these are true. Intuitively, though, we do feel the changes we were hoping is about to come soon, that’s why we avoided posting articles we classified as fear porn.

If this is already it, then we must be ready. Well, I really don’t know how, honestly. Just keep the calm, I guess 😉

Consequently, the reinvigorated republic may inaugurate an interim president other than Obama, next week.

If you want to jump for joy, don’t do it near a window. It’s too late for that, too.

Here’s Drake.

Announcements soon…!?!?!?

by Drake


        If this is true, then expect markets to be closed tomorrow.


Subject: Fw: Looks Like things are heating up – Announcements soon…!?!?!?

Thursday, January 17, 2013


This was posted on the RTS Skype room yesterday.


Subject: Read this

Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2013 21:11:25 -0600


Andrew Jackson knew what the banks meant to the REPUBLIC of the USA.

SO he stopped them from installing the 2nd bank of the united states.

which brings me to this awesome night….our REPUBLIC. Breathe in this word….REPUBLIC. At the latest reading of the ORGANIC consitution by John Boehner he said this word many many times. ACTUALLY lets go further..he said this and the word constituion many times in front of

71 members of congress..not 535!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You heard me right. A lot of information was passed from above to me and you on here…..there are now only 71 members in congress as the ORGANIC republic consitution was read only a few days ago. YES BOEHNER is our interim president and Ron PAUL is interim VP. THE REASON WHY…

pay attention all……i have a copy of the Revised Code of the Laws Of 1819. printer Thomas Ritchie. in other words before me is the original consitution before it was Stolen in 1812..not burned. STOLEN. thank you Tom Dunn and David Dodge. They uncovered this from over twenty years ago in a london library and supreme court in 2000 agreed Commonwealth of Virginia properly ratified so its LAW!!! Now when i read this I note that there is a protocol.

Obama was president of corporation US..not USA. He is no longer in that seat. As he has resigned that corporate seat, Joe Biden by law cannot be the president in flux. His position vacated at same point.

Only speaker of house can lawfully gain this Pres. seat. Then he can appoint a VP of his choice ONLY on an interim basis. There has to NOW BE a voting period for both seats and others. WHY..cause lawyers are gone from OUR CONGRESS!!! This brings in the reformation law…there will be elections held WITHIN 120 days of this Monday JANUARY 21, 2013. Note what I just said. :))))))

Now moving forward. A VERY CLOSE FRIEND OF MINE(for all the white knight fans)..ohh you should be:))))……told me tonight that Boehener also stated in his acceptance speech..”you abide by the constitution or you hit the road”. Lets move on…confusion about pps, rvs, announcements..and dark agenda people.

There have some deliveries made already..they were money investments for the investigators. Now we move on to announcements..this comes next. MY contact says it will be by the 20th, but maybe friday…(dont swear by this). The white knights will implement when THEY feel its right. After the announcements all the rv money, all programs..including but not limited to Omega, farm claims, freedom, bergavine, destiny. and the st germain trusts will be released also.


The history part will come fter the 3 hour announcements in rotation for 10 days. ALL MEDIA!

As far as Obama is concerned AGAIN..AGAIN..AGAIN..he was groomed for this part only. THE WHITE KNIGHTS NEEDED A SMART LAWYER INSIDE TO WEED OUT THE RATS>it worked…leave it alone. His job is done so now hes out. allthe laws he passed including the twenty today is MAINLY for the evil ones in governments here..not just us. THE WHITE KNIGHTS HAVE GUARANTEED that WE ARE SAFE!!!!

Just sit back and enjoy the next few days and BE EXPECTANT!!! THE ANNOUNCEMENTS ARE KEY!!! i also have some great history info about wanta/reagan and others thatll rock yer world. and to the dark agenda people on here…stay away..go back to Mcdonalds and apply for a job.


Posted by John MacHaffie at  12:07 PM  0 comments


Drake | January 17, 2013 at 11:48 am | Categories: News | URL:

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

NWO Cabal in Panic Mode, Financial Infrastructure Cut Off

This is an update from Neil Keenan emphasizing the danger arising from the Cabal’s desperation as its financial arm is effectively cut off. To add, proof of financial related development is the Bundesbank Repatriation of their Gold Deposit from Federal Reserve – New York.

To our knowledge, more Central Banks are doing the same following the retaking of the Asian Gold of the Collateral Accounts. Over the last few months, rumors of these massive deliveries of gold bullion crawled around the New Media.

Some of the off-radar actions are outlined in the latest Fulford Update.

The Hidden Truth Behind The News

The New World Order is now in panic mode as its financial infrastructure is cut off

Part 9 – The connections between Port Arthur Massacre, Tasmania, Australia and Sandy Hook, USA

I guess by now you are asking what has all this to do with the New World Order and its eventual demise?

Why you may ask is there a sudden upsurge in massacres?

Why has Obama and the US Government suddenly changed its approach to wars/conflicts and now seeking an urgent withdrawal from Afghanistan?

The answer to all of these questions is simply because the NWO and its cabal have now had their main source of financing cut and are desperately trying to gain as much ground as possible before their eventual collapse and before the next super power takes over.

It is recorded that as long ago as 20 years of more the cabal had huge plans to take over many Islamic countries, create mayhem in many other countries by intentionally collapsing their economies/ industrial base, the installation their puppets via the World Bank and IMF’s bailouts and then to disarm their respective populations.

However, the next Super Power ( Far Eastern) has now advanced is stance in the world and is now demanding not only its stolen gold bullion back but also demanding control of the World’s Collateral Accounts and a more balanced distribution of wealth.

Unfortunately for the Cabal they have been caught with their trousers down  midstream and are now desperately trying to finish off what they first started……needless to say gun control formed part of their master-plan!!

Australia became a testing ground for this attempted take over and now the final hurdle is the US but that is not going to be so easy!!

The NRA is not only a powerful group but also has a huge following and the citizens in America have now cottoned on to their evil intentions, especially after the last massacre in Sandy Nook which clearly followed the same trend as that of the Port Arthur Massacre in Tasmania, Australia.

Let’s now look at this latest “False Flag” and what people are saying about it.

One would first have to observe the lack of compassion and visual presentation given by alleged families of the deceased and immediately you can see that these were not relatives but rather hired actors and certainly would not qualify for a part in a Shakespearean play………..take a look at this link:

Note the initial smile and then the full on dramatics and no tears:         and another short clip of the same actor

with the caption below it which reads:

Published on 24 Dec 2012

One of the victims reported in the Sandy Hook shooting on December 14, 2012, was little Emilie Parker. However, on the December 16, 2012, President Obama was able take pictures with Emilie. How was this possible if she was reported died? That day, President Obama went to Sandy Hook to speak with the victims’ families, including the Parker family. Before a press, Robbie Parker (Emilie’s father) came out smiling and laughing. Then before he was about to speak, Robbie Parker made himself to fake cry. Were the Parker family merely hired actors? The proof is in the video.

Then we had this pathetic actor sharing his experience…….obviously a guy with the name of  Rosen is a Zionist supporter……he had two goes at this play acting take a look at both attempts: and again

Another couple who were supposed to have lost their child: and yet another one worth looking at

I will leave the fake videos now and look at what others are saying about this incident:

As you would expect we frequently get more accurate information from Iranian sources than we do from our own western based media……such as this coverage by Press TV:

The Iranian regime says Adam Lanza was a “patsy” for the Israeli government.

Iran Press TV reported, via Religion of Peace:

Days later, the Sandy Hook Massacre, the iconic slaughter of twenty small children, is now looking like a terrorist attack, not a “murder suicide.” Was “lone gunman” Adam Lanza a “patsy,” the same word Lee Harvey Oswald used to describe himself before being “silenced” in November 1963?

Today, Michael Harris, former Republican candidate for governor of Arizona and GOP campaign finance chairman, in an internationally televised news broadcast, cited “Israeli revenge” in, what he called, “the terrorist attack in Connecticut.”

Harris cited Israeli “rage” against the US and against President Barack Obama. By “Israel,” we mean “Netanyahu.”

The mission was to teach America a lesson, knowing that “America would take the punishment, keep “quiet,” and let a ‘fall guy’ take the blame.”

A “fall guy” is another word for “patsy.”

Press TV extended on this story as per below:

Mossad death squads slaughtered American children at Sandy Hook

Students at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, are being guided to get out of the school after the December 14, 2012 deadly shooting.

Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:27PM GMT
By Dr. James H. Fetzer

The choice appears to be covertly revealing, where “Sandy” means guardian of men (as an allusion to guns) and “Hook” as a euphemism for hooking, gathering or confiscating the only weapons that DHS fears. And who better to slaughter American children than Israelis, who deliberately murder Palestinian children?

While liberals and some conservatives believe the time has come to ban assault weapons, the graver threat to our nation’s security has been swept under the rug.

The Sandy Hook massacre appears to have been a psy op intended to strike fear in the hearts of Americans by the sheer brutality of the massacre, where the killing of children is a signature of terror ops conducted by agents of Israel. This is being used as powerful incentive for banning assault rifles, where most of the public is unaware of the fact that the Department of Homeland Security has acquired 1.5 billion rounds of .40 caliber, hollow-point ammunition, which is not ever permissible in warfare under the Geneva Conventions. A Senate Subcommittee has issued a report (3 October 2012) based upon its review of 680 “fusion center” reports (from 2009-2001) and found not a single indication of any domestic terrorist threat-not one! None! Since the only domestic “terrorist threats” are ones contrived by the government, especially the FBI, the public needs to know. This information-as well as the existence of more than 300 FEMA camps and special boxcars to carry dissidents to them-has been deliberately withheld from the American people, because if they were aware of the facts of the matter, it would become obvious that those camps and ammunition are intended to be used against them.When DHS is gearing up to conduct a massive civil war against the American people, what better excuse could there be for banning assault weapons than the massacre of 20 innocent children at Sandy Hook Elementary School?

The choice appears to be covertly revealing, where “Sandy” means guardian of men (as an allusion to guns) and “Hook” as a euphemism for hooking, gathering or confiscating the only weapons that DHS fears. And who better to slaughter American children than Israelis, who deliberately murder Palestinian children?

Mike Harris of Veterans Today has exposed the pattern relating what happened there to earlier assaults: “This is exactly what Israel did in Norway; the political party that voted sanctions against Israel was retaliated against by a ‘lone gunman’ who killed 77 children. This is what Israel always does, they go after the children.

“It is what they do in Gaza every day. It is what was done in Norway. It is what happened at Sandy Hook. Nobody buys the ‘one gunman’ story anymore, not with the Gabby Giffords’ shooting, not with the Aurora “Batman” shooting, certainly not with Breveik, and certainly not in Connecticut.”

The most likely scenario, given what we know now, is that Adam Lanza and his mother killed the day before. Adam’s body picked up by local police. He was attired in a SWAT outfit, including body armor, and stored in the school.

A three-man team entered the school, one was arrested in the school–cuffed and put on the lawn–two went out the back door, one was arrested, the third appears to have escaped. You can find this on helicopter videos.

Those arrested are currently not in police custody; their names were never released. That is a telling sign that we are being sold a story that is based on fiction, not on fact. What else are the local police concealing?

A parallel situation in Aurora, where there appear to have been multiple participants, but the police concealed information about them. The DC Sniper, John Allen Muhammad, was even a active member of Delta Force, but the public was not informed.

His assistant in this killing spree, Lee Boyd Malvo, had been detained in Seattle but was released, even though he was an illegal alien, where INS has refused to explain how that happened. Did “higher authority” intervene?

Nidal Malik Hasan, the US Army Major who killed 13 and wounded 29 during a rampage at Ft. Hood, Texas, even sat next to the Director of Homeland Security during an event at George Washington University. Can that be coincidental?

When the “long gunman” cover story falls apart, then the national press, which William Colby told us was infiltrated by agents of the CIA-“The agency owns everyone of significance in the major media”-resorts to stories of Mind Control and use of drugs.

We have to see through the smoke and mirrors. These attacks typically involve three-man shooting teams, where, once the story is tainted with bogus MK/Ultra conspiracy disinformation, crucial data, like the assault rifle the Sandy Hook having been left in his car, swiftly disappears.

Lenin and Trotsky were terrorists. Lenin was an outspoken proponent of terrorism. The founder of the Lukid Party and sixth Prime Minister of Israel was an Irgun terrorist. Study its history. No nation in the world cares more about its own interests and less about those of the United State than Israel.

The bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on 22 July 1946, was a stunning example. The attack on the USS Liberty and Israel’s bombing of its own Embassy and Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires in 1992 and 1994 are other illustration.

Those who study 9/11 are all too aware of the role of the Neo-Cons and the Mossad. But the American press covers it up-and Congress is controlled by AIPAC. As Bill Casey, former CIA Director, observed, “Our disinformation program will be complete when everything the American public believes is false.” Sandy Hook is the latest example.
Let’s now look at the same story as shown on Alex Jones Info Wars:

Sandy Hook police audio confirms multiple shooters on the scene

Natural News
December 31, 2012

I’ve been listening to a stream of police dept. audio during the initial response to the Sandy Hook shooting.

This link has most of its action in the first four minutes:

At roughly 2:38, a police voice says: “Party in custody.”

Then at 3:49, “We have a suspect down.”

This next link, for me, was somewhat clearer:

Starting at roughly 3:13, there are relevant police comments:

“A teacher reports two shadows running past the building past the gym.”

“They’re shooting.” (??)

“Yeah, we got ’em.”

“They’re coming at me down Kurt’s (sp) Way!”

“Got ’em (?)…proned out.”

We get the distinct sense there are multiple shooters.

Whoever is proned out, whoever is in custody, whoever is “coming at me,” whoever is down…we don’t know what happened to them.

Reporters on the scene have, as far as I know, provided no information, and neither have police. The suspects have disappeared down the memory hole.

Then we have these television interviews with families of the victims.

It’s astounding. Parents are smiling. They’re actors from Central Casting? One thing is for sure. They’re androids, if you measure their responses against reports of what happened in the Sandy Hook School.

And as androids, they’re only matched by the TV reporters who are interviewing them.

If you’re tempted to say the parents and family members are in shock, or they’re reacting to being on television, forget it. Their attitudes don’t match a massacre by any stretch of the imagination.

Is Sandy Hook/Newtown a Stepford Village? Are these people all programmed to be pleasant and accommodating No Matter What?

It’s about as bizarre as the purported video footage of the Aurora theater during the shootings there this summer. As people exit the lobby and come out on to the street, there is no sign of blood and no one is coughing from the reported tear gas inside the theater.

With these Sandy Hook parents, we’re looking at a level of conditioning in which Being Nice can completely overwhelm even the murder of one’s own child.

Tears? Not one person in these interviews has actual tears running down his or her face.

One of the fathers, Robbie Parker, has had his interview played and replayed all over the planet onYouTube, and you can watch him smiling and grinning, for all the world looking like he’s just been appointed CEO of a company he works for…and then he steps to a podium to make his statement, and as one poster succinctly describes it, “gets into character.”

This isn’t just an internal event. You can watch Parker huffing and puffing and pushing himself into what he thinks is a tragic and grief-stricken state of mind. He does it so badly you wonder why no one in the room calls him on it. It’s beyond strange. Yet reporters later talked about Parker “struggling through tears and suffering to make a heartfelt statement…” The reporters are just as deranged as Parker is.

This boggling show isn’t confined to Sandy Hook. A commenter below a Deseret News article on Parker replied: “Brave young father, wise to forgive early and choose to move forward—nothing can be gained by dwelling on what cannot be changed.”

At times, watching these interviews, I wondered whether the parents had been conditioned to believe, in the face of ANYTHING, that good and nice children all take a choo-choo train to heaven and there is nothing to regret about their murders at all.

In an earlier article, I pointed out that, indeed, at 1hr:58 of The Dark Knight Rises, Gary Oldman, talking about an impending attack on “Strike Zone 1,” is pointing to the words “Sandy Hook” on a map in front of him. These are the only legible words on the map.

By happenstance, the production designer of Dark Knight Rises, Nathan Crowley, is related to the infamous British black-magic legend, Aleister Crowley, who was sometimes called The Great Beast 666.

In an interview, Nathan said, “Yes, Aleister Crowley is a direct relative, he’s my grandfather’s cousin, but we were never allowed to even mention his name because we were a very Quaker family.”

Nathan is also the production designer of Lady Gaga’s video ad for her Perfume, Fame.

In terms of “the dark side,” the full 5:41 version of the video-ad makes Dark Knight Rises look like a Disney cartoon by comparison.

But not to worry. What happened at Sandy Hook was exactly as the major media portrayed it, and nothing more. Sure. You bet.


Let’s now look at another well respected site called Veterans Today and what they had to say about Sandy Nook:

Sandy Hook massacre: Evidence of official foreknowledge?

The moment it emerged that he was alive and was taken into police custody in Hoboken, New Jersey, many if not all of the statements previously made to the press by anonymous ‘law enforcement officials’ regarding Ryan Lanza and his connections could no longer have been known beforehand.

In the following passage of my previous article on the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, I made the following reference to Ryan Lanza being the named second suspect caught armed in the adjacent woods:

Perhaps most astonishingly, this suspect arrested in the woods was named in an Associated Press report as 24-year-old Ryan Lanza. The original report has long since vanished of course, but you can see it referenced in the article below……. This was despite the fact that Ryan had already been named as the deceased suspect inside the school, lying next to two handguns.

I have since found the original Associated Press report, which in fact states that it was “Ryan’s younger brother”, Adam Lanza, who was arrested in the woods. So let’s take a closer look at this revealing report.

2:25 p.m. CST — A FoxNews report said:

witnesses said a handcuffed man, dressed in camouflage was led out of a nearby woods by officers who reported to the shooting. The individual is Lanza’s younger brother, according to the Associated Press.

That Fox News report has since been ‘updated’, but here is the full original text and screenshot of the Associated Press report which places both brothers at the scene, one dead (Ryan), and the other arrested (Adam):

This is an extraction from the previous report as referred too above:

3:18 p.m. CST — The Associated Press issued an alert saying the deceased shooter has been identified by law enforcement as Adam Lanza, 20. He was found dead at the school. The official says Adam Lanza’s older brother, 24-year-old Ryan, of Hoboken, N.J., is being questioned by police.  An earlier report from a law enforcement official mistakenly transposed the brothers’ first names, AP said.

2:42 p.m. CST — Speaking at the shooting site, Connecticut state police Lt. Paul Vance confirmed New Jersey police are working an angle of the case; that there is a “secondary” crime scene being investigated; and authorities expect to remain on site through the evening and possibly the weekend. He reiterated the death count at the school campus is 27 including the shooter, 20 children and six other adults.

2:37 p.m. CST — A new top to the story from The Associated Press says the brother of shooter  24-year-old Ryan Lanza is being held for questioning as a possible second shooter. According to an official who asked not to be named, the suspect drove to the scene of the shootings in his mother’s car. Three guns were found at the scene — a Glock and a Sig Sauer, both pistols — and a .223-caliber rifle. The rifle was recovered from the back of a car at the school. The two pistols were recovered from inside the school.

2:30 p.m. CST — The latest report from Reuter’snews service says an entire kindergarten class is unaccounted for. The shooter carried four weapons and wore a bulletproof vest.

Melissa Murphy, who lives near the school, monitored events on a police scanner. “I kept hearing them call for the mass casualty kit and scream, ‘Send everybody! Send everybody!'” Murphy said.
2:25 p.m. CST — A FoxNews report said
witnesses said a handcuffed man, dressed in camouflage was led out of a nearby woods by officers who reported to the shooting. The individual is Lanza’s younger brother, according to the Associated Press.

2:17 p.m. CST — “Our hearts are broken,” said President Barack Obama, addressing the Connecticut tragedy. “As a country, we have been through this too many times.”

“Nothing can fill the space of a lost child,” Obama said.

2:15 p.m. CST — The Associated Press reports: A law enforcement official says the suspect in the Connecticut school shootings is 24-year-old Ryan Lanza and that his younger brother is being held for questioning as a possible second shooter. The law enforcement official said the boys’ mother, Nancy Lanza, works at the school as a teacher. The official also said Ryan Lanza’s girlfriend and another friend are missing in New Jersey.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the official said the suspect is dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because the source was not authorized to speak on the record about the developing criminal investigation.

2:10 p.m. CST — A Washington Post report says the shooter killed his mother before going to the school.

2:08 p.m. CST — Governor of Connecticut and President Obama expected to speak shortly on the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

2:05 p.m. CST — FoxNews reports both parents of the gunmen were found dead in their homes.

2:02 p.m. CST — The latest Associated Press report says the shooter’s mother worked at Sandy Hook Elementary. It accounts for 26 victims plus the gunman for a total of 27 deaths.Robert Licata said his 6-year-old son was in class when the gunman burst in and shot the teacher.

“That’s when my son grabbed a bunch of his friends and ran out the door,” he said. “He was very brave. He waited for his friends.”
1:59 p.m. CST — A tweet from The Associated Press, quoting a source, says brother of the shooter is being held.

1:56 p.m. CST — The latest report from The Washington Post also identified Ryan Lanza, 20, as the shooter and notes authorities said Lanza killed himself.

1:52 p.m. CST – FoxNews report cites a source saying the shooter’s father was found dead in his home.

1:48 p.m. CST — The latest Associated Press report accounts for 26 deaths, including 18 children. It quotes a parent saying his 6-year-old son said the gunman didn’t say a word. The other deaths were school staff.

1:46 p.m. CST – FoxNews, attributing the information to a source, says the shooter’s mother is “presumed dead.” Reporters stress there is no clarity on where the woman is believed to have died.

1:44 p.m. CST — FoxNews reports its efforts to confirm a link between the shooter and a teacher at the school – who some agencies reported was his mother — were unfruitful.

1:40 p.m. CST – CBS News, as other agencies have through the morning, looks for details on a possible second gunman. CBS’ John Miller reports authorities have an individual in custody who investigators said may be a possible second shooter.

Miller also reports that authorities have gone into a home connected with the individual in custody after seeing what appeared to be a body inside.
1:32 p.m. CST – At the press conference, police confirm the campus is secure. CNN reports the shooter is named Ryan Lanza

1:26 p.m. CST – News agencies continue to report different figures for the number of people killed.

The Los Angeles Times reports at a news conference Connecticut State Police spokesman Lt. Paul Vance refused to give an exact number pending notification of the families. “There were several fatalities at scene, students and staff,” Vance said. “There will be no other information until families are told.”
1:22 p.m. CST – CBS News reports Senior Correspondent John Miller was told the gunman had an argument with the principal before the shooting started.

1:20 p.m. CST – The White House said President Barack Obama has “enormous sympathy for families that are affected” by the shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut, the Associated Press reports.

1:15 p.m. CST – reports that an account citing a New Jersey connection to the shooter was refuted by state police.

1:08 p.m. CST – The Associated Press calls the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting the nation’s second-deadliest school shooting, exceeded only by the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007. Mergim Bajraliu, 17, heard the gunshots echo from his home and raced to check on his 9-year-old sister at the school. He said his sister, who was fine, heard a scream come over the intercom at one point. He said teachers were shaking and crying as they came out of the building.

1:05 p.m. CST – A Washington Times report says the school psychologist and the principal are among the dead.

1:02 p.m. CST – FoxNews reports 26 dead.

NEWTOWN, Connecticut -The tragic shooting that centered on a kindergarten classroom at an elementary school here this morning may have yielded up to 27 deaths, new reports show.

An official with knowledge of a shooting at a Connecticut elementary school says 27 people are dead, including 18 children, The Associated Press reported. The Washington Post reports it is the second most deadly shooting on record.

A law enforcement official in Washington said the attacker was a 20-year-old man with ties to the school and that one of the guns was a .223-caliber rifle, AP reported. Earlier reports said two 9mm handguns were recovered.

The official also said that New Jersey State Police were searching a location in that state in connection with the shootings. That official spoke on the condition of anonymity because the source was not authorized to speak on the record about the developing criminal investigation.

Another official, speaking on condition of anonymity for the same reason, says the gunman is among the dead.

The killings happened at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, about 60 miles northeast of New York City.

State police say Newtown police called them around 9:40 a.m. Eastern. Reports have said the shooter was in the main office of the school at about that time, but that most of the shooting took place in a kindergarten classroom. A SWAT team was among the throngs of police to respond.

This New York Times aggregated post produces a timeline of sorts of the morning’s events, via twitter and various news agency coverage.

One resident of the town of about 27,000 told CNN “It doesn’t seem possible.”.

A mother who spoke to CNN’s Meredith Artley said she heard “at least 100 rounds” being fired,according to another CNN report.

Photos from the scene showed young students — some crying, others looking visibly frightened — being escorted by adults through a parking lot in a line, hands on each other’s shoulders. CNN’s reporting including video interviews with some of the children.

Parent Richard Wilford said his Sandy Hook second-grader, Richie, heard what he described as “pans falling” when gunshots rang out, he told The Hartford Courant.  His son told him that the teacher went to go check, came back in and locked the door and told the students to stand in the corner.

“What does a parent think about coming to a school where there’s a shooting” It’s the most terrifying moment of a parent’s life … you have no idea,”  Wilford told the newspaper.

Well into the afternoon, law enforcement continued to comb the school’s campus and frustrated parents still tried to get information from officials, The Courant report said.

Eight-year-old Alexis Wasik, a third-grader at the school, said police were checking everybody inside the school before they were escorted to the firehouse.

“We had to walk with a partner,” she said.

Back to the continued article in Veterans Today:

Pete Yost, Associated Press
Friday, December 14, 2012

Washington (AP) – A law enforcement official says the suspect in the Connecticut school shootings is 24-year-old Ryan Lanza and that his younger brother is being held for questioning as a possible second shooter. The law enforcement official says the boys’ mother, Nancy Lanza, works at the school as a teacher.

The official also said Ryan Lanza’s girlfriend and another friend are missing in New Jersey.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the official said the suspect is dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because the source was not authorized to speak on the record about the developing criminal investigation.

Who exactly is this ‘law enforcement official’ that has access to the premier news agency in the country, and on behalf of which state agency does he/she work for?

How did they even know at this point that Ryan had a younger 20-year-old brother when there are o public records of Adam Lanza since 2009 and the two brothers had not seen each other since 2010, as claimed by Ryan? How could they have known on Friday morning that Ryan had a girlfriend and that she and another friend were missing in New Jersey? How did they even know that Ryan had any connection to New Jersey at all? The Lanzas’ mother was dead at this point and their father only found out later through a reporter asking him about Adam, who had by then become the ‘lone gunman’ in the official narrative.

Surely the first point on the timeline at which anyone can even begin to discover these things about Ryan is the moment he piped up on Facebook and said “Hi, I’m alive, I didn’t do it, and I live and work down here in New Jersey!” How could ‘law enforcement officials’ have pieced together details of his life but not known that he was actually still alive in the very location where they stated that his girlfriend had gone missing?

The only way they could have found out all this about Ryan Lanza was if they had 100% positively identified him as the ‘dead gunman inside the building’, then worked backwards from there by investigating who his next of kin were, then questioning family members, then discovering where he lived and worked, that he had a girlfriend and that she and a friend were missing, etc.

Such things take time to investigate, especially as they would involve cross-checking with police and other officials in New Jersey. And even before that, somebody there would first have had to receive local reports of two missing people before any connection could be made to the shooting in Connecticut.

Even if we granted these ‘law enforcement officials’ superfast detective powers, they would not have been able to travel back in time to rewrite the script regarding how they knew what they knew about the Lanza brothers, particularly Ryan. Because from the moment the official line was forced to deviate towards saying that Ryan Lanza was no longer the ‘dead shooter inside the building’, it becameimpossible for these ‘law enforcement officials’ who “weren’t authorised to speak” (but heck, were telling lots of people lots of things that morning anyway, and whose credentials enabled them to speak through the Associated Press and other media outlets) to have retrospectively discovered all these connections of Ryan.

The only logical conclusion I can draw at this stage is that somebody or some group with high-level media access had FOREKNOWLEDGE of the crime, foreknowledge that is revealed by their ‘anonymously’ leaking to the press things which they could not otherwise have known, foreknowledge that exposes their hand in originally planning to use both Lanza brothers as patsies.

Finally we have this report from

PROOF The Sandy Hook Massacre Was A False Flag Operation? Adam Lanza’s Long Gun WAS Never in the School, It Was in His Car

Who fired the rifle shots responsible for the mass murders at Sandy Hook Elementary on December 14, 2012? Because we don’t think it was Adam Lanza.

At 1:23 in this video [below] we see a helicopter shot of a rifle being retrieved from the trunk of a car. This video footage is consistent with all of the news reports throughout the day of the shooting and into the second day which repeatedly stated that Adam Lanza was the “lone gunman” and he was found dead with two handguns by his side. That was later revised to “4 handguns” found in the school. But ALL of these reports claimed that authorities retrieved the only long gun from Adam’s car [:30 into the video below]. Again, we can see a long gun being removed from a vehicle at 1:23 in this video.

As we’ve previously reported, the smoking gun hole in the “official” story is that Medical Examiner Dr. H. Wayne Carver clearly stated [as seen at 1:44 in this video] that all of the gun shot wounds he examined were “caused by a long weapon.”

So again we ask, who fired the rifle shots responsible for these murders?

See the video referred too above at this link:

To continue:

WHO is the man dressed in camouflage pants and a dark jacket who police pulled out of the woods in handcuffs?

WHO are the two men in the van driving away from the school who police stopped and detained?

We are living in the matrix my friends. Maybe there is still an explanation for all of these inconsistencies – but until we get one, this whole thing stinks. It’s looking like it was a false flag operation – a deliberate mass murder plot carried out by a black ops team and blamed on Adam Lanza for the purpose of demonizing the Second Amendment and gun owners so that this criminal government has the excuse it needs to come after lawfully owned firearms. The mainstream media does not care about the 20 children or the adults who were murdered in cold blood on Friday, they don’t care about the truth, those in control of the mainstream media care only about carrying out an agenda – the agenda to destroy the Second Amendment. I will have an interview with a Connecticut based police officer posting here at SGT report within the next 24 hours.

Medical Examiner: “All the wounds that I know of at this point were caused by the long weapon.”

Reporter: “So the rifle was the primary weapon?”

Medical Examiner: “Yes.”

Finally we have this very good blog that gives yet another perspective of this false flag that has so many unanswered questions in five parts:

I am sure we could extend this article into as many parts as the Port Arthur Massacre but time does not permit as we are expecting the President of the US to make an announcement this week on possible gun control.

It is vital for the citizens of the US and the NRA  know what is actually happening  to them and learn from the Australian experience and the cover-up of the Port Arthur Massacre and the subsequent gun control that followed this false flag event.

This particular massacre served a totally  different purpose but non the less had  a common link……..that being a Zionist plot……to scare the Norwegian Government against its support for the Palestinian Cause……..

There was also another massacre which happened at Toulouse in France that this time involved members of the Jewish population…….this again was yet another Zionist Led False Flag that had the full support of President Sarkosy…….this incident was also rather strange for the following reason:

The French police  linked the shootings of four people at a Jewish school in Toulouse to the killings of three soldiers of North African descent in two separate incidents last week.

The same gun and the same stolen scooter were used in all three attacks, sources close to the investigation said.

A teacher and three children were shot dead at the Ozar Hatorah school, and a teenage boy was seriously injured.

One of the biggest manhunts in France then got underway – Investigations were pursuing two principal lines of inquiry: an Islamist motive or the far right.

Again a true Zionist False Flag Plot that simply fizzled out when the President was not re elected!!!

I found the following that  obviously adds more fuel to the argument was Sandy Nook and inside job:

This video that sums it all up

Footnote to the Port Arthur Massacre:

Only today the Australian ABC News 24 was discussing Port Arthur and reviewing the gun laws as they stand in Australia to this day.

I found the comments made by Cate Faehrman of the NSW Green Party well out of context as were the comments made by the presenter of the programme and the rest of the panel.

When one studies the events in Port Arthur as they unfolded and investigate the historical aspects of that massacre one can clearly see it was a “False Flag” with only one thing in mind……..”To bring into existence Australian Gun Control” ……….the panel were discussing how this could be extended upon and it was Cate Faehrman who gave reference to the death rate of persons killed in National Parks etc.

I find it incredibly disturbing that all of those invited to talk on such matters have no Military background or knowledge of firearms whatsoever.

Now that we know the Port Arthur Massacre was not carried out by Bryant one would have to ask the ABC,  media in general, and the panel how they would look upon this tragic event  and the other False Flag in Sandy Nook given the new information that has since come to light?

Finally what would the Prime Minister, Leader of the Opposition and the Green Party do if they knew that this was indeed a massive cover-up?……….we already know the answer to that question………”Absolutely nothing”

One can clearly see a collective attempt by Australia and the US to take total control of the gun lobby by using these two “False Flags” as justification to implement government control of firearms.

 The final Part 10 will cover the Norwegian Massacre which also involved a total cover up.

Peter Eyre – Broadcaster – Investigative Journalist – Middle East Consultant – Political Analysis – 15/1/2013

source »

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Fulford Reader Feeding Back About Africa


To readers, here are some good links on the situation in South Africa and elsewhere that are worth taking a look at.

Hi Ben,

In your recent report (January 8th 2013) you mention Mandela. Wonderful idea, however I am afraid that all that we have is a legend. The dear man is very old now . As a result he is very protected and no longer makes public appearances, but remains in the safety and care of his family.

As an alternative suggestion, might I propose the name of Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu. Although also rapidly advancing in age, his mind is still as sharp, many have always thought too sharp, as a whistle 🙂 His experience with the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission can only be of great benefit to all. And last year he called for the arrest of Tony Blair as a war criminal! He did my heart so proud.

Tony Blair should face trial over Iraq war, says Desmond Tutu. Anti-apartheid hero attacks former prime minister over ‘double standards on war crimes’

While all turns topsy turvy all over the world, South Africa has also had it’s fair share of drama. We still have a very pro Nazi contingent here, the Boer having to his detriment supported Hitler all along, for no other reason than they hate the British with a passion and are strong holocaust deniers. As one example take Stephen Goodson, although he  was on the button regarding Libya and a few other issues, his wanting an increase in payout for shares, his views on the death camps in Europe during WW2, and his blatant pro Nazi fascist views were embarrassing to say the least!

South Africa – Reserve Bank’s Holocaust Denier:

Many Afrikaners  , in fact most were and still are  unaware of the deep Nazi connection with the Jesuits and the Vatican. And so although vehement Protestants , especially taking the French Huguenot heritage into account,  have inadvertently made a pact with the devil. The CIA, Nazi, Jesuit Vatican connection has yet to be fully recorded in the Main Stream Media and history books. Here is an excellent article on that score:

The Mafia, The CIA, & The Vatican’s Intelligence Apparatus:

It is becoming apparent to me that over the last couple of years, ties between this group and the South African Afrikaner  have remained strong. Many were forged with CIA Nazi types during the war with Angola and the supposed Cuban “communist “threat, when in fact my country sacrificed their young able men to protect oil for the Portuguese Bilderberg faction in Angola and the Diamond fields of Namibia, a German protectorate.

