All posts by Geopolitics101

Duterte Lambasts, Threatens to Quit from, the UN for Interfering Philippine Affairs

For criticizing his executive policies without going through the accepted protocols, Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte has lambasted anew the Western registered corporation disguising as the world governing body known as the United Nations.
He repeatedly said that he is ready to take the country out from the useless and stupid organization for its unwarranted interference on our domestic affairs.
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Is Hillary Clinton Fit for the White House, or The Mental Asylum?

Hillary is sick, literally and figuratively, and her handlers are having a hard time keeping her standing at the podium, as much as keeping her campaign platforms and public service records as Secretary of State survive public scrutiny.
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Derivatives Clearinghouse Failures Could Bring Down International Financial System

For any financial system to work, it must earn the respect and trust of its participants. This requires every financial instrument to have the integrity as to its true value and redeemability, as readily established through a mutually verifiable transparent mechanism.
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You're looking at the greatest monetary policy experiment in history | Lord Rothschild

Currently, the world is experiencing the greatest financial experiment ever in history. Those are the words of a Rothschild referring to the low interest rates, negative yields on government debt and quantitative easing…
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The Khazarian Global Checkmate Has Been Sealed

The United States installation of THAAD missile system in South Korea turned out to be the final nail to the coffin of the US-NATO world hegemony. It provided the pretext for a more aggressive China-Russia reaction to the US military provocations in the region.
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Clinton Foundation: A Sacred Cow for Defiling Entire US Gov’t with Capital Crimes

The Clinton Foundation [CF] gained prominence for its ability to lobby in favor of any allied vested interests, foreign and domestic, for purposes of facilitating access to any US government branch and its agencies, for a fee. CF’s ability to do so increased when Hillary Clinton became the US Secretary of State during the first term of the Obama administration.
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Turkey is Closing Border with Syria; Russia Upgrading Khmeimim into Full-Scale Military Base

Up until recently, NATO warmongers consider Russian military as passive, i.e. defensive only. But after the recent foiled entry of covert CIA-Ukrainian Special forces aimed at terrorizing the Republic of Crimea, the Russian military is now enhancing its forward basing capabilities.
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Covert WW3: Russian FSB Foiled CIA-Ukraine Terror Attempt in Crimea, Militaries on Full Combat Status

Military exercises are conducted regularly by armed organizations around the globe, but not as frequent as they are today, and with increasing realism they have admitted, because there is indeed a real and covert hybrid war that is going on for the ultimate control of the planet.
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I want to kill Russians and Iranians in Syria | ex-CIA Director Michael Morell

The Khazarians are not hiding it anymore. In their frustration over the effective ongoing global active resistance against their genocidal plans throughout the Middle East and elsewhere around the globe, they could not contain their evil desires anymore.
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War of Terror 2.0: Pentagon Can't Account for $6.5 Trillion Expenses

The 911 WTC false flag controlled nuclear demolition and its subsequent War of Terror occurred as a direct result of the unexplainable $2.3 trillion Pentagon budget in 2001, among other US geopolitical objectives in the Middle East.
A bigger amount is involved this time around, which means that a bigger War of Terror is necessary to distract the Americans and the whole world away from what the military industrial complex stooges and the industry itself are planning in the days ahead.
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Fissures in the Empire | Paul C. Roberts

If you have been wondering what all the terror events in France and Germany are about, here is the answer:
Washington has raised the cost of being a member of its Empire too high. Vassals such as France and Germany are beginning to exercise independent policies toward Russia. Observing the cracks in its Empire, Washington has decided to bind its vassals to Washington with terror. Most likely what we are witnessing in the French and German attacks is Operation Gladio.
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Duterte names Judges, Politicians, Friends, Police Officers involved in Drugs; 600,000 Drug Pushers Surrender

The Philippines is celebrating a huge percentage drop in crime incidence in the country due to the relentless drive against illegal drugs.
In spite of this popular and positive development, criticisms to the ongoing operations are so loud enough they have irritated the incumbent president.
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Dear Americans, they are still laughing at you…