Of Interest see LaRouche in Africa :

Since 1994, some of these Afrikaners , many in the SADF, have retained ties with the CIA Nazi groups, and now work for AFRIKOM and or Xe (Blackwater) . They have also become involved in Monsanto and are promoting Genetically Modified Maize. To date our Maize is now 70% GM. GM causes infertility within the third generation and as recently proved in France, cancer. Add into this equation that Maize is the staple diet eaten by Black South Africans , and you can see a slow Eugenics program taking place here. This is compounded by the high incidence of  HIV AIDS, and with poor diet, eggsaberated  by this Maize, the AIDS deaths have been increased. I recently saw a post from a women who works at the Oncology department at a hospital in Cape Town. She says that there are ever growing queues of people with cancer. Another slow killer is Soya, sold as a Protein supplement, very nicely packaged and flavoured as meat or chicken to go as a source with Maize. It increases heart disease.

These same individuals are also involved in E Toll freeways, these Freeways are a more sophisticated and what is more money making type of Berlin Wall, as they restrict travel and movement of the population , especially the low to middle class who cannot afford the fees, in the same way that Bantu Stans did under Apartheid. Due to the cost of travel, people seek employment closer to home and do not move out of their particular areas. We have recently had an absolute furor over this toll system in Johannesburg, the cost is restrictive and will hurt the economy especially small business development, and is detrimental to all South Africans no matter their race group.

Taking their toll: How a cosy club dominates SA’s toll road empire:

The ANC has also been fooled into highly expensive “deals,” which cost the South African tax payer billions, and unfortunately men are easily bribed, especially those who have been severely disadvantaged during Apartheid and the amount of free flowing money has been far too tempting to resist over and above common sense and the well being of the country. When your family has lived in a shack, with no running water and electricity for the last century, a mansion with tons of food, fast cars and lots of clothes for all, far outweighs any kind of educated decision . These deals also have the backing of the “Nazi “faction. See the “Arms Deal,”scandal. Which is also connected to Barclay’s and the Libor Scandal .

Terry Crawford-Browne says the SA bank has been milked by its British owners: A Call to President Jacob Zuma to Appoint Commission of Inquiry into the Barclays Bank Takeover in 2005 of Absa.:

In the back ground, these Afrikaner Nazi types have been plotting with CIA Nazi types, Bill Gates being one, (Monsanto, Xe – Blackwater & Afrikom) and European Nazi types, for the overthrow of a black government and the return of an Afrikaner Boer State. They are doing it through Eugenics, Aids and Genetically modified Maize, turning the country into a Corporatocracy- Wall Mart, Monsanto, E Tolling and soon General Electric Nuclear Power Stations, and through covert “wars,”setting factions against each other for the purpose of depopulation.

I do suspect Julius Malema is a covert CIA operative, though I do not have proof and I might be wrong. He might not even be aware that he is being used. He has recently been thrown out of the ANC, thank God. He was not only making noises about overthrowing the Botswana Government ( strong ties to Britain…. seems LaRouche has his claws in him! ) but has made connection with Robert Mugabe and the Zanu PF. ( another LaRouche “It’s the British!”clone.) He also appears to have had an influencing hand in the  Marikana uprising on the Platinum mines , his goal being to make the country ungovernable. Sounds very CIA to me and reminiscent of the tricks played in South America ( Confessions of an Economic Hitman) and are now playing out with CIA Mosaad, Saudi funded  Al Queda in Syria, Libya and now Nigeria and Mali.

Again we see CIA involvement and the LaRouche connection with Mugabe. It all revolves around mineral wealth in the Congo, and the Israeli group are heavily invested there :


Why Lyndon LaRouche is a fraud!


Unfortunately it has also come to light that certain South African freedom fighters who fought against Apartheid have become embroiled in the Congo debacle, and again the lure of wealth over the benefit for Africans has come into play. . some have strong ties to Mugabe who has shares in the mines in the Congo, as well as the Bush faction and Israeli interests.

Shortly before the US Presidential elections, Gordon Duff published a most disturbing article. As a South African it made me sick to my stomach. It involves Mitt Romney, CIA drug runners and leads to the Nazi Bush faction. Who I have already concluded , are in Cahoots with the Afrikaner Nazi faction in South Africa.


Blood Diamonds

There is an African end of this story.  A CIA agent named “Tony,” working South Africa, part of a team of agents there, all Mormons, contacted a professional associates of mine.  (an intelligence agency director) South Africa is my “turf” also.

“Tony” as he called himself was working with a US law firm and was tasked with investing $120 billion in drug profits, maybe from Afghanistan, in South Africa.  He told our representatives he was looking for mining properties worth more than $200 million each.

“Tony” met, not just with us, but with dozens of other groups in South Africa.  Tony is, what we call in the spy business, “burned.” Tony’s group works with UNITA, a terrorist organization, sometimes supported by North Korea, Israel, the US and China.  The former Angolan revolutionary organization is now “for hire,” and “terrorism on demand” with a reach that covers a dozen nations.

Their task, as South African intelligence indicates, is to buy up South Africa and take over the rest of Southern Africa through running terrorist groups out of the DRC or Democratic Republic of the Congo.  On their list is Kenya and other nations. 

Their method of operation is to finance themselves with blood diamonds, sent through agents to Tel Aviv, money to be handled by Bain Capital/Romney, then to China where arms are purchased and shipped to terrorists in Africa, “Al Qaeda, Boko Harum and UNITA.
The details of the deal were set up a month ago.  Currently, UNITA is having difficulty coming up with their end, the $1.2 billion a year in diamonds they promised.

On the Israeli end, Romney, while traveling there with Las Vegas casino boss, Sheldon Adelson, met with diamond traders at what was supposed to be a/an (illegal) fundraiser.
It was something else, putting together one link in the diamonds, terrorism, money, narcotics trade which, working with Bain, the Bush family, Mormon groups in the CIA and the Mossad, meant to take over all of Africa.

UNITA and Jonas Savimbi had very strong ties with the CIA in Angola and also with the SADF. They were all in bed together.

By early December 2012, Mandela became ill. A plane, supposedly going to fetch Mandela, “crashed “in the Drakensberg Mountains. At first it was said that it contained military Hospital staff. It later turned out that they were all top brass Military. I suspect the plane was shot down, again I have no proof, but by who exactly, and were these military people the good guys or the bad guys?

DA urges probe into plane crash:

Mandela was transferred to the Military Hospital. Which is strange in itself, as he has always gone to see his own doctors at the Park Lane Clinic. He was then apparently, transferred to an undisclosed Hospital. The secrecy was “most”unusual. He has only been “released”from hospital this week. I strongly suspect that a plot to assassinate him was uncovered, again no proof. The Afrikaner Nazis hate him to this day, call him a Terrorist and there has been a major smear campaign going on all over the Internet to discredit  him, mainly initiated from this group. They have also started another smear campaign amongst the Black youth, putting it out that Mandela betrayed them. Typical propaganda Goebbels tactics. Infiltrate the enemy from within and discredit a highly regarded man who was the best thing that has ever happened to this country! Mandela, unlike many others was the real thing! As was another one of our exports, Ghandi.

Compounding the issue , was the ANC conference where another plot was uncovered by these Afrikaner Nazis to blow up the whole ANC tent. I am sure by now you can connect the dots. IF Julius Malema had succeeded in creating havoc on the mines and making the country “ungovernable,” while at the same time, Mandela had been assassinated AND the whole cream of the crop of the ANC blown up, AND these madmen had succeeded, no doubt in my mind all engineered by the Afrikaners, CIA, Nazi Cabal, I would not be writing this e mail to you now, as we would be in a major civil war and a bloodbath, the Afrikaner extremists all with itchy fingers on triggers to kill the “Kaffirs,” and all Black extremists with pangas and burning tires wanting to chase all the whites into the sea. And at the end of it all? The typical! A Cabal Dictator and the take over of our resources by the CIA Nazi brigade has been waiting in the wings. Same game plan they played out in South America and the Middle East where they have Muslim extremists killing all right minded people.

South Africa foils ‘plot to bomb ANC’:

Also of interest, there was an Afrikaans prophet called Siener van Rensburg. He prophesied:  ” The death of Nelson Mandela to a new and more balanced government: right after the death of Nelson Mandela very big strikes and disobedience occur, and they followed by a local ( 3 of 7 provinces ) civil war for ground and power (eg: Zimbabwe type of actions).
These actions are however short lived; the revolt is quenched in a border town called Prieska and the people causing the revolt then are scattered. Mr. van Rensburg has prophesied that weapons will be transported over a railway line to that town; that railway has been completed last year.During the time of that new government the Lord will return and establish His Millennial reign on the Earth.”

Well, Mandela did not die, Julius Malema did not make the country ungovernable with big strikes and disobedience , though there was certainly a good dose of that, and….. the civil war for ground and power was short lived and quenched and has been scattered. What I found most interesting was that one of the accused in this Bomb plot, came from Prieska! All the ingredients were there for the making, however as with all things, we have choice on the outcome. And hopefully it will be peace, prosperity and South Africans uniting in diversity and seeing themselves as human beings and not as a colour! As for van Rensburg, the last of his prediction augurs well.

 Another interesting point. All these events, Mandela’s illness, the shooting down of a military plane over Kwa Zulu Natal, the bomb plot against the ANC, occurred around what was once known as The Day of The Vow, under the Afrikaner Apartheid Regime. The implications of all these events, have however turned into what this day is now celebrated as, The Day of Reconciliation.

I am deeply concerned for my country. I have been avidly reading your posts and many others. I can see a whole Xe, CIA, Nazi scheme going on here which could only result in bloodshed and instead of working towards the high morals, values and integrity that Mandela and Oliver Thambo strove for, southern Africa is threatened with  devolving into a worse situation than we found ourselves under Apartheid. Mugabe’s Zimbabwe hangs as an example.

The positive view in all of this, is that if the “Cabal,” as you call them are brought down, the chances of this happening here, will be minimalised. Another positive is that someone or someones in South Africa, has really got their thinking cap on. I do suspect that these people also funnily enough, include the “good” Afrikaners 🙂 We have one of the best banking systems in the world and we have joined BRICs. A move that is incomprehensible to most South Africans especially as they see the Chinese as a major threat and are oblivious to the real threat, that of the Cabal Nazi CIA which is far more horrific as far as I can deduce.

And who in their right mind in the end, wants their body and soul owned by the Vatican? Their money controlled by a One World Bank sanctioned by the Vatican, and a One World Government advocated by the Vatican? I not not know about anybody else, but I only answer to “God,”I have a direct line and I do not need the confessional exchange of the Pope or anyone else for that matter to do it for me, and I certainly do not need to pay them for that facility!

So Ben, thank you for all the info that you have and are putting out. I am very grateful. And I wish you all the best for the New Year. Should you wish to post this on your page, feel welcome. Though for obvious reasons, I would like to stay Anonymous. There will be a number of people who do not appreciate my views in this e mail 🙂


source »

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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Iceland Revolution: Template for Change

We were painted with a picture that the enemy is invulnerable.

Iceland proved it otherwise. Iceland proved that the Collective Will of its people, and indeed the people of the world, is still the most potent power there is. Therefore, it would be most shameful for all us to even entertain the thought for one second that the situation is beyond hope.


iceland-300x200Did you know about the peaceful Icelandic revolution that took place over the last 5 years? If you didn’t, it is likely because it was never televised or talked about very much at all on mainstream news. One would have to be part of the right websites or Facebook pages to even find out that this has been going on. Why is the case? Why keep something so monumental hidden from the public?

First let’s discuss what took place with this revolution, and then it will become much clearer as to why this was never televised.

It was during a time of a lot of financial turmoil around the world and stories were popping up all over the news of how banks around the world had been crushing or minimizing rebellions by receiving massive bailouts to keep them alive. The Iceland story is different because, there was no crushing or ending the rebellion, instead, the people rose up. This is why this was not seen on TV anywhere. If the rest of the world knew that the people won, it may give them some ideas.

During the financial turmoil of 2008 and 2009, the people of Iceland forced their government and banks to resign. How did they do this? Peacefully. The following is a summation of what steps they took over a process of several years, and it all began with each one of them realizing this couldn’t continue.

2008 – The main bank of Iceland is nationalized. The Krona, the currency of Iceland devaluates and the stock market halts. The country is in bankruptcy.

2008 – Citizens rise up at Parliament and succeed in forcing the resignation of both the prime minister and the effective government. New elections are held. Yet, the country remains in a bad economic situation. A Parliament act is passed to pay back 3,500 million Euros to Great Britain and Holland by the people of Iceland monthly during the next 15 years, with 5.5% interest.

2010 – The people of Iceland again take to the streets to demand a referendum. In January of 2010, the President of Iceland denies approval, instead announcing a popular vote on the matter by the people. In March, a referendum and denial of payment is approved by popular vote of 93%. Meanwhile, government officials initiate an investigation to bring to justice those responsible for the crisis. Many high level executives and bankers are arrested. Interpol dictates an order to force all implicated parties to leave Iceland.

An assembly is elected to write a new constitution (based on the Denmark’s) to avoid entrapments of debt based currency foreign loans. 25 citizens are chosen — with no political affiliation — out of the 522 candidates. The only qualifications for candidacy are adulthood and the support of 30 people. The constitutional assembly started in February of 2011. It continues to present ‘carta magna’ from recommendations provided by various assemblies throughout the country. Ultimately, it must be approved by both the current Parliament and the one created through the next legislative election.

It’s quite a story isn’t it? You can most definitely see at this point why this was not covered in newspapers, on radio networks and on television. Imagine seeing this story on TV several times each day wherever you live in the world, do you think the people would start to get ideas? Maybe try the same thing? Most definitely. There is always a constant push of fear, murders, anger, government success, health fallacies and false information, but never do we hear of stories that could be a threat to the system.

Another key factor of this revolution that we has to look at is that it did not come from a place of violence, bloodshed or anger. No guns or fighting! It was simply people getting together peacefully and working things out. This is something this entire world is capable of but believes is impossible. Humanity has been so programmed to give itself little credit in this department. We always hear about how we need to be governed, there are too many crazy people out there; we need a big brother keeping control. The truth is, without the confines and certain rules the system employs, we would be a much more peaceful people mainly because we are no longer acting in survival mode. Now I am not here to say that the system is the only issue because it isn’t, our programming is also very strong in what we have been taught and believe about ourselves. I am simply here to say, this programming can be broken and our consciousness can and is changing.

I also thought it was a big step to see Iceland employ a new means of choosing it’s leaders. Someone who is an adult and has 30 people supporting them can run. This is great as the only reason why we have politicians today who have educations is because the elite needs to know that these people are programmed to repeat this system. Generally they also have to have corporate affiliations as well so they know they can be controlled by money.

Now Iceland is proceeding to actually prosecute some of their formerly most powerful bankers and the Icelandic special prosecutor has stated that it very well may indict some 90 people. Meanwhile, over 200 people, including the former chief executives of Iceland’s three biggest banks, face criminal charges for their activities. While I don’t agree with the judgment factor being used here, I understand that this is the step they feel right in taking.

Hopefully more countries around the world begin to follow suit!

Watch the video:

ARVE Error: need id and provider

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One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Same Fertilizer, Different Day [UPDATED]

Update 13 jan 2013:

Financial Reality

Here it is in a nutshell.

This does NOT have the legal/lawful standing everyone is looking for. IT does NOT work this way.

However, there is remedy available through similar action AFTER one other major detail has been attended to.

Only after the existence of these ‘corporate entities’ is established through correct procedure, can they be contested.

Although simple, this prerequisite is required.

The second part establishes that these ‘entities’ are fraudulent in their basis, which goes to their ‘rights’ as defined by their respective charters.

That their charters overstepped the authority of those agreeing to the original inception. Being Unconstitutional, none of these ‘entities’ can exist, let alone exercise the authorities as given or taken.

This is one portion of the Keenan suit.

It is the second part/impact that begins to offer true remedy.

Only those controlling the Collateral Accounts have true authority of any kind.

It is these ‘Controllers’ who have decided to ‘call’ each ‘account’ due and payable in full. This requires repayment of the collateral and the interest of 4% per anum.

Because each borrower ‘monetizes’ its collateral into currency, this will (potentially) collapse all ‘credit instruments’ including bonds, money’s, and all other government holdings.

It then falls to We The People to decide how not to have this happen again. The restructuring will be offered after this settlement takes place.

              ~ Drake
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Jason Mcpherson <


Date: Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 1:06 PM
Subject: Excerpt from: Commentary by Brian on the TOPPT and a Discussion between Lisa M. Harrison and Adnan Sakli


Drake & Company and All Loving Co-Creators,

All Heather and TOPPT have done is used the highly complex legal system against those who created it to protect themselves. They hid the secret of bringing the whole house of cards down inside the cracks where they were convinced no one would ever look. Quite possibly, they never knew that the formula existed. But it does, and now it’s time for the whole house of cards to come crashing down. All the documentation has been properly and LEGALLY EXECUTED and FILED.

The disconnect from the community who doubts this possiblity, lies in the lack of understanding that these protocols DO NOT need the backing of the old systems (aka the BAR, the Hague, the World Court, the United States Government Corporation, etc.) to confirm or deny their validity. They DO NOT nor have EVER held such authority.

We “THE PEOPLE” have always been in control. We have just been led to believe otherwise. Well guess what? The gig is up. The work has been DONE, and soon the lies will no longer be able to hide the TRUTH of what IS. We “THE PEOPLE,” NOW have the power to take back that which has always been rightfully OURS.

We The People Are Free…


Drake | January 12, 2013 at 1:21 pm | Categories: News | URL:

Below is a comprehensive warning from Drake about the One People Public Trust 1776, which we featured on Unslave Yourself series. We are posting it here to provide a fair balance of viewpoints. The danger of the revolution being hijacked is more than real. The Jesuits are more than adept and cunning in their methods of infiltration, and mind control. They have perfected their methods for centuries. Some of the infiltrators are well known celebrities and actors in the field of alternative media.

One way of identifying them is their deafening silence about the Jesuits involvement. They will never mention the “J” word. They will never mention the biggest secret of all time which is the technology involving time travel, or if they do, they will try to subtly debunk it.

Here’s Drake…


I had intended to just stay out of this controversy as I figured it was harmless, just another patriot philosopher group thinking only they had all the answers and just like the “postmaster generals”, the 13 Colony fantasy and so many others, would just fizzle out and go away without causing too much damage. After all if people want to remain brain dead sheeple it certainly isn’t my job to save them from themselves.

Unfortunately, as has happened so many times before, what I want and what I end up having to do has turned out to be two extremely different things. I started getting calls and emails from people I know are far too smart to buy into the latest crap flooding the Internet and that being this One Peoples Trust 1776. One look at the outlandish claims should have been enough for the seasoned patriots who were contacting me just from the initial information I had seen. It certainly was enough for me but the emails and calls continued until I finally decided that if I didn’t look into it and weigh in on the subject I was not going to be able to focus on the things I do which actually will and do make a difference.

The biggest red flag was the name Charles C. Miller, might as well have been Tim Turner, or Sam Kennedy any of the three being synonymous with BIG FAT RAT, SNAKE OIL SALESMAN, PATRIDIOT or JUST PLAIN CROOK AND SCAMMER.  What most people failed to see because enough time has elapsed is all three of them were deeply involved in the RAP/RuSA scam at one point.

People should know better but sadly they don’t. The minute money comes into the picture you should run for the hills but money is the biggest and best carrot these tricksters can use to ensure the sheep will follow them anywhere, pay them for information, file whatever crazy paperwork they tell them to file not caring for a second that those filings are a one way ticket to the grey bar hotel in the end; not today and not tomorrow the feds always play by their own schedule but sooner or later they get round to you. By the way Sam Kennedy was arrested yesterday finally and Tim Turner still sits in the pokey.

Charles C. (Charlie) Miller has a rich history of criminal behavior disguised as Patriot Remedy. In other words this is just a brand new version of RAP or RuSA with new front names like the female attorney who isn’t an attorney (relinquished her bar card hmmm so did Michelle Obama imagine that wonder why?) The One People’s Trust 1776 is just the latest in a string of them using similar names. Miller has NEVER been successful with any court filings and in fact has done prison time for his efforts.

Someone sent me an email just today with an interesting take on the whole thing. The author was reminding about how the cabal always gives us hints, usually through Hollywood, News Media or Television programming of whatever nasty catastrophe they are planning next. The author cited a TV show I haven’t seen but apparently it’s story line is so chock full of parallels to the claims of the One People’s Trust nonsense, including Boehner being the interim president that maybe it’s the good guys using the media this time. HELLO? ARE YOU DEAD IN THERE? THE BAD GUYS OWN THE MEDIA LOCK, STOCK AND BARREL! There is no way in hell they are going to allow an ongoing television show to inform us even subliminally that there is a GOOD GUY REMEDY ALREADY IN PLACE! Wake the hell up!

The TV Show is something called “LAST RESORT”. Now are the parallels there, yep you betcha very much so. In fact the story is just about exactly, point by point, what the One People’s Trust is claiming in addition to a recent piece on the story behind Benghazi to tie it all up in a nice neat bow… so why is it there? The same reason RuSA was allowed to go on as long as it did; the same reason Alex Jones and others are allowed to “fan the flames”. Never in history has the cabal not RUN BOTH SIDES OF THE STORY. They write it, they cast it and then they act it! So which came first? “LAST RESORT” or “ONE PEOPLE’S TRUST 1776” is life imitating art or is art imitating life?

Much of the history on Mr. Charlie Miller can be found here: 
If you remember, in Sam Kennedy’s May 2 show, he referred to a guy named Charlie Miller that is now, perhaps one of the elders, along with Sam Davis. And SK referred to Sam D’s Talkshoe Radio show where Charlie Miller came on [@30th minute]. In short, he was working with a group that has also been doing the same kinds of things similar to what RAP elders have been doing (See the IRSA FED SUIT referenced website below). Perhaps, these two groups are merging? – I don’t know. Anyway, On that show Charlie said that he was in prison and was able to force the State Govenor (Washington?) to release him. SK gave the date of Sam Davis’s Talkshoe radio show as being April 8, 2010, but corrected himself on last week’s show (May 9) and said the Talkshoe date was actually March 8, 2010. On that show, I found there is another fellow by the name of Randall. He and Charlie appear to be somewhat closely connected/colleagues. Have a listen (to avoid much of the non essential, forward the audio up around to where the 30th minute would be) @

After listening, I wanted to know more about who this Charlie Miller is. And after doing a little investigation, I find that Charlie indeed spent time in prison for what appears to be for engaging in activity attempting to defraud the bank fraudsters. And, also found that several years ago he had been on the ADL’s Watch Dog list. Here is what the ADL’s Watch Dog site has to say about Charlie:

Fraud Suspects Arrested in Washington
Abstracted from the Columbian
Four persons were arrested in Washington in mid-February on charges of conspiracy to defraud banks, mail fraud, and interstate transportation of stolen property. Most prominent among them was Charles C. Miller. Miller, a former resident of Vancouver, Washington, and Kathleen Cottam, from the Tacoma area, travelled around Washington writing bogus checks that amounted to over $30 million. Miller was prominent among militia and sovereign citizen sympathizers in the Vancouver-Portland area.

Miller, currently incarcerated in the Pierce County Jail in Tacoma, was arrested in Portland as he deplaned a flight from Hawaii. His checks, though, came from Montana. Miller and Cottam had traveled to Montana in the spring of 1995 to Roundup to learn the art of bogus money orders and checks from the leader of the Montana Freemen, Leroy Schweitzer (currently incarcerated in Billings, Montana, on every charge imaginable).

According to Assistant U.S. Attorney Carl Blackstone, Miller plans to represent himself in court, because “he did not recognize our law and that it was foreign to him and he was in court under duress.” Self-styled “sovereign citizens” frequently represent themselves when arrested, leading to a high conviction rate against them. Also arrested were Charles Dean Christenson and Kurt Rolfe Gilson of Bellevue, and Veryl E. Knowles of Spokane. Cottam had already been arrested and has pleaded guilty.

March 2, 1998, Washington: A federal judge hands down “exceptional sentences” to Veryl Knowles and Charles C. Miller for their roles in a massive scheme to create and pass counterfeit money orders. The two “freemen” received sentences of eleven years and three months (for Knowles) and twelve years and three months (for Miller). Federal judge John Coughenour handed out particularly long sentences because he said he wanted to send a warning message to people who attempted similar schemes.

Charlie C. Miller does appear to have something ‘in’ for the Federal Reverve banksters syndicate. Digging a bit deeper, I found Charlie C. Miller is involved with the following website: IRSA FED SUIT Also he has been involved with at least a couple recent suits filed against the Federal Reserve:

You will notice that there is a Randall Lynn Harper also listed as a plaintiff in one of these. I would not hesitate to think that this is the same ‘Randall’ that appears on the 3/8/2010 Talkshoe Radio show with Charlie Miller. Note: This case was dismissed on 4/16/2010 (about a month after the radio show) because there was no rebuttal offered by the plaintiffs to the defendents’ Motion to Dismiss.

The more I do searches on the subject of Sovereignty/Redemption/Strawman/UCC etc., the more I find there are lots and lots of people giving seminars on ‘their’ version of how to become free from the Corporate State’s presumption of 14th Amendment citizenry. And all these factions seem to be a bit at odds with each other, which is the reason for alot of the confusion that exists about how to go about doing it. As you know, it appears as though some methods work for a while then something else works for a while, and so on. Hence the “technology”, as it is called, goes on changing.

Tim Turner has mentioned somewhere that there could be as many as perhaps millions of liens filed across this country against judges, court clerks, prosecutors, bankers and mortgage companies. And this number will continue to grow… to say at the very least the paperwork is beginning to overload the system, I would think.”

Have I not said enough times, BOTH ROADS LEAD TO HELL? Only the people here in America and in every other country in the world can bring this nightmare to an end. There are no GOOD GUYS coming. There is no massive FINANCIAL FIX on the horizon that will arrive just in time to save your sorry butts.  They are about to launch the final push and it is imminent.  Disarm America at the same time the total crash of the economy occurs thus ensuring the people will START THE WAR!



No laws and especially Executive Orders repugnant to or in direct opposition to the Constitution and Bill of Rights ARE LAWS! You are not obligated or required to comply with them. IN FACT YOU ARE OBLIGATED by your Constitution TO REFUSE!!!

THERE IS PLANNED AND WILL BE AT LEAST THREE MORE MASSIVE, NASTY FALSE FLAGS FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONVINCING YOU TO DISARM. THEY WILL LIKELY MAKE THE SANDY HOOK STAGED EVENT LOOK MILD. THERE MAY ALSO BE AN ACTIVATION OF PROJECT BLUE BEAM. For those of you who don’t know what that is… A GIANT HOLOGRAM IN THE SKY WHICH WILL LOOK LIKE JESUS TO US, LIKE OTHER DIETIES IN OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD accompanied by a message to the Christians to lay down their arms their savior has come…etc. don’t think for one minute this cannot be done. Google Project Blue Beam. By the way heavy chem-trailing is necessary to reflect those images back to us.



Drake | January 11, 2013 at 11:57 am | Categories: News | URL:

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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Ghost Cities of the Future

great city

Two years ago, satellite pictures of Chinese Ghost Cities appeared on various web sites.

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A lot of speculations have emerged as to why the Chinese are doing these not only in China but also in Africa. Are they going nuts? Some said that these empty cities are where the slaves of the system are to be housed. Aren’t we doing that already? Besides, these structures don’t look like FEMA concentration camps. In fact, these cities will be interlinked with one of the most efficient transport systems on Earth…

china launches longest bullet train track

What is more glaring is that, while in normal circumstances the properties are already pre-sold especially in the case of China where the population is gaining decent wages to make homes more affordable, yet up until today these cities are still empty. Why?

These cities should have been populated already just as soon as the basic amenities are available so that the initial developers’ investment can be recoup right away as the developments continue on for the rest of the planned metropolis, but that is not the case here.

The Old Media won’t give us the answers as to why they are doing so. Instead, they love to play it down.

Perhaps we can answer that by first asking the question: Are the Chinese really that stupid, building modern cities with full amenities, in the middle of nowhere like in Mongolia? Or, are they too smart, they already knew that the immediate future needs cities like the ones pictured above to accommodate the abrupt increase in purchasing power, due to the release of massive prosperity funds, which the Chinese themselves are planning to do so once the Dark Cabal are fully defeated?

Think of the immediate effect on yourself once you got your first tranche of these packages, would you still go to work?

I believe most of the working class would go on vacation.

The production plants will stop operating, while demands for luxury items would increase as much as that of basic necessities. Do we really think that the Chinese who are planning to turn the current economic system upside down have not considered these potential “rest period” of human activity?

Of course, the rest period and confusion would only be temporary. Once the New Media would have explained to the people what exactly had happened, i.e. real history to establish a one world fascist government, and where we are going, i.e. Golden Age, that would be the time when people go back to work, and only by that time they will do it for the Common Good and not just for mere economic survival.

The fact is that China has outsmarted the West by using the same western economic deceptions to pull western economies down. Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” comes to mind. And when it was time to pull the plug, they did so in 2007 causing the Lehman’s crash in 2008.

Both China and Japan are said to have begun, 2-5 years ago, retooling their industries in preparation for huge initial demands for portable free energy machines, and similar technologies. This was one of the reasons why the Fukushima disaster had to happen. But already, the new Japanese government, which is said to be unfriendly to the cabal, is expressing its intention to restart all nuclear plants.

Oh my, no nukes for me.

Greenpeace activists would never talk about technologies that could convert all nuclear wastes from being radioactive to non-radioactive, and in the same process gain useful energy, too. The same activists also have never shown their support for Cold Fusion. Wonder why? Follow the money.

Those who fear China would attempt to invade other countries, or that she would support any attempt to hasten the implementation of a global fascist dictatorship, may have a false sense of history, as even when she had that capability to do so, she never did. “The recorded military history of China extends from about 2200 BC to the present day.” China could have conquered England early on , but conquering other races was farthest from her mind.

In contrast, the islanders from London did go to Asia to colonize India and the rest of Southeast Asia, while the Jesuits spread the falsity of their religion, a very effective mind control mechanism in which the effects can still be felt in countries like the Philippines.

For the Chinese and the rest of Asia, it’s all about peaceful coexistence. So the whole Asian continent produced goods that the West loves to buy until most of the gold ended up in Asia. In an attempt to recover what is not theirs anymore, Adam Smith wrote the book “The Wealth of Nations” which is a blatant threat to sow terror if all of the gold reserves are not put into a central repository where all nations could draw and issue their currencies from.

To avoid bloodshed, everybody complied, private possession of gold was made illegal, and countries physically delivered tons of gold bullion into what is now known as the Collateral Accounts.

The biggest swindle was consummated and the rest, as they say, is manipulated history.

Interesting dates:

  • The Wealth of Nations was published on 9 March 1776;
  • Johann Adam Weishaupt organized the “Order of Perfectibilists” on 1 May 1776;
  • The Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. It has been said that the establishment of the republic of the united states of America was made possible partly with Asian Gold and Chinese labor during its massive railway constructions.

So the next time you see Chinese civil engineers, each carrying transit instrument and magnetic compass, followed by a battalion of cranes and bulldozers, be aware that they are not building more FEMA camps, rather, they are plotting the next beautiful city designed in the spirit of Feng Shui.

last years of america gdp reign

You Have the Right to Know

We have not verified this one but it is a good read. It would also be interesting how Ben Fulford respond to the Peoples’ Trust announcements.

In order to understand this article you need to read the following articles first:

  1. You are Entitled to $5 Billion in Lawful Money
  2. PARADIGM: Final Bullet Report on Bank, Judicial & Gov’t Corruption
  3. UnSlave Yourself

You have the Right to know

Saturday, 5 January 2013

I started writing this around 11pm last night (first moment I had to sit quietly) but after writing around 6 paragraphs, I realized that it was disjointed mumble jumble. The caffeine had obviously worn off.

This morning I realized that writing in a timeline was going to be too confusing for most people so I’ve decided to start with the major events, and then we can go on from there and I’ll fill in some of the blanks later on. I’m pretty sure the moment I publish this article, more things will come to me and I’ll start writing the next one.

Take a seat and get a coffee, this might take a while. By the way, I sent this off to a few people for proof reading etc, and Heather from The People’s Trust has added her own comments – they are in all Caps, and I’ve then responded to a few of her additions.

Now before the naysayers and negative nellies get their knickers in a twist I will preface what I’m about to say with this: This stuff is not in the main stream media. If you are going to ask me to give you links to news stories from CNN and Bloomberg to back everything I’m about to tell you up, you might as well stop reading right now. The media is the most controlled group on the planet- you all know this. The Cabal is still in control of the media and will not allow anything out that goes against them or even hints that they are in trouble of any sort. But go ahead and search if you wish- if you look closely, there are hints coming out all over the place.

What I’m going to write here is the truth as it’s been told to me. As I have said several times over and over again, I do not consider anything “solid intel” unless I can get multiple confirmations from several very different sources- sources that I trust because I have already vetting their information thoroughly. I will try to give details, but I will not give names in certain circumstances for legal reasons (lol), and I will not name my sources as that would put them and perhaps their jobs (at the least) and safety in jeopardy, which I won’t do. These people have a right to anonymity.

So, the most important thing that every American needs to know is that NESARA- the National Economic Security and Reformation Act. (NOT to be confused with the National Economic Security and Recovery Act) is very REAL. As real as this computer I’m typing on. (for more basic info go HERE)


On Tuesday December 4th 2012, 503 congressmembers/governors/senators were arrested in DC- in what was called a “Catch & Release” event. They were arrested, brought before a supreme court judge, and they were given a document to sign which basically states that they will, from that day forward, work under constitutional law and uphold the true organic Constitution or they will spend the rest of their lives wearing orange PJs and peeling potatoes. Those were the marginal ones. The real bad ones- apparently 77- of them were shipped off to The Hague to be tried for serious crimes. I haven’t been able to find out if those 77 ever came back or if they have been tried yet or sentenced. (and believe me, I’ve tried to get that information). HHHHMMMMM….WHEN DID HILARY PURPORTEDLY GO MISSING? MIGHT AS WELL CONNECT THE DOTS WHY YOU ARE AT IT…WHEN DID GEORGE W.H. BUSH PURPORTEDLY GO INTO THE HOSPITAL? 🙂 I wasn’t actually going to go there yet, but yes.

On Wednesday, December 5th, 2012, A new American president was sworn in- to hold the office of “interim president” until real constitutionally sound elections take place. Obama is no longer the President of the United States of America and is acting as a figurehead at the moment because they have yet to announce the changes. At that point, NESARA Law was enacted and Americans have been under NESARA since then.

Since that day, Dec 5th, we have been told at least twice a week that “the RV is happening tonight/tomorrow/in 72 hours…” and “The announcements will start tonight/tomorrow/in the next 72 hours…”….

… and then nothing happens.

Sometimes you get a reason- back doors hacked into the system that have to be fixed, more arrests (WF, UST, hackers, stooges,), arguments between countries because they don’t like their currency rate (then delays as they build their assets to negotiate a better rate), and signatures needed on important documents for various Funds/Trusts, more arrests…

But, since about mid December, there have been no real excuses given. Which is unheard of. Then just before Christmas almost all of the serious intel went silent and I got told to sit in the corner and colour. The guys who told me to do that promised that everything is rolling out exactly as it is suppose to, and that announcements were imminent. I wasn’t the only one told this- several people I cross reference and verify intel with were also told the same thing.

All the gold is in place- exactly where it needs to be in the US and Internationally- not only to fund the “RV”, but for the WGS, PPs and St. Germaine Trust. …and THAT is a LOT of gold. There have been massive shipments of gold and silver going out all over the world for months since mid September and it’s only been in the last 3 months that the assets have been (mostly) in place for the new financial system, RV and PPs to go out. RV PART GOES BACK TO OUR DISCUSSION TODAY AND THE RELEVANCE OF WHAT HAPPENED IN ECUADOR….AND IRAQ 2001 BEING A DISCLOSURE OF A WHOLE OTHER KIND. I thought you might say that. I agree with the importance of the Ecuador stuff, but I’m not convinced- I have a few people I want to talk to about the Iraqi Constitution…. we’ll talk about this some more.

One of the things I want to say to you Dinarians and the people waiting for your PPs, is that you have been lied to by years. Yes, in the past 18 months or so, there have been major moves forward to getting the Prosperity Packages released and working towards the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar. Yes things have been put into play over the course of the last 18 months that have each pushed the finish line a bit closer, but……. At no time, until the last 3 months have we been “ASN”, (“any second now” for you non-chat room people), or “It’s Happening!!” THE ACCOUNTS, SGT, ETC. WERE RELEASED IMMEDIATELY AFTER WE FINISHED THE FORECLOSURE (OCTOBER 27, 2012 IS THE ACTUAL DATE IT FINISHED, SERVED ON THE 24TH + 3 DAYS TO CURE… I RECEIVED NOTICE AFTER I LANDED FROM COMING BACK FROM BIS..SWITZERLAND. hmmmm now that’s interesting timing! There were some interesting rumours coming out of Reno right around then. I think I’ll make a call later tonight to see what I can find out.

Yes, for a while I fell for it too. Which is why I got into the intel world to begin with, so that I could find out for myself just how close we were.

I’m going to back track for a moment here to fill in some important missing pieces of intel.

Under the cover of Hurricane Sandy, there was a very good reason that the NYSE was shut down for 3 days. Even before I was able to find out the reason why, I knew that something was up. That Monday that the storm hit there was a battle under the NYSE to take control. During that time, the Strawman accounts directly tied to your birth certificate were removed from the control of the NYSE. This is a vital piece of the puzzle that ties the huge changes together. If you do not understand “Strawman” google: Strawman and stock exchange.


Prosperity Packages have been going out. Small numbers of them to test the system and insure that everything runs smoothly. None of these have been related to the St. Germaine Trust- which has not been released yet….

The Texas goons have been tampering with everything they can get the hands on in every way possible- including trying to force certain important Trustees to sign things that would relinquish control and threatening to kill them if they didn’t do it- I am hoping to be speaking with this person over the course of this weekend to get further information from him about what happened and how he’s been in constant hiding for the past few months in fear of his life.

Oh this is a good one!! (sorry, but as I’m writing I’m remembering incidents that have happened in the last few months) Luckily I didn’t shut my computer off this one night and the page was still loaded on my screen the next morning and I was able to get screen shots of the articles, because by the next morning the article in Business Insider was gone – sorry not the best quality and the one article has been put through google translate so the english is a bit of a hack job. Back on Nov 28th it was reported that someone tried to process $69 TRILLION dollars worth of derivatives through the Stockholm Stock Exchange: THERE WERE MANY SPECIFIC ATTEMPTS THROUGH OUT 2012, ONE IN SPECIFIC BEFORE DAVOS MEETING…I WILL FIND THE EMAIL/DATA IN MY FILES FOR YOU….BUT NOT FOR THIS ARTICLE BEAUTY!!

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Original Swedish report:


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THIS fiasco was an attempt by the Cabal (the Texas goons I was told) to try and recoup some of their losses. Because they have had Substantial losses in the past few months. More like: Everything. Their offshore accounts have been frozen and assets repatriated. THERE WAS A HUGE TACTIC BY THE “GOOD GUYS” OF SUPPRESSING THE GOLD PRICE BECAUSE THE TEXAS CAMPS “CURRENT FUND” SUPPLY WAS CANCELED/VOIDED AND THEY HAD TO RESORT TO CONVERTING THEIR “GOLD” HOLDINGS TO KEEP OPERATIONS GOING 🙂 Yep, I remember that, a whole lot of trading and the price barely even wavered… left a lot of my financial friends scratching their heads.

The arrests and resignations are spiralling faster and faster right now. Take note of the arrests of the Premiers/Prime Ministers – both former and sitting- in Turks & Caicos and the Caymen Islands. Geeeee…. what are both countries known for? Hundreds of banking executives and other interfering parties have been arrested in the past 3 months- and yes, they CAN hide these arrests from the public.

My gut tells me that we are THERE. My gut tells me that this will roll out when the timing has been met. BUT…. the smoke has been ridiculously thick for the past two weeks- unbelievable rumours are being spread, most of which I’ve laughed my ass off at (sometimes calling a buddy of mine so that we can laugh our asses off together). And all of us who have been following this circus are royally pissed off.

We’ve been told over and over again that the good guys are in control- and I can see all the things that they have done so I Know that this is the truth. But where is it? I just got off the phone with two sources who are equally fed up and wanting to throw a tantrum. We. Are. Done.

So this is a message to the “Good Guys”:

You’ve had months to do this. You’ve had ample opportunity to put the boots to the Texas Goons and their posse, and the European Cabal etc. Yet here we sit. For a month you’ve promised that it’s done and that the announcements and re-education programs, that will explain to the public what has happened and why, will be starting today/tomorrow/next 72 hours. The interim President is sitting there supposedly calling the shots under NESARA law, yet no announcements. HHHHHM MMMMM….COULDN’T HAVE TO DO WITH SOME UCC’S THAT WERE FILED IN REGARDS TO CVAC….COULD IT 🙂 REMEMBER, WE HAD TO FERRET OUT WHETHER MATTERS AND PEOPLE ARE DONE AND MADE FOR THE HIGHEST GOOD OF THE PEOPLE OF THIS PLANET EQUALLY, WITH FULL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY….OR WHETHER THEY ARE OF SPECIAL/SELF INTEREST TO THE HARM/DAMAGE OF ANY OF THE PEOPLE 🙂


That is the question that we want answered. WHY? Are you still wheeling and dealing? (because there has been a hell of a lot of that over the past 4 months- disgusting payoffs to corrupt officials to stop interfering in the process.) If you’re still wheeling and dealing, then you obviously are not serious about getting the job done: These people are terrorists and thieves, murderers and slavers- you don’t “negotiate” with people like this, you arrest them. You have all the evidence you will ever need to try all of these people with treason at the very least.

The people have a Right to know what’s going on. You’ve kept them in the dark and fed them bullshit for too long and still you haven’t done what you said you would do. The People HAVE the RIGHT to KNOW!! The people are not children to be assured that Santa is going to come down their non-existent chimney and bring them presents, they do not need to hear about the tooth fairy. We are adults. Yes the truth will shock the people, but delaying announcements doesn’t change that. In my opinion, I would rather have the bandaid ripped off quickly then have someone slowly pull it off bit by bit.

The Constitution gives the people the Right to know. If America is now under Constitutional Law, then the people legally need to be told that and by withholding the truth- for ANY reason- You yourselves are breaking the very laws that you fought to put in place.

We are free people. F>R>E>E

No More Excuses.

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One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

UnSlave Yourself 2.0

The Peoples’ Trust first two announcements and the subsequent conference call with Heather did take our way of thinking to a higher level.

Although we have heard some of these stuffs about the Admiralty Law, UCC and the Organized Bloodlines that live and breathe through the Corporations disguising as publicly owned institutions, through Jordan Maxwell’s research on the occult, these recent revelations, however, provided more insights into how to regain that which we haven’t experience yet, i.e. full freedom.

“This sort’s actions and systems, whether under the deceptive guise of “government”, “office”, “treaty”, “act”, “constitution”, or “entity”, inclusive of the private systems formerly known as, “NATION“, “UNITED NATIONS“, and its special agencies of “IMF“, “THE HAGUE“, “WORLD BANK“, and “BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS“….from each family of this sort of “magician”, from land to land, sea to sea to “The Holy Sea“, all have been lawfully, legally and duly verified as REGISTERED in COMMERCE as duly FORECLOSED…duly verified DEBTORS to the people, all the people equally on earth, on October 24, 2012, as a matter of law, matter of fact, and as a matter of public policy…unrebuttable and unrebutted.”


It’s not that hard to understand that the establishment is now, and should have been declared as bankrupt long ago since they don’t own and only existed on borrowed assets to begin with.

They are all in panic watching the whole world exploding with massive street demonstrations supplemented with online unrest against false flag scripts that nobody’s buying and obviously has already ran out.

The covert approaches of the WDS and other groups should be supplemented with nourishment for the Public Mind that which we can’t trust the Old Media to do. After all, this is ultimately a battle for everyone’s mind.

Whoever controls the mind controls the world.

Freedom, therefore, starts with the understanding that you are a Sovereign Entity and should bow to no one. Once you are fully convinced that you can free yourself at will, and have already done so, you must take it upon yourself to help others free themselves.

The Asian Royalties through their spokesman, Benjamin Fulford, committed to release massive amount of funding to eliminate worldwide poverty, stop environmental destruction and release all suppressed technologies for its responsible use. What is recently made clear, however, is that even within the ranks of the revolutionaries the inertia to keep the assets still in their perpetual control is seemingly insurmountable, and that’s the cause for the delay in the highly anticipated massive release of “prosperity funds” and “debt jubilee”.

But the People’s Trust has taken it to the next level by saying that we can all bypass these vested interests just by declaring that we are already free, as we should have been, manifested through a concrete action no less than the complete cessation of all forms of participation to the entire Slavery System.

When the majority realizes this option, the Slavery System will just collapse by itself, rendering the royal bloodlines powerless in the dustbin of irrelevance.

The solution therefore is so simple that the Enslaved Mind will find it hard to understand and accept. That’s where you and I should come in.



There’s no heart and mind so hard and stubborn enough to be able to resist a persistent barrage of Truth. There is no standing army that can suppress raging Enlightened Masses determine to take back their freedom.

Knowledge makes man unfit to remain a slave. When you are fully convinced that something’s not right, you will feel all the discomforts associated with being in a world that you don’t truly deserve.

It is time to do something about it.




One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Unslave Yourself [UPDATED]

Updated, 5 jan 2013: Below is the transcript of the whole conference call involving Heather of the Peoples’ Trust 1776.

Whether coordinated or not, there is a multipronged attack against the Cabal that used to run the world.

The latest that we’ve come to be aware of is that of the Peoples’ Trust which involves the reassertion of inherent rights each human being has from the day of his conception.

As expected, there were more than a few questions arising from the first and second announcements by said group and Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf answered them in this conference call moderated by Brian Kelly.

Among the most notable answers is that one addressing the question “when will the $5 Billion be in everybody’s hands?”

So as not to spoil the fun, you may download the full interview in audio format from

MP3s (each part, 30 min., 7 MB)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Complete show (2 hr. 32 min., 35 MB)

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TOPPT – Transcript: A Conversation with Heather Tucci-Jarraf, Trustee of The One People’s Public Trust

NOTE: We are still reviewing this transcript, and it will change when we insert words that were difficult to hear due to the phone connection. I put it up in its raw draft state so the translators can get started on translating it to other languages. -AK

Hello everyone Brian here from the American Kabuki ground crew. I am so incredibly thrilled to be here celebrating this beautiful moment of now with all of the amazing beings who will be listening to this call over the course of the coming days and weeks. Words couldn’t possibly express the level of gratitude I feel for being blessed with the opportunity to play part, even if it is a small one of this recent unfolding of events that have been taking place in this grand cosmic shift that we are currently undergoing.

Now, whether everyone in the world realizes it yet or not, it truly is the most exciting time to be alive in the history of humanity and I thank my creator everyday for sending me front row, VIP seats to all the action.

Now, from an inner knowing that goes beyond mental comprehension, I know that we all chose to be here at this time to experience the journey we all are embarking on right now, altogether as one people united. While we may have not been shot heralding into the new age on the 21st at least consciously, like a great many out there predicted, we absolutely are experiencing an enormous shift in energies and massive transformations to our inner as well as outer worlds. I know I speak for many when I say that I fully believe that the shift of the ages, which all of the ancients prophesized would occur in 2012 is in fact unfolding right before our eyes on a myriad of levels on each moment.

Now, Ascension isn’t what we are here to discuss today, but we are here to discuss the liberation of the planet, and the 7 billion of us that call the earth “home”.

For the past year, talk of prosperity funds, whether it be in the form of NESARA, the St Germaine Trust, the Leo Wanta Funds, the Reagan-Mitterand protocol, all of the above have become a hot topic being discussed across every blog site and discussion board across the internet, leaving many very frustrated and losing hope that one day one of these funds would make it into mainstream media and pave the way into a new age for peace and prosperity.

Now, I am here to share with everyone that the moment we have all been waiting for is finally and very divinely here upon us. A few days ago, on December 25, an organization called “The One People’s Public Trust” (TOPPT) came exploding onto the scene with their first official “announcement.” This document appears to be announcing that the United Nations, the IMF, BIS (Bank of International Settlements), the Hague, the World Bank and others have been legally and officially foreclosed upon. The next part of the document which I will read here has triggered a tsunami of responses, much heated debate across the blogosphere and online forums everywhere. This passage reads,” The people, all people equally on earth have an individual, duly verified sum certain of 5 billion, that’s billion with a “B” in lawful money of the United States of America gold and silver. Over 3 quintillion, 500 quadrillion, (which, by the way is a 3 and a 5 followed by 17 zeros) just and duly verified equity debt against the debtors. There is an additionally duly verified sum of 5 billion in lawful money of the United States of America, gold and silver, for each of those people damaged by the actions and systems of the debtors, over 3 quadrillion lawful money of the United States of America, gold and silver, in duly verified debt of damages against the debtors.”
Now, what this means exactly has been left to lots and lots of speculation, obviously, so today we are here in full transparency to discover the truth of this official announcement. These are just a few highlights of what will become official announcements by TOPPT, headed by the organization’s front man, or front woman I should say, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf.

B: Hi Heather, welcome to the call, are you there?

H: I am Brian, thank you. How are you this evening?

B: I am doing well, Heather. How are you?

H: It’s good, it’s good, thank you for having me.

B: Absolutely, and we also have on the call a special guest, D from the Removing the Shackles Blog site. D are you with us?

D: I am with you Brian. And hi Heather! Nice to talk to you again as well.

H: Hi D. Good to talk to you, too.

B: Welcome to you both. Before we dive in here ladies, let me give a little background. I have had the opportunity to get to know Heather a little bit over the last few days. I truly feel like we have known each other for a lot longer than that, but consciously speaking, our paths crossed for the first time last Friday, the 28 of December and since then we’ve exchanged a mountain of emails back and forth.

We were actually supposed to do this talk yesterday, but we ended up talking on Skype for about five hours so we weren’t able to get it in. Talking to Heather has personally answered so many questions I have myself, now in the spirit of full transparency and absolute truth, which are the watchwords as of late, it’s time to share that information with the people. What do you say, Heather? Sound like a plan? OK, perfect.

So for the purpose of this call today, Heather, my role and D’s role in this is going to be to give the public, or the people, I should say, a voice, and due to the scope of the subject matter we are dealing with here, which is obviously global in nature with the potential of effecting every person on the planet and because of that the people are obviously and rightfully so have lots and lots of questions.

Over the last couple of days, I have gathered many of those questions from Kauilapele’s blog, American Kabuki’s blog. You also sent me questions from emails that you have received; I know D’s probably got plenty of questions from her readers as well. So I will be using these to navigate the chat here as well and as best we can. Does that sound good?

B: So Heather for the purposes of the conversation, this is not an interview. It is a talk. My role in this and D’s role in this is to give the people a voice for everybody who has been following this story since last Friday. It’s global, it’s universal. It has the potential of affecting everyone on the planet. A lot of questions have been flowing in consistently. We’ve gathered these questions from various blogs, Removing the Shackles, Kauilapele, American Kabuki and emails that you’ve sent me.

B: but before we start, I have one little request of you, Heather.

H: I am not agreeing (laughter) until you tell me what it is.

B: You are obviously very well educated, you have a very uncanny ability to articulate and express yourself around anything that you have done with your legal experience. I know you have been a lawyer for ten years . . . The format has been too “legalese”. You put out an announcement that that was for very good reason – the people were not the intended audience. It was very legal stuff that you put out. But I want to keep this as street level in style and format as possible, is that fair?

H: That’s excellent, that’s more natural.

B: I already know the answer to this first question. But we need to hear it from you. . .there’s a lot of people who want to believe with heart and soul that the story we are here to discuss is true, but because they have never heard of you or TOPPT, there’s been a fairly substantial amount of resistance. Let’s start out with who is Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and how on earth did you get involved in all this?

H: Ok, well, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf is just one of the people, when it boils down to it all of the roles I play, I am just like all of you guys, like everyone else on the planet. I got involved for the same reasons all you guys got involved. I was searching for the truth. And here we are, I am on this call. As far as when did I get involved? I was working overseas basically, in high levels of banking trade and finance and international law and we all made a choice to go in and clean things up. It wasn’t just me, it wasn’t just the people I was working with, it was a whole slew of people within what we term as the slavery systems. And that happened, basically, the choice was made on how it was going to go in 2009. Does that answer that question?

D: Basically enough.

B: So, what happened in March 2009?

H: Actually we had been working on an investigation for approximately 3 months, maybe less regarding mirror loans at the World Bank. And we found through that mirror loans investigation that we were doing, regarding Panama, the Republic of Panama, we found Freddie Mac /Fannie Mae fraudulent paper, significant amounts of it. Out of curiosity, for one of the people that was on the investigation team, I went back behind the screens and way back to… I randomly selected some of the houses out of the Freddie and Fannie Paper, I went all the way back to the homes, that this paper, these securities of about $50 million dollars and it was probably worth, based on property that was worth, maybe, if you were lucky, 10 percent of that amount. Maybe less. So with that, that is basically what started it. It was a personal issue, a personal matter. I was a person, one of the people helping another one of the people.

We just sat there. We adjusted, we prioritized, we really just reflected. What are we doing, why are we doing it and what can we do about it, do we want to do anything about it? We sat there and thought about it and a choice was made. A choice was made. How do we make people understand no loans were made? There’s no such thing as lawful current funds. There is lawful money, but there is no lawful current funds.

These are the decisions we had to make. We were watching everyone suffer, we were suffering. Even those in the high levels of banking are suffering.

Even those in the highest levels of purported government are suffering. All the way down. You get tired of it. So that was the very beginning. Does that answer that? As far as what ended up to this phone call.

B: Absolutely, and I know your background . . . and we could sit here for hours if not days, but from here, what I kind of want to… everybody wants to see us go… The next phase in your journey was the decision to start the investigation that culminated in the putting out of the Paradigm report. Is that accurate?

H: Yeah, in fact, I mentioned the Freddie and Fannie papers, that it was taking the culmination of all of the investigations and at that point at the time when we made the decision in between the time that we saw the papers and the decision to do the investigation, we needed to figure out exactly what needed to be done, It was sort of a (muffled word) type of protocol where we had to go in and to figure out the many aspects of the investigations to alter them based on the results real time. So that was what the Paradigm Report was, it was a field (muffled) report, so there are lots of mistakes in there, typing wise, grammatical, spelling, the point is the substance of what is inside the report. That was the important part. Really we were asking can the private system be saved? Is it worth saving? and the answer is no, it could not be saved. And why put energy into something that cannot be saved?

B: Ok, so the research for the Paradigm Report spanned over 2 years? What were you researching and what was the final outcome? . . . Ultimately what was the objective of you and the people that were involved in putting that paper out?

H: What went into it? Body and soul. The goal was to go in and find the problems and identify a solution. Could the solution incorporate some of the frame work that was already existing? Would it have to be completely mowed down and built from scratch? That is basically the essence. It had to do with banking, obviously it was the nexus point for every problem on the planet. At that point we had to go back to how did that problem even come into existence? And you go back to the history of America and the first two central banks that they attempted to do the report refers to that so people can refer to that. (Muffled) In the past how did they maneuver? Using the educational and judicial systems. What right now is their biggest fear? Communication between people, or the internet. So identifying these markers or these factors allowed us to go in further, because a paper trail needs to be made where no paper trail currently exists. At least not one that connects all the dots. At that point we had a few people who had offered to go ahead use their house as a test case. It ended up being a logical choice that we used my house as a test case. It’s one thing to help someone who is freaking out, while you are trying to do the investigation, It is much easier to just control yourself and go through the factors.

B: So. . .

H: I have the most information. I have the most rounded database out of all of us. That’s how it started.

B: So essentially you put yourself up for allowing your home to go to foreclosure and be a test subject for tracing the fraud that needed to be .. to get you out of your property to trace back to the source where the fraud was coming from? You could accurately track that paper trail, correct?

H: Yeah, that’s right, essentially I was headed over to Switzerland anyway to take over the presidency of a company and they were looking for a house. I had gone in with someone. . .basically this was her pet project. . .we all have projects that are close to home that we are called to do… agricultural projects… helping to feed humanity… energy projects… getting clean energy to everyone… and those are projects that ruffle a lot of feathers. Mine went along with and the training I have was… (muffled) law. And what it came down to as of this moment, people have the opportunity to see that the connection with law with the current financial system, with the purported government systems with these private systems, that we believed have been for the people by the people, everyone can see where it goes back to the law.

B: So I am trying to put the pieces in chorological order. . .so you have the Paradigm Report. Let’s call that Phase I. What was the expectation? now that you have this Paradigm Report that says that the system is broken in a very rudimentary way of saying it, and it can’t be fixed without making some major changes in the structure of society in the way that it is managed by all of the people way up at the top.

H: Yeah, I mean essentially, what really excited me Brian was December 11 of 2010 I was introduced to someone who was involved with this thing called the Public Trust. I am not a history buff, I was introduced to concepts, the founding fathers, I mean basically we all know, …muffled… Yet to go in and actually feel it, it moved me… I wanted to find that clean spot, I mean where can you clean this from? You have so many people in the slavery system who are trying to clean it up. And they have all the power to do it. The question is, why weren’t they doing it? Well there has to be a clean spot to do it so nobody can rebut it so it is unrebuttable. And therefore unrebutted. And that is where I found the Public Trust to be an amazing tool, because it did go back in time, further, we weren’t all moved back to prime until this last summer.

B: You’re going to have to talk about what you mean in regards to taking it all the way back to prime.

H: You know, it’s just kind of simple, everyday that a child is born, every day that a body leaves this earth. It’s a matter of creation. There’s these bodies, and yet whose the architect? I work a lot with patent law, trade law. And yet at the same time I watch all these patents and technology be stolen. Where? From within the patent law office itself. So when you go back to prime. Who is the creator? In the instance of science, or a patent, it would be the person who actually thought up the darn thing, you know, wanted to apply it…he knows the DNA of it. They were’s the same thing here. Who created the people? If you look at every religion across the board. . .every religion proper, it is the Creator. So we go in, we go back in and look at it. I was raised in a Jesuit Catholic home. . .but studied many religions (muffled). . .it was not only that, it was the loophole to protect their things from the systems that they were enforcing against everyone else against their will.

So creator is the prime. Nobody can come up and say,” I own your body, I own your mind,” because first off, you do. . .and second off, who are you a servant to? You know, and then you take that into a commercial world, which is where they hid everything, either someone is going to claim you as the servant, or as owning yourself, you are free.

Anyone that you serve, it would be your creator, whether you want to call him Creator, God, Source, Yahweh, Allah, it doesn’t matter the point is, you are going back to prime You cannot rebut that. It is unrebuttable, and it is unrebutted.

B: Ok.

H: Does that answer your question?

B: Absolutely, so essentially what you are saying is that we the people have handed over, or bowed down to laws and rules that have been put forth against us illegally. The only reason that they were able to manage them this long is that we have given our consent. .so is that kind of in a basic way of saying it over the course of the last hundred years, if not longer?

H: Yeah that is a very accurate truth as you just stated it.

B: Ok, So you’ve got this Paradigm Report. So you laid the groundwork, you let your home go into foreclosure. You did a great amount of research on these systems and how corrupt they are. What are you now doing with this document, I mean, I am trying to bring up to the moment so we can dive into but there’s obviously this big vision from you and the People’s Trust that you are working toward. I am just trying to figure it out for everybody what that was and what your road map was to ultimately get there?

H: Yeah, I mean, I worked in banking in basically putting people in tight positions, ferreting things out, vetting assets, vetting people, doing background checks, and all that, so I had a lot of information about how things work. So if we’re going in and trying to figure out this clean up, (muffled) I wanted to make sure we were under the radar. Once the banks could figure out, that we had gone in to squeal or tell on them. Exhorbinent amount of pressure is applied …muffled… go in and work all this stuff out (muffled) I hadn’t been in a courtroom for quite some time, so my job allowed me in the Paradigm Report basically how to go in and ferret everything out and be able to sort of test out different areas of solution. In banking, I was responsible for vetting assets, I was responsible for vetting people, I was responsible for creating policies, structures, contracts, all for banking and financing. And so I know the pressure they put on people and the methods they do that, which are pretty distasteful, so I knew what to expect, so I designed the investigation so I could be under the radar. I had to work out the on ground part of the investigation from the bottom up.

B: Ok. So what point, around what month of what year was all of this going down? I am trying to get a little bit of history here. You put out your announcements on December 25, you’ve had a couple of announcements since then, what ground work were you laying from when you finished that Paradigm Report to where you are today? What was going on in the background? Behind the scenes of all this, what were all the puzzle pieces that were getting put into place for everything that we are going through right now to become a possibility?

H: I had already investigated the banking system for a number of years, so we knew where the nexus was. The next part was just to figure out how to go in and make it…see the banks control everything…where to go in, number one, how to go in and basically unwind their support structure to the BAR, the judicial, and the educational.

Media was another one, and however we did not want the media, or any of that, because if people knew what we were doing, we never would have finished our job ever.

So there with the judicial, that was perhaps the easiest point for me to go into the trenches to build the investigation from the bottom up from street level to Wall Street level. So with that, using my house as a test case. I went in, and I do not know how many cases were filed and briefs were tested to get to the one that was approved that was the deceptive practices brief. Basically I was in the trenches for a year, almost a year and a half, in the trenches testing the judicial to see how corrupt, how closely tied, were there people in between? Were there handlers? How much access do the banks have to the systems actually used in the court, meaning like courtsmart the recording systems that the courts use in hearings. How much access they have to the clerks office. What I discovered was pretty mind blowing for someone who has been an attorney for 10 years.

During this investigation I actually had to make a choice, especially when I received Intel and reports on ongoing investigations regarding the BAR, which I was a member of and I actually ended up cancelling my BAR license during the investigation. So that was the main meat of it. We just finished that basically this July 2012. Actually the end of June 2012.

The third phase was coming over here and working with the “Powers that Were” to go in and implement a solution that was the easiest and less stressful for the people, because I was told, in fact right before I left for overseas, that there was going to be a war. There was going to be a war of such a kind that it has never been seen or known of in existence. That was unacceptable to me.

So out of the Trustees, I was the one that was most suitable to go overseas. So that people knew this wasn’t about just “America,” or “People on American Soil”. This is about the “People” all over the globe. That is what I have been doing over here and I actually was offered a job as a director of a Bank. And that was arranged through one of the main clients of the Rothschilds. So that was supposed to be our quiet room behind doors, where we could actually go in and try to hammer out a solution for implementation. When the time came it didn’t go right. I never made it to (muffled) I didn’t go there. After some long discussions with the Trustees, we felt it wasn’t right.

B: Heather , there are going to be some people who have some confusion. You said you were working with the powers that were and you were working with the Rothschild family to find a solution. There are many people who perceive that that’s the cabal, the bad guys, but you were working with them, can you explain what that is all about?

H: Well, we weren’t working with them, we were opening doors for people to go in with the ptw to go in and hand the control back to the people. We literally went to their houses, we opened our doors. They were very fearful of that because they not want to let go of the power, of the control and in some cases they still don’t but it is too late, it is already done.

B: Okay, so you said last night that something big happened on the 4th of July. A big turning point event and I believe there was another one in December. What were those?

H: Yeah, July 4th, we announced that we were going to do the “equity call”. They had so many chances and there was so much communication going back and forth trying to hammer it out and return it to the people. So on July 4th the Trustees said, “we can wait for somebody to do something, or we can wait for the folks who were fearful to give control back.” We decided. We issued the order, it was issued July 7th and it was actually preissued as a notice the month before. So this time we registered that into the system. October, it was funny because everyone was talking about an October Surprise. And we were surprised, because we were very being very quiet. In Oct. we foreclosed on the private slavery systems of the purported UN, purported Hague, of ICC, ICJ and all of the corporations under the guise of government.

B: Ok, that was in October?

H: That was in Oct.

B: D has a question, and I have another, under what authority were the foreclosures made? And where those were registered? But D, hop in here.

D: Okay, a tiny question: the different cases of who was not playing nicely, can you tell us who?

H: Okay, basically what consists of the Texas Camp?

D: Ha Ha, Okay, which consists of who?

H: I don’t mind, traditionally, Texas Camp consists of Bush Sr., Jr., Clinton, Rumsfeld, and Cheney for the most part. There’s others. No, not J.R. Ewing, ha! So that’s Texas, another faction was of course the Rothschilds, the Zurich group we found just lovely.

We had a fun time with the Rothschilds of London, but they were not having such a fun time. And the Rothschilds in France.

The old Man in the Asian family wanted everything to come out. General Wong was always interrupting. I have met him and found him quite pleasurable, but what it comes down to what is happening in the world, it is unacceptable. That puts into perspective the Asian side.

D: Yes, what you are saying about Gen. Wong is what I’ve been getting from Intel back in October when he was on American soil and screwed things up quite royally when he was there!

H: You know, most people don’t know, and I don’t even think Fulford knows, but a lot of our communication and negotiations have had to kind of reset everything using Fulford. I would sit there and wait for his things to see what kind of proposal came next in Japan. We were supposed to have meetings with the Old Man, it didn’t matter where in the world, he was going to come to Europe, and we were headed to Switzerland for BIS, so we didn’t have the meeting. General Wong was involved in that, and supposedly he had been removed, he was swept aside and no longer captain of the team. We had already made the plans, so we went. We gave him the opportunity. It turned out that our presence and our work we were doing that week was used to force the hand of one side of the family so that things could get reset. But then returning everything to the people was still not acceptable. But everything was already done. The people own and hold…

B: Real quick, Heather, who is the “Old Man”.

H: Yeah, I know. The Old Man is basically China. He is the head or what I know to be chairman of the Elders. He was formerly seen last from my information as an emperor in China. When people call the government the Communist government in China, it is just as much an illusion as Democracy is here. Anything that divides is dividing in order for management and control. There is just the people and there is just the Creator and that is Prime. I met with the Old Man, I met with his daughter, and I met with General Wong. He is very, very old, hence “the Old Man.”

B: Give a background on all this money. How much? Where is it sourced? Some people have no idea of the background on the sources of this Gold and Silver.

H: First, the value absolute underwriting of the value is the people. The value that your are giving to them is the value of the people. There is no currency, no value, those are just illusions. The gold and silver was a representation of value specifically referred to in the Constitution of the U.S. People don’t know, but all the banks in the world operate under one umbrella. There are different families that operate under that. Within the family, there is sibling rivalry. The gold and silver was held in various locations. Things have been relocated as of this last year. And hard core, with the remaining amounts for about the last four months.

B: Ok, for anybody who follows and read David Wilcock’s “Financial Tyranny,” on, there are lots of pictures of vaults of gold. But how have you determined how much there is?

H: The number that I used, doesn’t reflect the actual number that is out there, there’s more, that’s one thing. Number two, you are seeing a lot of tungsten/gold wrapped that is out at the street level right now, well that has been at the banking levels forever. That’s why gold transactions are difficult; they don’t want to let it go, because it is gold-wrapped tungsten in a lot of cases. The gold was ferreted away.

B: Ok.

H: There was a post on American Kabuki about Gold-wrapped tungsten bars and we went to BIS October 22 to inspect the gold and after we came home, everyone was demanding to see their gold. A couple days later the purported Queen of England went to check her gold holdings. This is no problem, the gold is safe and it’s secure. It is going to be released, but from what it sounds like, they would like to have a representation of that gold. And remember, that gold isn’t a representation of the true value, which is inside every person.

B: Ok. To bring some clarity: how can everyone know what you are talking about is real? Lots of people have seen info about the Keenan lawsuits and Drake’s so-called Green Light prediction come and go, but based on our conversation I now know that something did happen on July 4th. People are wondering if this is a fairy tale or real. What assurances do you have for people?

H: It’s all out there. We heard all along. We weren’t ignorant to the people’s needs: money, disclosure, arrests, help. We heard it all. The best way that we knew how to help was to go in and secure everything, so that it could be there for the people to go ahead and use. Legally. Nobody can contradict it. Every document that is posted belong to the people. There’s the filing date. It took me a few days to get the UCC verbiage ready then we sent it over email, which is heavily monitored thanks to our email going over exchange because Microsoft works very closely with the private system, because it is a part of the private system.

So they had notice of what we did prior to us filing. If you look at the filing dates and compare them to Intel… D and I talked about this, I know that dates that are significant to her we were able to correlate the filing dates with Intel dates.

D: Yes. Absolutely.

H: The filing dates were happening before the Intel dates, which is normal. If you look at the dates, and even some mainstream media, you’ll see reports. D, when you posted, it helped me, because I didn’t have to go fish for the information about officials, and “whole governments” that were resigning. American Kabuki kept track of all the bankers that were resigning. Go back and look at the dates, they correlate to our filings.

B: D go ahead with your question.

D: When American Kabuki published, I was flooded with emails and comments on RTS wondering if the St. Germaine Trusts, Wanta Funds, etc. were not real. They panicked. They wondered now if all of these other things were not going to happen. Let the people know a little more about that.

H: First off, I worked on most of that stuff. In one form or another, I worked on it, including Heritage Funds, I have someone in the old Slavery system who was trying to get us to open up certain of the “Collateral Accounts.” Those are watched 24/7. There are certain alarms that go off globally if they are touched. So here’s the problem, (muffled) it’s messy. It’s really messy, yet the value is really there. The value is real. It is the problem of the structure that it was being held in. We went in to assist the custodians to wipe away all of the rubbage, the barnacles that were growing on it. Whether it be Texas camp, whether it be any of them, was to take it back to Prime. It’s still sitting there, it is still sitting where it was before, but the only thing is, it is in a clean spot. An impenetrable spot. Where it is safe. Where it can now be used. On a legal and lawful basis with the documentation to show ownership, to show authority and the value. It’s still all there and it is in a much better spot than it ever was prior to this happening.

D: Thank you that is fantastic. Readers out there are all cheering and jumping up and down now.

B: Based on reading the comments on your blog, D, I am sure they absolutely are. Here’s a question for you, Heather, that came from a woman named Charlene: I would like to know when we can expect this to start affecting our current system. What steps can body of state’s take so it doesn’t get swept under the carpet? The email addresses published, Rothschilds, SBJ, etc., states of bodies should make themselves known with these entities? And lastly, what are the possibilities of recourse from the cabal? Let’s start with the first one. . when can we start to see this effecting our current system?

H: It already is affecting our current system if you look at the governments that are “reorganizing” or just completely going away, it’s already started. To be a mass distribution to over 7 Billion people, you have got to have the system to be able to do that. Look at all the systems that are currently existing and we have to put all of the legal and lawful tools and documentation that they need to be able to have the standing and authority to be able to go in and repossess those to use them. In our group, we always used the term “In the twinkling of an eye”. It can happen in the twinkling of an eye. They know what we were doing months ago, so they have got it ready to go. That’s why the move was so hard and maybe not in the twinkling of an eye for some. Did I answer that question?