Until now, not one from the US State Department has been held accountable for past failures and highly questionable decisions and actions which brought irreparable damage to countries they have plundered.
No wonder they can still laugh at those whom they believe were trying hard to pin them down but cannot.
Continue reading Dear Americans, they are still laughing at you…

Wikileaks Drops Most Devastating Bombshell vs Hillary Clinton

The silence from the Lamestream Media is so deafening on this one.
There’s now a hard evidence Hillary Clinton to have received $100,000 from, and as the director of, a French  industrial giant  company LaFarge, which in turn, has been revealed as having links to the Islamic State terror enterprise.
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Trapped Aleppo Residents begun flowing through 1st Humanitarian Corridor

Finally, the first batch of Aleppo residents begun escaping from the ISIS occupied Syrian territory after all supply routes to and from Turkey are sealed off by Syrian and Russian forces.
Two days ago, thousands of leaflets were dropped inside Aleppo advising everyone about the proper way of approaching the humanitarian corridors.
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Proof Bernie Sanders Was Never a Real Candidate

Just like Ron Paul rallying the Republican “revolutionaries”, Bernie Sanders has rallied his ardent believers, too, purposely against Donald Trump by dividing the resistance movement in order to make way for a Hillary Clinton administration in the end, so they are hoping.
Here’s a frontal leak directly coming from the mouth of Sander’s wife.
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The world is at war… organized, but not about religion | Pope Bergoglio

Those who have been following what’s really going on behind the scenes know that the battle for planetary control is reaching its climax as shown in part with the ever increasing number of terror false flag operations  in the United States, Europe and a military coup in a NATO infected region.
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‘Forget the lesser evil, fight for greater good’ | Jill Stein

The Green Party is gaining momentum after Wikileaks’ bombshell exploded at the DNC primary.

However, instead of exploiting the Democrat fallout for herself at her party, Jill Stein is offering the Green Party presidential nomination to Bernie Sanders, who we think is just a pseudo-reformist.
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1st State of Nation Address of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Shows He Can't be Packaged

At exactly 4pm GMT+8, the newly installed Duterte government is expected to give a radical departure from the usual fashion show contest of past SONAs, by providing the Philippine population their 1st True State of the Nation Address.
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Turkish Attack on NATO Military Base Seals NATO’s Fate in the Middle East

Who else ordered the burning of the  NATO military base yesterday, if not Erdogan?
The Khazarian Mafia suffered a major blow in the Middle East as Turkey pivots to Russia and BRICS at large. This is the only conclusion that can be derived from the recent arson attack at the NATO base in the country, after the failed CIA instigated military coup against the Erdogan government.
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Erdogan’s Pivot to Russia & Syria Caused Military Coup with Foreign Directive |Russian Intel

There’s now a very reliable intelligence report that the military coup against Turkish dictator Erdogan may have been for real and was instigated with foreign instructions, notably from the CIA, after he apologized to Vladimir Putin more than a week ago, for the unprovoked downing of one Sukhoi Su-24 jet fighter in Syria, late last year.
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US Gov’t & Vatican Agents Seek Audience with President Duterte Post Hague Verdict

From being hostile and antagonistic to “courteous guests,” US lawmakers, together with the US ambassador to the Philippines, paid a courtesy call to the newly installed Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte, just a few days ago.
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The Congo Genocide & Rape of its Vast Mineral Resources

Most of those who are amused with their iPhones, and other consumer electronics, are not aware of what made these gadgets possible.
Even those space explorations and scientific advancements would not have been possible without the mineral resources supplied by a country which, in spite of all these critical contributions, still mired in poverty, hunger and conflict.
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Did Erdogan Fake his Own Military Coup?

The short-lived Turkish military coup ended up badly for the plotters. Some of them even went to Greece seeking asylum. 42 attack helicopters cannot be accounted for. All of these post-coup developments suggest that the military coup was ended real and fought for by rebellious segment of the Turkish military.
However, there are other notable post-coup events, too, that will prove otherwise.
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Russian Scientists Announce Historic Discovery Rendering the Entire System Obsolete

In another challenge to the Khazarian Mafia’s Babylonian paper magick financial system and the entire pyramid of cartels, two Russian scientists revealed a groundbreaking scientific discovery that is expected to change every system built for the last millennia. Continue reading Russian Scientists Announce Historic Discovery Rendering the Entire System Obsolete

Sanders’ False Political Revolution Provides A Glimpse to Trump’s America Great Again Rhetoric

In a saner democratic society, the range of choices should be clear cut, rather than limited and ambiguous.
Yet, we can see that the two major political parties in the United States, i.e. Democratic and Republic, are not behaving as expected they should, but more like the proverbial two sides of the same coin.
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Brexit-Beleaguered Banksters Back to Begging for Bailouts!