B: Yes, but some are going to say, “when is this going to become public knowledge” instead of having to dig around several sites to find it? Everybody is waiting to wake up and turn on CNN for Anderson Cooper to come on with Breaking News. . so much has happened behind the scenes to head that way to be made public, but everyone is waiting for it to be out there, for neighbors, people at work, and families to see it and know that change is upon us.

D: Yeah, that is literally the driving questions of the day on RTS. Everyone is broke, everyone needs money, looking beyond that, the real driving question is when are the announcements going to be made?

H: What they really want to know is when am I going to be able to rub a couple of coins together and buy a cup of coffee? Or a tank of gas? Or a loaf of bread, right?

D: Yes.

H: That’s what they want to know.

D: There’s a lot of people out there who have been waiting for that moment of vindication, “I just want to know that I am right, that it is corrupt, and that I am not crazy.”

H: I was just talking to Brian about this. It’s sort of like that joke where a guy is stranded on an island and a boat comes by and offers help and he says, no, God’s going to help me. Then all these vehicles come forward to help him off this island, and he says, no, God is going to help him. He dies, he gets up to God and says, ‘why didn’t you try to help me?” God says, I sent you a boat, I sent you a helicopter… that’s sort of where we are. Some people are going to sit and wait for someone else to do something for them. Are they standing in responsibility? Are they standing with liability? And I guess they would ask, ok, I am ready to stand in responsibility and liability, how do I do that?

I bring this up, because when we were doing the solution, in our part of the whole, complete solution, that’s unfolding now, was, we had to recognize Universal Law part of that Universal Law is free will choice. There were a lot of people that made choices, who if they had the choice to be abundant, live in harmony where they are not going to [have someone] come knocking on their door, stealing from them, gagging them. However, they would make a choice that is much different than the one they made based on where they were. They wouldn’t have imposed limits on themselves or allowed others to impose limits on them. So it is important that everyone is able to make a new choice, to make a different choice.

So if I say it will be in three weeks, or three days, or two days, it will be in the twinkling of an eye. I tell you it can be in the twinkling of an eye, but I am also going to set a timeline by doing that and that forces people to make a choice that conforms to that timeline. Right now there are choices being made in that slavery system. The ones that have been hiding in that slavery system to allow, to manifest this new now are coming out. They are ready to become transparent. You have to be aware and open your eyes so you can see them, number one. Number two is those that were in the slavery system felt they had no other choice, they’re actually considering and making different choices now. It is unfolding right now as we speak, and you guys are making that happen. Not just American Kabuki, not just Brian, not just D and Removing the Shackles, all those people who are commenting! They are seeing all those comments. They are seeing the energy of the acceptance of this now.

It’s the new now that is manifesting. They are seeing that the people choose. The people decide. As far as the timing, I would love to tell you what the timing is. For us, we just decided to go ahead and do. Instead of waiting for the Old Man to come over and do this meeting, or instead of waiting for xx to let go and let these “collateral accounts be released” we said what can we do? We realized people are moving in ways that they shouldn’t. The right tools aren’t in place. So what can we do to help them? That’s what every one of us asked, so we went in and did it.

B: Ok. Here’s the question: This keeps getting brought up. When are the “announcements” going to be? Steve from KP’s blog asks, “Can you tell us, the people, in good old fashioned 3D English how all of this is going to be implemented? What are the protocols and procedures that allows the people to take back their freedom from the corrupt slavery systems that have controlled us?

H: The freedom is already back. First you can just recognize and accept that. That’s one. Two is be free. And the tools that we were talking about, what am I going to do to act free and be free? What do I do if a cop pulls me over? Be respectful, number one, because he is a human being. He may be a not so nice human being, but, just go in and be. Be patient. Ask the right questions, what’s your name, badge number, can you write that down for me? You want everything in writing. These are the tools.

[AK NOTE: Heather has some additional protocols she will be posting, we recognize there’s much to fill in here yet, but the key point is be decent to people. See them as other mainfestions of Source like you. The police are just doing the best they can.]

Other than that, there’s nothing left to file on the UCC. There’s nothing to file to say, “I am a human being, common law is my law. “ It is already done. Know the separation of facts so that you are able to incorporate it into whatever matter is before you right now. That is what one of our advisors is gracefully allowing me to go in and alter: the template of how she is using it, and now it’s been refined, so it is in the final version. So they will just put per UCC number, XXX, “I am free”. It is already in the system. It is already noticed to all the required parties. It’s already cured. There’s already a personal bill that has been done. But you refer to it in whatever personal matter pops up after the fact.

B: Got it. Ok. Here’s the lingering question, that I got partly from an email between you and Katie: “You can take the people out of slavery, but how do you take slavery out of the people?” There’s so many people on all the blogs, D, KP, and AK all have a big following, but there’s millions of people blind to this information. Until they know that something has changed, and they are in a position to say, hold on, you don’t have any authority over me, I am my own authority, because the only person I answer to is God. Until people are made aware of that, the UCC filings are made public on a mass level, how can people be expected to take those kinds of actions to stand up for their rights?

H: Yeah, that’s an excellent question. What I would like to do is use a real time example. Right now there is a report about OWS and the collaboration between the FBI and the big banks to take them down. The Public Trust met with Occupy Wall Street. We spoke with one of the main founders.
You know OWS was started by the banks to incite riots so they could implement certain agendas, protocols, and policies that they needed in place. It got out of control. Why? Because the people are more awake today than when they formulated the plan. The plan was formulated decades ago. They have been testing it throughout the decades up until the present moment. We talked to the guy. He was a good guy. Good intent, all of that stuff, they used this guy with his good heart, his good intent in wanting to fix the system. They put him out in the front. And yet, here’s OWS. They fed it with financing, they fed it with plants. So that’s essentially how it is. You’ve got to look around and support each other, I am free, you are too, and how can I help you understand that?

B: Heather, that makes a lot of sense. The reason I am passionate about this is because I keep getting hung up on it for so long, which is the people don’t know they are free yet. Every single one of us can go talk to ten other people and that still doesn’t scratch the surface of the population of the world. You’ve said it a million times, this is not an American thing. It’s a global thing. Obviously there’s this plan that has been developed behind the scenes for a very long time with the CIA, the Federal Marshalls and the positive military, and the new governments that have been forming. I guess…you don’t have to give a date, because a lot of people have been getting themselves in trouble [doing that]. People know it’s coming, it’s coming, in time where everything is going to come out and it’s going to explode on the scene, all of these protocols are now in place and take out the old and bring in the new. And they are already there, per what you are saying the old systems are gone and the new are in place. We are still operating under the illusion that the old systems are still in place.

H: Ok.

B: The media is still controlled, that’s a big one. That is part of the reason why not a lot more people know about this.

H: You know, let’s address this here. If what I ask people to go do, doesn’t work and they want more info, then let’s readdress it and create a new solution, OK? First, if you will go back and look at those dates, you will see it has already started. It’s not going to start in four days. What people want to know is when are they going to have two coins to rub together? Ok? And that’s fine, I am not saying [there’s anything wrong with that]. It’s just for some people, they need a certain trigger so they can believe. They need some authorization to start believing now. It’s been happening. It’s just been happening quietly.

So I would suggest to do what I asked D to do, go back through those filings and look at the dates. D sharing dates about what days Intel happened will help people, to know what to look at. For example: during this time in my brokerage field, or my education field or whatever? They will be able to say, hey you know what? There are facts here to support this. To build the foundation. So, if you go back to look at the filings and look at the dates. A significant time period is the resignations and arrests. Ministry officials, bankers jumping ship. It has already started now. You saw events, but you didn’t have the complete concepts.

D: And it is steamrolling. When you talk about the arrests and the resignations, especially, people need to understand that probably 90 percent of these resignations in business, within banking, and finance are not being reported by the mainstream media. The reports we are getting, times that by a hundred and you probably have a better idea of what is happening. The rats are jumping ship. And they are doing it as fast as they can. This last month, it’s been insane.

H: Yeah, we did something this last month to kind of seal the new, you know, “what can you do now?”. We dealt with all the old, but the new was kind of xx. The people have these governments that they think are by the people, for the people, yet they weren’t. They were corporations. We had to make sure that everything was secured so that people had a tool, even just a temporary one, one that the private systems could recognize. We actually filed that Nov 28.

D: Nov. 28, yes.

H: We sent it off to the White House, to the BIS so the agents and beneficiaries of the private systems had a chance to see that at least on Dec. 1 or even earlier, that the People’s Government was already in place. We had a declaration of facts that we knew we were going to be able to give to people as they saw fit. Everything was secure on December 1 and everyday thereafter.

B: Got it. The consensus across the board is that everybody wants to understand what the money aspect of this whole thing. The numbers that have been given out are some very big numbers. Based on the way that it is written…

H: Brian, sorry to interrupt, you brought up this point and I wanted to mention it earlier. Again, it looks like big numbers to most people. It is NOT big numbers! It is a fraction, a very small fraction of… it is sort of like JP Morgan paying 500 million in a fine for a fraud they committed, they made over 300 trillion, so 500 million was the cost of doing business and basically it was “a cup of coffee”.

B: Sure. Ok.

H: So I would like for everyone to put that into perspective. So let’s go forward with your question.

B: The way that it is written, that it is duly verified equity debt against the debtors. There’s more than enough gold and silver over 3 quintillion 5 quadrillion equity debt against the debtors. So somebody wrote, this is more a statement of equity debt owed than a promise to pay. Or good things like clean water or atmosphere clean up? So everybody wants to know, are they going to get a check? How does this element of this operation come together?

H: Yeah, the funny thing is about the debt versus the promise to pay. They actually promised to pay in Gold and Silver, because they set up the whole debt system. They made the promise and it was recorded inside the constitution to use the U.S. Dollars. Anytime anyone used the U.S. dollar, it represented the debt that was going to be paid in gold and silver. The only person who is responsible for an instrument is the issuer. It’s going to be a fine and someone else is going to collect it, but the issuer is responsible for paying.

The only ones responsible for paying for a Federal Reserve note are the Federal Reserve. The major shareholders of the Federal Reserve? The Rothschilds [in], London and Paris. Then you have the Rockefellers. You have other groups and organizations, but there it is in a nutshell. So they are all responsible. The gold and the silver, they already agreed to. That’s why they needed the gold and silver to be moved out. If you look at a promissory note, it says, I (…unclear…) agree to a loan of $200,000.00, which I agree that I have received in return for payment in lawful money of the United States of America. No one would connect that those are two very different things. Lawful money of the United States of America is something different. That’s why the Federal Reserve sent more than $16 billion overseas in the secret issuances, that the people found out about, they had to send them to the banks over there because the banks needed those in order to underwrite their local currencies, the Euro, the Pound, etc. Their system that they created made it so that the Federal Reserve was the number one underwriting to everything.

B: OK.

H: Does that answer, or what part didn’t I answer?

B: D, you have one more question from your blog. . . D you still there?.(D had muted mic)

D: Here’s the overwhelming question from my blog:

H: Ok

D: What can we do to help you? What can the people do to help? People are saying, I want to help, I want to be involved. What can they do?

H: I know, it’s overwhelming. I can only speak for me, but they’ve been helpful to me just by reaching out. Their energy is the value, so I recognize what that value is. They are doing it. They don’t even realize they are doing it…everytime they write a comment on your blog, or on American Kabuki or on any of them, they are saying they are interested. Not only are they interested, they want to help, now. Everybody needs to stand up to take responsibility. All they need to do is stand up and say, “I Am.” And then Be! Because with that, they are going to do. Just do. Don’t be afraid. I am here. We are here. Everyone is here. We are not afraid. Great. The more there is, the less fear there is, isn’t there?

D: Well said.

H: So we’ll figure out what can be done, but people don’t have limits! Don’t limit yourself. Be creative. If you make a mistake, we can always correct it. I am so excited about the ways they are going to figure out to do. Don’t wait. Ok, D. I am the one asking your readers, when are they going to do, and what are they going to do? That’s what I would like to know?

D: Well there you go!

H: I am so excited. There is so much potential.

D: I think that you have just set me up for my next article tomorrow.

B: H: & D: Laughter

D: RTS readers, there’s a test tomorrow morning, you better study ha, ha.

B: you know your readers are in there 30 times a day checking for your most recent post.

D: I have the most awesome readers!

H: Ok here is a moment of clarity that I would like to share with you both, to see what you feel. I really want to answer all of their questions in a clear, concise manner that fires something up that lets them know how important they are. And so they don’t really want to know who I am or who Caleb is, or who Randall is, what they are looking for is proof that some little guy was able to go in and do something and that means that I am able to go in and do something, too.

H, B & D discuss how to continue conversation, questions, recording, etc.

H: I really want to emphasize that things be clear and concise, I really want the people to be able to get what they want, because they’ve never gotten it before.

B: We’ve never gone down the Spiritual path of this thing.

H: That’s a key component. That is the foundation of it all anyways! We had to get through all the crap to get to the solution.

B: There’s a myriad of differences in what is coming out in these last few days, Keenan lawsuit, etc. The trillion dollar lawsuit, a lot of legal stuff, etc. This is different from that. This is from purely a foundation of Spirituality. From people being and having connection to their Source Creator or power to control themselves and not give that control over to anyone else. I think that might be part of an “Aha” moment. I ask these questions, because people really want to know. But so far, the element that is missing is: here is what we now have as the people. It is time to move forward and stand united. And that is part of what we still need to address in my opinion.

H: Are you recording now?

B: Yep.

H: Ok, So that is a huge example. What we learned is that contracts help you to figure out what the solution is. If you don’t have one, how are you going to know that any of them even exist. Case in point: the law is all a fraud, as far as the legal systems, I should say are all a fraud. So to go in to find a recourse or a remedy, when the system is designed so you do not have a remedy at all? How do you deal with that? I knew that was a danger for the people to even try to navigate that stuff. Alleviate it, take it out, put it in its place of truth. That’s what the paperwork, documents and the actions that we took did. Nobody has to deal with the courts again. Not if they don’t want to. But if they want to create a system of accountability, I am so excited to see what they come up with. However, the old stuff, it’s gone!

B: Ok, so when are people going to be granted the tools to empower themselves to stand up? (discusses example of DUI.) The systems are still there as of today. The courts and fines still exist, but we don’t yet have the tools or ability to convince the court that they are an illusion and a farce. Without knowing what you are doing, that’s not going to get you very far.

H: Yeah, absolutely. That was the whole key. I wanted to make sure people were able to go in and have what they needed to deal with those situations. The first ingredient is to have no fear. Number 2 have the tools to make sure that the lack of fear is rooted. Listening to your example, based on what you stated in your intent…I am in that situation…I would say, ( to officer) ok, I am showing you who I am, show me your employment contract, I’d like to know who I am talking to. Unfortunately, there are so many people pretending. That is essentially what it is. Use the Declaration of Facts. I just sent you the Declaration of Facts. That is how someone goes about using what’s been done on a current, personal matter.

B: Ok, so here’s my question.

H: Ok, so.

B: Ok, so there is all of these people pretending, playing a part… when does the system change so much so that the pretending can no longer be tolerated? When do those people playing those roles, consciously aware or not, no longer have the ability to stand there and have to step aside?

H: It’s already happening. When we went in and did the investigations, I went into a courtroom, I had experience there as a prosecutor, so they couldn’t even paint me as a “Nutter”.

It took me some time, but I had to ask the right questions. If someone asks me under what authority are you an attorney? I have a bar card, where’s the agreement that says that you can represent the state? Well, I don’t know, let me go ask my boss. . . my boss can’t even answer that question. He can’t show me the agreement where the State of Washington says the County prosecutor’s office is allowed to represent the State of Washington. And then my boss starts freaking out. We went in and tested ALL of that. But to have the people have to go through all of that and test all of that, is different.

The County I tested that in, everyone knew me. Everyone in that County knew there was something going on. And I was putting myself knowingly in these positions, when I could have just walked right out. The banks had to finally just get the judges out of the situation of the cases by offering for example one judge’s daughter a job, then that judge had to recues himself. None of the other 19 judges in the county would touch it. They recused themselves one right after the other. Why? Because they realized, “Holy Shit, something is really going on.” Months after I had been in the County testing all of these cases. Everyone was making fun of me. I didn’t care what they thought, I had the information the regular person just didn’t have…

Brian that’s the draft I am sending out to you here shortly. It’s basically a list of questions that you ask them in a kind and respectful manner. Because I know, and they know, and if they don’t know, they are going to have to find out real quick and go to their bosses to get the answer and it’s not provided. They are told to drop the case. Just let it go…dismiss this, …refund this, whatever it may be, we used the script, basically the document we filed in the UCC to put these guys in that position, they are absolutely liable. It’s already done.

B: Ok.

H: It’s just a matter of letting the people know how to do it. That’s what I am working on, getting that out.

B: So, I am going to review this document and that will give me a better idea about the tools that are getting put out there so people can start standing up for themselves. My next question would be, when are people not going to have to resort to this document any more? When is the residue of this slavery/corrupt system going to be a part of the past? People still don’t know that they have the power to stand up for themselves. People will be potentially playing out through these old paradigms. With absolutely no knowledge of what is taking place.

H: Yeah, I mean, it’s already done. They are actually changing themselves now. It’s important to look at the documents and look at the dates. They can connect the dots. The dots have already been connected. That’s going to be huge in boosting up their confidence.. .that’s one. Two is them “BE-ing”. Them…writing on the comments in the blogs. I cannot stress how much a difference that is making and dissolving the systems that have been enslaving them for all of this time. They are actually doing it right now, whether they know it or not. I am asking that they know it consciously, instead of just unconsciously. They can do that if they just go and look. Does that make sense?

B: Ok, yeah, that makes sense. I am going to review these documents, ha ha.

H: You’ve just got to be aware. You’ve just got to look. When they go back and look at the dates of those people who promised them things, they have the opportunities to realize, Oh My God, it did happen! Quietly. The Trust needed to make sure that the slavery system…[they] had to make a different choice, in order for the foreclosure suit to be absolute and unrebuttable. They cannot challenge it, because if they do, they open the door for all of the “discovery.”

So right now, anything that the people want to declare, this is it. Because they do not want to open the door and show all the bad deeds and what has been going on.

B: Yeah, this is bringing up that story about the experience I had yesterday going over to buy the webcam for this call and I was passing by all the people in the store who are completely oblivious to all this stuff, and I was thinking how everyone is going to be affected by all of this, there is no way not to. At that moment, I looked up and saw a sign in the women’s clothing department that said: “put the pieces together” talking about women’s clothing, but all of a sudden…even though I get this…I sometimes wonder if it is real, the answer I got instantly from my own inner knowing…is that it is up to we the people to really enforce it.

Once everybody knows that they have been set free, then the slavery system no longer has any power, the illusion of it fades away, like the spotlight on a shadow, the shadow ceases to exist. Now this creates the opportunity for the People to Be, the system no longer has any power over us… on a mass level, when does the realization that the systems are gone start to become a factor? We are in what now appears to be the inner circle of the only ones who know, whereas there are a lot of people facing catastrophic conditions in their lives as a result of this system…when does all this change?

H: You know, it is changing. That’s the point. It has changed. It is changing. It is going to continue to change. The speed and visibility with which it changes is with the people. Example: In Morocco, it was occupied by France, and was pieced apart in an agreement between France, England, and Spain. The People were sick of the occupation, they got together and marched through Morocco. It was the Green March. There was no violence. It makes OWS look like a bunch of unruly teens. The People marched from North to South. In that particular case, they were armed with the Koran. Their energy, their solidarity, and their unity. . .within a very short period of time, France left Morocco. They saw the power, they saw the unity and there is just nothing greater than the People.

I met with China, in Hong Kong and they were dealing with uprisings in the employment sectors. People were very tired. That was one thing the military was very, very afraid of. They cannot handle and uprising of 3 billion people. Not even if they brought in aid from outside. They still can’t handle that. So if the People just unify, and I am watching them unify…your blogs are communities already…you are already doing. Well do. Then be yourself. Then be yourself with your neighbor, then with their neighbor, until everyone is together and is unified. Yeah, they are gonna fly like a rat out of the water as soon as they see the people unifying. That is what they are watching for.

B: Got it. Having more and more people become conscious of all this is the key to the information and the awareness that sets us all free.

H: Absolutely. Disclosure is one thing that they are scared of is the people. The people knowing who they are and then the people unifying together for a common goal.

B: Ok, two more questions that I skipped over earlier. KP sent them to me from his readers. First: You have said the people do not need to apply for funds, so to put it bluntly, will the People actually be receiving actual currency? If so, how and when?

H: Sure. We went in and set up everything and everything was set back to Prime. Everything was set in Gold and Silver, specifically because gold and silver was the representation of the value that all the systems had been working with and holding the people to. Nobody has gold and silver sitting in their pockets or in their homes for the most part. But because you signed a piece of paper declaring that you would pay them back in gold and silver, everything had already been agreed to gold and silver.

When we set up a new government, the new temporary government, for them (The People) to use to figure out if they want a government, even, one of the terms was that no currency could be issued. It had to all be in gold and silver. There is a specific reason for that. Currencies are typically owned by a private organization, entity, or group. We didn’t want that to happen. We made sure that the people had in their possession what was duly returned to them. And then if the people come together and don’t want to carry the gold and silver around in their pocket, then they will issue a currency based on that gold and silver. I am not saying there shouldn’t be a currency, I am saying the people have to make a decision. In owning that currency wholeheartedly, because it is their gold and silver behind it. Caleb, Randall, and I along with others want to make sure the people have a choice and knowingly, willingly, intentionally, set that representation.

Our intent was all the value was returned. A value they could rub together and buy bread and gas for the car and pay for services. That was the goal. And to build value off of that. Agriculture – growing food with nutrition in it ones that didn’t have nanotechnology or markers in it set for diseases that the big pharma could actually sell stuff to you later when it went from dormant to active. What we were thinking of is how can people get their value? And then you can issue currencies from there tomorrow. You can do it, but it has got to be the decision of the people.

B: Ok, so let’s say that happens, we issue a currency, the question that came in from Marlena from KP’s site, if everybody gets this money, whatever the dollar amount, wouldn’t the next thing that needs to happen simultaneously that there is disclosure, there wouldn’t be a need for money anymore? If we all have 500 million we might all quit our jobs, then what happens to the hospitals, grocery, etc. How do we avoid utter chaos?

H: Let’s use the medical field as an example. You have a hospital that is certainly not in the service of the people. And the doctor coming in is stressed because of malpractice insurance, all the worrying, long hours, lack of technology. Here is an example of how this is going to work. It’s not an influx of money. There’s no change in the actual base. [the total money supply is not increasing – which is the true source of inflation -AK] It’s just being put into different hands and out into all those different hands. And those people are going to be re prioritizing. Of course they are. However, if I am a doctor working at a hospital and I now have access to all of this technology that has been hidden, mind blowing technology, I might take a vacation, but I do know this, my head is going to be spinning with all of the new technologies. So those existing systems that are meant to serve the people, the hospitals are still going to be there. There is so much excitement at what is coming and what can be used that there will be more doctors on call and you are going to have to force them to go take a break. Does that answer?

B: Yes. I asked it because I asked a similar question to Poof when I did my consultation, I asked him when I could go comfortably quit my job, and do what I came here to do? He said there will be so much opportunity out there, he didn’t say when. He said, don’t shoot until you see the whites in their eyes. He did say, when everything happens, whenever that might be, and all of this becomes the new reality, everybody is going to have the opportunity to be a part of these new technologies, there’s going to be no shortage of jobs.

H: Absolutely. There’s going to be no shortage. That’s the kind of fear I hear here. How am I going to get my bread? Who’s going to collect the garbage? This isn’t about lack. This is about abundance. There’s already technology out there. We call it a cooker in the banking industry, it’s basically a cooker that you can put things into this thing and it gives you fuel. That’s actually old technology. But you never heard about those. You never saw them come out, not even in minor production. I am telling you that there is going to be an abundance of everything. I agree with Poof on that point, whoever Poof is. There is going to be so much abundance everywhere and so much possibility. People are going to actually think about what they are passionate about, now. Nobody thinks about what they are passionate about now. We are told what not to do, because it doesn’t pay very well. I picked a field in reality that wasn’t what I was passionate about. I went into law way afterward. I went into accounting. How boring is accounting? I am terrible with numbers as a lot of your viewers have seen.

B: talks about not getting hung up on the money aspect of the thing, jobs, basic needs, the Venus Project (based on bartering to live the life of abundance) The biggest distribution of wealth on this planet is happening right now, so for me right now, I want to get to the point where there is no money, where money is no issue.

H: I love the Venus project. I worked on the finance part of it early in my career. I watched it get buried. I watched them bring them in, to see how they would do it, then bury the whole thing. They thought they were going to get financing so they could actually help somebody (muffled). People talk about their mortgages, guys no loans were ever made. Private or commercial, it never was made. . . no loans were made so they do not have to be paid back. And the same goes for the debts. . .it’s all contrived no debt can exist unless a loan was made. You need to say, show me the loan.
B: What is a loan in legal terms? People are raising their eyebrows, because they have a lot of loans, and they are drowning in the payments. Explain that and how this is going to affect them.

H: People don’t know, and that’s ok. I can personally guarantee that judges don’t even know. A loan is a sum of money given to someone in exchange for a promise that they will pay it back. The debt is an amount of money that has been loaned that is due for payment. One is the action of giving the money, the other is a credit on someone’s book and a debit on another. Something that was loaned to you, that you borrowed, and you can show the transactional records or the history of what was given. Ok?

B: Right.

H: Well that’s why they cannot prove a loan was made, there was no documentation. There was one we specifically did with —bank. They freaked out when asked to show the documentation that a loan was made. We tested it out with my mom and dad and the banks got hit hard, because of the work that we did.

B: Wow

H: There is no loans to pay back. There is national debt. There is no state debt.

B: Ok, so Federal Reserve notes. That’s not money, that’s debts, right?

H: That’s the awesome thing. Who issues the Federal Reserve note? It’s all over the paper. It says Federal Reserve. They are liable for it, but through a series of deceptive acts and practices, they made it so the people consented to take on that liability. That’s why they print that money. Because it is nothing.

B: Ok, thank you. You mentioned temporary governments.

H: Yes

B: Is that what is referred to [as] the CVAC?

H: Yes, we wanted to make sure, the people believe their government exists, right? That it is by the people and for the people? Where as in reality , in commerce, the slavery system, principals and beneficiaries set it up so everything was a corporation and hidden within commerce. The only way we could go in and make sure the people had what they wanted or to create what they wanted, was to go into the registry of the slavery system and register the ownership of the people’s government. We used the “Creation’s Value Asset Centers” (CVAC). That was the solution. One original proposal involved a claims process that would be called Creditors Value Asset Claim. When this all went back to Prime, Zero Point, we had already created the logos, so we just changed the names. We needed to make sure that it was a framework that was fluid, nonrestrictive, non limited, except for what the people want. One is that the People were owners of it and two was that the sole purpose of the government was to serve the people. No special interest, no self interest. Three that it would not abrogate, subordinate, subjugate, violate, invade, or assert the people’s standing, authority, and value. (Muffled)

B: Ok

H: That was our whole formula – registering what already is.

B: Are the CVACs in place right now?

H: Yes, the UCC is a commercial registry. And it also has uniform commercial codes that the registry is operated by to register property, to transfer property, to assign property. Ok? Commerce runs everything. So they established this commercial registry, with commercial codes and the people paid for it. They prepaid for it. There is a private owner. Right now the private owner is all the people equally on the planet. However, prior to that, little known to any one, there was a former private owner. However, that private owner would not step forward, because that would be proof that there was a slavery system. That was what we did, we put them in a corner where they are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

B: Ok, so everything is done. Obviously someone still controls the media. Who is left that is still fighting tooth and nail?

H: People are falling on their sword right now as proof. They would rather fall on their swords but still have that private system up with the chance of some benefit and not have to worry about the accountability. The whole group of principals, agents and beneficiaries is fighting it, but there is a group within, that if they had known that when they were born they had a choice, they may have chosen differently. They are brainwashed and given a position where they have to live within that system. It’s no longer that way now, because of the people, the people are waking up. Look at the Connecticut issue, people have been dissecting that and there is nothing left. They already know the answer. So it is the people. Right now, everything rests on the people… does that answer your question?

B: Yes, it does. It takes knowledge to a whole new level, it is wisdom. It really is as simple as being. …(talks about emails and the word being is used a lot) it creates the foundation for all of this to even exist. We only need to answer to ourselves and to our creator. If we think we have to answer to someone in the middle it is part of the illusion. From a spiritual standpoint, the foundation has now been set for people to be what they are at their core, which is soul and spirit.

H: Right. That is what they cannot rebut.

B: yeah. A question from AK, right now, the CVAC mentions 500 million per person, is that a separate sum?

H: In order to get the temporary government, you have to have backing, right?

AK: Right.

H: So 500 million from every person on the planet was appropriated to be able to fund their government to start the repossessions, start the systems of treasury, of protection, of education, technology, so that was the number we chose. It can always be changed by the people.

AK: Ok.

H: So we took the money out of their holdings to start the systems or keep the systems that they already thought were running.

AK: So this is for the organic government.

H: yes, but I had to register the government in a commercial system so the old commercial system couldn’t run anymore.

AK: Ok, got it. So this is the one that is taking hold of the assets.

H: This is the one that collapsed all of the other corporations operating under the guise of government. This is temporary so the people could establish their governments, if any.

AK: so we are removing a legal fiction?

H: Yes, we had to collapse the legal fictions by stating the fictions as the property of the people individually and collectively.

AK: Got it.

B: that makes sense.

Off the record conversation for 10 1/2 minutes.

B: So Heather, we have covered a lot of ground today and I cannot thank you enough for your commitment to service and years of blood, sweat, tears and absolute truth and effort that you put toward everything. The work is just getting started. There is going to be a whole lot more to do. We’ll do more of these calls. And live questions. Are you interested Heather?

H: Yes, I would also like to bring in Miles. People want to see proof. They want to know someone who has gotten in the water splashed around and that it is safe to go in and there are no sharks. We tested everything in our lives to make sure that we would take the liability and take the brunt of it if there were any mistakes. I have a real hard time with the word Hope, because Hope indicates something that you don’t already possess. The thing is , the people are their own hope it already is. It is when they “Be” and it is when they “Do”. Have no fear. Mistakes can be fixed. If people do that with absolute love, grace and gratitude. If we all help each other, we are going to figure out how to do this in harmony and in oneness.

B: Great. Can you paint a picture of what people have to look forward to? This is the reality we are living in?

H: First, have no expectations. Because it will not match the experience for most of us. Some can imagine it, some may have experienced it already. When people stand in responsibility and liability, it changes how they function and it changes what you can understand. So Brian, you would act differently if you knew we were watching every step you make, rather than just being alone in a room by yourself and not being held accountable to anyone. That right there is a ground shaking element to everything that is being done. Because now at this point, people feel safer, they start trusting, and distrust is going to be removed from their verbiage. Hope is going to be removed from their verbiage. Need. Want. Those are all words that indicate they don’t have something yet and they are going to start realizing they have it and they had it all along. You are going to have incredible new architecture, agriculture systems, incredible new amounts of creativity and inventions.

B: So would free energy already be included in that?

H: All the free energy stuff has been shelved. When people would bring those kinds of inventions in and some of it was inspired from a whole different part of the universe. When that technology started to show up and they needed funding for it, the banks. I cannot tell you how many times we tried to help people and then Rumsfield came in and took those inventions, either buying them out, or make it so the person was in jail and the patents would run out.

So all of that stuff is out there, you are going to have free energy, healthy food. People are going to end up having magnificent gardens in their home. The whole system of how we live is changing. The whole system is going to be self-sustaining.

B: Sounds like there are people behind the scenes working around the clock.

H: Yeah, it’s already ready to go. It was ready to go about four months ago. That’s why we needed to make sure the foreclosure was done and there was an opportunity for them to come in and basically say, “No that’s not how it is”. They never did. So the foreclosure was done in October. We needed the tool to bring this in. Everything is ready to go. It was a matter of disclosure. Disclosure naturally happened. People can go back and look at the dates and see that the dates did meet their expectations. This had to happen quietly, though. So the Powers that were couldn’t use old methods to bury them before they were actually finished.

B: Got it. Everything had to be quiet or there could have been a chance for defeat?

H: Yeah. The only ones that knew were the powers that were. We really experienced really severe pressure. I cannot imagine how it would have been if we went public. We would have been so spread thin. It just wouldn’t have gotten done. I am really satisfied with the way that things were done. Now people have the opportunity to see it was actually done and now say, wait a minute, we’re ratified. Now you are going to see that the military, what did you call it?

B: The positive military?

H: Anyway, they have been in place since September. It is just this symphony a magnificent, divine symphony to make this play out, so that people have a chance to make different choices that were in the former systems. Some of them are “checking out”. You are watching it right now. You just don’t know the context of it.

B: Well, I am going to go out on a limb and say we have a lot to look forward to here! I have learned these past few days that the more we can stop worrying about everything that has happened, and to anticipate or create some expectation, it is in everyone’s best interest to start living in the moment. Be this change, now. The real change happens inside of us. Our outside world automatically transforms around us. The outside world is inside each and every one of us. We create the world around us. Whether you realize it or not this is happening and it is time for us to be aware of it. Just be. Just be in this moment.

We will have a future forum to do this again. If your question wasn’t answered, we will have an email address



H: all of this is done without prejudice and with absolute gratitude unconditionally always.

B: Thank you to D, and to American Kabuki and Kauilapele.

Brian here from the American Kabuki ground crew. Thank you for the time. And I look forward to moving forward on this journey with each of you.

source »

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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GS Update: Neil Keenan’s Message to Edy Seno

Here’s the latest from Neil Keenan, the man tasked to recover the Collateral Accounts.

And like it’s been said before, even within the ranks of those whose responsibility it is to guard the Assets of the Ages, the tendency to keep the whole thing unto themselves rather than share it with the world is absolutely profound. The amount and power that it holds is just so great.

That’s the cause for the current delay in the release of these funds to eliminate worldwide poverty, and stop environmental destruction.

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One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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All Americans To Read

From Dr Leonard Coldwell



1. The IRS is not a US government agency.  It is an agency of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) (Diversified Metal Products v I.R.S et al.  CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391)

2. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) is an agency of the U.N. (Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. page 816)

3. The United States has NOT had a Treasury since 1921 (41 Stat. Ch 214 page 654)

4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF (International Monetary Fund) (Presidential Documents Volume 24-No. 4 page 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-2887)

5. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States! No more reorganizations. After over 200 years of bankruptcy it is finally over. (Executive Order 12803)

6. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs were never part of the U.S. government, even though the “U.S. Government” held stock in the agencies. (U.S. v Strang, 254 US491 Lewis v. US, 680 F.2nd, 1239)

7. Social Security Numbers are issued by the U.N. through the IMF (International Monetary Fund). The application for a Social Security Number is the SS5 Form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5 forms and not the Social Security Administration. The new SS5 forms do not state who publishes them while the old form states they are “Department of the Treasury”. (20 CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Chap. 111 Subpart B. 422.103 (b))

8. There are NO Judicial courts in America and have not been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat 138-178)

9. There have NOT been any judges in America since 1789. There have just been administrators.  (FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1 Stat. 138-178)

10. According to GATT (The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) you MUST have a Social Security number. (House Report (103-826)

11. New York City is defined in Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Guiliani stated on C-Span that “New York City is the capital of the World.” For once, he told the truth. (20 CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Chap. 111, subpart B 44.103 (b) (2) (2) )

12. Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a Trust Fund.  (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619 Steward Co. v. Davis 301 US 548)

13. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF (International Monetary Fund), which is an agency of the United Nations. (It says “U.S. Department of Treasury” at the top left corner, which again is part of the U.N. as pointed out above)

14. You own NO property. Slaves can’t own property. Read carefully the Deed to the property you think is yours.  You are listed as a TENANT. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session)

15. The most powerful court in America is NOT the United States Supreme court, but the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (42 PA. C.S.A. 502)

16. The King of England financially backed both sides of the American Revolutionary War.   (Treaty of Versailles-July 16, 1782 Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80)

17. You CANNOT use the U.S. Constitution to defend yourself because you are NOT a party to it!  The U.S. Constitution applies to the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES, a privately owned and operated corporation (headquartered out of Washington, DC) much like IBM (International Business Machines, Microsoft, et al) and NOT to the people of the sovereign Republic of the united States of America.  (Padelford Fay & Co. v The Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520)

18. America is a British Colony. The United States is a corporation, not a land mass and it existed before the Revolutionary War and the British Troops did not leave until 1796 (Republica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774)


20. Britain is owned by the Vatican. (Treaty of 1213)

21. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol. 1, 53-54)

22. A 1040 Form is for tribute paid to Britain (IRS Publication 6209)

23. The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery.  (Papal Bulls of 1495 & 1493)

24. The Pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of millions of people.(Papal Bulls of 1455 & 1493)

25. The Pope’s laws are obligatory on everyone.  (Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix, c. vii, n. 4. Prati, 1844 Syllabus Prop 28, 29, 44)

26. We are slaves and own absolutely nothing, NOT even what we think are our children.  (Tillman vs. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten vs. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 438 73rd Congress 1st Session, Wynehammer v. People 13 N.Y. REP 378, 481)

27. Military dictator George Washington divided up the States (Estates) in to Districts  (Messages and papers of the Presidents Volume 1 page 99 1828 Dictionary of Estate)

28. “The People” does NOT include you and me. (Barron vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore 32 U.S. 243)

29. It is NOT the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect THE CORPORATION and arrest code breakers. (SAPP vs. Tallahassee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, REiff vs. City of Phila. 477 F. 1262, Lynch vs. NC Dept. of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247)

30. Every thing in the “United States” is up for sale: bridges, roads, water, schools, hospitals, prisons, airports, etc, etc… Did anybody take time to check who bought Klamath Lake?? (Executive Order 12803)

31. “We are human capital” (Executive Order 13037)  The world cabal makes money off of the use of your signatures on mortgages, car loans, credit cards, your social security number, etc. 

32. The U.N. – United Nations – has financed the operations of the United States government (the corporation of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) for over 50 years (U.S. Department of Treasury is part of the U.N. see above) and now owns every man, woman and child in America.

The U.N. also holds all of the land of America in Fee Simple.

Source: http://home/

The good news is we don’t have to fulfill “our” fictitious obligations. You can discharge a fictitious obligation with another’s fictitious obligation.

 These documents are not secret.  They are a matter of public record.

Simple words such as “person” “citizen” “people” “or” “nation” “crime” “charge” “right” “statute” “preferred” “prefer” “constitutor” “creditor” “debtor” “debit” “discharge” “payment” “law” and “United States” doesn’t mean what we think it does because we were never taught the legal definitions of the above words.

The illusion is much larger than what is cited.

Dr Leonard Coldwell


Drake | January 1, 2013 at 9:17 pm | Categories: News | URL:

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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2012 in review

You deserve to know how this blog is doing for the last 12 months.

As you can see, we’re not really that popular especially in our own country, the Philippines. We could only think of one reason why we are not, i.e. we may be doing something right 😉

So, to all our die-hard fans and critics alike, thank you all very much!

We really appreciate your company. Mabuhay!

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

About 55,000 tourists visit Liechtenstein every year. This blog was viewed about 480,000 times in 2012. If it were Liechtenstein, it would take about 9 years for that many people to see it. Your blog had more visits than a small country in Europe!

Click here to see the complete report.

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NESARA is Real, IRS and Federal Reserve Are Not

There are several financial assistance programs waiting in the wings. One of them is that which involve the Collateral Accounts.

In contrast to the other “prosperity packages” which are obscured in myths and legends like the St. Germain’s Trust, the Collateral Accounts, that will be settled in the process called Global Settlements, is fully documented and absolutely verifiable as bonds were issued in its favor by the Federal Reserve for the amount of gold that were physically delivered since the inception of that monster from Jekyll Island. And some of these bonds are still here in this country (Philippines).

Japan also had on multiple occasions last year announced that she is ready to pour in $10 Trillion worth of economic assistance to interested countries.

There is, however, another economic assistance that is said to being suppressed for fear of losing power over the Sheeples, and this one is big and comprehensively well-defined. It’s called the National Economic Security and Reformation Act [NESARA]. This is closely linked to the Global Settlement; after all, all big banks were linked to the private central bank known as the Federal Reserve. This means that there’s no NESARA implementation when there’s no Global Settlements.

Be warned though, there is another NESARA out there that calls for “stabilization” and “recovery”. That one calls for the stabilization of the bankers and the recovery of something that’s not theirs to begin with.

So, to enlighten us even further about the true history of the real NESARA, and the Puerto Rican IRS, we took liberty of posting this work by Nancy Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.:


The National Economic Security & Reformation Act

Compiled by Nancy Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div.

1892 – Bankers adopted their Bankers’ Manifesto of 1892 in which it was declared: “We [the bankers] must proceed with caution and guard every move made, for the lower order of people are already showing signs of restless commotion. Prudence will therefore show a policy of apparently yielding to the popular will until our plans are so far consummated that we can declare our designs without fear of any organized resistance. The Farmers Alliance and Knights of Labor organizations in the United States should be carefully watched by our trusted men, and we must take immediate steps to control these organizations in our interest or disrupt them….

       The courts must be called to our aid, debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages foreclosed as rapidly as possible.

       When through the process of the law, the common people have lost their homes, they will be more tractable and easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of the government applied to a central power of imperial wealth under the control of the leading financiers. People without homes will not quarrel with their leaders.”

1907-1917 – In order to warn Americans, the 1892 Bankers’ Manifesto was revealed by US Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. from Minnesota before the US Congress sometime during his term of office between the years of 1907 and 1917.

1910 – John E. DiNardo, professor of public policy and economics at the University of Michigan, writes in his article “The Federal Reserve Act”:  “On the night of November 22, 1910, a small group of surrogates of the most powerful bankers of the World met … under the veil of utmost secrecy.

Over the next few weeks these men would perpetrate, under the orders of their masters, … perhaps the most colossal and devastating fraud ever inflicted upon the American People.

This ultra-secret fraud is known as the Federal Reserve Act of 1913….  The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 concocted legislation, to be foisted upon the People’s Congress of the United States, that empowered and commissioned this secret cabal of World-dominant bankers to PRINT UNITED STATES CURRENCY, a usurpation of our Constitution’s explicit edict empowering ONLY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT to print and coin currency. This world banking empire used their stolen power to print, out of thin air, paper currency which, in no way represents the gold and silver reserves that authentic currency is supposed to represent.”

1913 – The Federal Reserve Act of 1913  Complete text of Act may seen at:

1933 – 1934 – Prior to 1933, Federal Reserve Notes were backed by gold.  This changed with the new law:  Congressional Record, March 9, 1933 on HR 1491 p. 83.“Under the new law the money is issued to the banks in return for government obligations, bills of exchange, drafts, notes, trade acceptances, and bankers acceptances. The money will be worth 100 cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes, and other property of all the people of the nation.”

The Bankers’ Manifesto ties in with the U.S. Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session (1934), which states: “The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called ‘ownership’ is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere ‘user’ and use must be in acceptance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State.”

1970s – The Federal Land Bank illegally foreclosed on farmers mortgages all throughout the Midwest. In each of these cases the farmers were defrauded by the banks with the approval of the Federal Reserve System. These court cases would eventually become known as the Farmer Claims Program.

1978 – An elderly ranch farmer in Colorado purchased a farm with loan from the Federal Land Bank.  After he died the property was passed on to his son Roy Schwasinger, Jr., who was a retired military general. Soon after a Federal Land Bank officer and Federal Marshall appeared on his property and informed him the bank was foreclosing on his farm, ordering him to vacate within 30 days. Without his knowledge, his deceased father had signed a stipulation which reverted the property back to the Federal Land Bank in the event of the borrower’s death.

Outraged, Roy E. Schwasinger, Jr. filed a class action lawsuit in the Denver Federal Court system. The suit was dismissed on the basis of incorrect filing. This prompted Roy Schwasinger’s investigation into the inner workings of the banking system.

1982 – Roy Schwasinger was given a contract by the US senate and later Supreme Court to investigate banking fraud. But because he was under a strict non-disclosure order he was not allowed to tell the media what he discovered. In the late 80s he began sharing his knowledge with others including high ranking military personnel who helped him bring about a class action lawsuit against the federal government.

The first series of these lawsuits began in the mid 1980’s when William and Shirley Baskerville of Fort Collins, Colorado were involved in a bankruptcy case with First Interstate Bank of Fort Collins; who was trying to foreclose on their farm. At a restaurant their lawyer informed them that he would no longer be able to help them and walked-off. Overhearing the conversation Roy Schwasinger offered his advice on how to appeal the case in bankruptcy court. So in 1987 they filed an appeal (Case No. 87-C-716) with the United States District Court in Colorado.

1988 – On November 3, 1988, the Denver Federal Court system ruled that indeed the banks had defrauded the Baskervilles and proceeded to reverse its bankruptcy decision. But when the foreclosed property was not returned they filed a new lawsuit. Eventually, 23 other farmers, ranchers, and Indians swindled by the banks in the same manner would join in the case.

In these cases, the banks were foreclosing on the properties using fraudulent methods such as charging exorbitant interest, illegal foreclosure, or by not crediting mortgage payments to their account as they should have but instead would steal the mortgage payments for themselves triggering foreclosure on the property. After running out of money they continued their fight without the help of lawyers. With some assistance by the Farmers Union a new lawsuit was filed against the Federal Land Bank and the Farmers Credit System.  Case No. 92-C-1781

The District Court ruled in their favor and ordered the banks to return the stolen properties with help from either Federal Marshals or the National Guard. But when no payments were made, the farmers declared involuntary Chapter Seven Bankruptcy against the Federal Land Bank and the Farmers Credit System. The banks appealed their case insisting they were not a business but a federal agency therefore they were not liable to pay the damages.

So the farmer’s legal team adopted a new strategy. According to the Federal Land Bank’s 1933 charter they are not allowed to make loans directly to applicants, but instead could only back loans as a guarantor in case of default. Because the Federal Land Bank had violated this rule the farmer’s legal team was able to successfully sue the bank for damages.

Word of the lawsuit began to spread; the legal team would teach others how to fight foreclosure and to help them file lawsuits as well (Case No. 93-1308-M). Celebrities such as Willie Nelson joined in the cause and helped raise money during his “Farm Aid” concerts.

The Baskerville case had now become the Farmer Claims Class Action Lawsuit. Worried about the legal ramifications the government retaliated against the farmers by hitting them with either outrageous IRS fees, or by imprisoning the legal team under frivolous nonrelated charges. When the farmers realized they were being unfairly targeted, they had military generals such as General Roy Schwasinger sit in the courtroom to make sure the bribed judges would vote according to constitutional law.

The farmers now with a large team of knowledgeable people of the law behind them filed a new case to claim additional damages from the fraudulent loaning activities of the Farmers Credit System.

The government tried to settle but they had already lost many cases and were now loosing the appeals as well. More and more evidence was collected. According to the National Banking Act all banks are required to register their charters with the Federal and State Bureau of Records, but none of the banks complied, allowing the legal team to sue the Farmers Credit System. Not only was Farmers Credit System not chartered to do business with the American Banking Association, but so were other quasi government organizations such as the Federal Housing Administration, The Department of Housing and Urban Development, and even the Federal Reserve Bank.

The Farmers Claims lawsuit was thrown out of court at each level with the records purposely destroyed.  An example of these court cases may be viewed at:

1990s – In the early 1990’s Roy Schwasinger brought the case before the United States Supreme Court. Some of the content of this case is sealed from public eyes but most of it can be viewed today.

The U.S. Supreme Court Justices ruled that the Farmers Union claims were indeed valid, therefore, all property foreclosed by the Farmers Credit System was illegal and all those who were foreclosed on would have to receive damages. In addition, they ruled that the U.S. federal government and banks had defrauded the farmers, and all U.S. citizens, out of vast sums of money and property.

Furthermore, the court ruled the shocking truth that the IRS was a Puerto Rican Trust.  Read more at:

In addition the court ruled that the Federal Reserve was unlawful:

That the income tax amendment was only ratified by four states and therefore was not a legal amendment, that the IRS code was not enacted into “Positive Law” within the Code of Federal Regulations.  Positive Law = Laws that have been enacted by a properly instituted and recognized branch of the government.

That the U.S. government illegally foreclosed on farmer’s homes with help from federal agencies.  Irrefutable proof was presented by a retired CIA agent. He provided testimony and records of the banks illegal activities as further evidence that the Farmers’ Union claims were indeed legitimate. The implications of such a decision were profound. All gold, silver, and property titles, taken by the Federal Reserve and IRS must be returned to the people.

The legal team sought assistance from a small group of benevolent visionaries, consisting of politicians, military generals, and business people who have been secretly working to restore the constitution since the mid 1950’s. Somehow within their ranks, a four star U.S. army general received “title” and “receiver” of the original 1933 United States Bankruptcy.

When the case was brought before the U.S. Supreme Court, they ruled in his favor, giving the Army General title over the United States, Inc. Legal action was then passed on to the Senate Finance Committee and Senator Sam Nunn, who was working with Roy Schwasinger.

1991 – With the help of covert congressional and political pressure, President George H.W. Bush issued an Executive Order on Oct. 23, 1991, which provided a provision allowing anyone who has a claim against the federal government to receive payment as long as it’s within the rules of the original format of the case.  You may read Executive Order No. 12778 at the URL below.

Executive Order No. 12778 Principles of Ethical Conduct for Government Officers and Employees; October 23, 1991

According to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, all present and succeeding debts against the U.S. Treasury must be assumed by the Federal Reserve. Thus the famer’s claims legal team was able to use that executive order to not only force the Federal Reserve to pay out damages in a gold backed currency but also allow them to receive legal ownership over the bankruptcy of United States, Inc.

To collect damages the farmers legal team used an obscure attachment to the 14th amendment which most people are not aware of. After the civil war the government allowed citizens to claim a payment on anyone who suffered damages as a result of the Federal Government failing to protect its citizens from harm or damages by a foreign government. President Grant had this attachment sealed from public eyes but somehow, someone on the farmer’s legal team got a hold of it.

If you read that carefully, it specifies damages by a foreign government. That foreign government is the corporate federal government which has been masquerading to the public as the constitutional government.  See for explanations.

Remember this goes back to the Organic Act of 1871 and the Trading with the Enemies Act of 1933, which defined all citizens as enemy combatants under the federal system known as the United States. The Justices and farmer’s legal team recognized how evil and corrupt our federal government had become and to counteract this they added some provisions in the settlement to bring the government back under control.

a. First they would have to be paid using a lawful currency, backed by gold and silver as the constitution dictates. This would eliminate inflation and gyrating economic cycles created by the Federal Reserve System.  See Article 1, Section 10 of the US Constitution.

b. Second they would be required to go back to common law instead of admiralty law under the gold fringe flags. Under common law if there is no damage or harm done then there is no violation of the law. This would eliminate millions of laws which are used to control the masses and protect corrupt politicians.

c. Lastly the IRS would have to be dismantled and replaced with a national sales tax. This is the basis of the NESARA Law.

When the legal team finally settled on a figure, each individual would receive an average of $20 million dollars payout per claim. Multiplied by a total of 336,000 claims that were filed against the U.S. Federal Government, the total payout would come out to a staggering $6.6 trillion dollars.

The U.S. Supreme Court placed a gag order on the case, struck all information from the Federal Registry, and placed all records in the Supreme Court files. Up to that point Senator Sam Nunn had kept the Baskerville Case records within his office. A settlement was agreed to out of court and the decision was sealed by Janet Reno. Because the case was sealed, claimants are not allowed to share court documents to media outlets without violating the settlement, but they can still tell others about the lawsuit. This is why you probably have not heard about this.

1991 – Roy Schwasinger went before a senate committee to present evidence of the banks and governments criminal activity. He informed them how the Corporation of the United States was tied to the establishment of a New World Order which would bring about a fascist one world government ruled by the international bankers.

1992 –  A task force was put together consisting of over 300 retired and 35 active US military officers who strongly supported constitutional law.* This task force was responsible for investigating governmental officials, congressional officers, judges, and the Federal Reserve.

*Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Jeremy Boorda

*General David McCloud

*Former Director of Central Intelligence, William Colby

They uncovered the common practice of bribery and extortion committed by both senators and judges. The criminal activity was so rampant that only 2 out of 535 members of congress were deemed honest. But more importantly they carried out the first ever audit of the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve was accustomed to giving orders to politicians and had no intentions of being audited. However after they were informed their offices would be raided under military gunpoint if necessary; they complied with the investigation. After reviewing their files the military officers found $800 trillion dollars sitting in accounts which should have been applied to the national debt. And contrary to federal government propaganda they also discovered that most nations had in fact owed money to the United States instead of the other way around.

These hidden trillions were then confiscated and placed into European bank accounts in order to generate the enormous funds needed to pay the farmers claims class action lawsuit.  Later this money would become the basis of the prosperity programs.

Despite these death blows President George H.W. Bush and the illuminati continued on with their plans of global enslavement.

1992 – In August 1992 the military officers confronted President Bush and demanded he sign agreement that he would return the United States to constitutional law and ordered him to never use the term New World Order again. Bush pretended to cooperate but secretly planned to bring about the New World Order anyway by signing an Executive Order on December 25, 1992, that would have indefinitely closed all banks giving Bush an excuse to declare martial law.

Under the chaos of martial law, Bush intended to install a new constitution which would have kept everyone currently in office in their same position for 25 years and it would have removed all rights to elect new officials. The military intervened and stopped Bush from signing that Executive order.

1993 – In 1993 members of the Supreme Court, certain members of congress and representatives from the Clinton government meet with high ranking US military officers who were demanding a return to constitutional law, reforms of the banking system, and financial redress. They agreed to create the farm claims process which would allow the legal team to set up meetings all over the country on a grass roots level to help others file claims and to educate them about the lawsuit.

A claim of harm could be made on any loan issued by a financial institution for all interest paid; foreclosures; attorney and court fees; IRS taxes or liens; real estate and property taxes; mental and emotional stress caused by the loss of property; stress related illness such as suicide and divorce; and even warrants, incarceration, and probation could also be claimed.

1994 – But the Clinton government undermined their efforts by requiring the farm claims to use a specific form designed by the government. This form imposed an administrative fee of $300 for each claim, which was later used in 1994 as a basis to arrest the leaders of the legal team including Roy Schwasinger.

The government was so afraid of what they would say during their trial in Michigan that extra steps were taken to conceal the true nature of the case. County courthouse employees were not allowed to work between Monday and Thursday during the course of the trial. And outside the courthouse, FBI agents swarmed the perimeter preventing the media and visitors from learning what was going on as well.

Harassment and retaliation by the government increased, many where sent prison or murdered while incarcerated. Despite being protected by his military personnel the army general who acquired the original 1933 Title of Bankruptcy of the United States; was imprisoned, killed, and replaced with a clone. This clone was then used as a decoy to prevent any further claims from being filed.  (I am not qualified to speak on the fact of human clones; however, that they exist is a fairly widely accepted fact among those who study behind the scenes activities.  You may read more at:  Don’t allow the thought of clones running the government cause you to refuse to consider the veracity of this history.  As truth emerges, we will be shocked at much we hear.

During the first Clinton administration the military delayed many of Clinton’s federal appointments until they were sure these individuals would help restore constitutional law. One such individual who promised to bring about the necessary changes was Attorney General Janet Reno.

1993 – In agreement with the Supreme Court ruling on June 3, 1993, Janet Reno ordered the Delta Force and Navy Seals to Switzerland, England, and Israel to recapture trillions of dollars of gold stolen by the Federal Reserve System from the strategic gold reserves. These nations cooperated with the raid because they were promised their debts owed to the United States would be canceled and because the people who stole the money from the United States also stole money from their nations as well.

This bullion is to be used for the new currency backed by precious metals. It’s now safely stockpiled at the Norad Complex at Colorado Springs, Colorado and four other repositories. Janet Reno’s action so enraged the powers-that-be, that it resulted in her death. She was then replaced with a clone and it was this creature that was responsible for covering-up the various Clinton scandals.

To keep the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury Robert Rubin in line, he too was also cloned. For the remainder of their term in office both Reno and Rubin received their salaries from the International Monetary Fund as foreign agents and not from the U.S. Treasury. Despite these actions the legal team continued on with their fight while managing to avoid bloodshed and a major revolution.

After 1993 the farmer claims process name was changed to Bank Claims. Between 1993 and 1996, the U.S. Supreme Court required U.S. citizens to file “Bank Claims” to collect damages paid by the U.S. Treasury Department. This process CLOSED in 1996.

During this time the U.S. Supreme Court assigned one or more Justices to monitor the progress of the rulings. They enlisted help of experts in economics, monetary systems, banking, constitutional government and law, and many other related areas. These justices built coalitions of support and assistance with thousands of people worldwide; known as “White Knights.”  The term ‘White Knights’ was borrowed from the world of big business.  It refers to a vulnerable company that is rescued from a hostile takeover by a corporation or a wealthy person—a White Knight.

To implement the required changes, the five Justices spent years negotiating how the reformations would occur. Eventually they settled on certain agreements, also known as Accords, with the U.S. government, the Federal Reserve Bank owners, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and with numerous other countries including the United Kingdom and countries of the Euro Zone. Because these U.S. banking reformations will impact the entire world; the IMF, World Bank, and other countries had to be involved. The reformations require that the Federal Reserve be absorbed by the U.S. Treasury Department and the banks’ fraudulent activities must be stopped and payment must be made for past harm.

1998 – The military generals who originally participated in the famer’s claim process realized that the US Supreme Court justices had no intentions of implementing theAccords.  So they decided the only way to implement the reformations was through a law passed by congress.

1999 –  A 75 page document known as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act (NESARA) was submitted to congress where it sat with little action for almost a year.

2000 – Late one evening on March 9, 2000, a written quorum call was hand-delivered by Delta Force and Navy SEALs to 15 members of the US Senate and the US House who were sponsors and co-sponsors of NESARA. They were immediately escorted by the Delta Force and Navy SEALs to their respective voting chambers where they passed the National Economic Security and Reformation Act.

These 15 members of congress were the only people lawfully allowed to hold office in accordance with the original 13th amendment. Remember British soldiers destroyed copies of the Titles of Nobility Amendment (TONA) in the war of 1812 because it prevented anyone who had ties to the crown of England from holding public office.

NESARA is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only this country but our planet in its entire history. The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the shadow government, and much more.

NESARA implements the following changes:

1. Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.

2. Abolishes the income tax.

3. Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.

4. Creates a 14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.

5. Increases benefits to senior citizens.

6. Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.

7. Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment.

8. Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA’s announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to constitutional law.

9. Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.
10. Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

11. Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.

12. Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law

13. Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal Reserve notes from the money supply.

14. Restores financial privacy.

15. Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.

16. Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.

17. Establishes peace throughout the world.

18. Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.

19. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.

October 10, 2000 – Because President Clinton’s clone had no interest in signing NESARA into law on October 10, 2000; under orders from U.S. military generals, the elite Naval Seals and Delta Force stormed the White House and under gunpoint forced Bill Clinton to sign NESARA. During this time Secret Service and White House security personnel were ordered to stand down, disarmed, and allowed to witness this event under a gag order.

From its very inception Bush Sr., the corporate government, major bank houses, and the Carlyle group have opposed NESARA. To maintain secrecy, the case details and the docket number were sealed and revised within the official congressional registry, to reflect a commemorative coin and then again it was revised even more recently. This is why there are no public Congressional Records and why a search for this law will not yield the correct details until after the reformations are made public.

Members of congress will not reveal NESARA because they have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to deny its existence or face charges of treason punishable by death. Some members of Congress have actually been charged withobstruction.  When Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone was about to break the gag order, his small passenger plane crashed killing his wife, daughter, and himself.

If fear isn’t enough to keep Washington in line, money is.  Routine bribes are offered to governmental/military officials by the power elite/secret government.

Not surprisingly, much disinformation about NESARA can be found on the internet.  Wikipedia’s article is total disinformation.  Dr. Harvey Francis Barnard’s NESARA bill—National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act was rejected by congress in the 1990s.  Dr. Barnard was a systems philosopher and had tried for years to interest Congress in his monetary reform suggestions.  A testimony by Dr. Barnard’s close friend, Darrell Anderson, may be read at:  You may also read articles by Darrell Anderson at this site.  Both men were interested in monetary reform.

September 11, 2001 – The next step is to announce NESARA to the world, but it’s not an easy task. Many powerful groups have tried to prevent the implementation of NESARA.

The NESARA law requires that at least once a year, an effort be made to announce the law to the public. Three then current US Supreme Court judges control the committee in charge of NESARA’s announcement. These Judges have used their overall authority to secretly sabotage NESARA’s announcement.

In 2001 after much negotiation the Supreme Court justices ordered the 107thCongress to pass resolutions approving‘ NESARA. This took place on September 9, 2001, eighteen months after NESARA became law. On September 10, 2001, George Bush Sr. moved into the White house to steer his son on how to block the announcement. The next day, on September 11, 2001, at 10 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Alan Greenspan was scheduled to announce the new US Treasury Bank system, debt forgiveness for all U.S. citizens, and abolishment of the IRS as the first part of the public announcements of NESARA.

Just before the announcement at 9 am, Bush Sr. ordered the demolition of the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers to stop the international banking computers on Floors 1and 2 in the North Tower from initiating the new U.S. Treasury Bank system. Explosives in the World Trade Center were planted by operatives and detonated remotely in Building 7, which was demolished later that day in order to cover-up their crime.

Remote pilot technology was used in a flyover event to deliver a payload of explosives into the Pentagon at the exact location of the White Knights in their new Naval Command Center who were coordinating activities supporting NESARA’s implementation nationwide. With the announcement of NESARA stopped dead in its tracks, George Bush Sr. decapitated any hopes of returning the government back to the people.

For the past 10 years, life in the USA, and numerous other countries, has been dictated by the staged terrorist’ attack and its repercussions.  Seldom does a day go by that we do not hear mention of 9/11.

2005 – Dr. Harvey F. Barnard died on May 18, 2005.

2009 – Roy E. Schwasinger, Jr. died on 8/23/2009 at the age of 75.  Verification – Social Security Death Index at:

2011 – The Debt Ceiling debacle kindled re-newed interest in NESARA.  As we watch the world economy collapse, we can know that the NESARA LAW remains in the background, ready to be announced.

source »

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Running Out of Script

Both Hillary Clinton and George HW Bush are said to be hospitalized right now.

The former is implicated to the Benghazi false flag operation last September 11th and the latter undeniably orchestrated the JFK assassination in 1963 and the murder of Dr. Nikola Tesla in 1943, and the cause for the delay of the release of the Collateral Accounts and the smooth reestablishment of the constitutional Republic of the USA.

Clinton’s doctors discovered the clot Sunday while performing a follow-up exam related to her mid-December fall resulting from a stomach virus. She hit her head and suffered a concussion.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton was admitted to a New York hospital Sunday after the discovery of a blood clot stemming from the concussion she sustained earlier this month.

Clinton’s doctors discovered the clot Sunday while performing a follow-up exam, her spokesman, Philippe Reines, said. He would not elaborate on the location of the clot but said Clinton is being treated with anti-coagulants and would remain at New York-Presbyterian Hospital for at least the next 48 hours so doctors can monitor the medication.


This one is from my FB connections…

Below is a letter written by my dear friend and business partner Jim Fisgus. He is an Emergency Room Doctor. From an ER doctor who sent this to Fox ….

I have been expecting someone at Fox to do a serious on camera consult with a medical specialist such as an Emergency Physician (not Dr. Alvarez!) (someone who commonly deals with head injury and concussion on a daily basis) in regards to the purported disability suffered recently by Secy of State H. Clinton leaving her unable to testify before the Congress about the Benghazi incident.

I am a board certified emergency physician with more than 30 years’ experience in a busy ER with substantial trauma experience.

There is a wide spectrum of severity of concussion symptoms as a result of head injury. The great majority of concussions are minor and leave the patient with little if any disability. Serious concussions are unusual and are typically the result of serious force applied to the head (MVA, Football, Assault, Fall from ladder, etc) with associated scalp trauma, laceration, abrasion, loss of consciousness, headache, vomiting, visual changes, dizziness and ataxia. Any reasonable physician faced with such a trauma would immediately transport the patient to a hospital ER and a non contrast CT head would be performed immediately. If symptoms were significant and persistent, especially for someone of this public stature with presidential aspirations, this patient would be hospitalized for observation and a neurosurgery consult and likely an MRI study of the brain as well. Absent this situation any symptoms of concussion would likely be limited, transitory in nature, perhaps mild headache, and would not prevent the patient from daily activities.

Does anyone really believe that a person of Mrs. Clinton’s stature and responsibilities could have a serious head injury, limiting her ability to perform her duties, with possible serious even life threatening complications, and she would NOT be evaluated at an ER and admitted to a hospital, and would have treatment limited to bedrest at home???

The probability of a simple faint secondary to a gastroenteritis resulting in a fall with head injury of significance is virtually nil.

As news people, you should ask questions….such as which ER evaluated Mrs. Clinton. If she fell with such force, exactly what injury did she sustain? What struck her head and exactly what part of her head was injured?? Was there a scalp laceration?? Hematoma? Bruise? Abrasion? Do they have a photo of the scalp injury?? Was there a CT Head study performed?? Does she have a brain contusion?? Does she have a subdural hematoma?? Did anyone care to look?? If not, why not??? Did she lose consciousness after striking her head? Was her neck injured. Was her neck xrayed or CT’d?? (Most serious head injuries have associated probable neck injury and pain and a neck fracture must be ruled out.) If she was not taken to a hospital ER then likely there was no significant head injury. Whats exact symptoms of concussion does she have?? Did she have a brain MRI study done? Why not? Which neurosurgeon evaluated her??

Absent the answer to the above questions one can assume this story of the head injury is like a fabrication to relieve her of the responsibility of testifying before congress.

I would like to see some serious investigation!

Jim Fisgus, M.D.
Alta Loma, CA

Source »

President George H.W. Bush, who has been in a Houston hospital with a lingering cough since November, needs to “build up his energy” before he can be released, doctors said Sunday.

Methodist Hospital spokesman George Kovacik said in an emailed statement that doctors are still optimistic the 88-year-old Bush will make a full recovery, but are being “extra cautious” with his care. Bush is in stable condition, he said.

Source »

Soon they will both be dead. Why? That’s the only way they could escape from the wrath of the people. And they’ve done this before.

We’re not talking here about clones yet. It’s hard for most of us to accept that most of the so-called leaders are actually biological automatons. But let’s save that discussion for another day.

In the meantime, we all have reasons to celebrate the New Year 2013.

While the first few days of January may just be the recommencing of the unfinished business to topple the Dark Cabal by WDS, Pentagon WhiteHats, BRICS180+ and Gnostic Illuminati, it is the month of May which is said to be the peak of the Worldwide Revolution.

The desperation has become more deadly, but the people are no longer buying. The lies have lost its venom. The political structure and the Old Media are effectively bypassed. It’s only a matter of time when the rest of the Sheeples would awaken to the profoundly Manipulated Reality they’ve struggled with and long accepted as the Truth.

It’s only a matter of time.

Happy New Year’s Eve 2013, everyone!


One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

PARADIGM: Final Bullet Report on Bank, Judicial & Gov’t Corruption

This document adds relevant information to the article “You are Entitled to $5 Billion in Lawful Money” posted yesterday.

For both articles, we may need to survive the legal gobbledygook if we so desire to be educated on what’s really going on behind the scenes. Otherwise, in the foreseeable future, this world will plunge again into the same nightmare we have endured so far.

And the efforts of those who toiled to correct the system will be in vain.




INVESTIGATION LEAD : Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf



    7. ) JUSTICE














public trustees



















In October of 2008, the Authorization Lead ordered an investigation to be launched to streamline internal operations and time management of the house and its members due to extreme amounts of waste being incurred as a result of large quantities of fraudulent “assets” being presented from the banking, trade, and finance industries. The original goals of the investigation were solely internal, and they were to:

  1. Identify and assess the entry points of the fraud and reverse engineer to the origin source;
  2. Assess and present options for an internal database that could be readily and easily updated from external sources to record and track perpetrators, vehicles used, and the instruments of fraud;
  3. Identify and assess creative options and sources to supplement house in tel;
  4. Review and strengthen house security protocols; Identify the possible global cause and effect that proposed internal solutions may have

Primary Investigations (Annex1): concluded approx. January of 2010.

Follow-Up Investigations:
concluded approx. July of 2010.

Summary of Findings: The general entry points of fraudulent “assets” originally identified as the brokers and reverse engineering led to the origin source consisting of the highest levels of banking. Follow-up intel and tracking revealed that highest levels of banking [are] actually [the] general entry point and creator of fraudulent “assets”.

‘Assets” then generally given to brokers, directly or indirectly, and then taken back up through the system. This finding was supplemented and further supported with data obtained that banking officers were covertly sifting sensitive client information to selective external person(s), “groups”, in finance industry for banker’s personal enrichment. The cloaked external investment opportunity usually starts in generally one of three ways:

  1. bank purporting to have “vetted” numerous potential investment opportunities, presenting their group, the group that “vetted” above all others to client;

  2. leaking clients sensitive information so banker’s partner could approach client externally, knowing and maneuvering client to ultimately come to the banker for on an “investment” opportunity that client had no idea was pre-arranged; or,

  3. the banker trespasses on and utilizes client account/assets, without disclosure and without client’s consent for such actions, in such a mann that it is virtually untraceable. The last option generally requires highest positions, in internal financial institutions to manage the lower employees, but also with with external institutions, privately held central banks, and government. Perpetrators use unsuspecting persons to implement compartmentalized parts of plan. Security Protocols were internally adjusted. Intel sources were consolidated. Intel operations were compartmentalized for security.  Global cause and effect of internal solutions significant as to house reputation in banking, trade, and finance industries and global government. Industry consensus = morality is not as profitable.


In March of 2009, the Authorization Lead ordered the investigation’s parameters to be expanded in correlation to the data gathered and obtained by the Investigation Lead. As the data base and comprehension expanded exponentially regarding the various systems and the extremely sensitive and restricted data, the Authorization Lead ordered the Investigation Lead to alter the goals to external, and they were to:

  1. Present possible alternative solutions and strategies of implementation to maintain private banking system;
  2. Identify the key vehicle the public could identify with to use as the forum to replace the dying private banking system that is private-money-for-public-use with the original public-money-for-private-use system;
  3. Identify, assess, and test the weaknesses of key industries vital to the implementation of dying private banking system;

Preliminary Investigations*: concluded approx. February 2009.

Investigations Plan for Follow-Up***:
 concluded approx. March of 2009; testing forthwith implemented.