Nothing is more shameless in a bedazzling sort of way than rich banksters standing on the public curb with their hands out. First, we had the admission this past week by a major French bank that Italian banks are so sick (and so too big to fail) they could cause systemic banking failure throughout Europe if not bailed out by over-taxed taxpayers. 
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The Situation is So Intense, it Involves the Entire US Government | FBI Insider

A thread on 4chan with an FBI insider confirms everyone’s worst suspicions. The Hillary Clinton email server was merely a distraction from the Clinton Foundation and most of DC is in up to their necks in what could be the biggest scandal of all times.
This inside info from someone claiming to be a high level FBI analyst whose job was to look at the records, with NOTES added to clarify some of the responses.
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US & NATO Want Uninvited Military Intervention in Spratlys Using UNCLOS Verdict as Leverage

The Philippine government and China are now engaged in preliminary bilateral talks regarding the proper conduct in the West Philippine Sea, yet the United States and other NATO members continue to engage in military provocations in the area, verbally and otherwise.
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Who Singlehandedly Created the European Refugee Crisis?

Headline grabbing events rarely articulate the involvement and culpability of the 1%ers of our society. They are off-limits to prying eyes, by default.
Even so, the top hierarchy of that 1%ers need to assign specific tasks of global import to a loyal and able lieutenant for purposes of interfacing with the pyramidal system of cartels that they themselves created for us.
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Dallas Shootings: White Supremacists Succeeded in Provoking Black Extremism

Considered to be one of the worst in US police history, five police officers were shot dead and scores wounded by snipers, presumably as a retaliation to the blatant killings of two black men this week in Louisiana and Minnesota.
Initial reports said that the three snipers were not part of those who joined the Black Lives Matter rally where the shootings occurred.
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ICC Won’t Try Blair for War Crimes In Spite of Damning Chilcot Report, Here’s Why

Most of those who were behind the creation of false pretexts to attack Iraq and Afghanistan have already admitted to have based their decisions on false intelligence about the existence of Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction.
Up to now, not one of them is held accountable to that decision which plunged the world into the War of Terror.
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Here’s why FBI didn’t Indict Hillary Clinton

This is another sad day for America which only a day ago celebrated its “Independence Day.”
The Federal Bureau of Investigation just admitted that there’s nothing wrong with Hillary Clinton’s handling of state secrets through a separate email server, even if other countries were able to hack and penetrate it.
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Philippine Prez Duterte Names 5 Police Generals Involved in Illegal Drugs

In a speech during the 69th Philippine Air Force Anniversary, President Rodrigo Duterte announced the relief of five police generals who were earlier prodded to peacefully retire and enjoy the benefits thereof, or suffer public humiliation if they choose to wait for him to be inaugurated as the new Commander in Chief.
Three of the unnamed police generals chose the latter.
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NATO Exercises Proven WW3 Provocation, Still Canada Sends 1,000 Troops to Russian Border

Justin Pierre James Trudeau is now showing his true Cabalist color by sending a thousand of his troops close to the border of Russia, still justifying with the same worn out and stupid excuse known as the Annexation of Crimea.
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Inauguration of the Rodrigo Duterte Presidency

Watch the Duterte Presidential Inauguration…

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The Real Reason Why Erdogan is Seeking Peace with Putin Now

Days ago, Turkey dictator Recep Erdogan apologized for his downing of one Su-24 fighter jet and the murder one Russian pilot late last year in letter to Vladimir Putin, and has expressed his willingness to reestablish peaceful relations with Russia.
Vladimir Putin is reported to be calling his counterpart today for his response to Erdogan.
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