Summary of Findings:
 An old paradigm is at the end of its operation and existence. Its current central method of implementation bas been the private-money-for-public-use system and the “for-profit corporation” system. The original government in America was ingeniously converted and grudgingly accepted by other world Principals through threat, coercion, and force; Unknowingly accepted by the people of America and other world peoples, resulting in involuntary servitude; implemented and enforced by and through illegal and unconscionable, deceptive, non-transparent means and methods, void of any accountability. 

Casualties are in the billions. Many possible alternative solutions for operating in the current private banking system were explored and policies and protocols were created, adjusted; of all tested-all failed.

Principal of the private banking system in America, most notably headed by the conservator, House of Rothschild, is finding that their own hidden intent, agendas, presumptions and arrogance, are being over-shadowed by those of their Agents, resulting in the self-destruction of the private banking system and global stability.

This would not be of concern to the head of the Principal nor the other world Principals, except that the public collective conscious has grown at rates unexpected and unpredicted to the point that their expected replacement system cannot be implemented without full out breach of peace and annihilation of the public by the Principals and their Agents. The agents have been permitted to some degree to practice breach of peace and annihilation when it served the purpose and intent of Principals, however, the Principals are now subject to victim of the breach of peace and annihilation. Dis-accord and greed within a Principal has always been a reality, but now the head of the Principal has the opportunity to see the level of power of political and financial influence of their Agents, often fueled by the junior membership or other world Principals. Regardless, ALL PRINCIPALS will find that the Agents, and junior membership, being at first necessary, then tolerable, are now unacceptable.

The most notable of the rogue Agents warned as the Texas Camp. All attempts to contain the Agents and their established networks have been time and resource intensive and an inconvenience to the head Principal and the other world Principals. ALL PRINCIPALS are going to realize that the Agents now pose a detriment and threat to the head of the Principal, and the other world Principals, and not just the pre-selection of humanity. The fraud cannot be controlled or eliminated in the private banking system because it is inherent in its existence.

The head of the Principal and other world Principals have lost control over its Agents due to the Agents addiction to self-interest, profit and arrogance. Inaction by ALL THE PRINCIPALS is their estoppel and destroys their ability for self-correction, threatening their viability and survivability.

As was discovered and proven repeatedly in American history prior to 1930’s, a public-money-for-private-use banking system, implemented and enforced by the knowledgeable public and their government, and recognized and relied upon by the entire world, is the only solution to prevent the threat and abuse inherently existing in a private banking system.

The prior two tests of the private banking system concluded in a shorter life-span, due to swift public reaction by a knowledgeable and watchful public with enforcement of penalties against the agents of the Principal. Infiltration and manipulation of key industries were critical to the preservation of the final and current banking system: Education and Judicial.

At the time of the second test, the public and the judicial were cohesively one and the same. The judicial worked with an official hat, but they recognized under the hat they were one of the public. An educated public and a judicial that did not differentiate itself from the public was detrimental and key to the final destruction of the first two tested private bank systems. It was necessary to deconstruct a knowledgeable public and disassociate the judicial from their own public.

Media and Education Systems were key industries targeted to create an uneducated public. Slowly and methodically the industries were infiltrated and manipulated with adjustments made over a period of decades to address those who were familiar with the public interests and paradigms in order to reach the level of valueless and selective media we have now. Media holdings were consolidated to certain Agents to maintain and manipulate. With technological advancements, telecommunications was included as a key Industry to address.

The creation of the Internet was the most life changing and is still a key threat to the private banking system. The internet is the sole problem they have yet to contain. It is humorous that ALL PRINCIPLES acquire the talents of those to contain the internet and yet ALL PRINCIPALS are blinded by the arrogance of their own presumptions and have failed to recognize that the true masters of the technology, young to old, are inherently aware that the old paradigm has no purpose and are assisting aggressively, yet ever so covertly, in the shift to the new collective conscious paradigm.

The Judicial has been much more interesting to the Investigation Lead due to her background. The Judicial had to be made a partner as an uneducated Judicial was not a realistic or effective option. However, the Judicial was not as easy to infiltrate initially. Once “communism” quieted on American soil and the education and media industries were pretty much under control, real legal education, constitutional based, was covertly modified to the current system with the BAR’s infiltration at the highest levels of Judicial appointment and is secured by the occupation of the highest positions of local, state and national authority agencies and corporations in America. This was not possible however, while the BAR was on the communist list. Investigations have been conducted in the past on the BAR and political and financial influence were used to quiet them; as is true with those who investigated the American bankruptcy, the Federal Reserve, etc, anyone who rejected or refused the political and financial influence were imprisoned, disappeared, terminated or discredited to the point of public annihilation.

Much intel has come from the head of the Principal’s own house, the houses of other world Principals and usual intel sources of our house. The past level of commitment of the private banking system and its Principal is undeniable. The past prowess of negotiating and implementing the world acceptance of the private banking system has been genius and ruthless. The intent and actions required to implement and maintain it are abhorrent and have traditionally never been accepted by the public, when known by the public. Evidence of the premeditation, calculation, planning, and constant reassessment and adjustment used to preserve this last and current private banking system, and its Principal, are in the public forum. Selective agents of the public and watchers have tracked, monitored and vaulted the evidence until infrastructure and trustees came forward. Global intel also maintains records, waiting for the order. The beginnings of ALL PRINCIPALS, agencies, offices, and the general body of the original American government were not corrupt. The Principals, the agencies, offices, and the general body of the current American government, if corrupt, are only so through self-interest, profit and arrogance of the heirs, agents and assigns of the origin source of their existence.

The Authorization and Investigation Leads jointly identified the American mortgage issue* (see Annex 1) as the key vehicle the public could identify with to use as the forum to unite the people of the United States of America, and the people of the world, to replace the dying private banking system that is private-money-for-public-use with the public-money-for-private-use system. The Investigation and Authorization Lead discussed with members of the global team and agreed that the Investigation Lead was to remain in the states and use her own home as the test case; that the Investigation Lead was in a unique position to test and flush out the remaining points for discovery of eventual implementation of the public-money-for-private-use system and the reinstatement of true justice.

The public trustees initiated contact with the Investigation Lead on December 10, 2010, and gave details that they possibly not have known about the Authorization Lead, the Investigation Lead, the Swiss custodians of the public wealth, and details related to prior investigations and current issues plaguing the highest levels of trade, bank and finance.

By “social standards” review, they are the least likely to be in possession of this information. An extensive check with the Authorization Lead and intel sources proved the opposite. Per Authorization Lead’s order, the trustees were invited to watch and assist at the tail end of the investigation in order for the Investigation Lead to establish an assessment of the trustees’ competency, intent, and position. It was a mutual assessment that took place. Their intent was the same as the leads, if not more comprehensive as they included that the new banking system could only work and survive if the Judicial house in America operated on full transparency secured by the full personal liability of each Judicial officer, agent, and assign. Investigation Lead spent two months testing the Judicial House and investigating the current system of liability of its officers, agents and assigns. While generally the agents work under full personal liability and the judicial is required to be bonded, in practice, accountability and liability does not exist, ie. Codes and statutes require a bond to be posted before taking judicial or public office, however, private contracts, employment or other, contain “hold harmless clauses” or a similar immunity not disclosed to the public, and the lower levels are protected to a limited degree by restricting access and process of claims, which are self-administered by the counties where the judicial house resides and in conjunction with the Insurance Industry.

Investigation Lead reported findings and conclusions (identified herein) to Authorization Lead = resounding “Green Light” to prepare the forums for implementation of the public-money-for-private-use system, state and national levels. Individual report can be issued on foreclosure and judicial issues with greater detail.





  1. An immediate face-to-face meeting between Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf (on behalf ofthe public trustees) and Karl Langenstein (on behalf of of representations): the public trustees discussions withthe Investigation Lead have recognized the necessity of the current system operators to have the one time opportunity for quiet implementation of the new paradigm and its national and state banking system backed by the assets that shall remain in the Swiss custodians care. Therefore, they appointed Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf as the Public Trustee Liaison to Karl Langenstein to initially organize and arrange terms, conditions and protocols for meetings between the public trustees and those who will structure, implement and enforce the public banking system, the cleaning of government, especially the the judicial, and meetings for formal settlement of the unjust enrichment gained through slavery and other crimes against humanity. Full discussion of authorizations, orders, preliminary plans and requirements done at this meeting. Final plans, authorizations, orders, terms, and conditions require 100% approval both sides

  2. Trustees, specifically Charles C. Miller, has already given notice of slavery claim and equity call duly served on all appropriate parties. The trustees are ready, willing and able to receive offers of final settlement and appointments to negotiate mitigation of civil damages.

  3. Exclusive authorization has already been agreed to be granted to Karl Langenstein to organize and collect through his systems and methods. Said systems and methods shall be directed by Karl Langenstein to Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf at the face-to-face meeting for security reasons.

  4. Location of meeting and transport: to be determined and arranged by Karl Langenstein for security.

This report and its annex is hereby issued by the Investigation Lead, under authorization and order,

full personal liability, under the penalty of peijury, reserving the sole and exclusive right to the

determination of all definitions and intent of format and content contained herein. Done this _____

day of ______ , 2011 , in ___________ , in the state of Washington, executed by my unique signature and personal seal herein; all rights reserved.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

Investigation Lead



ORIGIN PERSON : PATRICK WANG SHUI CHUNG (HSBC Director); others withheld for cause
ORIGIN TIME : cir. Summer 1998 (USA De-reg period of Glass-Stealy Act)

: (SCOPE LIMITED TO BANKER CORRUPTION) Microscopic Investigation for assessment of(amended to include solution to release) High Net-Worth ($500M USD equiv. and greater) clients in bank initiated and maintained contracts that created an unregulated and untrained industry of leased Proof of Funds, Capital Accounts, and other contractual structures to enhance financial positions of persons of the general global public; brokers industry.


:At least one or more Origin Person(s) created, implemented and maintained an internal bank infrastructure of core persons that could be used complimentary or quid pro quo externally amongst financial institutions. The infrastructure was discovered to be highly complex, running the divisions with plants, bought or coerced, from the wire room to the board room. Complexity of design was prima facia of pre-meditation, willful intent, and long-term commitment, strategies and implementation at the highest levels. De-regulation permitted bank contracts to be implemented; subsequent laws rendered bank contracts illegaL Bank contracts were purposefully kept in-house with no copies permitted to leave, thus clients funds were essentially rendered irretrievable, hence this investigation in 2008. Microscopic case revealed bank contract induced by long-time relationship and trust built with Origin Person. Investigation ceased prior to determining whether Sir Peter Davis was complicit or had knowingly benefited from Origin Person; deemed not-relevant as deceased. It was determined that although Sir John Bond was removed as HSBC Chairman for his previous tapping of client gold reserves and moved to the private banking arm, his infrastructure inside HSBC London main was not extinguished. Patrick Wang Shui Chung had access and opportunity for implementation and his operation ran internationally with damages to the public globally and intel reported terrorist ties and possible activity.

ACTIONS : Recommended=Meeting with General Wong; Held; Hand-off to BIG 3 & withdrawal

: Microscopic client’s funds discovered buried in Switzerland by Origin Person and his agents. Three (3) or more high level executives (HSBC-London) reported dead; mid to low management/employees; quiet international “investigation” by various global alphabets / political pressures from China, USA, & Canada; CHINA received special tax treatment of investment in the US. PUBLIC-US demand for Swiss disclosure of American clients for “tax evasion” and other various allegations. Tabled.


:To investigate and assess origin persons and assets for pending Asset Management Contract

CONTACT :Authorization Lead, and Jonathan D. Betts of Atlantica

:(SCOPE LIMITED TO BANKER CORRUPTION) Microscopic Investigation for assessment (amended to include solution to case account with request for official assistance from China; branched into informal semi-global negotiations regarding master accounts and AU) of one or more case accounts vith signatory Poon Kong. Allegations involved high level bankers who performed tasks, in the normal course of banking, pursuant to client orders up to last required step and certain bankers demanded “personal payments” prior to making normal banking external confirmations to third parties/institutions.


:Parties and Factors initially deemed sensitive and amended to critically sensitive due to international master accounts and historical parties, treaties and agreements. Complexity involved in microscopic case was minimal, more a matter of “unauthorized and illegal institutional practices by world~wide bankers”; POON/LISHA due to their failure/inability to follow pre~set and party-mandated secret protocols of enactment and engagement, the final report recommended termination

PURPOSE :To investigate and assess all levels of corruption and political/fmancial influence
INTEL CONTACT :Authorization Lead, Coosemupar Counsel

:(SCOPE LIMITED TO BANKER CORRUPTION) Microscopic Investigation for assessment (amended to include solution to case account with request for official assistance from China). Follow-up investigation by global team discovered more complex “land grab” and money laundering by “mirror” World Bank loan as used by Saddam’s food for oil program. Involved parties included but were not limited to senior officials of Torrijos Administration, major Panamanian law firms, and bank officials. Subsequent data was collected on possible involvement of senior American officials with direct or indirect interests in agriculture and food industries, exerting financial and/or political influence in Panama; other Latin American similar influence;


:Parties and Factors initially deemed semi-sensitive and amended to critically sensitive on Authorization Lead’s order based on notice given by internationals of their intent to intervene, directly or indirectly. First deliver of Report to Mr. Torrijos, ineffective as it was later discovered that he and his wife were investigated for “unjust enrichment”. Second delivery to Mr. Martinelli, used but data collected at the tail-end of investigations uncovered the beginning of undisclosed/disclosed relations and partnerships resulting in prima facia knowing and willing complicitness on his part.

PURPOSE :To investigate and assess difficulties with securities: Freddie/Fannie securities, CMO, and other MBS
INTEL CONTACT :managed- Authorization Lead, supplemented (dove-tail World Bank Loan investigation)

:Microscopic Investigation for assessment of validity of various Securities, including, but not limited to Freddie/Fannie Securities; Monetization of said securities, and options for trade.


:Parties and Factors initially deemed not sensitive and amended to critically sensitive due to investigation’s preliminary findings. Securities reported on screens (NASDAQ, ETC.); attempts to investigate behind the screens were thwarted, prevented or otherwise hindered externally by issuers stating fraud, and yet no actions were taken by issuers to remove, handle, or report them as fraud to take them off the market. Investigation report recommended tabeling in February ’09, for further investigation plan completed in March ’09, and structuring possible solutions through testing from March ’09 and completed February 16,2011. Final report recommendation for solution, “Green Light” for implementation of solution given February 16, 2011, by Authorization Lead.


To assess and assist with a “Letter of Credit” for an external “contract” for state energy equipment and infrastructure

INTEL CONTACT Managed- Authorization Lead; supplemented

BEG wanted assistance with monetizing a purported Letter of Credit issued by the state central bank/government. Preliminary assessment revealed that Letter of Credit had not been issued, contract had not been officially awarded; main objective changed by client to securing contract.


Parties and Factors initially deemed sensitive and amended to critically sensitive due to international political and financial influence. Investigation discovered corruption of government officials, suspected from data gathered to be organized and covertly controlled by cousin of President. A funding solution was presented that did not demand or require state concessions detrimental to the state and its people; no potential bidders/parties could compete with offer; China left table only to come back later indirectly through Venezuela; Caterpillar implemented deceptive practices and undue political and possibly financial influence over the situation; All was predicted and the funding solution presented was purposefully designed by terms and conditions to ferret out government and third party corruption, and political/financial influence; China came back through Venezuela. International media reported that China had agreed to a 50 Billion arrangement with Venezuela’s Chief for oil. First report recommendation was to terminate involvement with Ecuador due to time intensity required to resolve. Investigative Intel reports were that it was actually to be a sale of the frozen Venezuela USA accounts to China disguised by the oil arrangement and Venezuela’s influence on Ecuador to indirectly re-enter table of energy project. Ecuador President was called to Venezuela and preliminary deal cut for a “loan”. Subsequently, Ecuador returned to request funding solution reporting that all agreements with Venezuela failed, due to failure of China-Venezuela agreement. Follow-up Investigative Intel revealed that USA intervention on frozen accounts with China was the cause. Report recommended termination of interaction with Ecuador due to other obligations already engaged.


Investigation and interviews within “broker” industry; incompetent by design; general industry incapable of competency at this time only due to current conditions



TYPE: CMO, various MBS packages, REMICS, Individual Mortgages, Legal Case Reviews

TEST STATE: Washington State

TEST COUNTY: Pierce County (primary), supplemented by Thurston, Mason

TEST HOUSE: 3809 I 16th st ct NW, Gig Harbor, Washington, 98332

PURCHASED: 2003, Statutory Warranty Deed

AMOUNT: $255,000 Cash-“loan” mix. Deed of Trust Executed/Recorded, without note, MERS beneficiary.


METHOD: Deed of Trust/Promissory Note CANCELED FOR CAUSE. Recorded. Filed. Served.

HELOC: 2004, “50,000 heloc”, Deed of Trust, without ID of secured debt, Executed/Recorded, without note


METHOD: Deed ofTrust/Promissory Note CANCELED FOR CAUSE. Recorded. Filed. Served.


CONTROL: other mortgages used and monitored for comparison.


  1. test general cancellation process,
  2. test judicial bank, commerce, corruption,
  3. test local bank attorneys, corruption,
  4. test law enforcement, commerce, corruption,
  5. test homeowner base level knowledge,
  6. assess and test strategies for cleaning judicial house,
  7. establish cases in various jurisdictions, court levels, for use during implementation of public-money-for-private-use bank system and the opportunity for banks to adjust to formal settlements for survival in new system.

Due to the Judicial’s mutual and incestuous relationship with the banks and the insurance companies, the only time the court will find in favor of the homeowner is generally when one of two things happen, no matter what the specific fact pattern is:

  1. the homeowner actually gets an honest judge with the backbone for justice (a needle in a haystack); or
  2. the evidence is so overwhelming in establishing fraud or other criminal acts by the bank/lender, that if the judge found in favor of the bank it would result in public outrage, hence, breach of the peace.






Source »

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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You are Entitled to $5 Billion in Lawful Money [UPDATED]

12/29/2012, 7:49PM GMT+8: Additional backgrounder from the first few recipients: American Kabuki, Kauilapele…

This information has been updated to answer pertinent questions from all over the planet. Announcement no.2 minimizes the legal “mumbo jumbo” of the first. So just scroll down if you will.

We understand that the amount and the trust involve is separate from the Collateral Accounts. This one comes from the group calling themselves One Peoples’ Public Trust 1776. Also, Drake & Co. disowns or denies any link to this group. So, if you find his name linked on it, it’s bogus.

It’s normal to be skeptical, but it would be wiser to conduct your own research on the subject instead of dismissing the information as just another “pie in the sky” right off.

Of course, if this Trust turned out to be another attempt to hijack the Collateral Accounts, then the Guardians of these Assets should do what’s necessary to prosecute them, but the fact still remains that these funds do exist. And the reason why it has not been redistributed worldwide yet is the vested interests that continue to haunt even those who claimed to being benevolent. The amount is simply staggering.

The text below may have some factual basis, but it doesn’t mean that the people behind it are righteous. So, if somebody asks you to open a bank account solely for this purpose and solicit a certain amount exceeding the actual cost of opening such a regular bank account, know then that it is a scam.

When the majority of the people on this planet become aware and will demand for the release of these funds, which belong ultimately to each and everyone of us, the sooner it would be released. Otherwise, we will have a longer ride, and it can get rough.

It’s completely your choice.

[Download the original pdf by clicking on the image above]

Below is the HTML version by Kauilapele.

UILO Doc. UCC No.’s

Caleb Paul Skinner
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
Hollis Randall Hillner

Guarding, preserving, protecting and implementing
the opportunity for Truth to BE by the knowledge from within

WITH DUE STANDING, AUTHORITY, and AUTHORIZATION, without prejudice, public policy, UCC 1-308, The Public Trust, through its duly bonded Trustees of record, UCC 1- 201(31) and (33), knowingly, willingly, and intentionally duly issues this OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT of DISCLOSURE regarding “POINT ZERO” pursuant to mandate, this December 25th, in the year of our creator, Two Thousand and Twelve as the creator lives, the following is true and correct and we are competent to say so:

Yes. The Commercial Registry. The Uniform Commercial Code. Commerce. Whether “Domestic” and “International”…matters not. Over many moments of present, it was quietly and covertly made the supreme law of all lands on earth, the secretly prized pinnacle of human capital and natural wealth registration and management of what have been formerly referred to as the “powers that be.” With feverish focus and commitment, it has been made uniform right before your very eyes…albeit, “eyes wide shut” for the most part. What is not widely known, is that this “supreme law” has been duly REGISTERED in COMMERCE and duly gifted to the people equally and jointly as their full indefeasible title, ownership, and rights as SECURED PARTY, a matter of record, unrebuttable and unrebutted.

In line with the most skilled magicians known and unknown, the existence of another sort of “magician” began to emerge. A sort with the unrivaled charisma, acting skills, and “backing” of the most decorated talent. A sort with a fanatically deep-rooted and cultured focus and commitment that was perceived by them as “un-rootable”, “undiscoverable.” This sort, deceptively tantalized the people with the distraction of CONSTITUTION and DEMOCRACY created by the slight of knowingly arrogant hand on one side, while the other hand covertly REGISTERED the Truth in COMMERCE by the “slight of the pen” with the other.

Swearing absolute solidarity amongst their own kind, this sort agreed to secrecy…never to reveal the Truth, for fear and absolute knowing that this sort’s world, nay their very existence, would end if the Truth were ever known to “their audience”, “their capital”, the people. At the very best, if the Truth be known, the people would no longer believe and pay tribute again, leaving this sort of magician to disintegrate in the sole vampiric company of their own kind. At the very worst….well, this sort never got this far. Their ego was so great they could not fathom someone outside of their inducted kind competent enough to discover the Truth, let alone someone being of capacity, willing and intent to effectively use and enforce it…

In order to insure this sort’s Agenda, they routinely and tirelessly trained their apprentices to practice this sort’s “magic”. At any and all costs, the Agenda was deviously preserved, protected, and, for the most part, quietly and covertly implemented by REGISTRATION in COMMERCE. When doubt crept in amongst their own kind, this sort would resort to the darkest methods imaginable and unimaginable to keep their kind “in line”, focused and “committed”. This sort did arm their unwitting and witting apprentices alike with the motto that “intelligence rules the world, and Ignorance bears the burden!”, and they reinforced the allusion of guaranty of the “truth” of this motto by using the same tricks of shock and awe, deception, fear, coercion and force that they used to keep the people “on the edge of their seats”, nevertheless, “in their seats”…like good “capital” should be. However, ego was to be this sort’s fatal flaw…resulting in their lack of contingency plan for the scenario of their failure to succeed by REGISTRATION of Agenda.

Not only did those with a fierce competency emerge throughout the many, many, many moments of present, but they knowingly, willingly, and intentionally did and do use and enforce it without conflict and without prejudice in a ever quiet manner, with a superior focus and commitment to Truth, and the highest good of all people, that baffles and disorients this sort of “magician.” Every action made is duly bonded and REGISTRED in COMMERCE and NOTICED. This sort of “magician” desperately tried to adapt at each of these moments of present, ever fearful, causing this sort to make fatal mistakes of transparency, albeit not known by the people in full context…yet. In the end, this sort’s overwhelming complacency, lack of competency, and lack of capacity by their own choice of action rendered this sort’s unfathomable end duly REGISTERED as absolute unrebuttable and unrebutted Truth in COMMERCE.

Those of competency regarding this sort’s existence and “magic” knew that the most effective way to guard, preserve, and protect the people, all the people equally, was to ever quietly implement the opportunity for Truth to BE by the knowledge from within by action of REGISTRATION of “Zero Point” or “Prime” in COMMERCE, unrebuttable and unrebutted…knowing that the affects of the action taken to lawfully, legally and duly secure the people and their wealth domicil therein under perpetuity, the Truth, could be subsequently known in context from within the people. This Truth that this sort of “magician” knowingly, willingly, and intentionally attempted to “hide” from the people, “their audience”, “their capital”, by extreme deceptive acts, practices, systems and other heinous actions to keep the people “on the edge of their seats”, nevertheless, “in their seats”, like good “capital” should be. However, this sort’s actions and systems, a matter of record, have become their shackles that no amount of “magic” will free them from.

This sort’s actions and systems, whether under the deceptive guise of “government”, “office”, “treaty”, “act”, “constitution”, or “entity”, inclusive of the private systems formerly known as, “NATION“, “UNITED NATIONS“, and its special agencies of “IMF“, “THE HAGUE“, “WORLD BANK“, and “BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS“….from each family of this sort of “magician”, from land to land, sea to sea to “The Holy Sea“, all have been lawfully, legally and duly verified as REGISTERED in COMMERCE as duly FORECLOSED…duly verified DEBTORS to the people, all the people equally on earth, on October 24, 2012, as a matter of law, matter of fact, and as a matter of public policy…unrebuttable and unrebutted. Over many moments of present, the lawful and legal standing, authority, value, rights, and principle of law aligned with common law of the people, all the people equally, have been lawfully, legally and duly REGISTERED in COMMERCE as it was created by Prime, by Zero Point, by creation, as a matter of record, unrebuttable and unrebutted.

This sort, DEBTORS, are duly verified and REGISTERED as bankrupt. The states of body of the people, all the people equally, and the wealth domicil therein, have been duly “unhidden” from where it has always resided…where this sort of magician has always focused and committed its attention…on management of the people.

The people, all people equally on earth, have an individual duly verified sum certain of FIVE BILLION (5,000,000,000.00) in lawful money of the united states of America, GOLD and SILVER… over THREE QUINTILLION, FIVE HUNDRED QUADRILLION (3,500,000,000,000,000,000.00) just in duly verified EQUITY DEBT against the DEBTORS. There is an additional duly verified sum certain of FIVE BILLION (5,000,000,000.00) in lawful money of the united states of America, GOLD and SILVER, for each of those people damaged by the actions and systems of the DEBTORS…over THREE QUINTILLION, FIVE HUNDRED QUADRILLION (3,500,000,000,000,000,000.00) lawful money of the united states of America, GOLD and SILVER, in duly verified DEBT OF DAMAGES against the DEBTORS. This DEBT does not include the repossession of tangibles unlawfully and illegally obtained by the DEBTORS over the many, many, many moments of present…those, too, shall be duly REGISTERED in COMMERCE as the lawful and legal full title, ownership, and rights of the people, equally, and placed in a digital exchange, that shall also be owned by the people equally, for lawful, legal and transparent commerce and trade of such tangibles. Any and all titles, ownership and rights to land and sea have been lawfully, legally and duly REGISTERED in COMMERCE as unlawful, illegal, null, void, or otherwise canceled for cause and are being lawfully and legally “reset” in accordance with Universal Law. Any and all currencies, privately owned and issued paper, also formerly known as “current funds”, have been lawfully, legally and duly REGISTERED in COMMERCE as unlawful, illegal, null, void, or otherwise canceled for cause. You, the people, each one individually, shall make a choice of how to invest your GOLD and SILVER, inclusive of any possible REPRESENTATIONS of that GOLD and SILVER…you shall make a choice on what final systems and governance, if any, you chose to implement for your benefit, absent abrogation, usurpation, subjugation, violation, usurpation, and invasion to any other….

While the veil of allusion is systematically and finally revealed and DISCLOSED by Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth by various sources for you to consider and use to make informed choices, the people, the earth, and all value domicil therein, thereon, and therefrom shall continue to be guarded, preserved, and protected by the continued implementation of the opportunity for Truth to BE by the knowledge from within each of the people equally and duly REGISTERED in COMMERCE for all the universe and the people to rely upon. All underwriting duly REGISTERED and NOTICED, otherwise known as UCC’s, are further posted at for equal and unfettered access by the people domicil on earth by creation, without prejudice and exception.

Happy Holidays

DULY VERIFIED as ISSUED, with due standing, authority and authorization, December 25, 2012, knowingly, willingly and intentionally made, given, and noticed, with unlimited personal liability, sworn under the penalties of perjury in accordance with lawful Universal Contract, under governing law, International Law Ordinance UCC Doc No. 2012113593 and WA UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2, preserved and protected under perpetuity 2000043135, guaranteed, protected and secured, public policy, UCC 1-103, common law remedy thereunder guaranteed, public policy, UCC 1-305; Duly witnessed, secured, entered and noticed; Without prejudice as promised, preserved, and protected, public policy, UCC 1-308, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA: /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as Trustee,


, phone +12535094597, ; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as Trustee,


, phone +15037810925, ; /s/ Hollis Randall Hillner, as Trustee,


, phone +18088211567, ; /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as bondservant; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as bondservant; /s/ Hollis Randall Hillner, as bondservant; /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as state of body; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as state of body; /s/ Hollis Randall Hillner, as state of body.

Source »

All official documents are also available here:

WITH DUE STANDING, AUTHORITY, and AUTHORIZATION, without prejudice, public policy, UCC 1-308, the undersigned bondservants, states of body (one of the people), and The Public Trust, through its duly bonded Trustees of record, UCC 1- 201(31) and (33), knowingly, willingly, and intentionally duly issues this OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT this December 28th, in the year of our creator, Two Thousand and Twelve as the creator lives, the following is true and correct and we are competent to say so:

In regards to all the emails, calls, contacts and discussions. To all the people, every one of you, who have sent emails and called us, some of which we have been able to respond to (there are so many of you and from all over the planet and universe!)…we want you to know that we have received them, continue to receive them, and we do honor you and your energy, individually and collectively. We are committed to creating and co-creating the mechanisms and tools to honor that beautiful and powerful energy by being available, present and transparent in order to assist all of us, we the people of this planet, the creator’s creations equally, to create and co-create our chosen manifestations that duly are our “now”. If we forget to address any common questions, it is not intentional, and we can and will fix that…so here we go.

In regards to questions of how one can BE, help, or otherwise join in manifesting the “now”. Many across the globe are currently organizing for release the various and independent disclosures of the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, for absolute review, consideration, vetting and dissection by each and every one of the people on the planet. Please, continue to question. Continue to search, review, discuss, and dissect. Continue to remember what you already know within. Continue to be open to receiving and recognizing the Truth. Consciously set your intent to do so and manifest it. This serves the highest good of all humanity, or rather in Truth, all of creation’s universe in every manifestation and existence. Anyone standing in Truth should be willing to do so transparently, with full personal responsibility and liability, without fear of doing so. The creator’s creations…yes, that also includes we the people of this planet…are the key, individually or collectively, if we choose to remember…we are the power if we choose to consciously BE by way of free will choice for all to know and rely upon by the choices that are knowingly, willingly and intentionally made and yet to be made. Many, many tools to assist every one of the people on the planet to take the responsibility and liability in their own matters to lawfully, legally and effectively preserve, protect, and use their respective standing, authority, value, rights, and principle of law aligned with common law absent abrogation, subordination, subjugation, usurpation, violation and invasion, are being prepared for release now so that everyone of the people may have the opportunity to choose by free will to use them, edit them, or discard them as they see fit…the people jointly and equally own those tools and they have been covertly preserved (and historically moved or buried when discovered) in the former private slavery systems used against the people of this planet.

In regards to questions about the Public Trust. This moment of present is not about the Public Trust. However, you will have the opportunity to know that it IS just a tool of prime, zero point, creation, that has effectively, lawfully and legally duly reconciled the inferior legal with the universal lawful in order to collapse the illegal fiction (sometimes referred to as the “straw-man”) so that all that is left standing is the Truth….what IS. Yes, in fact, actions were prudently taken to secure the Truth of the people’s position and their value in their respective self in the covert supreme law of the lands, COMMERCE, thereby completely collapsing the fiction of someone other than self having any position or claim to that self. Then prudent actions were effectively, lawfully, and legally made, taken, REGISTERED, and noticed that duly foreclosed on any and all illegal positions the “powers that were” may have believed they had and the value they illegally and unlawfully commandeered as a matter of record that was not theirs. Yes, it is Truth to state the people effectively, lawfully and legally foreclosed the fiction of self to stand in Truth and BE Truth of self!

The process and actions duly made and taken are a matter of record, and are available for anyone and everyone to review, consider, vet and dissect at, and we do confirm that we did them with full personal responsibility and liability under governing law preserved under perpetuity.

Yes, it is admittedly a “bunch of legal mumbo jumbo” as one e-mailer put it. However, the people of this planet were not the intended audience of these actions prudently taken…the former principals, agents, and beneficiaries of the former slavery systems were. With absolute care and prudence, we did knowingly, willingly, and intentionally choose the language and principles of law that were necessary to effectively, lawfully and legally access, activate and manifest what IS, always has been…all quite humorously forever preserved within the slavery systems and a not-so-well-known private uniform commercial code and registry that was paid for by the people of this planet, and therefore duly secured as their property…let someone come forth and prove otherwise. We will gladly address any duly verified, sworn and secured rebuttals of record. 🙂

In regards to questions about the Trustees and the Advisors. This moment is also not about the Public Trust’s Trustees or its Advisors of record, for you will have the opportunity to know that each one of us are just states of body, “we the people” of this planet, with lives, responsibilities, experiences, and commitments to KNOWING the Truth that are similar to your own.

We understand that, for some of the people, in order to be open to receiving information, to being open to recognizing the Truth of what HAS happened, what IS happening, and the Truth of self, it may be required of us to set pending choices and actions aside for a moment in present, in order to stand and present the Truth of our self’s for you to review, consider, vet and dissect. In doing so, perhaps the individual and collective, yet in Truth, the one energy, can then be consciously focused on what is most important…remembering where we came from so that we know who we are in order to BE the power, choosing to responsibly use that power, individually and collectively as one, to manifest what IS and always has been. The people may even discover through their exercise of responsibility the Universal Contracts of all beings in creation’s universe and the Truth that each one, regardless of the role they have been playing, whether perceived as “good”, “bad”, “holy”, “evil”, are committed at a higher level of conscious to the same goal and manifestation of Truth…So, with that, we announce that each of the undersigned will prepare and release their own document of self to the people of the planet. We are committed to, and do practice, full and absolute disclosure of the Truth.

In regards to questions of the amount of value. In Truth, the value of all of the creator’s universe and the creations manifested equally and existing therein, are unlimited and priceless. During the process of reconciling the inferior legal with the universal lawful, a sum certain value was knowingly, willingly, and intentionally set for very specific purposes and reasons which are, and will continue to be, further disclosed as we the people of this planet, with all of creation’s universe, responsibly proceed in the manifestation of the “now”. The key word that everyone seems to have missed in the statement of total value to each of the people in the first ANNOUNCEMENT is the word “over”. Independent disclosure of the actual gold, silver, and other metal holdings, inclusive of their location and former custody for eons, and in some cases relocation, is forthcoming.

However, the amount of FIVE BILLION (5,000,000,000) in gold and silver to every state of body, every one of the people of this planet, is correct….please, when you have any information before you, consider recognizing and accepting that during this incredible moment of present that is manifesting, that a lot of energy is happening simultaneously and may cause any one of us to miss, or not “see” what IS…including moments of present of simultaneous release of energies of old, energy of relief, energy of excitement, energy of fear, energy of…well, there are so many. We are committed to, and we request that each of the people are committed to, consciously and prudently considering what IS in front of of us…taking every moment to re-read, re-consider, discuss, dissect, assist and meditate to resonate with the Truth of what IS, of what IS and has been in front of us, within us at the many, many, many moments of present that are now consciously manifesting by choice of free will consciously exercised and applied.

In regards to questions about whether this IS real. Yes, this IS Truth, it IS real, it IS very real, and it is a matter of unrebuttable and unrebutted record. If we consciously review the totality of information and data available at any given moment of present, events, the dots begin to be visible as interdependent, as one, as the circle of Truth. By way of a genuine choice to return energy in kind with “American Kabuki”, “Kauilapele”, Brian, and the being calling himself “Poof” for assisting with their energy in a majestic “symphony”, as we put it, that they may not have been aware they were a part of, the DISCLOSURE process began. We will leave particular Truth of moment of present to American Kabuki to reveal by record of emails.

And in regards to questions about application and process to access value. The people do not have to fill out forms or applications for what is already theirs. No matter where any state of body, any one of the people, domicil that body by choice on this planet…this is about, and for, each of those states of body equally. The only application any one of the people have to make is the application of making knowing, willing and intentional choices to stand in self, in Truth, and we are here to assist with the tools preserved in perpetuity (and in the former slavery systems) to effectively, lawfully and legally do that.

Please be patient as we prepare those for release as soon as “humanly” 🙂 possible, by creation and co-creation with the energy and efforts of all of creation’s universe. At this moment in present, we do announce that the people’s systems, paid for by the people, that were unlawfully and illegally commandeered by the former principals, agents, and beneficiaries of the former slavery systems, are in the process of being repossessed, and in the event that is not achieved “in a twinkling of an eye”, we are committed to creating and co-creating with any and all the people on the planet, and creation’s universe, the temporary tools and systems to make sure that the people of this planet and all creation’s universe can BE and use what is “deposited” therein by creation to further create and co-create our “now”.

Unconditionally. Always.

DULY VERIFIED as ISSUED, with due standing, authority and authorization, December 28, 2012, knowingly, willingly and intentionally made, given, and noticed, with unlimited personal liability, sworn under the penalties of perjury in accordance with lawful Universal Contract, under governing law, International Law Ordinance UCC Doc No. 2012113593 and WA UCC Doc. No. 2012-296-1209-2, preserved and protected under perpetuity 2000043135, guaranteed, protected and secured, public policy, UCC 1-103, common law remedy thereunder guaranteed, public policy, UCC 1-305; Duly witnessed, secured, entered and noticed; Without prejudice as promised, preserved, and protected, public policy, UCC 1-308, NUNC PRO TUNC, PRAETEREA PRETEREA: /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as Trustee,


, phone +12535094597, ; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as Trustee,


, phone +15037810925, ; /s/ Hollis Randall Hillner, as Trustee,


, phone +18088211567, ; /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as bondservant; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as bondservant; /s/ Hollis Randall Hillner, as bondservant; /s/ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, as state of body; /s/ Caleb Paul Skinner, as state of body; /s/ Hollis Randall Hillner, as state of body.


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Here’s the email that got me into this. It is from Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf (


). I received this at 12:09 AM on Wednesday, 12-26-12. I felt pretty “blown away” by what was in it. Attached to this email were the documents posted in #1 and #2, above.


Wed., December 26, 2012, 12:09 AM

AK, KP, and “Poof” (cc to D, the Trustees and the Trust Advisors)

To all of you and each of you… I send my love, gratitude and appreciation. In a few emails I send to you, I return some of the energy you so willingly share with others, including me.

Perhaps the attachments will shine some context on the “past” situation regarding Hong Kong’s “order” and the “pulled” interview by the being known as “Poof”. Your energy on that matter served to protect the highest good of alll.. .whether you knew it doesn’t matter, however, I return the energy by way of transparency… the major piece that made them nervous was the disclosure/admission of the timing the “money” China had printed and sent over to (former) US. They used our presence, the foreclosure, and the inspection of gold holdings at BIS on October 22-24, 2012, to pressure the western half of the families (yes, they are all “related”) to submit to unlawful and illegal deals to keep the Agenda alive by “shuffling the cards” to the purported Old Man’s side of the family.

It was actually General Wong… Wong Shui Lung, and other “interested parties” that were having “a moment” 🙂 General Wong is the former head of all Chinese Intel and when I met him last, he was number 3 in China, only under the Prime Minister… sitting under the Old Man’s nephew [“Old Man” = China]… The attached Paradigm Report sheds a little more light on that “relationship” and maybe others.

They tried sooooo hard to keep some control, but it IS as it has been since creation… with each of the people, equally. So many people have been and are involved with creating a different present…. amazing. Like a majestic symphony where all the “musicians” are not even aware of the piece they play in it.

A lot, not all of it, is at We are more focused about the action that is taken and not the presentation or distribution…hence the website has really been just an official notice and confirmation depot during the FORECLOSURE process for the principals, agents, and beneficiaries of the former SLAVERY SYSTEMS to be able to go to to confirm what is done in the Commercial Registry under bond and our full personal responsibility.

Otherwise, we have been silent for the most part…which I must admit is refreshing. This is not about the Public Trust. This is not about its Trustees….this is about the people, the earth, the universe, and creation…all taking responsibility with full liability for their present. We stand there unconditionally so that others may choose to do so by their free will choice.

All my love and gratitude for the energy you share. You shall have it returned 10,000,000,000 x fold…at least. I begin with this email and a few others 🙂

Happiest Holidays.

Guarding, preserving, protecting and implementing the opportunity for Truth to BE by the knowing from within.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf

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The Complete Background Story of Why the POOF Video Went Away Temporarily
by American Kabuki, 12-28-12

I thought I’d share the emails I received after Christmas. Kauilapele actually saw these before I did. They were addressed to both of us. I was up late on Christmas and slept in until 11 AM the following day. Its not uncommon for me to be up to 2 AM. I am a bit of a night owl.

Brian will conducting an interview with Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, the Trustee from The One People’s Public Trust (TOPPT) soon. We should have that up in a few days after that is completed. Hopefully that will answer everyone’s question in a non-legalese format. The reason for all the legal “mumbo-jumbo” is that what is happening to change the banking system from its current debt-slavery model to a global prosperity mode, it has to have a firm legal foundation. Something it really didn’t have when the Federal Reserve was secretly created. This is a system that will be based on openness and transparency. Kevin Kelly in his seminal work, “Out of Control” discusses how in complex systems its vitally important to have the correct starting conditions as complex systems will replicate their founding parameters. The more complex systems become the more their behavior becomes like biological systems. Behaviors like flocking, predation, herding and clustering show in a very complex system. An economy is a very complex system.

You may recall Sheldan Nidle in his messages speaking about the various sacred societies helping to bring freedom from our debt slave system through our existing laws. This is more confirmation to me that Sheldan Nidle is one of the most accurate channelers out there.

The following is a sequence of emails as this disclosure by the One People’s Public Trust unfolded December 26th. The note from Heather to POOF I wasn’t aware of until the 26th. I’ve also included emails regarding the whole mess about pulling the POOF video. I am put it all out there for public record.

I didn’t post these right away. After the brujah of the POOF interview I wanted to make sure and double sure we had clearance to post this information. I didn’t want to go through that again. I don’t mind taking grief from the cabal (well I do mind – but I won’t stop) but from people I actually support was difficult.

Kauilapele (KP) and I were threatened with some pretty heavy legal action if we didn’t pull the video with the POOF interview, tout suit. POOF didn’t threaten me – I think he was just as flummoxed as I was, but there was a man out of Hong Kong that got kind of nasty with me. I didn’t sleep well that night. I called on God and AA Michael to secure the premises. As sometimes happens with anyone in times of extreme pressure, I had images of some Hong Kong Triad ninja coming into my home at night. I mean if you read Fulford long enough you know he’s had some pretty scary encounters.

I have had emails, like Ben from the P2 Illuminati Lodge myself, after I posted the banker resignations, they were threats against Japan and Japanese institutions. I gave those to Ben to pass onto Japanese authorities. He told me it was the same style of threat he got prior the giant 3/11 quake in Japan. Just a little background on some of the hair raising stuff I haven’t talked about publicly in the past.

I wasn’t really sure who I was dealing with or who Brian, KP and I just pissed off. As usual, when I call on such protection I find myself just falling into a very peaceful sleep. I’ve been behind the veil in my NDE, I know there’s more happening on this planet than what we see with our limited spectrum of vision.

The troubling part for KP and myself, was that we were concerned we might have delayed the change in the economic system. I know I was beating myself up emotionally about it all, wondering what else I could have done. We had cleared the release with POOF so we were left scratching your heads as to what happened. The best we could determine there were some lives at stake, and that appears to be true, briefly. The emails will explain how everything unfolded in chronological order.

Read more at AK’s blog…

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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V for Vendetta Shown in China

“People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.”

Such were the words of “V” echoing across the Chinese airspace on the night the world created by the Illuminati is supposed to end.


Another posted:

If my memory serves me correctly, this was a prohibited film before. There were too many lines in it about people demanding freedom, and people helping each other to eventually break out [from oppression]. The whole film is saturated with these themes.

Someone else said said:

CCTV has broadcast ‘V for Vendetta’. This makes netizens believe, people shouldnt fear their government, the government should fear the people! Love the V mask!

Update #1: Reader @1dayinchina points out that should viewers get inspired by the film’s revolutionary message, the masks are on sale at your local Shanghai Carrefour.

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BEIJING (AP) — Television audiences across China watched an anarchist antihero rebel against a totalitarian government and persuade the people to rule themselves. Soon the Internet was crackling with quotes of “V for Vendetta’s” famous line: “People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.”

The airing of the movie Friday night on China Central Television stunned viewers and raised hopes that China is loosening censorship.

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V For Vendetta has been broadcast in China – despite the plot revolving around a totalitarian government.

The film, which didn’t air on the big-screen when it was released, was shown on TV, raising hopes that the country is loosening censorship.

Television audiences across China watched an anarchist anti-hero rebel against a totalitarian government and persuade the people to rule themselves.

Soon the internet was crackling with quotes from V For Vendetta’s famous line: “People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people.”

The 2005 movie, based on a comic book, is set in an imagined future Britain with a fascist government. The protagonist wears a mask of Guy Fawkes, the 17th-century rebel who tried to blow up Parliament.

The mask has become a revolutionary symbol for young protesters in mostly Western countries, and it also has a cult-like status in China as pirated DVDs are widely available. Some people have used the image of the mask as their profile pictures on Chinese social media sites.

Beijing-based rights activist Hu Jia wrote on Twitter, which is not accessible to most Chinese because of government Internet controls: “This great film couldn’t be any more appropriate for our current situation.

“Dictators, prisons, secret police, media control, riots, getting rid of ‘heretics’… fear, evasion, challenging lies, overcoming fear, resistance, overthrowing tyranny … China’s dictators and its citizens also have this relationship.”

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The sight of the film’s titular anarchist delivering a televised speech about “censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission” on CCTV-6, China Central Television’s movie channel – has set the Chinese blogosphere ablaze, with contributors expressing awe watching the film on official television and speculating whether this points to a more varied and less restricted media landscape.

The appearance of V for Vendetta on state television is just the latest of a string of released films with content which could easily bring discomfort to the Chinese ruling authorities. The Hong Kong film Cold War, which has secured 230 million yuan (US$ 37 million) in the mainland Chinese box office during its November run, revolves around the struggle between two assistant police commissioners aiming for the top job – a scenario which coincidentally mirrors the real-life factional fracas threatening the power-succession of the Chinese Communist Party last month.

V for Vendetta was screened, with its lines dubbed into Chinese, on CCTV-6 at 10:07 p.m. on Friday, with the channel’s official Weibo account running a message offering a synopsis of the film so that “film buffs could have some fun”. This post – which both acknowledges the existence of the film and points to a rough sketch of the story – was itself a breakthrough, as information of the film has been kept off officially-sanctioned internet search portals such as Douban or Baidu.

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This is another Ben Fulford Updates confirmation re his article indicating that the new Chinese leadership is all for reforms.

“The Chinese leadership transition is also still underway but the emerging consensus is that democratic and other reforms that the new generation carry out will resemble the Singapore model more than they resemble the US or European models.” more

Congratulations, China!

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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The World Will Not End This Friday, December 21st 2012, But It Almost Did

by benjamin

December 17, 2012

This Friday will be the long talked about Mayan etc. December 21st, 2012 end of the world date. When that date comes and goes, it will be time to examine forensically exactly who was behind the various Nibiru, Planet X, photon belt, rapture etc. stories that all predicted the death of 80% or more of all humans. We need to do this because a very real plot to start World War 3 and a fake end-times did exist and, although the plot has been stopped, many extremely dangerous mass murderers behind this satanic scheme still walk the corridors of power in the West.

The purge of the over 26 pentagon generals who were planning to start WW3 and the fall of the Bush family are just a start. We need to deal with the rest of the cabal in order to make sure that humanity will never again be enslaved.

To help carry out this process, this week we will provide detailed forensic intelligence on some of the still active cabalists and their on the ground agents. We would also like to report extremely good, very concrete news on the new financial system but loose lips sink ships so we cannot give out much detail yet.

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One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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Signs of the End Times?

Last November 12, 2012, Ben Fulford told us that

“The Dragon family and governments of the non-Western world acted decisively to get Barak Obama re-elected as president because a Romney victory would have meant World War 3…” read more

After the US elections where Obama was proclaimed as the winner, the second termer then flow to Asia instead of going back to UK to pay homage to the Crown and the Cross on top of it. This is just one sign that the US Presidency may be changing side as that article suggested.

We will soon find out if this indeed is what is claimed.

Still, China experts said Mr. Obama’s victory will likely be positive for the relationship. “Mr. Obama is the lesser of two evils,” said Shi Yinhong, an expert on U.S.-China relations at Renmin University in Beijing.

“The rivalry will remain between the U.S. and China, but Obama offers a much more moderate approach to China,” Mr. Shi added.

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Recently, a move that have angered Turkey is the withdrawal of two US Navy aircraft carriers from Syria.

Two aircraft carriers stationed off the Syrian coast were sent back to the US this week in a move that the Obama administration thought would ease tensions, but angered Turkish officials who hoped for significant US military presence in the region.

The USS Eisenhower aircraft carrier and the USS Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group and its 2,500 marines were recalled after being stationed on the Syrian coast, allegedly in preparation of potential military invasion.

The USS Eisenhower, which has the capacity to hold thousands of men, joined the other warship during the first week of December, ready to launch an American-led military intervention “within days” if Syrian President Bashar al-Assad were to use chemical weapons against the opposition, Time reported. But as the violence escalated in the past few days, the warships took off and headed back to the US.

The US usually has two aircraft carriers stationed in the Persian Gulf at all times, but will only have one deployed this month –  the USS John C. Stennis, which is stationed nowhere near Syria. By recalling the USS Eisenhower and the USS Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group, the US simply outraged its key ally in the region – Turkey.

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We all know by now that the war in Syria is injected by the Nazi faction of the CIA. This war machine withdrawal therefore is a big blow to the Dark Cabal and a sign that WW3 will never push through.

In another closely related development, Russia is sending warships to the Mediterranean for possible “Syria evacuation”. Of course, that’s how they sugarcoat their true intentions but it is very clear that these warships could conduct “air defense, anti-ship warfare and anti-submarine warfare” when need be.

The Russian Navy has sent five ships to the Mediterranean Sea to replace the region’s existing fleet. The move comes after the foreign ministry said it may call for the evacuation of Russian citizens in Syria if the government in Damascus falls.

Three warships and two support ships of the Russian Baltic Fleet are set to join the Russian naval forces in the Mediterranean.

The Neustrashimyy-class frigate Yaroslav Mudri and landing ships Kaliningrad and Aleksandr Shabalin, accompanied by a towboat and a tanker ship, have set sail from their base in Baltiysk, the defense ministry announced on Tuesday. Their mission includes exercises in air defense, anti-ship warfare and anti-submarine warfare, the Navy statement said.

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The Russian President Vladimir Putin is considered as the de facto leader of the BRICS180+ nations moving towards massive worldwide economic reforms. His words and actions bear watching especially at this point in time. An EU-Russia Summit is scheduled on December 20-21 this year.

If we have to put Neil Keenan’s video update where he mentioned that some “good news might be announced before Christmas” then a possible economic assistance might be extended during this summit to countries like Spain, Greece and Ireland.

Of course, we will be expecting more.

Ms. Hansen said this regular working summit will give an overlook of the cooperation results so far.

She informed reporters the EU would be represented by European Council’s president Herman Van Rompuy, European Commission’s chief Jose Manuel Barroso, EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht.

Russia will be represented by President Vladimir Putin, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and several other ministers, Pia Hansen said

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The heated debates in Britain around the country’s contribution to the EU budget are seen from , says Dmitry Babich.

Before the current crisis, and especially in the last years of the Soviet Union the European Union (formerly known as the European Community) had a very positive image in all the lands to the east of Poland.

For decades, talks about “European choice” were an important tool used by the pro-western intellectuals and the liberal media to lure Ukraine, Moldova and other post-Soviet states (including Russia) away from the much-maligned and in fact rather mythical “Moscow’s control.” (This control was supposed to be embodied by the Soviet state until 1991 and by the perpetually demonised “Kremlin” later on.)

Now it becomes clear that this black-and-white vision of Europe and “European spirit” is in fact simplified and misleading. “By their fruits ye shall know them,” says the Bible. If the tree of the European Union is so good, how could it bring forth such fruit?

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Are we seeing signs of the “end times” of the world as we knew it?

Although we are optimistic that some good things are underway before the year ends, we do acknowledge the legitimate concerns of everyone visiting this blog that all of these might just be a merry go round well scripted show designed to renew the hope and dampen the rising tide of the global revolution.

As with Keenan, Fulford mentioned the 25th of December 2012 in his most recent update.

We have our own deadline and when that comes and nothing happens then we will continue with greater vigor what we have already been doing.

We are currently working on a better version of the “Towards Healthcare Emancipation” ebook that encourages even the non-techie to do it. And we intend to write the same fully illustrated DIY manual for free energy next year.

We will push the people’s agenda in our own humble way no matter what the cost might be.

In the meantime, the HAARPing continues across the Philippine Islands. But, as always, we will persevere.

Thank you very much for all the support.

Mabuhay, everyone!

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The End Of The World As We Knew It

The Anti-illuminati Shitstorm is about to begin.

The cover is about to be blown wide open. The façade is crumbling down. The world is about to find out how a handful of Usurpers almost succeeded in eliminating 95% of the world’s population through scientific deceptions funded heavily with the Collateral Accounts and with the willful cooperation of those already in governments.

Both the confirmations of past articles and the ridicule that this blog received over time for hosting Ben Fulford’s weekly geopolitical news and analysis and the rest of the vanguards in the New Mainstream Media have to endure are more than worth the effort and time.

A major Russian TV is about to broadcast the Whole Story to at least 100+ million local viewers. Whether this will be carried unto a wider audience by other networks around the world is already irrelevant.

We are the New Mainstream Media now.

We have full responsibility to broadcast this subject to all forums and social networking sites as wide and as loud as possible.

The facts are overwhelming. The Dark Cabal have shown their desperation by killing innocent children just to keep the lid on Libor, the biggest banking scandal the world has ever known.

There’s no economic crisis. There’s no fiscal cliff. There’s more than enough for everyone on the face of the planet as the token images of the Collateral Accounts and the Assets of the Ages below will show you.

The days of being a mere spectator is over. You have the power to change your world. Take action now!

A very comprehensive introduction to this event is posted at by David Wilcock.

Thank you Drake.


One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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ARVE Error: need id and provider



The Changing of the Guard (Video) . . . I believe this announcement from Neil Keenan is the game changer we’ve all been praying for. . . ~J


This is an update from the man who is at the forefront of the complete overhaul of the current financial system. Neil Keenan has been formally chosen by The Mandate guarding the Assets of the Ages, the Global Col
lateral Accounts, that will back up the New Economy that will provide the transition to the RBE system in the near future, to be their representative in all matters re Global Settlements.

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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Hotel California


Just received this intel from Drake.

Intel and The Real Truth

by Drake

      [12/12/12 – The Grand master in Astria is the Koska brothers one was Nato command and the other the grand master of the masons taking orders from the Queen of England

Their current form of operations other than Raifessen bank is the PSA Software and financial systems worldwide who are using all the securities illegally via the international markets and working through Fiji in the South pacific under the US military command structures.

They are working in conjunction with the Albanian Mafia in Washington through Americare on Wall Street.

The oversight of that is the Gigante crime family with CRC securities who are former CIA operations people working with the Mossad and placing orders of deals from Toronto Dominion bank in Canada.

ICBC is the Canadian mounted police who are partners with DIA and the Nevada and California Mafia. In San Francisco they have a retired CIA operation room that works with Switzerland and Credit Swiss. IN Spain the Spanish Mafia working with Deutsche bank through the Lisbon Central banking systems and the French via Andora to launder drugs and arms money through the central operation rooms in Zaragoza, Spain  and Barcelona and the French military operations with the controlling part of the Mossad . Then the British from Bavaria with all of the Cancer agents with Bavaria and the Hanser Royals of Germany under the guidelines of Siemens , Krupp and the Mannesmann Group who were the original funders of the Nazi structures in Germany and the creators of WW2 to take back the throne for Edward from Victoria.

Drugs, Oil and arms that’s all that the problems are about.

Scocroft the same slug that Bush, Sr. made his national security adviser.  On the Watergate tapes available from the Nixon library Scowcroft told Nixon that there were as many as 300 American POWs held in Laos at that time more than a year after Operation Homecoming in May, of 1973, Bush, Sr. like his father just decided to subvert the POW issue for personal; profit.  Again if the secret CIA office designated “hotel California is ever opened for full public review the entire U S government will collapse within 3 days, the people will demand it.  And remember Australian, Ross Milosevic is a paid contractor of CIA station Bangkok, and thus a paid Bush, Sr. contractor, similarly Rick Wade of Valdez, Alaska is a good friend of top Nazi Armitage and also a paid Bush, Sr. contractor as is his faux business, the dots can be easily connected, it is all pure evil, and there must be justice, the sooner the better

> privileged information

– One live American POW by name is Captain Kenneth Stonebreaker, USAF, February, 2012 held in Vietnam right across the river from Savannakhet, Laos, we have a man on station in the open air flee market in savannakhet, Laos to pick up any further info, he is Stonebreaker’s common law father in law, see book An Enormous Crime by Hendon and Stewart, the 1990 live sighting report on Stonebreaker is referenced and quoted extensively, he is the guy missing his left hand from the ejection, female who nursed him back to health is his common law wife, her father works with us a retired Lao army officer, a Col, so there is at least one specific name and we know the exact current location of jack in Dien Bien Phu, and we know which guards can be bribed to gain access to obtain full name.  Names of all are held with photos and DNA samples in previously referenced :hotel California” also hold previously referenced master computer disc, with modified promise software list as noted

> On orders from Bush, Sr. Ed Meese stole the promis software, it was then sent to an Indian reservation in California and slightly modified, in the modified format there is a master computer disc, hold all the information of 200 to 500 live American POWs secretly returned and given new witness protection identities, along with all other data such as relocated locations, master disc is held in the previously referenced “hotel California’  it all comes up POWs, Bush’s father did the same thing in 1945,46 and 47, also for personal profit, reference secret Berger Codes, 1945, codes still in use today.  “hotel California still in operation as of this time, pure evil must be stopped for the sake of all humanity, looking forward to a positive sign on Saturday and major revelation in a few days

> specific name CWO William Milliner, but he may have died in Laos within the past year, not yet confirmed, but if the U N approved humanitarian aid project goes the exact date and burial location will be determined, I am sure his relatives would want to know, the U S government knew he was there all along, Bush, Sr. sentenced him to a harsh and gruesome death as a captive live POW, after decades of great suffering, pathet Lao military records are held in the warehouse at the 14 mile marker north of the capital in Laos, they will reveal the burial locations of all the live POWs Bush sentenced to death while they suffered in captivity,, it is a crime and Bush should be sentenced to death as a war criminal, the sooner the better, look forward to the news on Saturday and the “major revelation in a few days

> when the POE offer went to the White House in 1981 no one was buying.

Reagan and Allen wanted to do a rescue.  Bush and others opposed.

Meese supposedly said ‘who gives a damn about a bunch of POWs’.

> In China just north of the north Korean border, there is a large medical facility holding as many as 1,000 live American POWs one is named Zook, he is in a wheel chair, in the U S library of Congress there is a live sighting report on Zook  from the time there was a major earthquake in that exact area, the staff to save Zook pushed him out of the building, a few days later he was found rolling down the local road and returned to the medical facility, the U S government has known about this for years.  As many as 1,000 live POWs held.  If the U N humanitarian aid project for Laos get approved by the corrupted current Lao government,  then those 1,000 live POWs could be moved to Laos via Soon La a major transit point between Laos and China, and they could be staged for return to the U S on the aid delivery aircraft, under a U N designation of “humanitarian refugees” this would bring great  international humanitarian credit upon the new Chinese leadership, and further expose the war criminal Bush, Sr., especially since the U S government has had that Zook live sighting report for years publicly available in the library of Congress, for any bribed member of congress to see including that war hero fraud John McCain, I hope that this suggestion can  be included on the evolving agenda, Bus, Sr. Et all will have a lot of questions to answer and much explaining to do, back tomorrow, Lord willing

pics of caves, assets from 1950s !!!! And also people who worked for this CONTACT of mines family in the 40s, and up to the 60s whom were linked to EUR and AMERICAN principles and one of them is ROBERT LOVETT and AUGUSTUS LONG !!!!!! (From TEXACO and co – ROCKEFELLOR shit)….

FREEPORT is a totally CORRUPTED enterprise and I can take them down NOW. So this is what may help you. FORGET anything else like OBAMAs Birth CERT and FRNs… that’s just water on a bridge not under it !!! – WAIT TILL U SEE WHAT I WILL SHOW U. I have the entire package. HUEG files, MICRO film and Notes, Letters the LOT. And still getting them coming in. I have total EVDEINCE that FREEPORT were forced over CUBA MOA BAY where KENNEDY did the “JOB”, ( not at his will that is) I have papers showing the DUTCH were or conquered as it were on PAPER in 1500s, and companies owned by CHN and USA from DUTCH EAST INDIES which were in POWER under CHN for 200 years, in 1800 NEATHERLANDS took control till 1941 ( I have all this shit and its strikingly HORRFYING how and what and WHO were INV and did ) they caused war and disease and everything else to BAT control over it all for their own benefit.. PROB is SURHATO was part of it all…

STUFF that USA (BRITISH CROWN) paid JAPs to get to IND somewhere I think in 1940 and papers showing HATTA also signing forms (pics) to (not sure who) EUR or USA guys in SWITZ (WARWICK HOTEL), BRITISH then came to IND and took over IRAN JAYA (pics and papers) and KILLED many people to take over the place, I have pics of the TRIBES being SHOT by BRITISH not JAPS !!!!!!!

KENNNDEY then was already involved in all this, A LOT Of film and pics and papers of CHN guy “CHOU EN LAI” was part and parcel of taking GOLD and giving FUNDS to SURHARTO and this is when the CIA got INV once they knew where the GOLD was and is they STOLE it. NOTHING TO DO WITH PKI. I know all the DUTCH HOLDING Co.’s and people SOME ALIVE today in UK. THESE Cos were CIA approved by CHN agents and were financed also. THIS Is when the BRITISH CROWN USED their 2 OIL companies that were controlled by AUGUSTUS LONG AND ROBERT LOVETT ( I know they bought GOLD but at same  time STOLE too) these are ROCKEFELLOR pawns, STANVAC were INV also and MOBIL COCONY at the time whom set up FREEPORT SULPHUR who I told u about….

I have all the shit on FRANK WIESER (CIA) doing this, and a guy called JOSEPH BURKHOLDER whom was a friend of SURHATO. (CIA) JOSEPH was part and parcel of the NSA; I have papers of this from 1960s and before. ALLEN DULES who DAD knows well was also INV in trying to work on methods but failed he then became a GOLD HUNTER in PI, (not sure where or how he is today must be DEAD at his age)…. ( but he knows everything)……PLEASE remember Neil at this time SHEFFIELD EDWARDS big wig for CIA at the time was working for BRITISH GOV and ROYAL FMAILY and CHN and USA and IND all at the same time….

HAVE A LOT OF ID stuff on ROIME and VATICAN re IND and these guys all LINKED for some reason as if its SAME CLUB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING…. Even the POPE. What I want to find out is why FREEPORT got INV and how and paid by whom and what I know all the companies who FREPORT are owned by in shares.. I can send all that to  u… CHARLES WIGHT was the actual “OWNER” and PRESDIENT and did jobs in CAN and UBA before IND, was a bad guy, he was part and parcel of MOA BAY SAGA, he was part and parcel of all the mini wars and SUICIDEs and MURDERs, horrible stuff, THIS WAS WHEN KENNEDY came in or so the papers I have say and state, about 1961 but some show he was WORKING before all this time, he knew SUKARNO was dealing with Russians and CHN with ARMs, but the idea KENNDEY had was to sort out WEST IRIAN and so this is where the GOLD AGREEMENT came out as so much was buried there, ( not to sure yet of this),

KENNDY got a DUTCH and IND USA agreement taken up, Kennedys brothers got involved too or so the epics say, BUT what bugs me is the NSA agreement that KENNDEY had to agree with over IND in 1962, do u know of this ???? I have proof that KENNDEY was threatened to be killed by FREEPORT as was causing something beyond his depths,…. And was threatened many times, this can be proved it was PKI groups whom u know who was behind it… (FREEPORT itself) In 1965 KENNDEY borught over 100M from USA and other funds too, in exchange for GOLD NUGGETS that were refined by FREEPORT , ( BOBBY KENNEDEY), BUT then KENNDEY died,

BOBBY still took over, BUT he had to follow ORDERs that KENNDEY himself didn’t want but have to RDO and change rapidly, PRES JOHNSON were instructed by UK to do this and that, and he had the funds to do so ( not sure where), THIS IS WHEN  a FRONT ( TEXACO) took power for BOBBY and JOHNSON, and run by AUGUSTUS LONGs principles as agents, The CO was called GOLDWATER, EDWARD KAISER was the CEO of it and even ROBERT LEHMAN too and THOMAS CABOT…. CRAZY….

TEXACO was a small time Co under STANDARD OIL and other, and I have all the papers of MULLEN CO that were negotiating on behalf of JOHNSON all thru this CHANGE…….. While AUGUSTUS came into GREAT funds and GOLD and POWERR he got to be promoted along the way and instructed SURKARNOs fate!!!!! (DEAD 1965).

PROOF that SURHARTO became conscious and aware what was happening and he tried to change his ways and FIGHT off the Companies and FIGHT off all the NEW to bring back the OLD… but……  PKI were by then knowing SURHAROTO wanted to change and so they did a lot of mini panics to prevent change and ABRUTION,…  (Epics of millions dead by what u will not believe) (This is proof CHN was inv and paid by the USA which is UK… crazy shit….. NO way GERMANS would do this! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a lot of stuff that BOBBY gave SURHATO re FREEPORT SULPHOR and a DUTCH co called ERTSBERG, which showed GOLD was in the region,…… THIS is what interests me…AND these letters are from LANGBOURNE WILLIAMS>> BLAKHEATH knew him in the 1970s,.. (See my other emails)… THE SECRET GUY I am meeting is JULIUS TAHIJA he owns a hotel and under a NEW name and will not email or speak to me but will meet me when I sent him pics. he says he will share something with me that will help You….

There is a lot about the BECHTEL meetings and papers here, and he was an OLD CIA agent and worked with ALLEN DULLEs, RICHARD HELMS is still alive and was in PI for many years in the 80s, 90s as Dad met him he would fly his plane around PI,..  THIS IS WHEN EXIM became INV with LONG into FREEPORT and how HENRY KEAMS came into giving power and funds, for FREEPORT but was all a front, AND he got caught and hence why he flew to PI>. Not sure where he is nowadays.. DUBAI probably…..

Proof all this above is controlled BY HENRY KISINGER 100% and GERALD FORD.


HUGE stuff on FREEPORT…. KISENGER was getting paid for all this!!!!! FREPORT Now own the NEW ( not yet but soon) coming WORLD FOOD and WATER that will supply shit food and water to the world soon….. I know all about JAMES MOFFETT>….WHAT is ruling IND is TEXAS, as FREEPORT rebuild and FIANNCES TEXAS Neil…..

– What originally was over 50,000 MTs of GOLD JAVA bars…… And now only 10 to 12MTs left.

I have links now to KISSENGER and his COMPANIES which are all ACOCUNTED for AT COUTTS in LON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Drake | December 13, 2012 at 4:51 pm | Categories: News | URL:

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

FƱ©k the UN

We were born with the assumption that this world governing body called United Nations is here to promote peace, harmony and well-being among its member nations and for all people around the world. Yet upon its conception, wars proliferate, hunger and poverty reach astronomical levels, famine and diseases stretch to epidemic proportions, and we ain’t seen nothing yet.

Now they want to stop the massive awakening of the masses.

Members of the United Nation’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU) have agreed to work towards implementing a standard for the Internet that would allow for eavesdropping on a worldwide scale.

At a conference in Dubai this week, the ITU members decided to adopt the Y.2770 standard for deep packet inspection, a top-secret proposal by way of China that will allow telecom companies across the world to more easily dig through data passed across the Web.

According to the UN, implementing deep-packet inspection, or DPI, on such a global scale will allow authorities to more easily detect the transferring and sharing of copyrighted materials and other protected files by finding a way for administrators to analyze the payload of online transmissions, not just the header data that is normally identified and interpreted.

Source »


They don’t want the Goyim to realize he’s been duped all these years. They don’t want to lose the grip on the individual. They don’t want the slaves to gain their freedom. They just want to continue fucking us up.

Well, fuck them too!

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

UBS Goes Down – GS Update [2 Dec 2012]

Last September 2011, UBS CEO Oswald Grübel resigned amid rogue trading scandal. This was followed by the announcement of cutting down 10,000 of the workforce in October this year. This is just the tip of the whole story for in mid-February of this year, massive resignations in the banking cartels occurred.

Skeptics argued that all these resignations are normal occurrence in world finance and should not be tied in to wild conspiracy theories. However, the story about the Collateral Accounts is for real and authentic documents are slowly coming out in the open.

The latest documents below are coming from Keenan via Drake, and are showing how 980,000 kgs of 99.98% pure gold ended up in UBS control for decades. The legitimate claim regarding this specific collateral is more than enough to bring UBS down.

Among the articles that we have posted explaining how the Dark Cabal exploited the hard assets from Asia are the following:

  1. The Corporation: History & Revolution
  2. Chasing Filipino Dream for the World
  3. The Day A Village Vanished; 1126 Buried Alive

The Global Settlement that is long overdue involves billions of tons of gold, among other metals, borrowed by the West without the intention of returning the same as agreed upon and as decency dictates.

There was a time when these assets were used to finance black projects dealing with exotic technologies, e.g. free energy, anti-gravity, teleportation. But the most important of these activities and probably the most closely guarded secret is that which involve time travel.

Well-funded Organized Trolling Network would surely try to debunk these issues once again. But let us assure everyone that we fully understand these technologies: how they work and why they work. So, don’t even try 😉

Too many times, the Dark Cabalists attempted to alter future events but this one that is forthcoming could never be manipulated. All madness will come to an end by December 21, 2012 no matter what they would do. It is the time when human awareness reaches critical threshold.

The return of the assets requires cooperation of nations tired of wars and terror all for the glory of the few who are not even of this planet. Once these Minions of Evil are fully neutralized or eliminated, a massive redistribution of wealth that affects every living soul on this planet will follow.

The Holders of the Collateral Accounts know that this is the wisest thing to do as it ensures their safety when mankind as a whole will be fully empowered and not be cowered anymore. The collective spirit of free peoples around this planet is the most potent antidote imaginable against the forces of evil.

Humanity is not going back to the Dark Ages. We are moving forward whether the Jesuits and the bloodlines like it or not.


One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Global Settlement Update [11/28/2012]

As the Cabal is being taken down from all fronts, financial, military and New Media, we are patiently awaiting for the release of the Global Settlement which would end worldwide poverty in 3 short months.

A few minutes ago we received a heads up from Drake pointing to an article by Jhaine about a response from Neil Keenan to disinfo agents making a last stand for their cabalist masters.

Who’s on First! – from Neil Keenan

Posted on November 28, 2012

Dear Jeanie,

I would rather not post a reply, but this is just a great opportunity to nail the disinfo people such as JJ (Smith) Outlaw. The document you are looking at is one big joke. I am going to take it with me when I visit with Edy Seno. Everyone who knows Edy realizes this is a big gaff, and of course we know who photoshopped this from a similar document put out in August that was discredited. No, it is not Scott this time, and it is time to stop kicking him. He looks like hell and needs a break, and if anything I was too tough on him, but he is the expert in such situations, and I am sure he will have lots to say as well on his own behalf.

Whoever put this together is a Clown, a Prankster, a Silly Fool, and I will try to share only a little of what is wrong here. First of all, Ray Dam is not affiliated with Edy Seno in any way.  Beyu Soekarno is not involved with Edy in any way. It is the OITC not IOTC. Flashing back in time to the ‘Scott War’, it was clear to me that they (Scott and Wagoner) after getting caught by me had to scurry to cover their tracks, so that no one would know what they were up to. They then ran to Beyu Soekarno telling him that I screwed up their Trade. In fact, however, it was those actually working with Beyu, wishing to use him, as well as my connections—without my knowledge and behind my back—who, when they weren’t allowed to do so, got him to sign a Cease and Desist Order, blaming me for everything. Then the Wagoner bunch ran to Edy Seno, who was in the hospital and lied and used Nelu’s name to get in to talk to him. They then proceeded to tell him that the case would not be refiled, so he should issue a Cease and Desist Order, which they just happened to have in their pockets at the time.

Seno did sign it.

Of course, you would think that left me standing without my pants, but to the contrary! I was in the position of strength: You see, Seno’s mandate expired in 1998! What this means is that none of the 2.5% Family Heritance Guarantee was issued to the Soekarno Trust at all. During the years the Mandate was valid the West never gave them a dime, yet the Indonesian Elders did continue to protect all the assets as though they were their own. Indonesia, gatekeepers and holders were wonderful to the actual owners over the years, even though they were beaten as well. In case you haven’t realized it, the system had been hijacked. No—in case you haven’t realize it—the system was set up initially so it could be hijacked. Thank God the Elders, who live on a different spiritual plane, not one of greed but one of integrity, stood strong and defended the assets and humankind from a potential disaster.

So how was the Soekarno Trust to get paid after the expiration of the Mandate?

By attaching it to my lawsuit. By making it valid. By making it part of the settlement!!!!

Let me say here, also, that Beyu is still out in the cold, and my connections might help him verify his assets. As a matter of fact, Bonsu Soekarno, Beyu’s brother, is possibly the most learned person in the history of the Collateral Accounts, and he would be most welcome to participate in the legal actions of the suit itself. He is remarkably brilliant in his understandings of the Collateral Books.

The publicity alone was driving the Cabal mad—even though it was only on the internet. If they separated themselves from me they had nothing. What could Wagoner do? He wanted Alex Lee Ling Soon, a highly respected Singaporean businessman, to pay his expenses so he could go on a fact-finding mission. Alex said, “NO!” He knows when he smells a Rat. He understood that Wagoner, a man who falsely identifies himself as the son of David Rockefeller’s sister, could do nothing. On the other hand, Wagoner told Seno and Alex that he would deal with the BIS and the World Bank—and every other damned place, too, including the Monaco Group, which he had no chance of ever getting close to.

What I am trying to say is that the scam or plan to remove me was on, but they had no weapons to fight with. You cannot go to a war with a Pop Gun, and this is what they had. Our friend Drake received phone calls from them crying hysterically in the middle of the night that I was ruining their reputations, but what sort of reputations do they think they had? Then Drake told them he was going to do his own due diligence, and when he did, what he learned and came back with stunned them so much they never bothered calling again. Sorry buddy, no one home!!!

This kept on for a while, and now we have this photoshopped document we saw months ago, which at that time was vetted as a fraud. It re-surfaces now and gives me a chance to actually respond to it. So I will make it short and sweet. This piece of crap has nothing to do with Edy Seno. Edy Seno is more than a business associate; he is my friend! The document is phony from top to bottom. There are so many holes in it you can drive a truck through it.

For instance, you do realize that the Soekarno Trust has nothing to do with the UBS, don’t you? And you understand that Edy Seno never signs anything without putting his thumbprint on it, right? If so, then you know something the composer of this piece of garbage did not know, and if you did not know, you know now.

I could easily go tit for tat with JJ Smith, who posted this on his site, but let’s let him live for another day. He is a disinfo agent—and most probably gets paid for doing it. At one time I spoke with him, but was told to stay far away from him, so I did.  There is so much more to tell you, but let’s cut it short because I’m very busy. Not my style, I know, but I am in Indonesia composing this response and meeting with the infamous Dr. Seno in a couple of days. As I have said, he is a friend, and we probably will have many laughs over this. As for JJ, he can role this phony Cease and Desist document into tubular form, and I’m sure he will then know what to do with it.

You know, though, it really is not funny that people who hope that someone, somewhere is being straight with them actually find out they are being nothing of the kind. For this reason I’ve taken the time to state the above—and remember if I do not win there will be no funds for anyone, because the mandate in this document has expired, and they have nothing to hang their hats on. There is no way for them to recover their losses, there is no way for them to recover a dime. Let me repeat in closing that the plan is to include Edy Seno, who is the real representative of the now-expired Soekarno Trust Mandate, in the final Settlement.

Do not worry, I am doing my best for all, and please do not believe such nonsense coming from those that really just wish to use us people without putting in the time, effort, and hard work.

I wish you all the best and pray that someday we all just might share a celebratory drink together once we raise our arms in victory.

Neil Keenan

Source »

The original Drake article…

Who’s On First?

by Drake

Response on 11/28/2012 to Jean Haines regarding Removing the Shackles post entitled:  “Soekanto to Keenan: Cease and Desist”

Here is Neil’s Response to the above:

Drake | November 28, 2012 at 12:55 pm | Categories: News | URL:

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Secession or Re-Declaration for Freedom?

The TIME HAS COME. The monumental wave of participation in the secessionist petitions has gotten their attention! It is now time for America to unite under


It matters not your gender, your lifestyle, your political or spiritual beliefs, your color, your ethnicity, your station or your occupation. You are either free or you are slaves, there is no in between. You can have Freebies or you can have Freedom but you most certainly cannot have both.



SIGN THE DECLARATION (Audio File by Teri Hinkle)



Don’t hesitate to stand and speak for Freedom and Liberty. Since the installation of the Homeland Security Fusion Centers and the government takeover of Facebook they now know more about you than you do yourself! Let them know they have no right and they DO NOT OWN YOU! Stand with ALL AMERICANS and show them YOU ARE NOT A HUMAN RESOURCE FOR THEM TO BUY AND SELL!

This issue will be shared on Blogtalk Radio today (Sunday, November 25th) at 1pm EST.–sunday

Simulcast or listen by phone:

Sunday     :    559-726-1300 Pcode 489454

Replay Line:    559-726-1399 Pcode 489454

Another cite to obtain this information

(Consists of “some” of the resources used to construct the Documents)

These are supporting documents you should read to discover how our nation was nearly stolen right out from under us. Learn how you were lied to deliberately your entire life and how your children’s future has been planned to completely enslave them.

  1. The-American-State-Papers-1834-Titles-of-Nobility
  2. Congress-Lamar-Smith-Letter
  3. 1825 Military Laws of the United States
  4. LAW_-Original-Constitution_of_the_United_States-1
  5. Mary Websters’ – Separation of PowersCIVILIAN-INMATE-LABOR-PROGRAM
  6. The_Young_American_Or_Book_of_Government
  9. Catchum Lion Enterprises, LLC
    “Let’s tell it like it is: A lot of us aren’t fond of lawyers.”

Drake | November 25, 2012 at 11:52 am | Categories: News | URL:

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

US$ 150 Trillion Lawsuit Against the Cabal

November 19, 2012

Dear Benjamin Fulford:

I am writing to inform you of a pending $150 Trillion US Dollar legal action between King George Watene Tautari of the Maori and the New Zealand Government/The Crown. I am also writing to ask for your help. The Maori King must raise funds to pay the legal costs to bring his Case to the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

Firstly, I will share with you the highlights of the case.

In essence, this starts in 1760, when King George 111 of England and King Waitaheke Tautari of the Maori entered into a Private Trade Agreement. King George was bankrupt at this time and needed help to discharge his debt.

The agreement was for the Maori to collect Kauri trees (which produce a hardwood for boat building and fine furniture) and trade them for gold bullion. The gold bullion was to be held in trust by the King of England and all colonial lands owned by the Maori people throughout the world would be leased for a 99 year period by The Crown with an agreed upon 60/40 split (60% to Maori and 40% to the English). In addition, all Commonwealth colonies had access to the gold bullion (which was being held in Trust by the King of England), and could borrow against it, as long as they returned it with interest in gold bullion.

In 1820, the agreement was still active, with Kauri trees continuing to be harvested and sold for gold bullion. In the early 1820’s, King Ngawaka Tautari of the Maori set up 59 Merchant (Creditor) Banks using the interest on the gold to finance and back bank guarantee hundreds of Wholesale/Retail (Debtor) banks in 59 countries. In 1911, King Ngawaka Tautari’s successor, using the compounding interest from the 59 Merchant banks set up a 60th Merchant/Creditor Bank (BNZ), which was bank guaranteed by the 59 Merchant Banks.

In 1995, King George Watene Tautari succeeded his father and for the past 14 years, has been trying to unravel what has happened to his people’s wealth.

He discovered that in 1967 the accounts set up by his ancestors were being illegally accessed and the funds being withdrawn. Furthermore, in 1992, the 1000+ accounts, which had enormous amounts of money in them (48 zeros), were changed from grey screens to black screens without legal authorization, and the accounts were credited to 60 individual Maori names with 1000’s of subsidiary accounts for each name. Also, in 1992, the BNZ Merchant/Creditor Bank was illegally sold and the $12 Billion in assets were seized and distributed amongst the NZ Government, the US Government, the CIA, FBI, and others, and came to be known as the “Wine Box Enquiry”. The details of all of this, are well presented in the documents (see attached PDF file).

The historical explanation is contained in the letter of October 2, 2012, from King George Watene Tautari to NZ Prime Minister John Key, which starts on page 27 (see attached PDF file) .

Letters from King George of the Maori to the Prime Minister of Australia, the UN, the World Bank, heads of Corporations that were fraudulently sold and many others are also included. King George is seeking payment of $150 Trillion US Dollars in damages; the return of all businesses and property sold fraudulently; and return of 60% ownership of all NZ Crown and NZ Government Corporations to King George Watene Tautauri of Maori Nation.

The initial Notice and Cease and Desist letters are dated October 2, 2012. As there was no legal reply, Notices of Default were sent out are dated November 13 and received on November 15 and 16, 2012 (see attached).

In order to pay the expected legal costs in the World Court, King George Watene Tautari needs about $100M. King George has instructed his Attorney General Neal Lyster to seek investors willing to participate in a 50% /50% JV Private Placement Program that has been offered to him. The King and his Attorney General believe that this is the best why to quickly generate the required funds for his legal case.

I am no expert with regard to these high yield Programs, however I know they offer exceptional returns. Attorney General, Neal Lyster is well versed with these types of platforms and will detail the investment to any interested investors. Recently, Neal described to me in writing how this Platform is managed as follows:

A Managed Buy Sell or MBS is where a Manager Sells the Investor the Bank MTN or BG’s.

Then the Manager arranges the Exit Buyer for the Investor.

This happens very quickly like within an hour so the Investor is not out of Pocket at all.

The Investor must put up a minimum of 100M and he / she gets back 20% of the sale price per tranche.

If an Investor is willing to fund a court action I would expect a fair way to do it would be 50-50 share of the profits.

1% is always shared with the Brokers split 50% Buyer side 50% sell side”

Attorney General Neal Lyster is available to speak to you about this legal case and the managed MBS in detail.

I am not a licensed agent and this is not an offering of shares or securities.

The reason I am writing this letter to you is because I was recently approached by Neal Lyster to seek financial support to pay for expenses for the legal case. I originally connected with Prince Neal about 7 years ago, when I was seeking funding for an ecological city I wanted to build in Mexico (where I currently live, I am Canadian land developer). We ended up becoming friends, as we share many of the same values and interests, especially in regards to the environment. He recalled that I had worked in China over 6 years (1992-1998), with the Chinese Electrical Utility President and other high level bureaucrats to introduce ecologically friendly coal powered plants. He thought I may still have some contacts.

After some reflection, I realized I did not know anyone from my past who had an understanding of global issues, and who would be motivated to assist. I realized also, that asking an Asian person or group made sense, as any other group with ties to the UK and Commonwealth could be in a conflict of interest.

I thought of you Ben, because I have followed your work for years and have a lot of respect for what you do. I am especially impressed with your ability to connect the dots and I believe you to be an honest man. I also know from your background, that you have a lot of knowledge and experience with respect to high level financial transactions, including trades. And lastly, I resonate with your values and goals as I have spent a big part of my life on environmental initiatives.

As to the journalistic details of this pending legal case, to my knowledge, this has not been reported in any news outlet of significance (it has been reported in a Maori newspaper). The people whose names appear of the letters obviously know of the case, but from what I hear they have taken no legal action, nor offered any defence and are likely unsure of how to proceed. I believe Neal and King George would welcome journalistic coverage. I would ask you to speak with Neal about what he is comfortable about revealing before you report on this $150 Trillion Claim. As you can see from the most recent Notice of Default, this letters were received on November 15th and 16th, 2012 so this news is very current.

I suspect your emails are monitored, however what I am presenting here is not secret and it will eventually get out.

If you can help in any way, please respond to me via return email.

I thank you in advance for anything you can do to help King George of the Maori.

My warmest regards,

Dear Mr. Burton,

First you need to understand that you are standing in a long line of creditors to a bankrupt entity. Nonetheless, I am sure that the New Zealand government can be made to offer a plea bargain. However, it must be on behalf of the Maori people as a whole and not a specific king.
Is it OK if I publish your letter minus without your personal details?

Benjamin Fulford

Dear Benjamin,

Thank you for your e-mail. I agree with your observations.
The Maori as a whole will benefit.

Yes you may publish my letter minus my personal data.

The Crown may be Bankrupt…. there is a lot of Gold in New Zealand
that belongs to the Kings family and the Maori people.
Some say that the Markos Gold is also hidden in NZ.
There is known to be Gold in storage under three Air Ports.

There is a greater story here if you get into the Wine Box Inquiry.
The NZ, and US Governments  the CIA, FBI and others stole 12 Billion
from the Kings family Bank.

If you require more details, you can speak to Attorney General Neal Lyster.
Would you like him or myself to call you?

My warmest regards,


source »
One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines


Update 21 nov 2012: Egypt-brokered Hamas-Israel ceasefire comes into effect

When so much of the world is plunged in utter darkness and chaos, even the unaware, the less informed will start to wonder “What the fuck is really going on here?”

As I’m writing this, the Chosen People of Israel are pounding hard on their only neighbor in Gaza with hellfires and terror where even the souls of the innocent couldn’t escape. Gaza for the last decade is the last place you would want to be on this planet.


Being God’s Chosen People does have its privileges. And this God loves to go to war, too.

NUMBERS 3131:1 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
31:2 Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites: afterward shalt thou be gathered unto thy people.
31:3 And Moses spake unto the people, saying, Arm some of yourselves unto the war, and let them go against the Midianites, and avenge the LORD of Midian.
31:4 Of every tribe a thousand, throughout all the tribes of Israel, shall ye send to the war.
31:5 So there were delivered out of the thousands of Israel, a thousand of every tribe, twelve thousand armed for war.
31:6 And Moses sent them to the war, a thousand of every tribe, them and Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, to the war, with the holy instruments, and the trumpets to blow in his hand.
31:7 And they warred against the Midianites, as the LORD commanded Moses; and they slew all the males.
31:8 And they slew the kings of Midian, beside the rest of them that were slain; namely, Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, five kings of Midian: Balaam also the son of Beor they slew with the sword.
31:9 And the children of Israel took all the women of Midian captives, and their little ones, and took the spoil of all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods.
31:10 And they burnt all their cities wherein they dwelt, and all their goodly castles, with fire.
31:11 And they took all the spoil, and all the prey, both of men and of beasts.
31:12 And they brought the captives, and the prey, and the spoil, unto Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and unto the congregation of the children of Israel, unto the camp at the plains of Moab, which are by Jordan near Jericho.
31:13 And Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and all the princes of the congregation, went forth to meet them without the camp.
31:14 And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host, with the captains over thousands, and captains over hundreds, which came from the battle. (31:14) “Moses was wroth with the officers”(31:15) “And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?”
Was Moses meek?
What the Bible says rape and abortion
(31:17) “Kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.”(31:18) “But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.”
What the Bible says about Pedophilia
31:15 And Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive?
31:16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to commit trespass against the LORD in the matter of Peor, and there was a plague among the congregation of the LORD.
31:17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
31:18But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
31:19 And do ye abide without the camp seven days: whosoever hath killed any person, and whosoever hath touched any slain, purify both yourselves and your captives on the third day, and on the seventh day.
31:20 And purify all your raiment, and all that is made of skins, and all work of goats’ hair, and all things made of wood.
31:21 And Eleazar the priest said unto the men of war which went to the battle, This is the ordinance of the law which the LORD commanded Moses;
31:22 Only the gold, and the silver, the brass, the iron, the tin, and the lead,
31:23 Every thing that may abide the fire, ye shall make it go through the fire, and it shall be clean: nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of separation: and all that abideth not the fire ye shall make go through the water.
31:24 And ye shall wash your clothes on the seventh day, and ye shall be clean, and afterward ye shall come into the camp.
31:25 And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
31:26 Take the sum of the prey that was taken, both of man and of beast, thou, and Eleazar the priest, and the chief fathers of the congregation: (31:26) “Take … the prey that was taken, both of man and of beast,”
31:27 And divide the prey into two parts; between them that took the war upon them, who went out to battle, and between all the congregation: (31:27) “And divide the prey into two parts.”
31:28 And levy a tribute unto the Lord of the men of war which went out to battle: one soul of five hundred, both of the persons, and of the beeves, and of the asses, and of the sheep: (31:28) “And levy a tribute unto the Lord … both of the persons, and of the beeves, and of the asses, and of the sheep.”
31:29 Take it of their half, and give it unto Eleazar the priest, for an heave offering of the LORD. (31:29) “Take it of their half, and give it unto Eleazar the priest, for an heave offering of the LORD.”
31:30 And of the children of Israel’s half, thou shalt take one portion of fifty, of the persons, of the beeves, of the asses, and of the flocks, of all manner of beasts, and give them unto the Levites, which keep the charge of the tabernacle of the LORD.
31:31 And Moses and Eleazar the priest did as the LORD commanded Moses.
31:32 And the booty, being the rest of the prey which the men of war had caught, was six hundred thousand and seventy thousand and five thousand sheep, (31:32) “And the booty,”
31:33 And threescore and twelve thousand beeves,
31:34 And threescore and one thousand asses,
31:35 And thirty and two thousand persons in all, of women that had not known man by lying with him. (31:35) “Thirty and two thousand … women that had not known man by lying with him.”
31:36 And the half, which was the portion of them that went out to war, was in number three hundred thousand and seven and thirty thousand and five hundred sheep:
31:37 And the LORD’s tribute of the sheep was six hundred and threescore and fifteen.
31:38 And the beeves were thirty and six thousand; of which the LORD’s tribute was threescore and twelve.
31:39 And the asses were thirty thousand and five hundred; of which the LORD’s tribute was threescore and one.
31:40 And the persons were sixteen thousand; of which the LORD’s tribute was thirty and two persons. (31:40) “And the persons were sixteen thousand; of which the LORD’s tribute was thirty and two persons.”
31:41 And Moses gave the tribute, which was the LORD’s heave offering, unto Eleazar the priest, as the LORD commanded Moses.
31:42 And of the children of Israel’s half, which Moses divided from the men that warred,
31:43 (Now the half that pertained unto the congregation was three hundred thousand and thirty thousand and seven thousand and five hundred sheep,
31:44 And thirty and six thousand beeves,
31:45 And thirty thousand asses and five hundred,
31:46 And sixteen thousand persons;)
31:47 Even of the children of Israel’s half, Moses took one portion of fifty, both of man and of beast, and gave them unto the Levites, which kept the charge of the tabernacle of the LORD; as the LORD commanded Moses.
31:48 And the officers which were over thousands of the host, the captains of thousands, and captains of hundreds, came near unto Moses:
31:49 And they said unto Moses, Thy servants have taken the sum of the men of war which are under our charge, and there lacketh not one man of us.
31:50 We have therefore brought an oblation for the LORD, what every man hath gotten, of jewels of gold, chains, and bracelets, rings, earrings, and tablets, to make an atonement for our souls before the LORD.
31:51 And Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold of them, even all wrought jewels.
31:52 And all the gold of the offering that they offered up to the LORD, of the captains of thousands, and of the captains of hundreds, was sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty shekels.
31:53 (For the men of war had taken spoil, every man for himself.)
31:54 And Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold of the captains of thousands and of hundreds, and brought it into the tabernacle of the congregation, for a memorial for the children of Israel before the LORD.

“A new wave of hatred towards Palestine is sweeping through Israel from public figures to the man on the street. This hostility is in sharp contrast to efforts in Cairo, where Arab leaders and Western diplomats are trying to hammer out a peace plan.

While Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) official Nabil Sheath expressed hope Sunday night that negotiations would continue, very different noises were coming out of Israel.

Interior Minister Eli Yishai said Operation Pillar of Defense would continue and likely be expanded, a reference to the possibility that a ground offensive has already been given the go-ahead.”

Read more »

Elsewhere, the Europeans have launched a well-coordinated strikes and street demonstrations versus expanded austerity measures. Of course, during these events a lot of blood, sweat, tears and saliva, too, are wasted while government can only afford to turn a blind eye not only by the sheer number of smoke grenades they’ve thrown out, but they’ve mastered the art of being deaf and mute through the perpetual lies of the Old Mainstream Media.

While the frustrated Americans initiated a move to secede from the Corporate United States.

One can’t reclaim freedom by asking the Tyrant to grant it to him as what the petition for secession clearly suggests.

So far, all these moves are only symbolic in nature and never decisive.

When the world leaders are only paying lip service to the plight of the Gazans and the rest of the hungry and homeless around the world, have we not reach the threshold for a mass revolution yet?

Not yet?

Warfare, no matter how advanced, is useless when the battle is waged right at the Doorsteps of the Tyrant.

Is it really that hard to knock on the Doors of the Wicked with axes and pitchforks?

When the holders of firepower claiming to be on the side of the people seem to be foot dragging, and can’t get off their asses from the cushioned seats behind desks of fully air-conditioned rooms, isn’t it time for the people to execute an alternate countermeasures to the total disregard for human dignity even in the former land of milk and honey?

When all actions so far are just confined only to papers and webpages soliciting  nothing more than a false sense of relief, isn’t it time for a more concrete and definitive actions that produces tangible results?

And when decorated heroes are not coming, isn’t it time to look upon oneself and think really hard, “Am I nothing more than a two legged animal undeserving of dignity and bereft of courage to stand upright on those limbs I am designed for?”

Aren’t we supposed to make our Children’s Future a lot better than what we’ve experienced?

Just when really is the right time, if not now?

Is she not worthy of God’s Love?
Did this Little Guy fired rockets, too?
Did this Little Guy fired rockets, too?

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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Int’l Common Law Court Trial Against Cabal Commences

Public Announcement and Instructions to Citizen Jurors

Brussels: Monday, November 5, 2012 6:30 pm GMT
The first evidence in the opening case in the docket of our Court is now posted online for examination and a verdict by our Citizen Jurors and the world community. It is accessible through the youtube link posted in this email.

This first posting addresses the evidence of intentional genocide by the churches and government of Canada, and the Crown of England and the Vatican, according to the first three of the five defined crimes in the indictment. The final two crimes will be addressed in the second online posting of this case, to occur around November 15, 2012.

Further instructions will be issued to our citizen Jurors and other Court officers.

We urge the world community to follow the evidence and participate in the sentencing and enforcement procedures of the Court that will follow the verdict, after the other four cases in the Docket.

We also ask you to post this youtube link widely, and share it with your political representatives, media, libraries and educational institutions, as well as your communities.


The Prosecutors Office of The International Common Law Court of Justice
(Brussels-London-Dublin-New York-Ottawa)

ARVE Error: need id and provider

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One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Look at the Facts Addendum by Jim Lovell


The New World Order thought they would have all their ‘stuff’ in place about a dozen years ago. Their plans were to crush the American people and government in debt to enslave us, (I’ll say more about debt – in a bit) and destroy our military in endless wars – to replace it with a UN army and navy – put UN uniforms on what was left of our military and the rest of the world’s military. It didn’t happen then and it ain’t happenin’ now. They wanted to start WWIII with 9/11 to pit Muslims against Christians & Jews. Hasn’t happened yet.

Every tyranny ends, and the only questions to be asked are ‘When?’ – and ‘How bloody?’ The answers: ‘Soon’ and ‘pretty peacefully.’ Look at all the situations that could have gotten way out of hand and didn’t – and not only that, everything they’ve tried is backfiring on them. Venezuela and Iceland faced them down with minimal or no bloodshed. The Euro-zone is melting and I’ve seen nothing about a currency to replace the Euro. Remember all the talk about a North American Union? It ain’t happenin’. And Northcom? That seems to be fading into history. The Amero – the new currency? Where is it? And it has been a long time since I heard anything about a new fiat world currency (CDS? SDR?), but I have received talk that it has raised its ugly head in theh lying mainstream media. It ain’t happenin’! It’s just – more talk. 

I heard talk of bombing Iran over a year ago. Bombs? What bombs? I heard that our military was put on full alert – to go to Libya last winter. Did our boys go? Just a few – maybe. We probably had more TV people there than soldiers. The NWO had to run NATO into Libya. And our boys didn’t go to Syria. I heard rumors that Obama had been ‘relieved of his command’ by some top guys in the Pentagon – maybe a year or so ago? Hmmm. Do you think it might be true? There were a number of times he was on TV – but the flag wasn’t behind him. 

Sixteen intelligence agencies told Obummer that it was stupid to attack Iran. I think our chief of staff – or some other general told the madman who runs the Israeli government that we weren’t going to fight another war for them – really ticked him off. I guess that Israel no longer runs the US. So, has Israel hit Iran? Not yet. Something like 70 or 80 percent of the Israelis don’t want another war. Will that government collapse? Maybe. 

We heard that world power navies were in the Persian Gulf – lining up for WWIII. I think those boys are having a good old time – and they’re there to keep that from happening. I think there’s a worldwide rebellion against the banksters, don’t you? Haven’t close to a thousand worldwide retired or stepped down? And the head folks at the IRS have quit. And didn’t the CEO of one of the big banks just quit?

And insofar as the national debt? We can wipe that out with the stroke of a pen, as can any number of nations. We don’t owe counterfeiters ANYTHING – and I’ve been saying that for years! Now the IMF has said it. Smacks of a worldwide rebellion against tyranny! We don’t owe these counterfeiters, and neither does anyone else. THEY – OWE US! (Not that they can pay for all their crimes. If we enslaved them for a million years, they could not pay for all the damage they have done – the lives they have destroyed.) 

Insofar as mortgage and credit card debt? The debt that can’t be paid, won’t be paid, and interest on ‘money’ they never had that they SAID they loaned us – is totally bogus so I think that those collection efforts may come to an end. I believe that something very constructive will happen in this area. 

The CORPORATION that runs this nation has been bankrupt beyond all redemption for about a decade. The only difference between bankruptcy and declaring bankruptcy – is a declaration. This just might be – some kind of year of jubilee. Whether that happens or not, this is going to be one HELL of an economic reset – more complicated than I can imagine – and economic recovery begins the instant the IRS goes away and we return to Common Law. 

And insofar as our military being crushed in MORE endless wars? I don’t THINK SO! All our men in uniform – past and present – are realizing that our military hasn’t defended our nation since the War of 1812, and the Department of DEFENSE is the Department of OFFENSE! I believe that when the young men in this world quit believing the lies that old men tell them – we may very well have a thousand years of peace. May America lead the way! I apologize for being too bum-fuzzled to figure out how to make ‘Share’ work, but please copy ‘n’ paste this anywhere you so desire. I’m not concerned about credit – just want folks to see the simple truth. Once again, if you think others need to know, you know how to bump it.

source »

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

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Obama Fires Top Admiral as Coup Plot Fears Grows

We The People are ready to help.

      Our military needs to give us a call…

—– Forwarded Message —–
From: Teri Hinkle <


To: Teri Hinkle <


Sent: Friday, November 2, 2012 10:00 PM
Subject: Fwd: Obama Fires Top Admiral As Coup Plot Fears Grows

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Everett McIntyre <


Date: Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 9:35 PM
Subject: Obama Fires Top Admiral As Coup Plot Fears Grows
To: Sydney McIntyre <



From: Jane W

Date: Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 11:21 PM

Obama Fires Top Admiral As 

Coup Plot Fears Grows

Pay close attention to the blue paragraph in the middle.

October 28, 2012

Obama Fires Top Admiral As Coup Plot Fears Grows

A shocking new report prepared by the Foreign Military Intelligence Main Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, and circulating in the Kremlin today, states that President Obama has fired one of the United States Navy’s most powerful Admirals over growing fears the US Military is planning an overthrow of his government.

According to this report, yesterday (27 October) Obama ordered the immediate removal of Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette [photo 2nd left] from his command of the powerful Carrier Strike Group Three (CSG-3) [photo 3rd left] currently located in the Middle East.

CSG-3 is one of five US Navy carrier strike groups currently assigned to the US Pacific Fleet. US Navy carrier strike groups are employed in a variety of roles, which involve gaining and maintaining sea control and projecting power ashore, as well as projecting naval airpower ashore.

The aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74) is the strike group’s current flagship, and as of 2012, other units assigned to Carrier Strike Group Three include Carrier Air Wing Nine; the guided-missile cruisers USS Mobile Bay (CG-53) and USS Antietam (CG-54); and the ships of Destroyer Squadron 21, the guided-missile destroyers USS Wayne E. Meyer (DDG-108), USS Dewey (DDG-105), USS Kidd (DDG-100), and USS Milius (DDG-69).

US news reports on Obama’s unprecedented firing of a powerful US Navy Commander during wartime state that Admiral Gaouette’s removal was for “allegations of inappropriate leadership judgment” that arose during the strike group’s deployment to the Middle East.

This GRU report, however, states that Admiral Gaouette’s firing by President Obama was due to this strike force commander disobeying orders when he ordered his forces on 11 September to“assist and provide intelligence for” American military forces ordered into action by US Army General Carter Ham, who was then the commander of the United States Africa Command (AFRICOM), against terrorist forces attacking the American Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

General Ham had been in command of the initial 2011 US-NATO military intervention in Libya who, like Admiral Gaouette, was fired by Obama. And as we can, in part, read from US military insider accounts of this growing internal conflict between the White House and US Military leaders:

“The information I heard today was that General [Carter] Ham as head of Africom received the same e-mails the White House received requesting help/support as the attack was taking place. General Ham immediately had a rapid response unit ready and communicated to the Pentagon that he had a unit ready.

General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow. Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command.”

GRU analysts in this report state that Obama’s “greatest fear” during the 11 September terrorist attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi was that a strong US Military response would hurt his reelection chances as the American peoples appetite for war has all but disappeared, and he would, also, be open to attacks from his far-left base who remain firmly opposed to further US military actions in the Middle East.

As we had, also, reported in our 17 September report “China Warns World War III Being Planned To Oust Obama,” White House fears are growing by the day that Obama is being pushed into a “Total War” scenario by the Pentagon in an action not unlike the situation faced by President John F. Kennedy when he faced off with against the powerful US Air Force General Curtis Lemay during the October, 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

Known well to Obama, this report continues, was the 1962 Pentagon proposal to Kennedy named “Operation Northwoods” that called for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), or other operatives, to commit acts of terrorism in US cities and elsewhere. These acts of terrorism were to be blamed on Cuba in order to create public support for a war against that nation, which had recently become communist under Fidel Castro.

Fearing his being faced with a similar Pentagon threat, GRU analysts say in this report, Obama’s reluctance to allow a US military response to the 11 September attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi was due to his not knowing who was really behind it, or what their ultimate objective really was.

Obama’s fears, apparently, were confirmed by the Federal Security Service (FSB), and as we reported on in our 9 October report titled “Monsanto “War” Kills US Ambassador To Libya” which blamed the Benghazi attack on the shadowy Italian eco-terror group Il Silvestre.

Following the attack on Benghazi, this FSB report further states, the eco-terror group Il Silvestre brutally assassinated British oil executive Nicholas Mockford, 60, who worked for the US oil giant ExxonMobil, two weeks ago on a street in Brussels, Belgium.

Though the links between either the Pentagon or CIA relating to Il Silvestre have yet to be firmly established, this GRU report concludes, it can not be ruled out that further attacks against Obama’s interests by the US Military are not in the offing.

Most cryptic in this GRU report, however, was its noting, that based upon the 1962 American movie titled Advise & Consent, and the 1962 novel Seven Days in May (made into a movie in 1964), the warnings to President Kennedy about any American leader daring to challenge the Pentagon would be met with swift and harsh punishment. Kennedy, however, failed to heed these warnings and suffered the consequences.

To what Obama’s fate will be, especially should he continue to be in conflict with the Pentagon, it is not known. What is known, though, is that the American people themselves continue to remain ignorant of the dangers they face as the world around them continues to spin out of control as they continue to rely on lies and half truths spoon fed to them by their vast mainstream propaganda apparatus designed to keep them from knowing any truths at all.

October 28, 2012 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked back to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com. Freebase content licensed under CC-BY andGFDL.

Drake | November 3, 2012 at 7:15 am | Categories: News | URL:

Mr. Speaker of the House: Call Gen Carter Ham and Adm Charles Gaouette to testify to what happened in Benghazi on 9/11/12

sign petition here

One of the significant sources of funds for the Cabal is the healthcare industry which registered a whopping $2.7 trillion in 2011, and is projected to soar to $3.6 trillion in 2016, in the US alone. We believe that this is just a conservative figure.

You can join the fight against the Dark Cabal and accelerate its demise just by boycotting Big Pharma. You can effectively do this by downloading “Towards Healthcare Emancipation“, a fully illustrated do-it-yourself instructional eBook that will help you in implementing all eClinik methods that would negate the use of expensive medicine, avoid radioactive diagnostics and treatments in completely defeating cancer, AIDS and all other parasitic diseases. These methods, when faithfully followed, work 100% all the time. Find out more about this here.

Health & Medicine - Top Blogs Philippines

Beyond the Smoke & Mirrors